THIB PAPER aoLlaaed every afternoon, '8umdays ex- UP JO 3D. T. J 1MB8 . XOZTOK ABTB PBOFBUKTOB. gUBSCRIPnOICS, POSTAGE PAID. One year, 5 00 8i 2 50 -Throe months, fl 15 ; One month, 60 cents. . r&e paper will b delivered by camera, tKit rates, or 13 eeats par wek. Adertiainfr rates low and liDeral -Subjeribcrc wlitpieaM report &n j and it Vl'ifsto reeeire their papersVes'ularly. New Advertisement. So WW & RODDICK, 45 EViarket St. E WOULD ANNOUNCE T'H-AT have openpa in connection w!in our i " t . . i Dress Go ds 'Jpartmnt, over ioo pieces ot A'orst-d Dies (jkjouj, ; which we are .flaring at . , , 15c! 20c and 25c. Thse gos are j.eiecioa witn a vrnw to the wants of thin market, and embrace many Novelties ;IIvhu purchased in the months of October, NovTtnber aad De eemb r, anticiptT.uig the advance which ba r cenilv taken place, and as far as possible will give the benefit to our pair na. Black Cash meres, We are mAkinz a specialty of our Mourning Department and have alwavg on hind a full assortment of all the Nov. Hfis in this particular branch ot ;jr buei- llt 35. -- Black Crapes- We have by far the lafgesfc assortment of Black Crapes you can find, and are the Sole Agents of . s THE WIDOWS' GRAPE, For the deepsst mourning. 2 ButtonTKid Gloves. In Opera, bpring and Dark Shad. s; They need no comments. i From G Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every day now, as-our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep calling. T)T) JVtT71Xi?. T5nTkTaTrXr 45 Market St. f mch 20 ; ' ' , i Now Goods for Easter. rjlHK ri5E8T, LATEST t and prettieat tjles of Spring Goods, of all kinds and qual itiea. A lelect line of Xadiea' and Miises' Htraw Goods. Alab a variety of Straw Hats for Gentlemen and tfoya wear, just arrived atthe Wew Hat Store. JOHN M. ROBINSON, . nch23 ; No. 13 Front street. Crochet Work. JK8S6jrS IN CROCHET WORE! given by Ur. LOUISE B. DiROSSET, at her resi de no on Cheitnut street, between Third and Fomrth. 1 Tera : $1 per month; each week.' For fartner information apply at reelelence. ; ' - mch 10 Pranks Easter Cards; THEIR GREAT VARIETY ASD B intr nf daaiffn. are attractinc nnnanal at- teatioa this year,' and without doubt the tneat ever brought to this city ; also a beau tiful assortment of Easeld suitable for the above. Pie Nic, Lunca, Flower and other Faney Baskets, just received at BUOK STORE. mch 22 Portner's Eef rigeratoT Beer Car, ERE AFTER PORTNKR'S TlYO LI LAGER BEER will be brought to this city direct frcm the Brewery in Re frigerator Cars. . We will now be enabled to delirer Beer to oar customers fresh and cool. I '.' CHARLEb A. STRANGMAN, SupL inch 24-Jt Cunie's Block. alocoes ' Tee b aili Review. . i . - , - i a in m 1 gl , " " ' ' ; : ,vol. v. LOCAL NEWS. new Advertisements. Gko M'tebj, Htea t er Passport Hall A i kaafall -Hy, Oate, Corn, Meal. Yatsj . Pran'a Jtaater Cards. P Hai5i8BaB Easter Card. .The storm fisnal i flying again to-day. Ket-cheu! Gentle Hprig is en the wig. Wirdow G?as alii tizes at Itaffer & Price's. , t There were t.o this week. iLierments in Oakdale Nwnerous enieruinmenti will be given after Lrnt. iJever stopto talk in cburch after the sermon if oyrJ .. A rninca pie at ted titn ) id the shortest route to tbe men aeerre.. - ' Vory faw persoaj die because- of being too good for this world. There i-snopart of a maa will aUni so many blows as his ho e. A river, is call -d a siK ;u.'j it is spr ead ovo- th b -d To succeed a youuj; io must work unless ha succeeds to an estat e. 1 here waij onlyoiie interment in B lie vue Cemetery thisWcek that of a child. FuiliMetal and Waliut Sb w Cases, all styles arid sj:, ito AuTaffbe, Price Moderation is the silken triag run ing through the pearl chain of all vir- "')' - ' taes. Labor to ktep alive iu o,tif breast that little spark of cele.iai -fifn cilled con science. - . jNever taste an atom of food when you a,re not hungry; nothing cou'd be more unhealthy. ; Put a spittoon and a stove in a room with a man, and he will ?pit on the stove every ticne. You can buy No. 1 Cooki rg arid Heats in diovei at almosi any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. InJ?ine Forest Cemeteny (colored) there hate been five interments this week two adults and three children. The matrimonial market is quiet pro vck in giy quietto the dressmakers, cler gymen and Regi&ter of Deeds. The Register :bf Deed has issued but two marriage lfeenses this week, both of which were for white couples. The gout has been pronounced a, brake which a wise Providence puts on a man's legs whem he is living too fast. Plows, Shovels, Titchtorks, Spades Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lices, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. A writer oh physiognomy wants to know, "if large ears denote generosity,, why a mule squanders his hind legs?'' . Northern winds and a cooler temper ature are expected by the great Canadian weather prognosticator Hntil the middle April. ' ; i . , . i A Chestnut street mother advised daughter to pil her hair, and fainted flat away when that damsel replied, 'Oh no, ma, it spoils the gentlemen's Tests.' i - We are compelled, by the pressure in oar columns in. the publication of Col. McRae's speech, to leave out many, things that would otherwise have found a place in this issue.1 . 1 The eirl iwha wears a ring on her fore on her 1 . ' She'fl finger is not always engaged," She's ob liged, to da it to keep up with the' times, and the yauDg men should Wot get down in the month at any of .these things. Mr. Nath'l J acobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties In want of thiV celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jaqqbi's Hard . ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Be sure and call at ciibier's .two Stores and i examine their large stock of Spring and Summer Cloth ing,. Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods. No. doubt they have tha largest and finest stock in the city which they will sell at tin lowest market prices. , 14 f The man who. wUl let the purzla of Fif. teen bother him' for two minutes when be could put in the time at yawning, is guilty of criminal neglect of his own best inter ests. - " WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY, MARCH - Joint Serricei. There will be ioint eervices in the First and Second Presbyterian cburcne to-morrpw, conducted by Rev. Jas. M. Sprun.t, D. Di, in the First church at 11 A. M., and the Second ehurch at 8 P. M. There will be no services in the First at night nr in the Second in the morning. nation Rev Dr.Brfrnbeim, Pastor of St. Paul s Evangelical Lutheran Church, adminis tered the Rite of Corfirmat'on to nine candidates, all raises and boys, at St. Paul's Church, lat eveuiog There was a very Urge attmcUuce . and the services were both interesting and impressive. We undotstand th4t there is another class I -preparing to receive the holy rite at some day in the near future. A New Enterprise. Mr. N. N. Smith, formerly of Fayette ville, who has had considerable experience in j the manufacture of potter's ware, has removea to tnis city ana established a pottery on the corner ot S ixth and Nixon Mreets. He has just completed his estab lishment and manufactured his first lot ol earthen ware, which consists of jars, pans and other articles for domestic use. We learn that he obtains clay for his purposes in abundance near his pottery. We hope he may have that patronage, and success which the enterprise, demands. jWindow Glass, of all sizes , Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&o, Low- st plreces at Jacobi's. 1 Easter. To day is Eas er Even aud to-morrow will be Laster Day. This latter is known in the Church Calendar as the Christian Passover and Festivafof the Resurrection of .Christ, and will be duly celebrated by the Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran churches in thia city. In the early Christian ages a wide difference of opinion sprang up between different sects and creeds as to what day of the week and month Easter came on. After years of angry strife and bitter dis sensions was nnauy settled tor the 1 a. a II 1 -1 . m whole church by adopting the rule which iiiakea Easter day to be always the first Sunday after the full moon upon or next after March 21st, and if the full moon happens on Sunday, Easter day is the Sunday after. By this arrangement East er may come as early as March 22nd; or as late as April 25th. This sacred fes tival has been termed tha Qusen of Festi vals; it has been observed from the. very beginning, and is celebrated in every part of the Christian world with great solem. nity and devotioni In nearly a!l Christ ian1 countries the recurrence of Easter has been celebrated with various ceremonies and popular sports and ob servanccs. Among the best known is the custom of making presents of colored eggs, called. pasch or pale eggs, which were often elaborately ornamented; and in a royal roll of the time of Edward I., preserved in the Tower, appears an entry of 18 J for 400 eggs to" be used for this purpose. Colored eggs were used by children at Easter at a sort tf game which consisted in testing the strength of the egg shell, and this practice is still con- .' i ml rri tinuea in some unnsiain countries, ine game of ball was a favorite Eastsr sport, in which municipal corporations formerly engaged withdue parade and dignity; ,and at Bury St. Edmunds within a few years the game was kept up with great spirit by twelve old women. Id the Northern countries of England the men parade the streets on Easter Sunday and claim the privilege of lifting every woman three times from the ground, receiving in. payment a kiss or a silver sixpence. The same is done by the women to th men on the next da.y. Wilmington District Second round In part of quarterly mcet ngs. for the Wilmington District, Meth odist E Church, South. Cokesbury circuit at Salem, March 27-23 Bladen circuit' at Soule's Chapel A pi 3 4 Elisabeth circuit at-BMea Springs, i . April 10-11 Whiteville circuit at Wayman, Apl 17-18 Waccamaw Misa at Lebanon.Apl 24-25 j L. S BURHHEkDjr ' Presiding Eidlr. From a Distinguished Clersymaa. Vashi50T0S, D. O., June 19, 1379 Is have known of several persons why regarded themselves as greatly benefited, and, some of Item as permanently cured of diseases of the kidoeys and urioary or gans by your medicine, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I' have known, too, of iu use in similar caeea by physi cians of the highest character and stand ing. I do n t doubt that it bai great virtue C. J. E. R AN IL IK. Day's length 12 hours and 26 minutes. We saw one vcrv fat turkey in market this morning. It weighed 14 A pounds and the holder wanted 18 cent a pound for it. This wae only $2. CI for a turkey. The ladies of St. Jauiea' Parish wil held a Fair and Frstival at the City Hall next Thu sday evening, for the benefit ot tie church. Particulars on iloudav a m advertisewert Clarity be;iu3at home, and that is why it is not generous to put your hands in another man's pocket and give away his substance. One rrnnd rji .UitlVf eu ratios, rjAtb announcement or the crack ?r b tHevs now. What woi:id our forefaibers thi;k, v,hni never knew any but th-3- ordiuHry. w ater crackers. The reason why the ancients took the owl for an emblem of wisdom was because he saved his talk and filled his stomach. Remember this when you re invited to a banquet. On Tuegday next the Csummer Sched ule of the Passport will bo . iu force She will leave4iere at 9;30 a. m and will leave Smitbville on the return trip at 3 p. m. A colored man by the name of Irving Moore, a laborer, was picked up to-day by Health Officer James in the street in the lower part of the city, cold and help- less.and taken to the Qity Hall where pre vision will be made for him. . y ; Pinafore Again. It seems that we are to have the pleass ure of this favorite Opera again by the popular Juvenile Troupe which won so much favor here in the earlier part of the season. They will perform at the Opera House in this city on the evening of Apri 7th and will hold a matinee on the after noon of April 8th. Capi. Ellis. CapL John W. 'Ellis, of Columbus county, who was spoken ot by us a few days since as a possible dark horse in the Congressioral race, writes to decline the honor. His communication, to which we cheerfully give place, will be found on the fourth page of this issue. tiood Friday. This day was more generally observed in this city yesterday than usual. The public offices, except those belonging to the government, were closed as were the banks, the Produce Exchange and maDy other places of business. Religious ser vices were held at the Episcopal, Catholic and Lutheran chuicbes, and the flags of the German Vice Consulate and the Qer man vessels in port were at half mast during the day. Ready mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead, Colors, Brushes, Window Glass, &c, at Jacobi's. till Court. There were three cases for the Mayor's consideration . this morning. The first called was that of a young German Jack Tar who could scarcely speak English. The charge against the defendant was, that he fired a pistol in Paddy's Hollow last night about 10 o'clock. The young son of Neptune declared bis innocent in tention of anything wrong and tried te explain tbatm the old conntryGoodFriday was a holiday and folks are allowed a little liceise. The Myor dismissed the case. The next case was that of a1 young white man who got into a difficulty with a disreputable white woman in front of a saloon in the neighborhood of Paddy's Hollow, known as the "Red Light." The charge against this valiant young man and chivalrous hero was, tht he knocked a woman down twice on the fitreet. The woman hersejf Jailed to com plain, and while cn the witness ttacd this oiorning evidsntly delivered ber testimony very reluctantly. We suppress the names of the parties by special request, (we sup poe they are fearful the publication of them will iujare their reputations Re pokteb ) The Mayor statsd'that in coa sideratipa of this bsina the first offence and inasmuch as there was no complain, of damage, he would Fupend judgment in this instance. '. ' , , The third and U?t cae was that of a colortd habitue of (p4iddy s Hollow, who fiddles there fur a iiticg charge; Drunk and dqwn oo the birce's. The Mayor said three days and defendant itsnt below. The Court then &diou.e1. " ijave your money and bey your Build I jng Supplies from Altafler & Price. f 27, 1880. , NO. 39 Train Wrecking Some scoundrel, whose neck richly deserves a hempen cravat, attempted to wreck a train on the W. & W- Railroad between Weldou.and Halifax, oaThurs- day evening,. by placing tails across the track. The train was delayed fer about an hour, hut no serions damage was Soce. Mrs. Jarley. . The bt.x sheet for the entertainment to bo given at the Opera House on next Tuesday eveniag is now open at Heins- berger s and the seats are being rapidly secured. It is the -first time, e think. that Mrs. Jarley has ever been presented to-a Wilmington public and tbergwill undoubtedly be a very large boupe. It is one of the most unique, pleasing enter taiuments of the day and must be seen to be appreciated. Besides the wax-works there will be other attractions, such as tableaux, music, proverbs, S:c., the whole making a bill which is bound to please evertb-ci'. We candidly advise these who have rot yet secured scats to attend to it at compiimentary. Brother Bonitz, of the Goldsboro Messenger ,who was here a few days since on a flying visit, speaks thushandsomely of our city and of our people: We, of course, noted many handsome improvements that had been added to the city since our last visit there in 1872, land were pleased to hear that the business outlook of- the . city was never brighter and that the future looks quite encouraging. The trade of Wilmington is said to be grow ing with each succeeding ' season. The enterprising, public spirited business men of the noble Cape Fear city are cer tainly entitlod to the greatest credit for the solid, steady progress the commerce of the city is making, in the face of the many combinations, the State and some of tbe railroads have succeeded in form lag to her detriment, and in the interests of seaports beyond the State. . SSBBenSSDSBBBBBBSBBBBBBBSBBKVBBni New Advertisomonts. Steanier Passport. CJA.NOE of schedule. On and after TDESDAY, March 30th, Begular trips will be made: Leave Wilmingfn daily at 9.30 A M. Leave Smithville, " at 3.00 P M, mch 27 GEO. MYERS, Agent. HAY, oats; and MJxed CORN, WATMFipii,IVJEAL. ALWAYS ON HAND. Hall & Pearsall. mch 27 Wood- Wood--Wood ! rpHE PRICES ot Blocks, Blabj and Strips have been reduced. I am now selling nice fat 'Blocks at 40 cents, Dry Blabs at 25 cents, 8tripsl0 cents. J. W. TAILOR, mch 20-1 w' Foot Walnut Street. OPERA ! HOUSE. TUESDAY, MARCH 3'lb, l8o. EJiTERTAlSMEJfT eonEiniD? cf Tableaux, Music, Acting Prorerbf, Read ings, Ac, Ac, will b given at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, 50th icst.,at8 o'clock. 1 : Tbe entertainment will cor Clad e with a Grand Exhibition of Waxwork Figures, a 'a Jarley, each figure containing an immense amount of machinery, which being property wound up exhibits some peculiar trait in the charactai of the per so when Hviu, whose figure is reprfctented. ' Ths proceeds will be devoted towards the extiaction cf St. John's Church Debt. Admission 50 cents. Ticket may be ob tained at all ths Bookstores. 'o exua caarje for reserved rests, which can be obtained cn Thursday morning 25th init, at Heinsbcrer's Book Htore. mch 24 'i Coney's Tobacco Store TF YOU WANT THK BEST S and 10 eta. . Cig,r gtta OONKY'Swhero yoa wiU find the largest selection of Imported and Domes ic Ciffars, Ctewio and Hsaoaic Tobaccos. Gentlemen will pleat remember that I do not keep open on Sundays, therefore thee who wish to purchase my goods will have to do so daring the week, mch 22 WALTER COSEY, We will beg'ad to recerrc cccu.uci L:x v from our friends on acy and all u?.:ecv o general iaterest but : Tie naaie of the writer mc5t aU'? r? b.- fi r nlahed to the Editor. " . vvuuiiumiiuuai aci oe written t or j one side of thejaper. Pftmiw mm I .. t! . . . ... ' Person all tiej"mu: be atoi-icd. . And it is especially at. .kuiar ;y uiut r ttcod that the Editor, do. uoi alwaj ei-iorse the views of corrfglnadoVJ, utles so ttittd ... .... i '41. Ifcw Advertisements. Fair Notic?, Ship for Sale. YE WILL tA'OSE TO PCEtlC sale, by acti-.n, at the K;U( irt-Hoctior 1 Uock, ia tLiJcirv.oB Mt,,mf , Kt Noon, 1 h April, A; D. JSSO, tL ch.x er dPKA. V. to su'r7 "tn n.atcm! furai, ed said ve.icl. Kch 22-.t. MAtVS' Foreclosure Sale. Bt -virtus 'of t n e r o wki: r c (l . forre-d dv .fli'rumd.(i of a rtut' ct ecuied by ii Maicuj ad w.0 t. J i;. rtra ?a, tiuaidjiu, ihc- uuiictid o;. far sale by pub.jc mtuau, at Lxctte ,-v ner in the c.ty'of H ii i , z ton, oa .ti ,1 r. , iue- dec-ibcd rl etat th.rebv etui,.-!, HeC'nj'iuK at toe Jvoxihst corter oLut Xo. 47 iu me old f!ai ot ihd tomz,.cn h v -r,n 5 gtr.vt, raauintr liuh:e orthwa:d!v f U t frecond t rcct X', ll Bt, tIun.eWjiw axdi y S ward Frout Mre. t l o fc-ot, tl.ecce South wardly v.-t to Lbto.4:, thcaco Ea t it ... tot toi. , b..- lUt-, a ,Cvv- a;n other" lot Vjilninj: tl a" ; .iuiiij'aruiy teco2 a.reot j ict indejetendin;: back that width 16a feet towards Frot etroet. i dj aoTe oecribvd property is a pirtM lota .oo. i and 5, LoC Uti. . Terms of eult. ALI-X. T. LOHwOy,--mch 2i-:ot Att'r for liartpatree. '; Easter Cards?. 1 A N IMMENan STOCK. All new and beautiful design?. Just received. Call and see them at 111E LIVE BOuK STOlir. Piano3 and Organs rpns PLACE TO BO Y ia where jou.taii get thein the Cheapest of the nsaVe, aid cn the most reasonable terms. Try ttch 22 3:) aa.1 41 Jiaikctsf. .Vegetable and Fnufr Cralcss :im! E"cfs, C .U T. " . 1 f JX&Llj XJiSVlS IIHUS i A LL KIXD3 OF LUILDIXQ ifaterV. 8easoned Flooring, VeatLor-UoarJir, kc. Metal and, Walnut Show 'CaEO at ' -ALTAFFiiti j 1 KIClL CO. FlCTORT : """ Foot of Waltntst. mch 22 " " " OrricE.' ' " A'utt,-near Ktd Crcsv Millinery, Hair (iocds, .etc. . J-EW SPRING blUCK just ' rciviVed. Everything new sad of Aim 3ati.:-t raUrrr .? and itvles. Kntirn n a- V i f ".-i;,. rr A Tery competsnt Lady artht'has charge of our Idillinerv Departilent. MISSES KAIiiUiK & 'McGOWAX,. mch 22 No. 6 Fonth Front tret, ' Cydomin t?QR CHAPPED RKrv.?. rto' ieik A CORN SOLVENT, Brown's ' Woodland Balm, and a fresh stock of Drua aud Mtdi- cines just received. Fo)l aad fresh aeart- ment of GARDEN SEEDS. I bivo no lt year's Seeds. Prescriptions accurately componnW. F. C. 'MILIAR,'. Corn ith aad Tiua fc-ti eeU Open dv hzd niht. mch 22 tf Watches, CHRONOMETERS, JEWELRY, Ac,gg Repaired neatly and promptly, bv No. 3 South Front street, Vi'mlnirton. N. C. Orer tuenty years' experience.' Cite me a iccV Commission Mprriiwt. WAS22lI0iaTOIT, . c. Agricultural Ins. Vot cf New York. 'ORGANIZED IU lcO: . v : ASSETS' 1st, JAV. .! i; . : ' " j f - y - ft t "s . EOS.'SEii I'AID OVJlll &jnjQ,Ajh- TN3URE3 NOTHING BLTT DsrcIIin r.zl . A content?, and farm prperrv, anl oflera SPICIIL IDLT!frTi for riittf,l'lf'f .k.i Irsnrea aai&et dasitpa bj Liuhtnio,': whether fire cnaties or nvt) rr.lthcut cxtr-i charge. Ageats vracted in ererj coirtv in the S?ffe. JNO. W. GORDON A li ;j mch 0-tu-fri . UcaaiM A-iu. MEW MILLINERY STORE. r AM CONSTANTLY RECTI?:! NO .VeT A Goods which I will reli - c'zeap" f r ca.'h. such as Boards, Hats KibVjcs, Flowers aad every thbg in the Willinor l iae. Infant' Crocheted Goo4 s alwas in haad. Alio, Lace Goods. JJaruaa liair Uooas forsxic. Work dor ia thj moft approre-i strle. Ladies will do well to ci!lcz.d s;o forthem-' selvea Country orders rece!T3 pro Qr't 'ft,, . ' n ' lH' K J- BAKKR. ' mci 22 Corner Third and Or wo Bul

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