: -this pi feu; i omolished every afternoon, Sundays e- eeptedby-? '.'VC.? ' ,.; EDXTO& AKD PKOPSXJPTOX. SUBSCRIPTIONS. fOSTAGE PAID. Jae year,$S 00 Six months, $2 50 i Three months, $1 25 ; One month, 60 oents. The- paper will b delivered by carrier?, re of charge, in any part of the city, at the toore rates, or 13 cents per weak, Advertising: ratei low and liberal - Jfir?iaoicriber will please report any aad .'.ii Yilarto reeeire their papers regular 45 IV3arket St. JS WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT 4 we have open"vl in conn jc ion with our Dresa O'K.da I-par ra-nt over 150 piect ot Wortd Disj Good which w a aie. -tiering at . - ' jr rv . . ... ft ST .. . . ' - . " ' Tb se g ods are .1 -ted with a view to :hi wauis of tbi raark., and emb ace many N'lVtfitif.,. liiviu purchased ia the mo -he f r.b.i. Nov.mrer aad De- bus r centlv taknn plac aud as Jar as p-sltlt,will give the b,ii)-fi:toourparr ns. Black Cashmeres, Wa are .m-ikin? a g,.;iaJty of our Mourning i)eartineiit and Lave always on hniid a full assortment of al -.I'i'Sin this particular branch at- uux uu'i 11-Si. . ' i-. Black Crapes. We have by far the , lare St assoTunen' or i.iacK snip's you cn unu, uua u iiic Sole Asjeu B)f ' THEV;iDUVVS'GKMP For the deep-st mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. In Opera, bpring and Dark Shadis. They need no commanls. alicoes I From 6 Cents Up ! Yfp Jb. rebeiting large additions j t MJ nww M uur uujrcx um hue Kortbenn .raarkeui at the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep canfrtf. tin.;. 4 i u BB0WIT1!& B0DDIGE, 4s Market St. mch 20 New Goods tor Easter. rpHE FINEST, LATEST and pretUeit styles of Spring Goods, of all kinds and qaal ities ; A seleet line of Ladies and Hiises' Htraw Gods. Alao a variety of Straw Hats for Gentlemen and Boys wsarf jnst arrived t vna pw mw mm -JOHN M. ROBIITBOJr, neb 29 No. 13 Front straet. '.W VWU" irvvu WW wu rpiLB PRICES of Blocki, Slabs and Strips tin p ! t ' - . - . . bars been reduced. I am now itlling nice fat Blooks at 40 eenti, Dry Slabs at 25 centa, BtrioslO euta. . J.W.TAYLOR. taflh 20-1 w Foot Wal&at Street. Crochet Work. r KSSONS IN jC&OCHET WORE giyen by Urs. LOUISE B. DiKOSSET, at her real denee on Chestnut street batwten Third and . . TaciBS r $1 per month ; two tenons each weak. For farther Information . applv at resUeaea.. v - mch 10 Pranks . Easter Cards, gjltHUtt QREAr;.VARIBTT. ASD Be'jatf cf design, a?e attracting unasnal aU teation this year,' and without doubt the finest e?ejlronghV to tals city ; also a beau tifai assortment of Tasels suitable for the y s ' Si s ,v- s - above. Tie Nic, Lunch, Flower and other Fancy Baskets uit received at -Flotir.,;, " Flour- 2200 L0UB f -i4 1 . ; V4 ; ! Every Barrel Warranted. At low prioes by eh 12 - ;' a i f HALL PKAE3ALL. New Advertisements. m jt ..... ii iS-'TfJ" ) . ,.. ..A BU rach 22 , 1 ! ., HE VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1880. NO. 37 LOCAL NEWS. ivew Advertifreinentav J. BL Blossk A Tits Ship for Sale.' Ursa Uocsa EntiUin.i.ent.; i atfd Caovaafers. j - . "oiicb -Banks of toe City, j R hi McIktikb Ladies, Know, i Ch axlks A. FtiikoxiIi' Supt Portaer'a Ekf ier.tor Peer Car. . i Yatbi . Prank's tauter Cards. f P Ha;H8Baa)i Baiter Cards. ' i Li'.et tbi'igr in boots holai; Happy ihuht hvo forever. Eea a scratch. heu ha hr&ina enough to . Wir.dow Gifea ah tizei at ltaffer & Price's. t . Good doctors are liable 'to be rapped up in their business. ' A sole-siirriug iacideut -treading on the point of a tack. j LIow many passengers will a train cf circum3tanc8 carrv? , TH ver i iaj yi-ar, Out giria fcbould iuk. before tbev do j Can any one improve Lis condition by biiiin? If not, wtiice not. j F-Vks aro very iooiibh to take a fresh cold. If j ou 'must get 'em get'om cured. . ( Save your :iiout;y ustd fb iy .your Build I ;i. !Sup-i lies- tom A 1 taller & Price. i f . Ge.r. barque Eimgkejt, lor this port, sailed 'from New Yoxk on. the 22cd inst. Flies have so many fyes. that it is no wonder that loey leave teeir specs every where, ! It ia only the female sex who can Tip, darn and tear without bein considered profne. Barque Amanda, Schultz, from EoU terdam for this port, was off Deal on the 10th inst. ' ; Schooner BdU Russell, Wilson,, i for tbis port,, cleared at Philadelphia on the 22d.inst. ! ' Cats have nine lives, and in order to live every one cf them they have to stay up nights. c Brig OJ L. Packard, Joue hence, for Boston,' arrived at Vineyard Haven on the 21st inst. Tou can bay No. 1 Cooking and Heatv ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Many a man who resents the touch of a finger from his own sex will cower un der the lash of a woman's eye. Plowsi Shovels, Pitchforks, -Spac!e? Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lowest pri ces, go to Jacobi's. The young man who boasted of having been to three balls had only been to a pawnbroker's 6bop trjiDg to borrow a second hand dresgacoat. Barque James E. Ward, hence j for Pensacola, which was taken to Nassau on the 10th instant, (before reported) has been condemned and is being dismantled. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Be sure and call at tH bier's two Stores and examine their large stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's FurnLhlng Goods.? .No doubt they have the largest and finest stock; in the city which they will sell at tae lowest market prices. f A transparent cement of extreme tenac ity, and serving excellen'ly for joining fragments of wood, porcelain, glass cr stone, is made by triturating in ' a mortar two parts of nitrate of lime with twenty parts of pulverised gum Arabic. After the application of the cement, the frag, menu thould be held togetler by a rubber band or string until perfectly dry. Indications. For the Middle and South Atlantic States colder, clear or partly clondy weather, northwest veering to northeait winds, rising barometer. 1 '. ' Workinmen f Befo're jou4 begin your .heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague. Billions or Spring Fever, or some other 8pring sick neas that will unfit you for a season's work. . You will save time, much, sick ness and great expense f , joa" wiU nse one Lottie of Hop Bitters in year, family this month. Don't wait. Se another, column. . ' Mm j Cincinnati Southern. Two car loarda of corn were brought into the city yesterday by the way of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad. They were the first receipts by this roite, and nere c osigned to Messrs Kenan & For bee. They preached the city via the Wilmington. Columbia A Augnsta R. R- An Appointment. Capt. John H. Allen has received the appointment of . Superintendent ot the construction traiu of the Western Union Telegraph Company and " will leaved for Augosta to iiibt. Tbo Company is now erecting a new ii:re beiw-u Angusta and Charlotte. W Le i the line . id completed he will be ordered to some - other point but! will retaiu hs residence in this city officers of the Telephone Company. i ' ... ... Superintendent J W Katz, of the Western Union Telegraph-Company, has been appointed superintendent, and J D Tracy assistant superintendent,, of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, in charge of the telephone exchange at Richmond, Danville, Lynch our, Norfolk, and Petersburg, Va., and JUieigh, Charlotte, aud Wilmington. Tney will thave headquarters in Rich mond. . r Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife,, alsj Table Cutlery, at, Jacobi's I Hardware Depot. The International Review. The April number of this valuable ps riodical has been received, it contains article, upon the following subjects: 'Mr. Gladstone, ' by Clement' Hugh Hill; 4The Letters of Eugene De.acroix by Henry James, jr; The Revolutionary. Movement in Russia by Karl Blind;' William Mor ris Hunt by Sarah W. Whitman; The Gothenburg Liquor-License System by C. C. Andrews; The Uranometria Argen tina of Dr. Gould by Edward S. Hol- den; Sun-Spot Cycles and Epidemics by Ernest W. Cushinp; Tammany Hall by Van Buren Denslow; and 'Ootempor ary Literature It is a valuable, interest ing and iastructive number. "Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Hard ware, &s Low- st plreces at Jacobi's. Mrs. Scott-Slddens. The fact that Mr Scott-Siddons will appear at the Opera House in this city on the T evening of April 9. h, has already been announced through the columns of this paper. It will be a rare occasion for our. people and we know that the oppor tunity for seeing and hearing Mrs. Sid dons will be eagerly accepted by our peo ple.) There is no doubt of the reception whioh will bo accorded ber here. The New York Telegram, a good authority on any subject, has this to say of Mrs. Sid docs: In connection with i-rs. Scott-Siddons appearance here this evening, it must be considered that this is her last tour of America, and the stage and reading desk must soon bid farewell to one af the most brilliantly beautiful and talented women by whom a publio profession or private life was ever adorned. Few artists have endeared themselvej to the American public as has Mary Scott-Siddons. Un like many of hr country-women, who came hither to display physical charms, and who were found to be utterly blank as to brains, Mrs. Sidfcoos' beanty was found to be the exquisite catket encasing rare gems of genius. Her pure lace, immo bile as marble in repose; was found to be a mariel of expressiveness in interpreting thought, and every motion of the lithe form was full of suggestion in giving to a character dramatic life. Other beauties we have had by the dozen, women with faultless forms, floe faces and all the concomitants of feminine loveliness ; but not one of them has approached Mrs. Sid dons in intellectuality. Their beauty tainted too much of. the physical aad too littlQVof the mental. Toey were of the earth, earthy almost gross. They may have been supple in motion, graceful cf gesture and possessed ot voices full of melody, but they lacked soul, genius, fire whatever quality that may be call. ed4 which, being added to beauty, sur passes it and makes the physical attiac Uveoess the inferior and the aBSthetical the superior. Mrs. Siddoos was, and is, not only a beautiful woman, but a great actress, and one whose place on the stage it jwill be difficult to fill X'V Tork Telegram. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and size?, at Altaffer, Pbicx ACo's. ' There are . 2 750 languages in good working order iu tha world, aud when you feel 1 ike u-tai " ca ward yi t take a minute a,n4 f. hieh. oo uaod the . : -1. - 7, - t : , - ' pietuct. ? , . . It is pretty tough to be pour, but beiog ashamed of it is putting salt ou a sore.' . . '.It' . '-- . .-...: Meyie w, -. A . t . I . ..-.; CUT Court. The Mayor 's attention was claimed tills morning lu afj tdicatin a case' ot disor derly conduct for D. Moore, colored. It seems that Moore was very disorderly, in fact, more so than His Honor cnld toler ate, and be wan required to pay. $5 or go below for 5-!ays. He went under. Feggy Fason, alao colored and disor derly, hd a haering and was discharged. Mra. Jarley( The entertainment now in preparation for next Tuesday evening at the Opera House promises to surp&ss the most san guine expectations of jt jroj3Ctors., Bfe sides the exhibition of Mrs. Jar ley's Wax Figures, Mr. -Daniel Khnwei!er has consented to render two or thre of her yocal gems and Mr.. James W. Wilson has also consented to favor the . audience with a cornet solo. Mri Berry 'tG leaves will read Shamus O'Brien aad exhibit the wax fijiuresT Kcw Rice Mills. We unddrstou'd that Messrs. rembrose Jones & Co. have concluded to erect a rice mill on the vacant lot ou the North side of Chestnut street, near Water, owned by Mr. Jones, The plans are. now being drawn by Mr. Jas. F. Post and the nec essary buildings will be erected as soon as they are ready. The eonstrection will be under, the charge of a builder from Char leston, the object being to erect this mil on the plan of those now in that city, and to be sapplied with all of the newest and latrst improvements in machinery. The mill will be ready for use next October, or as soon as the new crop begin i to come in. ''' ' , Refrigerator Cars. A very handsome refrigerator car was brought into this city 'to-day over the W. & W. railroad, which has been built and fitted up expressly for the purpose cf transporting beer from the brewery of Robert Portoer of Alexandria, Va., lo this city. The car is owned by the gen tleman we have named, and those who indulge in the beverage may be sure, with the convenience this car affords, of hav ing beer at all times fresh and good. His advertisement appears elsewhere in this issue. It is a fact, as dpt. Mclatire rises to remark, that the ladies know just where to find something nice and new- and it is at his handsome dry goods bouse, on North Front street. , Charge 1 with Larceny. A young white man, hailing from Ons- bw county, was arrested this morning on the charge of larceny and had a hearing before Justice Gardner this afternoon. The evidence was that he had been in this city for about a week looking for something to do and during his stay here had been boarding at a house on Second street. This morning he was to have left on a vessel for his home and packed np his valise and went down to the vessel, af ter telling the landlady oodbye. She went up to the room occupied by the young man and found that a pair of pastst the property of another occupant of the room, was missing. . The owner of the pants was notified and be went to the ves sel on which the young man was to have sailed and asked the young maa if be had hU pants. The reply was I don t know, less go see.' The carpet bag was opened and the pants taken out. The owner of the . pants had a warrant issued against the young feUow,wbo was this afternoon sent to jail in default of a $50 bond for h's aprearaqce at the' next term of the Criminal Court. The unfor tunate ycunj man stated that in packing up his thiogs he got the pants in by mi A wvcli dioner Dried apples. Vc nog folks grow most when in love. It increases their sihs wonder fully. The storm signal is floaUng irom the mastea,d a( the Signal O&loe to day. Don't die now. if you want your rela tives to see that your grave is kept green. The freight business has fallen consid erably lately, and the railroul toys are happy. .. . y- . : in, ... . . in . i . j .J Adrunkeu man w.as picked up oo the street this qornS aiidj'ajrb to the po lice station on a dray. Ta Qer. baqure Maria Hey, from the Cape Verde Islands, and schooners John O'Eeltey and Samuel C. Uartw reported lu below, having arrived' jester day. RT. JOHK'S CHTJBCBY Daily Services during Palm Sunday, Holy Week, snd Easter Tide, 1880. March 25tb, Thursday before Easter. Morning Prayer 7J a. m. Eveniu, Prayer 5 p. m. Institution of the last Sup per 8 p. m. March 26th Good Friday. Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante-Communion with sermon 11 a. m. Evening Prayer 6 p m. ; March 27th Easter Even. Morning Prayer and Ante-Commanlon 7J "a. m. Evening Prayer 2 p. m. . March 28th. Easter Day. lt Gale -oration of the Holy Eucharist 7f-V m. Morniog Prayer, with sermon and "2nd Celebration; 11 a. m. Children's Choral Service, 4-p. m. Evening Prayer with Sermon p. m. 29th.' Monday in Easter Week Msro iog Prayer 1 a. m. Evening Prayer 5 p m. t March 80th Tuesday in Easter Week. Morning Prayer 7, a. m. Ereniog Prayer 5 p. m. i The Church will be open for private devotions each day this wk, frm tuu rise u ttn k inset. 'llrcv. Gk'rqe Pattkbson,D D., Rector. We have tried Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup In our family, and can assert that it is the best remedy for a Cough or Cold ever introduced. Price 25 cents. Ready mixed Paints, strictly j ure White Lead, Colors, Brushes, Window Glass, dec., at Jacobi's. ' New Advertisements. Wanted. A OAK YASSER of experience to take orders for our subscription Books in raars and bound. Fzoluive Agency. Extra terms. Ad dres?, stating age and experi ence, Subscription Book Dep't, THE AMERICA If NEWS CO., 1 EL Paul St., Baltimore, aid. mch 21 3t . Notice. rjJHKRE WILL BE NO BUSINESS trans acted by the Baoks of this city on Fridsy, 28th inst., that being Good Friday. A. K. WALKER, Cashier First National Bank. 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier mch 24-1 1 Bank of New Hanover; Portner's Refrigerator Beer Car. JJEREAFTER rORTNER'S TIVO LI LAGER BEEll will be brought to this city direct frxrn the Brewery In Re 4 fxigeralor Cars. We will now be enabled to deliver. Beer to our customers fresh and cool. CHARLEb A. STRANGMAN, SupL mch 24-3t Curritfa Block. Ladies, You Know ; JUST WHERE TO FIND SOMETHING NICE AND NEW ! ELEGANT SUN SHADES, New Dress Goods and Trimmings, New Embroideries, good quality. An elegant aesortment Lace Mitts and Glove?, .... ; in all Colors and Shades. White Mattings, ' Faucy Mattings, Carpets, Oil Clahs, Ac. P. S. The CHEAPEST Black Silks to be found in the city, and we ask vou to judge of the correctness of the assertion. Yours, respectfully, XI. E3.McinTin.I3. mch 24 OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY, MARCH SOJj, ISSO. X ENTERTAIN HE NT eonsiatixjr cf Tsjutevs, Husie, Acting Proverbs, Read fags, o. As., wUl b jrivea a the Opera Hosss on Toesday evening, JOth itit , at 8 o'ehxk, i Tha ajertalaaaent wUl cone! d with a Grand Exhibition of Waxwork f igares, a la Jar ley, eaeh Igare containing sa immense ampcat tf michlnery, which being properly wound mp exhibits some reculiar trail la the eharaotei of the person, when RvUf, whose figure is repreieated. The proceeds will b devoted towards the extinction cf 8L John's Church Debt. - adaabaioa 50 rents. Tickets may be ob tained at all the Bookstore. IT. extra charge for reserved seats, whieh eaa b obtained oa Thmrsday moraine 25tklsst, at Helasberrer's Book Store. " meh 24 please ::onc::. . We will beg! ad to receive ccmcaaii. ttlori from ou friends on aay and all svbiect Keneralifittrest bat: The name of the writer must a! ways' be ft i alahed to the Editor. OommnnlcaUons aut be w;itisa; on or ? one side of thejaper. Personalities must b avoi-Jvsi. And It Is eepeeially ac4 pa-tiIariy.aidt-r rtcoctlat the Editor does rot slwejs cr.?orf i the views of correq o-ideeb, na'.c-J so ttttf!" fa the edltArUl coIa-r cR. s New Adrertisemontg. Fair Koiice. Ship for Safe. E WILL rX?OSS TO PUBLrO avle, bf '.auctiya, at the tmolra F.ti .r -i Lock, la ILiiCitT.na Mondaj, t Noon, 12h Aril. A 1. lfcSO,. the jicho'r t "t- ratufy a liTi e iej.kir. k ntviiaifMrr.lh-; ea sua vesl. . J . K IJL'i ttcb 23 2 Foreclosure Sale, B Y 7TRTU K OP THE f O W FHS (. -ferred ny a eertiie dd of rcoifa, e , etutei by H. Matcn an4 wJa io J . htra 'H, daardiaa, ba nniertijijd niiuir for sale by public auction, at t xebene C ner in the eity of V il igron. ca s th day of April 1883, at 12 o'o ocV, tfcofii. n" iairdcsc ibed real estat ih rety cost beginniog at tr.e IVonh&st correr olL t No. 47 ia ice old pU ot the tn, on teccW fctr-t, ranninr thence Korthwardly Iri ecold rret 33 fet, thence Westwartllt to wrd r..nt Mreet U5 feet, ttence batr wardij' 3 '-n to Lot ho. 47, licence L'a 1 1GJ. Iret to th tf&maing. ' above, running Northwardly aim; htco-i treet 33 feet sndextending back that vith 165 feet towards Froct street. 1 be above dacrifced prorTty. fg a pert f f lots Nos. 4 and 5, Jilock U9. Terms of taio . ctsb. , ALiX. T.' LONi.OS, mch 23-301 Att'y for JIortga,ie. Easter Cards. AN IMMEN3T2 FTOCK. All new and beautiful designs. Juit received. (111 and see th-m at THE UYE BOOK STOr.i:. Pianos and Organs:, rjlflE PLACE TO BOY is where yen can get tbem the CLeapeet cf tfce raake, ar.d on the most reasonable terms. Try UE1N3B-EKGEK';V . 33 aad 41 'Market fit. mch 22. Vegetable and Friiii; Crates and Ecscs, Sash, Door Blinda ! LL KINDOP EUIIDiNG l! aWitT, Seasoned Flooring, Weather-Boardjr, ic, Ac. Metal and Walnut "Shew Caerf, at ALTAFFER, I'llICli & CO. Fjcto&v x Foot of Walt ut at. mch 22 Urnci. Nutt, near lied Cros ?. Millinery, Hair Good, JEW SFBIXO STUCK jest reeled. Every thing tew and of the latert vaUcns and styles. Entire new atoci of Ladiei Un derclothing. A very competent Lady artist has cLarco of our Millinery Departments MI88ES KAItliKK 4 McQOWAN, mch 22 No. 6 South Front Hircet. Cydomin FOR CRAPPED RKINS, etc. FaL'S CORN SOLVENT, Brown's Woodland Balm, and a fresh stock of Drugs and Medi cines just received. Full and frc-fh assort ment of GARDEN SEEDS. I have no last year's Seeds, Preficriptions accuratoly compounded. F. C. MILLEIt, Corner 4th end Iiun Streets. Open dT and night, mch 22-tf Watches, QREONOMETEE3, eJ) JEWELRY, Lo.$fe$M$ Repaired neatly and prosaptly, bv J. Im WINNER, No. 3 8outh Front street, Wilmington. N. C. Over teenty years experience. Give n? a fiL mch 22 Commission Hercliant WABHXKGEOEr, I. C. . nrchl 2- . Easter Eggs. QOLOBED IN OIL AND WATER Calais, in artiste Aligns. Orders left at L'r. Htii f- bergerV,atthia Cfflc cr the Sctojl Rczit of MUses Barr snd Jaane. will recelvj promnt attention. mch 22 ' Cuba j&JoiaGses. 200 Ih3vn4 Bb!s New Crcr, and other graces pU-.s i . For sals by I 1 "; mch 22 BALL h PxAR3J.LX,. MEW . MILUBEBY STORE. I AH CONSTANTLY RECEIVING 'New. Goods which I will fell cheap far caL. such as Bonnets. Hats. Ribxz., i'loaers acd every thln in the Mllline'j lice. Infant ' Greeheted Goos aJwajj tn hcd. Air?, Lave. Goods. Humaa Hir Goods fertile. Work dene la the moat approved style. . Ladies will do wall to call and s& e for them selves ' 'Country or Jars recelv pronct aUnti.)a. J1B8. K. J. BAKEB, mf 22 Ccrser Third and Urasge ata. hum

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