mmm The Dailv Review JOSH. T.' JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON, IV. C. WEDNESDAY. MA&CH 3. 1680. EXTXBKD AT THE rO3T0FFICE AT Wilmington, X. C, am Second CLASfc Ma.ttrr.1 VIErti i KtiVili j Out of the 1,500 replies received by the New York Tribune nvrn the 2.000 Re- publican town committeeman in ylvania, 1,200 are for Blaine. enn Prince Bismarck is still indisposed and is confined to his bed. He has enforced his demand for the appointment of a col league by suggesting that if his work is not dressed to M. Dauphin should bq vith thus lightened, he be allowed to retire al- held. The latter gentleman has "brought together. It is said that Mary Anderson, while acting Juliet in Boston, took a wad of ehewiner bud out of her mouth in the garden scene, pat it carefully on the rail ing of the balcony, and picked it up again after her last 'good bight' to i Rome. Chief Justice Waite, ; duriog his re cent visit to New Orleans, was treated with the, most distinguished consideia tion. A dinner, st which Chief Justice Manning presided, was given, aud two hundred guests were present, including I all the prominent clergymen, lawyers and bankers of the city. It 18 reported that when Senator Baj- H iin Rirhmonrl rrntl ha in.- . A ,1. tt: . t I ueu wdbt a vibii to wo Virginia l-xs,- , . , islature, la which the readjust have & majority, where it was proposed to ten- I Hr him formal rpranHnn R5 rnlv ... w k- AiA f a,o v I who rtfused to pay their honest debts. Hon Thomas Ewine savs the Ohio Ha!- tfitinn in th- nnr-tin v.tinnoi it ... , ' Tentioa will probably go for Seymour alter Ihursaan, but the Cincinnati hn - quiref regards Mr. Tilden as the second choice of the Ohio Democrats, providing . . his fnsnds can live assurance of carrying JNew lork. . - An attempt to rob the 8ub Treasury Du-i i i ,i , . at Philadelphia, though made nearly a year ago, has just been divulged by the officials, who mistakenly supposed that silence would lead to the detection of the ... . . ' . thieves. A wall more than two feet nica was aug tnrougn, nut the vault containing $10,000,000 in gold resisted the attack, and the burglars secured only a few dollars' worth of pennies. Five watchmen in the building declared that they heard nothing. The Emperor of Austria has lately been the recipient of a unique present. It consists of a suit of clothes iaade from the wool of an alpaca sheep that eleven hours previous to their delivery was still alive. The animal, a superb speci- mn of It. tin.1 .a .iat .t nil m , w . i x mm., i if our hours and thirty-three minutes were emoloved iu rducin th wonl tn rloth in two hours and twenty-five minutes the latter ws ready for the tailor, wbo employed the remaining fonr hours iu making the suit. ' " The ravagesot what is commonly known a rot or bane are assuming most appalN . . &J, ih6 pfopuruuus ib me miaiana ana west em counties of England, in consequence,' it is generally supposed, of the excessive and lone-continued wet wither last vat. Tens of thousands of sheep, prjucipally a a a j ri r tr . I to UJriu5. m.u. oiiic Pai- ishes in Gloucejter, Oxon and Warwick there are, comparatively speaking, very few sheep-left, and in Somerset there are only 5,000 left in one district which usu ally winters 60,000. Hundreds, if not v, . - r , , , . thoosands , of sheep have been sold off m the Bristol district at from oS. 6d. to 16s. ahead. The Rev. Dr. Boardmau of Philadel. al .R.nt.i.t. - ; c v f - r- vi It 1 mmt Mm ..... .1 parocmai scnoois. -ine uonstltutiou of the United States,' he says, 'guarantees absolute freedom of consciencfl? motA- ingly, to force the Bible on the non Chriitian, or the Protestant version on 9 the Romanist, or the New Testament on the Jew, Is an invasion both of the Con stitution sad also of the rights of con science. Right of conscience is not thus a question of majorities or physical force I be long as tne ' Uiurcn abandons to the State the work of educating the nation, the expulsion of the Bible from our as schools is only a question of time.' ! Therefore, he argues, the only right way to educate the children under religious auspices" is to do it in schools maintained bj the churches. in Old Han Restored to .Health. Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1879. H. ML WlBKIS & Co , Rochestkx, N T. Gzbtl&mxn "For forty years I havi suffered with Diabetes, being obliged I to TOta urine as oiien as once in au min i utes. and hare also been a ereat sufferer I from n&lnitAtion of the heart. I am now I usine your Diabetes Cure, and can truly say. at70 y an of age,- that it males nal ma feel like a new man A I the i . i ?TSnowiaiKAK. I 'ERRIffG BROTHER" KEY. We lire r ot an advocate of lotteries nr r j au, otbtr names -f ctr.xvce. We re uj posed to them upou cr.oral groin le; but we believe that even a lottery may have some righta which tee government i bound, to r'Bect For instance: The Loai&iana Bute Lottery is a regu'a ly chartered and regularly organized com pany, acting under the laws of th t Sta'e. Its president : u M. Dauphin,, uad thx regular drawings of the company, art made under the immediate tsup rvioion o' Genera's P. T. Beauregard, ,of LouisiaLa. and Jubal A.. Early, cf Virginia.' The Post master-General, possessed with the idea that tnis lottery was highly in moral and dangerous in its tendencies, and acting under the law which forbids trana--.oruiion through th? mails of obaceue oi immoral matter, issued an order sou,e tin e since that all registered postal matici ad suit against Mr. Key for thus coi.fbcatiDg postal matter addressed to him. General Beauregard is now in Wash ington as a witness in the case, and. while we differ with him as to the mor ality of the lottery busineas, some of hte ideas, as eiprebbed to a reporter, are worthy of thought. To a question as to whether the drawings were actually con ducted under bis personal supervision, he 1 said: ' ' 'Gen; Early and myself, with three as sisUnts of ou" own selection, handle ev ery ticket. There are 100,000 of them in each drawing. We couut over twice every ticket; to prevent any errors; we tn!,D Pul T " ! 1 . I u and opened only irk public, after having examined the seals, at the momeat of com mencm" tne idraTwing. 1 lie inz;sare treated- in tne same manner. Ou the . , v j . t .u appointed day and hour for the drawing tne jes are opened and tho tickets aLd prizes are put in their respect jv wheels. Gen. "Early, takes his place at the ticket wheel usually, and 1 at the other. Each of us has a boy ot our selection (who is bliodfol ed and ha hit sleeve roiled up to the elbow) to take out the ballots an the prizes, oue at a time acd at the m moment. Gen.- Early takus the ballot from the boy's hand at his wheel, aud I do likewise with the prize from mine Wo open .them af once, read them alouJ wJen we thapd tuhem.t-r two Pub,,c. cw' who proclaim them in a louder voice. A reC0f5 tbereof ig ke t bj two accoUQtant8 chosen by up, and the ticket and prize are then folded togehtr and pt in a box for the purpose ef verifying the lecords bo fore FtheV are certihed to by us. ,1 must add that the tickets and prizes being roll ed up and put each one in an India rub- r tuh is impossible to dis- tineuish them fro each other, for these -i;to in aA .,i, j ItULTCS oio CAavttj eai iskvj s.u mimyj ouva vviuii The drawings are public, you say?' 'Certainly, and generally attended by a lar8e number of people. What security do the public have that yours is really a fair game of chance?' The security oi our names and repura. ion. mat is precisely me security iney have in the safety, ot their deposits in a bank, or the value ot their contributions to a life insurance company. A man with money to deposit Tqaires as to the chars antor of th mn Who condii(.t. rlifl hank. ne does not ask to'examine its assets, or tova!ue them; the guarantee to him is the reputation of the managers and the man- iti.'wliirh thpv imvfl t.ondnrtp1 th business np to that limes Banks break, and the depositors lose, out do not insist for that reason that banking is a dishonest business. There are bigus lotteries as well as rotten banks. If a person be ieves the Louisiana lottery is fairly conducted he does not hesitateto buy a ticket except for conscientious scruples, ueasoun e in this way, the people of Louisiana, in their uesL paMiy, nave iegai zeu m joneiy I am connected wi h, and made a record Gf their action which can neither be de stroyed nor successfully disputed.' 'Yours is a really legal lottery, theh?' '1 the highe sense legal. ' Up to this 'lottfine. were authorized by Legis- iai ure, ana in every case where there was no doubt abput thQ ieg,siative. act have been sustained by the courts. The Louis iana Lottery Oompanv have their charter f:om the people, who imbedded it in the State Constitution, which was adopted by iarS9 There can no doubt about such an act. 1 A legislative chartcf migbt obtaiued by fraud, or chicanery, or -bribery, but it is not possi ble to bribe a whole people. The courts W,U not entertain such a proposition -as tbat - A legislative act, although not jd mi ht voijabie b,ut not a con O. ' Utitutional provision. There can there lore be no question that the Louisiana Lottery is a legal one. If -not, I would not have anything to do with it Now, here is a company doing busice under the laws of a sovereign State, per fectly legitimate in all its features, so far as that State is concerned, conducted with every element of fairness that can in any way attach to such an enterprise, which Mr. Key would suppress by withholding and confiscating the funds belonging legitimately to its treasury. It looks to us if he was exceeding his powers, and that a strict interpretation of the law would Pce him in rather an awkward position shrewdness and Ability. Hop Bitters, so freely advertised in al the papers, secular and religious, are hav i i . tog a large sale, and are supplanting all ether medicines. There is no denywg the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these " Bitters have shown great shrewd oew aud - ability in corn- pounding a Bitters, whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. Ex cnange . Dandruft eradicated, the scalp made clen, and gray hair restored to. its origi youthful beauty and vigor by nse of HALI8 Y EGKTABL8 - SicrLIAM Haib Resewes. - fluoxsuixe. IC hi pciId fits yon, tou ma? war ir'p fcorrfa'ly remarked the under In- dikn in the fight. And the v otor.who was a man open to o jnviction, wore it on his leggings till he lost it, some years later, in connection with his own Burlington Haw key e. Pat: WeU, Dac, and have ye board the newt have ye beard that Rory tnje miller's dead?' Dau: 'Kory , tiie m!le- is it that's dead now?' Jaberw, b it ye do 't ay ko, and he w: a ) g man too.' Pat : Fitb(at.d tLa''stnrevr (:i ye, Daq; ae was f-ch a you eg min now, 'hv.t I TpeV cl to see fitua a' rny own fua r!iut ad of me go ng to hid.' . scl oo : dd 'Wir';i 'hat cm-.rkabla wep- ranihon dt oue 'rime i-lay a uumber of Priili'tiijs ? For a while tLerb watf nu uuwer. r-nd the -clergy-; maa. to .fs;sn the chi'den a little, CjmmoLcd tapping hss jaw with the tip'of his finger, at the siine timj ?ays iug, Wh'at'b thib? What's thib? Qaick a'tLoug'ht, a little fellow iLcoctnt y replied, 'The jiwb meofaa ass, si;. -'Perkington ia mn of- decision. Th,e other eveniug, upon reachit-g hoine, he was met by his dearest Ma ria) with the harrowing tale of Bridget the cook's, kerosene disaster. 'Oil Jt htf she began; 'we've, had such d dreadful time ! Bridget tried to hurry thel fire poured kerosene into it blew np burnt her to death oh! oh! oh!' Peikington is a wonderful man a man for an emergenoy. He replied as a man who is not need to being thtyarte.l (in purposes, 'Discharge her immedintt ly. Maria; discharge her im mediately. I won't have uch a wo man in the house! Boatun Tran script. . Kew Advertisements IRON BITTERS, ! A Great Tonic. nierhly recommended to the public for all dis eases requiring a eerta' n and erTi' ieut TOXIC; especially in Jndites tion. Hi fiepi n , Intermittent Fe vers, Want of Ait -net it e. , JLoss of Strength, Iaek of Energy, etc. J t en riches the blood, strengthens the mus cles, and gives new life to the nerves. To the aged, ladies, and chil dren requiring recuper ation, this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. Jt aets tike a chami on the digestive organs. A teasicnful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY 1T Sold by all Druggists, THEBROWSCHEMICALCO. EALTIMORE, Md. IRON BITTERS, !a Sure Appetizer, i i IRON BITTERS, A Complete Streogtheoer. ' IRON BITTERS, L. Valuable Medicine. 1 IRON BITTERS, Not Sold as a.Bevenge. 'i IRON BITTERS, ' For Delicate Females. For eale by J. C. MUND8, Druggist Third street, opposite City Oall. nov 14-eodw. It Is the best Blood Purifier, and stimulates every function to more healthful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. Ineliminating the impurities of the blood, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrof ulous ana other SKin Eruption and Diseases, including Cancers, Ulcers and other Sores. Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Stomach, Consti pation. Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are cured by the aic Kilters, it is unequaled as an appetizer ana regular ronic. it is a meaicme which snouia De in everv ram ily, and which, wherever used, will save the payment or many aociprs- Dins. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cents and tl.OC. ETWarner's Safe Reme dies are sold by Druggists ancl Healers in Medicine everywhere. EH.WAENEE&CO, Proprietors, , Rochester, N.Y. BiySend for Pamphlet and Testimonials. ' .an 1-eod-ly Commissioner Salt. 5 i . . Br yiRTUE of a decree of the fJaperior Court of Sew Hanover county, in the case of E. B. Goebt and others, vs. W. W.'Lane and others, I will expoee to eale t public auction, at Exchange Corner, in the city of Wilmington, on Wednesdav, the 31st day of Match. 18-0, the lot of land with improvements thereon, situate on the South aide of Prirce s street, between the old Jour nal building and the Baxter Tot, fronting on Princess -etret 63 feet and runntr back southwardly that width 97 feet, being Darts of Jote So. 1 and 2 in til ck 165 according tbeofficitl plan of the Citv of Wilmington. 8 ale to take place at 12 o'clock, M. Te-ms of rale libera), and will be m ad known at ele. A T. LONDON', r CommiMioner. Ton'v Morria Auctioneers Wilmington, N. C, 27th Feb. 1680. feO 2ts SCHOOL OF DRAWING, PAINTING ! ETC.1 INSTEt CTION GIVEN in Cravon, Lepia and India Ink Drawing, a!s, Painting; in Water Colors, Oil. Panel a .d Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rates. For fu'0er parti col as inquire at the School ffooms of Misses Burr A jania, in the rear of St Jamts Church nov Ti Notice APPLICATION will be made to the next session of the LriiUture for a Charter for th Wilmington Market Company. left Z-ot ' .. 13 WW Mk cellan oous. BOOK AGEKTS ! drew. It will pay you. A. (JOKT N A CO , 26 8 7th8t., PhUadelphia, Pa. mch 3 4w HI A MflO tool.Cver nnd Hoo only PIANUS'fltt to $255. OKGANS 13 Stops, 3 set keeds. 2 Kri Selh,St-cul, Book, onlv$9S.! D- Holl-iav Xevspaper Kree. A(dr8S Daniel F. Realty, Nash inzton. N.J. ! Tncl1 3 AGENTS HkAO JHiS. We want an Azeisi In this County to whom we vill p-y a salary cf l00 per and ei; sell our wondeifui invention Ssmple fie. Address at oncf 6HKRMAX & CO., Marshall, ftiichigau. mch 3 I ON 30 BAYS TBIAL. We wiii send our jbiectra Voltaio Belts nad other Electric Appliance- upon trial for 30 days to those euiferiog fiom Mervous De bility, Rheumatigm, Haralvis or an? diseaces of the Liver or Kidney e, and maay other di eaerp. A eure Cure guaranteed or no pav Address. VOLATIO ti&LT CO., Marshall, Mich. I mch 3 $10 COO ON LIFE & PROPERTY. $10 OO will be paid tf- any person who can l xplodk a JLamp nttea witn our S. FETY ATTACHMENT. Mailed free for 3S cects. Four j for $1. INSURANCE Amenta Wanted. Male or Femaie'. 8. Newton's Safetv Lamp Co, Binghampton, N Y. oalesrooDB, it west Kroaa way, N. Y. , Hich 34w For 35 Cts- Gatliartio Pills Coiu'iijic tho choicest cathartic principles in iMlic'nio, 1 iii proportions accurately ad just-Mi to soci:vc activity, certainty, and uniformity -of effect. They are the result of years ol careful study and practical ex periment and arc the most effectual rem edy vet discovered for diseases, caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt and effectu al treatment. Avku's Pili.s are specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act , directly on the digestive, and assim ilative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and 1)erfeetly reliable purgative medicine. eing compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel, or an i; furious properties, and can be ad ministered to children with perfect safety. Avku's Pills, are an effectual cure for Constipation Or Costiveness, Indiges tion. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul tetomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, 'Loss of Memory, Numb ness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheuma tism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural gia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. "While gentle in their action, these Pills are the Imost thorough and search ing cathartic Ithat can be employed, ami never give pain: unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is heal ing. . They stimulate the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared Ijy Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, J Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT AtL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, Ladies' Emporium. rjlHE MISSES KARREK A McGQWAN, Invisible net-, all j Bbades. Vaseline: A . favorite new Pomade, al ways on hand. . Braid, Puffs and Curls, made from Comb ings and Cut Hair. Hair Jewelry made to order. Orders for Stamping and Embroidery promptly attended to A nice assortment of Ladies' Underwear made of best material. A fresh supply of Children's Clotb, Plan, rel and Waterproof Suits, eizes 2 to 12, In- inn i Blips, HJtirta ana ttooes. Orders taken for Bridal Wardrobes. 6 Front Street, Wilmington, N. O 'an 16 Ifyou are a man of business, weakened by the strain ot II j uur uuuee, avoia sumiuanta ana use n ou are a man of letters, toiling orer your BHi work to restore brain nerve and waste, use lt y00.9 young and eufferlng from any indiarretlon i uuainiuoa ; n jou are married or single, old or mm young, suffering from poor health or languish- mm If ingonabed or sickness, rely on " if Whoever you are, wherever you are. whenever you feel uur fjwm jeeu8 ceanFrn(r loninsr or stimulating, without intoxicAtir-a, take J re you dtmtemia. kidnev or vrinnrti tvmrJnint. di- yeaae ot the ttomarh. bowels, Uood,Uver,ocnenxt You wUl be cured if you use If you are simply weak and low spirited, try it ! Buy It- Insistuponit. Your druggist keeri' It may save ynur life. It bm aved hudrrd. Hop Tnnrh Cnil I thiwetet,ufst M1 best. Ask (hUtirea. Tbe H p for StAm fi. Lirer aod Kirfjn,i8 saprriar to all Lcr. Cures by kbecrptkn. Ill, perfect. Ask dnijrsistj. , P. I. C. U an mtwolute snd i rrerlctable cnr for ipm'meant. nfmof BBBBS OTnnm, toharrn or Brr.u"U BB!Bm Ab-jve oll hy droczut- llp Bittew Mf-., Co., RiJifVr. ,. y , Winberrv Ovsters- THEY ARE GOOD now. Another insUl- s- ment nut received!this 'mbraise It's cold nough &ow for hot Whiskey and fat Oysters, F ee Loach every day at 11 o'clock. ept2 JOHN CASRl'LL. have just received novelties in Hair Goeda, '"Nonyariel" Scollops, "Normandy "Coquets, "Mienon" Coquets, Puffs, Braids and Uarls. MiscellaneioTia. BE W SOW'S CAPCINE. C AP BACK ACBE IS EEN30NM CAPCISE POEITS PLASTEp tm to mn tt" nvT V TTKOWN RFTVfFDY THAT xrrr, IX JO XJLi Ul'UJ- - . Over 2000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that PhY.; they are in every way SuperiDr to the ordinary slow actiDe Ph ters used for this purpose. Price 25 cents. e ormj mch3 4w SEABUUV & J' HNSON", Paarmaceutical Chennsu v . WILCOX, GIBBS PJaraipullatedl Ouaho Best Fertilizer Nlade l The Best is the Cheapest ! Sold on Favorable Terms PavahlA in o.u By JArZIia Lumberton, Shoe Heel, Laurinburg, Laurel HilL and in t w- Ai v i -ark ltilt tr. w -w o v s-4 V-T v l- r-v mt r. w . A- A jan 28-tf FOR TIM! Headquarters for all that is uuuuuj Market Street Have the pleasure of again . "7v" v"uviu0lB uuo ui tuo jiaoiuest ana uneapest stocks ofj Prices ranging in Suits from $3.00 upwards !J A beautiful and grand assortment in GENT'S FTJMtflSHINCr GOODS ! j . w "" vaxwk a latest In all qualities and prices, imported direct from the Manufacturer!, whicn we guarantee to be of superior (quality. - We also have one of 'the choicest and largest stocks of Two and Thru Ply andBrussels Carpets, Bugs, Matting and Oil Cloths deeig astonishing low prices. Please examine. Best Butter in the World! 3 Pounds for 81 Q.ILTEDQK BUTTER, 3 cents. New York rHate Batter, 2 6 rents U untry Butter, 20 e ;nt. BioCoffee 16 to 20 cei ts. PureLeaf LardlO centa. Java Coffee, 1 20 to 25 cent . . Eicnoffee Ifi to 20 cents. - Pig Bame, Tcnguea, E$-Shore Mackerel, 50 Caes-Koederer A Co , rh-mpagne Pintt and Quarts. 50 Canes la ported French Brandy, 29 Cases Foney Whkkev in tbe World. Cakes Crackers, Preset via, PickeTPf Wines, Ttas, ifquors, T.bacc I . -: - . td Cigars, at i ovular prices. Ceo, Mycr teb 13 11, is and 16 South Frontal. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEOCINE- "OE MARK-, n TDtneMiBH English Rem euy An jen fapiDg eure for Seminal W e a k n esa , 8 perm otorr hea, nstoien- IV mrA .11 Aim owuKt TAUXB.eases tbatfol-AFTW TAXIR3 lew, as a sequence of Helf AbusM 'loS T?f Memoir Universal Iassitnde, Iaia in th. ?'.n5,n,DeM fv V'uioii- Premature old Aee, and mnv other Msessg tht 1-ad to I.MtT or ConsnmpUon.and a Pr.maturl P particulars In our ramrVet which we dere to send free by r,.!l to eSery LfiSu" atiT . or six pe 4gC rmm awn CU E AT ONCE CURED BY A J.1.TJ v - , . j r -:oi- T- At. . A-ClFp ... - , . good, usofuli pretty and cheap fori ' ilflfUCj no 9 announcing to the public that"" wouuii auu are preparer to offer o- MADS CLOTHIBIG! c4uaieu ! in tuis city, a line line an! styles m and .Shoes!! NO MORE m OR GOUT AILDCVDLICA v SURE CURE. t Mnufactnred or lv nnder the abo Tnd Mark, by the EUROPEAN MLICY IC MKDIOINE CO., cf Paris nd Leiuxir Immediate Relief W arranted. Pern rrt Cure Cnarantee'l. Now exclusively tutdbr all celebrated Physician cf Eoror H America. Tbe highest Medical AetdtmrJ Paris reports 95 cures oat of 100 rtin vittii three days. Becret The only disso'ver tf the p"; us Uric Acid wbich ex'sU in the Ho Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. CUBED, CURED CUR H 8 Dewey, Ffq , 201 Brcadwsj. lnfl matory Rheumatigm. J Le&vev. Pan IS ft W' inL'ton M ai kt. Chronic Fbeumatmn. ,. Mrs K T wne, 63 Has- Niith stree,(!" formations in the joints), Chn nio hbetai tisni. i A M Prater, 74 Newrk avenue, )W City, Chj-onjo KbeumHtjscn. Joha P Chamberlain, Fr Wefcutffc Club, Washington DC. Khr-umatic ttoat- Wm h Arnold, K q, 12 We boss P ovicU-ne, B I, ol twenty yer' bv Rheumatism. . John B Tnrvgate. 109 Barjcbet street' Francisco, Neursleia and Sciatica For MalaHalJnlermitlent and Chrome Fever 8, Chills, or Ague. -8ALICYLICA IS A CERTAIN '1 RE; 8 upersediagr entirely the rse of Kulptae Quinine, as it wii not onlv cpt tbs f!f) but will achieve a R A D I C 4 L OU H r , out any !of the inconveniences a d ;trou6iei atiainj f dm QUININE. SI a box. s?x box s for t5. Heut free by Mail on reenpt ot m tt . ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Iff but tare ? 'Imitation or substitute, -i W Salicylic (coiyrirhte;) is ?carnteed tu J iiee, or mxney refunded, and will bedfl' ered free on receipt of orders bj c-ll'? or addreesinr Washburne & Co., 112 Broadway, cor, Fnlton st. (Knox feb 2S-ljdAir. WewHat StorCf r ECElfSD TESTERDAT ANOTHER LT OP TH08B If.Til 8TYLI3H BOPT AND 8TIFF HAT' CHEAP. Call and examine. - I JOHN M, ROBINSON, 15 Froat f t, Banth of Pur call HoV jan 24 I Lower than Ever fAROE STOCK OF; OAK, r ASS, 5 f'H7 r,duc1 Price: . V 4 - .v -itv Fn,l stoec-or the test COAL la He eitf renr low indeed. . , ' L.:.v-..rt jan .f - ' j, a. BFK1u- .

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