THIS PAPER ' niolished aver? afternoon, 8udarf ex- , JOSH. T. J1ME8, ti KrtTRI PTION8. FOHTAG K PAID. One year, S5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Thre- monthJ, 31 ; "n monin, ou oena. rv- .3er will be delivered by carriers, ... .ifchftreei in any part of the city, at the ibote rstes, or 13 cents per week. Adrertising rates low ana UDerai r-Hubscribers will pleasereport any and 11 failures to receive their papers regularly. s"" flew Advertisements. :lQWl & KODDICK, 5 & 11 Cent Store, (K E. CORNER OF MARKET AND HK0.fD STREETS.) VV E TAk "THIS OPPORTUNITY of thanking the general public for their very lib eral patronage in the nbore branch of our bu inM n deei'eto sttte that at no time sine our first opening hare we ever carried' such an s8ortment s at present. Having antici pated the recent grea advance in such goods, we sre now fully piepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest ad8ortmenteerJh'- wn in this section at any time We can with truthfulness asert that our stock is more ihsn double the size of any other of this kind iouth of Baltimore. It is a rery easy matter to call in and ver-fy the above statemest. We would also ad1 that we have of lato added several new departments to tbe above, which we retail at higher prices, consisting of many usefal artieie in Housekeeping, Ac, such as we have a demand for, and in future it will be oar endeavor to keeo adding an? and everything we can buy useful ard below value. Our intention is to make this THifi Store of the So-th for Bargains of all KimLs. The following is a very imperfect list but our space will admit of no more. Japanese Ware, G'ass Ware, Tin Ware, Hcissors, French Dressing, Blacking, Ch'Idrens Hiatal, Perf imery, Jewelry, 0 mbs, Fep Ouqs, poor Bumpers, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins,' Pulleys, Lemon t?quefZ;r', Wa lets, Brushes, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faucets, Trays, Trumpets, Toiletl Soap, Forks, Bracelets Table and Tea Spoons, BadB, Marbles, Balls, Ptove Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, KoaUs, Needles and Pins, Hhovels, llammers, PnnVi Kn-vVl Padlocks, Chisels, Screw Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Fins, Sponges, Jumping Ropes, WAV. Jote Paper and En-Toilet t-ets, velopes, Vases, Feather Dusteis, Doll Carriages, Razor Straps, Brooms, I Buckets, Baskets, Velocipedes, Carts, Wagors, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton Hamburg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies St Gents Hdk'fs,Spool Flax, Linen Table Ifapkins,Ladies. Hose, Liaen Table Doilies, Cnildrens Hose, Kuchisg, ' Gents Socks, Collaretts, Gents Shirts, &0t ScCf &C, &C, &C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. E. CarneY nf Market ni Rflcnnd Streets feb 11 The Mew Boot Sl Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. I am receiving Dally my SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! - Consisting of Ladies' Shoes, Sandals, Shprers, Gondolas, - - - - in the La'est styles ; lso, Misses' Low Quarter Shoes and Newport Ties, which I offer at Low est Market Price. No trouble to show Got ds. Call and examine aud convince yourself. Respectfully. C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street: ui h 15 sign of th LiUle Boo. OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT AUD EVERT EVENING ! The Great and Only Prof, J BT- ETacallister Monarch of all Wizards. Lit rant and eost'y Presents lOO). Given ! VlOO awav at every performance Kesetved Seits for sale at Heinsbirgei's, wltt oat extra charge. i men 16 lw MR. J. H. HA.TES, Newspaper Advertia ing Areax, 41 Park Kotrv (Times Building), Neir York, is authorized to contract for sd verisementa in the Dailt Kxtiiw sad Wi xiieiox Jotraxii., at our lowest rates, . r - nni 4 VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, i Quarantine KeyuLations Port of, Wilming ton, Ct , P HamsBaasra Xhe' Gem Puzzle. Yatks' Prang's Easter Cards. Flenfy of wood in the city. Castle! street is being sawdusted. The champion life-preserver breath. Pexb trees are in full bloom in this city J Wirdow Glass all sizes; at Altaffer & Price's. . 1 , f The rains kinder fling a damper on the croquet question. , Spirits had a boom last week but poli tic has got it this week. Election expenses show that it takes two much money to gel at ih will of the people. '" ; Save your money and bay, your, Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t Steamship Benefactor, Jones, hence, arrived at New York on the 17th iust. i i The cemetery is a very popular Sunday af.eruoon resort. Pretty fljwers, evergreens and lKiaulifuIly kcpt enclosures add to the attraction. . Purge cut the morbid burners of the b!oud. bv a dose or two of AYEIfi PILLS and ou wi 1 have -clearer heads as well as bodies. ' i Kea Jv mixed Paints, strictly r ure White Lead, Cclcr5, Brushes, Window Glass, &c., at Jacobi's. ' A ladies' handsome gold watch will be amoDg the prizes given out at tbe mati nee to-morrow afternoon. Large fires have been , raging for tbe past two or three days in the woods be tween this city and the Sound. .; I - ; t o TLe Presbytery of Wilmington will meet at Brown Marsh Church, Bladen county, on Thursday aext, 25th insti There are now three persons confined in the county jail charged with capital crimes,' one for arson and two for hur glary. Steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, for this port, via Morehead City, cleared at New York on the 17th iosfc; and sailed thev6ame day. The Sixteenth Annual Fair of the Sampson County Agrjcultutal Society will be held the 1st, 2d; 3d, and 4th of December next. - fWe are glad to see Mr. George Z. French again on the streets yesterday, though looking rather pale and wan from his recent illness. The Raleigh Observer reports Capt. G. L. Dudley, Private Secretary to Governor Jarvis, as being sick. We trust that ;t is not anything serious. They say business is dull; sugar and coffee are selliDg slowly. Not so witn Dr. Bull s Coush we understand our druggists can. hardly supply the de mand. ' Quite a large number of our uprcountry friendstwho have been iu this city for sv- enal days, returned to their homos to day on the stoamers Wave and Ov. Worth. The atmosphere on North Water street is again loaded with the stink of rotten bones and other decayed animal matter which" is dignified with the name ef guano. Mr. W. T. Powell", of Kicbmond; hai engaged the Opera Housej in this city for April 7th and 8tb, but tbe entertain ments to be produced thenhave not been named yet. i - i -. The game of 'Sixteen' is played at the front gate with one foot on the bottom and both arms across the top, while she stands on the other side and winds a bit of blue ribbon around her fioger and heaps np a little pile of gravel with her foot. - Mr. Nath'i Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow cm now haye their orders filled at Jacobi'3 Hard -ware Depot, No; 10 S. Front st. ' tf. . Messrs, A. and I. Shbisb received this day another fine lot ot Spring and Sum mer suits for Men, Fouths and Iys wear. JU of their Clothing was manufactured n January, consequently customers will get the advantage of the i advance in goods Call early and select your choice. 1 . The l ape Fear. Steamboat men report that when they left Fafetleville yesterday morning the freshet in the river had subs dfd about a foot aud was still falling. ' DAILI WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 19, A Qaeer AnlmaU Capt- W. A. Cumming has at the mill yard of Mes rs. Northrop & Cumm ngau animal known as a gaano mmkay. It closely resembles au alligator, but has hands like a monkey. It was brought here from Navassa Island. Matinee. For the benefit of ladies and children, Prof. MacAllister. will give a matinee to morrow afternoon. He will give away some very hands me presents and per form some" of his choicest Illusion. i Rebuilding and Additions. Messrs Westbrook ros.. of Rocky Point; have commeucc-d to rebuild their grist and Raw mill and cottin gia wbisb was destroyed by fire a short time ago. They i contemplate ruRiiu-j a sash an'1 blind factory in connection with it aud also think of starting a factory for the manu facture of smoking tobicco at an early date.rGood! Plows,; Shovels, PiLohioiks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chai s, Plow Lies, &c For tbe lov est prices, go to Jacobi's. i Opera House. - Professor Maeallister still continues to draw large audiences, llis performance last night was a very pleasing one and his tricks were very well performed. To the people of this city his illusions are new and many are very pretty. The presents given away lastnight were, as en former occasions, useful and substan tial. ! The cash prize was drawn by a gentleman living near this city on the Carolina Central Railway and the hand some silver pitcher fell to a colored glr living on Mulberry street. Tonight a very handsome gilt band and decorated French China tea set, consisting of forty four pieces, and a cash priza of $15 will be awarded. Mother Shipton's P.ophecy. There are very many people who bold the firm belief that the world will come to an end in 1881, according to the fa mous prophecy said to have been made by one 'Mother Shipton,' an English seer ess. lit has been discovered that the book of prophecies, as published by, her about 1684, contains no such prophetic statement. A man named Hindley fabri cated the prophecy and ten others, to render a book pretending to be a correct version of Mother Ship ton salable. He was detected and made to pay dearly fo his deceit. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffee, Price & Co's. I Lippincott's Magazine. The 10th Chapter Dr. Oswald's 'Sum.. merland Sketphes which is the opening paper xnLippincott's Magazine forApril describes the ruins of Uxmal, that mys terious buried city of tbe New World, which attests the existence, at seme form er period, of a race of builders on this Continent .rivaling those" of Nineveh In the grandeur of their designs, in mechan ical skill, and in amplitude of means. Three Lakes of Central New York is a pleasantly written and well illustrated article, by Frank II Taylor. Iu 'The English Workingman and Commercial Critse8,' the first of two papers by Octave Thanet, the writer traces the effects of po litical changes,! legislation, commercial panics and other influences on tbe con dition of tbe laboring classes, with the view of elucid-t ng what may be justly termed the most perplexing problem of mcdern cirllizuion. Mrs Mary Treat dec scribes 'A Phase of Life in Florida Dr R Osgood Mason has an instructive arti cle 'Concerning Animalcules.' Dr Dulles gives practical suggestions about 'Eating;' and an anonymous writer, gives an ac count ot 'The! Red Cck'tbe name ap plied to successive revolutionary out breaks of tbsj Russian peasantry duriog tbe last half century. ! i Iu tbe wayjof fiction this number coa tains a fresh instalment uf 'Adam and Eve,' a popular serial by the . author of Dorothy i'ox';' short storks by Sherwood Bonner, author of 'Like unto Like;, and Mrs Lizzie W! Ohampney ; a.d a story of Russian life and character, by Vera La poukhyn. The 'Monthly Gossip is un usually full and entertaining, i ;) ; -H 1 f 1 ''Old Reliable." There are' nany reputed remedies for that very 1 prevalent dissase, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, but nonewhich nave giv en general satisfaction and f become ac knowledged standard preparations, excepv Dr. Sage s QaUrrb Remedy, i It continues to eojjy an 1 1 unprecedented popularity This reputation has been earned through the permacent cure which it has wrought bavin? Droved itself a specific in the iv.trfit forma of the disease. In fact so reliable is It that its former proprietor nfrr through sill the newsDsnera -of the lani a reward of 550j) for a case ."of Ca tarrh that1 it .wouu noi cure, oaw dj druggiets. . . : , Eeyiew. i I'assion Week. This season, observed with ej much solemnity in th CtLolie Ej s?c oja! churches, begins wirh i ex Sun '3 y, w hich is celebrated in cLurcLes r.s Talm Sunday. The Sunday following is Ets tcr, which p'it. an end to the lCMten s?a sn. You cdu buy In1. 1 Ouokin and Il' uts in Stoves at aUiu-S' any price at ccni'i Hardwaro Depot. rnmullables. . Th3 following unmailable, p..stal nut ter remains in the Post Olfice in this city: Andrew Williams, Weldon, N C; B. Altman & Ox, Nsw York. N. Y.; Mer chandise; Dr. O. P. Boart, Ediuton, N. C; Agnes McDougal, Bolton, N C. Taken up lor Decency's Sake. Ann Jane Sidbury, a poor, helpless, penniless, homeless colored" woman, was taken to the Guard House by Offber Scharf yesterday to await sme action by the poper authorities, the woman's con dition being such from rags and filth tha it is absolutely indecent for her to-appear upon the streets. Truck Farias. The various truck farms near this city are said to be looking very fine; Thus early green peas and new Irish po tatoes have been shipped North and the farmers are in good spirits and are antici pating large yields from the crops. The recent cold snap have not iDjured the early vegetables, we are happy to learn Magistrate's Court- Annie Baker, colored, was arraigned this morning before Justice Millis on the charge of assault and battery upon the person of Annie Howard, colored. After hearing the evidence in the case judgment was suspended upon payment of costs. The same defendant was then arraigned by the same plaintiff upon a peace war rant. Judgment of the Court in this in stance was that defendant furnish bond in the sum of $25 for sixty days to keep the peace. . - Mrs. Jarley g Wax Figures. As has been before announced in the Review, quite a number of ladies and gentlemen hav Mrs. Jarley's Wax Fig ures in preparation and will present them at the Opera House on Easter Tuesday. Mr. Berry Gleaves has con sen ted to recite several choice selections and Mrs Daniel Kahnweiler has signified her willingness to render two or three favorite songs . The Quartette Club have also expressed their willingness to assist in making the eveniDg one of rare enjoy ment. The proceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to St. John's church. Eyerybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The American Union Lines. The fact that Mr. Robert Morton, an agent for the American Uniou Telegraph Company, was in the city a few days since, was duly noted. Mr. Morton's stay here was necessarily short and but little relative to his visit has transpired. We learn, however, that thg lines of the American Union Company will certaur y be here about the first of June, thus confirming what Mr. Bates, the General Superintendent, told the Editor cf this paper at tbe Company's effice in New York. We understand that the lines wil be working, to Richmond about the first of April and that then the work will be pushed in this direction and towards Ral eigh and Charlotte simultaneously. 1 a Good Elouiewife. The goal housewife, when she is giviog her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that ths dear inmates of her house are more precious than many houses, and that their systems nesd cleansing by purifying the blool, regula ting the stomach and bowels to prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and mi?ama, and she must know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bitters, the purest and test of medicines. See anoth er column. 1 Wilmington District Second round in part of quarterly meet ngs for the Wilmington District, Meth. odist E Church, South. Coharie Mission at Hope ell, March 20-21 Cokesbury circuit at' Salem, March 27-28 Bladen circuit at Sonle's Chapel Apl 3 4 Elizabeth circuit at ftl&den Springs, '-', April 10-11 Wblteville circuit at Way man, Apl 17-1 Waccamaw Miss, at Leoanon,Apl 24-25 L. S. Bubxhejld, NO. 33 WfiSTERU N. C. E. R. Meeting at the Produce Exchange tMs If ternonn- Views of Our Mer chants in Begard to 1he Sale. i In accordance with a ros iest cf the presiding officers of the Chamber of Com raemerce and Produce Exchange in this city a meeting of the two Ixxlies, together with the members of the Boar l of Trade and business me-n generally of the city, was held at the rooms of tho Produce Ex change this afternoon At 4 o'clock to consult as to tbe propped stile of the W. N. C. U. R. : , ! Upon motion of Mr. C. II. Kobii sin, President of the Produce Exchange, Mr. A. H. VanBokkelen wa3 called to the Chair. The . meeting was then further organized by requesting Mr. T. Calhoun James to pet as SeereTary, Mr X ah Bokkeien, up u tiking tbe Chtir, ttattd that Mr. Dulirutz Cutlar, who had just arrived from Raleigh was present and would please make a statement in regard to the feeling ai d sentiment among the legislators or those with whom he conversed upon tho subject cf the sale of the Western Road. Mr. Cutlar thereupon made a clear and suc cinct statement in regard to the senti ment of those with whom he talked in Raleigh, which left the impression that the sale of the road upon some terms or other was a foregone conclusion. Mr. Cutlar stated further that there, was some little interest or anxiety manifested as to what the people iu this city desired. Mr. C. staled also that "there were a great many railroad men in Raleigh who manifested a deep interest in a rail road charter which was granted by the State in 18G8 9 to build a road from Statesville to Danville. After Mr. Cut lar's statement there was a general dis cussiou upon the subject, participated in Kit fnl Wm T. ToPncaof orVirt o rToaol ujr ..-.w- nimseii in iavor oi inis saie, Mr. VanBokkelen in the chair- made a few remarks regretting the inability of Wilmington to purchase the road, but hoped to off jr a good port as an outlet for the trade, no matter who becafhe the purchasers. Mr. N. Jacobi opposed the sale. Col. Roger Moore was opposed to the undue haste which bad charac terized tpe Governor's movements in regard to the sale. Mr. Thomas E. Bond opposed the sale and made a very clear and comprehensive statement of the objects and intentions of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad as it ap peared to hi m in their aggressive move ments towards tapping, and controling the connections in tha West by the West ern North Carolina Rail Rai. ! Col. Roger Moore ,made a speech which seemed to meet with the views of a good many of the gentlemen present. Col. Moore, is his usnal plain and candid man ner, stated that if the road must bo sold let it be done after due deliberation and advertisement. ' lie referred to the fact that the very men. who now proposed the sale cf the road add had circulated printed pamphlets and letters urging such action were among tho men who , in August, 1875, advised the State to pur chase ysaid road to kocp it out of hostile hands,' but who now tried to throw a sop to Eastern North Carolina by LUgg?sting tho working of a few convict hands to cut ditches and giving the WeS; ern people a sop abcut the building of the Western Inaanp Asylum. A resolution was then offered by Mr. A. H. VanBokkelen, expressing the sen timent of this meetiogj which was gencri erally discussed, without any definite ac tion, when a resolution of similar import was offered by Mr. W mi Ca'der. Col. Wm. L. Delicsiet then moved that a ! committee be appointed by the Chair to draught a resolution expressing tbe sentiments of the meeting atd of the citi zens gecerally iu regard to the sale of the road, and that saiidl committee report at an ad puree 1 meetmjj'to be held at the City Court room oa Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Motion c&rirkd. i Tbe chair tlenapro nted Col. Wm. L DeSosset, Mr. C. H, Robinson, Capt. R. M. Mclntire Mr. LtiBrutz Cutlar ,and Wm. Calder, Eq'p On that committee. I Upon motion of Co . Roger Mcore the Chaiimaa w&a added to the committee. Hhe meettcg theri upon motion ad joarned to meet at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon in the City Court Room. About the moat UDComfor.Ubla seat a man can have, in tbe Ion run. is rslf cn . Vs? . - 1 1880. PLEASE NOTICE. 3 We will beg? ad to receive communications from our trUnit on aay and all subject o general interest bat: The name of the writer must a! w js be fur nished to the Editor. Communications a tut be wiittcn ot .only one side of the paper. Fersonalitiefl'inust be aTolded, And t is especially and pcit-ealariy under stood that the Editor does cot always en for so the riews of correspondent, unlets so ttUd in the editorial columns. Kcrc7 Advertisements. Quarantine Regulations PORT fcF WILMINGTON. N. C. rpL'K rOLLOWINV; QUA' A .TINE Her niations will b ebtirc-.d fi tie Tort of Wil m'nfcton, ami the penalties of $200 .for every violatioa thereof auirtlj eufoiced. Pilcfs vio'aMnp; theawe'are Hb!e to lots of tbeir branch. To er.titlc a Vissel io free praL"na In the Port tf WPixjington, from winterer port she-niaj come, the must show i " , (1,) A cl an bill of health ia accoi dance with ih? -rroairr.ecdatioDs of the National- B.aid t.t t'u . ! 1 (2 ) She Dicst slow to the satisfaction of the Quarantine Board that no case of Infec tious disease hss occurred on board at the port of departure or daring ths passage. (3. She ' mntl hft IhnrnnrrMw f.no1 . and disinfected and ballast discharged at the Quarantine Station, and per form -any other requirements that may be designated by tho Quarantine Phytician. . (. ) After performing all these require ments, she may receive a permit In writing from the Quarantine Physician, which per mit must be endorsed by the Superintendent of Health of New Hanover county, before she will be allowed to come to the city. - - (5.) Vessel subject to ths abovd regula tiocB will be designated by notice from time to time to heir Pilots and others interested in commerce. (6.) The Quarantine Keaeon will com- menee on the let of May and end on the 1st of ' . November, except that when sickness shall occur on ooard vessels at otner ssasons, sueh vessels shall also come under the above rules; W. G. CURTIS, M. L, Quarantine Physician. J. C. WALKER, M. D. THOMAS F. WOOD, M, P. . Convultants. Wilmington, N. C, Match 18, 1880. mh 19-lir Agricultural Ins. Co, of New York. ORGANIZED UN 1S53. v ASSETS 1st, JAN. 1880, $1,187,287.73. LOSSES. TAID OVER $3,000,000. TVHTTBva wnTniwn nnr n u; JL contents, and farm property, and offers bpicia.Ii lasucEMiHTs for risks of that class. . Insures against damage by Lightning,' whether fire ensues . or not) without extra charge. , Agents wanted in every county is the.State JNO. W. OOBDON k BRO.. ach 9-tu-frl General Amenta. Franks Easter Gar dp; THE FINEST EVER ' ' BUOUGUT TO-THE ?1TY, i ' -'AT" ' -. BUOK STORE. mch 18 The Cem Puzzle. OB, THE ORIGINAL GAME OF FIFTEEN ! TOE LITTLE PUTTEBCUP PUZ2LY. Nothing of the kind for rears has betn s . . . . . . pupuiarastne aoove games. They IntereJt old and yoaag alike, and tell at s'ght. Fourlh supply jost received by Fxpretr. Orders promptly attended to at IIEINBBERGER'F, 3d and '41 Uarket ft. mch 17 Vegetable and Fruit Crates and Boxes, Sash, Doors, Blinds ! JLL KINDS OF BUlLDIJfQ Materia, 8eaaoned Flooring, Weather-Boarding, Ac.. 4c. Metal and Walnut Show CaraJ, at ALTAFFER, TBIC2S & CO. Ficroav i -Foot of WatutaU mch IS OfVlCK. VatU near Kd Crou. rjotice- A PPLICATIOII will be csdsto Uetcxl . xjL aerrioa f the Lerrlslatsre for a Ctrrur I Ut the A7Ua!stea UtrUX Ccartay, :