- THIS Pa PKB. . -JOSH. - T. Jl MESi """"" KOIToVaND eBOl'KIKTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. ,)m year, $5 00 Hix months, $2 50 ; Thr months, $1 26 ; One month, 50 cento. ' Pbe paper will be delivered by carriera, re f charge, in any part of the city, at the rtw, or U cast! per W9t Advertising ratee Jo and liberal ; -JiHob8cribr vrii t please report any and '! 'aiiorea.to receive iheir papers regularly. New Advertise merits. 5 & 10 Cent Store. E. (JORNKK ''OF MARKET AND w K TAKE 111,8 OPi'OiiTUN.TY of thankin th general public for thir very lib era! ptroi.age in ioe, - . aiuttM n uefiT tate that at no ti.ue since our flratteii have w ever carried inch an assortment as at present. Haying antici pated tb" recent gra advance in such gooda, ren:tr fnlly prepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest 1 assortment e'erehi wa in this section at any irr - : . U ('..Ilaqq u-aorf ilk at . oar etocw is more th-tn double the size of ay other ot tbis kind mth :f Baltimore It is a very easy matter t call ia and ver fy the hnTi at A. t 'me tit. We would aleo ad 1 that we have or late added several new departments to the above, which we retail at higher prices, cor.8ieting of many cat-fat hrtiO;es in Housekeeping, Ac, sacu M we have a demand for, and ia iuture it will be our endeavor to keeD adding anv nod everything we can buy useful a&d be low ya.'ue. Our intntin is to make this THE Htore of the So th for . j , Baraiiw of all Kinds. The flluwiag ia a v-ry imperfect list btt our space will admit of no more. ; Jipneie Wire, O ta ary. Tin Ware, Hciwaors, Fre. ch Dressing, Blacking, Itik, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, - Faucet, Trays, Trumpets, Toiletl So"', . Foi kr. Childrens Slates, Perfamery", Jewelry, - CJ rubs, Po Guns, Door Bampers, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Hquef zera, Wa lets, Brushes, Bracelets,; j Table and Tea Spoons , Bsads, Marbles, H to ye Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, Hcalaa, Needle and l'ins, hhovela, " Hammers, t Pocket lioj, Ball, Padlocks, Chisels; ircrew Drivers, Mirrors, -Clothes Pins, Hponges, Jumping Ropes, Note Paper and Kn-ToUet rets, velnpes, Vasea, Feather Dusters, Doll Carriages, aeor Straps, Brooms, J Buckets, Baketn, Velociptdts, Cans, Wagobs, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edging, Spool Cotton,: Hamburg Iosertiocs, Hpool Hjlk, Ladies & Genu Hdk'fs,Spool Flax, Linen Table Napkins, Ladies Hose, i Linen Tab.e Doilies, Caildrens Hose, Kuchiog, Genti Scks, ; Coliaretw, Gents Shirts, j &e, &c, &c, &c, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & E0DDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. E. Corner of Market and Second" Streets, febll CLYDE'jS Mew Yo irk -AND Wilmington, Ni.C. Steamship Line. THE STEAMER. BENEFACTOR, JAPT. JONES, WILL BALL TOM NEW YOKK March 13. - Bblppera ean rely pon the promj t MiliniC ot Steamara as advertised. S; For Fraigbt ngagemnta apply to THOS, E. BOND, Sup't, WHminton, N. THEO. G. EGEa, Freight Agent. ew York. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 36 Broadway, New York. men a Seed Rice. 1000 BU83KLS PBIMK , . SEED BICE. For sale by Ub S6 tf ALFRED . """' ' ' i 3EEE VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P HsiBBBBRSia The Gem Pusi'a, Yarss. Bolved 1 . Yictlow Glasa -ali sizes at lufier & I'rice's. - - . t Ryeby any other jaame wou'idn t smel as wheat. : ; The pale of civilizuioa is -now kuown as pearl powder. There are one hundrea different Ways of cooking onioijs. Very large embroidered collars are worn by children. , . i : A vast deal f pore has been la1 ft by the present mild winter. A man witnout enemies is like bread without yeatt he never rises.. Steamship Requlod6,t hence, arrived at New York on the 10th inst. TT Ger. barque Madura,, Schulte, hence, for Trieste passed Tarifa Feb. 18th. 1 All candidates who are in.the hands of their friends should remain there. . - A fashion writer says it, is not proper to wearglpves at roller skating rinks. A young mau is apt to think the time are hard wheii sbe'eannot get a soft place. . Why hb.Q.uld a lady's home dress last forever? Because fihe never wears it out. r Barqje Maria Lamb, Walker, henca, for Glasgow, put into Holyhead Feb.27th.. You can buy No. 1 Cobki ng and Heats ing s'oves at almost any price at Jacobi s Hardware Depot. , Schooner Lavinid F. Warren, 'John son, hence, -.was- at Pernambuco on the 9th inst. 1 , l: ' , Going from bad to. worse, groaned the topper who was kicked from the barroom into the gutter. The difference beiween an unbrella and a wom&n is, that you can sometimes shut a : uinl ra la up. Schooner Emily U. Naylor, "Fisher, hence, for Boston, arrived at Vineyard Haven on the 9th inst. It is estimated that one person out of every eighty -seven is made seasick by the motion of a rocking chair. r Schoouer Addie Snow; Thorndike, front Rockland,' Me., for this port, arrived at Booth bay, Me. on the, 8th inst. . : 1 : ' Capt. R: P. Paddison.who, has been re siding at Pc int Caswell for a number of years past, has moved to this city. ". .. ' p : . , The small boy who , reached up the chimney for another Christmas present said he fuuad something there that sooted him. . Schooner Etta M. Barter, Barter, from Phippsburg, Me., for thla port, arrived a Wifcuset, Me., cn the 3d and sailed on the 8th inst. ; - ' v A merchant down' town sells more of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup thap all other medicines together. It surely must be the best remedy for a Cough. Many a woman dusts billiard chalk cS her husband's coat and a big tear stands in her eyes as she thinks how late he woikfc at night at h'u dek oy the whitewashed wall. : , : Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizs, at Altaffeu, Price fc Co's. The trotting race which was to have taken place "on the trck , at the Fair Grounds this afternoon has been indefi- ! :- ' nitely postponed. The bets have been withdrawn. An article describing the hottest place on earth 'is going the rounds of the'news papers. The1 small boy suffering from the application of his mother slipper kuos wlire it is; r Travel is very heavy over the roads running iu and out of this city. A great maL-y perons are bound South and we learn thit the hotels in Jacksonville, Fia., are full to overflowing. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, . also. Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardw are Depot. ; ; Mfssrs, A. and t. bHWKK received this dly aiiOther fine lot pt Spring au4 Sum mer s iita for MSn, YoutLs iad loys wear. Ali of their Clothing - was manufactured in January, consequently customers will get the advantage of the advance in goods. Call early and select your choice. f DAILY JLI-iailBBM"lBMi Mill WILMINGTON, N. G., CITI COUBT. Interesting Proceedings A Band of Thieves and Highway Bobbers Caught In a Trap. Edward Baucam, alias Charlea Davis, and J. Green, alias John Merrick, were the first names called by the Clerk of th City Court this morning harge; Forci ble trespass upon the premises of the to Jbacco factory, located on Chestnut, near the corner of Seventh street, last night about the hour ef 10 o'clock. Tbos. Pur year, colored, the first witness called, W6 tifibd in effect1 that on returning to tnib city from a trip to South Carolina some days ago, he with another colored mau who was bis companion, met the two per sons at the bar on the road, and from them received a proposition to organize themselves into a band of thieves, or highwaymen, for the purpose of foraging on all whom they encountered up on the i highway in their travel that either from fear or a desire not to incur any tromblt, they yielded passive assent to the proposition, and that soon the four encountered a tramp, whom Green, alias Merrick, proposed to kill and i rob, but that he, Puryear, and his com panion, whose nam6 was Tbally succeed ed in persuading Merrick and his com panion from their cold blooded intent, on the ground that the' tramp only had three handkerchiefs and they wer'nt worth killing a man for; that upon arriving in this city he and his companion were continually beset by Merrick and his companion to make a raid or commit some depredation upon some one's prop erty for the purpose of plunder; that finally he informed upon them, wher. a jl trap was arranged to catch them entering the Tobacco Factory last night. Wot Thally, colored, the next witness, corroborated what Puryear had said, only he stated that his home was in Virginia and that he worked at the Factory. Constable Carr, who ia employed as a private detective for the city, was next called to the stand, and testified ia substance, that the two witnesses who had preceded him had informed against the two prisoners at the bar, theirdesigns, evil intent, and so forth, to rob, and that i he arranged the plan .with Puryear and Thally, by which they were all to break into the Tooacco Factory last night. The witness then . detailed the arrangement, which was about as follows : A certain window on the street was 1? ft unfastened, and the two men, Puryear and Thally, were to lead those other men, Davis and Merrick, there f jr the purp an of entering the factory lo rob nd steal; Iu the mean time he ('.he witless) with Mr, Meadows the superintendent j aud omoers Woebse, Gordon and Moore, of the police force, remained iu the office of the factory ready to watch and pounce on the thieves as . i soon as they effected an entrance. About 10 o'cock he heard them enter rnd sent , i the policemen around to prevent their es jcape from the window, while he went in and secured th? pfiscmprs, bj hand cuffiug th?m. ' j Officer Woebse testified that last night he was with Constable Carr and Officers i ' Gordon an i Moore in the office of the -t . ' tobacco factory waiting and matching, when a few minutes before 10 o'clock he i beard a Iqw signal whistle and a voice - I " i- which "hollered all right;' that wi'h Officers Gordon and Moore he then raa around to the window after the parties had gone iu, that Thally, one of the col- ored witnesses, who was left outside ; by the thieves to watch tor the oolica. came up to them and tuid them to look out for the big' one, mean ng Merrick, for he had two razors about bim. Officer Woebse then got in at the wiudow and Gons.r(able Carr, who bad already gone in, put had cuffs on the ssaallcit prisoner, and was looking around for Merrick, when he (Woebse) finally discovered him stowed away under a bench. He was told to come cut, which he did when tbe' hWd- caff3 Wore pat upoo-hiiii also,' an J both prisoner taken to the Guard Houif, ! Officer Gordon, being calied to tba stand, corroboratsd oSi;er Woeb?'s tet;- mony, and sdded (bayt he earthed tba prisoners, after they reached - the guard room and found on tbe larger of the two prisoners, two razor, one ol which w is concealed in bis bjot-leg, between his drawers, and the other in his bieaat pock, et. The smaller of the twey the witness stated, had no weapons of any kind bi it him. Mr, Meadows, aperiuteJdeai oi the factory, was theu cailed to the stand and testified to the good character of tue two witnesses, Tnoi Puryear and Wm Toally, Mr. Meadows stated that these llflEW. FRIDAY, MARCH two men came here . with bim from his county and that their character for truth and honesty good.- This closed the casa and the Mayor bound the "defen dants each over to tbe next term of the Criminal Court in tbe sum of $250 bond hu1 j. Green, alias John Merrick, in the additional sum of -$50 -for carrying con cea'ed Weapoos, in default of which thtj were botb committed to jail. James Baker, colored.one of the twin?; was next calied up, charged with assault and battery in Kiiav Fink's ialon tn the hart iu the iwighborho 'd of Paddys BoU'iw last , T.iht. 'Th Mayor found jiiiltjnieut ofS5 line ur . ten days in the U 'P. bwt tbje iefendant pleaded hard with Hits H nor, telling hirn that "this is Jim Baker "not Isaac, ' (Isaac is. the other twiu.) The Mayor finally relented arid let Jim off with the costs. Tucker Townseud, a small coired lad, was arraigned for disorderly conduct, but released and told to go and siu no more. This exhausted tbe docket and l be Court adjourned.! ' In the examination of witnesses con- I j - cerniog the breaking in at the tobacco factory there was no -one to make a cross examination, sj a Heview reporter bad to interview a few of the police officers afterwards in order to glean a few addi tional facts, which are as follows. Cap tain Brock, Chief of Police, told us that Mr. Meadows came to him night before last with the information which the colored witnesses, Thos. Puryear and Wm. Thally, had given him, Meadows, in regard to the prisoners Davis and Merrick and their designs and desires to plunder, rob and so forth, telling him further that they were afraid to refuse these men for fear of their lives. Captain Brock then sent for Constable Carr and when he arrived the plan for the trap of the thieves at the tobacco factory was hatched out. : In conversation witfi Officer Gordon af ter the trial he told us that as soon as the thieves entered the window and he and Officers Moore and Woebse had stationed themselves outside of the window, that Constable Qajr turned on bis dark lan tern from the office, which revealed th thieves to the policemen, when, seeing they were discovered, the rasoals made tor the opea window to get out again, but they found the muzzle of two large navy repeaters in the hands of Officers Woebt t and Gordon poking right in their faces; discovering this the detected thieves ex claimed, 'ali right boss, all right boss, just please don't shoot, don't shoot!" while thoir knees quaked ahd rattled to gether like a telegraph instrument. Plows, Shovels, Pitchtorks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacob.i's. Tit Gem Puzzle. A mathematician In Baltimore has dis covered that the puzzle can be solved in fourteen moves, from the famous 13, 15, 14 position. The moves are as follows: Move 4 down, sliding 8 and 12 with it; next slide 1, 2 and 3 to the right; 13 up and 12 to the left; 3 down and 1 to the right; 14 up and 8 to the "left; 2 down and 5 to the right; 13 up and 11 to the left; 6 down, 9 to the right, and 15 P " "; ' - V : The box is held upright not turned This mode, however, is of do value in the prize solution, as the numbers will, when it iscorapleter run up and down, begin oing on the right, and not across. The New York Wol$ rhapsodizes thusly, anent the puazle; Little blocks shall all remind us , What blockheads are yours and mine When we depart and leave behind u Still unsolved tbe final line, - TheVproblew that pthpa another l) Dky iil with might and main rivit tk-A t ii and oweaf and bother. Try t'o k'tin out right again. ' Let us, then, be up ar.ddou? ' Wrsrftilt? t ow tQ twre with f ite, Cesue i he ban ton gem pursuin. Tnruw the tiumed thing in the grate. Wiudow Glass of all size, Doors, Sasl, and Blinds, Builders' Hardwares Low est prices at Jacobi's. personal. Wo were to receive a vis t.toyday from hhJ friend of other days, Mr. Geo. W. Git es. formerly of this city, tutn jw, aud fr yea-s pa&t, Jta!erwMechanic ef the"W5ieru S.Q.R. K Shops in 5a lis bury, a "poaiiion which those : who .'know have told ua hxt he fills most faitkfully and acceptably. , 12, 1880. NO. 27 Home Talent. In additiou to the rendition of Mrs. Jarley'a Wax Figures", which will be pre sented on -Tuesday, the 30;h inst, we understand that there will be tableaux and char&dfK and that thf Q-wtette Club have corisen'ei to Rinjr. ' C os ii-1 Stone. The Mount Zon Church, whicli was consumed by fire al-out a month ago, is being rebuilt aud the corner, stone will be laid next ToursJay. W understand that the lodges of the Graud United Order of Odd Fellows, col .rid, have been invited to conduct the ceremony. Bra ly mixed Paints, si He. ly ure White Lead, O 1 ?rs, J Jrusli.- s, Wi ul., v ii lass, So., at J A i I's. The iKiicr. The total rise in the (Jape Fear by tbe recent freshet is between 25 aud 80 feet. The water was about at a standstill at Fayetteville yesterday moining, with ' a barely perceptible decline. It is proba ble, however, that if the rains of yester day and last night exter.ded into the in. tertor, there will be mors water yet. A not her tbHi't. 1 John Green, alia. John Merrick, color1 ed, one of the robbers caught in the to bacco factory last niht, was arrested hrf sonie t'aree years ao upou tbe charge ef robbing,-Mr. Jos. -T. Foy, of Topsail Sound, of a lot .of turkeys, but succeeded afterwards iu making his es cape,. The case still stands against hi on the docket of the Criminal Court Only a Joke. Som3 wag started a report this mdrn- ing that the Mayor had ordered one hundred men to assemble at the "Old Forty Legs" at 12 o'clock to night and tear the old disgrace down . Some of the opposition butchers and cooking women took it all at heart and registered a ven gence against the Mayor and the one hundred men and swore, : with cleavers and fryiDgpans brandished, aloft, that they would defend their rights and tbe old Market House, daggers 1 1 ! Save your money aud buy your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in special session yesterday afternoon at the City Hill, to consider the report of the Com mittee on tbe New Market. All1 the members of tbe Board were present. The Mayor stated that he had called the Board together to hear the report of the special committee to inspect the New Market building and report to the Board as to whether the same had been com p'e'.ed according to. plan and contract. Alderman YonGlahn, chairman of the committee, stated to the Board that he re quested the Mayor and the balance of the Board of Aldermen to uuite with the com ntittee appointed to view the New Market, and that the whole Board, with the excep tion)f Alderman Bowden, met and viewed the Market and decided to report in favor of receiving it; that &s far as the comuut tee were able to judge, the New Market building was constructed in accordance with the plans submitted to the Board and as per contract. , Alderman King offered following' orV dinance: Ordered, That the: committee, ap pointed far that purpose having reported in favor of receivinjf the' New Market, etc, it ia hereby ordered by the Board of Aldermen that the report of tbe committee be received, and said committee be dis charged from the further consideration of the matter; the New Market' binding be received as the performance of that much of the contract by the Wilraingtoc Market Company; that notice be given all persons occupying or doing business l. the old4 market, to vacate ' the 'oM market by. tbe evening of Friday, 'i tb 12th inst, as the New Market; will ; b. , ready for occupation on .Saturday? jnttu , j i ini; and that the consider atioo' of tf ' ; balance of the contract be deferred n I til tbe AVilmiogkm Market cComftir sballibava cosapieted the other, mitt A ; in accordance witd their aaid , cou and that the said New Market Cr a be rea aired to tav the mohthW 'v.t . tax which. accordiBnto-cftntrar . I . -! aoie to tne city imt tne :praseot -fcui-h. . ..Adopted, .' ' t ; . :ti i , & .Alderman Foster desired sto be rocded as toting in the negative, with tb ri ht . . . , , " . J J to enter his protest oa the n inut s Adjourned: 5f '"' " v-.-'; ; Tbe people nave bean so tart U im posed upon by worthies Bloed Juxm that we are glad to be able to recomtr; .fnd a preparation which can be depetidd . aa containing Invaluable medicinal . toes, and ia worthy of the publui c dance A YER'S S ABdAPABILL A ca . when any thing can core, ihediseatee ibat require an alterative medicine.- ' E HllT'sd to reCcIre ceniBiuakath.nl IS!r!?ir"?kB-m aJI.'irtWta. o general interest but: -' ne nae of th writv mVst alw-"n b ftr nlahed to the Editor CeamaaieatioM a tt be written ome aid of ths.pper. rerscmalitief'tttut I? avoided ' ; I And it is eapeciallj s&'l r tood that the Editor de t4t f s, i. r the views of corresj ocserta, oriew bo t ud in the editorial cola ' n. JWhf ) . . .i ' III 'Lil 'i.,.i!'l'- j uan ior aoout twv ve,u-s.a.J 'pi.k . au .ena uihi, in u iijcai-nttr ,the .first time tee the irid,. i'cz . Opramir ur the WaS. -TheNeW Mirk'et'wiii l;:rfi ltfd at 8 o'clock tbs'eveuir a': f r -. especially the lad if r rrtjlffl ; :, e and possibly a little -H:tfi ,a ' In this conneeti :m ' -w 4 u. t the Mayor has rdrH 'tthn c;of tt market to make the butcLi rs and ottt r.s va.cate- the old rnarktft, ar.d that tb butchers have agrtal to display I t heir ""wuuic urn i llltf KVC Vli to morrow. . Those of our citizeas'hvl o wish an extra tine piece of bef f fdr i bo; r Sunday's dinner should step in th new markst, as we are told, that the,. U-st beet sold in this city iu a loug tiue av;11 be oh sale in the moruirg. The ohn Dawson. 1 . The ncV steamer John rJu:oli kit her wharf at the foot of . Chestnut" stmt this afternoon, at 4. CO o'clock, oh a trial trip. T A party of gentlemen wh we: invited afsemtleJ on board aud tie hand some little steamer glided gracefully down the river as far as the jetticsf and on the return passed the city going up tho Northwest branch. She worked beau tf fully and reflects credit upon her builders. xne uonn jjaicsm vaa built at Toin Caswell under the direction of krowrrm Capts. R. P. Paddison aud David bher man. Her engine and machinery we:o made In this city at the Works 'of IVIis?rs. Hart, Bailey A: Co. She is T'J fett' long, 1G feet wide and has a five -'foot- hohl. She has two 12 x CG inch cyJulcrd ;.n.l is . provided with cuLihs, etc- Being intended only for a dav b.-.;t has no berths. ' She wrll befjut, ou' tl.o line from this city to Toipt CiswL Long live ther John Dawson! ' Fire at L.uuriiibut We are sorry to learn that the? pro?; r ous little town of Laurinbuf b,: leea .afflicted with another fire. The -aVu-iu was given about 2 o'clock hit rflDrnin and the fire was Wahi-; ir,an,,o McKay fc Bros'. carriage and blacksoiitL shops. This was rapidly destroyed and the flames then . communicated . with a dwelling house owne-l by -Mr Ffatk Fountaia and occupied by Mr. l Jc-ih, an engineer on the C O. ii. W.f whicli was also destroyed. There was no othcr loas. The only insurance . that wo ca-i hear pt is 8325 on .the dwelling houff, with Messrs Jno. W. Gordon' Bro., iu the Liverpool, London and Globe We could not ascertain thj amotiBt of the loss. The fire ia gnnnop.vl liw an.,, t . i t J "viu. 1 have been incepdiaryand by othffs 'o btve originated fr--u t!.n f in ' tb i blacksmith ehv. ii i Mossrs B. F. W ic ieil A-oi osV an okl,au.i favorit t.' '.r,r4 rornh:;. Now A c v ' ? i rr. 1 1 r i Crochet yUmk r .Bssofrs'iir (riiociiET g;v n oy airs. JLUUiafi iJ.Ua'iOST, at betnai dence on CheiUattreet, aitwaaaJThird atd PonrthJ ':)! 'r tt94 ibimatac4 '"Veratil peftion'hTtwt Tefsinieach' week:. or further ?tu;otmb.iia 'kppiv at reaidence. - i : r.;-jncn.o The Cm-awrOW?i .4 3f IMIIKNHE.VIBIETV.J .t X Ail New tjlel and . Very Betutifa!. Otll early and tnilbftit saiwefidij?? 4'.w mch 10 jf t j . , ; . i;ri(a ci taj wlw.. . LO4& &IAJLQ i O V iwK : Ji,tAAiMXL TKaWftE 4 tfOTBlSG BfJ &Dwaitar at d e .ntenu, aud iariri-proj-rtja.aua,. ifracfit'innPi'tif' ..v. : Jrerwsj aaraiaattf setter' hv .1 JMtn tYT for riils cT iBh c1m4. AKeaU wanted in TerroDuttriaUa8t tQ

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