k eu'oUshed every aftefaeoa, Buadays e- JO a H . T. J AM B8, , coirot a st b raoFwrro. a f r CRi PTIONH. POWT AE PAID. j, yeer,$ 00 : ix months, 2 50 ; Thrar sJetas,S1.26: One montn, o ents.. . YhT nape- will be delivered by carriers; rM 0febrr, in any part of the city, at the H,,ratee. or lcentperwk. AdTertiiotf raw low and liberal -obwerir will pleaaa report any and 11 failures to ilaeir papers reqJaHj. few Advertisement. sj v'Jt &KODDICK. 45 Market St. W K WOULD ANNOUNCE Tfl VI r have- opened in counec Jon -wilh our riruM Uoi da Drpar'nvnt, over 150 pieces of Aorstd Drtsa Goods,' which we are itfering at y 15c, 20c and 25c. tvia flrrw-irt urA sftlMfld with a view , X UJ ft - . - , to the. wants of this market, and "embrace ... . - . ii it many Novelties. Having purcnasea in me months of October, November aud De cemb r, anticipating the -advance which has r cently taken- place, and as far ae possible will give trie Denenitoour patr 3- Black Cashmeres, --. - - i W arft makinz a specialty of our Mnnrnine nenartraent and have always nn Vian ri a full assortment of all the Nov elties in this particular branch of our busi- Black Crapes. We have bv far the largest assortment ef Black Crapes you can flud, and are the Sole Agents f . , - THE WIDOWS' CRAPE, For the deepest mow nlug. 2 Button Kid Gloves. 25c a Pairs' In OperaVSprin and Dark 'Shades. They neel no comments" " V From 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time. The way to secure Bargains is to keep earn g. BRO W1I & RODDICK, 45 Market St. i: uichO Fashionable Millinery ! JATESKT 8TYLE8 JU8T OPENED! Competent lady in charge. Also an entire n wtnortse tof Ladies' rnderwear,Chiid ren's Linen, Pique. Gingham and Calico Halts, Infants , li?s, Christening Robes, Cloaks, Ae Latest styles in Hair Good e, at MISSES KAKltKtt fc McGO WAN'S, mch M , No. 6 8 Front 8t MEW GOODS MEW GOODS Ul R.J H I IR ... tn. a. naw 1 iV I . , : ' J . ; U'X tot or Lreftnorn Bonnets. Mats ana nets fAU the new styles of Hat, Flowers. Kibbon "and every thin? in the Mtllinerv lines, Jill of I which I efferto the pnhho on the moftMib ral terms. I am. able to offer great n- decemeatstothe Ladies of the city and En r rounding country, both as to qu.lity ad rice of (roods. Hair work done inthe tnost tmprovei styles. I keep Zaphyr and Oai-ony Wool in all coles. Call and see for yourselves, correr Third and Orange sta. apt 3 -.i Walter Coney, DEALER IN V vfJXUBAOCO, IMPOUTED AND DO. VnJStlC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snufl' and "Pipes of all descriptions. WALTER CONEY, 1 Market street. Velvet Frames and Easels , I . -:..v BCaC riFDL ASaoaTMKST j Field Crcqaet, all prioes; Family Bibles, Hymn 3ooks, Prayer B Joki, Ac , 4c , at 5 V I BOOK STORE. apl S WtLMiHSTos, H. C., April S, 180. npHK XXKCDTIYK COMMITTEE of the - Vsmocratic Party for this (Third) Congres sional L-istr et, U' meet at the Puroetl iHoue, in Wilmiagton, on Wednesday, the 4ii oi Apru, at gi o ciocx, a. m. j A.fmil at end anew is earnestly requested. Those oaabie to attend wili please notify the Chaitjaaaaad stndprvxie. iff - CHltC D. MTfiSR, Cbm'n. Moor ImAm I7aMA U,lf hf r 1 tTin Baaaer pleaae eopy. " alocoes IJoLl VOL. Vr LOCAL NEWS. 1 ffew Advertisements. Fee ad I ecture. T W rtTRi tbS Commissioner's Sale P btBiMSBaaeawFoT Blank Books. Yatb. Vlvet Frames and Easels. Knzlibh ladies wear anklets. The first rose of summer shad roes. Da 's length 12 hours and 59 minutes We are returning to our census as a na tion. ' Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. t Can a man intoxicated by ocusic be said to be air-tight? s "The sun will set to morrow at 82 min utes past 6 o'clock. ! : -, An undertaker gets his Hying where another man dyes Womenj-esemble tiowers. They shut up when they sleep. ;v0d interment in BelfeTus Cemetery this week an adult. Honesty, like gold, u freely used as a plating for base reetal. There was one iutot'meut St. Thomas . Cemetery this week in There were four interments in Oakdale this week two adults and two childrtn. Save your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altafler A Price. t Don't judge a man by his family con nections, for Cain belonged to a very good family. Thre intermets in Pine Forest Ceme tery this week; one adult and two chil dren. Orators are bottling "up their campaign eloqieace, and hold it in reserve for the sum Bier. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. There are parties endeavoring to get up a corner in lard, and they are having a soft thing of it. ; Don't judge a man by his failure in life, for many a man fails because . he is too honest to succeed. T0 dream of finding monej betokens that it is 'easier to dream of finding moaey than to work for it. Window Glass ot all sizes, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&c, Low st plreces at Jacobi's. . A tne present price of papar it would pay to resurrec t the rag-baby and take him to the pulp-mill." It is ..authoritatively t announced that spring pantaloons for youog men will not he flounced araunJ the neck.1 In,the- bright ilexicoa ot youth it U more important to know bow to pitch a base ball than to pitch a ship. ( When 'a man steps up to a fire extir guisher and tries to get a drink of ic ter from it he will bear watchiDg. . 1 ... Plows, hovels, lMtchtorks, SpaJes, Rakes,' Tra'e Chairs, Plow Lii es, Ac. Fo the lowest priee.; go to Jacobi's. One of the problems which puzzle a musician is how to strike a bee flat with out getting s tang by 'Vt demisemiquaver- About July we expect , to bear Mr. Edison claim that every lightning-bug has one of bis electric lampsattached to ite tail. , ' : I 1 . t . ' i ) The. Register of Deeds has issued four marriage licenses this week, one of which was for a white couple and the remaining hree for colored couples. Oysters are now in their last month, and the gourmands say, they hare never known a season wbea they have enjoyed them less; the weather has been too warm. It is said now that Mr R. K Bryan will not revive the Fayettevillo Gazette .but that, having purchased the material ef that office he wilV publish' a new paper there to be called the Examiner, . ' We are glad to hear it. Our druggist informs us that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup sells better than any other medjeias, and always sives.satis faction. It's very cheap too, costs only 25 cents a bottle. V 1 A luuiuuiuyi-i, For the South Atlantic Butes warmer, clear r partly cloudy J weather wlnrl from Soqtbwest to lortbwest. generally lower barometer . . -: . . , ! J , M lY jjf . ' - j . r . - - . s v . WILMINGTON, .N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL f A - 1 -s Tbo Primaries. Wo were not in error In our last issue when we published tue ramor that at the primary meetings beldam Masonboro, Federal Point anJ Harnett township, in this county, the delegates elected hd been iostracted to cast their wote in the County Convention for Ms CM. Sted man; At Masonboru township the delegate elected were Messrs Jbb A. Farrow, Charles Craig, Jr., Stowal Montfora, Wm. Martin and K. K. lleide all for Stednian. . At Federal Point. . tessr' Joseph Montgomery abd Jacob' Horue botb Siedman meu wera unauimouy elected as delegates to the Cjunty Convention... Harnett township elected Mists' G. Walker, J. G. Prkr, Ubas. H bou ham, R. J. Mason ait d C. H. l-.xanJi as delegates to the Cuuiy Couvention -all tor Stedmao. At Oape Fear township the delegates eleted were Messrs A. J. Grady, James Cowan and Iredell Johnston, and tbey were instructed to caaj their votes in the County Convention for Col.A.M. Waddell. In the First Ward in this city- the Stedoaan delegates received 86 votes, agaiast 75 for Waddell. In tho Second Ward the Waddell dele gates receiyed 138 votes agaiust 102 for the Stedman delegates. In the Third Ward the Stedman dele gates received 1SG votes and the Waddell delegates 114 rotes. ' In the Fourth Ward the Stedman dele gates received 124 rotes and the Waddell delegates 1144 ; t. j . T . In the Fifth Ward the Stedman delegates feceired75 votes and the Waddell dele gates 45. . .- The folio wing-is a list of delegates form tndrarlotilds Wtb ty:i - First Wrd JosJp J. Bo wden, John i . --- Barry, L. L Boon, J. Wm. fctrauss, S. Hill Terry. . t .ui ; 1 , Second -Ward J no. W. Dunham, Boger Moore, G. J. Boney. P. Glarin, R. F. EydenV "f' ' Third Ward L. H. Bowden, H. C. Prempert, Jos. 8. Mitchell, C. G. South" erland, Duncan It. McRae. - Fourth Tfard. O. H. Robinson, A. Adrian, Jas. Reilly, John H. Hanby, J. I. Macks. Fifth Ward. J. . D . H. Klander, Jesse Dicksey, F. H. Darby, John G. Dardtn, P. P. Dicksey. ; h a . : . , i ..'. , By - the - above it will be seen that the deleg ates to the County Convention stand as follows : STEDMAN DELEG A.TES. Masonboro Township 5 Delegates Harnett Township ...5 " Federal Point ToWuship......S First Ward........ .5 Third Ward 5 Fourth Ward . . ... 5 Fit h Ward.... ... 5 ti (. Total for Stedman. . ..... ...S3 I". WaDUELL 'oKLKGATES.. Cape Far Township. . . ...(.. .3 Second Ward ...........,...." Total for Waddell S Delea!c?8. 4. - The:e was vry much more than an average attenaance and enthusiasm at all thevmeetiugs, especially in this ci y, and partisans worked for their especial favor ites with Zi.al and fidelity. We noticed , on ' the streets yesterday some handsome suits of Spring Clothing, which were bought at the well-known Clothing House of Messrs. Shriek's, 28 and 34 Market street. f ' Personal. , r . ' We were pleased to receive a brief call this morning from Rer. F. H. Wood, of the M E. Courcb, Sou:b. Mr. Wood will be pleasantly remerrbered by many of our citizens as having been the pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist Church in this city a few years ago. He is now sta tioned at Durham, and. in addition to hi pastoral duties, is the editor of the Meth odist Advance, published at Durham. He will preach to-morrow morning at the Fifth Street Church and: to morrow : ere ning&t the Front Street church. : ! ' . Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Ba-cfvraiv De!Kt. rnoiUtblei. The following unmailab!e postal re maisrS in the post office io this city: Nancy Clark, Peter J. Smith. Bosd)n,aMaas.r paper; Lucilla J. Sruith, HaoiptottVa., paper. 73 ar Ml. Nath'l Jacob! harlng been appoint ed agent X't tbelAllu Plow, parties in wantof thlsoelejrated PJow canuow lTeil&rUa filt Cbi'. IUrd. wareLDepot, No. 10 S. Front st. -rf. Heview CiTY' COURT. Bunged Eyes and Bloody 'oscs. At 10 o'clock this morniui Mayor Fish blate took his seat ii the Court Room aud the Clerk began with the docket. The attendance was unusually lare aud the list of cases quite lengtby. Numerous blatk eyes were vibib'a among thtv audience iio of scarred Xjht there wer uot a tew. Tut black eye. however, seamed t p.red jmi nate. jiumcricailv a ic-kiQ" irm the fa t 9 my S9 wesuppane that nono.of.th boi liferents were the happy j o-seasvM t f hire than one noe. . p Tnere were fifteen case ofafTray ou ti e docket, but, without iuvetigatiQg the matter. the M v0r .st-emvi to tak it lor gran ei ihat it vas ail the result of ud due exciteiteijt aud bad whiskey iu tie eleotiooeeriug spree lasi uigtitand suvpeud el judgmeut in each case as fas as it was called and discharged the defendants. His Honor, ho waver, cautioned, tha guilty parties that judgment waa only suspend ed and ia the event of another breach of the peace they would receive' two-fold punishment, or words to that effect.- .Two colored men were next , arraigned for some misdemeanor and tbey like wise received the benefit of the Mayor's lenient humor. " s ; , The next case called was that of a man who claimed to be a Virsinian, an 1 sai he was on his wa-io Charleston, S. t. His offence w V.eb.ij drunk and down in a private lot. lie was a!so told to go and sin no more. . . ", ; John Eraugelist,s colored, charged with TtolatJinga city ordinance, was" next-arraigned, and at thai request W defendant, oaring to the absence of witnesses' the case w 48 continued uctil Monday. morning. " i Stephen White, ; the Venerable actnr, who made two appearances in this' city, ia the character of the penitent drunkard, before the Mayor's Court some months ago, again made, his. appearance this morning in the tame character, after an absence of several months, which were spent, he alleges, in South Carolina. ' The poor old man's tout ensemble this morning added rery much to the genuineness of the character he personated He prayed forgiveness, as usual, stating in pathetic words, to which he tried to gire a little dramatic effact, that he was an old gray-haired man who bad turned hit seventy sixth yearX' The v ' Msyor listened to and granted his prayer, but told him he must be out of the city by 12 o'clock. The old fellow bowed his thinks and hobbled out of the court room. This cleared the docket end the court then al joarned. 1 - : Mrs Seott Slddons- There was, we regret to say, only a fair audience in attendance at the Opera House fast night. The primary meetings which were beini; held in the different Wards of the city uhdonbtedly kept many; away, who would otherwife have been present The audience, however, although cot large, was appreciative and they were treated. to an entertainment of rare merit, snch as it is seldom our for tune to be favord with. Mrs.' Siddons is a remarkable woman -remarkable in her besaty and fur her grace of form and feature and remarkable for her marvelous dramatic power. Wc are assured by those who were so fortu nate an to be present that at was an en Urtaicment which has bad no superior among the many which have been giren in cur Oner a House since its erection. If Mrs. Siddons could only manage to pay us one saore risit, and that it a more op portune moment, we have no hesitation in assuring her that every nook and corner of the house will be Sited. 1 Heaiy Frost. There was a very heavy frost on the ground in this seetton this morning but yet, not withstanding., this fact, we have yet to hear of any terious damages re suiting to it although it is feared that tbe truck gardens have suffered some- what. Wo have examined some vegeta tion in tbe city and find tbat the In juries have been very slight. Even the tender young'seedlings appear to have escaped, although exposed to the atmosphere, and the young peaches on a tree we examined do not appear to Lave been hart at all. It will be strange, however, U the crops in the interior eeeapa disaster from the of (eels of the snow which fell on Thursday. To-mbrrb js? ksm'.in'tliiCBiph Calendar as the Second Saaday alter Ess ter. 10, 1880. NO. 51 The Result. In all of our political experiences in Wilmington we have never yet known ruck an interest ia a primary election within the limits of the Democrrtic party as was exhibited here yesterday. The excitement culminated theo and has hardiy been allayed as yet. There were several lights durtitjr tbe afternooo and aa a reuh the' Mayor'k Cjurt this morning wis Horue-d with a Dumber of very re- jsp-cubie black-eves. Tbe mterest here was divided entirely btween the frierds of , Col. Waddtll and Maj. Stedman. In other portions of the district there will undoubtedly come up other candidates and tbf ce will' eusaa a greater diversity of personal preferencff. Ms.. C. M. Stedman will go to tbe other counties of the district carrying with h:m his own county. Yet the rote here especially in Wilmington, was a' very close one. . His majority in the town, not of delegates, but of votes, is only 37, or an average majority in each ward of 7 2-5 rotes. This is what might be called a close issue, and will indicate of itself .the intense interest which was manifested in the result aad haow nearly tbe contestants dirided tbe popular favor. Criminal Court. The Spring term of this tribunal closed to-day. The docket was disposed of and the jut (uncharged last evening. It was, howver, riecesaary for the Court to can' rene for a short time to-day in order to settle a few bills of costs and traosao some other routine business incident to the session, after which, as we bare stated, the Court adjourned. The lecture which Rer. Dr. Pritchard has promised for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association will be delivered at tho Opera House in this city next Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. University Normal School. lo the leacfiers of the &tat$ and those desiring to Teach: The fourth session of the University Normal School will begin on the 24th of June and close on tne 29th of July, 1 880 . Not Sorts have been snared to en . large the ustlulsesg of the School, and to make it possible for the humblest teacher in the State to attend Its exer cises. The Superintendent and the Pro feasors, as heretofore.' will be men ml special training and experience in their respective departments, as well as experts in iNormai metnods. Tbe pcheme of instruction will include besides the common school branches, in struction m Natural Philosonhv. Gsome try. Algebra. Higher Enzlisb. Latin. Penmanship, Book -Keeping, Physiology, rkinaergarten ana vocal Marc, '1 he Kindergarten Department will be managed by a teacher ot national fame and vat experience in Kindergarten work. Lectures by be expected, on topics of special interest to teachers trom distin- guisnea educators ot public men. Good table board may be bad in Chanel v V m a. -. . mil at per month, $12 50 for board and furnished room. Geutlemen nan obtain rooms io tbe University buildings tree ot cost, except a small sum for the use of the furniture. B,y forming clubs board may be reduced to f 6 or $7 per montn. .Facilities will be protided stu dents whereby they may cook their own food. In this way the cost of living was reduced to $1 per week by students at the last formal Scbcol. Arrangements will be made whereby students may travel to and from tbe school cn the several railroads for one fare. Return tickets should always be bought before taking tbe train. 1 Through tbe kindness of the Rer. Dr. Sears, Agent of tbe Pea body Fund, a saxn has been given to assist in aying the ex penses of the teachers 'whose own means will not enable them to attend the school. This sum will be applied to the payment of traveling eapeoses, so tbat all students may reach the school oa an eqaajity: . Ad persons dealing aid vlll apply to Presideut Battle, at Cnapel Hilt, by mail, before May 2r h, so that each cne maj learn iu advai.ee wbat smoant be will re ceive. Text-books will be loaned free ofcharge to all person attending tbe bcbooL 'Hius It will be B-ien that tor fire or six dollars any teacher iu our State may aitenc the exeicues or the Norswal School, aud secure for hiuilf aud his pupils its in calculable bleasings. Those wlebioe, b-fe leaving home. ki make arraigKtuents for board, will pleas write to Mr A Mickle. A?ent ni tK. School, Cb p-l Hill, NYC. I uom as J. JA.KV18, Governor, Ex Othc u ch'm. Board of EducaUua Kkhp P. Battuc, President of the Uuiversit. Chanrl Hm ic Joux C. Sca.bBottor;aG( SuneimU-ndeni erf labile lostrac.ion, mixc ifetary Jioard of Education. Bstdy mixed Paims, strictly rur Wlih Lead, C lors, BrUh?s, ndow GUs, kc at Jacobi's. , . 11 n hit odes of People ir-qalra an AlUra Ure to restore the healthy action oi their tystess aod correct tho eranrmnU thai creep Into it, ATER6 SAKjJAPARfLLA tflneaaod vUalht-etho blood, and restores tne rigor 01 1MB. nealUu fULiSI OTICR i Wo-wUl be ad to receive eossKVttftTT.a, oaa Mm-.. ii j . i R 4kt . merest oat : .. Tae'aasso of the writer samst jalwsys be far alahed to the Editor. MrMm-' - QOoumaleatloas iast be writtialpaonJt a.ddeofthe pap. . ' Persoaalities ssast bv avoided. rp. ' " And It Is especially! pasmltrly W'er tood that the Editor does sot always eaderse the views 0 or respondeat, mliar'ia Uv 4 ia tke editorial eolanns. i JRexr AdvertikUeiifi -a. Lecture. HIRE REV. T. H. PaHCHARp; p .1 Ptesideat Wake Porest Oolfcfe, wVL.' hver a L8CTUKE. for the fceaefitof .he J i- yTrjKHDAY, April 13th. at 8 Vetoi K tL r :Ibe 9 .tLin ceari to e development ot North Caroline.' d Usion 26c Tickets for eaW at t.Rk stores. i i . r GEPITLE Ha arriTed arid hal, iakeloclg. 2 "M; . ingw at ". 1 1 EXCHANGE CORNER ! - COME, LADIES, ?AND PAT HER A 1 t VISIT! f WOULD RESPECTFULLY anaouaoe to y friends and patrons that I have Jastlre- i turned to the city from the Iforthera nsr- keta With th n4 t.4i. ''J-i a w wvii vvvupioi mui mot or. sirabls stock of Hlliery anfl Fancy Ms . for the Spring and Bammer'that" I have ever had. This stock U bow jiefi c unpacked aad marked and my j OpeniiiQ Will be announced In a few daya.,s I have all of the latest aad mot desitable styles eead many novelties. n A call and sn in jpectian is respectfully solie'ted. a . J . . . . gwu were nongni to sell anoso.a they will be at very low prions. s,. The stock wUl be exhibited, Srlth'nrslh plessure, to all who may call, whether as -.- : !.',,.., -rat '' t ' tending pnrchaies or otherwise,. N. 11. SPliUNT; mch 31 . - " Comniissloner'a SalOi ' B T VIRTUE OF A SID IN PDRSUAHCK o! a derM rmndmrmA ik. n the Bapsrior Gcart of New Hanover ooanfy. uie DBaersigaeo, net daly appoUtod Vom misdonsr to make snc!i sale bj said decree, will expose at public aueti Vn, to the'hlghest Didder, for ctso, at the Court House doeefa the city of Wilmington, county of New flan ott, at 12 o'clock, M. oa al onday,4he 12 Ji day ot April 1880. the following described premises, situate in the erty of Wilmington, and bo ended as follows . BegiaaiflTSf as the southwestern intersection of Castle and Mltlh streets, thence slonsj Castle street West US feet, thetee foeth 132 feet, thenee Basil 65 feet, t hen oe North on Pilth street lSa ievt to the hoHnnln kalnir fK. l..irUru. Wos. 1 and S, block 76, aocording to the m cialplaa of the eitv of WUmincton Tbe sale to be binding and absolute as to aXLtb parties hsvins; aay riht, title or Interest in said premises, exeeetinr the widow's right to dower and the infiat'i riht labnmiittd1 aad to those rights the sale shall be subject. 1 1 Tii Hr'fl T. W. STRAtfOkV Comsaiaslocerr apl 10-lawiSt For Blank B00I& 1 r !r rVi :.dw 6l MEMORANDUM BOOKS and Blocks, Writing Paper of every variay; ivelopey all sites, . iBKOtaas, sw styles, itPimV v fea Holders, Pens. Ac . Ac . go to , tib tiVE Book stvaEi1 ClHiOMOS AXD ENORAVINOR. T S la HtvU aad Pl u an it aJI. PI AN 08 AMD OitliABTH. from the bt saakors. at tbe low t prices. .L I ,f t .UBOQUKr SETd, Ac, Acj. at. jj(tf BElNSBE&OEtt'tfr i apl 3 39 and 41 Market t. v ' ' . 4u;-Ki s: -'p " Freeh Lot . . ' . - .2s s?-sbew gO Bf FUME CATABRQ ASQ 44TtiA Cigarettes, Wei Do tfeyt Ciftm Otf, aad a full and eoai lsta stock, of ona Dun aadMedieioes. " ' Corner 4th aad. M ua: 80 e M t Open day aad aif hi. - j . Crochet XJotl&v JES80JT5 IN CROCnrr WOiT glfen ay tfrs. LOUISI B. DaSOSSET, afsr reaU deaoo est Chesuat street, bt?vftT!d d fmfc - if'K sti Ieiee w . Terms : $1 per saoath ;.twe Ussoas ac week. For further iaforaatioa applv at eaidsaee. mch 10 ral- :;uJeii