3 THIS PIPES jj paollshed every afmrftoon, Sundays ex- Mpted bv " r ' j o ft T. I j 4 M G 8 rillTHH AMI HKKIKT. gf ' BlMJRl PTIONH, POMTAOE PAID. One rear,$S 00 Hir months, $2 50 ; Thre oaths, $1 iti One month, bO cents. Vht paper will be delivered by carriers, re ofeharge, it anj part of the city, at the ty?e raa, or 13 cent per wt AlTertiinp rates 'o and liberal f-Nabieriber will please report any and )! f'ilnrea to rewire their papers regularly. Advertisements. Bitu A'N RODDICK. 45 Parket St. WOULD ANiiOUNCK THAT wm hve owned in connection with onr Press Gx.ds Dpanment, otc-IDO. pieces of .Vorsted Dress Gooda, which we are off rln? at 15c, 20c and 25c. Thse g'ds a- ele-ted with a view lo-'h-i w-nts of th h market, and embrace many N'tveitie. Bavin; purchased in the nwiitia f Odot', ovimber aid De cenib r, antidpuiitg the advance which hai r ce-illy taken place, and as far as posslbl will give the benefit to our patrons. Black Cashmeres, .We are makiin a specialty of our M mrning Department and have hIwhv.- ou hand a full assortment of all th-i Nov. tlties iu this particular branch of our busi UtS:. '. Black Crapes. YVe have by far the largf st assortment of Hlack Crapes you'cin fiud, aud aro the Sola Agents f THE 17ID01VS' CRAPE, For the dec pest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves- In Opera", bpring and Dark Shade s. They need no commrnts. alocoes From: 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets, at' the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep calli- g. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. mch 20 The Wew B o o t & S h o e Store, 32 MARKET STREET. ' I am receiving Daily my SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! v - Consisting of Ladies' Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Gondolas, in the La'est s'yles ; Iso, Misses' Low Quart r Shoes and Newport Tug, which I offer at Low est Market Price. No trouble to 1 show (f'vds. . Ctlland examine and convince yourself. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street; j web 15 sln of Um Little Boo. . QPERA HOUSE, T0-NIQHT AUD EVERY EVENING! t The Great and Only Prof J. III. Hacallister Monarch of all Wizards. Elegant ad costly Presents 100 V Given 100 away at every performance . Reserved 8ejts for gale , at Heinsbcrger's, without extra charge, me 1&1w Lber tlan Ever. LasqsVtock of oak, :isa, c., greatly rt daead priessv , Fall stock of 6:it COAL Lia .iL ty .: ttry low laied.I . - C t I s - V' u , , . j a. ovmsQi: r VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Brows A Roddick rNew Goods. John M. Robinjoh New Go: da for Easter, AnniversiryW 8 FE Co, No 1. J W TATLoa Wood Wood Wood. - H Bubkhimbb, Bee Sect'y Attention P HaiHSBiaesa The Gem Puzzle. 5 - Yatbj -Prang's Faster Cards. ! v WirdoW Glass ah sizes at Altaffer & Price's. v ! t No interments iu this week. Beilevue Cemetery Br. schooner F. L, Colter, bnc, ar rived at Peint-a-Pitfe Feb.. 23d. 1 Only one interment in Oakdale this weea. that of a still born infant. fSchjooer Caroline, Hall, hence, ar rived at Georgetown,' S. C., the 15th inst. Nor. barque Stiubo, Neilsenj hence. arrived at Bristol, Eng., on the 17th inst; Ge-.arque imffkbitt Sch&ppt for this port, cleared at New York on the 18th inst. i One interment in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) this week that of an infant two i . - days old. i i Nor. barq;be Arctic, Hansen, for this port, -sailed from Liverpool on the 17tb Ready piixed raints, strictly j ure White Lead, Cclors, Brushes, Window Glass, dec., at Jacobi's. Nor. barque Soltero, from Martinique for this port, was spoken on the 6th inst in lat, 22, Ion 62. ' . ' ' Br. barque Maggie OBrien, Fleming, hence, for Bremen, arrived at Fly mouth, Eng., on the 18th inst. 1 '' i : 1 The next Convention of . the Episcopal church' in this State meets in Winston on the 26th day of May, 1880. The Register ol I)eeda has issued six marriage licenses this week two of which were for white and four for colored couples. : Full many a flower ' is born to bloflh unseen, aud waste its 'fragrance on the desert air, full many a man will solve the game fifteen,' but when he looks again it isn't there. A Friend in need, if a friend indeed.' Such a friend is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which should be in every family; it costs only 25 cents a bottle and may save many a doctor bill. Give it a trial. Mr. JfathU Jacobi having been appoint ed agent, for . the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. - i There will be joint services to.morrow in the First and (Secocd Presbyterian churches, conducted by Rev. Dr. Wilson. Services in the First Church at 11 a. m. i i . and in the, Second Qhurch at 8 p. m. . Purge out the morbid hnmors of the blood, by a dose or two of AYER'S PILLS and you wi 1 have clearer heads as well as bodiee. Be sure and call at fci bier's two Stcres and examine their large stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, Ha s, Caps and Gent's Furniahing Goods. No doubt they have the largest and finest stock in the city which they will sell at the lowest market prices. i 1 1 f i -v- J - Very III. We regret to learn of the extreme illness of Mr. Adolple Bjar, a brother of Mr. Sol Bear, at bis brother's residence in this city. We tru3t Mr. Bear's illness is no as precarious as his family fear. Two Items. i Oar lady readers will find some very attractive news in the advertisement of Messrs. Brown & Roddick, which is re newed to day. There are two items there which will also att;aGt the masculine ejef one of which is that two button kid gloves are selling at 25 cents a pair and the other j calicces are offered at 6 cents at yard. . . ' Old Reliable." There are many reputed remedies for that very prevalent disease, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, but none which nave giv en general satisfaction and become ac knowledged standard preparations, except Dr. Sage 8 Catarrh Remedy. . It continues to enjoy an unprecedented popularity This repuUtion has been earned tnroqgfc t be permacent cures which iuEaa wrought haviag proved itself a specific in 'the worst forma of the disease. In fact so reliable is it that its former proprietor offered through all the newspapers of the land a reward of $500 for a , case of Ca tarrh that it would "cot ,cstsT"-Soli by drr:irt2."-- - , - - i i f: ... - V 1 WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY. MARCH Anetber Counterfeit- . Another dangerous counterfeit has ap peared. This time X is a $20.' counter feit treasury. note. It is of the series of 1876, letter C, and u printed on imita tion fibre paper. Th'e8hadiog under the words Uaited States is darker than in the genuine; otherwise it U very good, in fact difficult to detect even by persons in the habit of handling money. , : .1 Last Msht at the Opera Uouse. Professor Macallister closes bis engage ment in this city to night. His illusiong hive given general satisfaction and the people ot this community will .ever re member his performance with a feeling of pleasure. The capital gifts last evening, $15 and the chiua tea set, were drawn by gentlemen of this city To-night the cash gift will be $25 in addition to the usual namber of ueeful articles. j City Court. Thomas Brown and Hector Eagles, two colored men, were arraigned before the Mayor this morning, charged with an af fray at the dance house of Isham Scott, colored, in Brooklyn last ni?bt. After listening to the evidence in the case the Mayor decided that there was not sufficient proof to convict the parties and dismiss edi the case at the cost of Isham Scott, the prosecutor and proprietor ef the dance hoase where the alleged disturbance is said to have taken place. '"' I ' .' ' , Window Glass of all sizes, Doom, Sish and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&3 Low- st plreces at Jacobi's. S : 1 . j Next Week. , To-morrow is Palm Sunday, the .last Sunday in Lent. Its celebration is com raemorp tive of Christ's entry into Jerusa- lem, when the multitude cut palm i branches and spread them in His way i j. Holy Week-follows and it will be observ ed j strictly, every day, by the Roman Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran churches, with services every day iu each of the churches of those denominations. The Lenten season , will close with nexc Saturday and on Sunday Easter Day will be celebrated as commemorative of the resurrection of Christ from the grave and His victory ovrr Death. S . : ; Tou can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. j Map of Fire Risks. Mr .'Edwin S. Buchanan, of the San bornMap and Publishing Co., No. 117, Broadway, New York, is in the city, engaged iu taking diagrams of build ings for the purpose of determining isur ranee risks and other matters of import ance to insurance companies. From the diagrams taken by Mr. Buchanan accurate maps are made by which insurance agents may determine at a glance the amount and character of the risks upon any building within the city. By this means majs are being1 made of the fire risks in all the cities and principal towns in the country, which are of almost incalculable advantage to insurance companies and their agents. . ; Plows, Shovels, Pitchtorks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. , . Magistrate's Court. Mary Mack, colored, swore out a peace warrant against Frank Mack, colored, and brought defendant before Justice Mil lis upon the charge of threatening her. A peace bond of $25 for ninety days was the decision of the Justice. The s" me plaintiff acd the same defend ant j were then brought forward in another case. This time the charger was assault with a deadly weapon. The evidence in the case seerxed conclusive and the defend ant, Frank Mack, was bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $50. A third case was then made up sgiinst the same defendant upon the charge of carrying a concealed weapon in the shape of a pistol. Upon this charge the defen dant was also bound over in a sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. ! Full Metal and Walnut Snow Cases, all style and size?, at Altaffeb, Price & Co. ' - '-..'' . , Worklnsmen. Before you begin your heavy spring work alter a' whiter of relaxation, your svetem need cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague, Billions or Spring Fever, or some otter Spring sick ness that will anht you lor a season a work. Yoa will save time. : much sick Hesi and great expense if you will use one bottle of Hop Bitters in your family this month. I Don' rm$. - S?e anctir. REVIEW. Personal- 1 Mr.j Jchrf I). Sprunt, formerly rf tb's: city, bu't now doing business in B.rnn:- "wick Ga , left here o-r!ay for Nr-w Ytuk, at which point ho1 ui I uke ' fctcir-.cr for Europe next wrek. . Mr. Ludwig VuKt-rs, f 1'Jjt C.sell, an eld friend and stibfcriWr, paid i'a short but very pleasant vitit ''this u re noon. He ii en roif for ef York, where he will buy j;ocds, aL'JNi ppgfti ble that l e may t..ke a trit across the water for a visit to the F-uler Uel, b U ra bia return to North Carol na. j 'I he crbzj Uii'8. Iu reference in the statement lii-A 'e b$ us a few d.ijB aro in regard to ti'reo lunaties haing escaped or been turned loose, from the Poor Uuse, we are re quested by Mr. West, the Assistant Superintendent, to state that PhilFs Moore was discharged by the. Board of Physicians several months ago and only a few Ida a since has been returned to the instituticn Sarah McKeezie, Mr. West; says, escaptdj a3 we Lave stated, but was captured and was the next day returned to her quarters; the third lunatic, Crazy -Na than, escaped a month or two ago, and is low confined in jail by order of the Board of Commissioners as too dangerous to be allowed at large. Confirmation Services, Bishop Atkinson will visit St. Mark's church to morrow morning at 11 o'clock, and will administer theRite ofConfirmation to a class of candidates. The seats will be free on the occasion and all are cor dially invited to be present. At night, the Bishop will visit St. John's church and will confirm the , candidates to be presented to him there. Services will commence at'3 o'clock and the seats in the church will be free to all. On the evening of Friday next, Good Friday, Dr. t Bern helm, Paster of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, will preach and administer Confirmation. The services will commence at 8 o'clock. The seats wiil be free aud all are e ordially in vited to attend. 1 The March Heavens. Mercury is evening star for almost the whole month. He is in interior conjunc tion with the sun on the 28th, when, passing between, us and the sun, he be comes morning star. Jupiter came in conjunction wi'h the sun on the 15th, and sun and planet set at the same time Uranus is evening star, and is now in his best position for observation. He comes to the meridian about midnight, and is high enough above the horizon to be seen plainly. Saturn is evening star, present ing nothing noteworthy in bis record for the month Venus is morning star, and is the only planet to be seen at dawn throughout the mouth. The occultation of Mars by the moon Wednesday night was the astronomical event of the month An uonest colored Man Finds a ' Roll of Money and Returns It to i Its Owner. Wesley Poe, colored, a laborer in the employ of the city as cart driver, discov ered yesterday afternoon near the corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as he was driving along in his cart, something that looked like a roll of money. Halting his horse, Poe jumped off his cart and picked up the roll which proved to be a veritable roll of greenbacks, consisting of five $5 notes and three $1 bills. Near the roll of money was discovered a , pocket book with the clasp unfastened. All of these the honest fellow carried straight to the City Hall and delivered over' to Captain H. C. Brock, Chief of Police. Captain Brock examined the pipers in the pocket book to fi :d out the owner if possible acd on doing so discovered a good many valuable receipts for money paid out and also one note of hand to the amount of $300. These papers disclosed the fact that the book and money were the property of Captain R. P. Paddison. Capt. Brock then started out in search of Captain Paduon, and soon came up with him, but strange to siy . Captain P.had not up to that time discovered his kus, having had no occasion to use his pocket book. Captain Fadiison's theory about the loss of hb pocket book is that while riding on horseback yesterday afternoon the book gradually worked out of the pocket in his pants commonly known as the pUtol pocket. CapUin Faddisoti Ivxs oot yet S3en the worthy marj who. retorted him hs property, but declares his Intention cfretrfcrdbs thV.kcsest- fallow in a ts- j (- - 9 20, 1880. NO. 34 . Flrventh Anniversary. I i . The 11th anniversary of Wilmington Stsam Fire Engine Co., No, 1, falls due on'Monday next, 22 1 inst, and it will be celebrated by engine practice in the af ternoon and a sapper at i i.ht. Messrs E. G. Parmelee, W. C VuiiUlahn, A. D. Brown and E. W. Manning are the Committee of Arrangements and to thtm we tender our acknowledgements for an e .1 invitation to "assist, not in wettine the streets in the afternoon but in weiring the whistles at night. Change or Ueuiorlal bay.' The Ladies' Memorial Association held a meeting yesterday afternoon at which ah important change was decided upon. Heretofore.it has been the custom in this city, and in otbenv to pay the acnua' a' tribute to our dead heroes on the 10 h ( l ) May, the anniversary of Stonewall Jck non's deiib, but our ladies h ive long felt the necessity for a change. This is ren dered important for more reasons than one The 10th of May is rather late in the sea son, in this climate aud flowers are by that time becoming remarkably scarce, even when the season is a late one, and then, again, the day is as a rule so warm that it Ms not only uncomfortable but dangerous to the health of those who march in the broiling sun from the city to , the cemetery. For these reasons, the ladies of the Association though loth to make the change, have yet felt that it was absolutely necessray and at ' their meeting yesterday, the 26th day of April, the anniversary of Johnston's surrender, was fixed upon as Memorial Day. This is the day which, has been celebrated for years past in Georgia. The officers of the Association, .desirous of ascertaining the views of others relative to the change, have been in correspon dence with Memorial Associations in other cities. Numerous replies have been received and some agree to the change, while others do not. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table iCutlery, at. Jacobi's Hardware Depot. i Homicide in Onslow. A few days sioce, in Onslow county, a white man, evidently laboring under men tal aberration, called at the bouse of anoth er white man and requested assistance to go and get his wife who, he claimed, was at the house of a neighbor near by. The occupant of the house declined to go to his assistance, 'upon which the insane man seized one of the children, who was in the room at the time, and threw it out of doors. Upon this the mother of the child and wife of tha man who occupied the house screamed for help, when a colored man, employed upon the premisec, came into the house with a pitchfork in his hand and attempted to drive the insane visitor out of doors, but the latter seized the weapon and wrenched it from the hands of the colored' man. After getting possession of the pitchfork he attacked the occupant of the house, and inflicted quite a severe wound upon his face and nose. He then attacked the wife with the same weapon, but before he could strike a blow the husband drew a revolver and shot the insane man, killing him instant ly. Our report of the' affair is verynea gre, and although we have made every effort, we have been1 unable to obtain the names of the parties, but as soon as we can gain the information we shall give all the particulars cf the unfortunate transac tion. i . i . Mr. A'. P. Si lvcy's little -girl die w the gold watch at iLe Opera House this after noon - Mr J. W. Taybr his reduced tin price of mill wood- Housekeepers will read his advertisement, publ'shed elsewhere in this issue. Now Advertisoments. New Goods for Easter. rjIHE FI5E3T, LATE81 and prettiest styles af Spriag Goods, of all kinds and qual ities A select line of Ladies' and Hisses' Mtrawuo xM. Also a variety of straw Hats fur Gentlemen and Boys wear, just arrived at the New liat titore. JOHN M. ROBINSON, meb 23 No. W Froat straet. ' Wood-W(Jod Wood ! IJIIIE PRICES ol Bloikt, Blabs and Strips have beea reduced. I am now ftlliog siet tal Eloeks at 49 ceats, Dry Clibj at 25 ctzit CSl;il'3 ci-ti. J. T. TAVLCH, FLKA8E HOTICE. We will beg? ad to receive eommualcatlcrs from our frlenfs on say and all subjects o general interest but: Tb name of the writer must always be far aUhed to the Editor. Communications mjt be written oa ozlj one tide of the.paper. Personalities most be avoided. And It is especially and poUletiariy nder stood that the Editor doec not always endorse the views of corresponded ut unless so tatt la the editorial columns. i- Now Advertisements. Anniversary. K llih ANNIVERSARY OF THE- W. S. F. Fogine Co No. 1 will t eelrbrv- ''' ' I ted on Motday, the 22 1 inst , an! va take: this method ot ixirnd.of a .tuiii invitatlcn to the Honorary and Retired members to onr . 8npper at 8 Pc!otk, P. M " " K. G. PAliMELT-E, W. C VoxGUAIIN, A. J, 11UOWN, Ifi W. MANNING, nirh :o it Siar copy. Comnaitte. Attention 1 Membe s Wilmington U am Fire. Engine Company H6 V0!I ATR HEREBY NOTIFIED TO nftrmb f tl h Fnr:na Honfe on Mondar. 'i t .,t a .0 o'clock, P Ji,in foil uniform, tor acnual parade and engine trial. By order of Foreman, i H. D. bUKKQlMEB. mch 20-1 1 Star copy. Kec Bect'y. I : Quarantine Regulations. PORT OF WILMIKGTOM, N. C. rpHE FOLLOWING QUARANTINE Beg ttlations will be enforced foi the Port of Wil- ; mington, and the penalties of $200 for every violation thereof strictly 'enforced. Piiote, vio!aHng the same are luble to a loss of their branch. f To eLtitle a Vessel (o free pratique In the Port of Wilmington, from whatever-port she may ccme, she must show ', (L) A clean bid of health la accoi dance . with the recommendations of the National -Board of Health. i' (2.) She must show to the satisfaction of the Quarantine Board that no ease of fnfec' tioni disease has occurred on board at the port of departure or daring the passage. - (3.) She must be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected and ballast discharged at the Quarantine Station, and perform any other requirements that may be designated by the Quarantine Physician. , r (4.) After performioz .all these require ments, she may receire a permit In wrltio: ' from the Quarantine Phjsician, , which per mit must be endorsed by the Superintendent- , of Health of New Hanover county, before she: will be allowed to come to the city. . (6.) Vessels subject to the above re gala tions will be designated by notice from tinie to time to their Pilots and others Interested ia commerce. 1 (6.) The 'Qaaranllne Season will com-: mence on the let of Mav and end on the lit of ' November, excapt that when slcknees shall occur on board veifeli at other seasons, such " vessels shall also coma under the above rules; W. G, CURTIS, M.D., Quarantine PhysicisD. J. C. WALKER, M. D. THOMAS F. WOOI?, M. D. Coninltants. " -Wilmington, N. C, March 18. 1880. mh 19-1 ir ' Agricultural Ins. Co, of New York. ORGAXIZED D 1853, , , ASSETS 1st JAN. 1830, $1,187S7.73. LOSSES PAID OVER $3,000,000. TN8URE3 NOTHING BUT Dwellings and ' X contents, and farm property, and offers iPiciAL iidccxkcbts for risks of that class. Issnres against damage by Lightning, whether .fire ensues or not) without extra charge. Ageots wanted In every county in the State J50. W. GOSDON A BBO.. ' ' mch 9-tu-fri General Agents. The Gem Puzzle. 0, THE ORIGINAL - . v GAME OF FIFTEEN! :' , - " ' - THE LITTLE UUTrERCUP PUZZLE. Nothisg of the kiacT far rears hss been so popular as tb above games. They Intereit ; old and young alike, and sell at sght. , - Four h supply just received by Zxtttt O.ders promptly mttendsd to at nEUrSBECGEU'd, S3 and 41 Jlatketst. mehlZ Kbtico- r?LiciTic:;r::itj nifa ta nst- r--'

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