THIB PAPER U ouolUSed very afteraoa, Bandars wpted br JOS II . T. JIM E 8 , en mm Ann pkopkiktobu fjUIWORIt'TION8, POSTAGE 1AII. aa 7ar,S& 00 8u inontBS, $2 50 ; Tbr MobUu, 41 1; One month, & cents. rhe paper will be delivered by earrW, of chricf in an part of the city, at :b Uore rates, or 13 oats per week. Idrertising rate low and liberal . -srintaeribers will pleaee report any and U failures to reeeire their papers regularly. New Advertisement. Ho-Wil & RODDICK, 5 & 10 Cant Store, (S. li. iHJKNEli OF MARKET AND tyii -UK-i -tl OPPORTUNITY of tbauklnjr ihe tftaerai public for their very lib er al Oi-ae in the above branch of our bu-tiit-a -n uw.ii e to state that at no time skc nur first opening have we ever carried such tn .g ,rtuient s at present. Marias: an tic W .-d tlie ie et grn adrance in such good, w im a tally j ma-ed tu offer the Larg st and Cheapest waortuieot er v h wo in thii section at any time . We can with trutLfulness arsert that ur iiu;l i more :hn doable the size of any .,thr of thU kiud outh of Baltimore- It is Tery-eany matter. to cll in and verify the ttxve state tuekt. tfe would also all that we hare of late ddod sereral now departments to the above, wbicture retail at higher prices, consisting mn uat fal hruoit-s in Housekeeping, Ac, uc- w Ijath dmtd for, nd ia future it will oar eiidearor to ei idvg n sad rerjtbing we can buy ulu' "d 1 ritoreofthe&o th for Bargains of all Kinds. The following is a Yry impetfect list but our space will admit of no more. Japanese Ware, (Kan Ware Tin Ware, HciioriL French Drejsin, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faucets, . Trays, Trumpets, Toiletl 8o, Childrens' Slates, Perfamery, Jewelry, ,. Combs, Fop Ouns, Door Bumpers, Cork Screws, Dolls, -Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Squeezers, Wa lets, Brushes, Bracelets, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, B sads, llarbles, Balls, Rtore Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, Beales, Needles and Pins, Hhorels, ' ' . tlammers, Pocket Books, Padlocks, Chisels, Screw Drivers, Mirrors, ' Clothes Pins, Bponges, Jumping Ropes, Kote Paper and En-To Uet fc'ets, Telopei, Vases, reamer vusteis, Doll Carriages, Razor Straps, Brooms, ! Velocipedes, Carts, Wagoss, Wash Boards, Clocks. Baskets, Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton. Hamburg Insertion i, Spool Bilk, ' Ladies A Gents Hdk'fi,8pool Flax, Linen Table-Xajklns,Ladles Hose, Uata Table Doilies, Childrens Hose, KueMag, ; ,' Gents Bocks, Collafettf, : v Gents Shirts, . . f fcc, - Sua, &c, &c, &c., YHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BEOWII & EODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store. if. S. Corner of Market and Second Streets, feb 31 NeTT Crop aud Old Cuba, Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molasrcs, t Genuine article, just received, and For sale low by WIIiLIAMS & MORCHISON Coffee, Sugar, Flour 350 Bags Coffee, Rio, . Jjagayra and Java, 300 Bbls Sugar, Cut Loaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C. 1300 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, Corn, Bacon, Potatoes. 4000 Bush Prime White Corn, . U70 iioxos Mnotod and D S Sides, SOU Bbls. Early Rose Potatoes UK Bbls UityJkleaa Pork, ISO Tubs qioice.Iieaf Lard, 178 Boies Starch, HSO Boxes laundry " and Toilet Soap, 325 Boxes Lye and Potash, 150 Boxes Assorted Candy, 8500 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, OOOO Sacks Iivexpool Salt, SnnftV Tobacco, . Paper, Matches, Shot, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, &c Z WlLUAMa A MDRCHISOW, iueh IS Wholesale Gro. Com. Mery. Croehdt Work. JK8805f3 IN CROCHET WORK given by 'iri LOCUS B. DsROSSKT, at ber real dtme oa Chestnut street, between Third and Fotrtlu Terms : $1 per month ; twa lessons each week. For furthsr Jnforuatlon apply at (Wdwcs. ' 4 mch 10 r 1T L. V LOCAL NEWS. Mew Advertnements. i Maj. Jamis Ruillt Notice Me mters Bibercian Heoerolent Association. Yatm . Solred I ! P BiiNsaBKoaa Blauk Boks. MP. J. U. B A.TES, Newtpaper AdreUif- ing A if eat, 41 Park Row, (Times Building), New York, is authorized tocontract for :atl- Tertisements in tbe Daily Kxvikw and Wil- MiNaioM Jochmal, at our lowest rates. d mm : Alternate clouds and Hiinsbiue tolAy. Window sizes at UaflVr &. Price's. t Lager is a royal driiik il you spell it backward. Yesterday's Gpl'drboro' Messenger fail ed us. Wonder vho pot it? ". Tbe weather prophets: are predicting bad weather for the next month. - fc Br. schooner CarlttOn, Albany, bence, arrived at Nassau on the 4th inat. Bxrque Or in Schmidt, hence,' for I ondou, passed Doveron the 2nd iust. 6ave your mouuy and b iy jour Build in Supplies from' Altaffer:& Price. t Oct. barque Kro'inewitz, Burchard, htnee, arrived at Antwerp on the 13th in8t.: '. ! ! It is said that the blackberry bushes indicate an unusually heavy yield this year. FeaJy mixed Paiuts, strictly pure White Leal, Crbrs, Brushes, Window Glass, &c at Ja:cobi's. ! Full Metal and Waluut Sh-iw Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altapfeb, Trice & cox . ;. Schooner Dora M. French, Fretich, for this port,. cleared at New York on tbe 13th lust. Gen. barque Lintrackt, Muerreick, hence, arrived at Bristol,) Eng., on the 13th inst. Schooner Eagle, Robbins, from Kenne bec for this port,sailed;from Provincetowu on the 12Lb inst. . - t Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. 4' - ' : So much has been .said about banged hair that the ladies are doubt less glad that it is no longer fashionable except for children. V j. When the girls pinch their cheeks in chnrch; it is fair to conclude that they have no objections to- the rosy view of things. 0 Prof. Tice promises us fair or clear weatter for to-morrow while Turner's Almanac says that it will rain. Well bet on 'Turner- this time. One way to make home happy is to stay away from it; but the one trying it has no right to visit other1 homes and make them also miserable. - Never give up the ship. Dr., Bull's Cough Syrup will cure you, as it ha done others. It costs little, and can never barm. Price 25 cents. Mesrs, A. and I. Shriek received day another fiue lot ol Spring and Sum mer suits for Men, You' hs and Toys wear. All of their. Clothing was manufactured in 0 inuary i consequently customers will get the advantage of the advance in goods. Call early and select your iphoice . . f The Gadrn Prospects. We are glad to learn that there h ;s been no irjjury to either the fruit or veg" etabfes on the. truck farms near this city, by the recent cool spell of weather. The prospects now for a bountiful yield ot vegetables is said to,, have never been bet ter and the truckers will all ; be made happy should there be no mere cold weather this season. Golden Days. We are indebted to the publishers for copies o early numbers cjf golden Days a new -weekly for - boya and girla which has just made its appearaqce in Pbiladel phia. Wehayj givyi these numbers a caref al trr;tlcjr and find in them much to commend Unlike much of tLe trash pub lished these days under the sounding title of "boyV and 'girls', weeklies,,' Golden Days is true to iu name and wh le the matter presented abounds in interest yt there is notuing ihe moat careful father need heaiute to lace b.fore b a cb,ildrea. It seeks f iotered, amuse yid instruct but not at tba expense of the moral health pf tfce child. P ublisbed by James ElterajD, at Philadelphia, at 33 a year. LY WILMINGTON, N: C., TUESDAY; MARCH Railroad Frelchts. The bcktioii ot tbe great rush of rail road Tnigh's e-ems to have ben broken and It ii- expected that they "will.. fall .aff senbiMy bctweeu this and April 1st However, there is stiil an enormous freigiiting business being done here yet. Quick. Time, The steamer Governor Worth made ?her last trip from Fayetteville to this city in 11 hours, including the time con sumed iu tanking 19 stoppages on the passt e.L This js cousidered a good run. Fayetteville it. 112 miles from Wilming ton, r I Plenty tf Water. Sieambottmen rpport that toero ?s now from 25 tu 30. feet of water in the Ope Fear at Pajitteville at.(l the freshet seems to have attaineti it t:ight-st mark. There are no fears now of very low water before the dry Summer Peason comes up on us. Plows, PitcUtorks, Spaces, liakes, "l'rai Chains, Plow Liues, &c. For the lowest piices, ga to Jacobi's. Magistrate's Court. Shade. Isham, vol rtd, was arraigned upon a peace warrant before a Justice, of the Peace this morning, and charged with assault and battery in addition thereto. After an investigation of the facta thede fenuant was ordered to pay ' one' penny and the.costs, in default of which he was committed to jail. Llection or Officers. t ... The following- (fUcerr of Post Ne. 3, (colored) Grand Army ot the Republic, were elected at a meeting of the Post, held last evening, viz : Com J S W Eagles. S V C J C Smith. j y C G E Burden. ' ' A-DJWH Howe. O DEliaa Council. O G Hector Davis. Chap James Jones. O M James Green. Q MSS G T Scndy Stewart. I S S Wesley Parker. O S S DanT Franks. Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders Bardware,&o Low st plreces at Jacobi's. Value of Wood. It is interesting and it may be profita ble, to know the comparative value of different kinds of wood for fuel. Shell bark hickory is regarded as tbe .highest standard of our forest trees, and calling that 100, other trees will compare with it for real value as fuel for house purposes as follows: Shellbark bickory. lOO; white oak; 84;white ash, 77; dogwood, 75; scrub oark, 73; white nazal, 72; red oak, 67; white beech, 65; black birch, 62; yellow o.ik, 60; harl maple. 60 white; elm, 58; red cedar, 66; wild cherry, 55; yellow pine, 54; chestnut, 54; yellow poplar, 54; butternut and white birch, 43; white pine, 30. You can buy No. 1. Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. I Opera House. Professor Macallister opened his en gagement at the Opera House last night to a fine audience. He is by far the best illusionist wt have over seen la this city. His tricks, for the most part, were new and were so skillfully and dexterously done ag to. baffle detectiou . The Pandora Mystery was finely executed and in order to show to the audience that the Professor per formed thu trick unassisted, two gentle men were se'ected ia the audience to go uP3Q ui aiage arm oiaae aa lamination oi xue oox ana to oe certain mat no on$ 3 weut uear it while the trick was bug performed. In hit tricks Profeascx Mac allister used live rabbits, capjvy birds and gold fish. - ' We berd but one aaakifTfCn exprtsyjd by theaudiQuce,afttl,t, wa, 'the best ever in tLe city. v- The distribution of presents U a pleasing finale to tbe 'even iag performance. Ttie presents distrib uted by Prof. Macallister were all valu able and useful articles, including a fuTl and com plete china tea , set, hand some stand lamps. hsmst' kits ot -mackerel, glaan cike salver rocking .chairs, etc , and a cash gift of ten daliars. To night the caah grtt will be $15 and the other p.reent fnBy.op to tbe standard of th 'stj given out last night. Barque JameilS. Ward, hence for Peo dacola, before reported, waa gotUo off the Grand Bahamas by wreckers and takea to Nassau, Shu w a did out Uy be leak- 1 ' ... ... t - . log. - . Review M. ratrcka Uay. As was announced by us some da a since there will be no special demonstra tion here to-morrow in lienor of St. Pat rick's Day, the intention being, we under stand, to devote tbe amount which woald bo expended on a celebration to tbe benefit of the suffering poor in Ireland The day will not, however, bo aliened to pass unnoticed and unregarded and with this object iu view the members of tbe Hibernian Benevolent Society will assem ble at Germania Hall at 9 o'clock, in full regalia, and will from thence proceed to St. Thomas' Church -where pproriaU services will be held and an address will be delivered. List of Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wdnesday, March 17: A Abram Anderson, Arthur Albright, James Artis. B A ley Baden, L L D Augustus Branch, Davie Brown, Detnsy Barnes, Raymond E Branch, Dick Branch, L Bonten, John Bryant, mrs Amie Bartley, Emma Ballia, Mary A Bishop, Maliaia Blackwel, Nancy Bryant. C M G Chad wick. Sidney Crawford, James K Outlar, G W Clifford, David Chadrie, miss M Cutler, Louisa Capheart, Marthtr Carther, Maggie Cowles, Joseph Consoao, Henry Clay, F O. D Martin T Davia, John Doufore, Charlie Dunson, Dennis Dew, Bel ford Davis, Rachael Davis, mrs Bobt D Dickson. EN O Everett, Reuben Everet. F Elvira Fagan, Betsy Furgus, Martha Fenneasen, Matilda Farrior, Vance B Finlayson, Jim Farr, George Freeland. G Samuel Gibson, John H Galloway, Luke Graddy, R H Grant,, Anna Grain ger. fl-Wm Harsen, J 0 Headricks, W L Hunter. (2), James JHolIand. John W Hall, J W Hanly, Hamilton & Bourbon, William Howe. J Henrietta Jackson, Victoria Ann Jordan, mrs Sarah Joans. K J W King, Wm Kornegay, Maria Kellog. L Jane R Lindsay, Owen Lock amy, mrs Long, mrs Reulah Lyles, Lucy Law- is, jane Lee, Alex Lee, Jennie Lewis, Michael Loyd. M Jennie Middleton, Caroline Miller, Martha MaBhburne, Wm Marten, J Mar tin, Phoeby Merrick, Susan Mclntire, Sally Meadowfi. Alonzo MeDermond, Charles Mitchell, Wm Myers, Silas Mil ler. Joseph Mack, O W Mitchell. N Anna Nci3, Laura Nixon, John Neilan. O Jasper Owens, R T Oglsbr, Dolly O'er ton. P Caroline Potter. N G Perdeo. Joseph A Push, Edmond Poiduin, Jeder Persone. Joe Parker. R Wm Rochester, Saml Robinson, W II Bobinson. S Peter Simon, Prince Swain, Jerry Slull. T Martin Thomap, Mattie L Thomp son, Wra Turner. S Eliza Spearmond, Mary- E Smith. W E Y Wooten, Dr T P Wright, S Whitehead. J S Wellie, Jane Willis. Eliza Ann Wright, Carrie C Woneti, Alex Wat son, Gilbert W Wiggen, Jas. H Wattara, J D Williams. Martha Wieacot. Sallie Woodard. Pcraons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington D. C. - E. R. BRI NK, P. M. Wilmington, N. XJ. New Hanover CountxN.C It is an old saying, but a pretty one,i that a blush is like a, little girl, for it b-4 rnmn a vnmin. ' The Tjeople r "have been eo much im-4! poeed npon "art worthless Blood Purifiers- J that we are glad to be able to recommend-' a preparanob which can be depended on. j aa contaiamg mvainabie meaictnai vir tues, and ia worthy of tbe pnbllo confi-- den AVER'S SAFAPABILLA enrea wleo in,,thirjg the diseases that raquire, an alterative medicine. Cuba Molasses, 2oo ha mBl BWj ew Crp and other gradea M ol or sale by mch 1 HALL & PKAB3 ALL Commtssioneis Sale- BY VIRTU 8 AND Hf PUBSrJANCB af a decre. of the Soperior Coart of 0rw Haaever, Comity, nade set th Fall Term, 187, the aadarsitraed, as Coemmlaaloner , ap pointed for that purpoee, will . ezpM for sale, at pabhc aaedoa, at the Ooart Uonse ' door in ' t be City of tTO smiactoa, on Uoaaay, ath day of April 1SS0, at II o'elock, H. tbe Cello srinx tract of land in said dry : BginaiaT t the Kast aide of Front street 6 feet Ponth from the Utaraae tion in iuaoataen line ef Weoster street, tt eoce bemta with Front: atreet CC feet and raaaiac at right aacleanrlthaald trtt 7lK feet,btira part ot lot 2, Wek 4a, ofldal plan of City of WllsoiBfilon. Tetinaeaaa. 't . IfAETUf. vseUS-lawU Goi 16, 1880 NO 30 17eT7 Advertisements Vegetable and Fruit ! . Cralc and ptoses, Sash. Doors. Blinds ! LL KIND i OF 6uri Otlff Material, Seasoned Klooriof , Weather Boardlaf, Am , Ac. MeUl and Walnut Bhrw Csaei. at AJ,TAFKKl VHU1M. 4k lX. ' Facrtnrrt " " Foot ef WalzBtsL mch 11 , Vrt tea. Nett, aear Ked Croa OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIQHT AUD EVERY EVENING The Great and (July Prof. J, 1. Hacallioter Monarch of all Wixarla, Elegant aad costly Presents Given 100 100 away at every performance . Reserved 8eats for sale at Helosbarger's, with oat extra charge, mch l&lw The Mew Boot & Shoe Store, 32 IIAREET STREET. I am receiving Daily my SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! Consisting of Ladies' Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Gondolas, in the Latest styles ; Also. Misses' Low Quark r Shoes and Newport Tte, which I offer at Low est Market Price. No trouble to show Goods. Call and examine and conViaco yourself. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL. 32 Market Street. 1 xnch 15 slgq of the Little Boot. Bcmtwright & LIcKoy ARC Emphatically 'opposed to the sale of the Western Ifortji Carolina Rilroad. So should bo any Cdsertkb who loves bis Eastern home. We are sure it is not Best for our i uteres' s. W ith sad hearts we are compelled to ad mit it is a foregone conclusion, from the fact that tbe wk6 men In and around the Capital have ao decreed it It now becomes our duty, as public ser vant (which we are in tbe Grocery Line) to alleviate ami help cur oppressed people Now the question is How shall we do it ? Tbe response will come from a thousand tongues, "Sell us Good Groceries Low." fion't you know we wiil do it ? CALL AtJO SEE OUIT UUQE STOCK; Ask lor Prices and Samjta. BOATMGHT i OIOY. O a 7 IJort Prat Dtraot. sncb 15 PLEASE HOnCE. Ws) will b gf ad U retire eonunnicatloas rroai er TrUai on'iiy aid TJI tubts p CwertJUtenst but: ; Tl caase of tha wrihsr iffast alwayi i be far., alahedto the Kditox CCosaataaieaUoaaaastbe written! oa only ae side of the paper. Personalities asms U a?oided. lad it is eeptUl!j aiKlpd.iJrtlarly oder tood that the Kditor dees not alwa,. rador.e lews of eorreoadenu oales so tati J ia iaa edltoriaJ enhnru. - New Advertisement!!. Notice. tote HilBmiaB BeieTdeit - Arso'a TOD IRK H " KB1 Wtied tosstmble at O. ruiaala Hall on Dort,brtrken Water and Frcnt streets, at 9 o'clock, Wt DESDAT iloru Inf, March I7tk, ISfiO, ia fll Kefslla, lor tLe parposeof afeedin; tbe Oiusl services' on 8T. PATRICK'S DAY. at FtTlo.. Catholic Church. By rdr cf Uu. JAMKS KKILLY, mch 16 It Marshal. P. L. Bridffers & Co., 20 : '24 "6 and 28 Front Street. WILMINGTON, X. C. J onctually very moinin G . L......eaTe your orders'foM.. R B...... otter. Heal, Hoiaiay...,...0 ? ajt, Beefnar C l......nnanon, tSptees. Citron....... R U-..abWofaakinda, Ointrew...R , S olf ia all shapes. Ever.V . v E. venivg before yon go hone wards S l,llh stock ifshor.....T ' s..,...endlnghome all you ought t.o . And... .......bay Goods fo. .......... R C...... ash or city aeeptanc....K . uH,...raer or araxt at ten day......S AT " - uriaffers tx uo., 20, . 24, 2 and i8 Front Street, Wilmington, N. C., Business was never so brisk or profiubla f wrv our patrons so nntuer ous and ao wH aafl . nr.k.iu.i Stores and started in the midst of the most tremendou panic ever known here. We have steadily increased the facilities offered I ? a generous public have increased their patroaage. Today our cash receipts are larger th in those of any similar estab Uahment in North Carolina We intend to go on until we have built up an cstablisb- true that "Bridget-,' success is due to Capi tal and Luck." There U no such thine as luck not the result of labor. All the monev ui . nefl dr t0 onr Princsly es tablisbment would be nrtM.H tr , piaeed In our safes and on our counters. " "w. a aeai to tbe printers. w pay them liberally and are rewarded. The circulationl of the Dailt Rivikw has in creased. We do not write the funny articles. I4rhe CLetters.,r P- ! Bridffers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 26 23 Front Street, i iimiogiou, H.U. Challenge competition, confidently offering to eash customers carefully selected ana choice choosins of Canned Vegatabtes.Milk. Canned Fruits, Candy, loose, and in bags, boxes, barrels and packages. Cinnamon and uiirwn, fwaooages ana uonee, Candles and Cheese, Capon 8auce and Cayenne, Cara mels and Cognac, Olaret aad Chocolate. Col- gave soap and Chow Chow, Cloves, Cin namon, Cough Drops, Casks, Corks and Celery, Cedrat aad Cereals, Cherries and Champagne, Codfish, Cordials and Collard Seed, Cosmetics, Corn, Comfits, Confection ery, condensed Milk, condiments, constitu tional cooking Powder, cranberries, cream biscuit, currant, currypowder, charlotte rusee, chestauU, cheese, cheroots, chittar "age, eider, cucumbers, all of the best quality, in quantities to suit, and at a fair remunerative profit to our ourselves, and on as accommodating terms as at any Grocer south of Drew Torkeaa afford; , -m r, L. BRID6ERS & GO, 29, 22, 14, 28 aad 28 fioat Street, achla 'C- Blank Books. fJIBS LARGEST 8 tock of Blank Books, Letter Books, Writiag Fapars aad Envelope la the city Is at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and gOU) ON TU SSTiLMElfT Plari af H E1N8B ERGER'8, 39 aad 41 Market st. mch 10 Eaoter Eggo. QOLOREO IE OIL A ED WATER Color, in artistic designs. Orders left at Mr. fleias berger's, at this Office or the Schol House of uimm Burr and J i. wQl receive prompt attention. tal .11 sach, Excurolon to SmlthTllIe Ma t. UI1U lUV XUrlS I. f32pOZrf sr FOB THE BENEFIT OF 8T JOHS' Charah. -, : Tbe patroaage or tbe pubuc Is earnestly requested br the Committee of Ladles having the matter la charge. . Tbe boat will leave ber dockets A. M. Tfakatu 71 cents. Children aaier 12 years' . "seats. - jVamberof tickets limit J. For sale at the Drag 6seeev ,. meh 13 4