THIS PI FEB I, puolished erery afternoon, 8nadays ea- JOSH. T. JAMES, t EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. "aUBSCRIFTIONS. P08TAGE1 PAID. jne year, $5 00 8ix months, $2 50 ; Three months, $1 35; One month, 60 centa. The paper will be delivered by carriers, rft of charge, in any part of the city, atths bore rate?, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and n -failures to receive their papers regnlarly. New Advertisements. LiHQVm & E.0DDICK, 5 & 10 Cent Store. (N K. CORNEU OF MARKET AND HECOMJ STlV:ETJ) K TAKE THi3 OPPORTUNITY of thanking the general public for their very lib erl ptroiiEje in the boTe branch of oar bu hineos una aeeire to tte that at uo time since our first opening hare we ever carried each an A3'.rtmeni s at present, llaviajr antici pated tb re :eot grea advance la such goods, we are now (ally prepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest afforttnent everjehr vrn in tbis section at any dine We can with tratbfolness asert that ,.ar etoci la more thn doable the size of any .thir ut tbia kind -outh of Baltimore It is a very eany matter to call in and ver fy the Above htate&ieiit. We would alao ad 1 that we have bf late added several now departments to the above, Licb we retail at higher prices, cotsisting of many usefal articles in Housekeeping," Ac, sue as we have a demand for, and in future it will be our. endeavor to keep adding any and everything we can buy useful and below value. Our intention is to make this THE Store of the fiouth for Uargains of all Kinds T&9 following is a vry imperfect list bmt - ur apace will admit ot no more. Japanese Ware, d aa v a t, Tin Ware, Scissors, Free ch Dressing, Blacking, Ink, Oil Can?, Machine Oil, Faucets, Child rens 81 ate s, Perfumery, Jewelry, d imbs, Pop Ouna, loor Bumpers, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Squeezers,' Wa lets, Brushes, Bracelets. Trays, Trumoeta, Toiled Boa,-, Table and Tea Spoons , Beads, Marbles, Rtove Polish. Balls, Padlocks, Chisels, Fcrew Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Pins, Hponges, Jumping Ropes, Pistols, Can Openers, HcaUs, Needles and Pins, Hhovels, Hammers, Pocket book", "ofre Paper and En velopes, Feather Duiteis, . Doll Carriages, Paxor Straps, -Brooms, Buckets, Ba-kets, Toilet rets, Vases, Velocipedes, Car is, Wagor?, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edging, - Spool Cotton Hamburg Insertions, Spool Hilk, Ladies A OenU Udk'fs,Spool Flax, Linen Table Xapkina, Ladies Hose, Liaen Table Doilies, Childrena Hose, Kuching, 1 Cents Socks, (Ollaretts, Gents Shirts, . &o. Src. &c. &cl &C. F l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' T ' 06 XXVUJJLjL9 5 and 10 Cent Store, X. E. Corner of Market and Second Streets, feb 21 ' Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for sale. THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found everv day, fresh and sweet three doors South of the Postoffice on Second street. Also, Nuts, Kaisins, Fruit, Ac. C. E. JEVENS, jan 23 Near tbe Postofilce, Mules and Horses. 90 HEAD MULES AND 15 Head Horses arrived to day and for, sale. Apply to T. J. SOUTHERLAND, mch l-3t Sale Stables. 3d st. Yellow Tobacco 7E WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and year oat, in tbe 1 BOEDER BEVIEW, FdiWd and published by BUFCS AMIS, at Henderson, N. C. ' An'unterrified Democratic, and yet. a lire and practical busine s man's paper. Tells how to build up the industrial inter tsofthe State. How to make money on the farm, and secure the beat rewards for labor. Sand $1.0 to pay one year's subacriDtion and get Tobacco tiuide Book and Tobacco Seed Free. Address. i BOKDKR RFVIF.W, feb 27 Henderson, N. C. i ; i Cuba Molasses, 2Q0 i Bbls New Crop1, and other grades Molasses. For sale by mch l HALL A PEARSALL. Flour. Flour- 1200 BBL3, a00D FLOUR, - Every Barrel Warranted. At low prices by mchl - HALL & PEARSALL. r VOL. V: LOCAL NEWS. New AdYertisementa. ' P HaiHBBiaeaa The Time to Buy: Yates. A Large Stock. An ex-spurt a dried-up fouutain. Wirdow' Glass--ali sizes at Staffer & Price's., f Of a toper ; His nose has passed the rubicund. Brig Stella, beuce, arrived at on tbe 2nd inet. Mobile A homeljr servant girl in a house it a well spring of joy. The new spring calicoes received are in sma'l flowered designs-. Knives and Forkaj Pocket Knives &c, or the Children at Jacob. 's. Sw. brig. Cam,, hence, ar rived at 'Loudon on the 2ed inst. Save your money and bay your Build ing Suppliesfrom AltafTer & Price, t Nor barque Schadberg, Thorsen, hence via Queenstown, arrived at Antwerp on the 2d ins I. Nor. barque &t Ifalvard, Wilhelmien, hence, arriv.d at Hamburg on the 2nd iust. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, al styles and sizes, at Altaffb, Price & Go's. S 3hoon er 11 C. &heppard, Creighton for this port cleared at Philadephia Feb. 28th. . ' The young man who is not called forjin leap year may consider himself as a dead letter. ' - k Spring divorce suits are cut lower in the Deck than usual, with a sandal en traine. Clara calls her husband, when he takes fier in his arms to kiss her, a self sealing envelope. The best time to gather apples is in the dark of the moon whea the farmer la in his little bed. . ' If you do not .want to be robbed ot your good name don't have it printed in your umbrella. Smythekin s idea of window gardening u to sit in a window and watcn otner people do the gardening outside. Some influential papers announce thft they are entered at the postofSce as eecotd class matter, and they do not lie. Almost any family can make enough m a year by selling rags and old paper to pay for all the reading matter. Starch is said to be explosive. It causes explosions in the family when the old man finds it left out of his collars. The average public man cares nothing for the lies that may be told about him. It is the truth that cuts him to the quick. A gentleman re fusing an offer- of marriage during leap j ear is expected to present the vounsr ladv who proposes with a new dress. - Much charity that begins at home is too feeble to get out of doors, and much that begins out of doors never gets into the heme circle. Don't forget the the Dime Party which is to be given at the residence of Mrs. J. A. .Willard, this evening, for the benefit of St. John's Church. ,- Tne Spaniards have a proverb that a piper of cigarettes, a glass of fresh water snd the kiss of a pretty girl will sustain a man for a day withoat eating. That's the fir Gt hop of the season, rr marked a dancing master as hla young hopeful sat down on a tack. Then the music started and the bawl . began. Tree success results from true merit. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewcr is placed before the public, resting solely on its own merits. Its success is already indisputable. When a compounder secures a patent for new brand of gin and bitters he an nounces that all- respectable dreggista keep it.' t follows, then, that the drag gists wh o do not keep it aie pot respect. aMe. Notwithstanding the advance in Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shbieb Bros, are selling beautiful suits from $10 to $!2. The well known Diamond Shirt at $t a piece. It will pay all who have an idea of bay ing a suit to call and exAiaine the immense Spricg stock they are now receiving.. - " ... .- v. . . - Daily WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH J Badly Mashed. Edward Stanly, colored, who was em ployed at the steam saw mill of Mr. A. Y. Wilson, had his leg badly crushed on yesterday bjr a large log which rolled on it from the inclined slides on which it was conveyed to the saw carriage. Upon examination it was found necessary to amputate the crushed leg. The unfortu nate man is now doing as well as could be expected. Sudden Death. A middle aged, colored woman whose name we could not ascertain, died very suddenly in an alley, running from Front to Second, between Wooster and Dawson streets, on yesterday morning. 8 be, a few moments before her death, was standing near her house listening to tbe itinerant musicians who have been in this city for several days past and shortly after r turn ing to her home she fell in the struggle of death and moments. breathed her last in a very few Coroner Hewlett was notified this miming and will investigate tbe matter this afternoon. ! I Don't. Don't speak angrily to a child. Don't kick a dog when he is asleep. Don't go back! on tbe friends of your parents Don't often visit your neighbors? at meal time.' Don't neglect a cough thinking it will cure itself. (Thousands die of con sumption by so doing ) Don't forget Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for it curesa cough or cold in one half the time required by any other medicine, and is the only medicine known that positively cures eonsumption in Its early stages. Sold by druggists. - tts Prof Tice's Weather Forecasts for March. 11th, very variable, generally First to a low barometer, and threatening, cloudy weather will prevail, with heavy rail and snow storms. If the temperature is high about the ith, severe cyclones will occur in places about the 8th or 9th; 11th or 12th, clear or fair; 13th to 16th, cloudy and threatening weather, with rain or snow storms; 16th to 18th, clear or fair; 18th to 22d, clouding, threatening weath er, with local storms; 22d to 30th, clear or fair; 30th to 31st, clouding, threaten ing weather, with storms in the . lake region and Gulf States. The warmer days will be about the 3d, 8th, 14th, 20th, and 31st. The comparatively colder days will be about the 6th, 10th, 17th, 22d and 28th. . . Phllomathean Lt etary Society. On Tuesday evening next, March 9tb, Messrs G.H.Smith and M. S. Willard are to debate the question as to "Which was the greater man, considered as a reformer, Peter the Great, of Russia, or Henry tbe Eiehth. of England. The contest is to be for the Debater's Medal of the Pnilo- mathean Literary Society, and will take place at the Hall over Munds'drug store, on Third street. Rev. Dr. Joseph R Wilson, Dr. Thomas F. Wood and Mr. r James Sprunt have consented to act as judges. The public are cordially invited to attend. - Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is fast takin the place of all the old fashioned Cough remedies. It never fails to relieve the most "violent Cold, and for Throat Dis eases it Is in valuable.. Price 25 cents. Ran Into. As the schooner A. & E hooper was tacking gown the stream this noon, she ran into the stern of the steamer North State and damaged the steamer's after railing, and cabin. The damage cla med by the steamer is $50, which Messrs Harris & Howell, the agents hare, have agreed, to be responsible for, the vessel having cleared for Brunswick, Georgia, which voyage, she had just started on when the accident abovi related occurred. I III l! 'I " The little steam tug Nyct, with Captain Green of I the steamer North St He on board overhauled the schooner down tin river,1 when the vessel dropped anchor and he pilot, who was at the wheel when the accident occurred, 'stepped ashore and had not returned on board when we last heard jfrem the vessel From a; Prominent Drus: House. H. H. wiAsbren & Co.- Rochester. S. Y. Dkxr Sib : It is now only three months since we received your first ship ment o! Safe I Remedies. We have sold drugs;in this place (or twenty years, and have jnevet" sold a proprietary medicine that gives! such universal satisfaction as yours, especially your Safe Kidney and V i - ii j m nt- - We could mention many who hays re ceived great benefit in cases of Kidney dirS culties, Asthms, Rheumatism Dlabetse, urlgnys Disease, cic. li; uwviuuj J UU1 A, li SISSQN A FOX. Alexandria gay4 K. T. . - t, . , - . Lib-lLa V JLJlJ V v o The New Market House. According to previous advertiied notice the choice stalls in the New Market House were put up at auction by Messrs. Cronly fc Morris in the new market building to day at 12 o clock. . Q lite a respectable crowd of people were in attendance, some ot whom were drawn there out ef curiosity - while others wbo were there meant busi- ness. The highest price realized was $21 per month and the lowest figure for any s al was $15 Twenty six stalls in ail were 'rented, which leaves twenty-two yet to be disposed of by the market com pany. The terms stated before the renting commenced were as fo lows: note to be given for the ' rent ol stalls until first day of October next. payment ot rerjt to begin from tbe day that the Wi'minton Market Company ubali notify the lessee of the eUlli that tfcey are ready for occupation; rent to be paid monthly in advance The three stores at the head of the market have bean rented also ; Messrs. Boatwnght & McKoy have rented the first store in front to the North, Mr. R J. Scarborough the middle store in front for an eating saloon and Mr. John H Hardin the third and last store in front and towards the South, which he will occupy immediately, ' we are told, as a drug Btorei Tbe room above these stores has been rente-3 we learn by Mrs. Bchtn and will be occupied as a dining saloon. The aggregate rent from the stores and saloons alone will reach $900, the lowest rented for $200 and the highest for $250. We congratulate our friend, Mr. Lippitt, the President, we congratulate tbe Wilmington Market Company and we congratulate the citizens of Wilming ton generally upon the success of the enterprise, and that they have at last got a decent and respectable looking market building, which is an ornament to tbe, city, in place of the old, ugly dilapidated looking thing at the foot of Market street which has so loDg been a disgrace to our city, We hope to see the remaining stalls in the New Market rented out atgecd prices just so soon as the building is completed enough to be occupied. ! i . ' s j Canal Meeting. There toil, be a meeting at the Produce Exchange in this city, at 3 o'clock to morrow (Friday) afternoon to receive the report of the Committee appointed for New Hanover county to collect subscrip tions to tbe. stock of the proposed Duplin Canal, and to take suchaction as may be necessary to a representation at the canal meeting which is to be held at Magnolia on Wednesday, the 10th inst. for the pur pose of effecting a permanent organization Messrs. B. G. Worth, Geo. W. Williams and William Calder are the gentlemen composing the above committee, and we learn from them that the first installment of 10 per cent, of the stock has already been paid in. Magistrates Row failed us again to-day 'nothing doing' is the. answer we get to our itquiry for news. A man will wipe on a towel as filthy as rot at his office , and smash the furniture at home if he has to use one which is the least bit soiled. This is one of the incon sistencies of the raoe. Schooner GeorgieMc Far land, Capt. Strong, from Wiscasset, Me, arrived here last evening with ice to Mr. J. E Lippitt. She has been oat a long time and Mr. Lippitt was forced, last week, to order a supply by rail from Portimoutb, otherwise we would have been iceless here. Rev. Doctor Wilson's lecture will take place oo Monday evening next, the 8th inst., at 8 o'clock, and not on the 10 thins, as was incorrectly stated by us yester day. Tbe mistake was made in the Review office, and we therefore take tie first opportunity to make this candid avjwal. no Court. There was no Citv Court to day.but two parties from tbe neighborhood of Paddy's Hollow " were up charged with failure pay their license tat. After an informal interview with the Mayor tfcey were released upon condition that they plank down the necessary amount of Spondu licks for which they were in arrears. Lower than Ever. f ARQE STOCK OF OAK, ASH, Ac.'a -a-J - - greatly rt dvotd prices. - rmd stock or tha best COAL ia Itha dry very low Indeed - ? , j. Jaa U ' J. A. 8FBI9QEB. I NO. 19 New Advertisements. WAIT S WAIT 2 FOR THE the tore WITH ENTIRE IffEW SOCK ! V 38 jyiarket St. 4 - NOT A SHOP WORN ARTICLE THE ENTIRE STOCK AT IN 5 3 38 Market St. Easter Goods j Easter Gloves J NEW CALICOES ! PIQUETS i El in. all varicti(js, shades and figures, at HAHW' J 38 market St. FULL LINE OF BUTTONS, FASHIONABLE FRINGES, ETC. to match Dre'ss Goods, at 33 Market St. Fullest and most complete Stock A ever in this citv ! Ribbons, iiibbons, Ribbons, In all patterns, qualities and sty'es. Opera Kids, Opera Kids? In all desirable tints and best make at cfthe IHIIHIKI' 38 Market St. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! The finest stock of Ladies and Children's Hose ever brought h i - to this city. At 38 tyiarket St. MILLINERY toofabs, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERi, ETC. In great Variety at Habn's, 38Market St. Remimber the place . 38 Market St. Wait for tie IGrand Ooenincr and hayean entire Xew Stock to select from. JPrices to astound the na tives. Rememb ?r ,tho Grand Open ing. ' 'J' HI ; : flV10WpAY,8ih. ! 38 Market Ct; 4, 1880. ! I L i. PR INil GOODS PLEASE NOTICE. We Will ber'ad to re:e!re enrnmnTiatTrtw- ncg on any acd all inb'eftta t general interest but : ' lue ame i tae writer must always be fur nished, to the Editor. CommnnleaUocsriBstbe written on onlf one sida of the paper. - i Personalities must be a-oided. And; it b especially ar,d particularly utr stood that the Editor doe9 not always edcrsa the views of correfrondfcta, unless to Utd In the jedltorial columns. New AdvortisBmonta., tor Sale. PEKFECILY SLW OFFICE SAFE, Coaler, Dhtcana k Co., mscufictarers combination lock, weight 1;W0 lbs. For sale cheap. App!jat mcb 3 THH Or TICK. The Time to .Be A PIANO OR OR0 4.V. iX - is wiken the(re.'JUlj: c THE PLACE TO' dUT ' A Firjt Class Tcstrnment, enter fjr Cati or on tb Instalnieat PUn.tia at TiiE LiV BOOK STORE. ' jy I'ASK BOOK?, a'l slz-s and f tyle?, T J tiDg Papers of every variety. m.& - rn ri Vfi- Peup. jGold andfcitiel. IVnril. v. i acd. everv Ihirur iri th .vir'f Kt.i .",.. U -'i Mufilc-Liae, at HFtNSBEROEH'H, 33 and 41 ilarkt t. mch 3 Why 6t Go Y1IE1:K Y(f CAX GET C THE 13EST 1.7. iorp, Oysters, Wines, Cigars, ell? The Xew Kostau'riiil and Saloon opene'd by whJl WESTj in the Custom Iljouse Alloy, has 'the best oj everything at very reasonable prices. w, neat, clean and private, is the Oilie Saloon. WILL WEST, mch3 Proprietor. Dr, E. S. ford, j.ttAUUATE 'OF THE HAlIXEMAy meaicai OolIe:e of Chicago, will occupy t!.e office of hia precep Freeman. " ' or, the late Dr. Wxn. L I-' w yELVET FRAMED, WA FUAMES, ; MOTTO FRAMES, etc. Also, SunJay oo IJaoie, licwazd Cards, Bibles. Hymn Booka. I'ravr Tt-inVa i mch 2 Hook tor. Seed 1000 ccrsaELS riiI'1E i r SEED I.I jr. For sale by feb26tft ALrREL) JIATTI.V. - Kotsce. J JtfOST KESPECTFULLY TENDEl MV services as Physician and Surgeon to tho citizens of Wilmington ati viciaity. ' Office on North side ilarket, between LYc ona and Ihird streoti. P. W. POTTEIi, 11. Di feb 27-1 w Cydomin rOR CHAPPED HKIN8, etc. PWF, r CORN SOLVENT, Brown's Woodk-d Balm, i and a fresh stock of Drufra and Medi cines just received. Full and frceh p'o . ment of GARDEN $ED J. I have no l.ft year's Seeds. Prescriptions accurately compounoec'. F. C. A11LLER, : ! Co rear 4th and Nun Him-. Open day "and nisjht. ' ' ItY- feb 16 nts Wanted TO INTRODUCE In every Ccucty in t: United titatc3 ! t i ' ' THE HISTORY OF TUE.BIDLE. The b?st work to sell that has ever ben published. Uplendid premium to every su b scriber.; For ciicalars and le'ica a?-y t. ence to . : j; Tiiie thi:rcziur.tsi Co.. 41, 4"? ad 45 hh tur t st ,, C't. mcL 1 j - Boot & Shoo Stoi o. 32 MARKET STSTiST.' Boots an dj Shoos i-orte.Hol skiving daily bt zx?r.:?zl Coat soon to aroi4 the rab. Immrzio tilai daily, j- ' . :. Ky Goods In PrJces and Qaility cicrot I a excelled by any' T . - , m Sona bat the beat ard jnosipopu'r onlcs m iuc co as cry. Another lot of those Scotch" Butioa Ecfcccl Shoes just arrired. . - -I ' . I I- ' " 1 ' Come and examine. The Same Old Pxic; 32 Marlict ; sircct: ec.22 ' , sln of .the Show Cy.o "

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