THIS PA FEB PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg'ad to receive ccmirnnlcatn-?-' from our friencs on any and all rab'cit? o funeral interest but: - The name of the writer muet alwajs be fi r aWiedto the Editor. SOommttnltaUonsniwtbe written! c& or l one side of thejapr. Personalities mnat tx aToided. And it is especially axdpartMclarly car. r tood that the Editor does not always ndf rie the views of correspond en u, unless so itcd n the editorial column.. i ouolished every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted by 'V J08B. T. JAME8, rOITOK AND PROPKTJCTOX. ' SUBRlPTIOysi POSTAGE PAID. it,year,n 00 rtix months, 2 50 ; Three ' months, ft 15 ; Oue month, 50 cent?. Che paper will be delivkfed by carrier, to of eh4rg-e, In any part owtbe ty at the ibnrm rate, or 13 cent per weh Advertieinjr rates low and liberal' , . j JBSrSobicrihtrt will" pleasereport any and Jl 'ilures to receive their papere regularly. vol; v. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1880. NO. 40 The Da Review. LI New .Advertisements. SRQWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. yE WOULD ANNOUNCE Til AT we have opnd in ronnr-Jop . with our Dress Gocrts.Dpprmen, over 150 ji-cof ot W'orwthU Lie&j GucKis, which we are offering at ' 15c, 2f)3 and 25c. These gods are telected with a view to the wants of thi J market, and embiace many Novelties. Having purchased in the months of October, ovfmber and I)e cpmb r, anticipating the advance which, has r cen-lv taken place, and as far as pisitl-3 will give the benefit to our patn ns Black Cashmeres, We are" making a specialty "of our Mourning (Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all the Nov elties in this particular branch of our bufei Black CrapeF- We have by far the largest assortmeri of Black Crapes yon can fiud, and arc the Sole Agents of THE WIDOW CRAPE, For the deepest moumins;. 2 Button Kid Gloves. c a. In Opera, bpriDg ar.d Dark Shades. They need no comments. ;i "v auiGoes From 6, Cents Up ! r We will be receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep callirg. BR0WNr& EODDICK, '45 Market St. men 20 ' f Foreclosure Sale. BY YIRTDK OF TDE POWERR CON-? ferred by a certain d d of mortae ex ' eeated. by H Marcus and wife' to J H. 8tra"tt, Onardian, tbe underBigned willcffer for tale by pablio auction, at kxebange Lor. ner In the city of W it irton. on th- 24th day of April 1880, at 12 o'clock, the follow ing described real eatate thereby conveyed. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot No. 4T in the old pla ot the town, on Second street, runninr thence Northwardly alonic Second street 33 feet, thence Weatwardlv to wards Front Street 166 feet, tkence Bonth wardly 33 'eet to Lot No. 47, thence a 1 165 fret to the beginning. , Also, a certain ether lot adjoining the above, mnniag Northwardly alonar Hecond street 33 feet and extending back that width lta feet towards Front street, i The above described property is a part of lota Not, a and 5, Block IS9. Terms of sale easb. ALEX. T. 1iN. 0, . inch 23-SOt Att'y fot tlortpaee. JUillinery, Hair Ooods, - i etc. : KW SPRING STOCK just received. Lyeryting er and of the lateft ratt-ms and styles, bntire new etock of Laciei Un derclothing. 1 A ve'y competsnt La4y srtiit has charge of ovr.Millinerv l'epartaent. MI8Ed ILARKbli A McGOWAN, inch 22 o 6 Sonth Front Street HAY, O ATSi erd Mixed O R Pfl f I' . ALWAYS ON II AND. Hall & PearsalL tab 2 1 : 'I;' . Wood-Woo dU ood ! THE FBICES f 1 Bloclf, Bltbt and Stripl b.T. been reduced. Iam how ftllisg Dice fat Block, at t'O cent., Drj Slabi at 25 cents, 8uli 10 cecu. J. W, TAT LOB, lath 20-1 w Foot Walnat Street. ; LOCAL NEWS. ffew AdTertisementa. Misszs Kaxrbb k jIcGo was Fashion aMe SfiUnery.. Clydo'a'New York Bteamabip Line. F, C. MiLLBa. New Lot. ; AhirwiK, Paica Jk Co. We art Making. P L Briborr8 A Go Pcisaors I BoATwaieHT A McKev Excelsior! YATB-j-r-Crrqiet. P HBiNdBKaftPi The Magic Photograph. J W OoaooiO St Peo Agricultural Id. O-mpunv r f New York. A V 1 obdow Commissioner's Sale. For otbor locals see fourth page. Wirdow Gle--ah. sizes at Altaffer fc Price's. ' t The General Assembly were to have adjourned to-day at 12 o'cio.k. Laub Dilo! ' ' ' I.:' Kit Carson, Jr., will deliver a fret lecture this evening at 7:30 o'clock, in front of the market, on Sitting Bull. Full Metal and Walnut Show- Cases, all s'yles and siz, at, .Altaffeb, PaioF: & Co The Diaa w.h is bnoicg up a family on an iiiC L n $5 ' week will be nappy to: learn from the fashion predictions 'that the Sprinp'Hiid Summer fashions in elegance and sty! will surpass anything ever seen in ' Air erica.' . , Sffreous A cctilent. 0?e of tl cec k-rioii& accidents which occasionally fail those in the employ of railroad c relation., U:f weened at about 1 o'clock thitj afutruvojj to William Allen,; a colored mavi, h car coupler, in the em nlo v of t ha W ' . U A . Ka i 1 road . 1 1 seems that rbautv cr belonging to the North East em roarf wa attached to the ti'.i,,vh hJ.i,u.f,,m ithmd. . . .! ' "'' - .1 ' .i . hnr thura with nil :) urn rxr: bi irH I , . , , , . , . .,, I used in 'other cars of i:ke Character. Allen vwww 1 ' came out of the car. and it is supposed, mat cemg unaware o B aLienoo-oi .1.1- iL. .1 -fLl sjeps or forgetting the fact, steppea aonn - - i 1 as usual and of course fell to ths gronnd. The car at tha tim was beiu? moved 8 owly, and Allen was oaught between from the Eist side of Nutt street towards Front street Lr id "e. In.tuis position his body was kept revolving around until the train could t be stopped which was about threefourths I tbe length of the car. He was taken from his terrible position as tenderly and quick- ly as possible, but both arms were broken and very serious internal- injuries were I inflicted about the lower por'ion ot the body, the extent aod nRtur? of which bad not been ascertained when we left. Dr. Gecrge G. 1 Thomas, was promptly at hand, and the woanded man was placed first upon a stretcher; and then upon a platform car, and taken up towards Sev- enth street, near Which he residesattend- ed by the physician and Captain James Knight, with . assistants to convey him from the car to his residence. It is great- J ly feared that the internal injuries to the wounded raia are of so serious a natnre I as to 'result fatally. Ready mixed Paiuts, su icily j pre White Lead, C: lore, Brushes, Window. Glass, &c..iat Jacobi's. - . Wilmington Presbytery. Frcm a friend who has just returned from the 6ession, vre understand that a . meeting of the Wilmington Presbytery was held at Brown Marsb.or CIarkton,on the C O. Railway, commencing on Thursday last at. J2 ocleck. Quite a gdqdly umber of Presbyterians weie present, we learn, and there was preaching every day in the Brown Marsh Church, morning, afternoon and night. Rev. ueorge icaiiuaa was eiectea Mocterator and presided. Rev. Jame3 Spruut, D. I)., the stated secretary, was present and participated in the proceedings ia his official capacity. .The regular routine of business was disposed of and the meeting adjourned on Satnrday afterLoon. , But caany lingered over Sunday- and ecjoyed the hospitalities pf the good people in that section of Bladen, still another day, when the last of the delegates camo down on the Caroliua Central this morning. Even if we are not srnarf, we know what to do when troubled with a Consh tr Cold. No doctor bills for us . We take twenty-five cent, goto thensareit Drug Store and buy a bottle cf Or Bull's Cough Syrup. One" dose rreiieves' ,n and one bottle cures us entirely. It i pleasant to the tasto. Hall'e VegeUbJe Sicilian:; Hair R . fcewer will stimulate the absorbents and the secretions of ths hair tabes until they rtgain their original vigor. Try it. Festiyal. A committee of ladles of St. James Parish will give a festival at the City Hall on Thursday nicht, Thy will have tempting delicacies for the inner man and promise an evening of rare enjoyment to those who will favor them with a call.- To a can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacjobi' Hardware Depot. UnmailahieB. The following unmailabta postal mat ter remains io the poatoftice in this city: r E R. Quince, Spriogfleld; Square white envelope, illegible; Pcri. card, begin njng Dear Line, no address; lira. E i , - W. Williams, Cambri g p- nt ITa.-s; Mrs ;A. C. Bobeson, Armour, N. C; Luther jTerrv, Tbomaston, N C. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaoui'b Hardware Depot. Nw Steamer. Messrs Cassidey Bros, and 8. W. Skin ner are baildiDg, at the foot of Cbnrcb street, a small stern wheel steamboat i which is to be used in conveying passes gers 'rom the shore to the beach at Wrightsville Sound. This little craft will be amply large for the business and as she will draw only about nine inches she will be able to go in water too sbal ow to float tme of the yachts. Plows, Shvivels, Pitchtoiks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &e. For he lowest prices, go to J acoBl s. Aiarrled and Gone West. Tl is mornliig, about 6 o'clock, Mr. 650 B. Myers and tliss Emma B. Quince, I J l' ft a t 1 . t - T-a yV aKwr ' me iaie jonn i. quince, w married, Rev. Dr. Watson, Rector of St. Jamea' Church, officiating. The happy couple left on the f:50 train for the V . 1. V. I f. 1 I .V- TH TTT . --- Villi, UUUUU lJS UvW 1U IU9 r Hi TfCll, , , , , 1 Mr. Myers having made arrangements to enter into bnaineaa at Dativpf. OnlnmrlA Th car wUh them . . , for their future - . Window Glass of all siaea, Doors, Sash I an1 nilnla 1nlM.H' TH n t. n mr, Jtr T nfwr . , ' ' Legislative Locals. In the House, on Friday, Mr. Richard- son introduced a bill to incorporate the Historical and Scientific Society ef Wil- mineton and on Saturday this bill passed the Senate. j Mr. Armstrong introduced a bill to au Horizs the Commissieners of New Han- over county to levy a special tax. Mr. Scott, a bill to amend chapters 92 and 116, laws of 1879. Senate bill 102, to allow the tax col- lector of Robeson county until July to settle for bis taxes, passed its final reading. Bill to amend 'section 8,8, schedule B, revenue act, was taken up. It reduces the liquor license tax of $5 per month to $3, and the 6 per cent tax on purchases to 2 per cent. The bill passed its several readings. In ths Senate, on Saturday, ths bill to incorporate tbe Market Company of tbe city of Wilmington passed its second, and third readiogs. x Jn the Ilouse a bill to incorporate a turnpike road from Hewlett's to Whisky Creek, New Hanover county, passed its readings. House bill 150, to amend chapter 260, laws of 1879, providing fox the giving oi twenty-five convicts to aid In building a road in Jones and Onslow coanties, passed its final reading, Bill to appropriate 810,000 for the con struction of the Duplin Canal came up, and Mr. provoked considerable discussion. Blocker offered an amendment making the, appropriation u,O0g. lst An amendment was then offered, providing tha in lieu of the appropriation the State should grant one half the lands tn rough which the canal runs. This amendment was1 adopted and the bill passed its second reading. It was then referred to a ppec- ial committee. Cbmaiittee to consider the Duplia Ca nal Company bill reported the came, with a snbstitute i rovidine for the COD Vevanro of the alternate sections of land by th- Stae. The bill then passe'tg Lzi sead iag-i It i siid that $75 U00 will piobably be the amouut ot the approiriation by this Congrew fr the Cape Fear river and bar improvements, and the Engineers say that they can make this amount avaiUblta at once in good, hard work. Save your money and buy jonr Build lng Supplies from Altafier & Price. f New Advertisements. Fresh Lot gON FCMtf CATARRH ASD ASTHMA owarettee, Wei D Veil' Ca arm Oar, and a fail nd cai I-t stok of pu'e Drnf and bs edicl vs. C. V51M.RR, G-nier Alh ae-J Nun rttwU.i Oper ty aad niht. DJcb T4 tf We arc Making Alt kiuds of Dressed Lumber, Sash. Doors Blinds ! ND ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at onr Planing MUl tir Faet?irf. foot of WaJunt street. Gall and examine. ALTAFFER, PRICi k uO. ch 29 Offie, Ifutt, near Bed Cross st. Croquet. t T7HOLK SETS, fnely fini-bed, in neat box, $1 to to $2 60 pr set. Ktw and pop alar Promenade Photographs are belag made at YATES' Photo Booms. Drop im and see them. BOOK STORE. mch 29 The Magic Photograph.; AVERY WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Bv holding the Photocranh for a ihnrt time before yon. so that yonr fce may make a strong impression on it, tfien breatne gent Iv upon the glass and yonr correet likeness will appear. For sale at THE LIYE BOOK STORE. Croquet. A N IMMENSE 8T0CK, and ereat Yatie x. ty of Styles, 4 c, of field Ore que t, at j BRINSBEROER'S, i mob n 39 and 41 Market st. j Commissioner's Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF A DKCREE OF THE Superior Court of New Hanover comnir. m the ease of E. B. Goelst and others, vs. tt t. une ana oiners, i will expose to sale t public anction. at the Court Hnni drp in the city of Wilmington, on Monday, the oa aay oi aiay, leeu, tne lot or land with improvements thereon, situate on the Month side of Princess street, between the old Jour nal building and tbe Baxter lot, fronting on Princess street 50 feet and rnnninir back southwardly that width 97 feet, being Darts of lots No. 1 and 2 in Block 165 aeoordlng to toe official plan of the City of Wilmington. Hale to take place at 12 o'clock, M. Terms of sale liberal, and will be made known at sale.. A. T. LONDON. Commissioner. Oonly k Morris, Auctioneers. Wilmington, N. C, 27th Feb. 18ID, mch 29-te WE 'G1YE AWAY WITH EVERY Five pounds of Java Coffee roasted bv Mulford's process, a pair ot fine Lady's Steel Scissors and Pen-Knite combined Single pounds 35 cents; five peands and ose pair of Seiuors, $1.75. The Scissors and Knife are worth at least 61 eents. The Coffee is roasted in New York, expressly fer our customers, in large quantities, and sent asAreryweek, asd the difference between Ooffde roasted by this Mnlford machinery, recently invented, and supplied to us for our customers, and the Coffee turned out at the smaller Groceries by those little old fashion ed red-painted maehlneeyon see ia every shop now, is immense ! We 'have a Roaster on hand for sale. It will still do for one of the little cheap groceries, or for eeuntry use. W don't want it now, since we have gotten Mulford's Roasted Java, onlv 85 cents ner pound, or five pounds and a pair cf Scissor for $1.76, i Three to Five Car Loads a . Month. Each car load a handred barrels of White Dove Flour. The immense in or ease ia tbe sale of this splendid article of daily naeii simply astonisbinr. We commenced ob 20 to 25 barrels a month, and new average 300 to 6C0. This Flour sells itself, and tbe sales are Increasing. Springfield Hams. 4 bout two weeks arb we rot In a small lot of this delightful Ham and introduced it to tbe market. Kothinr equal to it in flavor and prio" has ever been seen in Wilmington. Now wateb; ia two weeks more jou will see all the smaller groceries sellins; as Bprinjr field Hams all tne present varieties. If vou want the genuine axtiele call cn P. L. Bridgers & Co., 20, 22. 2-4. 26 and 28 Front Streo. WILMINGTON', N. C. . White and Bed Tokay. From Wharton Green's great Vineyard, near Fayettevllle. The best and pure&t Table Wioa . in the world I Lqual o tbe French Claret and thine Wines. Oajy $1.50 per gallon I i 'OC men it makes Sings, Cf kiazs it makes coos And meaner ereatnrfs kings i" . The Fmperor of Cbixa drinks it I Tbe Pove drinks it I . Tie Czar of the Russias do, 6 ( Kiar weeps in Paadita bcauaa he died tooocn to taste ti fruit of tbe X, C visa. SOLE AGENTS. P. L. 8RID6ERS & GO, to, 12, 34. 2f and 28 Frost Btrcet, Wilmington, !f.C. nek It New Advertisements. ovr TTIheBirDdl e OVER THE BRIDGE i AT V. D. 6000WS Popular Dry Goods Fmponum is a full and eoaaplste stock of Taney and 8taplt Dry Qeoda. GOODS, from 12K seats up. ELEGANT LME OF PIQUES, LAVnS, CAMBRICS ALPACAS, HAMBURQS, TORCHONS, BRETONNEi AND ITALIAN LACES Elegant Neck Ties,&c Kod Doves 20c, 20c; 20c5 per pair. The Best Kid loves IN THE CITY FOR 0 CENTS! CALICOES! CALICOES! aliodos ! 3 O & xx -t AND UP WANDS I I FROM 1 CENT UP ! All Linen Towels, full size, "12 1-2 Cents! AND OTHERS AS LOW AS 8 Cents per Piece. IVZUlinery Goods. LADIES' aDd CHILDREN'S SPRING AND SUMMER ELEGANT LINE CP Ladies', Misw s & Children's Klosel f Our represenUtive reaiiisg ia New York wucflii ue marcet cioeeiv and procures a trreat manv barjraios ur natrons can rest assured that ov prices axe cheaper and stock as good as any establishment In the city V. D. GOODffll, Fourth Street. mch 26 New Adrrrtisemontp. Fav liion abl oiu Tin r y f jATESBT S:YLES JJT Oi'KM Competeat lady in cbaree. A'?- r -n.w astortrte trf Ladifo' I'nCetwar.ct reus Linr, Pip. Oirsbaiu d v; .-, putt. Infants' chro, l. ! -Joaks, Ac, Latest sitritrs ia Hair Uoccs mch rs No. S Front St 1 ? 't WITD A Very Large --.Stack- OF BOTH AND rocea'ae: 13 WE ADOPT OUR HEADJXti AS OUR MOTTO, AND ARE DETERMINED TO BE E . OND TO NONE IN OUR 1 11 A DP.' C Evtrstrivirg to keep i;di Gco;l3 as are, most sought ailcr ia. cur njaiLcf, vt invite all, bctli XercLants cf Ciiy ai.d i Country, to call upon ue b.f, re pirct,r.3' ing elsewhere ; ard sea if wedoW. suit them In Every Particular, 'g All wo jisk is h trial. 3 5 6l 7 Uortb Front Streot. mch 22 Agricultural las. Co, or New Tcrt, ORGANIZED I( 18:. ASSETS 1st JAN. 19, $l,lb7,l:S7.7. LOSSES PAID OVER $3,000,000. INSURES 'NOTHING BUT DwelIisKs rd oontents, and farm propertT, and effors sriciii. is&ccemebts for risks of that clas. insnresaKaiost -danapa by 'Ligbtia?, whether fire ensues or nan with -nt itr charge. Agents wanted ia every county ia the Stf.9 JNO. W. GORDON k ESQ.. mch 3-mwn-frl General Agents. RA HOUSE. TUESDAY,, MARCH CO.c, '-.'). N E3i TERTAINHENT 'cctsUtirp' cf Tableaux, Musis, Acting Trorerbf, Read ings, 4c, 4c, will b given at the Opera Houes on Tn-esdsy cvecin, CCt'i iml, at 8 o'clock. Tb entertainment will cose! cd with a Grand Exhibition of Waxwork Figxr.s, a la j Jarley, each figure contaJnlr ' an L:n;e3ie ; amount cf machinery, which belcg properly' wound up exhibits some jeruiiar trait inihe character of the perecr, wlea Hvicj, whose figure is repreisnted. The proceeds will be towaris the extinction cf St. Joh 1' Church Debt. Admission 0 centi. TicxeU njay te ob tained at all tne Boo Sstores. No extra cfcarze for reset ved eests, irhich can b obuined ThnndAj morning -JStb inst, at Heiasbergei'i Hook ptort. mch 21 BOATMGHT k MOI

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