The Daily Ecviot7 JOSH. T. JUtES. Editor & Prop. WILMf HWTOIf . If. WKDN K8D AY MAh.CE 10, IS30. EXTXUKD AT THE PoeTOFFICK AT WiiiuraToN. N. CL. as 8bxxti"C&as8 Matte a. TIEv AND RVW . -The taxpayers ef Connecticut will be required to par $30,000 as therost of the Hay den trial. It may interest American dancers to learn that the "Liverpool .larch" and the Boston dip' are no longer the fashion, hating been replaced bj the 'Brighton grip' and the 'Southsea caddie.'. In the opinion of the Philadelphia Timet the Senatorial record of Senator Bayard is the mct blameless of anj Bemecrat now in public life, and bii pri- , rate character is equelly stainless The Spanish ' Government is about to construct a line of railway which will open theininine districts-of the Asturiii. If Spain can only get ten years quiet even her bondholders may begin to bare hop The question of the creation of an inter national postage stamp is now bMtie px- nuiiued iu France and Belgium. Be&iC Jts; other advantages, it would be vry serviceable for the transmission of small sums. A senior, after vainly. trying to explain nme scientific theory to his fair inamora ta; said: Yhe question is diffcalt, and I don't' see what I can do to make it- Clearer!' 'Suppose yon pop it?' whisper ed the blush iug damsel A lecturer was explaining to a little i girl howa lobs' er cast bis shell when be naa outgrown it. oaia ne, wnai ao you do when you have outgrown your clothes? You cast them aside, do you not ?' 'Oh no, replied the little one, we let out th tuks.' Could conjugal aflection be mere strict . ly displayed than it is in the subjoined? And ao, doctor, you think my wife will gat, well?' "I am aure of it, if you can parauade her to take this dose.' 'Doctor tike it she shall, if I have to break every bone in her body.' All the baronetcies in Eugland have -been created since the, reign of James I., who established the order, and only about 800 of those which are itili uamerged in peerages were created before the reign of George III. The unmerged creations ef George III. number 805; of George IV 39; of William IV. 49; of Queen Vic. tris, 172. In the reign of Loo is XIV. France had a nonnlatfnri of 10 000 0(10. Rntrlund r i 1 1 m 000 000 and Germany 19.000,000. In 1781 France had 26,000.000, England 12,000,000, and Germany 28,000,000. Under Napoleon I Franco had 29, 000. 000 and England 19,000,000. A writer In the Hcpubuque tfrancaue sees great dinger to Fraucein these figares. A veiled figure entered a siek woman's ro)ua at Grand Rapids, handed her pniai, ana saia mystcneasiy: mat is A I m . . me doss meaicme ake it it win cnre you.' Notwithstanding the slang, the I.J L i i v sjuiau icgaiucu iu viatirur mm aufreruat nrnal, and took the prescribed dose; bat it proved to be poison, and her life was barely saved. The poisoner has not been discovered. Two men from Maine recently made a search in a cemetery near D wight, III., for a trcasnrebox said to have beei buried there seven years ago by a Swed ish adventurer. After a four hoars' search the box was found buried at the foot of a certain grave, and under a tree. which had marks and figares cut deep in the bark. The box contained the will ef one Edward Frtese, deeds of t property . near Brooklyn thought to be worth $8,- 000, and nearly $2,000 in money and jewelry. Eight men were passing on foot through a narrow, deep canon in Nevada, whan they saw an immense bank of aiow detach itself from the precipitous aide and slide rapidly down toward them Turee of them escaped injury by ruining, t wo took refage behind stumps, and were subsequently resaoed alive, and three were killed by burial under tons of mow. The depth of the snow is uncommonly great on the Pacific coast this season, and many lives have beea I oet In avalanches. . A 'Tobacco Dealers' Protective Associs tion, composed of persons engaged in the sale of tobacco in New York, was formed in that city on Wednesday evening, the object being to secure uniform and rexna nerative retail prices for all goods sold by tobacconists. A communication was read fromE Wilkins A Co., of Baltimore, in dosing a check for $50, to "be turned into the treasury, and another . from Goodwin L Co., offering to contribute $5,000 if nine other firms will do the same, to establish opposition stores by the side of such as refuse to adopt the pries list of the organ ization, In which stores all goods shall be eold below v' cost. -The " ttaocUUon start with SOOmeinbers. - .. POLITICAL. STRAWS. As is usual vbra a Presidential cam paign is approaching it h is ou w become almost a daily occurrence, tvhere there areja number ef ptron gathered together, to take the "sense of the meeting, ' by balloting for favorites in the presidential race. We have been not a little surprjs ed at the result of a ballot recently taken by the students of the law school at Har jrard University. The reauls was as foi lows: Bayard, 41; Sherman, 14; Hayes, 7; Grant, 6 j B aine, 6; EvarU, 6; Tildeo, 2; Adams, 1; anti-Grant, 6; scatierriog, 17; total, 105. A few days later a bal.ot box was placed in the reading room f r the reception of the votes of all the col Iegians who might desire to express their sentiments in that way, and the figure etood thus: Bayard, 233; Grant, 146, Sherman, 139; Blaine, 76; Washburne, 28; Hayes, ;22; Elmunds. 20; Garfiald, lAiTildsn, 17; Evarts, 9; Tburman, 6; Adams, 6; Curtis, 4; Bristow, 2; Qnaao berlain, 2;' Butier, 2; Hoar, 2; anti Grant, 6; scattering, 24; total, 760. Ttfese facts were published in the Har vard Daily EcliO. and a writer in that journal, referring to the vote of the Law School, said: i ' 1 believe that a canvass of Mr. Bay ard a supporters would be to and to show, net that they are of being fash -ionable, but that they are are mostly man of Republican antecedents or proclivities who from ike prominence of Graut mod Blaioe as Republican candidates, leel ibt the party i d ifting back to ihe oorrup tion from which it was partly rescued in 1876, and accordingly are reedy to sap port the best auu the I Democracy ( cin put forwaid. Mr. Bayard is the Gand date, not of the Bourb ja Dmocry. I ut of the liid peudeuts; of the tnm who arw 'seeking far the be;;' who turued the scale in 1876 and who. will do so iu 1880 .fnee men may be mistaken iu tueir opinion of Mr. Bayard ai.d other prorui nent politicians, but at till eveuta. they are boneetjjthey do not wWu tQ JV'llow n e fashion but to set it.' The Bwston Journal cr'uidod tbo college vote very severely, and bestowed upon the oollegiaDS the epithet of Ab sard Young Men,' to which ( reply was made through the columoa of the $oho, in which the writer, after inforuiiog th Journal that the Republican majority in the last election in Massachusetts w i ouly about ; 3.000,' and that 'the Repub lican machine of today is oiled by fraud and run by.Coukling, Cameron and Robe son,' concluded as follows: When be finds in the pure and lofty press of Boston any intimation toat it is the 'correct! thing' to fovor an honest Ra- publican whp bs a chance . of receiving countenance at the hands of a coareulion composed of uniostructed gentleman, his vote will not be cast for Mr. Bayard. But until his conscience is satistied by seeing a pure Republican given a show in the scramble new in progress, he will probably hold to one be respects and belovss for a long life of unblemished statesmanship. When the great conven tion shall have spoken, and the 'absurd men of to-day find' that neither selection is worthy of their vote, they will look for a third hearing of public sentiment and a third candidate for whom it shall be the 'correct thing' to rote.' The Crimson of February 26th thus remarked upon the ease: - ' lbs result of the rote last week for President was a surprise to no one. lne previous cboiee of the Law School and the private discussion of the merit - of the several' candidates mentioned in connection with the nomi nation iudicated tbat Senator Bayard was the favorite of the university. But thi does not mean that the Demoorats in the university outnumbered the Republicans, for other reasons prove this not to be the ease. The: real meaning of the vote is that intelligent and conscientious men will not allow party filiation to rule their better judgment and force them to sup port an unfit or corrupt candidate. How much influence this warning will have wih the leaders in both the great parties we are anaoie tosay, oat we lew that it will be rery little; The university, bow ever, in declaring for an honest and com petent man to direct the affairs of the nation, has performed its duty . The vote. though not as large as it might have been. speaks well for the . interest taken in politics by undergrad nates, while the success of the canvass was owing in a great measure to the efforts of the Chair man of the committee. marrisgee. The most superficial tudenti of social economy must admit thjjt some thing is worng in a system or a condition of things which presents such se'stulti ficetloo. The great and immediate cause of It here is undoubtedly the voIoup home education i f both sex s and.'ihe lev ity with which they are taught td regard the marriage relation. The ean.ity of the latter has to a grtat extent been worn away by the incesant atjlion of iiur nervous an i hurrying life, wch de mauds relief in variety and nwvatij rathei ihan in the more scdite pleauree, ut the quiet fireside of the old-tashionedJAngio-daxon aoaie ' Even the proprietorship S( this world it. its true sense seems te passiog away frooi the Eagluh apea&ut. race pgetfaer with the nciut. vereratu n of tbs child toward his parent Tht Ff encb, language is barren of s name for that soeial holy of holies, aie really in these particulars be't-r o3 than we are, since their children of Uth afcxes know what it is to obey and idol a ti c mother, bringing incenae to her thnus a? a devotee tea patron saint. I ! : ' T General Grant seems to be invested with surjernatural attributes, eavs the I j i New York World, and to ts,jsort of Deu ex mnchina, as it were. Here is se rational a being as Senator Carpenter proposing to make bim President for tie purpose of preventing Congress frcm pacing a bill tor the relief of an officer whom a military commission bajldeelan d to have been unjustly treated byja court- martial 1 Iliscollaiicoizs. NATURES OWN REMEDY A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOaiMR&KIDNEYS. I i ' ' i ii ii m II I I II il l I it ii n m m rm:, i i i - ii. j, ii r n LJ K 11 I I I I II 11 ioyjM I li t u s I "Bsssawesw h 1 CURATINE, . For Blood Diseases. CURATINE, For Lirejr Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Disease. CURATINE, For Rheumatism. CURATINE, For Scrofula Diseases. CURATINE, Pimple, etc. Tor TryrtpeUa, BlotekM, A medicinal cam' pound of known vajae combining in one prep aration the curative power-lor the evils which produce all dis eases of the lilol, the I Aver, the Jiiftueym. Harmless in action and thoroneh In its effect. It Is unexcelled for the cure of all Blood Dm. eie such as &rof itfa, Tutttorm. Boila, Tetter. Bait JXAei m Mtheumat torn. Jfer- also Constipation nentlon.Sourmton- aH, Retention, of Urine, etc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THE BKGWH CHDCCAL CO. BALTIMORE, Md. MAB&IAGB AW D D1TORCE. " -1 Some rerj curious statistics hare been eolleeted about marriage and divorce in the State of Hat sackusstts, says the New York Herald, and illustrate a tendency of modern society which a large number of moralists persist' In regarding as dan gerous, notsrithsiandieg the arguments presented on the ether side by those whe ehoceeto regard themieltes as particular' ly liberal minded. It appears that in the ancient Commonwealth referred to the number of legal separations of husbands and wires has increased more than two foil in the coarse of nineteen years, al though the number of marriages in each year has remained nearly the same. In 1860 the ratio of di forces to marriages was as i is to oi, tn i860, as 1 is so 39 2; in 1870. aa 1 is to 88.8; in 1875, as 1 is to -S3 6; and in 187S, as 1 is te 21 i Out of 259.061 marriages which took place during this period 7 288 ended in divorce and the average' ratio ef 'di vorce to mariiage was as 1 is to 8&.8r It is stated that in 'Vermont. Rhode Island and Connecticut the proportion u even more startling. In the second 8tate mea llcned tha ratio being 1 divorce to 10 tWUlSUiflE While we remember th" suffering poor of Ireland, ie it not be f? gottt n that thousand of American retmerj have to fasten their euependrs with shingle nails. ?. 4 L )i Abge os Sunday ficlh)oi boy ha diioorerrtd the Uiuuniufff the woid fcJiaU.' fq in the Bilie. He told the teacher t.ias ii ra f prjud at tae end of vers A.d caaptra, and that it stood for ' Whoa, Einrng' ( A tramp entered a al on infhe eap- itai of Bude Hk;.u and heicqd hir. self liberally to Igooh. L 1111410 aek ed the bar keeper to loan k m ' Cjuar tr, remark ng that he had soma where that Providence hlps tboae who help themselves, fl.e wae -jrlped out ino the eiteek. Fr -m the ear window be looked To see ( The landscape rushing by; li came along, be picked it up, 1 He caught it with his eye. Wrathfolly jerking in his hrtad, ! To dig for the stinging cinder We dare not print tha words he said When his bat hew out the winder. This is ihe speech with which an Irish beggar rewarded the .Empress Hi z bth for a ooin; 'I will pray the IioYd every day I rise . out, of my bed that He'may preserve to your ladyship's honor your lovely hed of hair, and that the light of ueave'n may always shine, as now, out of yoar ladyship s oftye.' Jk crimson rosebud into beauty breaking; t A band outstretched to pluck it ere it !. .11; - !.- ! :. - ' An hour of triumph, and a sad forsaking; And then a withered ruse Uaf that i all. ' :!... , ? Chambers' Journal. For sale by J. O. MDNDd, Lruggiai third street, opposite City Hall, nov 14-sodaw. SOS mm B. Aveawtab remedy in II Diabete. H Urinary H II BFFor the II tier's SSaJto Bmm-FoT the diseases, call and LdTer le preparation and the only rare the world for Bright' Diaeane. nl ALL Kiftney. Lirer and Iiaesca. JSTestimonlals of the highest order I n proof statements. cure of Dlabete. call for War- JMabetea Core. cure of BrJffht'a and the other for Warner's Safe Kidney Core. eSWarner's Safe Reme dies are sold by . Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. EEWABM&CO., Iroprietor8, Boehester, N.Y. 8fSend for Pamphlet and Testimonials. an 1-codj BOOK AGENTS ! ,1 drew. It will pr you A . OORTcN A Co 8 d 7th 8 1., Fhiiadelphia, Pa.. inch S aw OllifeO 3torlt(;ver and riMsAlllO $14 to $255. OfiGANc 13 Stop3, 3 set R!eds, 2 Kroe S 3rlls,Sqool. Bouk, unly $98. tt" Holiilav Newspaper Free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Wasb igton, N. J. ' rvoh 3 aneiect too) ct on the summer kitch 1 a solemn cater An A boot-jack' raised, - waul: A moment 8 silence, and a quick depart ure: 1 And then, a wasted bo tjack that its jr. MoU's Endorsement of Spaer's Port Grape Wine. The following from the celebrated Dr Mott Qi Hew York, speaks wonders for Mr. S peer's efforts to raise the? Oporto Urape m islew Jersey: f 62 MADISOK AffENUE, New Tobk, April ll 1878. Mb. Autbed tirBKB. DearSir ; The visit which I made last year- to vour Vineyards, wine-presses at d faults at Passaic, N. J.( satisfied me thoroughly that tha winee manufactured hw you are pure and unadulterated, and f the verj best that can be ofiered to the Bubiio fbi medicinal uses. j Aoting upon my fa vorabls impressions at the time, I have since recomrhdaded the Port. Wine more particular in my practice, and am satisfied, with marked benefit, to my patients. 1 j There can be no better proof to the doubting mind, as to the Wine being made oi the finest Oporto Grape, than a visit to the acres of land covered with the tine bearing the luxuriant fruit.; Wishing you success in your praiseworthy enter - remain reepectfully yours, 1 V ALEX B. MOTT. M.D., Prok of Surisery, Bellerue Hosn, Med'l College, Ao-, Sec I For sale by J. G Munds. Green & F anner. P. L. Bridsers & Co. AGENTS READ .THIS. Wq want an Agent in this Clu.nty u whom we will pay a salary of, $100 pei month ad to seli our wondeifu invention. Sample fiee. Address at one SH2CBMAN & CO., Marshall, Michigan. mcb 3 ON 30 DAYS TRIAL. We will sand oar Electro Vol taio Belt and other Electric Appliance-! upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the I4er or Kidneys, and many other dis ease. A sure Cure guaranteed or no pay Address. VOLATIC atiht'QQ MarshalJ, Kieh. mcb 3 $10,000 INSURANCE For 351CU- ON LIFE & PROPERTY. $10 OOD Win be paid t- any person who can ' xplodi a LtXUT fitted with our 8 PErY; ATTACHMENT. Mailed free for 3S cents. Four ' lfrl. j Agents Wanted. I Male or Female. . 8 Nkwth's Pafstv Lamp , : Co., ' BinjrhatnDton. N. T. Salesroom, 13 West Broad way, N. Y. mob 3 -4w A&rents Wanted rpo INTRODUCE in every County in the THE HISTOtt OF TME BIBLE. The bast 'work to sell that has ever been publiseed. Hplsndid premium to ere v tu!- -1 -o i ; - - - onoor. xur circuian ana le'uU &pplj at onoe o Thb Hum Bill Pcbli?hih8 Co . i 41, 43 and 45 8hetucket st , Norwich, Ct. men i Miscallanooas SEASON'S OA PC I SO A Pi I H I I ' ' I ' ' ''II i- , L&8TPbs 1 BACK ACriE 13 AT ONCE CURED BY BENSON'- CAPCINE PORUS Over 2000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that Phy,,- they are in every way Superi'r to the ordinary 'slow actirj ft P K ters usea ior ini8 piurpuoo. j. nich 8 4w SEABUKl & J nxou, x-narmaceatici Chemists. yi WILCOX, GIBBS & CO'S M a mi i puOalted mano ' ' :o; . ' ! ! i " ' Best Fertilizer ilflade ! The Best is the Cheapest ! Sold on Favorable Term 1 1 - w Payable in Cottot, T 1 1 CSUJ TT 1 T A...:Li ! T I TTMi '-" - . juumueiiwu, divjv iieei, j-otuiiiiuuif, xjaurei mil, and intftrm..! jan '16-tf . ! . j ' Hea dquar tera for ol. I E!lHE0lYS j ! r I ' ' ' useful, pretty and cheap fa all that is good,1 Holiday Trade, at Market Street. Have the pleasure of again annouriciner to the nnhliV 4 we have an unusual and attractive Stock and are prepared to offer customers) one of the Grandest and Cheapest stookn nfi l Prices ranging in Suitsfrom $3.00 upwards! A beautiful and grand assortment in GENT'S FTJmXTXSHUXTG GOODS I Which we guarantee cannot be equaled in this city. A'fine lint J ' latest sfvlftn in . ' 1 . -j lEEats, OCaps, Bootssj andShocsl i fn all qualities and prices, imported direct from the Manufactory whicn we guarantee to be of superior Equality., We also have one of the choicest and largest stocks of Two and Tim! jriy ana Brussels Uarpets, Kugs, Malting and Oil Cloths at astonishing low prices. Please examine. dee 1g . .. j ; ' . ml j Shrewdness and Ability. Hop Bitters, so freely advertised in al the papers, secular and religions, are bar- ing a large eale, and are supplanting all ther medicines. There is no denviop the virtues of the Hop plant,' and the proprietors of (base Biters have shown great sbrevdnesa ad ability in com pounding a Bitters, whose virtue a rp go palpable to every' one's observf tion. Ex change. ; Tree success results from true merit. Sail's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewi is placed before the public; resting' solelv on iuown merits. 1 Its success ta alreadv indrpatahle." ; : . - . - For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE 8 A FE, Mosler, Bahoiann h Co., mannfaetorers combination lock, weight 1,500 lbs. For sale cheap. Applj at ach S THf8 OFFIPE. Ice9 Ice Ice. QH OR ABOUT THE 14th of April, I shad be prepared to far b a a No. I quality of Ice at low figar s to tfcV citizens ot V ii a iagtoa mud ask a ahara of their patrocur B. H J. AHRENrf, mel 1-Im Propnetor. (0W Hat Store. JECKlSD TEHTESaAV BT NfcW YO K TtAMER A If OTHER LwT OF TEiO-lK 8TTLISH SOFT AMD STIFF HATS CHEAP. Gail aad examine. ' JOHH JL KOBllfBOIf, II FroAtit., South oTParosU Hoase NO MORE OR GOUT ACUTEORCHnONJO A AILDCVCLflCaS - sure cnnr - iTU -w.. . was mm m - . Manufactured under the abova Trade Mark, bv the EUROPEAN SALIOYHC MEDICINE CO., of F.rit nd Leiosi?. Immediate Rslief W rranted. Pern anent Cure Guarantee. Nr-w exclusivelv nad bv all celebrated Physician of Europe f and ameriea. The bKftaeet Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures out of 100 eaaea within three days. Becret The only di&so'ver of the poison ous Uric Acid which ex'sta'in .the Blood of Hbeumatic and Oootv Patient. CUBED. CURED CURKD. H 8 Pewey, Fpq , 201 Broadwav. Inflam matory Rheum a' im. J Leavev, Esq, 4S6 astington Market. Chronic Rheumatism, i Mrs E T' woe. 63 Kart Ninth street, rehalkv formations in. the Joints ), Chronic Bheuma- tiam. ; A M Praarer. 74 Newark avenue. Joru City, Chronio Rheumatism.- John F Chamberlain. Vta Waihinirtaii Club, Washington D C. Khbumatic Gout. -Wo K Arnold: E q, 12 Weyboesat street, P.ovidnce, R I, oi twenty years' Chronic John B Turs crate. 1G0 Sanrhfl straAt. Ran Francisco, Neuralsia and Hciatica. For Malarialjnlermitlent and Clvronic Fevers, Chills, or Aaue. . SALIC YLICA IS A CEB I'AIN CORE, Superseding entitelv the use of Fulpbate of Quinine, as it will not only cut tha fevers, but will achieve a RADICAL CUKE, with out any of the inconveniences and trnnhi arising from QUININE. DA I L Y DUE! P. L. Bridffers & Co 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Faal S A WILMINGTON, N. a P.MW.unetaalljr , averv BsoisiBawmfl kM..Leave mj orders fo.MWM-l B .utter; Meal, Homioj... 0 A....aages, Malt, tfeef, rJaart l.M...Bnamon, Hpices, Cit sa,.R L......ibles of all kinds, tilstK G....,.oodli fa all shapes. ver.Y K.V.'venir be'qre I KobpeirsrO Rfffejlenishstook if ibormT S,,enaiaf boms all 1 oaf sttw w A ud Goods fo. ....1 CMaM.M.ub or city accepUne. 0....rder or draft at tea Sl aTbox, s;x box s for $5. Seat free by Mail on receipt ot iut.nev, ASK YOUR DRuif6l8T FOR IT. but take no imitation or subttiiute. r our Hahcylic (coDyrirhted) is jroaranteed tn re lieve, of mtney refunded, and will be deliv ered free on receipt of orders by c.llujr on or addresiBff 6 Washburne & Co., 212 Broadway, cor. Falton et. (Kaoi Build , - ing), N. Y. febM-lTdiw. Lower than Ever. IAROE 8TQ0K OF OAK, APH? Ac. a frreatly redueed prions. FuJ stocc of the beat COAL in tbe eitr very low indeed, ' 26 J. A. 8PB1NQKR. Why Not Go yHERE YOU CAN GET THE BFST Liquor, Oysters, Wines, Ci- .rs, euS The New Restaurant ami S4oon orjened wn r wwti . i. th Custom Houae Ally, ba the best oi eTerjthi:ig i very reasonable prices. New, and private, is the Office Saloon. . wir.r. urwoT BH0L0 THE BUSY BEfS! - AT .' ' P. I. Bndgera & W t0, 22, 2, 25 aad 78 Frost Btrrf, Wiimiogloii, f. t Bacon, Sides, Shoulders and StHpi, Barrels of Crackers. , Baskets in cBdleas vaHety, i Bay Bum in naat tottiM. I Beans, Peas and VegeUbles terflr, Batter, and not Oletva: fariat or U' Beer, A!, Porter, all kinds, Berries of an sort 'or pies mud ptrj Be roio. another name for WLik f. Biacoits inaumerable and splendid, ..-.I J Blacking, which makes your soles m? and your uuderatandiag wa s' Bcioffpa Sausages, , I Bpttles of alf shlpes, i'i-s and exarj P'lt - mMMvj mg oesi quauues. Breakfast Htrips, Brushes in Immense quantity.! Buckwheat Flour, fresh and aiev . All cheap for cash by P. L. BRIDGERS M, M, J4, 29 and 28 froat Strtvtr TTilminrton. V. 0. nch 1 . ; . . La;dies, EmporiBDif limSES KABBElt A Vcuu have just received novelties la Bair 'NoBpaxielMSeollops, "Homsady-Wj. "Ulgnon" Ckquet, Pffs; Braidi aaii Inviaible net, alL shades . J vasennet A xavoriU new romv i ays on hand. mJ wa my ob nana. - l Braids. Puffs and Carl, mads frea Yr. iaffi and Cut Hair. Hair Jewslry oraer. vrravrv ior Bumpinr ana wbk u 'OmDtlv mtlmmAA A nice aasrtmt j LadW lsdsvr A freshsupplv of CUtfrenV Ptt re! and Waterproof duiu, sises 2 to lh f 'ant sUc, Skirts and Robes. Ordtrs Uken for Bridal Wardxsbsj. - Frent 8 WsV JUsalAfton, Ju Ian If vi i. tmch? Proprietor.