' ' ! - - ' . - f . - . - , . '4 I THIB PIPER LeolUiirf r.ry afternoon, 8iidays ex- St T JOSH. T. JAMES, -nir!R.rPTIOK8. POST AGE PAID. SU""" . . voBths, $1 i& ; On month, 60 oenU. The paper . will be delivered by carriers, L ofeherjre, in ny P of the city, at the CTe ratea, or IS cents per week. fidTertirinir rate low and liberal y8bseribers will pleaae report any and 1 filnres to receiTe tfreir papers refrnlarly. j New Advertisements. SHOWN & KODDICKt 5 & 10 Cent Store, 'k K. CORNER OF MARKET AND BWJOND STREETS.) vv jg TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY of lhnkine the general public for their rery lib sral patronage m we aoore oriaeu vi u.i w jinets n4 desire to state that at no time since ear first opening hae we ever carried such so assortment as at present. Haviajr antici cated the repeat trrea adrancein sach goods, we ar bow ioiij pepru v vuw Largest and Cheapest I .rihr n in this section at any time- We can with trathfnlness asert that oar stock is more than doable the sixe of any other of this kind -nth nt Baltimore . It is yery easy matter to, call in ana rer ly ine ! sbote statemeat. " ' We would also ad I that we hare of late added sererai new departments to the abore, which we retail at higher prices, consisting .fwi t)mu in HniiBAlrftAninar. Ac. . Ol lumMiJi Vmmmammmm mm. ww r mm I inch at we hare st demand for, and in future .... . . i j j : II W 414 lw w" w. mm sad erery thing we can buy useful and below ratue. Oar intention is to make this THE Store of the Soutn tor Bargains of all Kinds. The following is a rery imperfect list Vftt our spice will admit ot no more.. Japanese Ware, O a?s ar, Tin Ware, Hcissors, French Previa?, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine OH, Faucets, Trays, Trumpets, Toilet! Soap, Childrens Slates, Perfumery, Jewelry, '--; Combs, Pop Guns, Door Bumpers, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Squeezers, Wa lets. Brushes, Bracelets, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons,Beads, Uarb.es, walls, . PtoTe Polish, Padlocks, Pistols, ChWelt, Can Openers, " Screw Drivers, Boalas, Mirrors, ! Needle and Pins, Clothes Pins, ! Hhorels, Sponges, Hammers, Jumping Ropes, Poeket Books, Note Paper and En-Toilet Sets, relopes. Vases, Feather Distets, Doll Carriages, Paxor Straps, Brooms,. Buckets, Baskets, Velocipedes, Carts, Wagons, Wash Boards, Clooks. Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton, Hambnrg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies k Genii Hdk'fs,8pool Flax, Linen Table Napkins, Ladies Hose, Llaea Table Doilies, Childrens Hose, Kucbing, - Cents Socks, Oollaretts, Gents Shirts, &o, &c, &c, Sec. fcc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. i BROWN & EODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, If. E. Corner of Market and Second Streets, febll Fresh Every Day, FINS ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, Just receired and for ale. THE ONLT GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found erery day, fresh and sweet, three doors South of the r'ostoffioe on Second street. Also, Nuts, RaUina, Fruit, Ac C. E. J EVENS, - jan 33 Near the Postofflce. Yellow Tobacco W E WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and year oat, in the BORDER REVIEW, Edited and published by fcUFUS AMIS, at Henderson, N. C. An nnterrified Democratic, and yet a lire and practical busine'S. man's paper. Tells how to build up the industrial inter ests of the State. How to make money on the farm, and secure the best rewards for labor. Send fl.'O to pay one year's subscription and get Tobacco Guide Book and Tobacco B4 Free. Audreys, : BQfiDER REVIEW, . febSY Henderson, N. C. Cuba molasses. QQ Q Hhds and BbU N ew Crop, and other grades Molasses. V'or sale by -mehl , HaLL k PElRSALLw Flour. Flour- 1200 BBLS OO0D PLOUR, ; Every Barrel Warranted. At low prices by mob 1 HALL A PR 4sT.f.. Qydornin FOR CHIPPED SKINS, etc. PEL'S COS 80LYEKT, Brown's Woodland . Bala, and a fresh stock of Dro? and Mt di ttoes jast received. Pull and fresh assort Beat7of GARDEN 8SEDS. 1 have no last year's Seeds, Prescriptions accurately compounded. . F. C. MILLER. Oorner4thamdim Btmti. r VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Clyde's New York Steamship Line ALTatna, Paioa k Co. Vegetable and Jruit Crates and Boxes. Boi.TwaieHT k McKot Offer this week. Williams k Mcrchisom. New Crop Cuba P HaistBBiaeaa Let us Ste. YatbV. BoWed I Jao. W. Gordok A Bab Agrlcultu'-al Insurance Co. ';of N. Y. McDouoall k Williamson Are in their New 8hop. Ckobtlt k Moaais Brsnswick Bridge and Ferry Stock at A notion. . Jab. W. Kih Attention ! Stonewall Lodge K. of P. Love's young dream boa no saorea in it For other local see fourth page. v Wirjdowv Glass all sizes at luffer & Price's. t JTull Metal and Walnut Show Oases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffjsb, Frice & Go's. A poetical dairyman has discovered that cows with dreamy eyes are the best milkers. ; " Schooner Mary E Oliver, Baker, fo this port, cleared at New York ''on thr 6tb inst. The 'goober' trade ot this city is no small item, there being a( least fifty bushels re tailed daily on the streets. m , ; You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats Ins stoves t almost.any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Cotton futures hare declined 'in New York to-day twenty points for the month of March and fourteen points for August. Stand from under. Selling Property far Taxes. In iccordanc with a previous advertised notice of the JCity Treasurer, fifty-three pieces of real estate property were put up at auction at the Qourt House door to-day for back taxes Constable. Carr did. the crying and the property was all knocked down to the city. The sale will be con tinued from day to day until all the delinquents are disposed of in this way unless they sooner walk up to the Cap tain's office and settle all arrearages. The Lecture To Jflglit We trust .that there will be a fine audience present at the Opera House this evening to greet Dr. Wilson in the ad dress which he is to deliver for the benefit of the Wilmiogton Library Association. Dr. Wilson's well-earned reputation as a thinking man, a ripe scholar and an ac complished speaker should guarantee a large audience. There is but one possible drawback to the occasion and that is the weather, an excuse which is always ready at hand to father many sins of omission. Prices One Year Ago and To -Day. One year ago cotton was selling in this market at 9 cents for middling; to-day the same grade of cotton is quoted firm on change at 12J cents. . Spirits turpentine was quoted and selling one year ago at 26 cents per gal Ion; to-day sales are reported at 43$ cents. Crude turpentine sold at $1.75 per bbl for yellow dip this time last yeaandf to-day it is bringing $2 55 per bbl. for the same quality. Then'why, we ask, should business be dull and money scarce? The fact is we believe that such is not ' the case. Gut that there Is plenty of business, and , though money may not be altogether quite plentiful, enough to suit every one, still, we are inclined to think that there are sufficient funds arc und and in hand to meet the demands of trde. everything has advanced since last year, it seems, ex cept the salaries of some poor clerks, and the subscription and advertising rates of newspapers. We pay for paper to day 00 per cent advance on the price we paid last year for the same quality. Magistrate's Court. Bju. ilooie, colored, is alleged to have committed a thuft in this county some time last July, shortly after which "time he escaped to Pender or Duplin county. About three months ago an alias warrant was issued for him and sent ta tho Sheriff of Pender, who succeeded last Friday in gobbi ng up' the 'gemmen and ctn Sate urday last he aa received, here in charge oTatfifgcer, and to-day arraigned before Magistrate and cemmitted in derault of bail to the amount of 100 for trial on the 11th inst Henrietta Moore, colored, was commit ted ty J. C. Hill, J. P, in default of payment of a bill of coats amounting to $4.55. : . ' k-'-: WILMINGTON, N. C, j Trial Trip. The steamerJtTbAn Dawson, which has been in the course! of construction for several months past, is about completed and it is thought she will make a trial trip this afternoon. j " Grave Shot Qute a number of grape shot were dug up on Front street Saturday from the bed of the Street Car track. The shot were evident ly brought to this city in ballast by one ot the vessels, and the question as to where they wero used is in darkness. I Be a1y mixed Paints, strictly r. are White Leal, Colors, Brushes, Window Glass, Ac.1, at Jacobi's. IraproTements Messrs. McDeugall & Williamson are now in their new shop and are prepared to do first class work. The lower floor ol the building is used as a blacksmith and wood work shop while on the upper floor they have a finishing and painting, var nisbing and trimming shop. They adver tise in another column of this issue. Plows, Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. In Preparation. Several ladies and gentlemen have in preparation Mrs. Jar ley 'a Wax Figures which they propose presenting to the public on Easter Tuesday, for the benefit of St. John's Church, In-addition to the Wax Figures some of the best musical talent in the city have consented to assist in making the performance as amusing and pleasant aa possible. Save your money and bay jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t To Memorialize Congress. There was a mass meetlrg held at Lock wood's Folly, Brunswick county, , on Sat urday for the purpose of memorializing Congress to appropriate money for the open ing of a canal connecting the Cape Fear river wth the Waccamaw, and thus making an inland water route between Wilming ton,;N. C, and Greorgtown, S. C. Sheriff E. W. Taylor and Judge S. W. Watts ad dressed the meetiDg. The charter for the Canal was granted in 1855. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table ' Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware-Depot. , 1 " wet or o y. The County Commissioners of Bruns wick county have ordered an election to be held in the town of Smithville on the first Monday in May to consider whether the town shall be "Wet or Dry." A petition, signed by over one hundred ladies, was sent in to the Commissioners, asking for the prohibition of the sale of liquor in Smithville, hence the election on the interesting topic of 1 'Wet or Dry." I ; 1 . Window Giass of all size, Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders Bardware.&s, Low est prices at Jacobj's. Sampson county Items. Our friends at Kewkirk's Bridge, in Franklin township, Sampson county, as we learn from, a correspondent at that place, have recently witnessed the closing examination of a v.ry successful school fiught there during1 the past winter -by Miss Hannah Seavey. The exercises of the day were in every way highly satisfactory to the pareuts of the pupils ad patrons of the scljooL were Iq attendance bpon the Interesting occasion, ine recitations were com mendable throughout and evidenced bard study upon the the part of the pupi's and thorough and patient care on the part of the teacher. After the exercises had been concluded, Mr. Nicholas Fennell, who was present, being called upon, made an admirable speech, in which he urged the manifold advantages and bl ssings of a good, thorough, practical education. Mr. Fen nell was followed by Rev. Mr. Marable, who also earnestly impressed upon the young people present the necessity tor study; that they might be the better prepared for the duties, caresj trials and responsibilities of life. Both speeches were listened; to with profound attention by all present and withort doubt will have !a beneficial effect upon the minds of the young, for whom they i were more especially intended. j. ' f : 1 "r" " v Notwithstanding the advance in Cloth ing and Gents j Furnishing Goods, ShtIeb Bros- are selling beautiful suits from $10 to $12. The well known Diamond Shirt a$ $1 a piece. It will pav all who have an idea of having: a suit to call and examine the immense Spring stock they are now. MONDAY, MARCH New Advertisement. ATTENTION! STOtfEWAlA 103GE NO. 1, K. OF P. YOU ARE HKRKV requested to at. tend your Castle H ill th s (Mondiy) Evening, a 7 o'clock asnhn G i C. is ex pected to exemplify the Secret Work. By o der of C. C. JAS. W. KING, m S-lf K.of R & S. . BRUNSWICK BftiDGE AND FERRY ST0SX AT AUCTION. WEDNESDAY NfcXr, 10ch inst , at 12 o'clock M., wc will sell t Frnnge Corner 47 Skares Capital UcY B. B. A F. Go. CRONLY k MORRI3, mch 8 2t Auctioneers. McD Jiigall & ViIliamson, RE IN THEIR NEW SHOP and are prepared to do all triads of work in their line. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices moderate. Our motto is "Good work, good material and email profits." mch 8 3t Agricultural Ins, Co, of J New York, ORGAN ZED 1 180:3. ! . - ASSETS :1st JAN. 1880, $1,187,287.73. LOSSES I'AID OVER $3,000 000. INSURES NOTHING BUT Dwellings and contents, and 'town property, and offers fePioii.li inducements tor risks of that class. - losnres i against damage bv Licrhtninr. (whether fire ensues or not) without extra charge. I Agents wanted in erery county in the Btate JNO. W. GORDON k BRO., nich 8 General Agents, Solved ! JOT THE "GEM" PUZZLE, BUT THE Question as to who keeps The Best Assortment, The. Finest Stock, At the Lowest Prices. Come and see lor yourself. mch 8 Book Store: Let us See, OPERA GLASSES, Field Glasses. Tele scope Glasses, Beading and Sun Glasses, Microscopes, large and small, and Snn Shades. All for sale at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs SOLD ON THE Easy Instalmfnt Plan, at prioes to suit all. Guitars, Tiolins, Ban jos, Harmonicas, Flutes, Fifes, Bones, Ac eordeons, Tambourines, Jews Harps, Drums, and Strings for all Instruments, at HEINSBERGER'S, mch 8 39 and 41 Market t. CLYDE'S Gew York AND Wilmington, WC. Steamship Line. THE' STEAMER . BP BENEFACTOR, OAPT. JONES, W1L' SAIL PROM NEW YORK OH SATURDAY. March 13. Cr Shippers can raly upon the prompt ssxilin of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagoi&ents apply it TMOS. C. BOrVD, 8op't, i Wilmia?ton, y. C. TflEO. O. EQER, Freight Agent. ew Fork. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadway, New fork. mch 8 Lecture. 1 V rjlHE RV JOSEPH R. WIL30N, D. D wall deihrera Lecture, for the benefit of the Library Ass rUtkn, at the OPEH A. HOCJ8E. on Mo OT U AY, Mareh 8 th, at 8 o'clock, P.M. Subject; "fcuccee". Adsaisdon 35c Tickets to bs kad at tht Beokstores aad at the door. mch 4-21 ate 8, 1883. NO. 22 Now Advertisement;. WAIT I WAIT S J"Ol THE OF THE ewauore . WITH AX ENTIUE MEW STOCK ! ! HI A 38 EViarket St. WOT A SHOP WOjI" ARTICLE IK THE ENTIRE STOCK AT 3 38 Market St. Easter Goods ! Easter Gloves J NEW CALICOES ! PIQUETS ! in' all varietie?, shades and figures, at HAHN' 38 Market St FULL LINE OF BUTTONS, FASHIONABLE FRINGES, ETC. to match Dress Goods, at M A1HIN 9 38 Market St. Fulle. t and most complete Stock ever in this city ! Ribbon?, lUbboas. Ribbons, In all patterns, qualities and styles. Opera Kids, Opera Kids, In' all desirable tints and of th t? best make at W& H M S, 38 Rlarket St. j HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! The finest stock of Ladies' and Cflldren's Hose eyer bronght to this city. At 38 Market Gt, MILLINERY GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, En. In great variety at Hahix's, 38 Market St. Kernember the pUce 38 Market St. j Wait for the Grand Opening and have an entire New Stock to select from. Prices to astound the na tives. Remember the Grand Open ing. MONDAY, 8th. GRAND OPEH H SPRING DRESS GOODS I 38 Market St. aeh 2 PLEASE NOTICE . We will berad to refelre eommnnlcado. from our frlenfa on any and all subjects p general Intarert but: .' r The name of the writer must always be fur nished to the Editor. - V Communication a ft be wiitten on Only one side of the paper. Personalities must b at ou'ed. And it is especially and pL-ticnlarly under etood that the Editor does not always endorse the news of correfjondenu, unless so. itatd in the editorial colutr ns. , New Adverti8omflnt Boatwriglit & ETcKoy Offer this week Ftekh ArriraU, - 50 0UO LbsC U Dry Salt SMo3, 100 IVk-gs Butter, 250 Bags Ucff. , 50 Boxes Cam115, 100 Boxe CamJy,V 50 Boxes Cheese, 300 Packages Crickei 500 do Canned Goods," - ; . 700 Bbls Flour, - 50 Bbls TeAtl ..Huuiiuyi ' " 100 Gross Tarlor .Mitcbee, V . ? 100 Tierces aud Tubs, ' ' ' Fairbanks Lard, 200 Boxes Laundiy Soap, , , j ' 200 Bbls Molasses Old and Xcw Cu p Cuba, 100 Bbls Sugar, 2C0 Boxes Lye a:.d Potad), ' 100 Boxes Starch. " . Q7" Don': forget that we cn supply you whh LIQUORS, either al Wholesale rr Retail, LOWER than any II nm in the Sta'te. Again wa bay, come a:.d ste us." . 5 dt 7 riort Front Ctreet. racb 8 ' ' ' ' . New Crop Cuba. 30S IlhJs and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molasces, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON. Potatoes.FlouiSugar , 300 Bbls. Eatly Koso Potatoes lOOO Bbls'Fla-ir, Super to "Hx lnr Family, 275 Dbl ; . ir.iuulated, Standard . Vi - OandC, 425 Bags Coii; : :.v. L-i4 u A.. nd Java 350 Boxes Smoked V ! and D S Sides, 150 Tubs Choico Leaf Lard, dOO Boxes 'Lye and Potasb, ' 2ti5 Boxes Laundry ) and Toilet Soap, 150 Boxes Starch,''" ' 50 Whole and Half Coxes Candles, Candy, Paper, Smif Tobac-i co, Nails, Buckets, llobp Iron, &c. boat HOT 500 Bales Choico Timothy ' ' and Eastern Iluy, 3200 Sacks Marshall's Fine gilt, 1500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 350 O Sacks Peruvian " Cotton. Guano, For iHtlowbj WILLI A I! 8 k MUBCmdOC n:ch 8 Whelssale Oro. -k Com, Uertn Vegetable and Fruit Crales and Cojlcs, Sash, Doors. Blinds ! : : . , , . ' ' -, LL K1ND3 OF HUli DlXQ Jtfafr!, Seasoned Flooriaj, Wcatber-Boaxdiu Ac., Ac. Metal and Walaat Sbow Cie, at. , ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO., Fictoet : ' . ' " '.t l'oim:' ' ' Foot at Wairatit. Nut. ua V receiving. w . - t lack 9 . ' 3 "V