ri,l XOTICB. ; Wo wtM bog' ad to maive eoirn aoi mi m feaeral latorost bat 1 Taoaaaaoof the writer .avast at way b.- fur iahe4 to the Editor. Ooaammaioatloes Kut ba wrtta .... i.6;y" aaaida of ta papar. PeraoawUtioa samai Wavoided. - And It li atpeetally and par tfcoJaHy an-r stood that the Editor does not alwaya odnr . the viawsof eorroapondeota snlewso tat 4 ia the edHoriaieoloiBBa. New Advertisements. iM990llMhti every alteraooo, Saadeyi ex- r 1 1 OS II. T. J AMES oitoji asd rbPMKTOB. nBSCaiPTIOK8. POSTAGE PAID, '1 ! Oo. year, $5 00 Six month $2 50 ; Throe montbe, $1 35 ; LVae month, 60 cenr. The PPcr will : ba delivered by rarriera, of charge, in w part of the city, at the LtKiTe rates, or 13 cents per wct 4dTrtisinz ratet 'rw and imwnl 8fSabcribera wijl pleane report aj acd , ftjinres to receive irtfir papers rtf'Hr! . VOL. V. W ILMINGTO N, N. C, TUESDA Y , APRIL 13, 1 880. NO. 53 Daily -Review.-' ! - " ' - y New AdvertiseraontB. iitOWa & iiOXlDICK. 45 Market St. T1TE WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT -VY , : : we have opened in conn'ion . with our Dress Goi.ds Depar"'ftintj over 150 piect offering at , ' 15c, 20c and 25c. - " These god are selected with a view to the wants of this market, and embrace many Novelties. Having purchased ia the months of October, November aud De cember, anticipating the advance which hai r cenlly taken piao, and a far as possible will give the benefit, to our patrons Black Cashmeres, We are making a specially of ou' Mourning Department and have alwaj on hand a full assortment of all the Nov. tltiesin this particular branch of our busi ngs. Black Crapes. V We have by far the laigesv. assortment ' of Black Crapes you can find, and are the Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' CRAPE, . For the deepest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves- c a rair: In Opera, bpring and Dark Shades. They need no comments. alflcoesi From 6 Cents Up ! We will be "receiving large additions every day how, as our buyer is in the -Northern markets at the present t'me. The way to secure jUargains is to keep BROWN & RODDICK, . - - - 45 Market St. mch 20 For Baltimore ! OUIVF.'R. HAS GONE OFF TO Bal tlmTM this. we k to replenish the. stock of Mufford's. Coffes, the sales of which have astonished the na tive. He wi'l return 1 i a day rr two with s me olhr NoyeltiesI Meanwhile we have Hart & Leary's Pepper, Direct importation, 'prepared at - 2S bt Mary's, E. Cheapsid , Loudon. A splen did article. Also, Boston Uaked eans, in cars. Oyster Bay Asparagus, AVtavOrile egetable in the Cuisines of the Hub. A few cans ot which will make any man spout poetry like a native of New Zealand 6r the Cannibal Islands. For the Ladies we have unpacked an assortment f Flavoring Extracts. and some nice paper boxes of Red, White and Blue R jck Candy, which, soaked in Smart's Kye, will cure Consumption in three weeks. , And if you want Cigars and Tobao.o. We have on consignment, from KLhmond, a few select varifties, Also, ; Toilet Soaps. . , 1 endless profusion. Our success in busT nesa is to bt attributed to the face that, betides allthe articles to be found at tie emaller G.ooerhs, we kerp on the v atch constantly (for everjthii g2 in the trade which can gratify the cultivated tavtes of our customers in town and country. ! Polite Clerks. a spirit of accommodation) elegant and veil lighted Sales Rooms aud fair prefi s, and customers are welwome wh tber they I come to buy or to look at Goods. I No one will be disapnointe 1. So charsre fbr showing Goods' and no dissatisfaction afterwards at P. L. 8RI0GERS & GO. 20, 11, 54, 21 and 28 Froat Streat, WUmingtOD, 2f. C. apl 12 A Lecture. TBE RKV. T. H. PBITCHARD, D. D., PieideDt Wake Format College, will de lirer a LKC TOKK, for tht benefit of the li brarr Association, at the OFfcKA. HOUSE, rm TO HD A. Y, April I3tb, at 8 o'clock, P. Mt Sobject t "The one thing neceaary to Ue deyelopmeat ot North Carolina." id. mIiion 26a, Titkef for tale at the Book fitoraa. apl 10 Itna LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. -William A McaOaiaon. Porto :Slco Mo lasses. , 'I (inn A Pura A Card. Yate .--Vlret Frame and Eaaela. P HEiNgaB6a In St xk. : Wi' uow'Glasa all size at ltafTer A t'ric-:".' . ' t Save ypur inonay and bay jonr Build ing Supplies: from Altafler & Price. ' t Don't judge; a man byv the clothes be wears, j l.od oiade one aod the tailor tht other. i 1 ' Laugh ao-i rowtat and be laughed at. It is a por rule 'jbat will not work ,in all directiooi., - Window Glass ot allsizjj, L) rs, Sish and Blind, Builders' Bardware,bc. Low plreces at Jacobi.'s. Yonng ontous hara appeared in the markeU hut girls dare not eat them be cause ita lep year. , , Pirafore haw been translated into Rus H:m, VWhkt, r.ffskntiu-h? Well, hardly offskovitch.'1 . The S"t C-nvciM in of the Yonnp Men's Christian !a irn convenes in Goldsboro, My 12 n, li80. . Letters are hel-.i fur pont.ge here ad dreeeed to Margaret, tsuiitb, care ef Jordan Nixon, aoil Adeline Abraai. Mr. Nath'l Jaobi hkving been appoint ed agent for the Atlas How, parties, in want of thii .celebrated Plow cn now have their ?rdrft filled at1 Jaohi'j Hard rare Dcjt', No. 10 S. Front si. tfj llayes', Juvenile Pmafore troupe passep through tht3 city od yf.aterday en route fcr Columbia. . 4 Never mind about the cool weather. It is always Spring-time at this season of the year at Sbrier's, where will be'found the most elegant and the cheapest assort ment ot clothing' in the State of North Carolina.. . tf. Produce Exchange. At the' annual election held at the rooms of the Exchange Trom 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. to-day, t'Bo following name! gen tlemen were elected officers for the ensu- r ing year Prrsident R E Caidr. Vice President Rager Moere. T Board of Managers A. Martin, R. Lilly, B F; Hall, C. H. King and The. E. Bond. Insptcte-s'of ENciion -"Donald Mac-Rat-ard J. D. Woody. , - Handsomely, Done. The New York Herald, of Suudy p date, pas a very handsome compliment, and one w,bj h we are satisfied is fully deserved, to the lirm of Hinson & Cum ming. It L- jn ihe JleraU's cotton mar ket report that the reference to ihese gentlemeD, which i as follows, is made: Messrs:' Hindoo, &, Cumraing, whose suspeiiion of payment was recently en. forctd. hy the failure of some of their con stituent., resume full payment Monday ntxt. f The cfticial announcement cf the fact was received On 'Change with unu anal exprosHoca of pleasure, the firm hav ing become ve-y popular, al ways fhowiug t'he largest liberality iu thir busineB methods arid usin great recuperative energy in the prt-eut einergariiCy. Yon con buy No. .1 Cookfng and Heat inz oves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.. 1 The Lecture To-laxht Th Rv. Dr T'rif'chard's lecture- upon "The Oje Thing Necessary to the Devel opment of North Croiina ,'f i. to be delivi ered to-night at tbeOtieraUcuse,nndei the auspices cf the Wilmington Library' Asso ciaticn, and we hope to see a large attend ance on this occasion to wtlcome the disiirguished divine U put city. Dr. Piitchard cornea to us,not as one al ogether anknowu, but as an eminent minister of the Baptist Church in ,thU btate, aud one who has occupied a very pjromiueut posi tiori intba CUtircb for many years prece ding his election to the Fiesivlei.ey o! Wake F rest College, a position which he very'wt rtlii'v and acceptably fiUs low. His theme is one vr hicb should be of deep in terest to e-veiy ciriz'n of t bis S ate, no matter whether they are North Carolinian-" py nativity o- adop-'ion. We hopi,tbere fore, to see a hrge audinc at the Op-ra Huue thi evening. ' , v Indications. For theSonth Atlantic States warmer, clear or partly cloudy weather, southerly winds; failing barometer. We can recom n and or reauers t nse Dr. Bull's Omgh Syrup in all ewe of Coughs, Colds etc. Jt coats only 2 cents a buttle tad is warranted to cure. THE LATE FIRG. Some Recollections of Ye Olden Time Id Wilmlftn t i Thera are tome facta connected with the buildings which were destroyed hj fire on Sunday morning, and th neigh borhood, which peascaa some iDterest to cur peopl. The Star states thU morn ing that the building op the corner, and that oceapi'vi fey Mr. Peck, we re erected on the site of other buildings which were, as the Afar alleges, destroyed by fire in 1814. The same information was furnished to as yesterday and we are in- clided to think that the is a ;mietak somewhere- . Two itizet i ! ol thi place, who were boys m 1814. siyh it as their impVesion ihat these buiidu.g were older than they are. Tney certainly date back a very long time It will ! 5e re membered by all that the rloKr j of i!r Rush's store was a fo)t or more hwer than the street, r.d yet. when the preeent csentuiry was much younger than it is now this store was above the level ol the street and one entering it had to mo'tnt several steps to get to the deer. At that time South Front street, between Market and Orange, was4 much lower than it 18 now; and in fact, it1 was e ratine, bounded by lulls ob either ! side, East nd Wes. Just where the Saw Market House is now located there was considerable of hill and this was lerlled and the dirt thrown into the street to fill it tip. On the opposite side of the street, on the va cant lot where was formerly the site of the First Presbyterian Church, the bnildiDg which was destroyed by fire a few years previous to the breaking out of the late war tbre was also a, hill and this was levelled and the. dirt thrown into a pond in tbe rear, between the Church and the biilding on Secsnd street, erected by the late Isaac Northrop, and recently owned and occupied by Mr. H. Marcus.' Some reminiscences of one of the gen tlemen alluded to above, relative to the disastrous fires which have devastated Wilmingten for three-four tbs of a century past, which were recalled by the destruc tion of the two old landmark! on South Front street, will not be devoid of inter est at this time. Tke first fire of which this gentleman has any recol ectlon, oc curred on a Sunday in the yesr 1811, when he wss bat fire year of age. It was caused by lightning and was located in a1 low groggery which was kept in a wooden building near the corner of Market and Seoond streets. At the time a color- I ed roan was in the place taking a drink of ram', and it is sup; osed that -the shock must have reached him as he ran mto the str9et for a few steps, :ell j and .'immediately expired. But whether it was the lightning from tbe olouds or the lightning from the bottle which sru k biro, .that darkey never knew. Not on y the groggery, but the entire blot k, ucw known as tt.e Betten court block, was consumed at that fire. The tifrxt, and by far the most disas trous fir, .occurred in theyoar 1819. This fire jcoiisurued four entire tquares, wlih some f-w isolated exceptions. These squares were embraced in the district from Water to Second, and from Market to Orange streets, which included that por tion ef the city so recently destroyed Ourj informant has no recollection , of any important fire occurring in the year 1814. The house on the corBer of Deck and Front streets was occupied in 1819 by the Iate; Thomas Loring,the: 'Nestor of North Carolina journalism,' who there had a printing press above aod a bookstore be lowj His paper was called the Cape fear Recorder: and It afterwards passed through many hands and finally j expired while the venerable Archibald McLane r Hooper was its editor. The iwy recetlj destroyed buildings were smong the few which escaped the fire of 1819. Previous to the, fire of 119, where the brick bud -'ji g now oc cupied by Mesrs. Hart, Biiy fr Co. j now stands, there was a long two story wooden tenement, a part of which was1 occupied by Dr LaRque, a brother in-law of Rev Jesw Jennett, the veaer ahltj pastor of tbe old Methodist church. The cerner house, after Mr. L riog left it was1 occupied for a number of years by a man by the name of Kellogg, and not un til later years l-uuce 18J3 waa it occui tied by Keeur, the barber, aud aince Keeter's time it baa fceea occupied various lyjaa a bar-room, ahoo store, grocery, Jfcc,, &c. The building next north of it, late peck's store, was owned and occupied by an old eccentric, ifr. 8th Hoard. The lower pan was used by him as a crockery store, and the upper part of the buildiDg as a private boat ding house. The uext 2 real fire in Wilrninstnn took place in 1827, when khe aquare houDded by Front, Market, Dock and South Wi. ter'atreets was daatrored. The two auc oeadicg Bres, Doth of trena !ar e and dia aetrcus, are witk'o th rfrtl lection ot many per ot:s n w living. We a'hide to tbe Dajon fr9f s.caitetl beeaufrt it ortgiratwl in 1 Mr j J hn Diwn store which consnwd anvngher bnil jiog. the old crurr hrnie which stod at he interaectiou of Market and Front at reeta and !h creat ctsfiagratton of Sunday, April 30 h, 184S, which dtfrvyfd a large orti"!u of the city norto of Vfarket and wet of Seo-wul fre, even rachin fhs Wilmington t Watdou 'r,tlirjad depot ni bnroing theoJtieo, machine hopi foun dry, There was also another diaastrouo fire which occurred in 1846, and which cob -turned a large portion of .the square b mnded by Market, Front, Dock and S-mb Water streets. It was at this fire that Col. John McRae and tbe late Col. James T. Miller received injuries by tbs falling of a wall whicft laiaed tbem for life.' - Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also1 Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's H aid ware Deoot. 1 Cify Court. Jas D. Dry, colored, City Scavenger charged with via ating a rity ordinaace, waa the first c on dv ktt Numerous rttnes-es ottb rired persuaaion were introduced on the part of Laugden Per kins, the prosector in the case, but none could swear positively. Per contra, Health Officer Scharf swore positively in babalf of the defecce. The Mayor then dismissed the case at the prosecutor's cost, from which bs took an appeal, but afterwards reconsidered the appeal and submitted to tbo ju dgment of the City Court. Junius Bell,, colored, charged with being drank and down, was the next case on docket. The defesidant was ordered discharged spon payment of costs. Laura Waddell, colored, charged with disorderly conduct in Paddy's Hollow last night, was ordered to pay a fine of 82.60 or go to the C. P. for three days. The defendaLt accepted the alternative and retired to a cell for the space of three daje. The Court then ad journed. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffrr, Pjiioi Fire Notes. We have ascertained from iye-witnesa-es that the recent disastrous fire origina ted in the ice house of Messrs Ahrens & Haar, used as a store house by Messrs. Preston Gumming & Co. James Church ill, the barber,says that the shop id which he worked had jast cloaed np and he, together with Ct H. Ward, the propria tor of the shop, was on his wa he me. Their attention was attracted by a rumb. ling soand, which they thought was the wind, but in a few seconds Ihey discor ered names issuing from the West end of tbe icebouae. Tbey ran inm diately to it and forced open the door. The in terior of the building waa a aheet of seetbiag names, which lespod out of the door, and the steps leading up to Mr. Solomon's dwelling, over , air. Rush's store, were speedily enreloped. By pounding on the doors and wia dowa they ancceeded in arous:ng Mr. Solomon's family who w- re handed out of a door over Rash's store, on Front street. The family barely got out of the burning building with tbelr lives, and the baby, which was the last one gotten on', waa black in the faeo from strangulation wham taken out by Churchill. Tbe woanded are i4ng nioely and Mr. Farrow Is conakiered pat of all daager. Mr. Geo. A. lVck comoenood todaj clearing away the debris and terit.g down tbe old walls preparattir to re buil ;ing, ' He cpnemp'.ates h ing a new store oc tbe old Sjie iu six ? weeks. The fire ia atill burning io tbo ieoboaao ana will probablytbarn for several d.y er until it is put fat. As statd 4,by us yesterday Messrs Abrens 1; Hair wi 1 also rebuild, makiog the store on the comer larger aod more alt tractive than the old one. : MulUtudea ot People rtqolre an Atten tive to restore thohealtlry action of their system acd correct tbe derangements thai creep Into U. A YES'S HATgtAFATHLLA tones and vitali the blood, and restore the vigor of tha beahh. List or Letters. The following la a list of the letters r main ing unclaimed in tbe City PostofSce Vedoetday, April 14: A B H Allen, Sam'l Aeh, Fannie An derson. B Wm E Berden, Henrietta Boswell, Dempsy Barnes, Alex Bowden, Alfred Burton, mrs M M Bisby, Alic Ballard. , 0 JohnB Chiunis. W E'Crum. Joaenh j CamtJel, D J Carrol, Ceasar B Colbourue f Adam Cbaucy, Rosa Cameron. KeOecea Dickeaou, Hack Dauiels, Beiiord Davis. K Mack Rvans. Albert EeTman. F Daniel Frank,.0,, Jane Fait;, Ewtet Fat num. G Joseph Gause. H Win liar iia, Richard Harper, L II Harman, Abtam Holaea, Alfreo Howe, Bettie riargiave, JI A Hoks. Martha Heminway. , JC A Johnson, Liura Jac bf 1'enny Ann Jones. ' K O H Kennedav. L Lu:y A London. i V Mary Long. Ann1 Ialiiated care h.ul Jon a Geo O Labdell JnoLawtoB. M Waa May. Robt A Morrisa, Robt MeKoy, John F McNair, Harriet MoU bry, Geo Massy, Holland Mitchel, miaa Lndie Mercer, Katie Maperson, Mary Monroe, Sarah Moore. ' ' , OSarah Outlaw, George Onalow. P Susan Pope, . Maria Powel, O B Palmer, Wm Pfailyaw. R Martha Register, Hannah Robin son, O O Red, Isaac Boyater. 8 Geo L Falter, Aothoney Staek house, Joe D Sampson, L B Storm, Susie 8haw, Thomas Sharp, M O Smith, Laura Sparkman,, Mattie Stoaks, Gustos Strick land. 1 T Rev Tyler, Willie Traek, W E Tockton. W-fchv.Wan; Richard Wilhina. Levy t5 itnn, Kate Wallace, Lncy Leary Wuiiauis, MatildaWest, Mary M Waigh, Martha Ward. Per oonf calling for letters inv above liat will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 80 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D..C. . ' E. R. BRINK, P. M. . "Wilmington, N. Q. New Hanover Oounty.N.C Ready mixed Paints, striccly j ure While Lead, Gc lors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, Arc., at Jacobi's. The steamship Regulator, , Captain Doane, from New York, crossed" the bar to-day at noon aod came to anchor op posite Smithville. Sbe will be np on the next tide. Plows, tihovels, Pitchtorks, Spades Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &o. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. Ghosts. Not Col. Inger soil's 'aristocracy of th air,' but real human ghosts. Ghosts that were once healthv men and women. hut are now simply the 'ghosts' .of what tney onee were. As we meet them, and inquire the cause of all thin change, they re neat the old. old storr. (a cold n7 lected cough, 'catarrh,' oYerwork or 'dyspepsia,' 'liver complaint,' and 'con atipation, with unsuccessful physicians a m a a ana remeaies. in on ring mi uoiden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purga tive Pellets for the cure of the above af factions, Dr Pierce does cot recommend them as a 'sure cure' in all stages. For if the lungs be half wasted away, or there a a . be a cancerous complication, no physi cian or medicine can cure. The Discor ery ie, however, an unequaled pectoral and blood purifier. It speedily cures the moat aggravated cough, or cold, and in ita early or middle stages, consumption. By correcting all irregularities of the stomach and liver, it readily cures blotches, pimp lee, scrofulous ulcers, 'bunches,' or tu mors. Hundreda testify , that it haa re stored their health, ; after eminent physi cians had failed. For constipation use the Pellets. Asa local remedy for ca tarrh, use Dr. Saga's Catarrh Remedy. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION BT. PAUL'd hTAJf. LUTH. CHURCH, WiLiciseroa, If. O , AprU 12. 180. At a called meeting of the Aasociatlonlieid this day, on motion a committee of five ware appointed to draft resolutions expressive of oar regret on the death of Capt. WILLIAM A. ELLEKBKOf R, late a member of oar or- f an'xation, who suomu the f lowlng : V?kreaa, 1- has phased Almlgh-y Ord to rasaova from ar midat our lata Brother, WiUUaa A. LI erbrock, and wberaaa, it ia meat and joxt that we, Via anrvlving breth ren, sbonld pay this par last tribute to his memo y; th&refure, a it Resolved, hat ia bo death of Brother KJler brock tha 'aocIatioQ baa lot oaa ot ita baat aiid bp oat active mem bora; oaa w boar atmoat -nearora were axertod foritawal fare and proaperity; a friend and coapaoior who waa dear to ni alt; a&d t mm vbi upHght and i. h Istlaa li'a was aa example to follow. Koaalved That tha 8eiata'r be directed to forward a copy f theaa rcaofatlona to the raiativee af or deeeaaed B - other, with the assmraace of oar hea'tfaJt sympathies in thir their sa4 beraavemeat, aad commend them for eeaadation to Him wko orders all things for tbe beat, aad whose chutiiements are meant In marej. 'BeaolTad, i hat a blank paa;etn oar Raeord Book eo laacribad with the same, age aad day of death of oar deoeeeed Brother. Kotolv d, That a eopy f tbe above reeola tir it be faraishod to the city papers, with a r. eett to pablish. Ra-ptfally ewbmlttad FKED. E. BA8H AO EX, RDW'O P. BALUal. N. BULLEN, O- H. BTEMMEBMAir, fc WM. OTJE5IK. ' , . Coaamlv.ea. A Card. pHK DNDKRSIO.NED weald take h . aeans of retarnlBf kia heartfelt thai ka t , Sa I I (r. a a W . a an n. . j r. . 01 W9 rin department wh " m tne attenot to nr hi cially to ihoae fritnda who riiktd ao mueh in his interact. apl IS QEO. A. ' P.SCfci." Porto Rico HiolasseSa 244 HhdpOtTO RICO ilOLAB 4Kb. Choice Ut now landing 1 az-Schr Loey Utaaus.', A ad for sale low bj apl 11 WILLIa.M A MUBCHlaOT. Velvet Frames and Easels Jj BEAUTIFUL AH? KTMEMT l'd i - ' - ' ' '-. Oreo.aet, at priaaa; Family Bibles, By nm Booka, Prayor Buoks, Ac, Ac , at BOOK STORE. apl IS We are Making All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors. Blinds ! JSD ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at car Flanhif MUI and Factory, foot of Waloat treat. Call and examine. ALTAFFKR, PRICk UO. " Offlea, Wntt, near Bed Oroa. t. , In Stock. A S.0Mf;LKTB BT0CK of Standard an p?kii I,?1,Ene,0,u Booka d 11 be late.t Poblicat w ofthe day, at THE LIVE BOOK STOBE. . A Bare Chance;i. A SECOND KA5D PlAN&.and (Wn. half fectorer' M 00d StSrnSll OaU at onee ifjou wish a.ba'galo, at , HKlN8BEROER8, PllJ 39 and 41 Market U Boatwright & McKoy STATED TO YOU IN THEIR L VST ADVERTISEMEN r THAT THE V ' WERE CANDIDATES. SO THEY WERE.: MAKE XO MISTAKE ABOUT THAT. Now they are happy to inform you that all of th Townships and Warda hare been heard from and they hare been elected by a Lame Beat Grocery. House I , In the City of WjlmiDgton. We are sure U district nd CI 1 - L . VI i .1 B0AT17BIGHT t MM. O Cl T Z7ortb rr jot 0?rwt. apl 12 ' ' :. - FOB SAtE. Maciit ate'e BlaaTs oT lm prored forms. . 8. lTABSOCK (Ia Beviaw Bai!d:e7) Jo Ptatr. oxae AS THE v 4 . ' apia.

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