v. ( '--;,;;- ! . -r .err - - - , - . , " 2a VSLEAtJBIOTlCE . -We will byad reelve eiU!iBiFu..u. general Uteret bu t : Tk ffirftiitWvilifta!wTii be fur nished u tbe tilitor. '. - ,; j ;i s It . . MX 8,. iorroa ajho i'Kofkixtok. BDBSCRIPTION8, POSTAGE PAID. 0M jear,$5 00 8br months, $2 50 ; Three BOBthJ.tl 15 One month, 60 cents. , The paper trill . be delivered by carriers, re of charge, in any pari of the city, atthe boTe ratee, or 1 cent per jveek. r' AdvertisinK ratal ow and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and H fv!ure to reci re their papers regularly. n on . on a aula ofshe j ' (PisoaalitlenstWMrl stood that the Editor dues noslwifvndnr.. the viows of correaii. -onlae, so tu j VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1880. NO. 55 . I'Jtti' Didtii ME VIEW; New Advertisements. oaOWfl & RODDICK. 45 Market St. yE WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT we have opened in connection with our Drew Gof.ds Depar raentyover 150?piecos ot Worsted Dress Goods, which we are offering at 15c, 20c and 25c. These goods are selected with a view to the wants of this market, and embrace many Novelties. Having purchased in the months of October, November and De cember, anticipating the advance which baa recently taken place, and as far as possible will give the benefit to our patr ns. Black Cashmeres. We are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all the Nov. elties io this particular branch of our busi nets. Black Crapes. I We have by far the largest assortment 'of Black Crapes you can find, and are the Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' CRAPEj For the deepest mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. c a In Opera, Jbprini and Dark j Shades. They need no comm nts. From 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving i large additions every day now, as our i buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time. 1 The way to secure Bargains is to keep calll' g. BROWN & RODDICK, r . i 45 iUlarket St. 1 ! mch 20 . I . For Baltimore ! i ' t . rMJR P. B. HAS GONE OFF TO Ba KJ tlmora this wetk to replenish the stock of j Hulford's Coffee, the sales of wtich have astonished the na Uves. He will return li a day or two with some other Noy elties. !MeanwhUe we have 'I , J..'.- j H&rt & Leary'ji Pepper Direct importation, prepared at 28 JSt. Mary's, E. Cheapsid3, London. A ?plen did articlA. Also, Boston Baked Beans, in cans. ; '. Oyster Bay AiDaragu. ' A favorite egetable in j the Cuisines of the Hub. A few cans of which will make any man spout poetry like a native of New Zealand or the Cannibal Islands. For the Ladies we have unpacked an assortment of Flavoring Extracts, and some bice paper boxes of Ked, White and 'Blue Hock Candy, which, soaked in 8ruarti Bye, will cure Consumption in three weeks.- And if you want Cigars and Tobacco We have on consignment, from Richmond, a few select varieties. Also, Toilet Soaps, l in endless profusion. . Our success in bus" I . nes is to be attributed to tbe face that, f besides all the articles to be found at the smaller Groceries, we keep on theatch constantly for everjthirga In the trade . which can gratify the ailtlvated taites of v our customers in town and country. -' Polite Clerks, spirit of accommodation, elegant and well lighted Sales Rooms and fair profits, -rand customers are welcome whether they f come to buy or to look at jUoods. 1 No one will be disappointed. No charge ; .' for showing Goods and no dissatisfaction afterwards at P. L. 8MDGERS & CO, ; 10, W, S4. 1$ and 23 Front Street, Wilminfton, N. C. ' api li- Seed Rice. 1000 BUSHBLS F1IMS - a05coes - ForsaMby ' - fee U tf ALFREDMlRTIir LOCAL NEWS. - Xnw Advertisements. P Pa?lkst(ns Laat of the Season. Yaie. Velvet Frames and Eaeele. P HeTNSBEaesa No Books. Focwd Breastpin. f Loir Breastpin. Grand bxcarsion to Charleston ! Go. Myib.8 -New Butter. Beautifal Spring weather to-day. Wirdow Glass--ali sizes at Altafter Price's. ..." . . ' . f Picnics will be the fashion ntxt week. The chirp of the cricket is xiow -heard io the land. ' Geod boating water js port for today. the river re- Tbe finger ef scorn is sometimes a little one with a ring on it. .One of the stylish bonnet crowns is o Crystal era broid red lace.. Save your monoy and bay your Build ring Supplies fmnv AltafFer & Price. t The new inooh is well bp in tbe north this tims A sure eign of cold weather,,. saj some. ( Window GU-s t all sizad, ifor, Sash, and Blinds, Builders Bardwarej&o, Low st plrects at Jacobi's. 'And now the iestivs cockr-oach maketh his appearance, much to the disgust of the honest housewife. Plows, tihovels, iPitohtoiks, Spades Rakes, Tjrace ChairiS, Plow Lii:es, &c For the lowest prices, go to J acorn's. , An honest man must win all K gets. Yet if he plays poker with an irresponai ble party he will find difficulty in getting all be wins. Yennor, the Canadian weather prephet, -ays that after Sunday next we nay expect bright, beautiful Jspring weather up to within a day or two of May. There is much for many of our girls .to learn and among other things, they should by all means know that a good, round, rosy ram p is worth a dozen co samptiyes. r Pine straw is shipped in large qnanti ties from this city. A depot for pack ing and shipping is located on tke bsnks of Smith's Creek, on tbe 'Sans Souci plan tstion; owned by Mr. Joo F. Garrell. A farmer told us the other day that he wsuld ndt be without ; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup if it cost five dollars a .bottle. It must be a wonderful remedy. The price is only 25 cents a bottle. Lager beer will be a dol'ar a keg higher after the 1st of May, and the glasses, n jw not tco large, are expected to grow one eighth smaller. It would be too hard to make the poor dealer-the loser., . We thank our young frieod, Kt Jesse B. Hawes, foo of Mr C. W. Hawes, of this city, for an invitation to attend the joint debate of the Pohmic and Kalis tbenic Societies of Bingham School, which takes place on; Friday evening, the 23d nst. . . Never miurf about the cooi weatLer. It is always Spring-time at this season of tbe year at JShrier'i?, where will be.found the most elegant a cd the cheapest assort ment of clothing in tbe State of North Carolina. . I tf. You can buy No. 1 Cookiug and Heals ing stoves at almost any price at Ja( om'e Hardware Depot. For the SChutsenrest An excellent opportunity is oflored these who desire to make a tr?p to Charleston during the Schatsenfest in that city week afterjnext. Several gen men in this city will run an excursion to Charleston, leaving here on Monday morning, the 2Sth, inst. The I ckets for the- round trip are placed low enough, oa'y and they will be good to return any day during the week. Besides the Scutsenfest, there will be other attractions in Charleston daring the week, among thera the parade of the Fire! Department ia that city, which will be a sight well worth seeing. It was originally intended for the excursion party to leave here oa Sa;urdiy, but it wi 1 he noticed th t Monday has been named instead. An infallible remedy for . Fever and Ague is ATE R'S AGUE CURE. Wholly yegeUfele and containing no quinine, it is hamlets and snre. Tne Pottery. Tne pottery of Mr. N. N. Snaith" on the cofner of Sixth and Nixon strtets, is quite a new ecterprise in this city. He is an! expert in his bw sin ess and caa make any thing of clay in the way of pottery etc .jina very short time. We Visited his pottery aa yesterday and were sup prised to see the lumps of clay so quickly turned into pitchers flower pats, basins, spittoocs. etc. The material used by him is gotten very near hi place of busi ness and be has developed - ton entef prise in this city by which our citize s can s ipply their wants an j keep ibeir money at home. Mr. NaLh'l Jacobi haiiig been pppoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, pa lies in want of this ce le rated Plow ctn now i have their orders fi lied at J Axi'a H ird ware1 Depot, No. 10 S. Frout at. if. Alleged Attempt at lurauitclde. A colore 1 weman by the name of Susn Wddell, who claims to have come to this city from Brunswick county, gave birth' to a child last night which she ieit in a Vault, on the premises of a gentleman is this city, where the woman had re cently been employed. A colored man was attracted by the cries of tbe child and rescued it The woman was arrested and is now in custody. She claims that tbe child was horn on the spot and that there was no attempt at iufanticide. It is still alive, but at noon to-day w?s re ported as very near death. Several buis es erj scratches have been found on its body. The woman will be held to await the result. Everybody can gor suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacob i' Hardware DeD'. The Lecture Last Ntffht. The attendance at tbe Ouera House last night was not as large, possibly, as would have greeted the lecturer, Dr Pritcbard, oa the . occasion of the first announcement, but still it Was a fair and appreciative andieuce, which listened with marked atttention to the speaker through out the ,wholli8Coar8e. The theme was one which every resident of the State should feel a deep insterest in, and all who listened to the reverend gentleman, last night manifested their deep concern in the subject by the earnest attention which was given to the speaker's remarks The address, while eminently practical, furnished abundant food for thought to all Who fee! any interest in the future welfare of North Carolina. Numerous illustrations, both p Dinted and forcible, were mudj by the speaker from his own observations and experience. We heart ily wish that every other citizan of the State could be imbued with the same amount of interest to discover vYhat is the (JFue Thing Necessary to the Develop ment of Nurth Carolina." Increase In the Price and Consump- tion of Beer. Beer drinking is gettiog almost as pop ular in America as in the 'Faderland. All pf our aalooss now keep it either bottled or on draught, whereas four or 6ve years ago all the beer in tbe city was sold. by one or two houses. Besides this there! are now in the city several beer de- livery wagons which go around daily With the popular beverage. Its consump tiuu witlain the last two y ears has proba -1 lii- . bly been doubled. This increase ha doubtless been proportionately great al! ever tbe Umen and may account for tbe fact that alter many secret meetings the brewers ofj New York and vicinity have concluded to advance the price of lager beer from $8 to $9 per barrel on May 1. The manufacturers have been secretly 1 . j- 'Ml . agitatioe the matter for a nurnber of mouths! but it has been "uund d fheult seen to take to get any the initial i )f the leading re tn tbe matter, and as the brewers of 'hilaJelphia, Chicago, Circin nati and Milwaukee were waiting to see what the New York men would do, U seemed at idue time as though the plan would fal tbros. A petition wai dravsn up,1 and a meeting of the gentle men interested was called. Af:er much discussion, 90 out of 95 brewers, who empldy hundreds of wagons and thou sndi of men, agreed to the proposed it crease in' tbe rates.' . .. - 1-.. ' : - : ilj Docters. It is a fact that many of the 'tegular' doctors who will not recommend Warners Safe Kidney sod Liver Cure for the dtsa eases which it so effectually removes, -yet use it on the fly' io their practice . They mast soon adopt la openly as the stand- arel remedy. . . . . Personal. Mr. J a. II. Watters, one of those in jured at the rire Ust San Jay mrnin, is, we under-Hnd, nut a-t well to-day as was hope i by his tri' Lds. Fever Mas set in and he sefR to be suffering very much. Mr. I hn FaTrw has so far re covered as to be able to ajpoar on the streets. Fi st r xiur6i(iu. About two hundred fxeiirioMi3ts from Smith ville arrived in the city thi morn ing, about 10 30 o'clock, on board of the steam yacht Pasjyol The steamer, pail y decorated with flis, etoppePat her wharf about 10 minutes to allow thse of the excurioiipts who wished to pnd tbe day in the -i?y to Und. She then Ht-am-ed gily up the river to Iliiton wh-re the happy party landed on the historic gronnd where they pperit tne forenoon. TIip steamer left for Smithville this afternoon about 3 o'clock. Full Metal and Walnut 5h w Cases, all styles aud sizs, at AltaIfer, 'j?ick fe Co's. Conjunctions- The present , week is marked by three interesting conjunctions of plinets. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus was I visible yesterday morning lrom about 1 o'clock. This evening Venus and Jupi ter will bi only half a degree apart, but unfortunately tbiscoi j motion will not be visible heTe. They will, however, rise within a short distance from one another to-morrow morning. On Sanday morn ing Jupiter and Mercury, at their rising aboit twenty-five minutes alter 4 o'clock, will be so close that both will be visible togetLcr; in a telescope. At their netf t approach tn-y wiilbe l'.ity-eight minuUs apart. If ihe niornioix is clear, thespecta cie will be a very beautiful one, the huge Jupiter torniiug the central figure sni- rounded by his four attendant moons, ai d Mercury shining close by, as if it, too, had fallen under the sway of the giant planet. ..Ready,- mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead, Crbrs, Brushes, W ndow Glass, &c, at Jacobi's. Tht Greenville ana Columbia Rail road. By private reliable information re ceived here from ColurabU ai late as 3 o'clock this afternoon tbe sale of the above named road had sot been quite consummated up to that time. The rival iaterests'represented in 6olumbia to-day are the bondholders or commissioners of the syndicate of bondholder?,' represented by Messrs, 11. B. Plant, Freeman Clark and W. H. Brawly. nm i.i . . 4 : r : i '. l ti i . Xiao a.nauLu svir iujc huu iue iiiii- more aud Ohio R. R are working in the same interest, it is thought, while still an other iuterest is that cf Charleston, which will make a big fight before it will allow this great feeder to tbe port of Charleston te pass Jnto foreign hands. The liabilities of the road for the mort gage bonds amount to one and ' three- hquarer millions. The bidding, at last accounts, had already reached t vo and a half million ot dollars, which is far mere than tbe intrinsic value of the road. A &ad Affair. A correspondent, in Pender county, who sigBs himself a well-wiher to all concerned, eends us the particulars of an unfortunate affair which occurred in'tbat county a few days siLce. The facts cca Dec tod with the cape, aa stated by cur correspondent, are as follows: Mr. Joseph Marble, while in a some what intoxicated condition, called at the bouse of Mr. Porter V. Malpass and, the tatter being abseot, made some improper advances towards Mrs. Malpass. These she promptly rrsented'and fled from the place to the house of an old colored woman who lived uar by. Marble then left. Upon tbe return of Mr. Mslpa, his wife, having a!a returo'd, related to him the facts, when he took his gno and started in pursuit of Marble.XHe sooa cirae up with the latter and struck him a blow with the butt of his gon which in the opinion of tbe phvsicisDS will pre bably 'result fa! ally. Mr. Malpass is a young man. of . respectability and has been but a few mouths married. &r Marble is also represented as an , entirely inoffensive man whea out under tht im duence of liquor. If we ire not mistaken in the party "Mr. Mrb!e was born and raised in Wilmingteo. It bas been rnmored fcere that Mr. Marble-died pnJuesday morning but as our icorreapcndent wrote on that day-and does net speak of bit death, it it probable teat tbe report bare was incorrect, or at least premature. Don't Give Uj. What if you have triud different 'put np medicines in vain. Hare "you boi been equally disappointed in phy KiciaDsV Do not consider your case in curable until you have made thorough trial of Dr. Pierce's Family Mediciie. They are chemically pure, ef uuHorm strength, and have come intd jrefy-ral life by reason ol superior merit la caee ot gpneral and nervous debility, coosurB iKn, b:oncb!ti, .dypepai, liver c(m plaint, mcrefuluus bunches, ulcers, and erunti mob, the. Gold-, Medical Ji f-overy i a spf-iy '.d pMitive cnr. while thonsr,4l otwomr, "wb had f r veain been bd ridden, have, by the ue aI Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, been restored to perfect health. Tee intr) duction of these two rernelifs has revolu-ii-nied the treatment cl chroric ri! eaaos. Patients are no lunger deplete j and salivated, as the tonic and Alterative properties of the Discovery long since demonstrated a bttei way. Ladiea need no longer submit to the use of the caustic and knife, as the F-vo ite Prescription ig guaranteed to cur the diseases and weaknesses pecular I wocnen. Mrs. Samuel M, Kemper, M Gillaudet, Iud-, writes, 4 Your Favorite l'rescriptien and Pleasant Purgative Pellets have saved my life.' New Advertisements. Found. GOLD TIPPED PEARL BREATriN wasfonnd on Market street yesterday. The owner can obtain the same by applying at toil office and paying for tLia advertisement, apl 15 It Lost. ON PVa.Y AFTERNOON, iih inst.. on ivtghth s'reet, between Dock anS Chetttut g reets, a Ladies' plain gold Breast pia containing a grentleman's picture. The finde' will be suitably rewarded b leaving it at this office. apl .16 Mew Books rj OLA'S "NANA." ComDlete and Dnabrldced. tf quel to ' L' A eso mm oi r, . By EMILB ZULA. Price 75c in Paper orl In .91- , THE CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE. Br Miss Eliza A. Dupuv. Price $l.0 In Morocco Cloth, Gola and uiaca. for sate ai HEINSBEROER'S, 39 and 41 Market st. apl 15 Grand Excursion TO THE Charleston Schutsenfeat ! S5.00 for Round Trip ! rjlttAIN WILL LSAVB WILMINGTON MONDAY MORNING, April 86th. -T Tickets good to return any day inclndici: Saturday, May 1. Tiekets for sale at Heineberger's lire Book Store, Harriss' News SUnd, or of E. G. Whitney, at Hall A PearsaU's, or S. G. Hall. apl 15-th sat f ri NEW BOJTT pElRFECTLi' ELEGANT, At a leasonable pricil. ' . I . GEO. MYERS. QALlFOUXIA HAMS, 10 cents, at GEO. MI EKS. 500 n NK;v- JOODS, Received lis day at GEO. MIEUS. yyixE, TEAS LIQUORS, 2.",0 Bbls Flour, La without water, at GEO. M YERSr M ULFOUD'-S I Wisti'd'Java. Ctfie, In 1 lb. Packages, i Lree for $1, at GEO. MYERS. YOU DESIRE THE CHOICEST, FiiESHEsT, GROCERIES, AT LOWEST PRICES, Call at the immense establishment of GEO. MYERS; Not. 11, io; 10 South Frbiit it. Eire apl 15 17 vertisemontR. Last of the Sesdif ! A NOTUEa tOT, ANU, TUS LAST (F thSeaan, of FLOimu AJi'tikfJ. T! are nvseslty flse..-- l i II - . II ,'.JX ,a, i: ' apl !. It .North Water st.jieir ilulbr-v. 2. .': 1 ' 1 . , Velvet Frames and fasrals .: A ' ' Crrqudt, til prices; Family Bibiea, a n Book, Prajer Boks, Ac , Ac , at ' - ,-.n 9 BUOK STORE. ' lit apl 12 We are . Making 111. r . ' lli ' ; " ' ; 1 ' ' - All kmda of irtsed Lumber. . Sash, Doors, Blinds ! JXD ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at cur Planing Mill and Factory, "foot of Walnut street. Call and examine. . . . v. ALTAFFEIt, PRIOiSjO. apl 1 2 Office, Nutt; near Bed:. CroVst. "The Congress" OMKT IS MADE OF (JOOD MT5sT.LV, 4-plj Richardson Linen front axd back, snd reinforetd, 75 cents. Kqaal to any.Biirlnld for fl.CO. . ; : "THE ROYAL" Is ometliic2iuprb aid is guaranteed tonal to any $1,25 fchirt; price . '- . . ' ' .' t,l.,4; 9tii f. 90 cents. Waaeutta or u Jork, iiii Shirts made to order at $1.26, and a?eoJ M nmnttk4kA . ' bl. ' . miDircn. cign oi ! Big .pw,t apl a .n hi i Manta ftcTtrfeV; Fasliipnablo ? Milliiiery ! LAfESET8L; Competent lady in charge. Alaqt aflntire n w asorttEe"t of Ladies' Cmler Heir.Chi.d ren'sr.Linen,! Plque Ginebafc Kif tWjo "Trn Cloaks, Ac Laiest styles ia lir.Goodf, ht MIS8ES KARltEU & MoGOWAK 5 mob 29 v- - yo' jfi flEW 0 Q0 D 8 M EV 0 000S ' MRS. 8. Bakbr bss Jnrtrcfveaiiew lot pfLeghoin Utnnotoi latonbABw . All th new styles of Bti, JfUvwetSS-iUJibon and everything: io the MLjicerj lijfp,.au i f which I offer to the puMic.'on' the vptt lib eral teros. I am able 1 tni-ff?rftreat ' r dacementatotoe Ladurs of fhe eltfVd ur rounding; copaujjibiihu as .te ai,htyeK d price of jrnods.. Uir work pBAiiit most improTet ityles. . keep, ZuhTre'.d Haxony Wool in all Colo-s. ' OAnje for yourselves, correr Third and t)rsne Vtv spl ,i Fresh Lot oT O ON FUME CATARRH AND ASftfi A Cigarettes, Wei De Meyir Ca'srrh Cure, and a full and com Jete stock bf 3tfr DTtit;8 and Medicines. ( ( ?ff ,ni.t F. C. MILLER,. Corner 4th aad Nun Stitfeta. upen flay andnhrht. , mch '29-tf WitMiKarojf,N. a, April 7,13K. fJlHK EXKCUTIVK COMMirTEIjf 'tfflLe Democratic Ta'rty hr th!( Third j 'coes sional District, a ill aueet t ,the. Fite:i House, In,, Wilmington, o;Wf?Jn(!aVe 21t oi April, at It o'efrk . T'J- e '.: , J "' ' I .-.'- A run at encancs if eAmt!r n rntA: Those unah'e to. attend inil-pleffe hrffj the Chair man and send-ff,xir. - P 2 Cnz. J).lMYER?, Chan. Moore Indz.lFwiw Bri4f MeatiVrVi" t j etteTillfl BDner pieae copj. , , , m.a Proymionsi" A. Clicioe Lot N G.,Lard aa.d Sajni-. 10 ierCM Celebrated Mst;iirIia;fl, inn BbtHetrMPorr,1-3 V O .", Bbli Fami'y da. " : ' ' JQ BbU Fansily i'latBxef, . -a;f:4J . Bbls Rump Perk, X J. ;; , , . .:... . : ... J'ru. iiljdl OA Boies FtiXD's l 8 8iei, I wa.i 20 B?.",; PrAa P 8j?ft L I OA Bores Frf-uef tanked Slifti. 1 . Jer f a'ti low br -.t i u d i.: nil Jf DAavnoll p 7 .. ... . . 0 8ALB LOW.-V'LduChartrr Pattys, laepee&r'j CetClaeatet JfopLfetff, rAKBOcK, a ; it i 19 as; LJobirrfnter. J J-J 11 let iB. New (UTUview haddiaj) . apl J A