PL2A8E50TICE. j, oaoiished every Vterro on, SMdijt es? repled b? . . . m ' 5 We wfU beg' ad to receive ecnaua!.-ati? from An Mm. . ,i .ti i - . J0 8HV Ti JAHES, r EDITOR iNU ftvTPRlJCTOB. general interest but : i . .. , Tbe name of the writer must a! ir a js.V-: Car alshed to the Editor. Communications unit be written on cru one side of the japer. Personalltiesmu8t be avoided. : And it Is especially and psi'ikularly ct '-r itood that the Editor doee not always ead.. SUkCRIPTIO!CS, POSTAGE PAIR )d. year, f 6 00 Si moot, 1 50 ; Tbr mouths, 1 V ; Ojf-month, 50 certs. Tbp paper will b delivered b earTler, roe of charge, in any 'part of the city ; et'tfc ibove rafts, or 13 oents per wek. 1 rinrtinnir rste low and liberal VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1880. NO. 42 " JET" Subscriber will pleb report hey acd fa tb. editorUl colttTPcs. THIS PIPES 'I HE I'DilLI : 1SYIEW: ITew Ad vertisamonta. ijBOW'H' & E0B3I0Z, 45 Market St. K WOULD ANIiOUNCK THAT we have opened in ennnec'ion with our ot Worsted Dr( sa Good3, which W6 are offering atvj 150i 20c und, 25c: iTbese gv.d?. are j.ei"ted with a view .to the' wants of this market, and emb ace many Novelties. II iviiu purchased in the eeinh'-r, anticiptint tbe advance (which Lai r ce oily taken p'ac.?, and as far a possioli will give the bbnefit toon r,pLUr us Black Cashmeres, We are jnakinz a specialty of our Mourning "Department ar d? have always on hand a full awortm-nt ol an me n w, cities in this particular branch of rurbui Black Crape. v We have by far the largest assortrmn' of black Crapes you can find, and aro tl;f .Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' CRAPE, For the doepest raourcJng. 2 Button Kid Gloves. 25c a Pairs In Oera, Spring and Dark Shades. They noed no comments -. - liCO From C, Cents; Up ! We will be receiving large addition? every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the-present time. . The way to secure Bargains is to keep calUg. BR0WNf:& RODDICK mch 20 1 Foreclosure Sale; BY VIRTUE-OP TQE POWETh CON f erred by a certain d- d f morta.'O ez ecu ted by H Marcus and wife to J H. Htra , Guardian, the undersigned willcffcir er in the city of il inton. xn in , ?4th day of April 1883, at 12 o'clock, tie fcllow Inv desc-ibed rel eatat- thereby convyed, Befrinning at the Morthea?t correr of Lot No. 47io ih old tlat ot ih town, oq Second ftrwt, ninain? thence NorthwTdIy alore Second I'reet 33 fet, thenre WestwardlvHo ward Front Street lt5 fet, thence South wardly 3S eet to Lot Ino. 47, theac La i 16 j fet to the bea Inning. Alio, m certain oiaer.-ioc btj-heid ino above, ranninjj Northwardly al n? Hrcond trees eet anaexienaing uacs iai w:aiu 1S feet towards Front etrett The above deoribd property is ;a purt of lots Nob. 4 and 5, Iilock 139. foruii ot tale eaai. ALEX. T. LN ONT, mch 23-30t ' Att'y for Mortaeae. Millinery, Hair Goods, A' tic, J-KW SPRINQ STOCK just reeelred. Kverythinj; new asd of the latest patterns and ityles. Entire new stye's of Laoiei Un derclotMng. A ve y compt;nt Lady artist-has cLarne MI88ES, lARKKK Jk McaOWAN, mch 21 No. fr Sonth Front StreeLr The Magic riiotograpii. A TWt WONDERFUL DISCOVERY -ra- By holding the PbotogrRph forr a ebort tim before you. o that jour f c iray xuAte a itronc impression b a it, thsn brestha gent 'lv upon the glM and TOur correct lik.nesa For sii Mt THK LIVU BOOK-STORE. Croquet. V IMMENSE STOCK, and greit Varie ty of Stylet, ic, of l i.ld Crcjait, at HEINSBSROER'F, 39 and 41 ilaiket at. neb 29 New Home, NQT1 LOS Qy THOSE JUSTLY popular, Liat Runalnsr, New Home 8ewic? Alachine, jwt arrived and openiasr out. Ladies axe invited to call aad see them. 4 . J. B. FARRAB, 4Vf U Market 8c:cet. mch 3tt-3t LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. Bevj BELi.,'Stctj--rpe Fear Lodge Ho. V D Gooniiaa-rOve- the Bridge. HPr-KCsri-Gentle Spring. fe lauby & Oo.'l new Y at a.--Croquet. P,HgisBKRagR--fh3 Metric Photograph. For other V.jciia's-e fourth page. . A tor-jafd ) is ftr it blow to any conn Wli-dow Gli" ali Bizes at bluffer 4 t When a foUf'.is ilPbe becomes a six shooter.. This country ssii 3,730,000 on opi nm las', jear. Dead business men Ull oo tsles 1 the adTertiBifff fo'ugim. March. weather consists of tbe odds and efils of all tbe other months. Tre poorer the para?raph?r the more .anxious he U to ct credi . ; Save you' r.yir.'vy nn'i lr-.y your Build Tbf on!v r.iiu caa b airreab! iod -till be out ci" p.uiMt(? & tho doctor. ili riialure fZ' n tt n's a re .now being ife.i.-fr orsi-inon!!":- ;Vt' hat of the la- Ynh Mt;l a-vW.iLitalt.xv Caos, all .-styles an-!- : ;-r, .'AirArFsx,. Trice & Co's. .-' ' " Zulu, pw-.k; t;:e t faiii-m.b!e tm rcrnici'.Is :ono of s'vawVf rr! s cr' . in crtom. ! ; .. Rea'dJ mi?;ed Ruaf stvic ly i nr White Lead, vCf 1 Nrs, r!ii:h.s, Window Glass, &c at Jacob i 'a. . . ' ' One of the hamest vbiaM -Ut t?o is to properly resp.ect a m'w w h?.n you owe and canoot piy. - More than one rcan has ?own the seeds of consumption by etandiiig aronnd bar rooms with" a dry cough . ' J Mr. Luther Terry, Thomaston,. N. C; Miss tda Keily, New Bedford, Mass.; one ancient' looking umbrella, If every person wouid be half as good as be expects his neighbor to be, what a heaven, this world would seem. x Plows, Shovels, Titchtorks, Spades Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow LiDes, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacob i'a. J ' He is a veiy lazy mau who, iu respond ing to a note from a frisnd who asked to be excused, in reply replied, 'IXQQU.' , ' i If you have a friend with a Cough or Cold tell him" to ns3 l)r Bull's .Cough Syrup, lie will thank you for yor.f fcd vice. The price 'is , only 25 cnt4. i . ; When you can hardly say enough for a man, say h? is one in a thousand. It will be 'true as lon:j: as there areC.r)9 other men in the world, . Selling kissts to fcwsll the Irish-relief threatens' to be inaugurated by the girls. H'rs; if complimentary ticket? are isiued to editors, we favor the p'aii. It may) bo vulgar to keep ticje 'with your foot to-orchestra tnusic, bu - it so absorbs and interests a man that he for gets to go out after cloves or burnt cof fee. ' If leap ye'ir were to : give womsa the privilege of coming down to wn at might to lock after tbeir husbands, we know some fellows who would -'be opposed to tha institution. We noticed oa the : streets yesterday t?me handsome suits of Spring -Clothing, which were bought at the well-known Cloihing House of Messrs. Shsie&'s, 26 and 34 Market atreet. f .' A young lady, while practicing on par lor skatss a' few evenings ao, had the misfortue to slip and fall down. She feigned outwardly,' but profaned inward ly, and wore a grin to conceal her chagrin. It issiiJ by learned mea that Good Friday and Easter this year fell exactly oa the anniversay of the events they commemorate; that It was on the 2flth of March that the Orucifixioa took place, and the 28th witnessed the Resurrection. Mr. Xatb'l Jacob! having been eppolnt ed .aseut for the Atlas Ploir, p.:u & want .of this celebrated Tlow cWtjow have their orders filled at Jacobs arA ware Depot, 20, 0 S. Front si. r if. Hall Vegetable Sicilian Hair IU rewer will stimulate the absorbents and the secretions of the hair tubes until they regain tbeir wrinar vigor.' Try is. The Feitltal. Tb Mite Society of St. James' Church will hold their Festival to-morrow eren- ing at the City Hall. Ladies who bare kindly promised contributions are re quested to send tbetn in on Thureday morning. The admlision te the Festival will be free and the meubers of the So. ciety will be pleased to welcome aH of tbeir friends and acquaintances - i.ocal Ti-aott lnis. Wb referred, in Monday' isetie, to the fct that Col. Jas. G. Burr would rad a paper at Soeiety Hall i bit veiug before the Historical and Scientific Society. We nave eince learned ;h at C1. UuiT has selected a his ob;ct L. cl Traditions of Wilmington a)i4'thu the public are inTited. No one arncu-: u is better able to handle such a hubjcl those who I wjih an hour of p!asa?t eiitertainment wil attend . Deaih of Mr. Orttley. Mr, John O. Bailey, an old and highly esteemed resident of this city, a .member of the firm of Hart, Bailey & Co., died at bis residence in this oity at half past 1 o'clock this morning of paralysis, in the (i'll yeurai his age. Mr. Bailey had been sick for some eighteen months past and latterly h-d been considered as beyond recovery and therefore his death was uot unexpected. He was a native of Sweden, tut for mere than a quarter of a century bast bad resided in Wilmington. He was l.a member of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F , and his romains will be accoifl i pAiiicd to the grave to morrow afternoon hy tao members of that order in this city. , Opera House. Tho entertainment given at the Opera Iou?e last evening, for the benefit of St. John's Church, was exceedingly pleasant and gave such general satisfaction that we cloubt not that a repetition will be asked for. . A large audieuce was in attendance, and tbeir approbation was demonstrated by the. frequent and prolonged encores. The tableaux were well "conceived and most admirably put upon the stage. Tbt readihg of Shamus O'Brien, by Mr. Berry G leaves, was fine and was weir received Mrs. Kahnweiller sang several of her fa vorite songs, and was compelled to answer au encore. Mr. George Myers' rendition of 'The Fine Ould Irish Gintleman was immense, and in answer to prolonged and hearty encores, he sang a humorous song ot his own composition. The cornet duet played by Messrs. ames W. Wilson and D. B. Mitchell i was excellent and the pieces played by the Sextette Club were rerr ine. The Wax Figures purchased from the estate of the late lamented Mrs. Jar ley were fine and added much to the other attractions The entertainment was a complete success and Mr. G'eaves should feel bitnself amply repaid for the trouble to which he had been placed in getting it up. Bat o$e more word. Let's have it again. Good for Wilmington If True. We hear that a rumor is in circulation on the streets in Columbia, S. C, tbat the W. A; W. R. R. and W. O. & A. R. hi. R. Companies are about to purchase the Green villend Columbia R. R., which, conmencing at Colembia, runs through que of the finest cotton producing conn tr;es,for a distance of 143 miles, that there is'ia South Carolina. Greenyille. which is 'the terminal point at the other end ot the road is 143 miles distant from Col- 1 ! I 1 L ' ' J '' umbiaand immediately on the Air-Line Railroad, between hrlotte and Atlanta This line will give Wilmington easy communication with Atlanta, and place us in Intercourse with a fine preductive country! which we doubt not, under the able management of Mr. A. Pope, the Gtneral Freight Agent of the two roads above mentioned, wilkdevelope a nice bust dc ta lor onr ltuie City Dy tns sea. ln the event of the consummation o this trade, as suggested by t,he rumor rr (erred tb above, we ras j txpeet to see our foreign cotton trade, by direct shipment, largely increased. Wilmington is cer tsialy capable of handliog a large amount of cotton for foreign sjhipment. We have three of the finest eclton presses any wbere at work on the South Atlantic Coast, and! besides the.e we have other facilities .for a large shipplag tradefc Onr Bar and River improvements have given us aa additional advantage over whu we enjoyed in ormer year?; with nearly or j compete quite iaccefnlly witb our oeiib. bbrs pn tiieSth as well to tbf N(la of ns rfr all we kfaow, if we can sec;ed i& tnskiog this connection, but that we ean very well afford to stop weeping over, the Bet iniquity, albeit that doe; not ieeen tbe monstrosity of the act cf sacrificieg a million and a half of dollars af the " people's T property to a shrewd syndicate of XQKee pemJatoTS. Or. famuel i.anrdon. We sd7erted yeerday to the death, on the 18th insi.,at Stockkm, Cl., of this distinguished phyaiciau, a native of Wil mington, but for rnaoy years a resident of the forcer city, and to-day append from many notices published iu the California press, a few se'ectiom indicstir of,t! leve and et fm which had surrounded him in bis adcp'ed home. ,Tiw Sleeks Daily Mail says; If Dr. Langdoa had lived he w uiJ have Sreoja s fiftyHtihth birthday lo-day. He came to. California in 1849 and rose bich in the rrefestrion so soon as he com.- meneed to pr actio it. Maoy families felt tnas tbey were not safe un 'est Lrftngdon thm; occasionally. whfitbei aay U' fheru ere sick r not' In extreuuti c b was the lal i esort No physician who evtr braetlced in Slock ton was ho popular, aiid he was the dncsor, anove au orners, wnom tne joor man sought, for he seldom r i;ever 'pressed a bill lor navment. ' A leading druggist says that he fre quently saw Langdoo pay for medic lues f . -m m . wnicn were imt up ror impecunious pa- uents. MEETING OF . P K T 61 CI AKS . ; At a raeetitg of the San. Joaquin County Medical Society the follow log resolutions were aiopted : WnBREAS. A distlneniahed memhAr n the (Sau Joaquin Countv Medical SoritV has this day been removed from our midst Dy tne mysterious cau which all must ooey i Kesolved, That in the deatb of Dr. Samuel Langdon this Society has lost one of its most accomplished and esteemed members: the medical Drofeasion ivituran learned m its science by long study, and sjtuiea m us praouce Dy a large and varied experience ; and tho members of an ex tended community, who have looked con. fidingly to him for relief in the hour of I - 1 1 m a a sioauess ana aistress, nave been deprived of able and efficient services, miniatamd with a sell-sacrificing humanity and a i i j . i . . - proiessiouai uevouon wuicn nave round no limit but in the final untimely sacrifice of his own health and life. Be8olvedt That this Society and the - - I . m . 9 m . mamoera or. our proiession in tnis city and county here represented, in token of their respect and sorrow, do attend the funeral of the deceased, in a body, at St. John's unurcn (Episcopal), at a quarter before .! . ml . . inree o cioca p. m., on rriaay, the 19tb iait. 1 Revolved, That we extend our heart-felt sympathy and condolence to. the bereaved relatives of the deceased, especially to his aged mother in a distant State, and to bis surviving nroiner and family in this city. whose home has been made a place of mourumg ana aistress by this sad dispen sation. cm oaujroiL. The following tribute to the memory of Dr.- Langdon was paid at a meeting of the Stockton City Council : Mr. Oallahan said an event had occur red in Stockton to day that carried sad ness to many hearts. A man, a member of the medical profession, a man ef dis tinguished ability,a man of broad eharity and disinterested benevolence, a man of noble attributes of character, a good citi zsn, had taken his farewell of terrestrial scenes. He referred to the death of Dr. Samuel Langdon. Mr. Oallahan paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of the de ceased gentleman, and thought it wenld be appropriate . for the Council to take some official action in recognition of the prominent vlrtuss and eminent services of a representative man and a distin guisbed citizen. He moved that a com mittee of five, including the Mayor, be appointed to draw ud and submit to ths next Council, appropriate resolutions of respect to toe memory ox Lr. Langdon. He desired that the Council would at least pay to the memory of the deceased that compliment. The motion to appoint a committee was put to the Council and carried without a dissenting voice. j The Mayor appointed Couocilmen Oallahan, Baggies, jpanlsell and Cht mjrs said committee, ' THl 1TUXK&A.L. The Stockton Express ontainj the follewiog particulars relative to the last sad rites paid to the lamented deceased: I The fnntpal of the Late Dr. Lanrdon. fresco the Episcopal Church yesterday, was the largest that has ever taken plaee in Stockton. The church was crowded and scores of people were compelled to rt m a ? n t is4a 'PKa Tm 1 1 Vva mama lAjss-iu uwwuv v a assta st sj wciq Judge Terry, Dr. Clark, Dr. Shurtleff, rrar.a osuars, uiioer.juuDorne, if. d, Frastr. Jndge Baldwin, and Sam Laas don Tsrry . Probably no one has ever gone te the grave here with a larger num ber ot libcere mourners around bis coffin.' Everybody can get suites with a Pocket luiife, aln Table Cutfsry, at jA'crart Hardware Depot- . y k , iDdlcatlens. . For thfe South Atlantic States clear or partly cloudy weather, light iortkerly wladi,.becocjiri varukble, ststionsry ot hieaer tfcoperatdre. 1 Dclfxaiti to Convention. Th follow ing gentlemen were yesterday elected delegates from SL James . Church to tbe Diocesan Convention, vU . Delegates Dr. A. JU DeBosset, Hot. S. 5u 'SrereW' Ahrnatea MaL Grahi I I A . , . . m I f Daves, b. E. Calder, Dr. Thoe. F. W, V iiaytoa triies. DIED. lathis tty, on the morning of tbeSlst Inst., Mr. JurfN O. BA.It.EI, aged 61 years, 8 norths and 3S days. Tha funeral will take rlace froas his late residenee, eoraer of Third and Ann streets, to-morrcw evening, (April 1st) at f o'clock, from thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Rela tives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. In Columbns County, on tie morning t thefith ofllareh,at 6 o'clock, Mr. B. D. APPLE WH IT C, in the 49ta year of his age. Ooldibore Msenger please copy. New Advertisements.. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, I. 0. 0. F BR&l HREN t Ton are Bottled to appear at vonx Ldea Room, to-moi row i Thurs day) afternooa, April 1st, at 1.15 o'clock, to attend the faoeraf of omr deoeased Brother, r. w. wunn u. bailax. Members of Orion Lodge and TUitin Brothers in the city are itvited to meet with w. - BBUJ. BLL, meh 31-1 1 Beefy. GENTLE SPR1PJ6 ! Hm arrived and has takon lodg " ingi at EKCflANGE CORNER! COME, LADIES, AMD PAY HER A VISIT ! I WOULD RESPECTFULLY annonnoe to my friends and patrons that I have ja it 're turned to the city from the Northern mar kets with the moit oomplete and most de. sirable stock cf lltory aBJ Fancy G-oois for the Spring and Summsr that 1 have ever had. This stock is now being anraeVid sad marked and my Grand Opening Will be announced in a few days. I have all of the latest and moit desirable styles and many novelties A eall and an Intpectiea Is respectfully solicited. The goods were bought to sell an 3 sold - ' - they will be at very low prices. The "stock will be exhibited, with much pleasare, to all who may csll, whether as In- tending porchaies or otherwise. N. Ii. SPRUNT, nxcnACTQn conmm. meh 81 flRn AMO 13 StP9 3 t Reeds, 2 UltUftMO Knee Swells, Stool, Book, only $98. PIANOS. 8tool.Cever and Book $210 to $1600. a. . .... - illustrated. Catalogue Free. Address Daniel P. Bflattv. Wash mgwn, . men 31 A t an TB WANTED fnr thm Kai mm x. Fastest 8 ell in a- iPietoris.1 Book e.nA w bles. Prioe redneed ! 33 ner eent. Na1 W Sl 1 . . . - "1 raousnmg uo , rniiadelphia. Pa. meh 31 TAPE AAOLPftU IKPALLIBlf OnRKD wifh tn .nM..Af . r - www evvvMS va iuuiaui am vwo or inree soars. Jf or par ueoiars, aaoress, with iUbd, H. KICK- HORN, Wo. 4 8U Mark's Plaee, New York. men ji i OH 30 DATS TRIAL. We will send onr ittectro Yoltale Belts and other Elentrle AbtiHumi nnm 44.1 SO days to those suffering from Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any disease of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other dis eases. A sure Care guaranteed or no par Address, TOLATIO tUKLT CO., Marshall, aucn. moo 31 CHEAPEST ROtlK RTRRP IS TBE WORLD, i 17S.7i 1T -T ViT Htaadard Works in every Department of Literature. Almost given away. Catalog of General Literature and flexion free. Tra nent e Inducements to Bookclubs ma ries. ! Till nrr 3 Beekma&'ft. odd. FoioEce. a wa.v . . v. mehSMw i Fresix Every Day, French and Domestic, fort t'a .. eale. THE OSLT OEK'JlXE HOME-MADE Caady in UC eitj will be fouaa eveiv day, fre!i and awees, three doors South cf the sostor5e oa Second streeU Alto, Hnw, Bal-iAa, Fruit, Ae. c. E. JETE58, Jat3 Neat the PostoSee. Seed Rice. lOOO ITaHELS rRiMB 1 8IEDRXCE. " febM-tf ALFRED MABTIH. K"e7 AdTertiaomaats. OVER ' heBrIdge 1 I! AT. V. D. SOODIAFS Popular Dry Gcodi Fmpoiium U a f!l and eomplots ateck cf a-.cyald i Ftaple Dry Goods. DRBSS' GOOBSV . j from UX cents np. ELEGANT LINE OF PIQUES, ' I 1 il fin M M n A m m . . ' HAMBURCS, TORCHONS, RRPTflUNr. AUn ITAl ia'fj i r u -iwiinki nu I IttklNII VI Elegant Neck Ties,&c 20c5 20c, 20c, per pairl The Best V 8 i - ' IN THE CITY FOB 20 CEKTS! CALICOES! CALICOES! I auicoo Cients AND UPWANDS NECK RFUFS n:oM i cext in I t All Linen Toel fall size, 12 1-2 Contd l ' . l - t Vn lTITTT'Tlfl I 11 TTT .1- f ' ' ' ' 8 Cents per P;eco- Blillinery Goods. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SPRING AND SUMMER ELKJANT LISZ 8 Ladies', Llisses1 & Cliiidron's j " Our representative residing in K.w Ycrk watches the market closely wd prcca-es great manv bargains, fur r a trots can rv assured that our prices are cheaper and stac as good as any cuabllshmeat La the city. V. D. ROOBMM P Fourth Street, OVER Till n7 . n 2N n n7'" n sn - . . . i IADO men 31