.,!" . 1 - ' h (ii1hH AH'- Ptl'lCKIHIIiK. j !.. T'' x W ' ml 4C . I-- ,w.n, (f) MCtk. a,ontfc, wiic-"". . paper will redelivered uy earner-, .h.. j-e. in anv part of the eitvj, at the V " . I '..r. or 12 cen-s VvT Sabfcriberi will plea report any and 'vlure tA rcive i"heir papers regularly. j'eV Advertisements 5& 1) Cent Stjre, . if 'iHiVli.it OF MARKET I AND i - - - rst.V, VI) ST11KKT."?.) rK T.KE lH,'-' OPPORTUNITY of W .'. ....vi;.f.ir th iir rerv lib ? - ... -.r- rht at to time Bince Br um ,r,at. HT1? AVntlCl- ded tb-ie aJvaneei-i acO gooas, . ...ii. .. .m'J off-r the n uuruotai w . largest and Cheapest -"ii..n.nt"Trb wo iu this flection at any U:J We ran with truttf 'jhesi a-sert thut inci a more thtn doob j t ie sue of any ttbrf ti.in kind -oath of Baltimore It is f.fx.ttfmewt. ! . . a ..mi . w itanirrmpnrR in r fir buuto. L..h rtaii at biirher prices cn- anting cjefdi artie.fs in HoaeK , iC Ac , lttC3 m we have a detntad foryn.tt i mtr I it will, r our, endeavor to ue -) l- ' snd e?er-thing we can ouy usetui a u d-i.iw ? ae. Oor intention is to make this llifc Store -f the fto- th for . Uiirsalhil of all Kinds. Tb foUowinc " -rj imperfect Met bar our 'P'Cv win Buiuit v - JapiBcse Ware, li f s nv a"), Tin Ware. Childreas' rtlates, Perfiimery, Jewelry, Combs, Kref.cb. Ureuln, Hl&ckin?, lDkf Oil Canfl, Mcbine Oil, Faace'8, Trtys, t Truinoeti,. -Toiletl 8o-, Fop Guns, lloor Bumpers, . Cork tkrew8, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon tr'q.-'Z.'r'', Valet5, Brushes. Bracelets, Forki, Table and Tea Spoons, Bsads, Balls, Ptove Polish, Piltols, i Can Openers, Healas, Neadlei and Pins, Padlocks, Chisels, ferew Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Pin9, Hponjr.es, Jumping Ropes, Hhoveli, Hammers, Pocket book?, Jv'ote Paper and En-Totlet Pew, valopes, Vases, Feather Dusteis, Velocipedes, Doll Carriages, Carts, ' Razor Straps, Wafross, Brooms,; Wash Boards, Buckets, Clocks. Baskets, Hamburg Edging, Spool Cotton Hamburg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies & GenU Hdk'fi,Spool Flax, Linen Table Napkins,Ladies Hose, Liaen Table Doilies, Caildrens Hose, Kuchiog, Gents Socks, Collarem, Gents Shirts, i i &ct fcc, &c, &c, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK- J - I U CXXIU y woau uivii y. K, Corner of Market and 8eond Streets. CLYDE'S AND Wilmington, Steamship Mi C. Line. BENEFACTOR. CAPT. JONES, WILL BAIL THOU NEW YORK Oil SATURDAY. March 13. SWpperi can rely upon the prompt ailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to TI108. E. BOIf D, 8mp'L 1 WUminton, N. C THEO. 0. EGKR, Fi eight AfreaL .New York. WU. P. CLYDE k CO., X4 Broadway, New Tcrk. men 8 Seed Rice. QQQ BUB3EL3 PRIME - 8EED BICE. I j 1 For sale by . fobld-tf AI.FKKD MARTIN. THE STEAMER fm Daily review ' ' ' VOL. V. New AdTerCiaements. See A d Excnrtion to 8mithville and the Forts. - .. T W. l:TaAB Coinjiiioner' Bale. Fer Ad E'MierEgjfi. Gko.F. Tilery -Sweet, Tenaei and Juicy. P Hbimsbbrsxk The Gem Puzzla, Yatk. Solved I MB. J. H. BA.TE8, Newspaper Adverti ing Aent, 41 Park Kow, (Times Building), New Y,ort, is authoriz-d to c ontract for ad verttsi metits in the Daily Hsvihw and Wil MiNaioM Joctbhal, at our. lowest rates. Dy 'a length 11 boara ami 54 minutes': - y ir dow G'ass ah sizes at ltaffer Price s. . t No iijterineuts . in believue Cemetery this week. To moiro.v ia known an the Fifth Sun- day. in Lent. . . . Sunset to-oiorrow a.ternooa at 8 min utes pat 6 o'clock. "No i:;:tu ver ;li.4keJ ' for the datk bide of Ute without finding it. The FnHelgh Observer yesterday pub lishe Col. McRae's letter. Oii'y one interment tbatof an adult in Oakdale Ct metery this week. Save your money and bay v our Build l. Supplies' from Altatfer & Price. f Sohoooe'rTworene Divtrty, Raed, for this port, sailed from Navassa Feb. 28th. Full Metal and Walnut fchow Cases, all slyies and sire', at Al.t-a.YFBR, Pkice & Co'?. ' Tko ride through-, th'e city if you wouM know of the extensive improve ments. ' Now is the tinje to" plant trees. Take advantage of it, and aid in beautifyiDg the city. Mr. W. D. Mahn has eaten Dew Irish potatoes grown in his garden in this city this season. . It is feared that, this cool snap has caused much injury on tbe truckfarms in thfs viciuity. Then? were three interments in Tine Forest Cementery this week, two adults and one child. . Tou can buy No. 1 Cooktng and Heats ing 4 oves at almost any prie at Jacoiji'b Hard rare Depot. Mr. Thos H. Johnson drew the first blood in the new market. He cut beef last night before the opening. , The Reigister'of Deeds has issued, but two marriaS8 licenses this week, one to a When you' bear a 'man confess in public jnat i e j3 a pOQr miserable cieature, nn- ni to live, you naa Deiier pui yoar nanu son your pdckeUbook. The 6torm signal is flying to-day, and there ia every indication of a storm. The wind is Northeast, and the time is apu proaching when the equinoctial may be e'xpected. , There will be no service in the Second Presbyterian Church to-morrow "night on account 'uf the extreme illness of the minister's, wife, who we regret to learn is very low indeed. - -' The fact h remarked by aa exchange that the human race is divided into two classes those who go ahead and do some thing, and those who sit still and inquire, Why wasn't it done the other way?'' All who are desirous of procuring Eas ter eggs will do well io leave their orders in t me at Mr Heinsberger's book store or at the tchool room'in rear cf St. James Church. See advertisement in another column. Mr. R. J Lewis had the first straw ber ries ct the season. They were to have been iu his stall in the New Market, but as it was not c .mplf ted,, they wee lold elsewhere. - Mr. E. V. Taylor, of Easy Hill, near thii city, shipped green peas to New York this morning. The shipment is at least SO days in advance of any shipments of previous jeirs. S'on that coughing; if.jou do Lot, it may kill you. A bottle of Dr. Bolls Couyh Syiup only costs -jou 2a cents, ana its ciraeiy use m&y save your life. ' Mt sirs, A. and I. Yfiiiii&B received this dav another fiue lot ol Spring and Sum mer suits for Men, Ton hs and Roys wear. All ot tneir tiotniitg as rnanulactured n Janaar', corist q lently cavomers wU get the1 ad vantage of tlw advance in goods. Call early and select your choice. j LOCAL NEWS. . . WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH j . Personal. ( - We were pleased to receive a call yes terdiy trom Mr. Wm. McRie, formerly of jthis city.'but who is now traveling !b the interest of the Raleigh Observer, tvervb.'jdy ca! gxit suited with a Pocket Kriift.', aU i aide Cutler, at jAf-T.i's Haidw ar' Dep :t- FtiBi Sate. Mr Geo. F.Tdley, at stalls 33 and 34 New Market, sold thu first beef after the opening of the Market today. It was aome oX that fine Hoan Mouutaiu beef and was bought by Mr. Clark, stewart oflhePureall House. See Mr. Tilley'g advertisement in another column. . tfeady mixed Paints, biric lv i ure Whiu Lead, O -1 r?, Brushes, Windo-v tilass, 3ce., at Jacoui's. Presto! Chans-!! Macallister, tne Maiician. will give his first euertainmeutat the Opera House on Mrn!ay evening next His perfcrmances have beeu witnessed bv crowded houses where-ver be has given exhibitions of his j wonderful skill iu teats of legerdemain. I He offers in addition to the i pleasure oi witnessing his curious feats, valuable presents to purchasers of tickets, which will be, of itself, an incentive to see htm la his feats of made. Window Glass of all sizes , Doors,' Sash, and Blinds, Builders' Hardware,&s. Low est prices at Jacobi's. Tne striker. We have juat received the second num ber of an amateur journal, bearing the above title. It s published at Rocky Point byi Maiter James M.Satchwell,andin mat ter.and typosraphy makes quite a present able appearance. We were sorry, ho vever, to notice that the editor found it necessa ry to have his priming executed at Rich mond, Va.. instead of having it done in this State. First of Hie Season. i An excursion to Smithville and the Fdrts, the first of the season, is projected for Thursday next, the 18th inst., on the steamer Passport. It will be under the charge and direction of a committee of ladies, and the proceeds are for the benes fit of St. John's Church, The number of tickets will be limited. We trust that it will be pretty weather fori an excursion and that the ladies may have a "full house" on the occasion. . City court. ;A truly rural young man, who had "just come to town on a raft, "fell among tho Philistines in Paddy's Hollow last night and became choke-full of the behaine lightning usually dispensed in that quarter which resulted in his become ing very drunk and disorderly and ' the finql result was, theyoung verdant landed in the guard house. T he Mayor suspend ed judgment, and the rural youth departed with grateful feelings. !a. Russell, colored, was arraigned for being drunk and disorderly at a festival in behalf of acolored church congregation in! Brooklyn last night. The testimony of the colored witnesses who caused his arrest was that he drew , a knife on a party, and threatened to use it, too. The Mayor ordered a sentence of S5 five or ten days in the C P. to be entered against the defendant which resulted iu the prisoner's going below, journed. Court then ad- Plows, Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Bakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c For the lo ett nicep, co to Jac i What does the billet deux? What check did counter sign? Who ever saw a hood wink? Who ever saw a pig iron? What does an egg plant? Whydid the thunder bolt? Who ever beard a foct ball? Why did the dew drop? Why does a clock work? What did plow share? Who ever saw awheel wright? For whom did penny weight? Whom did tin foil? What did brandy smash? What did grass plot? What was it grape shot? What did" pick pocket? Who did the goose berry V la it joke that Jim cracks? What made the sew slip? Who did the honey suckle? What did - the ho tel?. Where did the railroad tralo? What did the bHad foidl and sofortb, and, to .forth and so-forth. The people have been so '- canck im posed upon by worthless Blood Purifiers, that we are glad to be able to recommend a ! preparation which can be depended on as containing to valuable medicinal vir tues, and is worthy of the public confi dence AYER'SSARSAPABILLA cures when anything can cure, the diseases that require an alternate medicine.' 3 ; . Worship in the various churches the city to-merrow as follows. st. Paul's evasg. i.kthekas church. Corner of Sixth and Market 'streets. Rev. G. D. Rernheim. I). I)., Pastor. Ensltsfr Service at 11 a.m. arjd 7:' p fttmdiy Schcxd at O.oO a. u. i'hitHiheticnl InsJruc tion cn Tuesday and Fiiiay at iJ::) p. ni. ST. JAJaEs'-TABISH, ' corner Third and Market utroeta. ,R;v. A A.. Watson, 1). l).,Jte.ioi- March 14th. Fifth Sunday in lit. f Jelbration at 7:3'Jam- Morning lVa-jsr at 11 o7cick. Sunday School at Z:M j. m, Evinu Prayer at -J o'clock. . st. John's CHUKt;n . corner of Third and Red Cross street. Rc v . George Patterson, D. D., Rector. March L Ub Filth Sunday it; I-int Celebration at 750 a. in Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening l'rajt'r i.t S o'clock. Suuday pchool at 4 p. iu. ; FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner" of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-mornw at 11 a. n)., and 7:30 p.m. Missionary Society at 9:59 a. 'in. Bnx.klyn Sunday School at : p. m. Vonav? Men's 1'rayer Meeting Tuesday night at 7:50 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. FIFTH STBEET M. . CUUBCa (SOUTH), on Fifth, between "Nun and Church streets.JRev. T.P. Rrcaiid, pastor. Services at 1 1 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 7:30 e'eiock. SECOND rBESBYTEBIAN -CHXTBCH cor Fourth and Campbell strVets. Rev. C M. Payne, Pastor. Morning JLervices at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Pleaching at 7:30 p. ro. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ST. MARK'S (COL.) EPISCOPAL CHURCH corner Sixth and Mulberry streets, liev. C. O. Brady, Minister in charge. Morning Jfrayer at 11 a. m. . Evening Trayer at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at St. Bar nabas School House at 3:30 p. m. Con, hrmation Class at the Church at 4:30 p.m. Durhag Lent, daily Morning Prayer at 7:30 a.m. Evening Prayer at 5 p. m. Seats tree. FBONT STBEET M. E. CHURCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, sup't. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first and third Tuesday evemng3 in each month. SECOND BAPTISTCdUBC I, on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts. Rev. J. P. J&.ing, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. in. and'S'p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 4 p. m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH' corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Schcol at 3:50 p. m. Seats free. - SEAMEN'S BETHEL, Dock, between Water and Front streets Rev. Jas. W. Craig, chaplain. Services at 11 a.m., to which seamen are cordially invited. The public are invited to attend religious services at the Tileston upper room, In the Tileston Normal School building, on Ann, between Fourth and Fifth streets, every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. FIRST BArTJST CHURCH (COLORED.) corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Rev. A.M. Conway, pastor. Services to-morrow at ,11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. in. Prayer Meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Memorial Hall, corner Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday services at 10:50 a. m. and 3 and 7:30 p. va. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. T. LEWIS1 CHAPEL, corner Seventh and Bladen streets. Rev. John Lewis, pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3.30 o'clock p. m. andS o'clock, p. rn. - wootes's chapel, corner of Bladen and Niuth streets Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Preaching Sundays, at 11 a. m., 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. rn. Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting Friday nighV Sunday School at 9 a. in. Tta New Market. AccorJicg to announcement the nsw market was thrown open last evening to the geaera! public. ltwas ablaze with many lights and was soon thronged with crowds of people. There was a bind in attendance and the music it discoursed added much to the charm of the occasion A number of the meat -stalls were occu pied and Mr. Geo. Lamb had a stand wVih , was covered .with a Uriah display of. plants, many.of which were in L bloom.' A fsw of the ladies of 8. John's Church also occupied, stand and from thence dUpenaed reireshments to all wba called for them.' : . As wo have said before, tfce new build ing is a very handsome oae and anhonor and a credit to the city. ' In looking a this imp-Ming structure one csnnot but wonder how it is that we hare been able to put .op wjth old Forty -Legs atg sa we have s (;n. 13, r80 Why and When Lamps Explode. Ait explosions of coal oii Uuij a; ctused by th vapor cr gaswhu'ih I 'c t above th oil. When fuilf wU , ci u:!t th lmj contains ru gaihut j....rHtiatoJy on liuhtiu tha U.Ttp, cut.&uijt.i,, it, of tii bgit s.MMn leavina sj.acvl r'ii,-vMch C iiicr):uxa tu torm a ih tira. wiring .' , -up, xn !, afUr Luruiu a eL.uil iiuiv, ufii- citnl ja, w 'M accumulate t j iuk-'an ei- pit s u. i i.pas iu a lauap f i' "ly. ex pi lr t.i -ii iU'Led.In this r sjMft ; i like gunpow.ier Cheap or inforioroil ivrtya at. .Miroua.,. The. f.-Uowiu bcxaiki, V.u et ce Cou , 162 ett hncs lUn c; that injiny things may .tftur tu ciuj ite flrne to go down the wick and cxplie the lamp: 1 A lamp may be aUndiu; on a man tle and a slight pufl of air from the open windoAr or sudden opening of a door may caose an explosiin. 2 It mav h tsk"on tp. jm lv fr. ,i table or m nti a l U4 iut y A( !.lc. 3 li iuk.il mil, ,4.(y eijviy where there is a stroDg uiAuht fr-m the dooia, an explosion is likely to ensue. 4. If taken up a flight, of stairs, or raised quickly to place it on the nv.utle, it is likely to explode? v Iu all theieca8es the mischief is done by the air movement either by suddenly checking the draught or fo cing the air down the chimney against the flame. 6. Blowing down the chimney to ex tinguish th'j light, U a frequent cause of explosion. 6. Lamp exploaioc; hive been caused by using a cLimoey broke at the top, whereby tbe draught is variable and the flame unsteady. The Ladles' Favorite. Among the many thousands of lad es who have use! Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and pronounced it their favorite remedy, because so efficient in the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women, are many who are well and favorably known in the world of letters, as well as artists, musicians, and a whole host of names Irom tbe brilliant ranks ol wealth and fashion. It is pre-eminently the ladies' Favorite Proscription, its use, while being far more eafe and efficient. exempting them from those painful, caustic operations, and the wearing ol u u i m'- ' i i-i those mechanical contnvancos raatle ike Peter Pindar's razor seller's razors to ei, rather than to cure. KiLiiMORE, Ind., March 20tli. 1378 Dr, R V. Pierce:- Dear Sir Your Favorite Prescription has. restored me to perfect health. You s truly, Grace Choate. 422 Kutaw Street Baltimee, Md., ( June letb, 1878. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bufialo, N. Y.: Dear Sir My wife was a hopeless in valid for nearly 20 years. Your Favorite Prescription has cured her. Thankfully your, R. T. McCat. tts DIED. In this city, this morning, at 1.30 o'clock, JOHN II., son of the late Michael Oorbett, of Fordam, tf.Y., aged 17 years. The funeral will tax olace from his Uncle's redden ee on Second.between Nun and Church streets, at 3 o'clock, P. M., Bunday, lata, inence to ou i nomas' Uhurch, thence to Ot, Thomas' Cematerr. Friends' and acquain tanees are respectfully invited to attend. JTew York Herald and Cork (Ireland) pa pers please copy. Now Advertisements. Easter Eggs. lJOLORED IN OIL AND WATER Color, in artist'c designs. Orders left at Mr. Heins- berger's, at this Office or tbe 8caooI Home of Misses Burr and James, will receive prompt attention. inch 13 Sweet, Tender and Juicy JOAN MOUNTAIN, Tennessee Beef. A car lead jost arrived and will be on tale all the wask. The prettiest Reef I have ever offered for sale. QUO, F. TILLfir, " Ftalls33 and 3, moh la-Jt New Market. Excursion to Smithville and the Forts ! Ttturoaay, 18th Inst, FOIl THB BEJEFIT OF ST. JOHN'S Cavrth. .vS.v.' . , . u -- ' , - ThVpafroeagi 6f the public fi earnestly requeMed by xbm Commit tef Ladle b aria? ths saatter la ehargsw - j . . : The boat will leave hsr dock si J) AK UT JT!eka4 7 J eents A s Cbydreis safer 13 yean 3 cants. i.:.m;z;-ii":'-i.i- t ' .-. , j , . Vaaobsr oftkkeUlimiid. . For . hlroi'BWres. ' 77 v 7r- from nnr friend on aj aod aM tut? cu n general inter st but : . The name of tfcf writ-r tno-t.al-rs h fir aisheJ to the Editor. " BCoamnnicatiocs n. at wrttcc ' i :y one ride of the.paper. . Person alitio mu.t ti vcLVi, v Ind It i5 rcrltlly r.-v ;:.r,yu-r ftood tLat th Editor d.. a;v; js fdtrje the riews of corrj i.iiC?yi nt:!r. b t!ed in the ed!to?il coin vr. Xtw AdvortiseinonU-. Y VaiTUli r AM) IS PrriSUANCK M o. a dcr r rdrrM at V ' ts-rm r.e haprnor O urt t .,'. o niersicoed, be uix-rivuvr in ma jt, -, m,. , 4 tfecree will I expose at paolie nuctt i:. "to tf.o higb-ct nilder,for csh, at--il Vi.tx.-i U ue door in the city of , int jn, cu-.ty t f N,mv oTr, at 12 o'clrc. M. Mondar. th? o h day ot Apui lio te L!iov i; u- ;e.cribv ' premises, M'uap in ttit c tv f ! l'lri-ivt and hound.vl as folio -ks . ' Hvv:nQiiJa' artbu oatlmeMc-n inters ct on f Casile an. I lit':li ircew, mencrs va:le Htc t West the bt?iunisjf; beir the et3tin l-alf cf lots -os. i and , block 7b, Acer Hip t; th rt'j Ul plaa of the ciiv of V ilicintcn. '!; sale to be binding and nbdo.'uta asto all il.c parties having auy rirht, tulo'tVr interest ia sid premises, exctv tS widow's right to dower and "ih i f,v.t' right ; to homistead rd: ..,- :K--sAl-thall be subjee:. i. W. STUAVOE, UumrtL-aicntr. xr.ch lj-Uw.at OPERA HOUSE. 6 NIGHTS A5JD SATURDAY MATi NE AT 2 P. M. . m, . Cominencing Monday, ilarch 15th. The Great and Ccly " Prof.J. M, Macallister In his Wonderful EaetJrn Illusions. Elegant and costly Presents Given UfO away at every perforaance. J Prices of Admission Admission with prf ' entof (2) Envelopes 60 cents. Oallcry with preseat of (1) Envelope 25 centi. A dollar t.cket entitles the holder to aduiLmon to nnv art of the housa and wiii be presented wita (envelopes. Reserved Seats for sale at Utioibcrcr's, without extra charge, men 11-th -eat Crochet Work. f ESSONS IN CROCHET WORK giysn' DJ ra. L0UI3E 13. DeROSSET, at her mi- t l . ; , t , i aeace on Cneetnat street, batwjen Third u A I . v a . iroci, uaiw.en inira ar a Fourth. Terms : $1 per mou'.h ; two lessons each week. For farther information applv at residence. men 10 The Gem Puzzle. rpaiRDROPPLY JUST KKCE1VKD, " . anJ Gilag Fa:t At the i i vj: book sTOiu:. Easter Cards. A N IMMENSE' VARIETY. TL All New Styles and Very Oosutifu' Call early and inake your selections at UElNSBfcltfiEU'd. mch 10 39 and 41 Market et. New Crop Cuba. 30S Hhds and Titi-ccs New Crop Cnba folasoc.v lS"ow landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by , Williams & Muncnrso!-:! Potatoes,Flour,Sugar; 300 Cbls. Eai'ly Rose Potatoes lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Eitra Family, 27,7 Bbls .Sugar, Granulated Standard A, Extra C and C, 4L2o Bags Ck)fiec, Kio, Xagayra and Jslyh, 3oO Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 150 Tab3 Choice LefLard, 400 Boxes Lye antPotasb, Boxes L-aundry ' '; :-t; and Toiiei Soap, ISO Boxes Starch, 250 Wnole and Half. Boxes 'T : Candle, Candy, Paper, Snuff, Tobac- cor Nails, Backets, Hoop Irony &c. , - 500 Bales Choice Timothy n and Eastern Hay, 300 Sabks 3Jarshall,s Fine Salt, 4300 Sacks Iirerpool Salt 3300. Sacks Peruvian " i '; ' , Cotton Gnand," ""' For sale low by WILLIA2T8 A M UltC'i 180 V, each 8 ' Wholesale Oro. Com. MerL?. 4 .