THIS PIPES U poolished every afternoon, Sundays ex septed by JOSH. T. JAMES, U1UTOK AND PROPRIETOR. 3UlORIPTIONH,l'OaTAGEJ'Aii. ns year, $6. 00. -.Six months, $250 ; Thro months, $1 25 ; One month, 60 cents, rte paper will be delivered by carriers, rM of charge, in any part of the city, at the boTe rates, or 13 cents per week. Adrertisinff rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and U failures to receive their papers regularly. PLEA8E 50TICE. We will be glad to receive eommaaleatiofii aSbS??"7 ttd The nae 0f the writer mut alwaya be for toiahed to the Editor. (femstmnleaUoaaaMt be written: oel onesideofthe.per. PerfpnaliUei'inMt be avoided. -And it is especially and pucalarlj oader stood that the Editor does not alwaj. eaderse the views of corresK)ndeot, nnlMa lo lUted ia the editorial colnrpna. VOL. V. WILMINGTON. N. ('.. MONDAY MARCH 15, 1880 SO 29 Trie i . Review. New Advertisements. tflQWrt & RODDICK. 5 & 10 Cent Store. (N. E. CORN Ell OF MARKET AS D SECOND STREETS.) W K TAKE TH18 OI'POKTUNITY of blie for their very lib eral patronage in the boTe branch of our bu siness and desire to state that at no time since our-first opening bare we ever carried such an assortment s at present. Haviajr antici pated the recent advance in each fronds, we are naw fully eurea to otter the Largest and Cheapest assortment everjshown in this section at any tiine. We can with tratbfiilness assert that our stock is more than double the size of any other of this kind Month of Baltimore. It is t yery easy matter to call in and verify the above statement. We would also ad i that we have of late added several new departments to the above, which we retail at higher prices, consisting of many useful articles In Housekeeping, Ac, bucU as we have a demand for, nd in tuture it will be our endeavor to keu ddiTg arc aad everything we can buy useful a-d b' lew value. Our intention is to make thu ilii Store of the South for Bargains of all Kinds. The followinc: is a vry imperfect list but our space will admit of no more Japanese Ware, Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Scissors, : French Dressing, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faucets, Trays,. Trumpets, , Toilet! Soap, Childrens Slates, Perfamery, Jewelry, Combs, Pop Guns, Door Bumpers, Cork Strews, Dolls, Hair Pins, , Pulleys, Lemon Squeezers, Wa!lets;" Brushes, Forks, Bracelets, Table and Tea Spoons,Beads, Marbles, Balls, Ftove Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, Scales, Needles and Pins, Shovels, Hammers, Pocket Books, Padlocks, Chisels, 1 Screw Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Fins, Sponges, Jumping Ropes, Note Paper and En-To Hot Seta, velopes. Vases, Feather Dusters, Doll Carriages, Razor Straps, Brooms, Buokets, Baskets, Velocipedes, Carts, Wagocs, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton, Hamburg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies A Gent Hdkfs,Spool Flax, Linen Table Napkins, Ladies Hose, Linen Table Doilies, Childrens Hose, Kucbiog, Gents Socks, ' Collaretts, Gents Shirts, " &o, &c, &c, &c, &c, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. K. Corner of Market and Second Streets, febll i 5ew Crop and Old Cuba. 423 Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molas&es, Genuine article, just received, and For sale low by WILLIAMS & MDRCHISON Coffee, Sugar, Flour. :WJO Bags Coffee, Rio, . - T Laguyra and Java, 300 Bbls Sugar, Cut Loaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C andC. 1300 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, Corn, Bacon, Potatoes. 4000 Bush Prime White Corn, 75 Boxes Smoked i and D S Sides, 30O Bbls. Early Rose Potatoes 125 Bbls City Mess Pork 150 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 1 7o Boxes Starch, 270 Boxes L-aundry 1 and Toilet Soap, 1325 Boxes Lye and Potash, 150 Boxes Assorted Candy, ; 3500 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, OOOO Sacks Liverpool Salt, Snuff, Tobacco. PatKirv TSfatrhps: Shot, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, Hoop jiuuf opint joarrei8, etc. For tale qw bj ' VIM.I1UR i UnRPRTsnv mc15 WhelesaleGro. ACom. Merte. Crochet Work. JESS0N3 IN CKOCHET WORK giyen by tf ra. LOUISE B. DsROSKT, at her resi dence on Che&tnut street between Third ana Fonrth. Terms : $1 per month ; two lessons each week. For further information apply at rvaidance. . mch 10 LOQAL NEWS. New Advertisements. "Altaffeb, Prick k Co.j-Vegetable and Fruit Crates and Boxes. K t T '-, BoATWBiGHT A McKby Hell Good Gro ccries. j I ; Williams k MciiCHiaos. Molasaws, Coffee, Sugar and Flour. " j Y ATM .-Solved ! . P HxiNSBsaaxa Blank B jo few, PL Bbid.ehs A C!o-'l h-HC Letters. . C- Rosenthal 'The New Boot and Shoe Store, j . . . :.: ; . OjPera Uocsk Pi of J. M. Macall ster. MS. J. H. BA.TE8, Newspaper Advertil ing Agent, 41 Park Bow, (Times Building), Sew York, is authorized to contract for ad vertisements in the Dajly Kkvihw and Wil Miseios Journal, at our lowest rates. . t ,m aio fell every day last I week'. , ;. 1. : . j Window Glass all sizes at Altafier & Price's. ' ' 1 Castle street was being Isawdusted this morning. lion George Davis was in Rakish on S iLurdav. V ' Sixteen due bogs were captured this morniog and put in the city pound. Save your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altafier j& Price. t Nor. barque tu?,6Men,Syendsen, hence, arrived at Bristol, Eag , the. 11th inst. Basque Yon Wlf?c, ilichaelis, hence arrived at Bremerhaveu roads Feb. 20lh. Schr Emily H. Xaylor, Fisher, bence for Boston, arrived at Hyannison the 11th inst. ' " Nor. barque ba, Zachariaseh, for this port- sailed from Barcelona "on the 10th lost A 1 Teach your boys tt at a true lady may be found in calico quite as frequently as in velvet. It is alleged that lovely woman doesn't stoop to folly so often since the pull-back came iu. I . . . ., Fea ly mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead,. Colors, Brashes, Window Glass, &c., at Jacobi's. j Br barque J. L. Cotter , Black, hence arrived at Barbadoes Feb. 17th, and sailed for the same day. Nor. barque J. II. ; Scherensen, Gunderson, hence, for Rotterdam, arrived at Portland on the 11th inst Full Aletal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Aitaffeb, Pkice & Go's. ... I ; ' 1 . - The electric corset is the latest. Nothing is said as to whether or not it is a 'spring' style, and perhaps it is no man's business. It must be ' good, for everybody re - commends it, and the doctors prescribe it. We mean Dr, Bull s Cough Svrup. Price 25 cents. j v . ' . 1 . No man wants to fill a drunkard's grave' And it may be sate to add that he don't want to fill any other grave if he can help it. There; will be a Penny Reading at the e-- 'i Rectory of St. Paul s Episcopal Church this evening. The proceeds will be de voted to the debt of the church. Lots of young meniwill preae;t a girl with a $5 bouquet when her shoes are all run over and she is in sad need of a new pair. The young have no! judgment. Plows, Shovels, Pitchtoiks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lo v at j ) iuf, o to Jj a m's. The, advantage of 'Fifteen" over base ball is that it doesn't blister your hands,. and"there is no need of arnica nor court plaster, if you keep out ot debate. Prof. A. 'B.Chase, bo well known in this city, is now engaged with ; the mutic house of Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. We notice that he is to render 'Either' there next week. 1 The Charlotte Observer says : Capt June Gardner, of the Carolina -Central Railroad, is'probably the oldest conductor in the State. He says he has been run ning on . dittirent roads in the State for thirty -five years. V -. '"" -Wealth U most envied jbut least en joyed health is frequently enjoyed, but least envied yet the poorest man would not part with his health fdr money, but the richest wculd gladly part with his money "for health. i 1 The people have been j so much im posed upon by worthless Blood Purifiers, that we are glad to be able to recommend a preparation which can be depended on as containing invaluable medicinal vir tues, and is worthy of the public confi dence AY EH'SS A RS A PAK ILL A cures when anything can cure, the diseases that require an alterative medicine. i Personal. (J iptiiii . V "Kicbarilson, reprf-Hinta t vk t' che. li-ni'Ml Afstmbly, irvw C' Jumbui. county, pitied ibroub this ciy iiat night, en roue fur lialeili, to take part in th, duties of the i'XtraNfess- ion. We h ui :ho pleasure i f a brief conversation with him, and we are lad to know that he is in iool health and, tru in his devotion to the best interests of the. S ate, is utterly opposed to the frale of the rual under tb t rtns f the i - . ' . "Best ' jropoition. You can buy No. 1 Caking and Jlats ing Cloves al lmo3 n pric at .1 Hit's Hard war-1. Depot. t iiy i'ittiii. Jlilia. Miikr, co'ored, was arraigned upon the charge of disorderly conduct in Paddy's Hollow, oa Saturday uight last. In consideration of this being the firt of , i - . fence, judgment was suspended upon pay- men t ef costs. David Mallett, a Jia f witted colored you'tb, who is getting to be pretty trouble some to the police, was arraigned this morniDg upon the charge of being drunk and down on Saturday night. The Ma" or said fifteen days tia time in the C. P. and j defendant went below. The Court ! then adjourned. i : - Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ; i ' Prof- Tcnaoi's Prophesies. vennor is propnesyin again, in a letter to a newspaper ha says: 'April 1 sketch as entering cold and stormy, with snow np to the 4th or 5th day, after which cold rains may continue to about the 10th, the 3d and 4th days being prob ably: the most wintry. Next, I foresee a cold storm ending in a heavy snowfall on the 15th, 16th, and 17th days of March, the 16th aud 17th to be the days of snowfall. This storm period will in all probability reach both Boston and- New York; but should cold rains replace snow in these last-named cities I shall not be surprised. The stormiest part of March is almost certain to occur' after the 15th of the month, and my American friends must excuse me if I again include a moderate and reasonable portion of their territories in this last prediction.' Window Glass of all sizes , Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&3. Low est prices at Jacobi's. The Census Takers -We learn that Mr. Thos. 0. Bunting, Mr. Nicholas Morris and Mr. Daniel 0. Davis have been recemmended to' Mr. J. D. Stanford, Supervisor of the Census for this district, as competent persons for the position of enumerators in this city, and that Mr. Stanford has looked favor ably upon the recommendations and will in all probability make the appointments as recommended. This will leave five or six more enumerators to be appointed for this city, computing the population ac cording to the Meares census at 17,000 inhabitants. The census-law, it will be remembered, requires one Supervisor t each congressional district and one enumer ator to every 2,000 inhabitants. One Solution of the Puzzle. A correspondent of the Charlotte Ob ¬ server gives a good method cf solv ing the 'Fifteen Puzzle which, while not answering the real requirements of the case, reaches a makeshift conclusion in fifteen moves. The correspondent as sumes that the blocks are in the MqsoIuh that is,in regular order, save that the lowr line reads 13, 15. 14. He says: 'Uayo the box'atand toward you in this order, f ; so that. 13, 15, 14, will you, now move 4 down, 1 be nearest to to the right,13 up, 12 to the eft, 3 down, the left, 2 1 to the right, 14 up, 8 to down, 6 to the right, 13 upj 11 to the left, 6 down; you stand in last line, 13, jl 9 to the right, 15 up, and consecutive order with the 4, 15, beginning with the 1 in the upper righthand corner, .; :...;J . j-- Mtssrs, Ai land I. fcHMSK received this day another fine lot ot Spring and Sun mer suits for Men, Youths and Boys wear. All of their j Clothing was manulactured in January, consequently customers "Brill get the advantage of theadvance in goods. Call early anil select your choice. f Running to a fire ia one of the unde niable privileges of an American. Run he will. Ancl it doesn't make any differ ence Whether he is lame in both Jegs, aad wears a porous plaster and a chest pro teclor, he's bound to get to tiie fire. We mention thia simply to show that men 1 have' some advantage over women. Opeia Bouse o-Nichi. Professor Miica'.'isfer arrived in the city yesterday ind ii to-.lay gutting things in readiness for hi sleth-of-hat d performance to-riiht Ho comes to us well recommended and wherever he ha shown the p:qer. ki he fills his obli gations to the lctt r Some of his trickg are described a? wonderful aud incompre hensible and most of of them are new. His gifts are said o 1? ol aud sul Sttntial arti:;!e. lie . pens )tn etiJage unnt Jtooight and will no doubt Ykc libaially patrouixed. . - Keep II im Off A g'ntl:mn gives the folloviug in relation to dogs: "lf you enter a lot where there is a vicious dog, be very careful to remove your hat or cap as the anniinal approaches you; hold the same down by your side between yourself and the do j. When you have done this, you hive secured perfect immunity from an attack. The dog will not attack ycu if this advice is followed. Such is my faith in thia policy that l will pay ail doctor's bills from dog bites and funeral expenses for pleaths caused by hydropbodia' Rev,; Dr. Wilson's Lecture. We learn that the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Library Association have written a letter of thanks to the Rev. Dr. Wilson for his able lcture ob "Success," delivered for the benefit of the Association last week, and have also by a maniaious vote requested the reveiend gentleman to repeat the lecture. But ;his we understand Dr. Wilson declined ;o do but kindly consented to preparej an other lecture for the Association at some .ime in the near future. Kicked to Death. A sad and fatal accident occurred near Rocky Point to-day on the Walker plan iation, situate about two' miles from the village, and now being worked by Messrs. Westbrook & Bros. Henry Lewis, white laborer in the employ of this firm, was the victim ox the accident, About noon he went into the stable to feed the horses and while there was kicked in the side by one of the animals and died almost instantly. Deceased was about 35 years old and leaves a wife and three children. Vessel sunk. From Sergeant .Watson, officer in charge of the Signal Station in this city, we learn that the schooner William P. Coxt Burgess, Master, bound from Wash ington, N. C, for New York, loaded with shingles, went ashore on the south side of Hatteras Inlet on Saturday, and sank this morning. The Captain and crew are safe. Arrangements are being made for assistance, and if it reaches .the vessel in a short time she can be saved, otherwise she will prove a total loss. The Cox is owned in Washington, X. G. Confined to his Bed. We regret to learn that Major Jno. W. Dunham, the very efficient Clerk of the Criminal Court in this county, has been confined te his oed from sicknes ever since the adjournment of the last term of the Criminal Court. We are happy to state, however, that Major Dunham is reported batter tosday; although not yet sufficiently "recovered to sit up. We wish our friend a speedy . convalescence and recovery,, and trust that we may soon see him ones more at his post in the Clerk's office. " Magistrate's Court. Nancy Stocks, colored, swore out a peace warrant against Harriett Middle ton, colored, and caused her to be ar raigned before Justice Millis upon the charges set foitb iu the warrant. Af er due deliberation and a patient investiga tion of the case, Squire Millis put the defendant under a bond of $25 to keep the peace for sixty days. The same plaintiff in the foregoing case caused the game defendant to be a rested upon the additional charge of assault and battery. This question was adjudicated before the same Magistrate and the find ing of the 'Court was that judgment would be suspended upon payment of tbe costs in tbe case by the deienaant. The Charleston ' New aad Couritr qultes strawberries at from 10 to 20 cents a uartjin that city. i - The work of paving e Spac between the old street Car tracks, on North Front street, ia about concluded. There was an hour or two of sunshine, yesterday afternoon and everybody fondly hoped that it would clear off, only to be disappointed. 4 New Advertisements Vegetable and Fruit C'ralew and ISoes, Sash, Doors, Blinds ! LL KIND-4 OF BUILD tMQ Mataiia', Ssonad Flooring, Weathe-Boarding, Ac , Ac. Metal and Walnut 8how CacM. at ALTAFKEK, PRICfc & CO. FcroaT: Foot of Walt at Bt mch 15 , Org ten. Nntt, near Ked Croi OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT AUD EVERY EVENING ! j The Great and Only Prof. J.' IT. Hacallister Monarch of aU Wizards. 100 j- Elegant aad costly Presents (riven away at every performance 100 Reserved Seata for sale at Beiaibsrgei'f, without extra charge. ' mch 15-lw The New Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. I am receiving Dally my SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! - x " Consisting of -Ladies' Shoes, Sandals, Sliprers, Gondolas, in the Latest styles ; Also, Misses' Low Quarter Shoes and Newport Ties, whjch I offer at Low est Market Price. No trouble to show Goods. Call and examine and con?ince yourself. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. mch 15 sign of the Little Boof; Boatwright & McKoy ARE Emphatically opposed to the sale of the Western North Carolina Rilroad. So should be any Odserveb who loves his Eastern home, j We are sure it is net Best for our J interests. v With sad hearts we are compelled to ad mit it is a foregone conclusion, from the fact that the wise men In and v around the Capital have so decreed it. It now becomes our duty, as public ser- vants. (which we are in "the Grocery Line) to alleviate and help our oppressed people. Now the question is How shall we do it ? The response will come from a v j j ; . thousand tongues, "Sell us Good Groceries ' Low," Don't jo know we ill do it ? tALL AfJDSEE OUR URGE STOCK. Ask for Prices and Samtles. B0ATI7MEHT I CcKOlf. O Ct 7 Uorth Froot Otrett. I inch 15 New Advertisements. P. L. Briderers & Co.. h 22.24, 26 and 28 PrCt Streot. WILMINGTON, ,. c. ......nnctaallj tvery moinln..A.G" ......eave y oar order;fo.... r H......utt9r, Meal, llomiaj...... O R......anjte8; 8alt, iieef,8Bar......c ! nmon, Hpieee. Citron....... R ...-...tblea of aU kindi, einffe-R .... ..oodies iB all ehapea. JErer.V K. ynwg before j ou jro hone wards "r lenHh stock if ahor.......F ......eadiair honie all you onghtt.O u buy Good fo... R J..... ah or city aecepUnc E CF......rier or draft at ten day......s -i ' ' AT P. I.. Briders & Co., 2), u 26 aad zd front 8treet, Wilmington, W. C, Bnaioess was never so brisk or prefiuble as now. Never were ear patrons se namer oas and jM well satiafied. We built thess Storea and aUrted ia the midit of the molt treaendoM raaic ever known here. We have ateadilj increased the faculties efiered : V L K'neroas public have increased their patronage. Today our cash receipts are larger thn those of any similar estab liahmentin North Carolina. We intend to ro on until we have built up an astablish ment aecond to none in the South. It is not true that Bridgeri' succew U due to Capi tal and Luck." There is no such thing as nek not the result of labor. All the money Ki t Bnki nfl 'I00' t0 our princely ea UbUshment would be wortMeteif merelv plaeed in our safes and on our counters. " W ow deal to the printers. We pay them liberally, and are rewarded. Th circulation! 61 he Duly Riviiw bas In c eased, j We do not write the funny articles. "The lLetters.,, P I? Brid?ers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 26 k 23 Front Street, ! Wilmington, N. 0. Challenge ebmpetition, confidently oflerinr to caah customers carefullj selected ana choice ehoOsingg of Canned Vegetables, Milk. Canned Fruits, Candv, loose, and in bags, boxes, barrels and packages. Cinnamon and Citron, Cabbagea and Coffee, Candles and Cheese,' Capon Sauce and nivnn. mels and Cognac, Claret and Chocolate, Col j gate i Boid and Chow Chow, Cloves, Cin- "7Bi ugn xrops,, uasxs, uorks and Celery, Cedrat and Cereals, Cherries and Champagne, Codfish, Cordials and Collard Seed, Cosmetics, Corn, Comfits, Confection ery condensed Milk, condiments, constitu tional cooking Powder, cranberries, cream biscuit, i currant, currypowder, charlotte russe, chestnuts, cheese, cheroots, chitter lings, cider, cucumbers, all of the best quality, in quantities to snit, and at a fair remunerative profit to our ourselves,, tnd on as accommodating terms as at any Grocer south of New York can afford.- P. I . RRIflfiFRK & nn mm mm m ; mm m m m W a W mmmt VV 1 i ' ' 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Front Street, Wilmington. N. C. mch IS Blank Books. rjIHE LARGEST Stock of Blank Books, Letter Books, Writing Papers aad Envelopes in the city is at the LITE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organo, gOLD ON THE INSTILMENT Flap, at BEINSBERGER'S, 39 and 41 Market St. mch 10 Solved I JOT THE "C EM" PUZZLE, BUT THE Question as to who keeps The Best Assertmeat, The Finest Stock, At the Lowest Prices. Come and see lor yourself. 9 , mch II Bookstore; Easter Eggs. QOLOREO IN OIL AND WATER Colors, in artistic designs, i Orders left at Mr. flelns-' berger'f, at this Offiee or the School Hoote of Misses Burr aad Jamas, will receive prompt attention. BCdU Excursion to SmltliYille and the Forte ! Thursday 18th insL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ST. JOHN'S The patronage of tho pablic is earnesUy reoneetad br ta Conalrtee of Ladles having the fttfT a eharge. :' ' - The beat will leave her dock at 9 A. U . Tickets 7 cents. Children under 12 years W cents. -:,'-''.lt-y : Number of tickets limit? J. For sale at the Drag Stores, men 13