THIS PAPER ii pooUshed every efteraeoaj - Baadays em espied by ' joan. t. J a. MBit tuBscyttiirriows; POSTAGE PAID. ! year,S& 00 rilx month!, $3 50 ; Three oaths, SI 36 j One month, 60 ents. tt paper will be delivered by carriers, re ufcharge, in any part of the city, atthe gnvo rate, or IS eeau per week. Advertising rates low and liberal r Subscribers wjll pleaie report any and ill failure to receive llielr paper regularly. PLEASE Jf Oil w:. r O Will beir'ad ra fe've xoirrr in:. - - frwai otit Mtnf$ on sy tfs& ir.irr. aaerallntsrext bat ; . ' Ta ati et.r tv. .t4 JT. . w - Bfahed to the Editor. J. , , C OomiB vnJeat!os tt tt f ktn i tt; n o r ?i i ens tide of the poyeiy . m&L-..- ... - -Jipitafc .And It le tepoeUUjmiVexJMk i 9to to iiiS dqM-oi ilr;-,"!.,,.,' the views of eorrq ofldflttx, nr,! a t-r v In the edrtoriareoln Vc ' " VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1880. NO. 43 BEflEW;- 17 1 LI m Now Advertisements. BE 0 V7 N & RODDICK. 45 Market St. W S WOULD AN300NCK THAT w have oneued in connection with our Dreas Goods Department, over 150 pieces ot Worsted Dress Goods, which we are . ' '' -15o;i20o und25c.? - These fvxls are selected with a view to the waau of thli market, and embrace many Novelties. Having purchased in the months of October, o vein oer and De cemb r, anticipating the advance wh ich baa r coolly taken place, and as far ; as poeeibW wilt give the benefit to our patr ,ns. Black Caohmeres, We are - makin? a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always? on hand a full assortment of all the Nov. elilln this particular branch of ourlrost. mmi. .. ' Black Crapes, ' We. have by far the largest" sssortmen4 ifif Black Crapes you can find, and are the Sole Agents ef fllE WIDOWS' CRAPE, -: Tor the deepest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. In Opera, Spring and Dark Shades. They need no comment!. f;' .. J From 6 Cents Up ! " We will be receiving large additions Miiwr Am tw mm rn r Vtnvnr Jain l.Kf. &ortfcarn markets at the present time . . Tb way to secure Bargains is to keep eawgY -, BR0WII! & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. mch 10 Foreclosure Sale. BY TIRTDK OP TQK POWER8 CON ferred by a certain ded of mortgage ex' eemted bv H llareai and wife to J U. Htrass, Guardian, the undersigned will offer for sale by public auction, at txenange uor aer lathe city of wii iegton, on th 34th day of April 1880, at 13 o'clock, the follow tor described real estate thereby oovryed. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot mo. T ia tee oia pia oi tne town, on eecona street, ranalac thence Northwardly along Baooad street S3 feet, thence Westwardlv to wards Proat Htreet 16S feet, thence South wardly U 'eetto Lot No. 47, thence Ea t 16S feet to ho beginning. Also, a eenaia other lot adjoining: the above, ranainr Northwardly alontr Hccond street 39 feet aadextending back that width US feet towards Pi oat street The above described property is a part of lots Not. 4 aad ft. Clock 139 Terms of tale oaei. . ' - alex..t. ldnjON, ; sneh3S-30t . Att'y for Mortgagee. lliUineiT, Hair Goods, , -; etc, jjOT &P&INQ" STOCK- just received. verytalag new aad of the latest patterns aadjetvlea. Satire new stock of Ladies' Da detvlesblat:. - A v y eempetent Lady arti ft has charge of war Mlninery UepartmenC The Hagic Photograph. J A TWT WOXDE&FUL DISCOVERT. A By hold Lag the Photograph for a short ttsae befere you. ao that y oar f ee may make .a strong iBpressloa on it. then breathe geat- rv pon the cliwand yoi correct likeneas will appear. For sale at THK LIVE BOOK STORE. Croquet, A J USUENSB STOCr, and rrt Ta ie- t7XBtyUa, e or i Jeid crcaaet, at HEINSBSBOER'S, 19 aad 41 Market sL Isaehtt : Mew Home. A COTHER LOT 0? THOSE JU8TLT feoaalar, Xial Rtaaia, Bew Heme Sen lag hsuuw, wmw aao openiar oa &m are lavitedteoall aad soo them. B. fABEAl, H Market tUreet. I4t alii cces LOCAL NEWS. New Advertiseinenta. Pee ad Fertival Heidb k Co Ooprtnerihip Notice. Hall & Bbiesall S naff Snuff. Go to the Festival. . Da M J Ds4ossBT Eye and Ear Surgery. Yatsi Croquet. PHaiasBBaeaa The Mfttfc Photograph. Window Glass all. sizes at Altafier & Price's. t Thr Juveuiie Piiidiotn troupe is nfxtou docket, We gain 6i minutes of daylight this month. Sunset today at 22 minutes past 6 o'clock. This month has five' Thursdays and' fiv Fridays. f The April fools are numerous. There seems to be more fools than fooled. Rea ly mixed Paints, stricily pure White Lead, Or lors, Brushea, Window Glass, c at Jacobi's. Tbirty-three ear have passed since the jntrodnctiou of Dr. Bali'a Cough Syrup, and u nii star;.1. annvalo!. Price paly 2 cvnt. With to day the hours of ringing the breakfast and turnout cells have been changed. The break last bell will, here? after be rung at 7- o'clock and the turn out at 8 o'clock. On the 15th of 'fchia muotb, Jupitsr and Venus will apparently pass so near sach other that totbe naked eye thay will almost seem t? touch. At that time toey will both be morning stars. We noticed ou the streets yesterday some handsome suii& of Spring Clothing, which were bought at the well-known Clothing House, of Messrs. Sh bike's, 28 ahd'34 Market street. f . ' - I. 0. of B. Junior Branch. . At a meeting of Excelsior Tent, Ne. 10, Independent Order of Rtchabitea (J a Bior Branch), held on Monday eveniaf, March 29 tb, the following officers were installed: - " S Thomas E Skipper; P C R Geo P Strickland. C R J T Sholar. D R T J Pratt. T David Pratt. FS CEHall. B S-A J Marshall. Levite -J K Hawkins. ' J G Alex Kershaw. ' : 0 G J A Terry. R S to C R J R Marshal; L S to 0 R Henry Mihtr. RS to D R John Roderick. L S to D R John Griffin. Full Motal and Waluut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffsb, Price ACo's. ' Compllmeniarj. We notice in the Savannah Sunday Telegram a very complimentary allusion to Col. 8. L. Fremont,, of this city, who is now in charge of the Sayan n ah Harbor Improvements. The Telegram (records a rlsit made by Gen. Glllmore, who is in charge of the works on the South Atlantic coast. Gen, Gilmore was accompanied by Col. S. L. Fremont, Flirst Engineer in charge of that district, and Col. Gustavus A. Karwlese,7 Suervising Erjgineer in eharge of the Sayanuah River Improve ments, under the McKay contract. We quote from the Telegram They proceeded to Tybee, where General Glllmoro took personal observation with regard to that point and points washed by the Atlantic Ocean at high sea. A rersur vey of the shore has been decided upon by Gen. Q. A. Gillmore,jnpon which the Improvements will be based. Our citizens may congratulate themselves that Gen. Gillmore has taken such prompt, action after be received the intelligent report of Col. Fiemont, bis able assistant engineer, here in Savannah Our fellow citizen, Mr Green, very courteously placed bis' carriage at Tybee Island at the disposition of the visiting gentlemen. We are glad to report, furthermore, that Col. Anderson, our worthy ex Mayor, called upon Geo. GUI more Friday night at the. Pulaski House and received assurance in the course of a long conversation, that Col. Fremont is confident of giving twenty-two teet ol water at low water mark in a proportional short time, and that the city ol Savannah will be aided in all possible manner to get and maintain the so important deep- wa ter, which will eventually make our har bor the most advantageous harbor on the Atlantic. i Indications.' For the South Atlantic Sutes, dear or possibly cloudy weather, winds mostly from Northwest to Southeast, at io nary or riaixrj temperature and barometer, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair R newer wU atimnlato, the absorbents and tha aeexstioos of the hair tabes until they regain their original vigor. Try it. Personal. Capt; Paul H. Laagdon, of Augusta, Ga., ia in the city on a visit to relatives here and we acknowledge the courtesy of a call from him to-day. Mr. J. D. Nntt will leave this city this evening. He goes to Laurinburg to estab llsh himself in the drug businees. He is fully qualifiel to aucceaafully .carry on the business, bavin? had an experience of about nine years, j , . More Villi We learn that Mr. . " Soathellaad, of Long Creek, Pender county, i to erect aj Long Greek. - He aio contemplates ia1 the near future adding to hie machinery an additional enterprise. Fire in the Weewle. We learn from a gentleman who or rived in this eity last night, that a tro waa raging In the wWls aear Rocky Point, and that the strawberry farms or Mr. Dawson Durham and others wer ip imminent danger of detruction bj tha flames. '. ! The Priaed Excaraloia.' The business , men of tbia eity will meet at the rooms of the WilmiDgtoB Litrary Assjdation, at 8 o'clock. tomorrow (EVtday) aven ing, to consider the plan A an excursion on the dirTerent railroads terminating at this point, at an. early date. It is hoped that our business men generally may be in attendance upon the meeting and take part m it deliberations. Work Commenced. Mr. J. Hal. twtight, Treasurer of the Duplin Canal llompany, hss received a communicalioi irom Maj. W. L. Young, Superintend nt of the Canal, stating that the work , as commenced, the first ground having been broken at Bannerman a Bridge, in Pender county, on Tuesday, the 30th lrjat. E'erybody can get suited with a Pocket Krafe, aiso Table i Cutlery, at jAoosra Fkardware Depot, j Awarded t Comtract. The contract for carry ing the mails to and from the railroad and steamboat de pots lu this city hss been awarded to Burrell Amey, colored, of this city. Amev has been car r vine the mails for the past three years, but has never here tofore been the contractor. He is to give bond and enter ou the discbarge of his dn ties of the first day f July, 1880. He will also be compelled to provide himself with aj regulation floatl wagon j Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Bardware.&o. Low st pbreces at Jaoobis. The Fesiiyal Te-ttight. Thoie who fail to attend the Festival given at the City Hall this evening by the Mite Society of St. James' Church, will miss a real treat. The ladies inter ested hive made ample preparations to appease the appetites of all who msy bo there and the delicacies which have been prepared will be sold low enough to sat isfy all reasonable demands. Tne bill of fare, which we print in another column, isVan enticing one, and we know of at least one good-looking individual, who sits not very far from the end f this lead peocil,who will be draws by it to the City Hall to-nigbtj Admission free. Save your money and buy your Build ing Supplies from AltafTer & Price. f A New Firm. By reference to our advertising col umns, it will be seen that our enterprising fellow townsman, Mr. R. E Heide, the t. . Vice Consul of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, at this port, has formed a new copartnership by associating with him self Mr. Alex. 8. Heide and Mr. Henry, H. Heide under the name and style cf Heide & Co., for the purpose of conduct ing the ship brokerage business in this city, in all its branches of chartering, aLd making advancement for disbursements The senior member of the firm and the other gentleman next in order of sent ority, thcugh belooging to a country far away beyond the sea, have long since identified themselves with our people They wore the grey uniforms of coo fed erate soldiers with North Carolina buttons for four long yean.. ; The junior member of the firm would have done the same, no doubt, had be pofsessed the necessary muscle sixteen years ago to shoulder a musket; but now ho . is not so yonng as as j be was during those troublesome times But here's our sentiment to the new firm. May yon all live long and prosper. HIST0RIC11 S0CIXTT. Col. Bnrr'a Lecttue. We bt.d intended giving in this issne an extern ted uotice of the admirable lec ture deliverc-d by oar esteemed acd gifted to wni ma a before thv Historical, and Scientific Society last evening, upon the Tiocal Traditions of Wilmington," but, btjou reflection, have concluded that oar reader will enjoy a psrnsal of -the satire Pipr much more than any synopsis cf eur own, consequently, wo have therefore tinalllA with tVi n t Vmv'k Mfm!tinn ' , , lay the whole, matter be faro . the readers f the Revtsw, koimencios ;with to m, morrow f at rooufs issue. Te scenes and inctdauts, ome of which were thrill ing indeed, described by the lecturer, were meet graphically depicted and the audience was completely enchained and spell-bound as it were during the recital of many of the incidents of the time long ago. Upon motion of Alex Spruut, aq a resolution of thanks was 'Unanimously voted by the Society to the talented gen tleman for his highly entertaining lecture, and the meeting adjoarned alter the con aideration of a few other unimportant matters with a general feeling of satisfied delight. Orator lor Memorial Day. It affords ns much pleasure te bo able to asnouuee that Major Graham Daves has accepted an invitation from tht Ladies' Memorial Association of Wilmington to deliver the next annual address before that Association on Msmorial Day. The 26th day of April has been selested as the occasion this year for commemora ting the day en which all Southern hearts are bowed in grief and sorrow fcr those who yielded up their lives upon their country's altar. In defence of the priceless boon of constitutional Jiberty. We congratulate the Association upon their selection of an orator. No trmer Ccnfedsrato, no more devoted patriot, and no more therough Carolinian ever drew a sword ia defence of the 'Lost Cause" than Msjer Graham Daves. Of a refined nature, high-toned ia feeling and (chivalrous in ssntlnsnt, Major Dares Is a type of a Korth Cero Una geptleman, and by his reverence for the cause which we all oace loved se well, as well as by his cultured tastes, Major D. is, lwe thiak, peculiarly fifed for the position with which he has been honored by the ladies of the. Association. Bleteoreglcal. Sergeant J. M. Watson, in charge cf the Signal Station in this city, makes the following monthly mean report for tie month of March, 1830: - Mean baromo'cr, 80.084; mean fther. mometer, 66.2; mean relative humidity, 65.1; highest barometer, 80 464 en 2nd; lowest barometer, 29 482 on 28th; month ly range of barometer, 982; highest tem perature, 82 on 5th and 7tb; lowest tem perature, 84 on 25th; monthly raoge ol temperature, 48; greatest daily range of temperature, 29 on 7th lowest daily range of tern perature, 8 oo 1st; mean of maximum temperature, 65.2; mean of minimum temperature, 48.0; mean daily range cf temperature, 17.2; total, rainfall or melted snow, 193 inches; prevailing wind, South west; total movement of wind, 8 942 miles; maximum velocity ef wind and direction, 44 a ilea S. W. on 27tb; num. ber of foggy days, 0; number of cloudy dsys on which rain fell, 11; number of cloudy days on which no rain fell, 4; tc- tal number of cloudy days on which rain fell, 17; dates of auroras, 0; dates ef solar halos, 0; dite4 of lunar balos, 16th 20th, and 21st; dales of frost, 0; pre vailing direction ef wind at 6 69 a. m. observation for tbe month. N. pro. vailing direction of wiod at 2 56 y. ml, o servatien for the month, N. W. W. S. V.; prevailing direction of wind at 10.68 p. m , obaervation for the month, S. W. and K E., average hourly Tsle"dty at 6.56 a.m.,observatida far the month, 7.5. An Open letter. It Speaks For Itself- West Towxiheo), Vt. Mb Lwtob: Having read in your paper reports of the remarkable cures ef catarrh, I am mdoeed tu ull what I know about catarrh, and I fancy the snuff and Hnhalibg-tube' makers (mere Jollar grabbers) would be, glad if they coaid embUaan a iaiUr cure in the pa pers. For 23 years I afferod with catarrh. The nasal'paasage became coo pletely dosed. SnuiP dost 'ashes, inhaling-tnbea,, and 'atieka, wouldn't work though at interval I weald snuff up tbe so-called catarrh snuff, until I became a valuable tester for such modi- cines. I gradually grew worse, "and no oue can know bow much I suffered or what a miserable being I was. My bead ached over my eyes so thst I' was con fined to my bed for many successive days, suffering the most intense pain, which at oae time lasted continuously (brl68hours. All senses of smell and taste gone, sfght and bearing impaired, body shrunken and weakened, nervous system shattered, and constitution broken, and I waa hawking and spirting sevenelgLih of the time, I prayed for deah to relieve me of my suf fering. A favorable notice in your paper of .Dr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy induced me to purchase a package, and tue it with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, w blch applies the remedy by hydrostatic pres sure, tbe ooly way cctapatible , with oommousense. Well, Mr. Editor, it did not cure me in three foarths of a second, nor in one hour or mouth, but in less' than sight minutes I was relieved, and in three months entirely cured, and aave remained so for over sixteen months. While using the Catarrh Remedy, I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovejy to purify my blood and strengthen ray stomach. I also kept my liver active and bowels regular by tbe use of his P!afr.t Purgative Pellets. If my ex perience ill induce other sufferers to seek tne same means of relief, this letter will have answered its purpose. . Yours truly, 8. D. Rmica. WM-MMMBMHBiaHBSSBBBBBBBBSVBBBaBSMaWMMaHa S. The span of life Is from a nurse to an 'earse. DIED. " At 8heo Reel, N. O., Varoh SI, 1880, 8ALL1R, daughter of A. J. and Annie E. Oottingaam, aged 3 years, 4 months and IS days. HeT7 Advertisements. Festival ! rjIHE MAIfAOEBS 07 THE FEST1TAL to be given at the City Hall to-night, beg to announce that Bills of Fare will be plaeed upon the various tables and prices plainly marked upon all fancy, article. About 10 o'eloek there will be a grand Mock Auction uader the direction of a competent amateur. Ko button-hole bonnets and no soliciting wlllhopsrsalttod. - 1 aplMt Oo to the Festival AT THE CITY II ALL THIS EVENING. SUPPER 50 CENTS. JLJAM, TUHKET, CHIOS Elf, TONGUE and every requisite to a good "sqaar meal". EXTRAS : Ohiokea Salad, Oysters stewed aad fried, Poand Cake, Fruit Oake, Jelly Cake, Cream Oaks, Chocolate Cake, Sally 'White pake, lee Cream, Strawberries, Jelly, Syllabub, Sherbet, Caramels, Chocolate and Walnut Cream Drops, Home made Snar and Preach Candle. French Coffee. All of superior quality and at moderate prices. apl 1 . Thb Hits Bociitt. Eye and Ear Surgery. QN AND AFTER jIONDIT NIXT, 6th Instant, Dr. U. J. DsE03SET will be In Wilmingtca, raa araoar tims, oa his return to New York from 8aa Antonio, Texas. While here, he will be ready to attend to any caes in the above special branches of his profession, in which his services msy be required, aad may be consulted at the real- deace of his father, orner of Second and Dock streets, apllt SnufF I Snuff ! jrAiLROAD UILLS, LoriLard's Gall A A x's Compeer and Suavity. A. RALPH'S aid DUB BAH. All kinds always on hand. Hall & Pearsall. apl Copartnership Notice. IHATtf THIH DAT ADMITTKIi TO partsership Jfr. ALEX. 8. HlLiEand USUBT B. HEIDt.aad sny Rhi Br ker and Commtssioa Basiaeas will be eontia Bed bus der the name avd style of HallOK A Oo. All parties indebted to me are reqn ested to sett'e with m? Attovney. Mr. Alex. rf. fleiJt, dariag the remaitder of this year. Aay pence holdlasT eiaiscs or aecentarces agaiast me will please present them for set-' uemeat at oaee. With thanks to my ixlnd for their liberal pairoaasTO la the past, aad hopiajr they will eoatiaMO their favors with tbe new Hente, I am, very respectfully, & E. HFEDE. WE BEO TO 5JT0U5CE THAT W! have this day formed a Copartnership, as stated above, aad hope to merit tbe same eoafidesee aa4 favors shown thw old Houao. Very reepectf oil v, ft. HZ2DB, ALU 8. UE1DX, BESftT H. BEIDX Wllsilsgtoa, C, April 1st, 1880. St GBfflTLS 'STOl Haa artived and lias tkert 'lo.- t injs at 1 ' - - ' ' ' 1 & COME, LADIES, AX3 PAYfR A VISIT! WOULD RESPECThCLLY annouDc ? t y friends and patrons that I have juit ro turned to the city from the Northern E.a--keu with the mojt oonsplete- and most ('c. sirable U.k cf ir:ii' , . ai nw mm for the Spring and Summer that I have ever had. This ttock is now be'i g unpacked and marked and my Grand Oprening W ill bft iirnnTi tmA In m J . w ., m m iCW ubjb. i nave aa of the latest and snott desirable stj I s arid; many novelties. . A call and an iaspectien i respectful: r soiio'ted. t The coods mm wwku iu ciii ou u they will be at very low prices. The stock will be exhibited, with n.iuh pleasure, to all Who may call, whether aa it tending pureha?es or otherwise. M 71 CDDT T at rn XI.. ii, ul 11 J 1 J , mch 81 . WE - GIVE ' A W KY WITIi hV R V Five pounds of Jata Colit o rnir led oy Mulford's nrocees. a TDAirol flr.A'l..rfK 'a s tt. ,.i 8cisors and Pen-Kniio combined ttingle pounds :5 rt(; live Ftircfs ari one pair of yciors,41.Tj. Tb. r c e" r. and Knife are worti at leset C5 cents. U Coffee is roasted inJTcw Yoik;-spriga"y fr our customers, in larpe qamntidH, sna ttj.t as erery week,.ard thi diffdrt-Dce betwiYn Coffae masted by this Mulford macInaerT, recently invented, and tupplhd toos lor our customers, and tbe (JoU'ee taraedKt attLa smaller Grocerirs by those little old faebJoa ed red-painted machines rou eee in eyery sbo- now. Is immense ! Wo'have a Uoaster m hand for sale, it will tllf co lhr rne of fie little cheap groceries, or; for country um. We tfon't want it now, eicce we hiva pom a. Mulford's Boasted Java, only 55 erits i -r pound, or five pounds end a pair cf r cino s for $1.75. r Three to Five Car Lead a a LIcnth. Each ear load a hundred barrels of Wit Dove Flour. The iiomenaa isoreate in frt sale of this splendid article of dnily ntn'i: simply astomshloar. We commerced rn 20 to 25 barrels a month, and now arer 2 n t 6C0. This Flour sells itrelf, acd the e:lo? a-e Increasing. Springfield Kama. . 4 bout two weeks ago vr got In njcil lot of this Celightful Ham and IctroJaei it to tbe ma' ket. Aothinr equal to iUn 2v.,z andpric has ever been seba in 7i minzujn. Now watch; in two veets moreycn wi:l all the smaller groetries sailing as cpriu field Hams all tae p'eseat Tariet!e. If .va want the genuine article call on P. L. Bridfirers &: Co., 20, 22. 24, 2G and 2S F.-onl Sire WILMINGTON, i. C. . Whiit and Bed Tokavi Froai Wharton Green's great Yineyar.l, near Fayette villa. The best aod pun st fab Wine in the world JUlqatl to the Kr.r.f.j Claret and hh-ce Wines. Oa'r 53 i-rr gallon I , " ; Of iren it makesklnr, Of kiags it makes coat, , And meaner creeiurts.siagi 1" The Fmperor cf Chisa drfnki li .' The Pope drinks it! The Czar of,thcftusleado. d . Tasiar weeps in Paradise becas2 h tn i too bocb to taste tUs fruit of the ' V. : i :y. SOLE AGiXTS. " ' : . v m n I nninnrno n r. n fi Li oHIUDClld cvhU, n, ??, U. ?5 aa -3 Frost Str 2 1,- TTUmlrzloa. T'. C Croquet. TynOLS ant?, Sn:l Ity el, la mit- bcx, $1 40 to $2 43 per nu iew. an i r op. alar PiOasBade Pfcotarrsrti f t!a: . - J . IT m am r rt I w . . r ami at 1 ai&o ruoto lieomr.- Drop ia acd see thea. t i ' !.. .- MM

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