THIS PA FEB ... j ptolUaed every afternoon,, 8ttadayi er upted by J0 8H. T. J1ME8,; ' rorTOB Ajku pjb-opsucwtob. g0BCBIPTION8.FO8TAOK PAID. in year, $5 00 Six month, $2 50 ; Thra months, 1 . 15 ; One month, 60 cent. The paper will b delivered by carriers, f 0f Chix(te, in fny part of the city, at the ,Ik.t rates, or 13 cents per week. 4dYertisins; rates low and liberal Subscribers wilfplease report any and 1 1 failure to receive their papers regularly. New Advertisements. SHOWN & EODDICK. 45 Market St. 1 W E WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT wahave opana in connection with our Dreas Goods IVpar m-n, over -1550 pieces ot Worsted Dress'Goodi, which we are offering at 15c, 2 dc arid 25c. These god are elokwith a view tptbi want of tb market, and embrace many Novelties. Hiving purchased in the months -f . October, November and De cember, anticipating the advance which has r ceatly taken place, and as far as possible will give the benefit to our patr ns. Black Cash m eres, We are makin? a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all th N ov. eltisla this particular branch of our.busi Black Crapes. : We have by far the largest assortment of Hlack Crapes you can find, and arp the bole Agents of THE WIDOWS' GRAPH, For the deepest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. In Opera, bpring and Dark Sbad(s. They need no comments. 4& auocoes From 6 Cents Up ! , We will be .receiving large additions . r a . everyT,aay now, as our rjuyer . is in tne Northern markets at tbe present time. calllrg." ' . , BROWIIilii EODDICK, 45 EVlarket St. mcb20 . i, Neir Goods for Easter. rpHE FINEST, LATEST and prettiest styles o! Spring Goods, of all kinds and qual ities A se'ect line of Ladies' and Misses' Htraw Uoods. Also a variety of Straw Hats for Gentlemen and Boys wear, just arrived at the New Hat h tore. ' J OHM M. ROBINSON, ach20 , No. IS Front street. t Wpod-WoodWood ! rpHJC PRICES ot Blookf, Slabs and Strips hare been reduced. I am now selling nice fat Blocks at 40 cents, Dry Slabs at 25 cents, 8triptl0 canta. J. W. TAYLOR, veh 30-lw Foot' Walnut Street. - Crochet Work. T K8S05S IN CROCHET WORK eiven by Mrs, LOUISE B. DsRQSSET, at her resi de BM oi Chestnut street, between Third and Fourth; ; . ' ' Terns : - $1 per month ; two lessons each week. For further information apply at reeMenee. . mch 10 Prang'8 Easter Cards, at THEIR GREAT VARIETY AND r 'Ut, f d"ig f? ctisT unusual at tention this year, and without doubt the finest ever brought to tVis city ; alsa a beau tifal asf artaent of Easels suit&ble for the above, i Pi Nic,' Lunch, Flower and other Faaey Bsskete, just received at : buokTStore. meh 22 Flonr. Flour- J2QQ BBLS. GOOD FLOUR, Every Barrel Warranted At low prices by mcb 21 HALL a PEAKSALL. r rr H VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advert aeiuents. Avvi T Lodo, Att'j Ko.eclosure Sale. O. Tillkt Roan Mt-untain Beef. I W Kino A' Co The Fine t Beef. 1 ate i ..Prank's li astr Cai ds. P tiHiNSsaaoia Easter Cards. No City Court tuis morni'ia- The stamp act applause at the thea tre. ' Window Glass ah tizis Price". at A It after & t A rpie never -.irir ks but it is . some times' ti"ht. i Dipping a yellow makis it green. ejrr in blue dye Birque Fiid, Hausen, beiice, arrived at.Liverpool oQ the 8th icpt. Nor "brig Diana, Simonsen, hence, ar rived at Hamburg on , the 21st inst. JNevcr cry ever spilt milk; ten to one there's water enough in it a'ready. Save your mo ley a-jd h y - jour Build in Supplies, from- Altatfcr & Price. f Nor brig Galatea, Andersen, hence, arrived at Liverpool on the. 20 h inst. Bique Brazilian, Berge, for this port sailed lrnn Maas-lins on the 8'h met. Barque Car in, Westerland, for this port, c'eam.1 at.Liverpool on the 9th inst - . Schooner Command r, Chase, hence, arrived at Philadelphia on tbe 20th inst The manufacture of brooms would, like everything else, pay in Wi'mingtoa. . Schooner Menawayl Fairchild, henee, arrived at Wilmington, Del , on the 20th inst. Barque Knnt Alssen, Pedersen, hence, for Newcastle, was -off Falmouth oh the 6th inst. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Prick A Go's. Mr. Geo. F. Tilley eff-jrs to the public some very choice beef. See his advertise ment in another column. Sturgeon fishing has been commenced up the river and the run is said to be fine for so early in the season. A word to the wise. If you are troubled with a Qough or Cold, procure a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough byrup at once. Its use may save you from severe sickness. Your druggist keeps it. Price 25 ceDts. Who cares for poverty? is the oft used expression. None of us. Nous of us want it. We wouldn't hav.e it. A fiae beef, weighing 1,190 pounds, will be on sale at the New Market to morrow by Messrs. I. W. King & Co, JSee advertisement elsewhere. There were 17 persons, instead of IS' as stated by us yesterday, confirmed by Bishop Atkinson "at St. Mark's church on Sunday morning. Of these 7 were males and 10 were females and of the males but two -were adults. Be sure and icall at SnaiEii's two Stores and examine th'eir large stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods. No d9ubt they have the largest and finest stock in the city which they will sell at the lowest market prices. . . - t . A bill was introduced in Congress yesterday by Mr. "O'Connor, of South Caroliua, providing.for a survey of the proposed inland line of ship navigation between the Cape Fear and tlie St. John rivers, with the view of obtaining esti mates oi the cost of constructing the same. Base Bail. A match game of base ball betwe;n two clubs composed of colored-boys, of this city was played yesterday between the Red Stockings' and Mutuals.' $ight in nings were played. -The 'Mutuals made 25 runs and the Red Stockings' 20. Mr. Nath'l JacDbi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. j tf. ' ' " : Workinsmen. ( Before you begin yonr heavy ' spring work alter a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague. Billions or Spring Ferer, or some other Spring sick uass that will unfit you for a season's work. You will save time, much sick nesa and great expense if you will use one bottle of Hop Bitten in your family this month. Don't watt. eo another, column. ' '. v LI WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH Adjourned Meeting ot Citizens. The meeting of citzens of Wilmington, to consider the sale of the W NCR R, which adjourned on Friday evening from the room of the Produce Exchange to meet in the City Court room at 4 o clock on Monday afternoon, met m adjourned ession yesterday afternoon pursuant to adjournment, to receive ihe report of the committee appointed to draft resolutions Th.3 meeting was called to order ' by A H Van Bokkelen, Esq, Chairman. Tho Chairmau then stated tbe object of the meeting to be to receive the report of the committee on resolutions. Col Wm L DeRoeaet, Chairman of the Committee, handed a series of resolutions to the Secretary who read them aloud before the meeting. The resolutions were then discussed and an amendmeut off -red to resolution No. 5, which was adopted. Mayor Fishblate was in favor of the sale of the railroad now, and on the proper terms, but he oppose i the sale on the Best: proposition. ' The Chairman then invited general dis- cussion upon the subject, statingjthat al though there wore few present bethought theyj represented the interests of Wil mington. Col. Wm L. Smith opposed the sale of the road; he thought it waa a disgrace to Wilmington and a disgrace to North Carolina that the oad should be so'dj . The Secretary of, State had written' a letter calling the attent tion of the people to the taxes which they were compelled to pay to sustain this rol. He didn't suppose that ku?n a matter had ever occurred to the citizens of Wilmington, and he looked upon tie whole thing as a political move ment, lie thought that Wilmington ought to be able to build the road. He had known of enterprises started here where $150,000 had been lost and parties im mediately fqnared up and began anew. He thought we might rind possibly moro capitalists here. , " Col. Roger Moore followed Col. Smith and endorsed Col. .'s position. Col. Moore said he objected to the resolutions because he thought tbey contained a covert mean insr to s.U the road to Mr. Best. He was not oppose 1 to the sale of the road now, as it saemed to be a foregone conclusion, but he objected to the sale except upon the very best terms, with all the proper safeguards and guarantees that could be thrown around it. Mr. Don MacRae, in reply to Col. j ' Moore, said that he was in favor of the sale, because he thought it bast to dispose of ail the roads and get them ' out of the hands of politicians. He was not in favor of any particular proposition unless it was for the best interests of the State. . The Chair then stated, as there seemed i to be such an objection to the name of Bast, as well as the Best proposition, that he proposed an amendment to the resolu tions which said that the road should be sold to the best advantage and that the phraseology should be so changed as to read that the road be disposed of on the most advantagous terms. Mr! Junius Davis and Mr. A. T. London participated in the discussion of the resolutions and Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar advocated them warmly, making a speech in support of them. Mr! O. G. Parsley, Sr., having jus arrived in the meeting, requested that the resolution be read again. Col. DdRosset then read the resolutions over and Mr. Parsley thought that there ought to be an insertion to provide against any dii crimination aganst any railroad in the StateJ and inasmuch as the Carolina Cen tral was nearly completed and this the natural outlet of that road, hejhoped that clause would be inserted. Col. DeRoaset substantiated nis p,si tlon of Friday in favor of the Bale of the road, jwhich he thought ho made quite clear at that meeting. Jt was then moved and seconce I that the resolutions be adopted. Mr Pars'ey then asked that tbe last resolution, No. 6 be considered first as he thought he could rote in. favor of that. Resolution No 5 being put before the meeting for adoption was uoauimoui'y adopted. The other resolutions were put as a who'e and wa.-o a ioptrl wuh but two dissenting votes. , Upon motion the meeting adjourned tine die.' The following is the repDrt with resj'.u tions as adopted: Wilmington. N. C , March 20, 1880 A. H VanBokketen, Eiq.,' Cfyzirma of Meeting o Citizen. ' ' Sja Tbe cbmmittte to whom was ie ferrtid tte question of tho proposed sale ot 'he Westera N rth Ciralia fUitroad, Review. beg leave to report tba following pre amble and reso'ntions, wh:ch ere unani mously agrtsl upou by the Committee, and recount: m ir.eir adoption. Wry rrtiifctfully. Your obetlieat servant.- JVn L. Dallo8-:-:r Cha:rmio. w Whereas, Ir s oi me nrai urrnorrance. to the State at are, tbt the Western North Car.liitrt It ii road should be com- pleted at the earnest practicable moment; and. Whereas I fwrnn to be improbable, if not impossible, that this can be done under the pUnn heretofore adopted. crJ which coulu b' devi ed, unilr State con troV . . f- . It behooves us, under the circumstan ces, as good cUizeittt, not to throw obxta cles in the way .f accoTtplinhini; tbe de sired object in cttpieiiug aid road, which would reiili in gojd to the J;tata at large, though such sale raiiiht possi bly not result in ipe(;ul benefits tc some particular section thereof ; 1. Be it Resolved, That our immediate Representatives and Senator, as well as the friends of our section in tbe Legisla ture, be requested to use every effort to secure the best terras possible in the pro posed sale. 2. Tbat, in onr opinion, a sale in the manner proposed win bo on much better terms than can possibly be ontaioed bj a sale at public outcry. 3. That we recommend an amendment to the bill now before the Legislature by which, in case of non-fulfilment of the contract, and especially the provision for completing the Dacktown Bracch, it will be made more binding on the purchaser than at present proposed by adding - the words in sections 10 and 18 of the bill, by W. J. Best, his associates or as signs,' in reference to completing said road. 4. That in lieu of tbe proposition tore imburse tbe State for her appropriations (paid in cash to said road) by the delivery of $550,000 of first mortgage bonds, that a sum in cash, or its equivalent in bonds ot a marketable value, should be paid. 5. That we consider it unwise to have allowed tne construction of certain rail road lines, whose only reason for exist ence was an injurious rivalry with estab lished lines of traffic, and the completion of which bas proven damaging to capital already invested without anording compen sating facilities to the people at large ; and we do hereby urge upon the Legislature the importance of checking the construc tion of further parallel roads, tapping our mail, lines, diverting that trade which le gitimately belongs to them, seriously im pairing tbe State's interest in tbe North Carolina Railroad, and destroying a system which would build up the Bast as well as tne West. And especially do we oppose the extension of the 'Midland Railroad from Danville to Statesville, and favor the defeat of that project by any legitimate meass. Ready mixed Paints, strictly (ure White Lead, C:lors, Brushes, Window Glass, tec., at Jacobi's. Personal. We were happy to meet upon our streets yesterday evening, just as we were going to press, with our esteemed friend, Rev. Wm.M. Kennedy, of Magnolia. He was here for the purpose of raising funds with which to build a Baptist Church at Fremont, and he informed us that he had been successful beyond his expectations, and the people had responded cheerfully and liberally to his call for aid.. He left last night for his home in Duplin county Our good friend, Mr. Julius A. Bonltz, of that staunch old paper, tbe Qoldsboro Messenger ' is in the city tc-day on a short visit and favored ps with a very pleasant callthis forenoon. Mr. J. Dickson Munds, who has been taking a course of study at the Co' lege of Pharmacy in New York, has returned here to spend the vacation. He will pass another session at the Pharmacy and then receive his diploma. You can buy No. 1 Cooki Dg and Heats ingdtoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The C. C. R. W. to be SoJd.x We understand that a decree was made ty Judge Avery, in Chambers, on Mon day last, for the sale of tbe Carolina Central Railway. The sale is to be made under foreclosure of first mtrigaga and will take place in tbis city some time be tween this and the Jone Term of Superior Court, j robably ah out the latter part oi May. The Comtnifc?io.i:ej tamed for the sale are M&&rs. Junius Davu and I. , S ted man, Jr., and advertisement is to be made ia VYilmington, Charleston, Richmond, Baltimore and New York. Immense Whales. O.i Sunday last whilo the KeTnue Cutter Colfax was Qtng off. 'Cape lioaiiia. bhe euiountered three immense wiii'es. The c enrse of the tessel had to bich.toi;ed in order to get out ot their way. The. whales were sapposed (o be v i between fifty and a:3fcty feet V and were hgaiiiog op tae coa t. 7 NO. 36 FIREMEN'S SUPPSR. Temorarj Organization f the Re j tired Members A Sapper to be Tendered to the Actiie Members. i Tne Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No 1 celebrated their Eleventh Anniversary on yesterday by an engine practice and wound up ihur anniver sary with a supper at Dight. Their ball was beaniifuily decorated with gar lands, featooos and illuminated motto. Over the rostrum at the South end of the building wa.ufea-led UA Fireman's Welcome to All;" in the centre of the hall was hung a large frame containing the photographs of the members of the company and next to that was another motto "Our Boys, Little Giant, A.Adrian, Hook & Lidder, In Unity There isStren-th." Under tne photograph of each deceased member, which were in separate frames, were placed by loving handi a beautiful floral i,ffr-jrv The Cornet Concert Club wero iTi tendance and diecoursed some of their vtry choicest selections. Capt. Ed" gar Farm alee, at about 9 o'clock, invited the guests to assemble around the festive board. The tables were forty feet leng and were beautifully decorated with flowers and loaded with tempting viands. Mr. J, C. Stevenson, a retired member, wel comed thegue3ts in a neat little address which did credit to himself and honor to the occasion. There were no regular toasts and serious inroads were soon made in the splendid repast. The members, as is always their wont, did everything in their power to entertain their guests acd right handsomely did the succeed. During tbe evening the retired members effected a temporary organization with Mr. J. C. Stevenson, Chairman, and Mr. P. W. Cause as Secretary. It was decided by the new organization to tender, at an early date, to the active members a handsome colla tion. The meatiug then adjourned, subject to the call of tbe Chairman.The,r01dNorth ! State" "was suDg and the guests departed, expressing the opinion that the Little GiantBoys" know as well how to get up a pleasant entertainment as they do how to put out a fire. Lung live the Little Giant and may her shadow and strength never be on the wane. DIED. At the residence of his parents, at Shoe Heel, N. C, March 2lat, lg80, ARCHIE, ton of A. J. and Annie . Cottingham, I At Old Fort, McDowell county, N. C, Tuesday morning, March 23, MELL1E AD OD8T1NE, only daughter of W. J. and M. M. CALAIS, aged 8 years, 5 montht and 17 days. New Advertisements. The Finest Beef QN THE MARKET will be on sale to morrow morning. I. W. KING A C0., Stalls 3 and 4, New Market. mch 23-1 1 Fair Notice, Ship for Sale. E WILL IXPOSE TO PUBLIC ale, bj auction, at the Empire Sectional Dock, in this citv, on Monday, at Noon, 12 ih April, A D; 1880. the Schooner SPRAY, to satisfy a lien for repairt and material ftrnith- a iaia restex - JJ. R. BLOSSOM A EVANS, mcb 23 2 w. Eoan Mountain Beef. gOME MORE 0FT3AT FINE, TENDER, Sweet af Joicy Beef, will be tn sale to morrow moixiog. Come erly and leire lyoar orxlert with iEO. Fi TILLLY, . Stallt 33 acd New Market. mch 24-lt Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWE38 CON ferred by a certain ded of mort?g ea ecnted by H Marcut and wife t J. H. Straoti. tiuadian, t be uodenid will offer for tale by public auction, at Exchange Cor. ner in the city of Yi il irjrtoo, on the 24th day of April 1880. at 22 o'clock, tbe follow ine detcibed ra) Oitaf thereby couTrjed. the Northeast corter of Lot Nq. ii ia c old pla oi. the town, oa HmmiI Mtrat, runuinr thence Northwardly aloaa 23, 1880. Dewsaiirteiwo iwi, laeure v eatwardly to wardt Front Ktreet K5 leet, thoce 8outh warJly 33 eet to Lot . 47, ihence Ea 1 16 J ft to the bef innia. Alto, a cr:ain other lot af joining tha above, mnainr Northwardly aln? Hecond jitreet 33 feet andettendin back that width ' 45 feet towards rront ret. Tha above described property if a part of lets No. 4 and 5, Block 129. Termj of ia!e eaib. A Lt X. T. LONDON. men 23-50 i AU'j for Mortgagee. I TLZASE SOT ICE. .. , ----- . I We Will Ymir'mA -rl- , " vvlr KaivBilOt I ?0iUtrfrientriv0a MJ od iab;u p general interest but : The name of the writer mustalwsjs bp. ftr oiahedto the Editor. OomniBnleaUoat ttust be. written' or.y one tide of the paper. Personalities' must be aToided. " And it is especially andotr.a.niSarl adr tood that the Editor does not always' endorse the views of corrwj on dents, unless to . tan d utna editorial column. 1 New Advortispmentg. Easter Cards. A N IMMEXSS STOCK. Ali Eeir and bauiifuJ dei?ns Jusc received. Tall ard e th-m t ' Tnfc: LIVE iiOuK STOKE. xiaaos 9na urganr, J1BE PLACE TO BCY-Jhere jouwn" Ret them the Cheapest f t!.e usake, ard on the moit re&eoktble ttrins. Irr HFINSBKKOER'S, . mch 22 39 and 41 AlarkeMt Vegetable and Fnul Crales ami Koxes, Sash, Dooi-s, Blinds 1 LL KIND 3 OF BDILDIXQ ilatetid-, Seasoned Fl-orinp, . Weather-Boardin ic. Alotdl and Walnut Shw. Caret, at A L 1 AFFEK, PRlCIs i CO. Factort : Foot of Walnut it. mch 22 Owes. Jfntt, near Ked Uroj Millinery. Hair Uoods etc. JEW SFRIXQ. STOCK just receivei. Everything tern aad of the lateet Datterns and style, buiie new stock of Ladies 'Un derclothing. A vey competent Lady artit his charge of our to illinery Department. MI88Ea KARRER A McOOWAN. mch 22 iSo.6 South Front Stnct. Cydomin FOR CHAPPED RKINS, tkc. -l'EL'S CORN SOLVENT, Brown's Woodijto.i Balm, and a fresh stock of Drup- and A!rti cinesjust receired. Full and fresh M.'Ort mentof GARDEN SEEDS. I have co lasc year's Seed. Prescriptions r.ccuratelv compounded. K. C. MILLER, Corner 4th xnd Noa Hiiecb, Open dw aad nljht. mch 22 tf Watches, QHRONOMETEKS, Repaired neatly and promptly, br J. Ji'WINNIB, No. 3 South Front street, Wilmiston. N. C. Orer twenty yeara' experience, (iirp b & triaL inch '22 MILTONW.JQHNS( 21, Commission Merchant. WASHINGTON, D. C. mch2 2- Easter Eggs. QOLOREp IN OIL AND WATER Coloie, in artistic deaigns. . Orders krjat Hr. ileice- berger't, at this Office or tho Sctosl Hon re of Misses Burr and Jarcei, vr ill- rc-ceiva promnt attention, mch 22 Cuba Molasses, 200 nhds a? 1 BbIfl Aew Cro? and other grades ilols ta , For sale by mch 22 HALL L PEAR3ALL. NEW MILLINERY STOKE. I AM CONSTANTLY RECEIfJNG .New Goods which I will tell, cheap for cuL wvuusu, woi3 juuvuuf; r iua era every thing ia the Millinery Lino. Icfir.t-.' Crocheted Goot always cn hisd. .Ah, Lae Goods. II a ruin Hair Goods for Wrork done in the most approved style. Ladies will da well to call and sie for tb?m eelres. Country orders recelye product attention." MRS. K J. IJAKKK. Agricultural In?. Co, c f New Yorlw . -OUGANiZED IN IS,?. A.SKTS 1 si JAN'. liSO, $l,l7,26-T.7a LOSSES PAID OVER ,Cp.o:o. TN3UEK3 N'OTHI.VQ BU V HirelliDRi acd X contents, and farm .property, and .cffVrs araciai. indi:cxmsts for rises of that class. Ir sores against damsre bj' I.lhtnio. whether fir ensues or not) without ettr charge. Agents wanted laerery courty inihi Biio mc'a 9-tn-fri 'ecejai Apnt Winberrv Oysters- THEi: AKS GOOD ment yut received this xsoreiog. It's cold noagbsfrw.for hot Whfakey ad fat Oysters. now. Another instal JEWELRY, cyM- lt26 JO UN CABKOLLv

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