- t v " t. ; . v i ?- fn n ! r t . PLEASE NOTICE. It published srverj aftomoon, 8undeys wptH.fcf - ', ; 7osn. T. J AMISS, gUBUfIPTIONS.,08TAqEPAID. use year, ffc.OO HiK onth, $ 1 W ; Thre uutru, 1 1i; One month, 60 eeots. .. Ctt paper will be delivered by carriers, rS of eharre, My rprt ( tl" 0117 at tDor rates, oris Knta per wek. adTertisinr rates 'ow and liberal sy8abseribr will please report any and U failure! to reciv their papers rei-nlarlj. 1 ,1 We wili be (Tad so rscelve' eentsftWnicationi front omr rrlears on any and all sub sets general interact but : Tne name of the writer must always be far sdshed so the Editor. m . a a . . - CCommmnJeations nnst be written en onl7 as side of the paper. t PsTsoaaUtles savst be avoided. . i : : And It Is espeeiallj and psvtMnlariy under H VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1880. NO. 50 stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of eorrespon dents, unless so tiat d la the edrsorial eolnmns. J1 jailt--Review. i 3 New A d vertisomen t. 7xiu a & xiODDlOKe 45 Market St. K WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT we bre opened in connec'ion with our Dress liocda Departmont, over -loo pieces pt Worsted Drew Goods, which we are offering t ..' - V ' . f- V - ' " . - ;15c. 20c and 25c. 1 These geods arejelerted with a view to the want of this market, and embrace matty Jfarelties. Having purchased in the : months of October, November and De cember, anticipating the advance which hat r cently taken place, and aa far as possible will give the benefit to our patr ns. B lack C ash m e res. We ' are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on handa fuU assortment, of all the Nov elties la this particular branch of our busi- 1 Black Crapes. We have by far the largest w assortment ef Black Crapes "you can find, and are the Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' CRAPE, For the deepest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. la Oaera, Spring and Dark Shades. They need no comments. From 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep eallbg. BR0W1T & RODDICK, 45 Market St. mch JO Fashionable Millinery ! JATBSBT 8TYLS8 JQST OPENED 1 Competent lady In charge. Also an entire b w tnortice t of Ladies' lnderwear,Child ren's .Linen. Plane, Oioirbam and 'Calico halts, Infants' hps, Ctmitrniojr Kobe, Cloaks, e Latest styles In flair Good?, at MISSES. KARUKK & McGO WAN'S, mch 39 ,-' No. 6 8 Fronf 8t WEW 000DS HEW GOODS- ,l 8 8. J.BiKia has just received a new 1Y1 lot of Lefhern Bonnets. Flats and Hatg All the new styles of Bat, Fluwers. Ribbon and everythlna: in the Milliner lines, all of which I offer to the public on the mof t lib eral terms. ; I - am able to effer fjreat n dneemsnts to tbe l adles of the city and nr roandiofl; oona'ry, both as to qo lity a d price of (roods. Hair work- done in the most improrei styles. I keep Ztphyr and Kaxony Wool In all clo-s. Call and see for yourselves, . correr Third and Orange sts. apt 3 I Walter Coney, DEALER IN JlJBACCO, IMPOliTBD AND DO HtJSTIU CIGARS, Cigartte, Snuff and Pipes of all descriptions. T- WALTER OONET, ' rf Market street. apl a auDCoes V Velvet Frames tjnd Eiaels j BEADriFDL A8iiHME5Tt Field " Crrqaet, all prie; family BiblesHymn I B oki, Prayer Boks. Ae , Ac, at bookstore. pl O WiLaisarov, if. C, April 1, 1S80. THK aXKOUTlVh. COMMITTEE of tie I . ,. ' . Democratic Party for this (Third) Congres sional blotrict, a ill meet at the Parceil Hoase, in Wilmington, on Wednesday the Hat of April, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A fnU at eadaaee is eainestly req nested. These nnah'e to attend will please notify the Chairman and send pruxies. Pi CH48. P. H T EB8, Chm'n. -Moore Index, Warsaw Brief Mentis, fay. UTtu. Banner please copy. ' . -. LOCAL NEWS. 1 New Advertisement. Jis IV Km a, Sect y Third Ward. P Bsiwsssaeaa or Blank Books. K 8 WARaorK Job Printinf . Fa'e of The Carolina Central Railway, un der Deeree f Foecl"8ure. Yarn. Velvet Framei and Easels. No Oitv Court tu-dav. T slsy is the anDiverssry of the sur render at Appomattox. Quite a ?arge number of hogs were C4ptured and carried to the city peund this morning. ; You can buy No. 1 (Rooking and Heats ing stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. A gentleman iu forms us that twenty four telephone poles or the Turnpike were strack by lightnii g on Tuesday Bight last. The dark cleuds have parted and tbe sun and tbe earth are again .in. commu. nication with each other. The wind is, however, still from the North and the at mosphere is too co 1 for crtmfort. Window Glass if ali s'zes, Dors, Sash and Blinds, Buildeis Hardware,&c, Low st plreces at JXeom's. Plows, bhoveis), lJi.outoik8, Spdaes Rakes, Trace Chaii.s, Plow Lices, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. Eiht years or ten ears 'for Mr. Best, is the way.thfy put it at the Court House n w whenever the lookers-on - hear tbe Judge seuds a 'prisoner up for a term of ysars in the Penitentiary. The sale of the Carolina Central Rail way will take place at public amctien,in this city, on Monday, the 31st of May, under the auspices of the Commissioners, Messrs. N, A. Stednaan, Jr., and Junius Davis, - la our report of the proceedings of the Criminal Ceurt yesterday we laadvert ently stated that Ben Meore, celored, charged with larceny, was acquitted Instead of being acquitted, however, the defendant was tonnd guilty and sentenced to eight years In the -Penitentiary. For Stedman. It is rumored on the streets that Ma- sonboro. Federal Point and Harnett townships instructed their delegates to day to vote Lt Maj. C. M. Stedman in the County Convention. Other tewnsbips not yet heard from. v Criainal Court. The attention of tbe .Court was occu pied for the mt part to day with the fol lowing cases: ' -State vs. J. Wa'.ker and John Mer rick, charged with breaking int' store house (tobacco factory). Verdict guilty. The Court sentenced Wralker to ten years in the Sttte Prison' Judgment in th ease of John Merrick was not prayed, by the Solicitor, there beicg other cases to come up against this svma def ndmt t the next term of this Cjart. - State vs. John Statcbor, chsre I with barratry. On trial. - t'ap.t. Paul Byton This famous navigator and aqiuto voyager was u tbe jcity. thism rciog and favored us with a caM His visit to Wil mington was with the intention of giving here one of his wouderful umcl exhibi tions but we fear that w are not to have ih.it pleasure. There is a plenty of watei in tbe creek s as well a iu lha rivers but the difficulty is to get a place so situated that none but those wbo pay will be ad mitted within a certain en Insure. Cptain Boy tea will return to Charleston, t thinks bs mny. be able to m-tke inne ar rangemenf8 for an exhibition here to wards the last of tbe month." Messrs. BIbsob & Cummin We were aware of Ibe suspeuMo.. ot II e above nameo firm from i sfist auim.iu meat to ftiends in this city, but . jth embinassment was likfly to be only tern porary, and as we were inform -d that i wai not due to any irregularity on th ;r part, but wholly to . the delay ' in remit tancei a;ain;t a panic in the euttou war ket, which their Southern trncs wer Slow in reaiuing, ve deferred leftrju tV it, in the hope that they would (m be reliered. We are now gl to say, upon good authority, that this popular firm ha? every reason td hope for an immediate re '. .s - i v i ... Bamxiou oi uieir ousiuei. wnicn v an- i sure will be hailed with pleasure by thir many friends in this citj, 4id ,"" itideed. throughout tbe entire Southern country. L iDis larormauon wan rvceivea py telegraph to-day. Mrs. Scott Slddons. Many seats have been taken to tbe Scott'-Siddons entertainment at tht) Opera House this evening and the indicatieDS are that this talenUd lady will be greeted by ai handsome heuse. Mrs. Slddons cemes to us with the most cordial en dorsements of the press wherever she has appeared. It is her farewell tour and those who do not see her and bear her, to night will miss tbeir last and only oppor tunity. R,ailrud luipt-oy utrqte. . The Wilmington & Wrtdeu RailrowtH Company will grtrm h-vp n iron bridge acrosH tue trucks o te Prnt- Hreet der pot, j in )lace of the -u one which is now there. . When the briHge is c-m pleted, which we le;irn will ue very .n, tbe present structure will be remov d The new bridge will be both a haudson e a id substantial piece of worksajausbip, which with ether improvements ouutema plated-by the company will aid to the appearance of the'iocality and to the con vmience of the trav Hn public as well a$ to the employes of the rad. It is ex pected that the new bridge will be in position some time early in tbe next month. Mr. Nath'l Jacovi naiug been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parlies in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. K Stars in April. ' r ' Speakiug of the stars in April the Providence journal says: The interest of the month concentrates on the morning stars for, after the 7th, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Sa'urn are all numbered on this list. Venus especially will be the herald of the sun throughout the mouth for, though in her distant phase, she still reigns a the brightest star in tbw heavens. She will form a lovely picture as a companion for the slender waning moon on the morning of the7ta,will divide her queenly favor between Mercury and Jupiter on the 15th, and will appear above the horizm line nearly at the sane time with Saturn and Mercury on the 80 a. Jupiter and Saturn will become stndies of peculiar interest from . the present time till their opposition with the sun next October, when Jupiter, just after perihelion, will doa nis brightest colaW.'lind Saturn will shine clearer lustre than he has done for many years.' We-fuotieed ou the streets yesterday iomo handsome sui of Spring Clot Ling, which were bought at the well-known Clearing House of Messrs. Shuks's, 28 and ;34 Market street. t Military Matters The foil -wing impartaut orders have just been issued from general headquart ers: , ' -v S.TATK F NoKTH. Clft 'LINi, Adjutant General's Depaktment, Kalkiqh. March 30, 1880. General Orders. No 47. Ii CompaDy ii, Cox Rifles,' and Gun pauJ, 'Vauce K-tles of the. Third Reg iment of Infant y, having failed W com plete thei- respective orgaoiz-itioLs, as required b the statute, are hereby -disbanded an 1 will be stricken from tbn muster-rolls; aud the eommisioBe of their devejfai oiheers are hereby revoked. IL The 'Greene County RitW art hereby ansigned to iheTnird Regimeut, as Ounioany H. : III. The commissioned officers of the companies composing the Third Regimen: will assemble at)Durham, on the 22d day of Aprilfor the annual election of fieftl officers. . IV. . This election will be held in ac cordance with regulations heretofore pub lished. General Ord rs Xo. 28 : l.j 1 " toliuwig companies, haviug uil-d to CDii'p y wilb the requirements of ttic; Uw, art b -teby dbbandrd, and wll-be triektu iroiu ;he mqstefralls, u :' Of the Sdcoud .Kfgiruet -Uoiiipauy D Whiiinif R fles, Of the tilth Bittallion Coiupuy Av Hanover Light Iufauu ; Ccinpany tiy Cape Fear Light Ir fautry ; Company D, Fayetteville Kifls Guard ; Cou pany , Charlotte Bines. ; 1 ' A IL Tbe arms and aeeoatremots be longing to tbe Sta'e oi North Caiolina iu possession of these companies wil be promptly delivered or aocouuted for as specially directed in eaeh case ; or tbe r spectie bondsmen will be held responsible ou their bunds. , r : III OjJ-vri'rfcevinj this property will mike a t hough inspection of the s tme, and report the results of such inspection to the Ad jatant General of tbe btate. By order of it Governor and Com-mander-ia Chief. t Johnstone Jajirs. ? T Adjutant UeueraL Dr. Buit'a Cougk Sjrqp has "been be- (ora :th onuuc -'sar jrears ' and is pro nounceti by thuaands superior to all other artiles for : tbe curt of . Congha, I Colds. Intiufi z and all o'her Pnlmooar y - Com plaiti s. U cttsts only 25 cents a bottle. Ward MeettriKs To-NUhr. We call HtoMou to the meetings to be held thi evening, nt 8 o'clock, of the Democratic' vcte a of the city, to, ehoose delegates to the approaching Connty Convention. The following are the places of meeting appointed for tiie Hif. ferent wards: The First Ward will meet a. Brvklyn Hall. - The Sc-coijJ. VVrd .will'meet; st -'he Cur Ho ise. I The Th rdWrtnl wil: aie-t ,st X4iindsV HU. fShmFurth Wwrd wtfi me at th Otty Court -RnrxD, in the City Hall build ing. ' . . The Fifth W rd will met the old H II of trie Bucket C"Uipatjyr.6u Ninth, between t HHtle tret and Q-een stret. United Klatrs District Court. The following named persons have been drawn to serve as jurors at the next te m of the United States Distr'c Court which w 11 convene in this eity on Mondij, the 3 i day otMay next: New Hanover county -Samuel Reid, John O. Heyer, Samuel C "Nixon, Lewis P. Davis, Roderick McRae, J. M. Hard wick, T. C Mcllhenny, Abram Ander son John L. Woester, Lewis Gordon, Rp S. Waller, E. H. 8cott, John H. Hardin Miles Howard, Samuel Davis, John B Melton, William Turley, James Wilson. Dan O'Conrbr, W. H. Bernard, John K. Mel Ihecny. Brunswick com. ty John McRezie, L. A. Galloway, Jcnas Edwards, Isaac Wilson, William Brown. Duplin county Irvin Beaman, , J. W. Brown, Edward W. Dixon, Daniel Bow den, Morris Murray, Henry Grimes, James Pass, Michael Savage, Libeus Cooper. Although the Court convenes on Mon day May 3d, the jurors are not sum moned to appear antil Tuesday, the 4th day f May, or the second day of the o rt. . ' Plenty of Snow. v Reports from many points in the in trior tell of a heavy snow storm which prevailed yesterday. It seems to. have extended all along the line of tbe Caro lina Central Bail way, as far down as Lumberton, and must have been veiy general in this State, as" thereare reports of it from Pittsboro, in Chatham county. A gentleman who came down on tbe Charlotte train last night says that it via fniir nr fiv inrhflfl fti ' U.L R tf k. iagham. . Ice had formed on the bare branches ot the trees. A friend at Lilesville, in Anson coun ty, writing at a o'clock yesterday afternoon, tells us tbaA it. was snowing hard there at that time and bad been snowine for two hours. He says: 'It is at least two itches deep and is a mst beautiful tight, the trees and wheat ficlis beim a bright creen. ine weather is warm and perfectly stiil, and unites a freeze coMtes up touight no danger is apprehended to the wheat or fruit. Many old weather-cocks predicted it at about this time and say now that it will bt a repetition of the gth f April, 1848, when it snowed for twenty-four hours, but as the atmosphere was warm then, as uow, but little or no damage was sustained by thecrops.' We fear that those same old 'weather cocks' were wrong in one respect. In all likelihood fhek-e was a freezejlast night in which case we fear that tbe crops have suffered vert much. Window Glass ali sizes at atltafier & Frice'aV t Wilmington, Mutual insurance Com pany ;The ai. nua! meeting of the m mbers policy holders of the Wilmington Mu tual ltisurancj Cutpany Has held I i the City Ciuri Rxm, at the City Hall, on Wednesday nigbi, , Toe fo.iowiug officer were -lected for the ensuing ye r: Prtsidnt W. A. Freucii, re-elected.- Vice Pmidect J. K?nt Brown, re, elected. retjiy and Teasjrer Smuel K Cannon. Directors Win. Larkins, John II. Freeman, R. E. Hcide, H. VonGJahn, R. J. Jone, R. E Caer, R. S. Radclirl James U. Chad boa rn, H. M Bow dan, W A. French and J- Jvnt The rDorU indicated a good Years business, all lose having been paid and a handsome surplus left on han't. Ready mixed Paints, atriclj j are White Lead, Cclara, Bnuhea, W niow Glxas, jee at J a.cobiC New Advertisements. Third Ward, THE THIRD W aRD MEKTI50, in select Delerfttos to the Connty Convention, will be held in Hands Hall, this evening, at H n'elock. ii accordance with the call ol the Democratic ixecutire Cemmitte. JAS. W KINO, Secretary p 9 Third Ward Dem. Clnh. 8 A LIS Magistrate's Blanks of im proTd forms. E. 8. WARSOCK, (In IUTi w Rnilding) Jb Printer, apl 9 -ALB LOW. Bills Lading, Charter Partys, Iospertor's CertificatMi, Crop Liens, irer Atesmers' Receipts, Ac. - . E. 8. WARROCK, - (In R evr Bnildiog) Job Printer, apl 9 JOW RATK8 For all kinds of Printing Persons regis ine out cf the city can have their printing carefully executed and mailed to them free of postage. ' E. 8. WARROCK, (In Review Building) Joe Printer, apl 9 For Blank Books MEMORANDUM BOOKS and Blocks, Writing Paper of every variety, Envelopes, all sixes, l k S ande, new styles, I n Ti-iers, Pens, Ac , Ao , ge to TH S LIYJC BOOK STORE. tH'ttOMOB AND EWORAV1NOS.' In Style and Price to suit all. PIANOS AND ORGANS, from the best makers, at the lowe t prices. OttOQOET 8KT8, Ac. Ac. at HEINSBEROER'8, 39 and 41 Market it. apl 9 Sale of The Carolina Central Eail- .. way, tinder Decree rf Foreclo sure' TT VIKTUE AND IN PURSUANCE XJ of a d tree of the Superior Court of iew HanoveCounty, State of North Car olina, madein a cause there pending, wherein Edward Matthews for himsejiand others, is plaintiff, and the Carolina Cen tral Railway Company and Andrew Y. Stout and Timothy H. Porter,. Trustees, and James L. Dawes and J. Brander Mat. thews, Trustees,, are defendants, the un dersigned, Commissioners appointed by the said decree, will sell by public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, on MONDAY, the CIST DAT OF MAY, A.D. 18S0,at l2 o'clock, M.he entire Railroad,ag the same exists ana is now usea Known as the CAR OLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY, as well the portion now bunt ana completed, ex tending fiom the Oity of Wilmington, in eaid State of North Carolina, to the Town of Shelby, in 8 jid Stale, a distance of about 242 miles, as also that portion uncomple ted and yet to be built, and to extend from said ton of Shelby to the town of Ruth- erfordton in said Stale, a distance of about 150 miles ; witn all railways, right of way. depot grounds, and other lands, tracks. Dr luges, viaducts, culverts, fences, and otner structure?, station houses, engine houses, car bouses, warehouses, freight nouses, wooa nouses, and other buildings, machine shops, and other show, all loco motive engines, tenders, cars, coaches, and umri ro.ung sicca ana equipments, all stationary engines, machinery, tools, Im plements, fuel, and materials of all kinds, and all the corporative franchises, rights and privileges of The Carolina Central Railway Company; slap, all the shares of the capital stock of the Wilmington Kail way Bridge Company held and owned by the said Carolina Central Bail way Com. pany, and all the right, title and interest which the said Company has and owns in and to the stock and property of the Wil mlngton Railway Bridge Company, as one ot the corporators thereof; and also all other tbe property and estate, real and personal, of every kind and description, ol the said Carolina Central Railway Com. pany. Tsbms of Sale, Purchasers mutt pay In cash on tbe day of sale one hundred thousand doilars,"and tbe residue of tbe purchase money in three equal instalments atone, two and tbree months from the day of sale, wuh interest from that day at the rate of six per centum per annum; the purchaser can anticipate any or all of the said defetied payments, and make pay. rnnnt in full of ibe purchase money at any time before ma' aril y; payment of that por tiou of I he purchase money not hereby re. quired to be paid in cash may be made in whole or in part, either in cash or in the bonds or past due coupons thereof, se cared by the tU&i mortgage from said Car. olina Central Railway Company to saki Andrew V. Stout aud Timothy H. Porter, Trustees, ot due May 17 b, 1873, to the extent ot the pro rata pei centsge of tbe par value of th said bonds and coupons, wbicb tbe holders thereof will be entitled to receive up n tbe distribution ef tbe proceeds of the said sale under tbe order and de of said Court. Possession will be . delivered to the purchaser so soon as i he aid sale shall have been confirmed by U.e Court, and one half of tbe purchase money paid to tbe Commissioners, and the pui chaser shall have assumed all the out. standing contracts and liabilities of the Receivers heretciure appointed in the said caaea and indemnified them against the same. NATHAN A. STEDMAN, Jrn JUNIUS DAVIS, al 9.3taw6w fr m w Commissioners. Hctt AdvertiBementa. GEMTLE SPRHJfi ! m j Has arrived and has taken lodg- . . .. intra at , . ' EKCHAN6E CORNER ! COME, LADIES, 'AND PAY HER A VISIT! I woulD Respectfully announce to y friends and patrons that I have just re. turned to the city from the Northern mi r kets with the -most complete and most de. sirabie stock of : ; fliiiery ai Fancy (Joois for the Spring and Summer that I have ever hd. This stock lis now Ibelrg unpacked and marked and my Grand Opening Will be announeed in n few days. I have all of the latest and most deeiiable styles rand many novelties.- A call and an inspectien is reipectfullr soUoIted. ' The goods were bought to sell and told they will be at very low prices. The stock will be exhibited, with much pleasure, to all who may call, whether as In tending purohaies or otherwise. . , . : .. N. II. SPRUNT axexzAnan courinn.. mch 31 , ... . Agricultural Ins. Co; of New York. ORGANIZED IN 1833.; 'Mi. ASSETS 1st JAN. 1880, $1,187,287,73. LOSSES PAID OVER $3,000,009. IN8DRB3 JT0TBI90 BUT Dwellfecsjand contents, and farm prbperty, and offers snoiAL iBDccsnisTS for risks of that elaks. Insures against damsge by Ughtfifnt;, whether fire ensues or not) without extra charge. Agents wanted in every county in the State JKO. W. GORDON k BRO., mch 9-men-fri Oenexal Agents. OPERA HOUSE. a J. WHITUKT.... ......Manager. BDWARD R. KlODKR.M Director. D. 8, AM8DR.N ............ Business Manager. Friday Evening, April 9th"r . .i . -j The Society Event of the Season., fare well Tour in Headings of the Distinguished. Artiste and Quenf Readers, i ns. scon siddohs . ONE NIGHT ONLT ! The favorito of Europe, Amoroa aad J us tralia, ia a Marnifieent Programme of THE HIQHEST CLASS. ' i Nots Mrs. Piddons4 repertoire on occasion will embrace the choicest selections from the Standard authors of the World, "From Grave to Gay " Given in itnohriU i liant manner that has already made tbia charmias; ladv the favorite of eelto'ed cir cles East, West, Horth and Bonth .1 t j Oeneral Admission, $1. " I ' Mo extra eh at ge for reserved1 sesbi to be nrooared at Uelesbergro llule ad Btk 8to , on ana after Wednesday motnlar. Gallery to cents. Manager for Mrs. Bcott Slddons, Mr. Jss. Me Mat on. apl J-s-m-w-th-iri Fresh Lot if-'- : : i JOff FDME CATARRH AN 0. ASTHMA OLrarettea. Wei Pa ifeeir C!aaprn.asrr.. and a fall and oom lrto stock of turn Drug F. C. MlLLBVi -Oorner 4th and 2isa,H; nits. . Open day'aad night. ' - -1 4 mch. 29-tf 1 r-r--i " Crochet JJLBSOBtf IN CK0CU St' WOWJ" 1en by Mrs. L0CIS3 B DaRGSSPl allomsl donee on Chestnut street, between Third and Tourth. ' Terms: $lrermoitht two lessons eaeh week, For further information apy lr at oaidsnee. meh 10 r- s

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