THI8 PA PES U p.ollshed .reft aftern.on, Sumday. ex ' eepted bT ''. ; JOSH. T. J AM E8, OITOB AND FKOFBIKTOK. 7 aUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. o ? jmt. 00 Six-montha $2 50 ; Three . month., 1 month, 50 cent, fhe PPr will be delivered by camera, rMofehar,re,inany part of the city, at the ibove rate., or 13 cent per week. Advertising ratea low and liberal tfubacribera will please report any and n faiareto" receive their papers regularly. flew Advertisements. bhQ Wn & RODDICK. 5 & 10 Cent Store. (S K. COHNEK OF MARKET AND rtbC'i.M) STIUETS.) E TaHE TB13 OPPORTUNITY of w th Jkinjr th frral public for their very lib er"rifoua2e in the .bore branch of our bu ireto ,tte that at no time since an aMortment s at present. Having antici pated tb,re,ent grea advance in such goods, we are now mlly prepared to offer the Largest and jDheapest Msortroent eerioh wn in this section at any time We can with . trntbfolnesa aaert tbt ou- stock ia more 1 hn double tie size of aoy other of tbia kind .-nutbof Baltimore It is very easy, matter to call m and ver tj tne iboTe Btateimett. , - We would also ad 1 that we hare of late tddod several new departments to the above, i.ich we retail afbigher pricea, eor.Bist.iniz of many useful artic.ea in Housekeeping, Ac, sucB aa we have a demand for, and in future it wilfbe our endeavor to' keep adding anv gad everything we can buy useful and below ra ue. Our intention ia to make this Itlt Store of the South for Bargains of all Kinds. The following ia a vry imperfect Hat bat par space will aflinit oi no more. Japanese Ware, Om arq. Tin Ware, Hciaaora, French Dressing, Blacking, . Ink, Oil Cana, .Machine Oil, Fauce.a, Traya, Trumpets, Toilet! fcto:, Childrena' Slates Perfamery, J Jewelry, Cmba,' Fop Ouna, Door Kumpera, Cork ricrewa," Dotia, Hair Pina, Pulleya, Lemon Squeezer, Wa lets, Broabes, Bracelets, Fo.k. Table and Tea Fpoons, Beads, Balls. Htove Poliah, Pistols, . : ' Can Openers, Hcalea,- Needlei and Pins, Hhovela,. i flammera, Pocket books, Padlocks, Chisels, Screw Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Fins, Hponjres, Jumping Ropes, Note Paper and En-ToUet rets, velopes, Vaeea, Feather Duiteia, Doll Oarriages, Pasor Straps, Krooma, I Bucketa, Baskets, Vtlociptdce, Carts, Wagosa, Wafch Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edging?, Spool Cotton Hamburg Inaertiona, Spool Silk, Ladies & Gents Hdk'fs,Spopl Flax, Linen Table Napkins, Ladies Hrsa, Liaen Table Doilies, Cnildrens Hose, Knchitg, Oents Socks, Collaretts, , Gents Shirts, . &o, &c, &c, -&c, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & EODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. K. Corner of Market and Second Streets. feb21 - . , . Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for TUH ONLY GENDlNE HOME-MADE Candy In the city, will be found everv day, fresh and sweet, tbree doors South of the Poatoffice on Seoond street. Also, Nuts, Ralaina, Fruit, Ac. C. E. J EVENS, jaa,?; Nea the Poatofflce. Yellow Tobacco WE WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and year out, In the ; ' BOEDER BEVIEW, Fdited and publiahed by tUC8 AMIS, at Henderson. N. C. Aa unterrified Democratic, and yet a live and practical busine sman paper. Tells how to build up thevinduatrial inter ets of the State. Bow to mate money on the farm, aud secure the beat rewards for labor. Band $10 to pay one year's subscription and get -Tobacco Onide' Book and Tobacco Seed-Free. Addres. BORDER REVIEW, . feb 2T Henderaon, N. C. Cuba HSolasses, OA A Hhdsani Bbls New CroD. and other grades Molajaes 1 or sale by mi; Rn, a rwARHai.r,:- Flour Flour- .200 BBLS" OO0I FI0UR' ' Eery barrel Warranted. , At low prices by ch I HALL A PEA BBUNSWICK BRIDGE AND FERRY STOCK AT AUCTION. WEDNESDAY NtXT, 10th inat, at II o'clock, M., we will sell at Exchange T Shares Capital Sttek B. B. A F. Co. CRONLY A MORRIS, . sach8-2t Aaetioneers, .... I j JL JjLJIj VOL V. I WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1880. NO. 24 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P HaiHiaaaeia The Gem Puizie, 8ie adOrodhetWork. yIti. Solved I No City Court to-day. Window Glass -Price's. -all sizes at ltaffer t Early vegetables are plentiful in market now Eggs are plentiful at 12J lozn. cents per New moon thin evening at 33 minutes past 7 o'clock. And now' they have tne 34. and . Little Buttercup puzzles. ' . Most time for picnic and Sound par ties and engagement ring business. The telephone line to Wrjghtsville Souud is to be erected aext week. The latest slang expression now is not Whoa Emma! but Gew Anna Pbewl haw it smells! The last of the cargo of fruit cf ike schooner Julia Elizabeth was sold at auc tion to-day. Full Metal and Walnut ShowT Cases, all styles and sizes, at Alt affbb, Pkice & Vo - ' Steamship Benefactor, Captain Jones, arrived here this morning from New York. ' Mr. E. T. Draper, manager of the dry foods house of Mr. Julius Samsoa, has gone North to select his spring stock of goods. Chalk, or magnesia, rubbed on silk or ribbon that has been greased, and held near the fire, will absorb the grease so that it may be brushed-off. The Stedman Fire Company, hare a gong attached to their track now, so that when you hear the gong strike, look out, the "Stedman Boys" are coming. In the Supreme Court, on Monday, the decision of the lower Court in the case of F. W. Kerch ner vs. Marcus A. Baker, from New Hanover, was affirmed. Monday's Charlotte . Fresa says : Ia the Superior Court to-day, the Carolina Central Bail way; recovered a verdict of $500 and costs, in r a suit against ike Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta R. R. The auxiliary fire alarms which have been placed in the residences of the mem bers of the Fire Department will add much to the prompt arrival of the ire companies at the scenes of destruction. Everybody can get suited with a rocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi'b Hardware Dpot. tt speaks for itself, is what a lady said of Dr Bull's Cough Syrup the other day, for a single bottle cured tqy child of a dtsadful Cough. . The dirty boxes, barrels and other rubbish of the hucksters on Market street which tiave stood on the corner for a year past are calculated to impress strangers favorably (?) with our city. Cot ten futures tumbled e'.ghteea points in New York today, but as the rece'pts were light, both yesterday and to-day, a corresponding advance, it is thought by some, may be looked for in a day or two. Yeetf rdayV Raleigh News says: Gov ernor Jarvis, Mr. M. T. Leach and Mr. A. T. London were passengers on the train from the West yesterday snd returning from a visit to Col. Holt's hospitable roof near Llaw Hiver, where a party of ladies aad gentlemen from this' city have been spending the past week in a most delight ful manner. Up the Ktver. The steamer John Datcsztn, having been completed .raised steam yesterday and proceeded up the river to Point Caswell. She is expected back to this city in a few days with a load of uaval stores. Si. Patnvfc'i Day. The Hibernian Association of this city have concluded not to bavo a procession or any public demonstration on St. Patricks Day of this year. The f tbe Association will simply meet at their . flail .. and go in a body tovSt. Thorn s Catholic Church, where services will be held, and after tbe services will J march back to their Hall and disperse. " Beady mixed Paints, strictly jure White Lead, Crlars, Brushes, Window Glass, &c.t at Jacobi's. w j - ; The Hiver. Reports from Fayette ville are to the effect that the river ia till rising at that point. Tb recent rain extended all along up. the Cape Fear and there are Indica tions that considerable of a fresbet will W the result. The steam boatmen are per cos sequence in a better humor than they were last week. . Plows, obovels, Pitchtotks, Spads, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c Fo the lowest prices, go to J a-Cobi's. Liquor Dealers' Association. This Association met last night at the hall of the, Howard Engine Cofopaoy, Mr. H. E. Scott, President, andJ Capt. James M. McGowan, Secretary. The committee appointed at 1 1 last meeting to prepare a memorial ;to the Legeslature made their report.1 The memorial petitions for a reduction of the present 10 per cent, tax on liquor dealers to a tax of one-tenth of one per cent, a imposed on other merchanta. , The report was adopted and the com mittee discharged, The eommittee en circulars reported that they had sent circulars to all im portant towns in the State, asking the cooperatiea of dealers with the Asiocia tien in this city. . ' The Visiting Committee reported four new members. i i A motion was made to have one hun dred and fifty cepies of the constitution and by-laws of the Association printed, and a committee was appointed to as certain the cost ef the same and report. - i - - Window Glass of all sizes , Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&j est prices at Ja.cobi's. Low- t At the opera House Next Week. Professor MacalliiUr, the .Wizard, is to open aa engagement for a week n this city on Monday night, and promises to asteqnd the natives with his new and wonderful sleight of hamd tricks. Where- ever he has been the press speak (well of him. He was play ing last j Char lestoa and of him the News ds (huritr says: j. ' Prof. J. M. Maealiieter, ths gteat prtf tidigitatenr, opened his engagement at the Hibernian, all last evening to an im mense audience. Every seat was)1 tilled and scores of people were compelled te stand. ! The entertainment was fujl, va ried and wonderful, presenting many en tirely new and original Illusions that baffled the conception of the most J. acute and close ebserver. Maea I lister's Pandora box trick is alone worth the price jef the admission to witness. The Professor has a pleasing presence, and presented his illusions with so. ease and grace which ad ded a charm to their incomprehensibility. He is the most expert and pleasing magician that has visited Charleston in many' a long year After the performance a number ot valuable and useful presents, including a $10 cash prize, werel given away to thosa who had been fortunate enough to dw 3 premium witM their ticaetj, .The ISoss IPuzzle. It is wonderful to note what a hold this puzale has taken on the public mind About two weeks ago the Editor of this paer and a friend -returned from the North, bringing with them each a puzzle, the first seen in Wilmington. At that time it had not gotten as far South as Baltimore and had scarcely begun to be known in Philadelphia. How rapidly the mauia has spread is evidenced by the fact that in two short w.eka it has gone like wild firo everywhere. The awful job is to get out of that 15, 1 position, If there is ak way put it hasi not yet been found although there are maayj who claim to have worked it out. If they have they bavo not been able to give the solution. A writer in a Richmond daily think it has been found by a youn lady in that pity. E ays i - 'Since so many heads have been at work upon this little puzzle, this solution I send you may, perhaps, prove to.fce not new. jWithayoung lady of our! city, however, who is the author, it is original The rule may be stated thus: Slip the 1 and the 4 to the left and to the right end respectively of the rst line; arfanjte, correspondingly, the $ land tbe 8 in the second, line; the an4 the 12 in thejthird; the 13 and the 16 in the fourth J The eight figures here mentioned., if they be thus arraneedf Will leave the reinjaimng seven in such positions aa that they may, without difficulty, be made to fail into t: eir proper places. Merchants are required to move- their dry goods hcrxes trom the sidewalk within twenty-four hours after tbey are deposiu el and the goods taken out, bat a huck ster, who paya no taxes, can. let his garbage barrels and boxes remain as long as it suits bis convenience. Reyiew. Handsome Quilt. We saw this rooming, at Cnpt. N". H. Sprunt's store, a very h ndnome crohcet bed qailt made by a young lady- of this city who wishes it to be r-fll,cl f .r th benefit of St John's Church. The quilt is a perfect beanty and will prove a cum fort to the one who is lucky enough t( get it. ' Returnatg Good fur Lvll. Fraucen Outlaw, colort'd, had Fanny Brewingtn, colorwl, arreu'etl aud carried before a Magistrate upa peace war rant. But on the trial the plaintiff it the eve failed to Kubstantiate tbe charges made in the warrant, when the case wait dismissed at the prosecutor s costs. The defendant in the case then, in a truly Good Samaritan like spirit, to prevent her prosecutor from beiDg committed to jail paid the costs iu the case. Great Caesar! Yesterday two little white and the other colored, neither more than 13 or 14 years of age, became engaged in a fisticuff and the little darkey, at the in stance of some one, ran immediately to tbe law shop of J. C. Hill,. J . . P. and swore out a warrant for assault and bat tery and the little white boy was arrested. There were three witnesses examined and the white boy was adjudged guilty and fined $2, and the ccsts $4.74, making a total of cos's and fine $6.75. These figures, it seems to us,are steep for a fight between two little boys and if both fought why were not both fined er repri manded and turned loose? And how can an affray be transformed into a case oi assault and battery? The Debate Last Mgnt The debate between Messrs. G. H. Smith and M. H. Willard, of the Philo matheah . Literary Society, notice of which we have previously given, took place last evening in Munds Hall, on Third street. It was a very Interesting occasion and the attendance was large, select and appreciative. The, question for discussioB was the respective merits as a reformer of !Peter the Great of Russia and Henry VIII of England. Mr. Smith held the affirmative and Mr. Willard the nea tive view ef the question. It was. decided in favor of the negative, after a hand some and spirited debate. Rev. Dr. Wil son, Dr, Tnos.F. Wood and Mr. James Sprunt were the umpires and their decis ion was announced by Dr. Wilson. Next . Tuesday . evening there wiTl be an anniversary celebration by the Philo matheans and on that accasion the prize medal awarded last night to Mr. Willard, as well as an orator's medal contended fjr on a previous occasion, will be awarded. ' Guano in Baleteh. A city correspondent of the Raleigh Observer writes a humorous letter to that paper relative to the guano nuisance in that cityfand corcplains of the intolerat le and offensive smell arising therefrom and penetrating to the most populous portions of the place and calls upon the Board oi Aldermen to abate the nuisance. Hi quotes from the Rkview tbe proceedings ot the Wilmington authorities, whereby it is forbidden ta store aoy such article with in certain limits, ard humorously says of the one vote in opposition, that oast by Alderman Foster that "if he (Foster) would come up here and get some of ours "fostered and developed'' in his system he would go back aad change his vote. ' In continuation of the subject the corres pondent pays a handsome little compli ment to our people which we make no apology for copying here.. He s.-ys: It may be that theirs is not as "red hot" a ours, but, upon reflection, I gueas it muft be, for I heard a Wilmington man say to-day 'tbere were enough good breakfasts spoiled un one moisty morning to fatten evtry cur dog in New Hanover county Somehow or another, I.always did think well ot those Wilmington tulks . They den't know how to be other vise than clever, aid. the more I see of tlwm, the ruore I a3. reminded ef the eld aayib, ''there is a heap iu fellow's raising. ' Tnerraometrieal. From the United States Signal Ofhoe in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this ! morn ing at 6.56 o'clcrfc : r-f-Atianta. U ....... 1 MotUe, Ala.M..MM.&a aUg(Uta. ua.-. I "uuiumcrj fti...3u Cairo, ll.... I Maahville ChArleaton. B. ; .lew unean.... ..! CindnnatL.. .....53 Oorsicana, Tex W fort Gibson, I. T.44 OalTeston. IfirflimM-T .65 Xew York.M.28 PanuKassa, Ua94 Savannah, Oa.M.5& Shreveport. .60 St. Louis Ho.32 Jacksonville, FU64 St. Jtarks, Fla......00 anozvillew.. 48 I Yickstmrr.Miss.61 Lynckburr til I Waahinifton.3 3 tfesaphis4 Teas.. . 4 4 Wllmiaxtosw. came down tie Tbe ma.'ket in well supplied w it li wooO, but the pnees are stih hjgb. 1 -" ! , The fragrant yellow jeamice if now in all of the glory of full blconi in the wocda around the city. The washeJ pbcea on Market street between Fruut and Scof.d bt rests, were lilled up this The tiouiug r-w at. th" Kjtr Grounds on Friday evening irxt ts atieady claim ing much attention. . j The Little Giant Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, will celebrate their anniversary on Monday next by a paiade and engine practice. I Fires atd overcoa g were decidedly comfortable last night and this morning. This afternoon th?re is some sunshine and the atmoph?re has moderated con siderably. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ingdtovesat almost any price at Jac obi's Hardware Debot. j Notwithstanding the advance iu Cloth ing and Gen's' Furnishirg Goods, Subiek Bros, are selling beautiful suits from $10 to $12. The well known Diamond Shirt at $1 a piece. It will pay, all who have an idea' of buying a suit to call and examine the immense Spring stock they are now receiving. . f One More Dime Party. There will be a dime party at Mis. T ho?. Morrison's, on Front, between Chestnut and Mulberry streets, to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock, when lots of -goodies and a good time, too, can be had. There will be music without dancing to enliven the oc casion, and we feel satisfied in saying that from our knowledge of those who are to have charge of the arrangements, everything will be successfully , and hap pily carried ost. The proceeds of the party are to be donated, to Iho benefit of St. John's Church. To Leave Us. We have heretofore poken of the fsct that Mr. B. D. DeFprest, the very clever, gentleman who has had the management of the Bell Telephone Exchange in this city since it was first j established here, had been appointed to the position of Aa istant. Superintendent for tbe district South of this and that he would be succeeded here by his assistant in the office here, Mr. Dl J?. Ormej, Mr. DeForest will leave here on Saturday for Augusta, at which point his head quarters will be established. We trust that our friends 'down thar' will take good care of him. He is a a:ood, clever, geni il fellow and kpows all about the business. We trust that he will find it convenient to drop in on us occasionally, and in the meantime we will try and take good care of D..P. j Save your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. f ! LIU of Appointments tj . Bishop - At ktnson, for his Spring Visitation. Wilmington, Sunday before Easter, March 21 St. Mark's Church, Morning. St. John's Church, Evening. Rockfish, Good Frilay, March 26. St, Joseph's, Fayetteville, Easter Eve, March 27 St. John's, u Easter Day, r- March 28 Tarboro.First Sunday sStar Easter, April 4 Manboro, Tuesday, April 6. Snow Hill, Wednesday, April 7. St. John's,Pitt county, Friday, April 9. Greenville, becona Sunday after Easter, April 11 Trinity, Beaufort county, Tuesday, Apl 13 St. John's, Durham's Creek, Wednesday. April 14 Aurora, Friday, April 16. Washington, Third Sunday after Easter, j April 18 Zion, Bean fort county, Monday, April 11 Bath.'luesday, April 20. ! St James Church, Beaufort county, ' - Wednesday, April 2 Makehville, Hyde county, Friday.April 22 Swan Quarter, Saturday, ApiTr24. ! St. George, Hyde co., 4i.hSun. aft. EasW. Fairfield, Monday, April 26. 1 ' Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday, Avr. Newbeme, Fifth Sun., aft. Easter, i Beaufart, TnesdayviTay4. " I Kicston, Ascension Day, May 0. Holy Innocent, 1-enoir co , Friday, Mat 1 y ummpxon, ounaay aiu Ascension,ili.y St, James Churcb, Morning, St. Panl Church, EveniDg. Warrenton, Whit. Sunday, May 10. . Kidgeway, Monday, May 17. Henderson, Tuesday, May IS. Oxford, Thursday, May 20, Kittrell's, Saturday, May id2. Louisburg, '1 rinity Sunday, May Seed Rice. 1000 B?3H8-TK1XZ u ' SEED EICE. For sale by feblStf. Several timber rafts river this morning. ALfBED JIAHTIN. - j PLEASE NOTICE. , We willbejr'ad to receive eommunieatio'ci from our Mentt on aay and all aubJeets n teneral interest but : ' B,,0ecif " ' 1 I . ' The name or the wriLr moat alwave be for nuhed to the Editor, j , , CommnnicaUona n aat be written! on only one side of the. paper. . Personalitiei'innat be avoided. And It la eapecially ard pa.tTctlariy nnd r stood that the Editor doea no alwaya end ra the viewaof correspondent nnlew so t!fd la the editorial coin-ma. Aow Advertisements. Crochet Work. JEPSOXS IN CBOL'UET WOBK giyen by Mra, LODlE B. Dark03SLT, at herreai- deace oa.CLe-lnut street. bdtw;efi Third ard Fourth. ! Terma ; fl pr'mrn'h ; !k. lefaona e.c4' wees, ror iunher iulorrxMion aur' reaidence. mch m, &t The Gem Puzzle. rpHInp SUPPLY JUST liECElVED, n l Going Fast. At tbe J IV BOCK STORE. E aster Cards. A IMMENSE VARIETY. 11 ,A11 Nw.8tylea aad Very Beautiful. Call early and tuake vrur etlectiona at t,i BKtNSBKKGEU'rt, mch 10 39 and 41 Market at. A Left. Water Street. K. mch 9- Agricultural Ins, Co. of . . New York. ORGAXJZED IX is:;j. ASSETS lit JAX. igeO, $1,7,2M.7 LOSSES PAID OVER $3,000,000. . TNSURE3 W.OTHIXO.BUT Dwellings a'nd A. oontenta, and farm propertv, and.oflWs bmoial ihddckmkn ts for rigka of tht claas. l".urM Z1"1 damK9 by,r. (whether; fire ensuea or not) without eitrV charge. j j Agents wanted in every cou'aly in the 3 UU JNO. W. GORDON A BSO., i inch. 9 Oener al Ageuti, all & Villla in son, 1 in. n aiisjr- an. a e iX ! 1 j y prepared to do all kiada of work in their line. 8atiafaclion guaraotetd. and prices moderate. Our motto Is "Good w rk. pool ! i ' i ' material and email pro fita." A RK TV TCTVTr? Vi r nn RE IN THEIR CHASTEN McDoug t 1 1 - mch 8 pt Solved l j-OT THE "GEM" PUZZLE, BDTJffK Question aa to who keepa ii' " ; ' ' The Best Aaaortaject, The Finest Stock, 1 At the Lowaat Come and aee lor yourself. mch d l! nokMtorft: Oyd FOR CHAPPED KKINS, ?S. pFIS COBN SOLVENT,! Brci.', WwrtlaiM Balm, and a freah atock of Dr na and Midi clnea juat received. Pull and fresh aaort -ment of GARDEN SEiiDS. I have no laat year'a Seed. Prescriptions accurately compounded. I ! K. C. MILLER. n J! Oraer 4th gNua Streets.1 eb l-tr Vegetable and Fruit i I -" - 4 ' j , ' ! . - - . ; ! Crates and Co wr. -' ' i. " ' Sash, Doors, Elind3 l LL KIND3 OF BaiLDlXQ Materia', Seasoned Flwrinr, WeatLer-P oar liner. Ac.. 4c. Metal and Walnut flhaw Pr. f ALTAFFET, TRICi; CO. FicTaav ; , Foot of Walzutat. neb 8 -i : ' Omen. Natt, near Red. Crcrs L Winberrv j Oysters- TuEx ABE GOOD now. Anotker loftil- meni just received this moriDr. ifa coM Bough tow for hot Whukey aad fat Oysters. Free Luxch every day at 11 o'clock. i t KMM -t ... JOHN CAilROLL. Dissolution. ITtHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exlatfr A LYON8. m MachiaUts. in this ciry,!; ti day di-aolved by mutual consent, The debt of the concero wl'l bepsid by 8. W. RBnei? v8W; SKIN!?EB. 1. B, LYUJBfB, ' feb 25. I. .... . - 1 in f ; -V;