THIS PA FEB If puollstaed every afternoon, 8uadays ex teptodCV , ; jo an. t. james, KDITO JfO PBOPKUETOK. tOB8CBlPTK)IT8. POSTAGE PAID. On, year,S& 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three moathJ, II 15 ; One month, 50 Qent. me paper delivered by carriers, r of charge, ia any part of the city, at the iterates, or 13 cents per week. 'AdTertisinjr rates low and liberal Subscribers will please report any aid IV 'aitore to receive their papers reirularly.' Uew Advertisements. fiOWN & RODDICK. 5 & 10 Cent Store. (N. K. CORNER OF MARKET-AND 8ifiCOD STB'ETS.) yyE TAKE TBifl OPPORTUNITY of thanking the general public for their very lib oral patroaage in the above branch of our bu tiness and desire to state that at no time since oar first opening have we ever carried each to uiortmeBi as Atpient. Havis antici pated tfi recent grea advance in such goods, we are bow lolly p pared to offer the largest and Cheapest assortment everjib wn in this section at anj time We can with truthfulness assert that out stock is more than doable the sixe of any other of this kind nath of Baltimore It is k very easy matter to call in and verify the ihnTK itatMITIAbt. J ' w"e would also ad i that w have of late adrfod several new departments to toe dot, kih mm mt&ll at higher d rice s. consisting of maay useful articles In Housekeeping, Ac, such as we hare a demand for, and in future it will be our endeavor to keeD adding any mil TnrTthinff we can bur useful and below va'oe. Our intention is to make this THE Store of the flo th for j Bargains of all Kinds. The following is a vry imperfect list bat our space will aomit oi bo more. Japanese Ware, G es W a-e. Tin Ware, tJcusors, Vrereh Dressing, Blacking, . lnk, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faucets, Trays, , -Trumpets, Toiletl So? Forks. Childrens' Elates, Pe' fernery, Jewelry, C mbs. Pop Guns, Door Bumpers, " Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon 8queez3rs, Wa lets. Brashes, Bracelets, Table and Tea Spoons , Beads, Warble, Stove Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, Hoalee, : Needle and Pins, Hhovels, Hammers, Pocket books, Balls, Padlocks, Chisels, 8crew Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Pins, Hponjjes, Jumping Ropes, tfete Paper and En-Toilet bets, Vases. Yefctber Dusters, Doll Carriages, feasor Straps, Brooms, ; Baskets, Baskets, Velocipedes, . Carts, Wagons, Wash Boards, Clocks. , Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton, Hamburg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies 4 Qents Bdk'fs,8pool Flax, Linen Table Hawkins, Ladies Hose, Liaen Table Doilies, Childrens Hose, Kuching, Qents Stcks, CoUaretts, Gents Shirts, Ac, Jtct &c, ice, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWH & E0DDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, X. E, Corner of Market and Second Streets.' febll CLYDE'S 1, : ' AND ... i Wilmington, W. C. Steamship Line. THE STEAMER BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, mu.; SAIL FROM 5KW WTOUK til s t SATURDAY. March 13. Clippers can rely upon the prompt Kiev York fHIaff of Steamers as advertised. -C For Freight Eagagemeats apply t j TUOS. E. DOrfD, Bup't, " , i - Wilmingtosi, N. C. , TBCO. O. EG KB, Freight Agent. -m. V ' -i y "few York. , cm. p. cltdk a ca, : . M Broadway. 5ew Fork. Seed Rice. jJQQ BD8HKL3 PRIME -V I'..- skkd bice. ' s " For salt by ' fsbMtf ; - ALFRED MASTUf. r H VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Opiei Bocss Prof. i. M. If acellister. PHautssaaaia The Gem Puzzle, Yates .Solved ! Window Glass all sizes at lufl'er t Price's. Brig lirozidian, Berg, for th't portj sailed fiom Rotterdam on the 8:h iusr. Easter Sunday, which falls on the 28th lost., will close the Leo ten season of tbia Schooner Helen J. Holway, Thompson for this port, sailtd from Boston on the 8th inst. ' ! There were quite a number of white cranes In the river opposite the city this morning Ready mixed Paints, strictly j. ure White Lead, dors, , Brushes. Window Glass, fcc., at Jacobi's. 'Pin a 4( was bad . enough without this new miserv of trvioz to Din 14 be- r W M. tween 13 and 15 Ger. baraue s.manda. Schulfz, from . -x Rotterdam for this port, sailed from Hel bert on the 8th inst. , I These .are, now two persons confined - r - 1 - In the county jail charged with capital crimes, one with arson, the other burglary. Barque James E. Ward, Atkinson, hence for Pensacola, before reported ashore on the Bahamas, has been gotten off. and towed into Nassau, N. P. 1 Spirits" turpentine is on a big boom this week. It sold to-day at 49 cents, having vterted out on Monday last at 43$ Schooner JEmtVy H. Natflor, Fisher, hence, for Boston, arrived at Datch Island Harbor on ' the 7th iost, and proceeded on ber passage the same day. , . r i The rain today may do some good In washing out the huckster's garbage boxes and -barrels which have ornamented tae street corners -for so long a time. K The New Market will be illuminated to morrow night and formally opened on Saturday morning. At the grand illumi nation there will be a band of music, etc. We've got a rifle, and we are going to get a howitzer, then let some demon eome at us with hia 14, 13. 15. We will work in the interest of the coroner. e - The " barque Stanhope, Williamson, hence, for Hamburg, arrived at Dover, February 25th, with;damage to bulwarks and deck houses through being struck by a heavy sea in the Atlantic, "" 7 We learn that a large number of rafts of naval stores and timber are on the way down here from the Black river. Big. and Little Coharies and other streams tribu tary to the Cape Fear, from Sampsou county. " Messrs, A v and . fcHMKR received this day another ne lot ot Spring and Sum mer suits for Men, Youths and Boys wear. All of i their ClothingNwM manufactured In J anuaryi consequently customers will gat the advantage of the advance in goods. Call early and. select your choice. f No wonder the people have confidence, when the best physicians are prescribing Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup in all cases of Coughs, Colds etc , 1 : ' At the City Hall. Mike Peden, the little vagrant darkey, well known in police circles, was arrested last night asleep on a door step and taken to the guard house where he now reposes. Phillis Moore, the craay colored woman who has. frequently been sent out beyond the city limits and as Irequently made her reappearance inside of the corporate limits again, was yesterday arrested for being noisy and disorderly. She will probably be sent back to the Insane De partment at the Poor House from which she has but recently been diseaarged. . Magistrate's Conrti Fanny Jackson, colored, was arraigned before E H. McQoigg, J. P., upon the charge of assault and battery In two cases The defendant was found guilty and, com mitted to' Jail in default of payment of $9.40 costs. '" ' . The little darkey spoken of in yecter day's Review, who had an affra with a little white boy, nd then ran to the 'law shop of J. C; Hill, a colored J. wa to-day arraigned before a talagistrate and fined one penny and the costs . The white cor was arraigned at the same time hnt discharged. ! . - v : -i- . .Daily i - - . i . ! WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH UniaftllabUa. The following mnmailable postal raat ter remains in the Post Office In this city: Mary A McArn, Georgetown, S C. Calld SUrliag, Richmond, N C; W H Merrick, Warren Co, N C; Katie Willi. Ward's Mill, N C. j Thsj Cap: Fear. When, the North State left Fayette ville, Wednesday morning, the river had risen about 22 feet; and it was still rising at the rate ot about eighteen inches or two feet per hour, promising to bo one of the greatest freshets for the past four years. Plows, Shovels,7 Pitohtoiks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacob i's. Fifty seven and a Half. There are forty nsiles of telephone wire .strung through this city, about fifteen miles of telegraph and gold ex change wires, and about two and one-half miles of signal service wire, making a total of fifty-seven and a half miles of w he in all. We Don't Like It. We notice some of our exchanges are insisting upon farmers raising chufas to fatten hogs on. It may be a eheap food but it ruins the meat.. Mock of the pork brought to this market this season has been chufa fed and consequently was very, dark and of a bruised look. Alaso or Fire. The fira alarm for the Third Fire Dis trict was sounded last night about eight o'clock aid the department turned out promptly but could not find the fire Near the corner of Market and Seventh streets one of the hose reel .horses fell down and was thought to have injured himself, but upon examination it was as cer timed there were ne injuries. The animal got up and trotted back to the Eu gine House. i Everybody can get salted with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot 1 Astroaonitcal Mars is the evening star, and holds the place of honor during March; for he plays an .important part in a beautiful celestial phenomenon that occurs in the early evening of St Patriok's Day. An occul tation of Mars by the moon will 'then take place under conditions favorable for i i 1 observation, should that threatened snow storm fail to occur. The occnltation commences about 6:80 e e lock, an 1 the planet will be about an hour past the ! meridian and at an altitude above the horizon that will insure a good view. while the moon will be within a day of her first quarter. Don't. Don't speak angrily to a child. Don't kick' a dog when he is asleep. Don't go back on the friends of your parents Don't otten visit your neighbors at meal time. Don't neglect a cough thinking it will cure itself. (Thousands die of con sumption by so doing ) Don't forget Dr Fierce s Golden Medical Discovery, for it cures a cough or cold ii one half the time required by any other medicine, and it the only medicine known that pveitively cures consumption ia Its early stages. Sold by druggists. us ) Death or an Old Citizen. A telegram was received by Mr. Martin Newman this morning announcing the death of Mr. Hammon Sampson, in New York. Mr. Sampson was well known in this city and universally liked by all who knew him. A year or so ago he sold out his! interest in the dry goods business in this city, now run by his brother, Mr. J. Sampson, and went North to recuperate his health. Yesterday he was taken with a stroke of paralysis and died this morns ingl His remains . will be interred in Greenwood Cemetery, New York, in the family burying ground. Daring life he was an honorary member of the Hook & Ladder Company, of this city. An Active PaDIDhing House. Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, have just ?ublished the following new books ; I'be ittle Countess,' by Octave Feuillet. Nana, and L Assommoir,' by Emile Zo la, i The American L' Assommoir a Par ody on Zola's L'Ass mmoir 'How She Won Him ; or, the Bride of Chsnnin? Valley.' 'Major Jones' Courtship,' with 21 illustrations. Angele's Fortune, by Ardre TheurieL Dcsia,' bj Henry Gre. ville, and 4Hyde Park Sketches,' all in uniform $tyle with theii" editions of 'Hen ry Grev.llfc'j' popular work. 1 heafl bo ,ka ae Very entertainin? and are mlin with the sncctss tbey deserve. Booksellers ra requested to eend in their orders, ana all Bunk Buyers 1 Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa. Review. Board or Aldermen. There was a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen held this afternoon at 4$ o cIock to hesr the feport of the com mittee appointed to roport on the New Market Hooae building. The proceedings are too late for this afternoon's issue. Prette, c haagr! Professor McAllister will open his engagement in this city on Monday even ing and promises to perform some won derful tricks. We have no doubt that he will fulfill his proiuiees here as he has done ia other places. The paper apeak well of ilia performances and further states that his gifts are substantial and at advertised. Reserved seats will be put on sale at tleinsberger's to-morrow morn it.g. Persoual. We were pleased to meet to day with our young friend, Mr. John D. Sprunt, formerly of this place, but now a citizen of Brunswick, Georgia, where, we are happy to learn, cur friend is carrying-on i a successful commission business. Mr. Sprunt is en routt he tells us, to Europe, and proposes taking steamer at New York for the other side early next week. We wish hint bon voyage and a safe return. Put In at Smlthtllle. Schooner Oenl Patterson, While, from Baltimore for Port Antonio, Jamaica put into Smithville yesterday for a har bor where two of her seamen deserted. Capt. White came up to the city and, with the assistance of bis consignees, Messrs. Harriss & Howell, procured other seamen and supplies and goes down on steamer Elizabeth to-morrow to proceed on his Toy age. Capt. White is an old acquaintance here having traded to this port a quarter of a century ago. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altai-fee, Price A Co's. , . The Canal Meeting, i In acco dance with previous announce meat, the stockholders ef the Duplin Cm nal Company met at Magnolia yesterday for the purpose of t rganization. The meeting was organized by making Mr. Joseph Oarr, of Duplin, Chairman, and Mr. J, T. Bland, of Pender, Secre tary. JLai. W. L Yeung, who was present, made a statement relative to the cxpena incurred by himself and Mr. B. H. Jones, cf Raleigh, ia forwarding the enterprise to its present, condition. The meeting then voted to donate thirty shares te each of the above named gentlemen as a compen sation for all past services. This was ac cepted by Maj. Young, for himself aad in behalf of Mr. Jones, for whom he was empowered to act, and the charter of the Company was .then surrendered to the stockholders. The meeting then proceeded to vote in an election cf officers for the company for the ensuing year, with the following result: For President, Mr. B. G. Worth, of New Hanover; Treasurer, Mr. J. H. Boat wright, of New Hanover; Secretary, Col lector and Paymaster, Mr. David Far rior, of Duplin; Superin tea dent. Maj. W. L. Young, of New Hanover, and a Board of Directors consisting of Messrs. B. G. Worth, W. Calder and R. H. McKoy, New Hanover; W. T. Bannerman, o Pender: W. L. Miller and 8. H Trimble; of Duplin. The proceedings were all harmonious throughout; every one present seemed awake to the importance of the enter prise, and all worked with a will to ac complish the desirable result You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats lngatoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The rmomet neat. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this mom iog at 6:56 o clerk : Atlanta, Hobile,;Ala CS Augusta. &... Oalro, 111....M........ al Charleston, 8. C..60 Cincinnati... M 33 Montgomery AIa...65 ashville .....51 New Orleans.M.MM.S8 .Yen York... .26 Punta Haas a, t laOQ Savaaaah, Ga..... J 8hreveport.M.M.m. M St. Louis Mo.M..M3-J St. Marks, Flsu..00 Vicksburg, Mias ,18 Washingtoa........3& WUminglna.. 64 Corsieaaa, Tex......E5 Fort Gibson, I. T OJ Galveston........M.MQ9 Indianola Jacksonvillt, Fla.M68 EnoxviUeu...M...& Lynchburg. 44 aixphis, Tenn..M i The pe- p'e have been so much im nosed uikm4 by wnrthlesj Blood Purihers, that we arc &id to be ab c to recommend a preparation hich can be depended on at contatniug la valuable medicinal vir toea, and ia worthy of the public confi dence AYEBo 8ARSAPABILLA cures, when anything caa core, the diseases thai require an alterative mtdidnc. 1 1, 1880. NO. 25 ! Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sasb, and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&3 lxw -est prices at Jacobi's. To the Rescue. The good people in the neighborhood of Shoe Heel have come fo-ward very nobly to the rescue of the suffering people io Ireland. Rev. Roger Martin writes to Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son sending the handsome sum of $64 73 to be applied to this purpose. We publish herewith Mr. Martin's letter as it CArrie ith it its own explanation: Shoe Hkel N. C March 10th, 1880. Dear Sjk: Enclosed please find dralt for sixty-four 73-100 dollar, the amount of two collections for the benefit of the Irish Sufferers. One in Centre Presbyterian Church, February 29th, $27 23; one in Shoe Heel Presbyterian Church, February 22 $37.- o. xotai $64.73. Please give this mouev its Droner direc tion and acknowledge rrceipt of same as above, designating tb Churches.and their respective amounts. It u proper to add, these sums were contributed by the com munity generally as well as the Churches and the credit is due to the good people. Very respectfully yours. IiOGER MABTIN. Lilt or Ai piuntmeals by Bishop At ktnson, for his Spring Visitation. WilmingtoD, Sunday before Eastpr, March 21 St Mark's Church, Morning. St. John's Church, Evening " Rockfisb. Good Friday, March -26. St. Joseph's, Fayetteville, Easter Eve, Cf i u March 27 SL John's, Easter Day, TaTboro,First Sunday after Easter, April! Mariboro, Tuesday, April 6. Snow Hill, Wednesday, April 7. St. John's,Pitt county, Friday, April 9. Greenville, Second Sunday after Easter, . . ' ' - April 11 Trinity, Beaufort county, Tuesday, Apl 13 St, Jehh's, Durham's Creek, Wednesday, . 1 April 14 Aurora, Friday, April 16. , ' Washington, Thlid Sunday after Easter, J Anfl 1ft Zion. Beaufort county, Monday, April 1J I St James' Church, Beaufort county, wu, .,, , Wednesday, April 21 Makehville, Hyde couu v. Fridav.Anrn'oa Swan Quarter, Saturday, April4. St. George, Hyde CO., 4th Sun; aft. Easter, . .... April 25 aiiutuu, aiuuuay, vpni V.X5, vanceboro, Craven count v. Fridav. Ani Newberne, Fifth Sud. aft. Easter, May 2 ucauwn, xucsuay, may 4. Kinston, Ascension Dav. Mav 6. Holy Innocents, Lenoir co-, Friday, May 7 n luuiuvou, ounaay ait. Ascension,May 9 St. James Church, Morning, r 8t. Paul's Church. Evening Warrenton, Whit, Sundav. Mav l fi. . Ridgeway, Monday, May 17. Henderson, Tuesday, May 18. Oxford, Thursday, May 20, Kittrell's, Saturday, Mav 22. Louisburg, Trinity Sunday, May 23. DIED. PADni80N-In Memphis. Tenn.. on Feb ruary J2d EDWARD W. PADDI80N, aged J8 jears. He was a native of Virginia, but for the past 15 years a resident of Memphis. New Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. 6 NIGHTS AMD SATURDAY MATI NEE AT 2 P. M. Commencing Monday, Karch 15th. The Great and Only Prof J, EL Elacailister In his Wonderful Eastern Illusiona. a Elegant aad costly Presents Given 100 100 away at every performance tr!f?!CAdtrilion Adml"i0o ith prcs- eat of (2) Envelopes (0 cents. Gallery witb l preseui oi Envelope 26 cents. A dollar ticket entitles the holder to admission to any pt rt of the house aad will be press a ted with envelopes. , Reserved Setts for sale at Heiniberger'j, without extra charge. meh 11-th -sat Solved i JOT THE C EM" PUZZLE, BUT .THE Qaestioa as to who keeps The Scat Assortment, The Finest Stock, At the Lowest Prices. Come aad sec lor yourself. meh 8 Book Ht-; Cydomin FOB CHAPPED 8EUT8. etc PKI '8 COR SOLYEJH', Brown's Wooded Bala, aad a fresh stock ofDr.M .. JzZ: ctoec just received. Fall and freeh assort ascat of GARDESf 8EEDR. r "T. year's Seeds. Picscriptioas accvatcly eompA.B4d. . . O. MILLEB. Ooraer 4tii aai an tr'.t OsUvJaad aixhL. PLEASE SOTICE." We will ber' ad to rw-!-'t,:..-.t - - wMuiuuivsiuugi - w The name of the writer mast alwsys bo far-' ftlahed to the Editor. fSOommBnlcattons itmst be written . o o0; one side of the.paper. PoraonsJi ties" must be aYoided. And it is especially atd pa.t!ealarij dor stood that the Editor po J9 Mrt , the viws;0f correepoadeots. naleas so tt,d in the editorial cola" ns. New A d vortisemonts. Crochet Work. JEPSONS IN CKOCBET TOKK giren by sirs. LOUL4E B. DalToSSET; at beVresi-' dance on Chestnut street between Third atd Fourth. .5r,D';5 Permnlh; ixc; le.sor.s tfcc . weeK. ror tun her information apPM re"dence- V cJ Mi The Gem Puzzle. ' I ililRD SUPPLY JCST A t . KEOE1YED, and Going P ast. At the J 1VKB0CK STOKE. Easter Cards. A N IMMENRE YARIETT. V n3"i ... ,A11 yIn wi Very Beautiful. w; au waae your seJections at flKlNHBKB(TKK'8, 39 and 41 Market st. mch 10 A Left, N. Water Strt. mch 9- Agricultural Ins. Co, cf New York. ORGAN ZED IN 1833. ASSETS 1st JAN. 1SS0, $1,167,287.13. LOSSES PAID OVER $3,000,000. TN8URE3 NOTHIVO BUr Dwellings -and J- oontents, and farm property, and ofl'rs sraoiiL inducements for risks of thst class. 'B'Kre8 againflt damfT9 by Lljrhtnibg. (whether fire ensues or not) with, ut extra cnare. Agents wanWd in every county ia the BUt3 JSO. W. GOKDON A BRO., I Geceial Agents. mch 9 Boatwright & McKoy Offjr this wee Fesh Arrivils 50,000 Lbs C It Dry Salt Sid -a, . ' 100 Packages Butter, f . ' , ' ' '. '.V . 250 Bags Coff, , 50 Boxes Candl s, 100 Boxej Candy, V 50 Boxes Cheese, , . 300 Pack tges Cracker3, ' ,: 500 do Cmned Ccoi5, 700 Bbls 1 lot.r, .50 BbLvTiii.1: 'iU.uAuy, 100 'Gross Pu,. . v 100 Tierces and ';i: ., 200 BoxesTLauudry Sosp, 200 Bbls MoIatseV Oid ai'd Xow Crop Cola, 100 BUs Supar, 200 Bcxts l y 100 'ioxs htarch. Vt.,. ux V a Dou't forget that we zzn supulv 5 1 u with LIQUORS, either at V.holcsali r . .. ' - . - .. n ReUU, LOWER than any H uae lo lLe 'I Asalnwe say, come rtrd see tts. 3- , &.. ui hff, St wamm jmoy. Ct 7 nrth rroaLD;rct. mch 8 TS&J mmmi CHASTE Ice, Icei Ice;;i Q OB ABOUT , THE ifii, of ApriLl I shall b) prepared to farrlsh a No. f qalft of I eo at low figures to th Htlxens W Wil sriBftoaaad ask a share of their patrooar. v ; H. II, J. AllBJkNrt, . DvyilB) Proprktor. V