. :., . ' - - " .; ' : . ' ".. 1" . . ' V - : . . . : . : ' ' ' , ; . '..', -;. : . l.f " i'I.S I! I 4 l V. N will be deli VerI by carriars, 1 f;;i&e, in any parto? the city, at the ,T - rts or 13 centa'per weok. . , ' .'rdr'twialr rt 'ow and ILberaJr .Sibrioers 'will please rport mhj ud lures tii receive their papers regularly. row Advertlsomanta. ? O WN & RODDICK, 45 Market "St. k wo u r; i an n o u x c.k t a at J)r,.ss -(iof.tis lejiaiuiiiH, over iiu juctus t IIISIVH '' .. ..v-.,.., ; ....... . 15 20c and 25c. 'ili 9! u aro f.Ux toi. with a view , tli - vv ci:7ts of this market, and embrace, laViV -XyvviLles. Having i)irchase'd la the l,.,.ni!i'i ;f Octobor, Nov.nrbcr and De- , ii.b r, ' -ariticipatiiiij 'Ji't aiivai.ce . wnicn , r n-iuly takeri p';iri', aful-a.s far as , - vH.fe wiJ! "lvc .Mm: l it)! to our patf ns. Black Cashmeres, Vr; anv makifi'' h spociilly. of- our M iiiHthii.' iJepartiueiit and have always .u hand a fuli assortment ot all thi Npv. eltjt-s iii'this parlicalir-braiieh of our busi Blck Crapes- We have- by far largest assortment 1 Klack (haoes y -i lind, and aro the .Sole Aden's of THE WIDOWS' CRAPE - .For thW lper. moi-mlng. " 2 Button Kidi Gloves. 25c a Pairs' In )pra, bpring.aud liaik sha4(s. 'They need no comment's. From 6 Cents Up T We will be receiving large additions very day now, as onr buyer is in the KurLherii markets at the present time. 'I ho way to secure- Uargains is to keep Hlli g ROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. inch' 20 'asliionalblc Millinery ! ATE.-iET Sr.YLEH JUST OPENED 1 i - , '. : v ' ' otnpetent lady in charge. Also an entire w Adgortxent of. Ladles Underwear.tiaild- en'u Lilian, Pique, Gingham . and Calico uiti, infants rthps, Lhristenine no bee, loaka, Ac. Latest styles in Hair Goodp, at HISSLS KAUKEli McGOWAN'S, mch 29 ' , iNo. 6 S Front 8t Fresh Lot PUN FUME CATAURU AND. ASTHMA i'farette8, Wei. Do Weyir Ca'arrn Cuf, jRhd a full and comi lete stock of pure . Drugs F. C. MILLER, . Corner 4th and an Streets. Open day and niirht. - ; i mch 29-tf ' Notice. f pHK ANNUA L M KETINO. of theilembe? f J'licy Holders of' the Wilmington Mutual Jnaurance Company will be held at the I 'oart Room of the Citr Hall on.WednesdaT. April 7th, at 8 o'clock, P. M. ' , apl 3 it AM N. CANNON, Sect'y. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS- MRS. 8, J.Bakbr has just receired a new lot of Leghorn Boonvts, Hats and Hats. All the new styles of Hat4. Flowers. Bibbon and everything in the Millinerr lines, all of wnicn l oner to the public xn the moft lib eral -terms. .1 am nblrt to rffr rrat fi- ducemantstotne Lad us cf the city and sar-p-ounding country, both s to quality acd rice of- goods.. Hair work done in the Jnost improrel ttyles. I keep Zephyr and Wixony Wool in all colors. Call and see for yourselves, corier Third and O ranee sts. Walter Cpriey, DEALER in fJlOUACCO, IMPOUTEl) AND DO- JltSTiC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snuff'and Tipes of air descriptions. . .. if WALTER CONEY, Market streat. Wilminqto, X, C, April 2, 18S0. rpHK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the democratic Party for this (Third) Congres sional District, will meet at the Purcell itouse. in Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 2Ijt of April, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A. full at endanes. is earnestly requested. Those nnahle to attend will please notify the Chairman and tend proxies. ' PI ' " CHA8. D. MYERS, Chm'n. Moore Index, Warsaw Brief Mention, Faj etteville Banner please copy. CaltcoesirS -..'. -.' r.-. ' : ! -' ..' . ' . ' ' . ' , -; .... . --'' V I II H ) 'A . m : H V H WAV - : . . 1 : T , ? . ; : . : i : . J ' 1 T V ' -TfaT. . - r . r . : VOL. V. LOCAL r S.. New Adreruientf. H K i? corr, PreVt Notice. . Yatm .Velret Frames and Easel P?HiBsaaa Family Bibles. '"':':" '"'''' - .', :' ' Will do w Glass all sizes at ItafTer Price's. Save your money and -bay your Build iiifc Supplies from AltaiTer & Price. t v 'CJouBcierjca' is defined by Punch, as one man's rule for another man's con-' JllCt.' ; ; The-maulwho lores grows duller than ha was; hut the woman who loves be comes more clever, II r. B. J. II Ahrns lost "a valuable horse oa Sunday morning. ' Tho animal was takeu with tho colic and died bifore it' could be relieved. : The United States District Court, His Honor . Judge Brooks presiuiDr will convene in this city on the first -Monday in May, the third of the monih. Memorial day is fast approaching, and the graves of the dead heroes will be strewed with flowers.aud with sad hearts we will remember who that aro ' bey oad the river.' - ' ; Is your life worth 25 cents i If it is do not neglect a Cough or Cold. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once and be cured by that never failing remedy. -l : .IL The regular monthly meeting 6t the Wilmington Liquor ..Dealers'- Association Will be held at Howard Engine Ilall tlr s evening at S oelock. - ' Mr. Nat l.'i Jacobi having been appoint- ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi?s Hard ware Dspot, No. .10 S. Front 8t. tf. Funeral of Officer Blddle (The funeral of. the iate W, U. Diddle, a member of tbe police forte in this city, took, place at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The police force of the city with their officers and other city officials attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last rest ing place in Oakdale Cemetery. The officest the City Ilall" were closed this afternoonas a mark of respect to the mem ory of the deceased. We noticed, ou. the streets yesterday some handsome suitsof Spring Clothing, which, were bought at the well-known Clothing House .ef ..Messrs. Shbikb's, 28 and 34 Market street. . ' t Green Peas. x It seems" that the truck farms in this yicinity did Lot escape entirely from x in jury during the recent cold weather.. Those in tho vicinity of ltocky Poiut.were injured materially. At first it was feared that the peas Were finally ruined but tbe -warm 'weather lias since , brought them out wonderfully. Picking will commence this week and next week lots of them wiljjgo forward to the Northern marketa.i Criminal Court. Tho 4 ten lion of tho Court was occu pied to day in adjudicating tbe following cases. " . - ' Henry Miller, charged witb assault. Defendant discharged. - Geo. Hill, larceny. Judgment ' sus pended.. ' . ' J. M. King. Judgment nwi. I H. Cruse, charged with burning of the dwelling of Mr. John A, Sanders, was arraigned this afternoon. Messrs. F. H. Darby, t. H. McKoy and R. H. McKoy, were assigned asJJ'counselr The case was bet for! 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, and a venire of 100 good and lawful citizens was ordered Geo.-llill, larceny. Guilty. Senten ced C years in the penitentiary. t - ""1 1 ' 1 ' -" 1 " - Graterul Women. ",None receiye so much benefit", anil none are so profoundly grateful and show such an interest . in recommecdin Hop Bitters as women; It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills tbe sex is most universally subject to. Chills and fever, indigestion; or deranged liver, constant or; periodical sick headaches, weakness in the back or kidneys,-pain in the shoulders and . different parts of the body, afeeling of lassitude and despon dency, are all readily removed by these Bitters. y - J The Doctors Yielding. Ever since Prof. Green wrote to the Medical Record advising physicians'everyi where to use the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure with their practice, ir has been gain ing in favor with the profession. They can find nothing' which is a substitute lor lu R.CAulkin?, M. D., of Rochester, N. y.; says he would now prescribe it to ap afflicted with any serious kidney and liver diseases. - :. . WILMINGTON? N. C, Before a Magistrate. Joh Dyer, colored, swore out a warrantl for the arrest of his wife, ! Diana Dyer, alias Dian a Purdlo, this aorning before a magistrate, upon the charge of bigamy. The defendant was committed -to jail ia default of bail for her appearance for trial before , a Justice of . the Peace to morrow morning at 10 oV.ock, . ltea-iy mixed Paints, strictly ure White Leal, Calors, Brushes; Window Glass, 5t4;.j at Jacobi's. . ' ' City Court. O. B. Nolan, a tourist of the commer-1 cial c ass, alPthaway ffom Manhattan New York, was arraigned at the Bar ville, of the Court this morning, charged with beiDg; drunk and disorderly and resisting the police. His defence ws that it was not himself, but whiskey , that made the rumpuss. ThoMayor by repeated ques tions finally drew out nf ' the defendant that himself and partner were here in BDtne manufacturing interests and had been in the city four, days, hut by refer ence to the Treasurer'tf books it was dis- covered that there was no record of any license having been issued to the party 'named by defendant. The Court then or dered the prisoner remanded to the . cell pending a further consideration of the case. . Upon hearing, this, the defendant commenced to plead in earnest for a re lease stating- repeatedly that he didn't want' to be locked up and would pay any fino that might be imposed upon htm if he had not spent all his money on the spree. The Mayor finally relented and told him if he 'would agree to leave, town by 9 a. m. to-morrow he might ge The eondi tions were accepted, and the commercial traveller bowed himself out with thanks, This, finished the proceedings and tbe Court adjourned. v You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at JACOci's Hardware Depot. : .. Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session yesterday evening at 8 o'clock, all ther. members present. The Finance Committee reported that they had no authority to: grant tha pa-i-tion of George Harriss, and the repo.it.was received and adopted . The same Com mittee reported pi ogress in the m atter of the petition of Cato Bunting. ' The Committee on Lights reported that they had awarded the contract '"for lighU ing lamps, &e.f for the ensuing year, to B. R. King. V Tho action of the Committee was confirmed . . .. Contract -for keeping city mules was awarded to T. J. Southerland'at S'32.50 per month. . Contract With the Wilmington Gas Company was continued. J; j,. Dry was awarded the contract for removing night soil. The Board appropriated $50,000 for the present fiscal y e ir. .The Mayor was authorized to appoint an additional health officer, whereupon be appointed Mr. Win. M. Hays. ' An oil lamp was ordered to bo placed at the corner of Davis and Third streets. Sundry applications for positions upon the police force were referred t tbe com mittee on Police. ;. . Petition from a number of citizens, to have1 Castle street hardenod,was read and j referred to.the Chief of Police. A letter from the Hook and Ladder Company, asking iox a telephone, was read and referred to the Committee on Fire (Department with power to act. Communication from sundry citizens, protesting against the establishing of an infirmary on Campbell, near Third streeti was referred to the Sanitary Committee Kcd the City Attorney. ' Letter Troni J . VV. layior, reiauve w supplying the city with rough lumber, was referred to a committee consisting of Aldernven Myers, Bowden and Flanner. Communication from Alex. Oldham, relative to the storage of tar barrels, &c,i was referred to Committee on Ordinances. Specifications for a belfry were refer re4 each tQ the Committee on Firs De partment. ' . It 'was ordered that the' salary of Po liceman Biddle, deceased, for the month of April, bo paid to his widow, ia con sideration of his faithful attention to his duties. Report of the Superintendent of Health for January and February was received, read, and ordered on file. , - ;--Adjourned. ! ! ' . - - Eyerybody can ge suited with a Pocket Knife; also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hard ware "Derpt- , !. TUESDAY. APRIL Miowers in the Conntry. The clouds which threatened this city with a heavy shower- this morning,, but which resulted in only a slight sprinkle here, discharged ' copious showers of rain on the line of the W. & W. Railroad, a few miles North of us, as we learn from passengers arriving oa . this morniag s train. . . . ' . . '. The Ball In Motion- The Demo:ratic Executive Committee, of Pender ceuBty, held a meeting yeater day at Burgaw to initiate' action relative to the coming campaign, .The business of the meeting was.tmrmportant fnrtber thah the adoption of the following iesc lution; ' - , Resolved, That the Democratic Exec utive Committeeman of each township in the county be instructed te call a meeting of the Democrats of their respective town shsps on Saturday, the 17th inst., for the purpose ot electing, by ballot, five dele Cates to' represent each of said townships in a convention of the Democratic yoters of Pender county, to be held at the Court House in Burgaw i on Saturdav. April 24th instant, at 12 o'clock, noon; to ap-( point aeiegates to the Democratic State and Congressional Conventions. Narro w Escape From Death. A young lady of this city narrowly es caped death by asphyxia on Thursday night last. Having" been out to an enter tainment he" retired about 12 o'clock, after turning off the, gas. There proved to be a leak in tbe pipe near the bracket and by early morning the room was fill ed with gas. She awoke about C o clock with a feeling of . very great oppressien and had hardly the consciousness to throw off her lethargy, but finally with almost traiatural vigor she bounded from her couch and threw the windows wide open. While trying to ventilate the . room she discovered that her senses were freely per meated with the treacherous gas and rushed to the. sleeping apartment of her mother and foil in a swoon at the 'door. Jnst before she lost all consciousness she gasped the word "gas.V Medical assist ance was summoned and antidotes and restoratives applied. We are glad to know that she has entirely recovered from thp effects. List of letters. The following is a list of the letters re. maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wdnesday, April 7: . A R A Allen, John Artis, mrs Sarah Allen, Mary Ann Andrews; Fannie Alex ander. Ellen E Barringtou, Julia A Brown, Charles Bapler, Calvin Blunt, Geo Agt Bolls, H J Bergman. J A Beck" er, J E Brown, John Burns, James BHSterlow, J E Bond,. James H Bowen, James Berry, Peter Blojm, W H Billing, W W Bunting. , C -Sarah Conner, Mary Frances Clif ton,, Julia Cannon, H P Coleman, Edney Carmey, Lmma Coper, Mathew Congers, Wm Code, WE Charlotte, Wm Cumber, R J Crawbone Reuben Catman, Peter Cary, J W Cringran. Jeff Chad wick, John F Calhoune, J M vCeballos, Jr, Eh Ourrit, W F Caaady, Caioline, Elden. D Annie Drake, Betsy B Davis, Caroline Downing. D A Davis, Frank E Drake, James Dray, Peter Davis Nellie Jane Deamond, Sarah Ann Denton. E John BEpps. . F Caroline Farrow, Ann 3VI Freeman, Rachael Fisher, S C Forest. G'vy A Goodman, (a) Eilen Galloway, Mary Gailor, Ellen Gerum. H Grace Hall. J Alfred Jones, Thomas Johnson, S T Jnabnetta, Anny Jordan, Maria and Sarah L Jones. . j K J Key," Thos H Kent, Sam Korue -gay, Sam King. L D Lowndes, G E Lomar, Augusta Lawton. -. ' ' M Anna Jane McKelly, Clara Moore, C A Maw, Mary . Mitchell, . Mary Ellen Murphy, Sarah Morrison, Thisby Mosely, Virginia Moore, Clamon Moore, Emaline Murray, Philip Melvirry Thomas Melvih, Malissa Nickles. K Eliza Neal, Noah Nunu. P MiiForterMrs: Perose, Maria Pit . man, Rhoda Pierce. R N W Richards, , Mr Roy, agt A M Asso ; Thomas Richardson, Margaret Rob inson, Emma Rowel. - S Ella Smith,. Ellen B Strong, E M Self, M S Smith, J A Schrader, JJohn Smith, Jr, J W Sheppard, Fanny T Smith, John Stubs, L B Storm, J D Stratford, J C Saul, M P Sarles. 4 QT Witt Thompson, Wm Turner, W B Therber, Witt Thompson J K Taylor, F M Townsend, J H Thaurs. v.r V S VanMeter. . W Frances WalkerXiUy Wilson, Mel vina Walker, "Roaana AvTadel, A C Wade, H C Williams, Frank Wanting, Hezekiah Woody, JM Westmoreland, J P Wright, James White, J 5'WUcer, P H Wood, Sandy Wallace, Geo Wadel. ' Peroohs calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead .letter Office, Washington, D. C. ' E. B. BRINK, P.M. . WUmington, N. C. 'New Hanever County ,N.C 6, 1880. NO. 47 List of Appointments by Bishop At kinson, for his Spring Visitation. Tarboro,First Sunday after Easter, April 4 Mariboro, Tuesday, Apr.il 0. ' Snow Hill, Wednesday, ?pril 7. St. JohnPitt county, Friday, April 9. Greenville, Second Sunday after JKaster, . , April 11 Trinity, Beaufort county, Tuesday, Apl 13 St. John's, Durham's Creek, Wednesday, ;' April 14 Aurora, Friday, April 13. Washington, Third Sunday after Easter, April 18 Zion, Beaufort county, Monday, April 19 Bath, Tuesday, April 2.0. St James4 Church, Beaufort county, Wednesday, April 21 Makelj ville, Hyde county, Friday .April 23 Swan Quarter, Saturday, April 24. St. George, Hyde co. 4th Sun. aft. Easter, - ' ' . April 25 Fairfield, Monday, April 20.: . Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday, Apl 30 Newberne, Fifth Sun. afu faster, May 2 Beaufort, Tuesday, May 4. Kinston, Ascension Day, May G. Holy Innocents, Lenoir co., Friday , May 7 Wilmington, Sunday aft. -Ascension, May 9 St, Jamcjs' Church, Morning, St. Paul's Church, Evening. Warrenton, Whit. Sunday, May 1C. Ridge way, Monday, May 17. Henderson, Tuesday, May 18. Oxford, Thursday, May 20, Kittrell's, Saturday, May 22. ' Louisburg, Trinity Sunday, May 2. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at'. AirAFFjgR, Piiick & Co's. " . . The Cheapest Article In the World. This is What a grateful gontjeman said who was cured of a bad kidney dis ease by the use of Safe Kiduey and Liver Cures, after he had offered in vain $1, 000 to any doctor who would rid . him of it. It is the cheapest article in the world to all afflicted with kidney and liver dis eases. Plows;, 4 dhovels, Pitchforks, Spdacs Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. DIED. At the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, at Hickory, N. C, Hister MART AGNES PBICE, daughter of the late A. L.. Price, Editor and Proprietor of the "Wilfflinffton Journal.". The funeral will take place at St. Thomas' Catholic Church in this city, to-morrow, be-1 tween tno Hours or 10 and 11 o'clock:, A. M., and from thence to St. Thomaa' Catholie Cemetery. The friends of the family and of the religions community of the Sisters of Merey, are respectfully invited to attend. Star eopy. New Advertisements. Notice- THE MEMBERS OF THE Wilmington Liquor Dealers Association are hereby .t42 . ii a. a A T i mar tit - m oounea u me ueguiar- jnoniniy jaeeiing of said Association will be held at Howard Engine House Hall, this (Tuesday) Evening, at 8 o'clock. H. E. 8COTT, President. J. M. MoGO WAN, Secretary apl-e-lt Office City Clerk & Treasurer, City of Wilmington, N C-, April ?d, 180'. Notice. rpAX LISTEE8 WILL ATTEND at the City Hall, Tuesday, June la t, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and for twenty working days there after, for. the purpose cf receiving te Tax Lists of the inhabitants of this city upon all subjects of taxation which are to be luted for citv purposes. HENKY 8AY4.GK, apl 5 3t Clerk and Treat. We are Ulaking: All kftds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors Blinds ! ND OaNAUENTAL Wood Work at our Planing Mill and Factory, foot of Walnut street. Call' and examine. ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. !--- v - apl 5 ' Office, Nutt, near. Bed Cross st. Velvet Frames and Easels A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT j Field Croquet, all. prices ; Family Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Ac, Ac , at BOOK STORE. apl For PERFECTLY U osier, Bahaoaaa NEW OFFICE SAFE, Co., manufacturers, eombiaatioa lock, weight l,S001bt. For sale cheap. Applj at men 9 Tula OFFICE. FLEA8E if OTIOK. i We wiU tHgtid to receive eoammtJtrAf 4 ' 2222jSy fHdl)n "jr-wa tii M jtenersJ interest but : The name of the writer not tiwsryt be far- nishedto the Editor, -wr-.- aCommunleations ctttst be written Wat ly one side' ofthe papef. " Personalities rntut be avoided! ' '. And it is especially and walariy nttco t stood that the Editor does not always endorsee ao views or correspond eats, inthe editorial columns. 11 New Advertisements. .t GEUTtE SPftirjgl ft TT-'v J ' i'4J.-f-- Has arnvetT and Las taken lo(Jg , at,. t ings at exchange conrjcai I - COME, LA0IES, AriO PAY 1IECT A VISIT ! J WOULD RESPECTFULLY annenaeeto nrjr friends and patrons that I nave just f ' turned to the city from the Northern aar-i keta with the moct complete and sop ,cJ . . - . 5 - - sirable stock of Millinery and Fancy Goofc: V for the Spring and Summer that . uaTceyernaa. thu tock U now b?ajr i unpacked and marked a4 my J ; v' Opexiittj; - Will be announced in a few days, i have all of the latest and mott desirable styles aid t many novelties. A call and an inspectien is respectfally , , solicited. ' . s . .. . '' '4 . o The goods were bought to sell and sold they will be at very low prices. " :'" The stock will bo exhibited, with muoh ' pleasure, to all who may call, whether as in-i tending purchases or otherwise. k- ,i J ... N. H. SPRUNT, mch 31 The Congreoo5V- gHIBT 13 MADE OF GOOD MCaLIN 4-pIy Richardson Linen front and baet, afed f reinforced, 75 cents. Equal to any BilftoIdU, fbrI1-C0- :, "THE ROYAL" is something super bia4. is uaranteed equal to any $1.25 Phlrt; riVe" 90 cents. Wamsntta' or New Torklllf V Shirts made to order at ,$la2jfand a todj U guaranteed. No 3, Market StreeUi Bigk f.U') Big 8hirt. J. EL8FAfJHi i: P1 6 ManafactmresrA . Family Biblec, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND greatest variety of styles ever broaght : to this city. Call and see them at : . ,7Af THE LI VE BOOK BTOKK, Fancy Articles .A-:.. TTOR PRESENTS, aa endless Taritr. i. , : i L ful, beautiful and just the thin,? toIt;., nse-. pianos And organs Soldon the Intalmont Plan, at ike Lowest M ficoo. wuiwrs, vionns, nutes, c, c.,at tZ J.1 . BElBElWBRf, h , apl 5 39 anai Axarnetst. i 't tve Agricultural Ins. Co; of New Tort. ORGANIZED JIN 1853. 1 : T. so- .- ASSETS 1st JAN. 1880, $l,187;a. a, LOSSES PAID OVER $3,00Oj0OO.. : : . INSURES NOTHING BUT DweUiaft mlct oontents, and farm property, aad offers sraczax iaDucinsaxs for risks of that elase. ' Issnres - againsi .damage by Lightaiag . whether fire ensues or not) withrnt extra charge.; . - . ..-I .-M . 9SMl ' Agents wanted in ererj eoujity iaVhe BUU"t m J50. W. GORDON A B&O., mch 9-men-fri General Agrats. OPERA Wednesday Evening, April 7Uu' esd i i Hatinee Thursday, 3.30 2 J2i fJAYES' JDVENILE OP.T: Under the management of WT.PowaS Presenting the famou muskai abemrditz fcrs j'l Gilbert A Sullivaa, eatitled ? h. r.i. s. p i n a F o n ii ' " The Opera will be prodaced wita aa entire , NEW AND NOVEL BCENF and the same atter Uoa to detail tiat cirs ? terixed its long ran at the Broad EJrftT. , aue aad WaJUck's, New Tort, aad i j derfal saecttf tarowgh te -fioata LdVill uaoUrllr.Fejd, of Baltimore, - Ailmiarioa, , W aad T sata. X ! tztnv - forseevred seats at HsiasbeTgerannnLi t ai su ? ltatiaee Prleee AdulO, 60e; Child ren, 25C ! PlS.it - Hi .4 : I 1