I THIS PAFKK oiishefd every afternoon, Sundays ex- J o su .1 M R 8 . KOITOK ANDPKOPRIKTOK. "aUKJlUKrK)Ntf.l,6j3TAaK PAID. 5 00 - Six months, f.'J 50 ; Throe Blurbs, 1 25;. O.ie month, 60 cent. p paper wiil l delivered by carriers, .ee of charge, inny part -f the city, attbe ,'bove rate', or 13 cents pr week. Adrertisinjt rates 'low and liberal Subscribers -iM plaa-report au'y and '1 failures to receive their papers regularly. niahed to the Editor H - CommunleaUoMttBsthe wxittaa) artmt, one aide of th1pe s - PersonaiiUesaaast Wavi5ei-:Tn And it U especially and pa:tKahrty ade tood that the Editor does not aljsirdaae the viewtf eorrespondasta nxlasrao taud tn the.dtarilcolan3n.' fVltJf 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY APRIL 19, 1880. VOL. V. I f lTTTi , v A n u ITT '-IVTrifTrT ' ' -v I New Advertisements. )Wii & RODDICK, 45 Market' St. 'YV'M !:-' ANNOUNCE THAT 'in coimec. ini wi!n our Press ''' of -VVfirt ! i . npamnem, over i. pieces 'IfKxU, which we are !.;. -20k itiiU 25e; I h?si J? xds an- ol'"t.e-1 with a view o.tliv wants .of .hi-? marker, embrace ni u:y Novoltie. Having purchased in the mouths of October, November and Ie .eml)jrranticipitl?:g tho advance which has r; ceully takrta place, and as far as j.nssibl- will give t!.e l jn:fittooiir patrons. Black Cashmeres, We are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortintnVof all the Nov elties in this particular branch of ourbusi IU'33. Black Crapes. We have by far the largest assortment of Black Crapes you can tind, and aro the Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' GRAPE For the deepest mourning. if I 2 Button Kid Gloves. a 0eraifepring and Dark Shades. They need no comments. j t- In aMcoos Front 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time The way to secure Bargains is to keep callirg. BROWN & E0DDIGK, 45 Market St. mch 20 Agricultural Ins. Co. of New York. ORG ANIZED"IN 1853. ASSETS 1st JAN. 1S80, $1,187,267.75. LOSSES TAID OVER $3,000,000. INSURES NOTHING BUT Dweliingi and eontent, and farm property, and ofiers a riciAt iMBtrcBHKMTS for ripks bf that class. Issnres against damage by Lightning, whether fire ensues or not) without extra charge. gents wanted In every county in the Stale JNO. W. GO&DOX BRO mch 9-men-fri Oeoeral Agnt. LOCAL NEWS. Nw Advertlseuients. P HuiHSBBUSaa Outdoor Games. ' Yatbs .Organs. P L BaiDsss8 k Oo Spring Diet. ; ' , J W Goanox & Ba6 Agricultural Int Cosapany of New York. Clyde Hew York Steamship Line. AicirriB, Prick & Co. We are Making. BoixviioBT iicKey Offer this Week, Joax M. RoBtuseK The New Hat Store. Wiixiavs ft MoacHisos. Porto Kico Mo lawe, Coffee, 8ngar, Flour, Ac. Window Glass all sizes at Altaffer & Price's. f -i i . . . . Full Metal and Walnut Show Case3, all Styles and sizes, at Altaffrb, Pkicje & Co's. A man 'b character has been likened to a fence yon earno. rtrcothep it by white wash. It is not what you have in your but what yon have in your heart that makes you rich. - If I had to wait from here to Balti more for it, I would pot be without Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in my family is what we heard a lady say yesterday. Price only 25 cents a pottle. . f Save your money and bay your iuild lug Supplies from AlUfi'er & Price. f that Iicse juice' is' a new color. - Aqecdotcs of great ineu all remind us that it-is easy to lie. . A man ia never so sensitive of bis honor as when he. becomes becomes beastly drunk. Very good chicken salad can be made of chopped veal, by mixing a few feathers from a pillow. Theio will bo, in the month of May 1830, two moons; five Saturdays, five Sundays, five Mondays. ; t The young ladiea of the First Baptis. Charch netted-SG5 at tba Festival given by them on last Friday evening.' j It is said a gentleman in oar c'ty has purchased a liver pad for no. other pur pose but to 8eaMf 'it would not change his luck.' A philosopher has discovered that the homeliest mothers generally have the prettiest babies. This is a death blow tb baby shows. A school mistress thinks that pupils ough to have a great hearty laugh eveiy day. This desideratum might b brought about by the school mistress reading4her love letters to her pupils. Between the backwardness of .the sea son and the high price ef paper the spring poets are mucn uncouragea anq euuors A I 1? 1 T are proportionately grateful. , ; j Mayor lushblate being indisposed thif morning there was no session of the City Oourt .to-day. The cases on the docket were continued until to-morrow morning. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at JaCobi's Hardware Denot.. J - without advertising, and ro may a man empty a hogshead of water with a tea-1 spoon, but both are decidedly tedious un rWav;, ; . Mr Nath'l Jaoobi havin? been annoint- I ed agent Tor the Atlas Plow, parties .to . 0 - - 4 - . , , , . I n9Ub V1 LUl9 wlOJiawu L1"w "VTT nave meir oraers nuea ai JAcoiirs xiara- i ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. J a runaway ana narrow escape, i About 3:30 o'clock yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, Mr. John -H. Strauss, wbosq . residence is on Fourth, between Hanover and Brunswick streets, harnessed his I horse.' a verv high spirited animal, to his I knraJ wi feim to th. rnrnpr of Ma I , i' . . . , .. . I uauao. u..0 intending to taae a snort ride. Alter I . - .i . i a a Mr. Strauss had entered the house, his I lttte' son.about 5 years of agetclimbed into the bussv. The fiorse then became ingateneu .anu staneu at, iuo W? "lo speea ior tne street, wnicn ne reacneu ey breaking down and entirely demolishing I a strong . gate, firmly secured - by a stout iron bar. He then ran . caw baaw v wa mw ww at (ha tnn nt . hia unppri I across, rourtn street, nridge.. Alter . i . c .i t crossins tne oriaee a coudio or censie-1 men on horseback, seeing theiperil of the child, immediately gave chasd to the rufi- ftwnv tftam. whitih tumor! r?rwn fled r Cross and from thence out Third to Wal-1 nnt. dnwn whinh it rushed and waa ereni- I ually overtaken and stopped near' the Front Et'eet M. E, Church by Mr. John R. Meitori. one of the men on horseback I Fortunately and almast miraculously the I child was not in the least injured, al hough it was very naturally much I frightened. No damage was done to the! horse or harness aud only a slight injury to the buggy . Plows, ohoveli, -Pitchforks Spades Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, kc. For the lowest prices, go to JaCobi's. . Precautionary Measures. The steam fire engine Little Giant, with a deUchment cf that fireccmpany. was'on dutv last night from 11 d'clock until 3 o'clock this inornnr, playing on I the smouldering t rubers of the recent fire corner of Dock and Front streets. Tlais I was done by order of Col. Roger Moore I Chief of the Fire Department. . An infallible remedy for . Fever 'and Ague is AXERS AGUE CURE, Wholly Vegetable and containing no quinine, it is arm less ana eure. GiTen tp bj Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is np and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy ?' . : I assure yon it is true that he is en Hrelv rured. and with nothing but TTnn Bitters : and only lea day ago his doctors I scasrfisasa.r,; wiUgo thiaday and got some for my poor wreorge l mow nops axe gooa, A Card From Col. Moore. We cheerfully give plac9 herewith to a card! from Co!. Roger Moore. In our re port! of the proceeding of the Conven tion held on 'Saturday afternoon we aim ed to give as full a report ,as possible but the fact that we had- so little time in which to get out the report will account for ajw. inadvertent errors." It was not ha complete as we desired but it was as nearly so as we could make it in1 the short time at our disposal. Col. Mo : re's card i us follows: Wilmington, N. -C, April 10th. 1880. J. Ti James, Es., Editor Review; Dear !ir In your report ox the pro cetdings o the Democratic Ccunty Con vention, held on Saturday laat, your re porter did rrean injustice, though unin tentionally, I am sure, by not stating that! I declined, peremptorily, to serve, uncfer the circumstances, on the Executive Committee as Committeeman frum the Second Ward. The circumstances aro these: When Xt. Joseph' J. Bowdeu, a resident of the First Ward, offered the resolutions, naming the Executive Com mittee, I offered an amendment, substi tutlng the names of Maj. John W. Dun ham and Q. J. Boney, Esq., as commit teensen from the Second Ward, in the place of the names proposed; as our Ward bad expressed a preference for those gentlemen, though not act ually voting for them. My amendment was voted down, and the original, by Mr. Bowden, was then adopted, I immediately declined tho hon .nd refu8ed emohJticallv to . . i serve, under the circumstances, and re- I quested the Convention, for the sake of I harmony, to put one of the gentlemen (the preference of our Wardlin my place: I that 1 could not, and would net accept. I nor would I allow myself to be forced upon my vvara wnen iney naa already, in myiopinion,expressed a preference; and that 1 was sure it would be exceedingly distasteful to the Democratic voters of out Ward to have a gentleman from the First Ward select their Committeemen. rrtL ni. i ; 1 i . t i I I Jnmmitf M van anthnrtvarl tr fill tinrr YacanCT, i then took- issue with the Chairman, upon the ground that the J Convention was the creator of the I committee: that it was not Jot,i urftiiixiou uuu vy my declining the Committee was cot l.1.t i c u. KrX Zr WWU VUUatU. t)UVM UUU bUCID. till bUQ Ytt- Icaficv. and askad. aPft n. that nn nf tha gentlemen named above should be chosen. Colonel McRae moved to fill the vacancy, and named a gentleman, but for some raoaon. afterwards withdraw hia motion But the whole proceedings showed, con- I I 1 A 1 V I T . 1 uiyf imi inemeeung naa accepted ttJmfeer of thfl fexecntive Committee from the Second Ward as reported in your pa per EegTetting the necessity that prompts thii communication, but feeling it due to mjset and right that I should make the statement. I am. verv iresDectfullv vours. I 9 - JT - . 9 Roqeb Moobb. Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sash And TtllnriaL RniMftrft TlnrflwarP fan T,nw gt plreces at JAOOBI'S. Township Meeting at Reeky Point. .The Democrats of Union township met at Rocky Point on Saturday, April 17th, 1 j- j . : rk. aS BCCCOraiDZ WJ UrCVlUUS UUllUB. iW w wmibb wicbuwu .w usw6.w w (m Tl.v. 1 1 Onnn w Pnnvon linn f n Ko k"obu.i.iv. luuvj wv..w- held at Burgaw next Saturday to appoint delegates to the Congressional and State ConventlOtt. . Dr. S. 8. Salchwell was elected Chair man and Mri John E.' Wood was Called opon td act as Secretary. The Chair mn urged harmony and tne - adoption, a paramount principle, oi selecting tne bet and strongest men for candidates. tie alluded to the coming and extraordi nar7 c fn the political historyof this country and insisted tnat tne success oi tbej Deoocrary every wnere depended on the kind of men selected as nominees. A ballot was then had for five dele gates to the County Convention from this township, and the following was the re sult: E. Porter, 38; O.J. Miller, 36; W. F. Robitzsch, 46; Tboa. Williams, 37; Thos. A. McCiendon, 1; A. M. Bowden, 44; D. T. Durham, 9;T. J. Armstreng, 9; Benj. Ourrie 9. Those five- who received the highest nnmber of votes were declared elected. They were run as Stedman delegates. A ballot was then had for an Execu tive Committeeman from the township a I the County . Democratic Executive Committee. The election resulted in the selection of Dr. S. S. Satchwell ffor the next two years by an almost unanimous vote. The proceedinirs were ordered to be sent by the Secretary for publication to the Lsar and Bxvrsw and Journal, of Wiloingtca. ' vcv I11 Colon, Broahes, Window Glass, c, at J acobts. Memorial Kay and the Ladres Me niOi ial Association. One week front to day the. annual lljral tributeforn" tho fiir daughters f th South will Ik; uiTerc-1 with loving, hearU and tender hands upon tha graves of the dead ConfeJerat8 heroes. I; remains for woman, constant, devftM vcina:, who was last at th? Cross ar;.i first the Tomb' to thus keep alivo ti.e iicrcd nieihorics cf departed uonh, wliiic uvr 'e!uaio hands keep :rectj thh turf til weave garlands of fragmn tl-jwcro tt.hcdtc fbo U si 'rest ing place of thore mart ia to t":-.c cause we all oi:co lot ei bo well, who tow sleep their last s-le.p in th? silent city- of the deal. But f.r the constancy exhibited by tha fir women vi unr !d, 10 the memory of ii.obv who, iiking ali, yielded u) their iives in defence of the principles for which they fought, we fear that tho graves which contain now but the dust of many of the gallant men who vore the gray, would go untouched, unnoticed sr.d uncared for, until finally all traces of Ice spot where these heroes lio bured would become obliterated for ever. The Ladies' Memorial Association of this city has perfoimed its duty in this respectas in all others, nobly aud well. The Association here, which dates its or ganization back some twelve years ago, has not only purchased a lot in which to bury the Conferdato dead, but has had tho ground enoloaed with a hand some and substantial railing. In the cen tro of this lot tho ladies have caused to be erected one of the handsomest mon uments to be seen anywhere in the South and which has been the object of great admiration by all visitors to Oakdale Cemetery, chief amocg whom was the distinguished old chieftain and 'war-worn veteran, General Joseph E. Johnston But this is net all the ladies have done; every Confederate Boldier who now lies buried in the cemeteries here if no other monument marks the spots has a marble stone with his initials 'in gilt letters, to gether with the name of the -command to which, he was attached, carved in the stone. This is done even now whenever an old Confederate soldier dies and is buried in any of our cemeteries here, where no other monument is erected t'o his memory. In this way, the excellent ladies of this worthy Association are per petuating the memories of the Confederate dead. Gcd bless the noble hearts that inspire such devotion; and may God bless the willing hands of the dear ladies who ecu tinue this good work; from generation . to generation, so long as timo shall last and there is a grave to tjQ fieen that holds the dust of a brave soldier who was ever clad in gray. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats, ing Stoves at almost any price at J a corn's Hardware Depot. Democratic Meeting. A meeting of the Democratic voters of Grant township, Pender county, was held at Sandy Run on the 17th inst., to choose delegates to the County Convention to be held at Bargaw April 21th. Tho meet ing was called to order by Mr. U. K. Bryan' Jr., and a permanent organization effected by electing Dr. L. ,L. Alexander to the Chair and Mr., R. J. Nixon , as Secretary". Resolutions being announced by the Chair in order, Mr. Bryan offered the following, to wit: Resolved, That the delegates fcant by Grant township, to the Pender County Convention, to be held at Bargaw .on April 24tb, are not restricted but are to act for the best interests of theDemocratic party. After vigorous opposition by Mr L. II. McCJamrny the resolution passed almost unanimcusly. The elec tion of delegates being announced by the Chair in order, the following gentlemea were chosen by ballot, viz: J. W. Foy, J. W. Westbrock, R. J. Nixon, J. W Sidberry, W. II. King. - Oa motion the Chair appointed N. N. Atkison, L. W. Howard, A. Garrascn, C. W. McClammy and J. C. Nixon, as alternates. A ballot being taken fcr County Committeeman resulted ' ia. the unanimous election of Mr. J . T. Foy. Oa motion agreed that the Secretary be requested to forward thus proceedings to the Wilmington Star, Review acd Joubkal, with a rearrest that they be published; after., which a unanimous vote of thanks was passed complimentary to the Chairman and 'Secretary, wtca, tto meeting adjoutaed. , ; . . i . r Neve mind about the cool weather. I is always Spring-time at this season of the year at Shnere, where, . will bejoacd ' ihe moat elegant and .. the cheapest assocU ment of clothing in the State of North Carolina. s .tr;'- MARRIED. LUllU KAWLISS At Graca Churoh, Brooklyn Height, April 15, 1S80, by Ttev. Noah Hurt Schenck, D. I)., JOtlW ii. lAXSLD to HKLES (i.KANDIN, daughter of William Kawlins, all of Brooklyn. " DIED. At b'cott'e llill. Pender cinntv, on the Uth inst , at 0.20 1. M., af ter a locc and painful sickness, Mr. D. F, Mf CLAMMY, in the 13d year ol hia ago. Wc have cocimiUad to tho grs ve the wastjft casket that ecshrind tho choicest, gehtleit spirit that everlired among a. He that had no cualin purity of fxieneship, in depth an? sincerity cf nac fraternal lore, in the 3eTotion othia whole life -o unostentatious deeds of charity and goodness, ii gone to his great reward. A character icoro pnrely nn eelfi9b. than hia was nqver known to frail hu manity, and he is mourned to-dav by alias the very bert and most precious 1'riend thry ever had. ".None knew Lira but to love him. None named him but to praise." - He shrank not from the king of terror,bt looked forward to his advent vsrith irrepressi ble gladnee?, and awaited his coming with that patient, gentle resignation so typical of his life a life whose closo was in per fect keeping with its tenor. JuBt as the week was ending, in the holy hush of the Saturday evening twilight hour, the angels came to meet him. A smile for an instant wreathed his features and glorified them, and without a sigh and without a struggle this flawless jawel was gathered by the Lord of Glory and not in His crown of rajoicing. COM. Now Advertisements. The New Hat Store. QALL AND EXAMINE MY 8PKmG Styles ot Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Front street, Nest to Purcell House. ap!19 are (Waking All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors j Blinds ! ND O UNA MENTAL Wood. Work at our Planing Mill and Factory, foot of Walnut street. Call and examine. ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. apl,19 ; Office, Nutt, near Red Crosa at. . gOME NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Styles, just received and for sale upon Easy Terms, A full btock of Office and School Stationery, Miscellaneous Books, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. always oh hand, at BOOK STORE. ' apl 19 Outdoor Games. QUOQUET, FOOT BALLS, Bsae Balls, Indian Clubs, Ac, Ac, An immense assort ment at THE LIVE BOOK HTORR. Hammocks. JAUQE AND SMALL, Just received, and tor sale at HKINSBERGER'S. Piano3 and Organs on the Instalment Plan apt vj IG DIET. AT Tins season OF THE YEAR health requires a change of diet, and wen seiecea and seasonable Groceries parity tho blood and save Doctors bills. P. L. Briders & Co., 20, 22, 2i, 2G and 28 Front Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. - Now announce the return of their Se - nior from a careful canvaSv" (not political) of tho principal Groceries North, lookics urn, ior ovemes ar:iuppiies in our trade. una?rm3 aavico or tee oldest Leads in the bus; ess we laid in a supply cf Spring Condimentd I such as Catsups, Toiito; and ; . Waluut, I vanneu Jors'rs, iriicken, Turkey and Salmon, "Vegetable Bi'.tf rs, Worcestershire Sauce, French Mustard, a nevr and ele gant article, in small, neat, blue and red crocks, irapoTted from France and deli cious. The beat liu&tard yoaevereaw; A stcall kl cf Olivts, the hett and freshest in the market. ., We have also received je cenUy an aortiaer:t of Saurdjnts and FreiKhOll, ia comxzucnt cases. ; .. - WILMINGTON, N. C. I v ViUjJoo inaiikaiu their rtputatiou; for iiour, iJams,Ua3oa,jUial. ;Ao4ouriu ter, now sell Leg al a.-smail, advajicaia j. ally the finest artH'i we co'ul find.' .Now top eating sress, heavy fooJ, and corn for year Spring Enppllos to r "" P. t,-8RIBGERS flJBi a2352, Jl, 2$ aadislrrpat fitfiet,, 2 Now Advertisements; BOATlffllif? OFFER. THIS AVEE.;, 700 Bbls. Flour, .csiii:! ' Bonht at low O Bbls. Sugar, 20O Bbls Porto Klco'aml . Cuta lolassc?, 35,600 Llis Dry Salt Site, 200 Pks Fresh Cracker; 00 Cases Canned Goods,; lOO Boxes Candy, ''V1 100 do Candles;" ' I0O Gross Matches; ! 75 Packages Mackerel,' :' ' 95 Half Chests Tea, w 75 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Bbls. Carolina Bice.; 00 Boxes Soap, ' " And a general assorinient,, such' as you will find (both light1 and Fancy), in any first class. Grocery establishment. - i Come and see us. ;" f . , Don't forget wo keep tho Finest Selection of UQUOESofjIony house in the State. : BOATWRIGHT & MCKOY. . ...... . 5 l 7 north Front Street. apl 19 - - Porto Eico Molas8esr 244 Ehd P0RT0 KICO MOLASSES., Choice lot now landinff - - ex-Schr Lucy ITammoad, And for tale low by , apl 19 WILLI A MS MURCHI502T. Coffee, Sugar, Flour 350 Bags Coffee, Bio. ;, Laguyra and Java, 300 Bbls Sugar, Cut'Loaf "ia Granulated, Standard 'A f 4 ' Extra'CandC, 1200 Bbls Flour,: Super to Kxtra Family 4LOOO Bush Prime-White Cornj, 275 Boxes Smoked . t A tiu . -and D &SidH. SO O Bbl$. Early Bqsq Potatftga I25 Bbls CSty Mess Pork, , .n 150 Tubs Choice Leaf LarA i 175 Boxes Starch, u 250 Boxes Laundry 5 325 Boxes Lyfeand Potash ; ' 150 Boxes Assorter CtnAr) 8500 Sacks Marshall,i! T4n RM OOOO Sacks Liverpool SalT . SnuiL.Tobexico f Parr Trh Shot, Space, Ginr--Peppeiv Up6p Jxon, Spirit Barrx J u; viv for sale low by 1 lattaodi i j . apl 19 Grand Family 'Excuroi on I ti m j . a si nil J- ln at Baatanile, at Bald Ha aftd tX fctl CuVtn. eouiv oi juI axf cl ti RientnS BoVrcf aYSeeif5 vuf oj ft sial . .iuw:aaiiScaL4s tta Boat will eave wharf at o'elock; . , ij'4 l-wi , ujv4 ilJvIo J4i1 a4 lT!ba ,-ta n'Smktv ci f