THIS Fl'FBB ' Sandayi Hefr J JO 8 H T. JAM -j iUIWCRIPTIONB. lOSTAGK FAIH. year,S& 00 Bix months, Jiau ; mrrc oBtiu, f I 36 ; Oue roontn, ou ws. 1, paper wi!! be delivered by carriers, U .ni nirtof the CltV. t th lore rates, r l ceaiajir irrtuiniC rates ana UDerai rSubacribr8 wtfl please report any and . r,;:r( ?r recei i"hir paper refrnlarlT New Advertisement. feo WN & RODDICK, 45 RGarket St. 15 WOULD ANNOUNCE; THAT if f i L have opened in cnnnion with our Jreaa Goods Department, over 150 pieces J Worsted Dress Gvdi, hidi we ar jffdrihij 541 i .' . . : - , -r 15c, 20c and 2oc ti,a.a; s'ftods are 4ele-ted with a vie w wants of this maraet. ana-uiw; .nir Vnvaities. Haviu purchased in the ontbs of October, November and I)e-, fembe'r, anticipating the advance : wmcn Ui PCeuLly taken place, and as far a lossibla will give the benefit to our pair ns Black Cashmeres, I We are making a specify of our Mourning Department and hav? always )n hand full assortment of all the Nov. sKieain this particular branch of our buii: Bm; .-': Black Criapes. j W hava br far the largest as?ortment of Black Crapes you can find, and are t he Sole Agents jef . THE WIDOWS' CRMfJ:; For the deepest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. In Opera, Spring and Dark Shades. They need no comments. From 6 Cents Up We will be receiving large addition mry 'day now. as our buyer iain the Korthern markets at the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep UlUrg. BR0WH!!& RODDICK, Market St. mch 20 Foreclosure Sale. T3T TIRTDK OF TUB POWBrtB vox JJj ferred by a certain do-d of mortgage ex eented br H. Marcus and wife to J H. 8tra ss (iuardlan, tbe undereigned will offer for sale bj public auction, at Exchange Cor aerlft theolty of infifton. on th 2tth 'day of April 1880, at 12 o'clock, tte follow lar desoribe4 real eetata thereby couY-yed, Brginainf at the Northeast correr of Lot So. 47 ia ine old plan ot the town, on Second 'street, runcinc thence Northwardly alone Second street 33 feet, thence Weetwardly to iwarda Front Street lt5 feet, thence Hoath warJly SSeet to Lot No. 47, ibence La 1 163 fet to the beginning. 1 Also, a certain other lot ajMmog the 'above, running Northwardly alone Second street S3 feet and extending back that width jlto feet towards Front street. The above described property is a parjt of loU Nos. 4 and 5. Blocs 13 if. Terms of i&le eaah. ALEX. T. LOS Q$i? mch 23-30 1 Att'y for Mortgagee. Millinery, - llair Goods, ! JKW BFRINO 8T0CK .jast receiied. I Everything new and' of the latest patterns Sand it j let. Entire new sttck or Ladies' Cn l derclothlng. I A vf y eompetent Lady artist has chargo lof our Millinerv Departiuect. . MI8SE8 KAKai&K. A McOOWAN, 5 inch 12 So. 6 South Front Rtreet. The Magic Photograph- Xx. By holding the Photograph fur a short ilea before you. to that your f c may make m troBgimpreesion on it, then breathe ceijt ly upon tbe Klasa and yonr correct liktces? will appeir. ForsUe at , THK tlVE BOOK STORE.' Croquet. A X IMMKN88 BTOCX and great Vaiie i V ty of Styles, lc, of Field Croquet, at HKtNSBEBQER'i?, 39 and 41 Market st. neb 29 Wood-Wood--Wood! rpBE PRICES of Blocks, 8 lab i and Strips - A . ' . : . j . eve been redneil. 1 aa-new scUiog nice tat Blocks at 40 eenti, Dry Blabs at 26 cent; 8to(fil0 ffanta. J. W. TAYLOR, satfc 30 Iw root Walnut Street. alocoesX VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. . New Artve.riiiir.nts. J-8 AkBAR lew fitUid. Yatb. Urrqifct. . '- P Hkik8B8r8. Th M'vic Ibitograpb. Wr.dow (ilaas-.-ali ifcizes a.t ltaffer . Price's. 1 t Full Metal antt VV ir Show "'. Caes. all styles aud siz v, at ':JrTrz Prkb & C o '3. . The c;.cRt fcr-liuut qualities become useless when th'y are not sustained by characer. The , April ferai of tli Criminal Court convenes invthia city en Monday next, the 5th proximo. ' . To.i can Vxy No. I Ok king and.; Heats ins ov?s at almost an price at JiTcoBi's Hardware Depot. , Tbe light: from t mr or five 'rjre?,?aRing in the 'wocds around the city, er vis; ble here last r'jht. ' . ' . O-o nf the 5 irn ateeple f tic Firt V was hl.iwu '-ut "!, . .! ,' v in the u ri sn Church ; A 'hil ' V-ii rfqi?ra mmzpTerAcy lie :4m- fj iaii y you r.'qmre e'.iri in-H-a vo j !ul con Deservedly Ll'H'i'r. -We ir.n Dr Buh's(Jou?j !. tu', :t nvcr Im'Is to care a Cough L'j si ru.rt n-cutoineiitl ir. Pric t only 25 r", - ' , A building, ne.-.r U,e . c nfr of Sixth aid Red Cross strips, ued h a carpen ter shop, was blown hn ly -the wad Saturday nicht. We are glad to learn tint notwithht-ind-ing the cold weithr in tbs Iaih winds the truck gardens in tlii vk'iniiy have thug-far escaped stricus ir jury. inrttcations. ' For the South Atlantic States c' or partly cloudy weather, wind northeaBt erly, stationary cr higher temperature, icing -barometer. We noticed on the streets yefeterday imehaudsome sui:& of Spring Clothing, vfcieh weie bought at the well-known CloLliins; Housa. of Massp. Sfri.3k's, 28 arid 31 Market street. t Added to Uq pleasant super&tilion that tbe fruit is never killed in leap year, is another which provides fr its salvation daring the month of il&rch ; so we may yet ha7e an abundance of psicliPs and apples next summer. : The sale of tine furuiture, prcccries, Ac, &o., advejtiseclby Messrs C.ocly & Morris," to take p'ace this d y, wa3 pest poned until to-morrsw, Vvne:ilay m )ru iog, at 10-o'clock. It. It is again cold 'enough for fires ana overcoats. The wind is frum the North to-day, but some of -the. weathcrwis pre dict that it. ia a C::ul tpurt: and that Spring will begin iu earnest wjth tiie ad yent cf tho new mo&tli Mr. Nath'i Jcobi hi7iui: lwen . point ed, agent for the' Atlas 'ow,.r-a.li3 in want of. this celebrated Plow em new have their'kf at Jao nv's. Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front t. . If. Save your money avid b .y j cu ing, Supplies from Altaffr & Priv. Jtiild f . Unmallabks. The folldwing ucmailab'e postal mat ter remain ia the poslouice in this city : Mr. Luther Terry, Tbomaston, N. C; Miss Ida Keily, 5sew .Badford, Mass.; one ancient looking umbrella. - Died From his Irij irir s. William Samuels, better knoivu as Wil liam Allen, the colored car coupler at the .W. C, A' -A. Railroad, who met with." the' serious accident yesterday noon, nientToi. ed yesterday in the Review, did .froro his ic juries at about 7 o'clock last - even ing. ,- . V ' . " , . -,; ' . Dr. L'rttcharU'a Lettme. The Lecture Committee of the Wi! mic'gton Library Association are, wo un derstand, in receipt of a latter from the Ret. Dr. PrUchard, P.esident of Wake Forest College;, notifyipg them cf bis wil lingntsa to lecture here eh the 6th proxi mo or as soon thereafter a? convenient to the Associatiou. The Opera licuse being agatd for that date, 'the Ccmmittee hare decided to requeat the attendance oi Dr. Pritchard on the Tuesday folios in -the Cth of April. 1 . ' ' BeAly mixed T4iuu,stncily f ure IFulte Lead, Crlora, Brujbe, Window Glass, e.,.at jACOBit. WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, MARCH More Water. A i viced FaretteTillt are to tbe effect that there has been another increase of water in the Cpe Fear a a rtsilt of rpica in the interior. It begin tt rise last Saturday and was ftiU on" the in crease when the Gov. Worth, left Fay ettevilie yesterday moruiug ' There - it now about twenty feet of w,it?r on the s'- oals at that point. f bickiu Dliut. A cckirie main wa fnuht At Klein Garden oa ytbterdiy. T' n hhtu weie had and the sport was sii to bare been unusually. fine. - -Q iite a number ot tbe Clicks were placed horn tin fnnb-it ani there $rcre two draw ti j i j ' . :..-. i in rui-s. As on pievioUJ o rcasioufe tha c cksj be longed to rnembpra of t'rm Sp rlu t)lub 'ml .were put iu tLa n.aius siiplj for tbe amuomeot it weuid afiord ihe owners. Quite a number of persons were in attend ance to witness the dispute. Feast of the Passover. The Hebrew Feast: of the Passover, celebrated in commemoratoQ of the de livery of tbe child reu of Irasl frota the - Hvitry of bondage in Kgypt, began !rrd.ay evening at o'clock, and will ror tmce for eigkt days. The Orthodox Hebrews celebrated Saturday andSundary, 3 k and 29th inst, and Friday aud Sat urdy, Apr'ii 21 and 3d, the two tirstand the two last day a, and the lieformed, Saturday 23th, and f ji Uy, April 21, the fir.t and last days.' Both Oahilox tfid llaformei are per mitted in tlie interim between tbe da observed to engage v their ordinary busi ness pursuit?, but ths eating of any leat eaed bread i atric ly prohibited. Vihdow Glass of all sizes, Doori, Sash and Biinds, Builders' Bardware.&c, Low- st plreces it Jacobi's.' . Tn Asiociatlea of Wilb Kaster. In arswer to the question ' why" ia'i that eggs are associated with Easter, the Naw York Journal of Commerce thus replies: ' Tbe eg is an accepted symbol of the Resurrection. It was used long before Chrutianity to represent both the creation and deluge, as life and order came out f chaos, and out of the ark whiah inclosed it as tbe shell does the life to bt quick ened within it. The transfer of the symbol to the new life that cones out of the grave is Tty natural. These eggs ware colored red or crimson to represent the blood poured out for man's redemp tion', through which alone, as the be lievers held, the new life was promised. riotvs, Shovels, Pitchtorks, Spades Rakes, Tia e Chains, Plow Lines, &c. Fcr the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. International Money Orders. The Exchange of Iaternational Money Orders between the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire lan j, the German Krnpire, and the Re publics of France and Algeria, uidsr the new resulations, w 11 csmnsence on the 1st x1.ay.of April, 1850, at the post-office ia WilmiagtoQ . The amount of each international-money order, payable in either of skid oun'fies, muft be expressed there : on m U. S. money as well a? ip the money of the country of payment. Per" f.ons desiring to seod n6ney orders to either of the above naraed countries, will be informed at the office of the yalue of thsiU. S. rroney in the currency of the country in which the money order is pay able. Money orders can also ba obtained oa Italy, and tbe Dominion ef .Canada as formerly. " . J. Everybody can get suited v.ith a Tocket Knife, also Tabie - Cutlery, at Jao in's i ' - Hardware Depo. This Cvcnlng'a Entertainment. i ... Our reader' will hear in mini that this aveain-j an entertainment will be giviu it the Opera Uouse for the beceu't of S-' -JohriVChurfb. The programme, a copy of which we have seen, U a very goce ocej COCSle lid" of fuch a variety a te .-. 1. i make the entertairftent ucm p:easaui and ir.ieres'.m. Three' hai:.S the mat. ter in charge h . ve sp3re l no pairs to make the alias r a VncceiS, aaJ we hope their cO rts may be apprecuttd iy ao intallis;ent ub'i. ac-i tb.-t - crowded bono rmy tn-iit-riilly d the worthy cause fe-r vL':ca 'ifce itertaion:ent is got ten tp. Surr e A be tetUrcateur muaicians ia tie city have volunteered their assist ance! and tbe best of vocal and instru mental muic will add to the plea-urea of the occasion. 1EYIEW. cOM-MCNtCATKD. For many : care pits' it his leen tbe custom' in thia P.rinh k'. nvflrv '!vf.nt of Eiater fjr the children coouected with the Sunday Sch il to gt iiCr on the tower of tbe church at ekrly rn ra a d breat forth in' songs of j y as tb rising sun kindles the puli Kis-!. U a beau tifiil custom, a id :' wo'l ra'cvU'ei ti excite devotional 1 id tbe breast ol t'ae m-t wvr.jly.'aud ou this ctrca'don their voices si err.&l to harmonize in sweet er accord than evur before. The contrast between the dark and stormy nighr, and the ;brigbta!dt'eno't(fti rtiornin, ' ira emblematic of the frkresn w uoh had shrouded th C.mrca irce theCruciritioB, aud, the giurioua triuinph ovr d-ath end the grave by th ria Snriour. Tbe leaves of th forest quivered in tbe sun light as if tfcey were dincirjg for joy, tbe b rda carolled forth their sweetekt strains H9nding their unconscious music up to tbe throne of God, and mingling with the harmony of nature came the vt y ice( of iunocent childhood, Binding "psaime and hymns, at d ?"-rjp ol pnib3." That heart mast indeed be c&liuu which could not be moved at suoh a sctoe, on sach an occasion. The arrangements of the floral offeringt within the church were exceedingly taste tul, bat owing to the ecarcity of flowers, there was not that gorgeous display as on previous occasions, when the season was fariLw advaneed than at present,but there was a sufficiency, and tbe artistic skill dis played in the groupings of evergreens and lbwors gave an inexpressible beauty and charm to all Its surroundings. Oa the wall of the ChaDcel was dis played in white letters, "on a crimson back grouod, the words, "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." Immediately above that wad a 1 cross deco ated most exquisitely wUbure white fl3wen with green leaves intermingling, and surmounting the cross crown of brilliant colors. Around tut altar, arranged in rich profusion, were roses of various hues and trailing v lues, with the beautiful calla lily .towering above. Not the least beautiful ornament within tbe chancel was a new pulpit stand of brass, exceedingly chaste in design and finish, a thanksglvirjg offering of a Christian family to Almighty God for His mercies. It is light and graceful in appearance, in striking contrast to the massiveness of the lecturn of the same material, but with which it harmo nize's admirably. The windows of tbe church, particular ly those on the North aisle, were brilliant ly decorated. Exotics, from conserva teries greeted the eye at almost every turn; Mowers in graceful festoons and del icate shrubberies artistically arranged, gave evidcuce that woman, who was last at the Cress and first at the Sepulchre, had been active ia this labor of love. Tae ornamentation of some of the, win d.wa was most elaborate, but we cannot particularizs and will not attempt a description, others again were more sim ply dressed, but noue the less beautiful, for simplicity is always attractive. Gen tie ban Ja failed not to wreathe with flowers the marble slab near tbe chancel -. commemorative of the former beloved Rector of the Parish, the P.?v. Robt. B. Drane. Easter is a glorious day ia our church calendar; it is the Qieen cf Festivals, ths occasion of heartfelt rejoicings.and ikere fore it is that on that day ths waitings ef Pasiion Week give place to the exult ant strains of praise and thanksgiving, and in our churthea yesterday, as ths in spir'tDg anthems fell upoa the listener's ear, they could not but sink deep down into every heart, filing it with gratitude to our Father in Heaven for His many and great mere'es for permitting us to greet another Easter t rue, an J to join with reverential hearts in the grand Te jjaum w e prame inee. ua. uoi. we ack n o w 1 ed ge The e to he the Lcrr! ! ' Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer will stimulate the absorbents and the secretions of the hair tubes until they regain their original vigor. Try it. catholic l(tui. The Pjpal brief for th "conscjcration ot Rt. Rev. M. Gross is njw on lis way Rome. Toe consecration ihjch will makebira liii'uop and Vicar Apo?tt!ic of North OaroUoa, 4s expected to take ptsce in Ultieeore, iJd., tkameim daring the month of Ai?i. , ' Archbishop Gibsons, accompanied by his secretary and thrte clergymen, will leave New York for Rome oa tbe 22d proxiuio. After making his regular de cennial report to the Pope, ee ,will make the tour of Europe curing the summer 30, 1880. NO. 41 Personal. ' I Capt. V. V. Richardson, Represent tive in the State Legislature from Oolum bns c unty, pasaed. through the city last night eo-route for his home at Wbiteville. Mr. G-. Y. Lmb, member of the House from Dup'in county, was in the city to day. Kelurnlng to VrilmHilOB. Dr. ? J. DeRoaft who, it will be remembered, was induced about a year ago to remove from New York to Sao Antonio, Texas, to take charge of a prac tise in that town baa, abandoned Texas ind wilt retara td Wilmington, at leasi ferfiporarily.' This step has been render ed imperative on account of Dr. DeRos. letU health which, we are sorry to hear, has become much impaired. He was te have left San Antonio, with his family, to-day, and is expected here next Monday . The Balls and the Bears. The bv.lU and the bears made a iively time .A cotton maikt. At tht- opening i ; Xew York the tendency was decidedly downward, as It has beon under heavy pressure for several weeks past, and the bears succeeded in pushing the farther months to a further declioe of 15 points, but the opposing side made a desperate resistance, resulting in a much firmer tone, and a slight reviving at the close. Ths sales foot up the enormous figures of , 253,000 bales. A big day's work. City Court. Alderman Flanaer, Mayor pro tern,, presiding. The case of Heory Smith and John Gooding, continued from yesterday, was dismissed this morning, no witnesses ap pearing to testify against defendants. Peter Hoglaud, the same individual who was yesterday morning arraigned up on the charge of -drunk and disorderly, was again a the bar. of the Court thial'A Tripjo Raleigh, that Mr. Ii. K. Bryan. morning with the same complaint on the j docket against him. The defendant made a piteous appeal and promised to leave the city within 24 hours time. In , con sideration of the promise theMayor pro tern suspended judgment and the defend ant was allowed to depar : John McLaughlin, ayoung rnan, stow ard on board of a vessel in port, was ar raigned upon the charge of wandering about the streets at a late hour last night, aud acting in very strange manner. The conduct of ths defendant was also very strange ia Court, so much so that it was thought by the Court that tbe young man's mind must be impaired. The pro tern ordered ths young man below until a medical examination could be made of his oondition. ; Two other uaimportaat cases were dis missed from the docket and the Court adjourned, Election or Vestrymen. The usual Easter elections for Vestry men of the rarious Epiecopal churches of this city and, in all of the churches ex cept St. James', tor delegates to the Di- Locesan Convention, were held .yesterday and last evening, with the following re. suit: , IT, .rAlTES'.l I Vestrymen A J DsRosset, W G Thomas, Alfrsd Martin, James Dawsen, James G Burr, James Anderson, A B VanBokkelen, W L DeRoscet, J L Boat wrigbt, Z Latimer, R E Ca'der, CIsytCD Giles. ST. .TOHS'.. i Vestrymen C D Mjersr Jehn L Holmes, W H Green, Jas A Willard, Henry Nutt, John W Gordon, J E Lip pitt, M A Curtis, S L Fremont, Ed King. Delegates to Cariventioa Jaa A ,WiI laVd, John L Holmes, Chaa D Myers, "W H.Green. AltsrnatesJoha E Lippitt, John W Gordon, H G Smitibnres, Jct C Janaes. ar. pacl"i, Tat ymen DuBrutt Caiiar, J W At. kinscn, W H Boraard, R B Wood, Sr, B E Heide F H Mitchsll, RG Rankin, f , Delegates J W Atkinson, DuB Cntlar Wm H Bernard,FIIJntchen. Alternate R E Heide. R P, Wood, Sr, R G Ra"a7 W G McRae. 'sr. mabx's (colored).' " Vestrymen John G Norwood, C K 4vant, John D Nixon, J W Holland J H Davis, H S Sweat, Sajaael Red an Kash, John O Nixon. ' Delegates-J G Norwood, J I 1 rS Seat. Alternates Samiiel Reed. J W Holland, 3 tt TZv sen, HO Green. Jtck , PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg'ad to receive cctnGni.r.t.-: from our friends on aay trd til tub' ef Keneral interest but : . The name of the writer xcust alpjs b: aisaea to the Editor. HConjmuiiJcatioES.-xujt be written' rr cr. j . one side of the.paper. Persoaalltlee'niustbc aTck'cd. , And It Is especially acd pa.-t:cIarly under stood that the Editor do noi always ecdorre the views of correei ondeati, uilux to - Uut in the editorial cola Tns. Dea!n of Dr. iancelnn. ? Iuformattpn has-been rtcjirH 1 1 v ' tbe re'ativep, as also by Dr, II. G. 1'hr-. ! ner, through the medium of a -'letter r.cii his brother, low in California, cf, th death, at Stockton, Ca'., cf t!rtj-sy; oi Dr. Samuel Langdon, a nstive ncl f, r many years a rosideot of Wilmit-gtrn.. Dr. Langdon removed to California in f 1849, wh?u tho gold-fever broke, out and has since remained there. A ftnr' rceiv ing his d-;j.loica ho j r,. d a hhart time here and i.i O-. t y, tjui.iy ttf. removing fflxn 6!ate.- H .wtuld '.' have been"58 year of age had he lirni ' but ue day longer H was for,- nir.T years Superintendent of I've 'Ca!ifori.ia . State Insane Asylum. but for the pait Uv years conducts an aylnm of h's o.u whertio the insane of ti e Slate cf vada were'care'J fcr. Xssrssors for ihc Ccunlj. The Chnnty Commissioners, at tltir tegeUr ivmi.'y meeting next ilpnclay. if- . ternov.t', v. ' ;--lie the anrbintment'of r,s . sessora twr r.otiug the county taxes for tie; ensuing year. Although thei&appt-iuUcs will be staled Assessors Etilrthcie is. to ., be no new assessment of property, umI will be none according to the rending ct the law ULtil the Legislature &o crd.;rs. Is there not something wrong -about tUV.' We have half a mini to write a private . letter of inquiry to the Secretary cf Statu so as to give him an opportunity cf f cud pg out another printed letter to the clear people. Or, maybe, tho Govefucr rni-ht be induced to call another extra Wsicn , i. e. if tho 30.000 deposit wasn't all , used up at the recent very fcitraordinary session of our cifted (uo fia icrerd-j-h law-makers. i Ojttcttoru Time is a great appeaser as well- is, a'..' greahealer. "When we read in ILg V,:: vnsW last night pfier corrcctlr ihe u.-, rtence in the proof in tho article beaded Senator from New Hancver county, vctcd lor the bill, and gave as bii rQsscn Uurxof., Instead of therefor as we wrote it in il e wrJ tuiiecteu it ju ite prooi, we 1 1 termined on fearful thirds. But.uroh : o- . nsctlon we concluded that it v, z.s Luncan iu err and divine to forgi?e. CcEgcqaeiully we have forgiven our ever ble5ct (?) ty j c , and hope those of our renders wtte considerate epouh to wade" ilir.oih' tl article, will do the came fir ti e c:n r named above, . as well r s for, o' hers . were madahv thp. nrintr ?- V orAd' tr . tide. The Diocesan Couventicu cf the'-Pxo-testant Episcopal Church ia Ncrlh Caro lina will beheld in St. Pauls Cliurch, in WinstoD, commcccirs oa Wcjsesday--May 26th. - : Now A d ver t isemo at Lost. QN H02sDAT APTEENOO ca 2cczt? bstireea Chestcnt ard Karkot streets, i Child's Gold Breaatriia.. The finier will be iniUbly reward:!. leaving the same at fir. Wood's cZ o ?, ach Z0- t . . IMevy Home.'-.; KOTHER LOT OP THOSS JUSTLY popular, Light Running New nora- Fehi Machine, juat arrived and -oneniBz c-:. Ladies are invited to call and reb'shem. ' J. D. FlItr.AV 24 Alarket fitreot. " mch SO-3 1 OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY, "MARCH ZQ U. Z2i TERTAIXilEN T cztzx V , tabnaai, lfasic. Acting rr or trbf, ltil ings, 4c, &7, will bi gi7ea at the O; era ' aonssoa Toesdiy evesicg, "Oia Ictt,, at e , o'clock,; . 'tr The entertalameat will conclude with a Grand FxUbiUon of Waxfrork Fi rarest aTa ' farley, each figTira containlsp; aa,iax:si:e aaouat of machlsery, which bslrj prcpe'y ereund up exhibits t?E5 perxlisr trait JE tVe character of tte porr.03. wh?a livInj.wV' Sgure is represeated. The proceeds will be detctod towards tie Admlttlca 50 cents. ' Ticieti n&r te c 2 - - Wis"1 t lined at all the Dookttorei. exUa charj for resetved ieati which eui b) oh t dead en "huptdar mornlnr 35th Injf. at ITr!flsr IBookPtore. "V