u.t,w aMrr eftaraeon. BndSVB OX vmWf'ad tr: canaiwak-atiunt P piiv . KBXTOB.Airp rOFBXETOB. - BUBS0SUPTIOIC8, POST AGE PAID.A One jur, $5 00 Hix months $2 50 ; Thre moaths, SI 'U ; Oue month, 50 cents. Tb pper will be delivered by carriers, rM of eharsre, in anv Prt of tne citT l ,tk fe rates, or 18 cents er weic " - - . Advertising raUstoW asfl liberal Subscribers will pleaae report an y an llailares to receire rtieir papers regularly. LOCAL NEWS. !Vfv aitirtueiQeni8. L Potoiioit A Card. HoArwateHr A McKt Victrioa. J W ioafl A-tfao Agrioultcral Im Company cf Jvew York. ClydVs New York Steamship Line. ALTirna, Paica A Co. -We are tfakirg. i. ELiiACH--"rh Congress." P L Baiaesas A Go For Baltimore, Tatbs .Velvet Frame and Easels. P flsissssaeia In Kt e. Beautiful wenther yesterday. For other .locals ar fourth page. . The streets are again getting dusty. .Wicdow Glaa ah sizes at bluffer &: Price's. . , t Map Is sugar is more abundant this set lion than It baa beeu for many years. Save your money and., bay jour Build lag Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t For mal A tnll set ot resolutions ; new the first of the year,-bt considerably oat of repair now. V The regular caarge tor cremating a body is $S, and no questions asked as to Six or religion. : jjail fntl Spring I but for heaven's sake don't give us any more snow, wind cr dust, this season. Xou ean buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats Ing stoves at almost any price at Jacobi' Hardware Depot. ." If we could see others s we ie our selves, there would be more good-looking people in thewerld. Hayes' Juvenile Pinafore troupw paeep tbrosgh this city op yettardy u .route fcr Columbia. ' - -- The placidity ot expression worn by s man who is next' iu a full barber shop cannot be counterfeited. '" 1 Richard Grant White says the language ef swearing Is in beastly bad form, aril mo gentleman will talk .profanely. - - - ,- . People who believe in signs are satis fied that when thirteen persons sit down at table some one of them must die some time.' . f The man wnoloais on" the corner is right to stand by a lamp post. ' It is hh best friend, and the only one who is not tired of bira. Beady mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead, Cclors, Brushes, Window Glas4 Ac., at JACOBi'a Qlrls know only one-qnarter as much about court mg as boys, because they hae only one year in four In which I they are allowed to practice. i .. t Everybody can jjer suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaoobi's Hardware' Detot. The most reasonable expUnaUon of the present remarkable weather is that, this beinp lean Vear. SDrin? la inakin? lore to has thawed considerablyr ri c mo aiwajv pieasea to ricumuieuu m .good article. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ever fails to cure a Cough or Cold in a short time. .The doses are small and it U pleasant to the taste. Price 25 cents. Window Glass of all sizj, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders Bardware,Sco Low at plreces at Jaoobi's.' Why Is it when one man calls another a liar and a scoundrel the Insulted person almost invariably asks, 'What do you mem, air? It would teem that such lan guage would not require a map and a dia , gram to make it clear. Never mind about the cxol weather. It is always Springtime at this season of th jear at Shrier s, where will De'fcnaJ tl most elegant and- the cheapest assort ment ol clothing in the State of North Carolina. '. -. -' tf MrrNath'l Jacobi having been appoint id agent f the Atlas Plow, parties in want of thh evirated Plow can now bare their orders filled it Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Indications. For. the 50uh Atlaniio 8tate, dear or itartlT cloud v weather. NorthrlT wlnii stationary or bibber temperature and ba rometer. . z Jt :a not generally known that a letter it is stamped on tne neok of the God deaa of Lit erty, , which 4dorns the new diitar of the daddies. t is a pretty good test of counterfeit. To owe who does cot know iu exact position it is rint hard to ficd. ' '' ' : Plows, dhaveis, Piichlotks, fp&des Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, Ac For the lowest prioas, go to Jacobi's. VOL. V. THE FATAL FLAMES. The Fire Laat-Satnrday 5lght Three Buildings DestfoVed Caujfht r by Falling Walls -Oae IMan Killed, 'Others I dJ j red Narrow Escape of Many from a Fearful Death. About 12 o'clock on last Saturday night the alarm of fire was sounded The streets were not thed entirely deserted and those who were abroad immediately r ashed to the scene, which was found to be located among the old, buildings on the corner of Front and Dock streets, and in the Urge brick building adjoining, erected by Mr( B H. J. Ahrens for an ice house. tiris said by those who were first on ihe grjund that the tire originated on the door of the larger building, in which Messrs Prestnu Cumming A Co. had stored a large amount of hay and grain This building, with its contents, together with the building on the corner, occupied bs'ow by Mr. A . Rush as a grocery, ani by Mr. Lmi olomn as a dwelling together with the r entire contents a alio thr buildino; N rtn of and adjoining the last on front ftreet, owned, and oc cupied by Mr. O-. A. PecK, as a hardware- ettabliahuiem. ware axQ entirely destroyed A snjlt tracne building, next North of Mr. Pec's: 's .store," was .saved trem burning b it was totally crushed by the filling on it of the upper well of Mr Peck's store. No one seems to know the cause of the fire and the only plausible theory we hare heard advanced is that of spontane ous ' comoustion .among tne nay stored in the large building. , Mr. Soc man, who as we have stated resided 'on the upper floor of the building on the cor ner, states that he was aroused by his wife and found the house on ore. The room was full of smoke audit was with difficulty that Mr. Solomon, managed to escape wi-,h his family, just as they were aroused from sleep. Ho lost everything, inclading $90 in money, except ihe night clothes in which they escaped. After wards, having seen his family safe, Mr. Solomon attempted to return to the burn ing building for the purpose of saving )me of.hi8 property, and was only forci bly restrained from doing f ao by those who knew that he could never return alive from such an exped.tion. The losses were heavy. Messrs. Ahrens k Haar loss will amount to about $8,- 500, of which amount $5,600 is place 1 against the large ice building and $S. 000 against; tne' building on the corner, rney were insurea witn iuessrs, Atkinson & Mann leg for $2,500 in the Queen Fire Insurance Company, of Lon don, on the .ice building; and in the Hart ford Fire for $1,250 on the corner "buuV ins. Messfr. F. Cumming & Co. had stored in the above building a larga amount of hay, valued at between $3,500 and $4,000, a which there was insurance with Messrs DeRosset & Northrop for $3 500 in the Fire Insuracce Company of North AmerUi ca, of Philadelphia. There was too srain in this building, as we have Incorreily stated e.lsewheie. Mr. A. Rush's stock is thought to have beeu worth about $1,500. On Ibis he was insured with Mr. Norwoon Giles, in the Western, of Canada, for $600 aud with Mesertfi John. W. Gor don & Bro. in the Merchantsj & Merchan ts' of Riclimoud, for $700. Mr. L Solomon lost everything, to all probablity some $600 or $700, on which he had insurance with Messrs. DeRosset & Northrop, in the Petersburg Saying aid Insurance -Company, for $300. Mr. Peck' a loss may prove oonsiderar ble. His stock was worth about $18,000 and on this he had insurance for $7,000, divided as follows: In the Niagara of New York, for $2,000, and in the Lu caahire, of Manchester, Enl in ! for $'t TJOO both represented by Meaars D-R j set & Northrop; in tha Wilmiagt'-n Mu tuai Insuracce C mpany fcr $2,000 and in the L.Terpocl, London & 'Globe, Messis. Jno. W. Gordon & Bro. A.;ents, for $U,000. Mr. Pks jnsurauce on his store buiMipg was for $1 500, with Maaara Atkinson & Manning, in . the Nortb British Mersanti'e, of Loudon and Edinburgh. I Capt. H. D. Gilbert was insure 1 for $450, on stock, and $it L. A. Hrt, fr $250 on the building, with. M ssrs. De Rosset & Northrop, io thi Petersburg Savings, which will.probablycover thei respect ie losses.' Id removing the goods from Mr. Peck's store some thirty or forty persons, some of them members of the Fire Department WILMINGTON, N. C, and othert, volunteers, were engaged, and while they were thus at work the walls began to fall. At first a portion of the North wall ef Mr. Peck's building fell in ou the roof of that building, bat without crushing the roof : a second time, a part JflnTouth--wall of the same bail Hog fell,) als without ggnhroagb the roof ' aid a third " fall, that ef the walla ef the Ice building, carried with tt more of Mr Peck's wait and the con bined strength falling npon the already weakened roof carried u, away The at and second fails were not beard by those at work within 4 he - store aod the sudden falling in on them t th roof was their flrt nremonui of actual present danger. Then ooe airiiuitaoeotis dasn was made for escape and all, ave ore poor fellow, managed to clear the builu ing' His remains, crashed, mangled, burned and scarred, were found yester day It would eeem that, (be roof was c uehed in somewhere about the middle ef .the store and tuoae who were working un the iusids were . divideo two' parties from each otner Tnose who were; io frout maoaea to es cape by the front door and those who were in the rear, led by Mr. J. H. Walters, of Wumirgton Hock & Ladder Company No. 1, wno was ronsideraly injured could only make their escape by breaking open one of the closely secureo rear windows, which they succeeded in doing with their axes, when tbey fell ex hausted into the arms of comrades of the Hook Si Ladder Company who had been working almost frantically from the ut side at the same window. Some of thct who! escaped were seriously hurt Chief among them may be reckoned Mr. Job; Farrow, who fell insensible la the . arms of his friends, and Mr. Jos. H. Watter who is badly burned about the head and hands. Mr. Farrow's life was- at first despaired of but atkthis writing he is con sidered in a fair way of recovery la this connection ihe following account of interviews held by Rxtibw reporters with various gentlemen who were caught within the burning bvilding will threw Nome light on the subject: MK FAABOW. Mr. John Farrow says: 'I was stand -Ing on a counter on the north side of the building when the first wall fell in; was knocked off, and before I could recover myself the second' wall felt and I was wedged in by the debris. Then the roo1 fell in, the ends of the beams falling and resting on the counters on each sideof the store. Do not know how I got dear from the debris, but in a few minutes I fomnd myself, witi Me srs. Watters, Parsley Quince and others at the back window. The Others had reached the window be- fore me, but tbey seemed to be bewilder ed. I picked up an axe and forced open i -the window, when we all got out. ! I was suffocated by the smoke, and was injured in my tack by the falling timbers.' Mr. Farrow is a brother of Messrs. J. W. and W C. Farrow, of. this city. He went to Texas a few yean ago, and returned here about ten days sines ou a visit to his brothei s r . ' ' MR MKIEB. Mr. Frank Meier says: 'I was standi ing on the counter, by the side of Messrs Farrow, Watters, Quince, Parsley and others, and was knocked off when the first wall tell in. Q iince, Parsley and Wat ters got, out of the way before me. When the second wall fell I ran out ot the front door, 'and after getting out looked to see if any one was behind me I am satisfied that Ellerbrock was caught whsu the third wall fell in,' oapt. BKiax. Capt. R. H Beery says f T was on the counter en the South side of the build ing with Bryant Swann. We wereknxk ck. ed down, and the eeunter fell over upon us. jlu the space of a minute or two another wall fell which lifted the counter ;rpm us. and I crawled out Saw that Swann was left in ' the building, nd afterijelting the leading bosemen to play on the place, I went back and got Swacn to come out. ; " " ' . MB. tWAlMf. - Mr. Bryant Si ann a statement corrob orate Mr, -gerry. He Is bdly burned on the bands and slightly on the leg. He is also suff -ribs; from a blow received on th 'chest. j CAPT. MY KB. Captain Oaas. D Ifyers says he was in Mr. Peck's store assisting in t removing sim of the stock 'along with many others who like himself, actuated by motives ef friendship (p9 isa anfEsrer1 by the Sre, were wioVking with might end male U get MONDAY, APRIL the goods out bWore the building was consumed by the fUmee; that he was be hind tt.e counter in a stooping posture, placing thioi a ou (he counter, while otters carried them flf; as h? raised up to.plme a handful of g1s wh-re tbey omld be taken aw.y, he saw. jv rai youit o en attemptio to gote a lar.ei oan f ; il from the oproi;.e si le tf i ie t-re; qvlr tinj his p lt oi ti s- tf ihr'it ait-of.e he had hu j hi 'e.ch-d avl-era tn- yoaat meti veiti s-.u li tg bei the caiih cin.f aasl ftLVt opM vryifc.n iu a elod cf smoke, du it ar.d IeH: ig frr.m the Ulue rails; thn w ng hjs .area, up 'jtcr. a hs fte, be rrMde rush iti oth jsa for the street, an i suceeJel ill forcing hhiVar th'pugh tbe door, tad giiiiwi thenpm air wbert uon turuin u i k bok Le saw i every 'hlug one mas of srnmke fiitne and ntttiK. 1 ' MR WATTBK-H M'. Jouh II. WatUra ajs be wi stanuiog on top the '' of the connter in Mr. Peck's store handing gcvda down from the shelves when the awful crakh came; a piece of falling timber striking him upon the head felled him to the door; regaining his feet in a aoment he was knocked down again ty still auoth er timber; a sewnd time be-eesayed to rise and found .his escape by the frODt way completely shut off by " the rebs, while sll around him was burning timber Groping his wsy out as best he could to the rear of the store he foend some three or four others, like htnwif, rying to force" au exit tnrimgh the w n lows, which wer fastened-and : bolted. Mr. Watters dt c; iU- his situation st this tine, surrounded by smoke acd flames, ss fearful in the extreme; tbe smoke was fsst stifling him but reaching for the bolt, he drew It back while ottxrs with their axes" battered out the sash and .n this way they escaped from the smoke 4nd flames acd a most horrible death Mr. Watters received) two scalp woui d on the head and is badly burned on the ueck and hands besides receiving other bruUes en the shoulders and legs. His right h nd has had the skin all peeled off while his left hacd and wrist is blistered in di fie runt places. Bui we arehapply to say this gentleman is abearicg his suff r ings quite heroically as well as phi!co phically and is able to tit np in hiarcwm. We alio u Id have stated, iu the proper place, that among those injured was Mr. Charles L. Burkhimer, who was one o those caught iu the building. He is 8ri ously injured, one of his arms Laying teen broken. Col. Roger Moore was'aVo slightly wounded in the cheek by the ball from an exploding cartridge. . . " During the progress of the fire the its' dence of Mrs. M. . Cushing, on Second street, took fire from a spark, but it was promptly extinguished by the C. M. St3d man Bucket Company.. ' We come now to the most fearful inci dent o( all, one which we have purpos.ly postponed until the last, It wss thought, at the time the last wall fell in, that si1 who were iu tbe store had no escaped and that one or mere bodies would be found buried in the ruir.8. The distress among those who knew that tbey bad had relatives or friends about tbe build ing was very great until they were all ac counted for and then it wat hoped that all had, indeed, managed to escape. This hope was di sipated yesterday morning by the runor that Copt. Ellerbrock, of the steam tog-Wm Njfce, e?as missing. It then became known that Capt. Eller breck was seen s short time before the walls fell, at work removing the stock in the store. He was accompanied' by his dog, a large animal, and a very Intelli gent one. Tb:s rumor coon assumed'pos itlve shspe and a search was begun which ended; ab ut 12 e cioesr, in finding b. boW and thai of bis faithful dcg. Capt. JEller brook -was abut- mid way of tbe store and it seemed that he must have been caeght and held a pr'scner b hfnd the counter. His dog was at his feet and between tbe fast clenched ? teeth of the dead animal was found a -portion-ot his roaster's ck-thii grthus- evidetciDg that even to the last the1 dog' had realized hie master's peril, snd, Md eaored to as-siM-blm. Oapt. Eilerbroek's body wa trightfury burned, Tbe clothing tad been consumed, iLe legs were burned. away to abore the'knees, and ther rere frightful contusions atc bHMis on hi body aud hfhd. ' The ' rvmalos were tenderly removed to the Hall of the Hook fc Ladder Obmrwny. The acrra.1 look place this moratog at 10 o'clock, from Et Palfe Lutheran Church, and Rev Dr. Bern helm made a abort but tea def addresa 0 the occasion, which dm w tears from tbe eyes of all who were pres- 12, 1880. NO. 52 ent. The remains were followed to tt grave by a large concourse acd thetw bodies, that of the un fortunate fen tleV man and hts 'faithfnl drg, wtre interred. t";ethr, the latter at his master's feet. Tie rlM of the different Coniblatea and f lb HhipptDg in pert were at !ba!f rrHMf. ditnoi: the day." 1 11 ' Opt. William A. Kilerbrbck wss bem in Hmhnrg; Genrjany, and 'wss about '2X 5c-8 uf sge. He came te this r!--untry ab ut 8 years ago, and has been e-pKiyed ub board the Btcarner W .Vy i'nr alwqt 5 years. He was a nephew d Cpt. H. T. Lemmersaan of th' city andr r- . , " wa ucmarrten. Hts lather and root her are still' living in his native city. He was, at tbe time of bis lamentable death, in tbe employ of Messrs. Heide eV Co., as c.mmsder of the b m Nyce, ard w shell in the behest estimation by them as a faithful and energetic ofSc r Capt. Ellerbrock was a member of 8f. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in .this city and was also a member of the Foang Men's Chris tain Association con nected with that Church, and in both organizations he was held in profoucd esteem. hoot ina Affray tn Smith vllle. William Howe, colered, cook on board the United States steamer Wbodbur,1 while in the town of Smithville yesterday (Sunday) becsme intoxicated., ard in that eouditioo under took r f. N hi- way into the Ocsa House Ba!.' i, Mr. Bryan Moras, the proprietor of the saloon, refused admis sion to Howe, at which the latter became exasperated and left the premises making threats against the former. Shortly afu r, Mr. Morse, while on his way to the post office, saW Howe advancing towards him, and, thii king that he had a knife and meant mischief, ordered him to stop. As Howe continued te approach in a menat clog manner, h was again warned to stop or he would be shot. ' The warning not being heeded, Morse then drew his pistol and fired two shots at Howe, both of which took effectone in the hand and the other in the groin. Bystanders then interfered aud separated the parties. Howe was taken to his house in a fainting con dition, and it is thought that his injuries will prove fatal. New Advertisements. it The. Congress" gHIRT IrJ MADE OF GOOD MCSLIN, s-ply Richardson Linen frcnt and baek, and reinforocd, 76 cents. Eq ial to any Shirt sold for fl.CO. "THEROTAL'Vis something iaperbaad Is guaranteed fqual to any $1.25 Bhlrt price 90 cents. Wansutta or New Tor k Ma's Shirts made to order st $1.2, and a geod ft guaranteed. No 3, If arket Street. Sign of Big PhlrU apl 12 J. EL8BACH, ManafactaraTi For Baltimore ! OUR P. R. HAS GONE OFF TO Ba' timore this wetk to ret.len5sh the stock of Hal fold's Coffee, the salfs of which have astonished the na tives. He will return 1 3 a day or two with ame other Novelties. Meanwhile we have N Hart & Leary'i Pepper Direct importation, prepared at 28 bL Mary's, E. Cheap6id0, London. A splen did articl. Also, Boetbn Baked Beans, In caos. Oyster Bay AsDaragui, A favorite egetable in the Cuisines of the Hub. A few cannot which will make any man spout poetry like a native of New Zealai d or the Cannibal Islands. For tbe Ladies we hive unpacked an acsortu ent ef Flavoring Extrac?i. and some nice paper boxes of R id, White and Bin Roc Candy, which, soaked in quarts Kyet will cure Consumption in three weeks'. And If you want Cigars and Tobacco W bave ou consul ment, from Richmond, a few skct varV ties. Also, Tcilet Foapat i endlres pnfulon. Our success in bus -nesa is to 'ha attributed to tbe fact that, besides all the articles to be found at the smaller G oceris, we keep on the watch constantly for ererjtbii g i in the trade which can gratify the cultivated tastes of our cunomera in town and country. enmvsemeseenaa Pelite Clerkt, a spirit cf accrmodatlon,' elegant and well lighted bales Rooms and fair profits, and customers are welcome whether they come to buy or to look at Goods. No one will be dbappointed. No ct arge for showing Goods snd no dlasat:afatiox. afterwards at P. L. 8RIDGERS & GO, 29, 11, UKU anroat fjtrret, '-..Cv'.. Wasatosrtosj, a ! P1 W- VW. writer avast always be fa r - m the Editor. ' t VtUKCiSaasaaa. I ene side ef Qm.fepmi i t s I r ? And it fa especially apcrtieeUriy air stood that the Editor does not alwajs-.esulwe the views of eorretpoadots nniess so us 4 ta the editorial eolaenan AdTPiTOpmoxttaV! ".IT 2 .it rpHE DNDBBI(iE4a,Ui,, p,,,,. tojdty ei rtarninlrhfaamele5hafc it Manet and the ira J)parfcyyM .cd, ihr pabiie renerally for the'kiad ataoee re( . dared him and aUfamllv 48aOr . p ie-ii piar eppy Velvet Framesandfiasels t I 4 BrADnrnL. ASdqRTatEkriirwid Bo,aS, Jefate- BOOK STOKE. apl 12 We are Making I..- - All kinds of Dressed Lumber, ' i. ; ' i Sash, Doors- Blindo ! A D ORHAMKNTAL Wood Work at fnr PlaoiBf UIU aad Factory, foot of Wakut street. Call aad exasnine. ALTAFFER. PBlCTfc A CO. M' 1 , Offlee, lfatt, near Bed Cross st. In Stock, A COMPLETE STOCK of Standard and Mlscellaneoxu Books, and all the latest Pablicatk bi of tbe day, at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. A SECOND HAND PIANO and Orgsn, Ix. in perfect order, as good as new and at half price. Call at once If yon wish a bargain, at HEINSBEROER'S, 39 and 41 MaikeS st. apl U lArlcullnral Ins. Co. cf New York. ORGAKIZEDJIN 180?. V ASSETS 1st JAN. 1880, $1,187,287.7. v LOSSES PAID OVER $3,000,000. IN8URES KOTBINQ BUT Dwellings snd contents, and farm property, and ofltrs racial, imsuckmbsts for risks of that elass. Issares agaiust damage by Llfcbtntor. whether fire ensues or not) without extra eharsie. ' Agents wanted in every ooanty in the 3tate JWO. W. GORDON A Buar aoh 9-men-fri 1 General Ari.U. Boatwright & McKcy STATED TO YOtTIN THEIR LAST ADVER1T8E11ENT THAT THET 17ERE CANDIDATE? SO THEY WERE.! MAKE NO MISTAKE AEOUT THAT. Kow tkj ar iiapp to inform i- - , . j ..,? yon that all of tha Township and i Wards haye been ' Eieard from and they have been elected by a s ' IS TIE Beot Grace ry Hotii3e I In the City of Wilmiogton. - j : fe -i. , ' - We are tore ' tie dia trie t vnd i " ' ' ' . State vrill sustain thein. BOAWUIGflT ifflOY. it t O a 7 rTcrtfc 2?ront Olreet.