i: this pafer ; ; .' : .:-v'v , V ,'. ':-' X' ' ' laonollshed every afteraeoiij Bandaya ex- fT 1"! M 1 "TTV " TT V A '; JOSH. T. eorrosi ajtp raoranrron. BU BSCBIPTION8. P08TAGK PAID, ? f an year, $6 00 Six months, S2 60 j Three months, SI 15; One month, 60 cents, v rhe paper rill be dellvesed by earriera, rM of charge, in anyjjart of the eityLat the toove rate, or 13 eea ta per week. Advertising rates low and liberal r jSabacribers will please report any and Ol failures to receive their papers regularly. New Advertisements. . r BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. Jl WOULD j ANNOUNCE THAT we have opened in connection with our Dress Gocds Department, oyer loO pieces ot Worsted Dress Goods, which we are offering at 15cf 20e and 25c. These goods are selected with a Tie w to the wants of thit market, and" embrace many Novelties. . Having purchased in the months of October, November and De cember, anticipating the advance which has r cently taken place, and as far as possible will give. the benefit to our patrons (Slack Caoh meres. We are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all the Nov. elUes in tuts particular orancn oi our dubi ness. . ". . - Black Crapes. We have by far the largest assortment of Black Crapes you can find, and are the bole Agents ef THE VJIDOWS' GRAPH, For the deepest mourning. 2 BattOIl Kid GlOVeS SSn ft "PriivaV In Opera, bpring and Dark Shades. - They need "no comments. From 6 Cents Up ! V 1 l We win be receiving large additions every day now, as our Duyer is in me i Northern markets at the present tune. , I - The way to secure Bargains is to keep I cUjj,,-; i f I BROWHf& RODDICK. 45 Market St. mch J0 ' Snuff 1 Snuff ! JAILBOAD HILLS. Lorlliard's, !.: . - V V t V Gail Ax's r - Compeer and Saavity. i. RALPH'S and ! DUBHA.lt. All kinds always on hand. Hall & Rearoall. apl ; A!' "' -. - Agricultural Ins. Co. of New York. ' ORGANIZED IN 1853. aooaao am ,ioi,4o,.,. on -n r i k ir icon i i o noin LOSSES TAID OVER $3,000,000. I58URE3 50THIN0 BUT Dwellings and eentents, and farm property, and offers sraciai. issccxitiHTS for risks of that class. . -7" e!5" :t;Qf: . -J M V I eharge. . gents wanted is every oomnty in the State J0. W. GORDON A BRO., ateh a-men-f rl j General Agents. ' ' The Magic Photograph. A TRRT WOKDER7UL DI8COTERT. BJ131 the Photograph for a short a strong impression on it, then breathe gent - Ivnpoa.the cleat and yonr eerreet Ukeness ri appear. ForsUe at THK LIYJS BOOK STORE. Croouet. - - . . r A V IVlfENSX BTOCE, and great V'le- ty of 8tylea, Ac, of field Oroqaet,' at HELNBBERGER'8, 39 and U Market st. meh XI Wew Home. A'W LT ' TH0SB TT Mn.i. TJr).iRnf,i.in. Ni TTnm H.ir kaeklaea.' jutt arrived' and openUr oaU l4f.re iarited to sail aad see them. J. B. FAR EAR, ii Market Street. stth tMt VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. ; : ; r jfew Advertisements, See ad, Hostetter's Bitters. Cbas D Mtiu, Chm'n The Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. -J WTGoenon !k . Bno-rAgrienltnral las 'Tatbs. XroqaeV i P Bainsnam-i-The Maffio Photograph. t;.; r i Window Glass all sizes at bluffer & Price's. 'K".- ' ' . t ' . Flattery is like chain pagoe it soon gets into the head. Air U about 926 times lighter than cemmon ter. Every dog has bis day. cut the n tght" belongs to the cats Politicians are preparing and 'nnusu&l amount of crow for fall eating. Some of the dearest 'spots' on earth are the aces held in another man's hand. "At lmt have grace enough te be polite, even if vou haven't suflicient wit to be i politic. , , The 26th of this month is the 66th an niversary of Odd1 Fellowship in the Unl. fed States. Everybody can get suited wifcii a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at JaooBi's Hardware'Depot- I -.!.. When he sighs for her and she sighs . . v v . , ei., rr,QX, K for him. the sigbm s of 'the times may b considered auspicious for a weddiOg. Jt is said that the only way in which oleomargarine takes the place of butter is when it catches a fly and holds him down. ... " " : . . m Mr. Thos. O. Bunting has been aefi nitelr anoInted an enumerator of the census for the First Ward in this city. A mM M. M good appointment. . There is yet a plenty ot water in the Cape Fear, although the - water was. slowly falling off when the steamers TTvc and Worth left Fayettevilie yes terday morning. Life is bat short, and we should do all we can to prolong it. Check a Coagh or Cold at once by using an old and reliable remedy such as Dr. Ball s Cough Syrup. Price only 25 cents a bottle. The very interesting paper read 1 by Col. Jas. G. Burr before the Historical and Scientific Society on Wednesday eve- nin published in lull on the third - r. i page oi uiwihu.. . f , . , We noticed ion the streets yesterday some handsome suits oi spring uKN.nmg, which were bought at the well-known Clothing House of Meesrsr Shbi.b's, 28 and 34 Market street. t Don't forget the meeting which is to be held at the Library Rrooms this even ing, for considering the plan of an ex cursion on the railroads leading Into this city. It ia important. Mr; NathU Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can . now have their orders filled at J acobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Fullntasunder ' the eye denotes lan guage we are told. So it does, and we fear bad language; too, at Jimes; In a recent instance a fullness under the i eye denoted that that the possessor had! called lir- Col. John B. Winston, ehairmanof the North Carolina National Greenback par ty. ha called a State Convention, to meet i . n.MB.tMro on Mar fith. U annoia i 1 - T . r tT delegates to Chicago and otherwise or- I gacize a party in this State, I : ' , ' I indications. I i I For the South Atlantic Sute. warmer, I partly ciouay i winner, wmas mosjiy ! sontherly, stationary or, tailing barometer. VYniaallable. XJnmailable matter, 'addressed as fol. lews, remains in the poetoffice in this city: Fred . A. Uverueid, Jaeshappar( Penn; Latbtr Terry, Thomaston, N. C; 1 Aaa Appiegaw, mwd, . . I , ' , 0. EaW ' Vegetable Sicilian Hair Be- newer will positively restore gray hair to iU orirlnal color. Give it a trials Cratefal Women. None receive ' so mueh benefit, and none are so profoundly gratefal and show such an interest in recommending Hop Bitters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the sex is most universally subject to. 'Chills aad fever, Indigestion or deranged liver, J constant- or.perlodical sick headaches' I weakness in the back or kidneys, pain in I the shoulders and different parts of the body, a feeling ef . lassitude and desnon deacy, are all rtadily removed by these Bitter A ' "'i" V: , ,: WILMINGTON, N. C An Kicclleat OpportoBltj. . As will be seen by advertisement pub Ifi&ed elsewhere, Dr. M. J. DeRosset will rimaia in the , city for a short time on hia return from Texas to New Tork, and these who 'may require hU services in the special branches ot his profess ion --the eye and the ear will have an excellent oppor tnuity for consulting him. We honestly believe that there is no better oculist or anrist in the United States,and' those hereabouts who are affl iced should not neglect this excellent opportunity. 1 ! . . . ' - . Window jri4ss oi an uiza , jJOfre, Sasti and Blinda, Builders' Bard ware.&c, Low st plreees at Jjloobi's. Failed to Pass. A bill to incorporate the Wilmington Telegraph Company is one of the b il s which was introduced at the called session of the Legislature, and which failed to become a law. It passed the House and was probably pigeon-holed in the Senate, as it seems to have been lost somewhere thertabonts; Its incorporators are gentle men residing in this city, and the onject ef the company is to facilitate the erection cf telegraph lines in this State. Likewise, the bill to incorporate the Wilmington Market Company failed. This bill passed the Senate, but did not get throngh in the House. . I Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and ' sizes, at Altavfbjb, Prick A Co's. - - 4 r . ; : ' . i Democratic Kxecutive commutes). ' Th following is a list ef the members of the Democratic Executive! Committee of this the (3d) Congressional District : Moere County W F Stewart. Harnett CountyM. V Prince. Cumberland County Jas B Smith. Bladen County D H Ray. DupHn CoHDty James Kenan. jQnslow County J W Shackelford, Carteret County W D Howland. Pender County W T Ennetti 7- Oolumbus County T V Richardson. Brunswick County W G Curtis. Sampson County D Q Morrlsey Jew Hanover County Cbas D Myers, Chairman, i Plows,- Shovels, Pitchloiks, Spdaes Rakes, Trare Chains, Plow Lines, &c: For the lowest prices, go to J AO obi's. j Counterfeits. Dye's Government Detective lor March gives minute descriptions of two new and dangerous counterfeits, one a hundred dollar, bill on the ' National Exchange Bank, of Pittsburg, letter A, and one a ten on the new Treasury issue, seiies of 1876 (Webter head), letter C. There has also recently appeared a five dollar Counterfeit' of the ; same issue (Jackson head), letter 0. Against all these busi nsss, men should be on their gua d. Dye's method of detecting counterfeits is a novel one. All genuine bills are printed, four bills at a time, attached together in a sheet, each, bill containing one of the four letters, A, B, C, D. The counterfeiter L prints but one; makes but a single plate; thus counter teitjcg but one of the. four letters. Tbsn the redemption, agency re tires the genuine bills'of the letter coun terfeited on any bank. He then refuses all bills having on them that letter, and takes! with impunity all hills having en them any of the other three letters. 4 - : . Nvi Ready mixed Faints, strictly tire White Lead, Colors, Brushes, Window Glass, &c ' at J acobi's. Traniler of Seal Estate. The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company have long felt the necessity for mere yari room, aiid for better accom modations for their workshops, and in these two particulars have been so much circumscribed that they have labored on der many disadvantages. Recently, how. ever, we leara that they have been nego tiating for the purchase ef rtal estate on the north side of the ' railroad, and have purchased all the property on the south side of Hanover street, between Second and Third streets, with the exception of one lot, and. negotiations ht te so far pro greased towards that remaining 'ot that the purchase will probably be consumma tod within a day or two, it it has not I -ready been accomplished. Some years age1 the company purchased a portion o nearly all these lots, which border on the railroad, for the purpose of ' increasing their facil ities, but fou n d tha t t h is ac qnisition did not meet all their require-, rnents. 'The purchase now about com pleted will (I Trample room to supply all their present nee a' and will relieve them from the cramped condition ia which they have heretofore been compelled to carry on their mechanical operations: JLlbJU V JL-O V V o FRIDAY, APRIL 2, rersontl- We were pleased to receive a call yes terday from Mr. A, L. flenkel, of the firm of Henlel ic Co,, proprietors of the Shenandoah Valley, published at New. market, Shenandoah county, Va , a sec tien rendered classic, for all time te come, as the scene of some ot the most teirible events of the late war. Lines to Georgetown. - We understand that an agreement has been entered into between the citizens of Georgetown, 3. C, and the American Union Telegraph Company, by which the lines of this Company are to be ex tended fnim Kingstree, 8. O., to George town, the latter town , paying the com pany 5,000 towards the undertaking. Harbor Master's Report. Capt.. J eph Pries, Harbor , Master at this port, reports a total arrival, daring the month of March, of 41 vessels, . aggre gating 14,064 tons ; of these 33 w(i American and 8 foreign. Of the former 7 were steamers, tonnage 6,225, and 26 were, schooners, tonnage 6 948. Of the foreign arrivals 5 ere barques, tonnage 1821, and 3 were brigs, tonnage 970. Veasels of less than 60 tons burthen are not, included in the above. . ' The Festival Last 351sht. The Festival given last night by the Mite Society f St. James Chirch was a desided success ia every . respect. The rooms were well filled and that, too by those who went to buy as well as to see. The tables were filled with things good to eat as well as good to see and the demand for refreshments was so. steady throughout the entire evening that but little was left at the close. There were many pretty fancy articles displayed for sale and the Gipsy Tent, presided over by two beautiful young maidens, was a centre of attraction throughout the even ing. The-, receipts were rooghly estimar ted as somewhere in the neighborhood of $150. Save your money and buy your Build ing Supplies from Altaffex & Price. f i - , ? . The Fire This Morning. The premises owned and occupied by Mr. John R. Melton, on Seventh, be tween Bladen aad Harnett streets, were discovered to be on 'fire, at about 4 oclock this morn;ng. The alarm was imme diately given, and the Fire Department was promptly on .band; but the flames had gotten under such headway before the engines could become effective, that the dwelling house, 'stable, sausage, house, smckehojose and alt the other louthcuses1 were totally destroyed, with all their oon tents, save thejurniture in the dwelling house, which was nearly all saved. The property waa insured in companies repre sented by Messrs. Gordon A; Bro. as fol lows: Dwelling house, $1,000; sausage house, $350; machinery for making sau sages, $425; smokehouse, $50;. stable, $60; other outhouses and fencing, $70 total $1,945. The bouse jatt north of Mr. Melton's , occuped by Mr. Bowden, and owned by Mrs. Dudley, caughi fire and was con siderahly damaged upon the roof. lo sured for $150 by a company represented by Messrs Gordon eV Bro. There was also an insurance on the furniture ef Mr. Bowden, which was nearly all saved, to the amount of $200,. in a cempany rep rebated by the same firow , A small frame house, just south of Mr. Melton's, was also Ignited on the roof, but the loss was inconsiderable. Insurance in a company represented by Messrs. Gordon & Brotf on the dwelling heme, $125; oh the smokehouse', $25, The bouse situated northwest from Mr. Melton's, aad owned by Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, was also ignited and badly scorched on the roof and one end.. Loss fully covered by. insurance in a company represented by Messrs. DeRosset & North- roP: '' : '-: ;.. yi- , The fire is supposed to have Or' lasted by a spark from one of tfea'l arches ot the butcbers falling among some haj. They had started at about o'clock to' slaught er beeves for the market: and as the fire v? la discovered about an hour afterwards I there are reasonable grounds for this sup position. ' . : - . 1 ' -' ' . The Doctor. IleldlBff. Eer since Prof. Green wrote to the Medical Record advising physicians every, where to use the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure with their preiieer Jt nas been gain ing in favor wiih the profession. ' They can find nothing which is a substitute for iu &Caokrns Hi J)J,4f Roeheeter, K: Y., says be would now prescribe it to all mi with any serious kidney and liver diseases. ' , V ' r' ' , " ,: 1880. NO. 41 PoIltlcaL r By notices published elsewhere In tl;s isueit will be seen that the OoantVxEx ecutive Committee has called a Conven tion of the Democractio party in this county, to meet at the Court Houw in this city en the 17th lost. The various wards will vote for delegates on next Friday evening, the 9th inst, Capt. C. D, Myer, Chairman of the Expcntive Committee of this, the Third, Congressional District, has issued a call for a meeting of the Committee to be held at the Parcel I House in 1 this city, on Wedcesdsy, the 2 lit inst. . A list of the member of this Committee is pub lished elsewhere. Hasn't Arrived Yet. The Charlotte papers tell us that Mr W. J. Best, the new proprietor of the i Wes.ern N. C. R. R., was in that city on Wednesday, and left there night before last, accompanied by his Secretary, Mr. Ciddigan, en route for 'Wilmington. . If s ich were indeed the cape we fear that Mr. lVt t:nti got lost Boaiewhete on the in tricate network of railway between the two cities as he has not turned u p here as yet. There is a rumor afloat on the streets here, howeve-, to the efiect that Mr. Best is to be in Newborn this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for a conference with the directors of the A. & N. C. R. R. when it is said that a preposition looking to the sale of that road will be made and dis cussed. V( New Advertisements. WitMiHQTon, If, 0., April 1, 1880. rpHK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Democratic Party for this (Third) Congrei sional District, will meet at the Purcell House, in, .Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 21st of April, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A fall at endance is earnestly requested. Those nnahe to attend will please notify the Chairman and send proxies. ap 3 CHAS. D. MYERS, Chm'n. Moore Index, Warsaw Brief Mention, Fay ettevilie Banner please copy. ' Fever and Ague. The true antidote to the effects of mias ma is Hnstettei's Stomach Bitters. This medicine is one of the most popular eme dies of an age of successful proprietary specifics, and is in immense demand wherever on this Continent fever and ague exists.! A wineglassful three times a day is the best possible preparative lor encoun tering a malarious atmosphere, regulating the liver, and invigorating the stomach. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. Eye and Ear Surgery; QN AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT, 6th instant, Dr. M. J. DaROSSET will be in Wilmington,, rea a bhost tiki, on his return to Sew York from San Antonio, Texai. While here, he will be ready to attend to nay eases In the above .special branches of his profession', in which his services may be required, and may be consulted at the reei deaee of his father, corner .of Pcond sxd Doek streets. Y . apl Ut : Copaitnershijk Notice IHATK T'HJB DAT ADMITTED TO partnership Mr. ALEX. ri. UhloE and HENRY B. HeiDE,ahd my Phip Broker and Commission Baslness wilt .be eoatioaed nn der the name aed style of HklDK A Co. A parties indebted to me a-e reqaeeted to sett'e with my Attorney, Mr. Alex. d.Heide, daring the remairder ofthsjear.' ' Aaj persoa holding elsims or acceptance 4g4pt me will please present them foteir mesit at osmcv With thaakji toiay friends for their liberal patrenaa in the past, aed hoping they win eoaftane their farors with the new Hoase 1 am, very resp-ctfahv, ' R. B. JJEIDE. WE BEG TO NK0U5 CE THAT WE haVe this day formed a Copartnership. as stated ahoye, and hope to merit the tame conn ae nee ua iarors smown tn old Ifnn. v ery repecusujT , - ALkX 8. HE1DE. HE5MT H. HEIDE. WMmington, TX.-.C, April 1st, 1880. 3t ; TL2AES JJOUCKT v; .' We will beg' ad to 'reiclTe con?: .ts?i-ati' from onr friends on any ar d rA '-rt' general iaurct bnt: .s.O i . The name of the writer mtiit a! wys b far- ihed to the Editor. 1 1 ' -, i Commnnications fftut be'rfltthoo on , one ride of the paper. 1 - :' . ' Personalitiesmnit be aroiJed : f And it is especially and t:co!ar;f -itood that the Kditor do coi klwij? naof the TTewofcorrspond6Bt, ns!y-'fo t d In the editri! mhi t n.. JKeyr AdvertLerr.qutr. T T - . Has anived anJ lias st rc 1 . : 1 COME, LADIES, AMD PAY HER A VISIT ! .......- J WOULD RESPfCTf LLLY announce t -my friends and patrons that haVe ju;t re turned to the city frm the Northern car kets with tba mnd vimlAa mmA a.. sirable nt'-rk f ' lilery aM for the Spring and Summer that Tl '. ' . ' , x n.Te eTer naa. mis stock is now" be rX unpacked and marked and my Opening;-. Will be announced in a few days. I hare all' of the latest and moit desiiible stjls and many novelties; A call and an in octien ' - i rcpcctfu'ly solicited. The goods- were bought . tu :'tll an go d1 they vtill be at rery low prices. f The stock will be -exfeibiteJ, with iiu. h pleasure, to all who may call, whether ah j tending purchases or otherwUo . 1 N. 11 SPRIXNT. mch 31 '. , . . ;i ' WE GIVE AVY WITH EV;nV. Five pcunJo of JarA CU'ee roAi'ts.i d J Mulford'u process, ai air'o! f.t-o LaJvd : bci'Sors and Pen-Kniie combined ' single pounds 36 cer.te; lire ybUUvri'', i oue pair ot c!.orfl, $1.75 ' 1 lnicY-f. and Knife are worti it ivixt Hxvtt; i Coffee is roasted' in JSetv " ok, ttreVs:V t our CUitoojerB, in lr;?? q'Jrtiritf, pi f v.r ns erery week, aid th V'rn:oi-..Jit '--' Coffae rn8ted by this iln. ford n;a:l r, recently invented, nu'l fiTtli d tia fdr d!. customers, and tbe t ilea inrwd puf v? t:, ? smaller Orccri -s h-y to!e little otd f tisl i'.r -ed red-painted natchints yr,,t ritf irrrt j-b now, is immense ! -AVu-har sl lioaster o-i hand for sale. It will etijl co V r -e uf i: little cheap trroc.rit f or ' for ceetry u--. We don't want it now, eicee wa hy pom ii Mulford's Ho acted Java, oalv Si ctrr.ts tr pcund, or ve pcuacs ud a pair ci'ecif.o.-.v for $1.75. i j Three tn Five Car Load v a rdiih. Each car load a hundred barrels vifW'i Dove r lour. The immenao LacieAtin t sale of thia splendid article cf, -daily ufe in imply astomsbinvr. We commi:ded efi 10 t 1 4 zp Darr(eJ8 a month, nod t qw 4var l 500. This Flour atHa iifl.J thvs increasing. - .a:.',--'- . . Springfield Hans. it - - 1 About two weeks sgo wa p?t ini'-i r.VI lot of this dlixbtful iiaxa to the market. Wothinr qual to lt jn ftv.;r and price has ever been seou m Wlfniiet n. Now watcbj in two wteks more . wiV'ji "' all the smaller roctries n-lV:vz ,icrri: field Hams all tire p resent, rari-rtk-. f n m want the genuine article pall on , , n ' P. L- Bridffers & f 80 r 20, 22. 21, 20 and 23 Font S:V-t. ' 1 VILMINGTOX; (;. ' V White aad Eed Tokay . I From Wharton Green,' &raat.i5?ar.:!. near Fayettevilie. The lsest'a?ii purest l'ab.o Wine ia the world t- I onir fo teii: a Ularet and :hir, "iVr- n.,t. n , . -v. w ga'.lon ! ''Of aten 'ft miflnz,' '. Ut kiazB it laakts 2c,' A Andxnemner creatansiirj,!'': m The Fmpercr of Cbiza diiuj it I the Pope drinks it! The Czar of thelimshu do. do, A v.irwKjj in j araaise uacaysa . i ivu iwaio i.uie mis irutt 01 tas ri. v. '-.- h l, BRIOOERSHG, ! 23f 22, 2i, 25 aad 2&FkM ilrttfr -. Wilmington, 3f. a, , .' Croquet, ? ?) hex, $i fc0to$2 5 fer cU . rtw lnl j cp nlar Fioaenade 1'io Icgrapts tsk It'.nt made at TATE8' Photo Romr Drop in and see thojo. rnca 20 'J. ' . ! ; ' ' 1 . - ' ' A 1: 1 X -Y. J - t