THIS I'LcAoi: ::07IGi J .r, . ".;;- ;'-. i I fte wilibe' rafrite fr u.ZHi? from enr frieac s cn aty atd all iufeW general intemt hut; J.lp j:,- The caiue of the writer nacst alsr js be fur nished to the Editor . : -iKU'r . RCozcmtinicatios c ust he wt tVfiV wt ! one side of tkt paper. . -" Personalities must U avoedt'" T-'--' And it b eeclallv ati pilarilJer stthafthe Editor do3iioIJV 20 Us viewj.f coir onct u:!- Ut1)1 in the edlto'is c--!i-i-?r:5 ' Y' 1, paoiished every afternoos, Baadsra ex cepted by ' ,' . ' . J- JOSH. T. J1ME8, ; KDITOB AND FROPRIKTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE; PAID yne rear,$S 00 8ix months,. $2 50 ; Three -v month's, f 1 25;"Oae month, 60 cent. : The paper will .be delivered by carriers, r,e.of charge, in any part of the city, at tbt tboe rates, or 13 centa per week.--Advertising rates low and liberal : ,r Subscribers will please report any and '11 failirefc to receive their papers regularly. VOL V. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1880. NO. 46 I .11 ..II-.' II 1111 II " If I 1 1 III II II -I J t 1 II 1 4 I II II I I lif I ', . . . . ; - . . ' y . 4 , . . - ' '. . " ... j- . ; . ' New Advertisements.; 45 Market St. j WOULD ANNOUNCE 'Til AT w . have' rpnol in connection with our Dress Goods Department, over 100 pieces ot Worsted .'"Dress GtXHlSj -whicb we are ttfeiing at ' - 15c, 20c and 25c. These . goods are selected wifli a view to the wants of this market; and embrace many Novelties; Having purchased in the months f October, November and De-(vrab-r. anticipating the advance which has r f cen,tly taken place, aricTas far as possible will give the benent to our pain ns Black Cashmeres, We are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have ! always on hd tali assortment of all the Nov elties iu this particular branch of ourbusi lusi. ': ; - Black Crapes- We have by far the largest assortment of Black Crapes you can And, and are the Sole Agents, of '' a '. THE WIDOWSVCHAPE ' For the deepest mourning. 3 2 Button Kid Gloves. In Opera, hpring and Dark Shades. 5 They,; need no comments, r ;'. ana From ( Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every d ay now, as bu r. ' buyer is i n the Northern markets at the. present time., . The way to secure Bargains is to keep calli- g. - BR0WH & RODDICK, 45 Market St. inch 20 ; .". :. Fashioual)le Millinery ! JjATE3ET, 8IYLE8 JUST '.OPENED 1 Competent lady" in charge. Also an entire n- w aenortcce t of Ladies' Undei wear, Child ren's Linen; Pique, Gingham and Calico uits, Infants' rilips, Christening Bobes, Cloaks, Ac. Latest styles in Hair Goods, at MISSES KARUER. & McGOWAN'S, 'mch 29 No 6 S Front St Fresh Lot T)ON FDME CATARRH AND ASTHMA Cigarettes, Wei De MeTi" Ca'arrn Cbre, and a fall and comj lete stock of pure Drags and Medicines. - F. C. MILLER, - u j Corner 4th and Ann Streets. j ' Open dav and night; I mch 2i)-tf .' . J Notice. m.HE ANNUAL MEETING of theMembe- i A- 1 Policy Holders of-the Wilmington Mutual c , 1 . " . ' Insurance Company ;jrill be held at the Court Room of tbe City Hall on Wednesday; '- April 7th, at 8 o'clock, P. M. apl3 4t 8AM' N.. CANNON, ect'y. NEW GOODS HEW. GOODS- I KB. 8. J.'Baese has Just received a new $ ITX lot of Leghorn Boon ta, Mats and Ha'g j All the new styles of Hati. Flowers. Kibbon 1 and everything in the Milliner lines, all- of ! which I offer to-the public on the mot lib eral terms. I am able to ducementstoto 1 adits of the eiy and Bur JrduDliag country, both as to qu.ility icd Jpric of. goods. Hair work done in the ; most improve styles. I keep Zphyr and JSaxocy Wool in '-all' colors. . Call and lee for yourselves, correr Third and Orange eta. apl 3 .'. - Walter Coney, 1 . U DEALER If , " TJ1UBACCO, mPOUTED AD DO; - a. -'-: MLSTIC CIGAKiS.X'igarattei, Snuff and t - . . Pips of all descriptions. : WALTER fl'ivtv t- apl Market Hi I WiLMisaTOE. N. C, April J, 1880. f ' - ' ' . ; ' i . ' ifTlHE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Democratic Party for this (Third) Congres sional District, will meet at the Pureed Boue, in Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 21st ot April, at 1 1 o clocr, A. Al. A fall at endance Hf earnestly requested. Those up ah1 a to attend will "please notify the Chairman and tend proxies. ap 3 CHA8. D. MYER8, Chmn. Moore Index, Warsaw Brief Mention, Fajr etU)?ille Banner please copy. COGS LOCAL NEWS. V New Advertisements.' Yates. Velvet Frames and Easels. P HiriNaRR8a Family Bibles. J W Gordom A Beo AgricElturaMns Company f Ntw York. Boat wright' A ,McKt Candidates. P L BBipflKas A -Co 'Eccalabeon... . Clyde's New York Steamship Line. A l.taffkb, Price A Co. We .are slaking. J. Eusbach "lha Conffres." What do cornstalk about t For .other locals e fourth page. v Wir do w Glass:all sizes at ltafier & i'rice's." : . f .Successful gamblers are niin of winning manners. - Ouly one trifling case before tha'M'ayor this morning. The mobt fashionable morning wrap per is the -milk man. 1 v A profane piaster says the telephoc is a hello of . an affair. i- Men are geese, womeB are ducks, and birds of a feather fl ck together. . A man may be worse than he ought' to- be, but he cannot be any better. In the Turkish language there is said to be no nord eignifyiog 'gratitude.' : Save your money and buy j our Build ihg Supplies from Altaffer fe Price. t . A somewhit extravagant exchange do sicribea, 'some luscious croquet hosiery . The picnic season has about opened an'd the young people will jooh be having gay times. -' . . Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at, Altaffeb, Price &Co's. ' .' - 'VV The reason 'the boy stood on the burn ing deck' was because it was too hot to sit down, '- ' .- 7 , , . 1 ' Ready mixed Paints, strictly f ure White Lead, Colors, Brushes Windew Glass, &c., at Jacobi's. -. . r 1 ,J When Death, the great reconciler, has come, it Is sever oar tenderness that tt repent of bat our severity. Toa can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats Ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Mayor Fishblate is out and on duty again but looking rather pecked from the effects of his recent illness. . A woman was the inventor of the hay press. She got the idea of from wishing she coald be hugged on all sides at once. The philosophy of a dog's rnnning when a can Is tied, to his tail, instead of biting the string off,' is not rery clearly understood. .- i The betrayed dollar is oue that finds itself not able to pass for more than nine ty cents after it has been stamped 'In God we trust.' A man never looks so ht'pless and in significant as. when' standing around a dry goods store waitiDg for his wife to get through trading.. ; If this is Spriog,give u j Winter. If it is Winter, gTve us bpring, or somcthirg else if you please,-Mr. .'Probabilities. . Everyb(dy can get suited with a Pocket Knife, , also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot- - : - , . Mr. ath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed ' agent for ;the Atlas Plow, parties ' in want of, this celebrated Plow c inf. now baVe their orders filled at Jacodi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. . tf. . - ' ' r- H T : V Mr. Best-and the A fc N. C. R. R Our information in regard to Mr. Best's' movements and intentions, as published by us in Friday's Review, proves to hate been correct . Hs did go td lewbern and evidently for the pur pose stated by us, as the followiog from the Nut Shell of that city of Saturday's date will show : ; " The , Directors of the A. N. C. R. held a meeting last night and, we learn, , entertained a proposition from Mr. Best in reference to leasing the road. - The propesitien was not accepted at once, bat ther will be another meeting of the Directors to-day, and as it will no doubt be to the interest of tbe road, and accord with the wishes ot the stockholders, the lease will be made. - But what Mr. Best wants with the A. & N. O. R. R., in view of the fact that it is now .entirely Controlled by t,he R. 4 D.R. R,.,who alsd are the lessees cf the long line ot rail way between Goldsboro andf Charlotte, or wkat Mr. Best will da with, this elephant, should be get possession of it, we are utterly unable to tmsgioe Pfew Enterprise- A factory for' the . manufacture of Shirta has been established in thistcity by Mr. J. Kisbach, with a "depot at No. 3 Mar ket street. The goods offered by Mr E. are ef goed quality and are nicely made. We have examined some of them and te oar eye they look the same as ether shirts offered in this market. The manu factiirer,who is an expe iencid workraonon shirts guarantees that they are equal, to any goods offered in this city. See his advertisement in aoothtr C2iuinn.. , i v - - - -Plows, hovels, Pitehtoika, -frpd'acs Fakes, Tra efJhains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. j: : Historical Papers. The April number of the Southei n Historical Society apeta i at bAud and contains the following iuterc-sting pa-. pers :"" History of Lane's North 'iRarolina Bri 1(7. aleContinued. The Confederate Flag Prison Life at Fort Mcllenry. Reports of ririgadier General J. A . Walker and Brigadier General J. M Jones of the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Shilo. ' Relative numbers and losses at Slaughter Mountain. Battle of Pleapaht Hill an error corrected by Col. Wm Allen. Richard Kirkland, the humane hero of Fredericksburg. Window.Glass of all sizes , Doors, Sash and! Blinds, Bnildeis' Hardware,&c. Low St p reces at Jacobi's. Criminal Court. The April term of this Court-His Honor Judge Meares, prt sidii:g convened iu the Court House this morning at 10 o'clock. The: following were drawn as Grand Ju rors jto. serve during the teini John E. St. George, Foreman ; George Z-iigler. John T, Fiench, T. P. Sykes, W. At Eckle, Robert Thomas, Wright Stanley' Joseph Farrow, Jao Maunder, H. J. Scar borough, E. G. Whitney, John Freeman, Henry Taylor, Joseph Sternberger, H. H. Gerhardt,Thomar Beck, F. B Bishop, Na thaniel Spoon er. After the Jury had beerj sworn and taken their seats in the hex, Hi6 Honor delivered his ! charge, after which the Court took a recess from i2 o'clock until half-past two this afternoon. , j Death ef Officer Diddle. "VYe regret to learn of the death el Mr. W. H. Biddle, which occurred after a short illness of a few days, at his residence in this city at 9 o'clock this morning. The deceased has filled several offices at differ ent, periods in this county since his ad vent here from Onslow county many years agojand was always faithful to his trust. For a Rood many years he was Deputy Sheriff under the late S. R. Bunting, white the latter was High Sheriff of New Hanovereounty. He was also Jailor under Sheriff Van n before the war. and at an. other time wasConstable in one of, the divisions of the then town of Wilming tonj At the Itime of his death Mr. Bid. die held a position on the police force et the city. He ws a conscientious, up right citizen and was respected and e.Sr, teamed by all who knew hito.. J At Home Asalb. Dr. M. J. DeRosset and family arrived in - the city this morning - by the South ern train from San Antonio, Texas, and will remain here a short tin? e, we under stand; before taking-their departure again for New York. ' Dr. Deltosaet's arrival is very oppor tune for those in this vicinity who are at all sfHicted with any disease of the eye or eafj'aa the high reputation which thii gentleman has - won for himself by hia ikilltul operations, both here ard ha New York, in this s pecial " department of hu profession is. well-known to tha afflicted. We ! heard this morning of a centleman in a utighboring county who .started for SaoAntonio to censult with Dr. DeRos set befcre learning Dr. D.'s contemplated removal from that cty. It always 'gives us pfeasure to chronicle the success of a Wilmingtonua and this must be our apuJ ST. if aDy needed for referring at this lerjg h to our talented townsman. We noticed on the " streets jsUrrdny some handsome . aoits rf Spring Ckthii g, vfbieh were, bought at the well-known L Clothing House f Messrs. Shrieu's, 2 and 34 Market street V ' t The Dociors Tleldlnsr- . Ever siiice Prof. Green wixV. to the Madisal Record advbing physicians every where to uVe the Safe Kiduey "and Liver Cure with their practice, il nas been, gain. iDg In. favurwith 31ie professloo. Thy can find nothing .whi?U a a &uh;itut ior it. iRCaulki'l M. D., of Rochester, Y.t aays he would now prescribe it to all afflicted with any serious kidney and liver (diseases. -" A Sfx Months Thfatre. Ve clip thisfr..m tfee C.liarlntte Obser very It is stated on ro l authority th-it a theatrical r? an v. ho u.isse i "thr ugh the city ith or;- of the -ronjes tlit spring, engaged a h nsc in th1? city, with the purpose of eAtablishing nex fall a theatre, bar and biiliir-1 saloon. He'statetl that he would engage ten . ac tresses and fen fennle beer s!in'rs. For six months in the year te would g;ve a p jrformauce every uight in Chriotte atui th (Jthpy Sir months hp would devote to the moral improvement of Wi'mingtt n. He claimed tUat there would be nothing improper jn the conUuct of the theatre or in the pe: for miners. The house which he is said to hav; -t'ii.'age2 is one which is admirably adptfd t the purpca n of a variety theatraLd arrrtug'meVts f)r it lease are taid Mohave been actually nia?e. How will this go ilcwn with the . honor able Board of Aldermeij? An old Baltimore negro who had emi grated to Liberia years ao, ordered a quantity of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup a short lime ago, stating that although Coughs and Colds were not frequent in Atrica, he would not like to ba without Liu his fam ily. ftrattful Women. None receive 80 much benefit, and none are so profoundly gratefu1 and show such an inteiept in recommending Hop Bitters as women! It U the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the sex is most universally su jict to. Chills and fever, indigestion or deranged liver, constant or periodical: sick - headache?, weakness in the back or. kidneys, pain in the shoulaers and different parts of the body, a feeling of lassitude and despon dency, are all readily removed by these Bitters. . ; . ,; . . New Advertisements. Wea All kinds of Dressed, Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds ! A ND ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at otr Planing Mill and Factory, foot of Walnut street. Call and examine. ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. apl 5 Office, Hutt, near Red Cross at. Velvet Frames and Easels BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT; Field Crcquet, all prices; Family Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Ac , Ac , at '"' - Bu OK STORE. apl 5 - Our Eccalabeon I "' .-.. N ADDITION TO OTHER NOVELTIES this week, such as Canned. Qainces and Htrawberiies, the most luscious article of food ever presentad-to the palates of the hu man race, we are hippy to announce Our sue ces? in obtaining at last a complete and per feet Eccalabeon. This ingenious natural contrivance for ob taining fresh J-ggs and Chickens at will, ie now in full and successful. operation at. our establishment, where It may be seen at any time, day or night, and examined by tha cu rious or incredulous. Its perfect success and adaptation to tje purpose is unquestionable. to see the Eccalbeon for April, 1880. o charge to show the Eccalabeon or any of our other Good. .. Coffee and Scissors I Appear to be a moat popular and attractive combination. We have distributed to tbe Ladies the past week a very extraor dinary numbjr of i cwsois. Muifard s Coffee is now an articlo of every day use in many a household. on will know . the Scissors from P. L. Bridsrers & Co., GROCERY 20, 22, 2426 and 28 Front' Street, WILMIVtJTON, N C. the. moment you touch a spring in the bardie, I when a nice, hue steel Penknife will sp ing j cbuibinasion is patented, but $1.7i will bur ft re pounds of Cotf-e roasted, and, a pair of Feiasors and a Fetknifie at th Grocery es- jtab.idhment of . -lJ?- L Bridera & Co., 20; 22, 21, 26 A 2 Front Street, , ; Wilmington, N. G. ' , And a handsomer present 504 ould n-t give tf any honsekteperVlf-yoa would add a dozen ca&s of Our celebrated CDndensd. Kilk- Wliich we wartaat toW .the,ait. tie purett, aod the mbst ca'efal'y prepared article ct tnfe kind U Asaiai ' "i OxiriSprlnllBld Hams. Z ' Etill lead th market, and the notice we gave of the last wsr wi!) stop the sde of an inferior article at tbe smaller 'Groceries, aod confine the sale cf taa otiginal to P. L. 8R1DGERS & GO, ; 20. 243 1 a4?8fxtt Strett;:,- 1 Wiruiington, N. Ct I apt ; ; t 1 New Advertisemonta. Office City Clerk & Treasurer, City of Wilmington, N- C , ; . ' 'April 'i, 16. Notice. f Ji AX LISTERS WILL ATTi2 D at the Citjr H.1.11, Tuesday, June Ut, at 9 o'clock A. M., acid for twenty working days there after, for the purpww cf rfctivic t'eTax Liats of the iiihafcitsnta of ibis ciy up n a'l subj. eta of taxation which are t bd listed for citr purposes. , HENKV riAViOK, . apl 5 Ut Clerk and Trea. "The Congress' gHIRT IS MADE OF. GOOD MU3LIX, 4-pIy Kichardson Linen front and back, and reinfor ced, 75 cents. Fqnal to any hfrt sold for 11. CO. "THE ROIAL" is aoe.hlna inperb aLd is guaranteed tqual to any $1 25 r hirtj price 90 cents. Wanzsatta" or New Tori Jilla Phirrs made to order aj $1.25, and a good St guaranteed. No 3, Yarket ?trppt. Fign of Bipr Fhi-t. apl H ' J KLHIiACH, Manufacturer Family Bibles, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND greatest varMy of style ever brought to this city. Call and see them at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Fancy Articles FOR PRESENTS, an endiepa variety, use ful, beautiful and just the thing to suit. PIANOS AND ORGANS Sold on the Instalment Plan, at the Lowest Prices. Guitare, Violins, Flutes, Ac, Ac.,at HEINSBEROER'H, 29 and 41 Market et. apl 3 Boalwriglii & MeKoy ARE IN THE FIELD ! IV E ARE CANDIDATES MAKE NO MLS TAKE ABOUT THAT. Don't forget us "wlienyoii asseni ble in your Ward and Town ship meetings Vote twice for your choice, bat vote TEN TIMES for ftl From the fact That they can furnish you with . jmoro . . : Good Groceries ! i for the saml amount of money than . - any-other House in the State In. the language of our Indian Doctor, "Kind Friends," we are your most obedient when you de- sircr to buy Groceries. Our Slock is Large and Complete Please don't forget BOAWRIGHT 1 MOT. 5 L 7 HOTth pi s Tri S treat BOAWRGHT EKOl mm wm - , .' . had a Ii:if I fits arrival nm hn? H loft Z o . mgs at tk..i t COE, LADIES, AHIV PAyIkERsV VISIT! ' !: yyVLD KEgriCliULLY annoanootiv. uy friends and patrons that I have just ro turned to the city from the Northern icr- ketd with the icott complete and niostjo. sirable etock c 1' .... ... t ,-oriag and Summer .that fr.0 I have uu hd. ThU ftock'is now bcr? unpacktd and marked and my ?l "": .'l' iw JS'. rr-jii 1 " . - J i . C 1 v ill la announced in a few dajsr I ,hayp all of the latest and naot d.'uahia tIafiand4 many, novelties; '; - r A call and an inppectien ie rttpevttttif ' solicited. ' : hr The goods were bought to eeli, aa aoj they wiilphe at vtrj low piicta. f) j- lm The stock w ill be hih;d, v fth' rurH5 plea?ure, to all who any call; whether as'id- . ' . -, .-. .ai' tending p-urcha:(s or otherwise. N. 11. SPllTJl ' mch 31 i "i k t..j i;;i Agricultural Ins n New Yo. k. OIIGANJZL LNl;L . t d . ASbEIS. lst .JAN. l.S-J,- SljlMT. ' TNSUIIES NOTHING BUT Dwellings tM ! i content, and farm propertv, andfllTS ti'RciAh iML,cfciixsiij tor risks of lhat blast ia Irsnre3 aaicst diiui' by Jt"HtS!infr:l wLether fire erca Ovt withfUt Mtl ! charge. , i'ay Agents wanted la everj county in the B' J.vo. W. OOaDON AUSO.V' mch 9-iuon-fi Wenetar Agmtsl oerp A a .Im it I r . . . ' L o qd ' C. J. WHITNEY ' ' tfVV? EDWARD E. :U)irAi:..- .. ' irbJrtfl Yr'ulnv T'tTPnir'-.' Aw?! -fit R-'Ji The Pot it ty 1 vf nt of the Pwm;' 4- .. well Tour io Headings f;f the Ditirgbii3l?T'!' Artiste aua luecu ot Keatler?, ' J si ti 5 , MRS.SG07T.SIDBS33SS one. night :ri': Th favorite d Kutwp'Arueiica'&juu tra'ia, in a Magrllicait -Prf -'ratiisa rf " THE HIGHEST: CUSt;o Notk ilrs. i(14J2LJ"eperteira'itrta4 I n tr 1 1 il Facy Goofs, 9 - - . wau mwtm siwsw a n will tir.brac-ytU chclct tfbitWs the Mraaiar.l A nihers Ve Wlo? , 1 Grave to Gay " AArtt Souths hriulj ' occasion w;u t-ir.Draci uc cc:'; from t " r roia uravo to ti ay charaoirK Ja-iv th fnrwittj-'.ff -ff-Zf cfcvr cieLae.t,' Vt;tt, JSf tiL uudr atiw nutl o General A(!tL !.;" ! ci "tad o "erfa chair1 f ir- tfs:rvt;J''t rrCuJirt.J nt lll'li, ,ri it' M o.jA tftr, 1 Rni. 1C 4 Oalhsry 50 C"3t. V r.TT Mat ter for lira, if ctt Siddoztt Jder. Jaif McMahta.- : :' - , apl 3.s-m-w-tb,fii.. - V V d OPE OU3 Wednesday Everiinr; April fftlfjtdi Under tba mrfsaa-ev-VfV wi rfl'Mrflt rrtscLticg the fatiiccs xc?e'.ztAjrdtj6f la H.'r. S..P ilHt?fRh' TLe Opera will t-e pr-decd" wi:h Vn c vifje NEW A.N D N ii XZb P9hZm9V& -if aid th sam4 fitter tiotlo tUtall ttt r rAaiH teriz d iu Jonzrun tt jlrf.iroa4 rreutJ4.if atreaad Vfillack'f. Netv'rofJf derful autcfta chroohi tlu. btaihttss tii ( under Mr. ioxd, tfiUl ' m, Adaiiloai 25, 60 end. 7 5 eVurt. f oa4atra for 4 r e:urtd aeaU at Util'sr'a ir'pJtf SB 'MaMaff ,1'r fcrAiajts, -.h n, 25c. . ' itVM ren '1 1