T1II8 -P1FEK.' u maolished every afternoon, BacdaT? I S li . T. I A M E8, -turniK and vkofkiktor. ce yer,f 00 Six montls, f-5 50 ; Thrwe !inoathi, $1 i5;-O.ie month, 50 cent. The ppc wri?' b. doHvered by carriers, rfchsrrr, in 7 rt ' th' c5 -e Advertising T i.iw -:! !:hrl . fySub rrriN-' Will jvitf'.f rjmrt niy and ' ,i rzii'iThf f rscMve their papers regularly. ii i Now Advertisements. KQWH & RODDICK, 45 Market St. ri: wont.;) announce that vV -f WCii-' I . i press i !-- Department, over 15') pieces of - Worsts! . Diss (roods, which wa are T'ii se sHU'i-.ro- selected with a view ., ili' wauls df tliic? nuirket, ami embrace many Novelties. I laving purchased in the months of October, November- ;iud De-riinii)- r, anticipating the advance 'which liaJ recently taken place, and is far as p -ssibl i will give the benefit, to our patrons. Black Cashmeres, . We are, making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all the Nov elties in this particular branch of our busi ness. Black Crapes. We have by far the largest assortment of Black Crapes you can find, and aro the Sole Agents of . - THE WIDOWS' GRAPE, For the deepe3t mourning. 2 Button Kid Gloves. a. i i In Opera, Spring and Dark Shades. - They need no comments. ii From 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time. ihe way to secure Bargains is to keep camog. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. mch20 . Grand Family Excursion I GRAND FAMILY EXCUUSION will on WEDNESDAY next, 21st inat. The toat will atop at Fort Fiaher, going and retarn in at SmithTille, at Bald Head aad at Fcrt Ciawell. Refreabmenta on board at city pricea. Fare for round trip 60 cents. Children under 10 years, 25 centa. 'Boat will leave wharf at 9 o'clock: JAB. C. MUNDS, J9SU.T. JAMES, Committee, apl 17 Outdoor Gaines. QROQnET, FOOT BALLS, Baae Balls, Indian Clubs, Ac, 4c An immenae assort ment at THE LITE BOOK BTOREj Hammocks. I T ARQE AND SMALL, Juat received, and 1 j - ' for sale at HKINSBERQER'S. ! Pianos aad Orgaca on the Inatalment Plan pi 19 j Organs. i - - ANn H E A T7TT fcTTf . Sit1. ;0 fjait received and for. sale upon Eaiy Term. A fall atock of Office and School Stationery, iMiecellaneoua Booka, Fancj Qoodj, Ac, Ac, always oa hand, at - BUOK STORE. apl 1 " JT TETa I l w ... Mm i i.i ,.. i. TT fcn in - - - i - i. . m . - , - - , - . . ITTTTJ -rrx . TT-v ' I, r l-ri -rr n. -a I TV Tl IT V T II 11 TT "W TJ "V Tf vrif- . I lilifi IPAIM ttMIEW.- VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS, New Advertisement. T W SiaASGK Commiuioner' Sale E 8 SaTiN-CommijiioDer'i Bile. Mas S J Bakrr Millinery Spring Goods ruirrf Look Out. Orand Excarsion. -P KsisasKRGa Outdoor Gniea. YaTsi . Orana. Spring fever U quits gensra! ia the city. Window (llass-I-ice's. all sizes at ltafler & Brjach of promiae is now regarded aa couUropt of cnrfe. What is better tuah a promising young man? A paying one. Spring openings aro generally ahead of the .opening of spring. There are few breasts that do not throb in unison witfa a circus band. Tbo prices cf early vegetables are kept up to astonishingly high figure?. ' Winter fruit iitaverv scare?: those of " - - . ! summer will toon attention. , elalm our undivided boxes are generally passed around for lfio cidental expenses. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi'b Hardware Depot. It is said that when General Sherman goes to a ball he kisaes all the misses and never misses a Kiss, vr wercs 10 wai effect. . . Tobacco chewing has increased 8 per- cent in the past year, and yet the girls say the boys are too sweet for just any- thing. - " . Capt. Walter Furleng, who has been confined to his bed for a long time, has so I far recovered as to be able to appear on I the streets again. I Don t forget that Judge Cantwell will I lecture this evening before' the HistorL I cal and Scientific Society. It will bel0ffire in that neighborhood Had there well worth hearing. This is the. ladies' leap year conun drum: Whenrwi.ll the alphabet contain only twenty-five letters? And then, af ter they have given up, the blushiag answer is 'When U and I are ono.' The. coming summer hat for women is to be of straw. It will-be knocked in on he front, jammrt in on tho tact, .bored ' I in on each ude and kickeri m on top. I - . I Ti,nn TO;n : .j . - nl . - , , , J . , r I around to maxe the whole: e fleet harmo-1 nious . It will be trimmed with strips of I sheet tin, turkey wings, M fruit cans and I debris generally. It is an economical kind I ot hat. as it can' be made hr tAkia a boy's old straw hat, running a wheel- barrow over it a few time 3 and hitching on whatever comes "handy. " Window Glass of all sizes , Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders' Bard? 'are,&c. Low st plfeces at Ja corn's. Nobody should go to cbttrch. r public I meeting,hacking away and clistnrbing tbej preacher or oratorwith their Cough. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrupt once; it costi nnlir 9. rents n hnttla J I Some very fine l Dupliii county beef, f choice cuis, is offered elsewhere as for I saie io-jmorrow ai xuei ton's Deei shop, oa Second street, at 10 cents per pound. We thank Mr. Melton for a roast of thi beef, sent in to us to-day, and we car i therefore state, from personal knowledy e, that it is all that is claimed for iL Personal. Mr. Samuel Blaisdell, of Chlcr ,pee, Mass., a leading cotton spinner ia that large manufacturing town, is register ed at the Purcell House. Mr. Blaisdell ' is ac companied by his wife and we learn will remain in our city I or a day or two . We wish the gentleman and bis lady a pleas ant sojourn (luring their stay in on r city and trust thit they will carry away with them and back to Masaachuaette more agreeable impressions of the Sout h and its people than pessibly they pr obably might have had if they had never : ventur ed this far down into this benigh . ted and uncivilized country. ' Never mind about t he cool weal her.I is always Spring-time at this seasc n of the year at Shrier's, where will be'for And the most-elegant and- the cheapest assort ment of clothing in the State ,f North Carolina. , . " tf. An i infallible remedy' fci" P ver and Ague is AYEtVS AGUE CCREL Wbolij vegetable and containing no qniui le, it it harmless and snre. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL On the Line Again. The steamer A. P. Hurt, of the Cape Fear and People's Steamboat Line, pnt in an-kppearance here this morniug for her regular trips, after an absence of several months, during which time she has re ceived an entire new summer outfit. The Gov. Wot th, of tbeXsame line, is with. drawn temporarily. Kverybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jaobi's Hardware Depot.. Birglary. An , unsuccessful attempt was made about 1 o'clock yesterday morning ' to burglarise the dwelling of Mr. A. V. Sykes, on Seres th, between Market and Dock streets. Mr. Sykes says ha heard th thief at A back door and by look ing out of the window could see him standing there. The fallow was frighten ed 'off and as he ran Mr. Sykes fired at him and shouted for tha poliee. Congressional Executive Committee- :Kt uemecrauc isxecuuvc tommiwo lr this, uw.jluuu ougrosaioujn ui, meets in iN city, at the Tu ced House toJmorrnw 12 o'clock. Tbo business before the meeting first in order is, we I believe, to fix a t im and Place for the &s sembling of the Congress Wial Nominating Convention. . As yet it .no Known, we apprenena, wnat particular s0 selected. ; This could only be bv a canvass of the committeeman; a" 01 whom hare not vet arrived in the city. w inclin9 pinion, however, tht I Wilmington. Magnolia or Fayetteville will Ibathenlaep I j tr Keady mixed Paints, strictly rure White Lead, Colors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, &c, at Jacobi's. j -'-T It Should be Done. por a year or two rpast Col. Koger Moore, Chief of the Fire Department, has been trying to get the city authorities to nlace a floodgate over the creek which c.roMM Market street near ' the cercer of & - - w T JeKbm ao to cause au accumulation of water .which could be drawn on in case been any means of backing the water up during the fire which consumed Mr, Har manHintze ai?d Dr. T.B.Carr's residences the engines could have gotten water on the fire much earlier, and at least $2,000 worth of property might lave been saved. If we mistake not there is no firo cistern cn Market street east of Seventh, and if a floodgate were fixed over the creek plenty " 5Mr 8tten 6y cropping 1rtVf TYinrh Tirnnprf.ir in that. , iv-. W nn nf tViA ltl" vwilff nft SAVetl from - w" J destruction by fire, j Mr. Nath'l Jacolri having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi s Mara ware Depot, Ho. 10 b. Front st. tf. Lippincotfs Magazine. Lippincott's Masazine for May ivpens with a copieualy illustrated paper on Richfield Springs, which, besides an t. tractive description of this much frequent- ed watenngplace and muca tnwrmation i that will be useful to all who think off spending part ot the aummer tfcore, gives . tMat .w,nlar, abat Peni. i -rj "VT T moro cooper ana uuaga asciou, wuw -t Coopersttwn lie withia an easy .fvlA from Richfield. A deacendaatof the famous novelist, Miss Constance Feni raore Woolson, contributes to thia nums her a Tery quaint and touching story en titled Misa Grief.' The first of a peries of Studies in the Blums,' by Mrs Helen Campbell, gives a striking account of the mission in Water Street, New York. The ,concludiBg paper of Octave Thanefs able discussion of the condition of 'Ihe Eng lish Workingman' deals with another and not I i a nrossinff sociarproblem. 'The Backwoods of Guatemala are graphically picUred with both psn and peacU in Dr. Oswald's Summerland Sketches which are now drawing to a close. Nena Stur eishasan illustrated article on 'Ancient Maskers and Modern Carnival.' F. M. Osbourne gives an amusing account of a Funeral in a Chinese Fishing Village and Phebs D. Natt describes the methods of instruction in the various 'London Art Schools.' There are several short stories, including a lively skstchof negro life by Jennie Woodrille; 'Adam and Eve, by the author of Dorothy Fox,' grows in . in terest and the 'Monthly Gossip', is full of Eood things. A poeia oy .uoogieiiow I appear in the next number. wi Given Vp by Doctors- r itncsibie that Mr. Godfrey is up and at woik, and cured by so simple a remedy?' . . . . , I assure yon it Is true that he Is en tlrely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters ; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" MWeiUa-daY ! That is remarkable 1 I will go this day and got some for my poor ueore i kuow w-. a a 1 1 IIM.i m . 11 - ' A Hotel atA'rightsYii:?.- We undarbt'md thit Mr. F. A. Schutte has purchased that beautiful property on Wrightsville Seucd known a? the Dr. Wright 'place, and that ;is scon f.s the necessary 'arrangements can bejmidc, h3 will erect there a neat lilt 10 liot'-l for the accommodation ci visitors. -Mr Schutle calculates to have his u -use ready for tbe reception . of guests this urame:". , Pio-K-s, 6hovel3r i'itohtorks, '.spade-3 Kakes, Trate Chains, Plow Lires. &c. For the lowest tiices, go to J acoui's. Colored Excursionists. An excursion party of cuiored people from Go'dsboro ad intermediate points along the line of the W. & W. railroad, under the auspices of th- Onhr of Good Samaritar.s, arrived in this city this morning, but owing to the inclemency of the weather they were obliged to remain under shelter nearly nil day. This after noon, however,, they' yrcre on the streets On parade and made a very creditable ap pearance. Election of officers. At a meeting of the Comet Star Light Infantry, held last night, the following officers wereelecLed for the ensuing term: A. JoneF, Captain. Thos. Spencer, First Lieutenant. Lewis.jMcMillan, Second Lieutenant. Nicholas Jones, .Th'rd Lieutenant. By the way, we see that the Comet Stars will give an excursion to Wrights ville Sound on May 2nd. See advertise ment in another column. The Excursion Tc-Morrov: T'tje oglcial indications of this afternoon are to haftect that it will be warm and pleasant to-morrow and therefore these who have been closely scanning the clouds Nto-d.ay with an eye to the excur sion to-morrow on the steamer Passport need not fear unpleasant weather. Tbe excursion will be had and ample prepara tiona have been made for tho entertain ment of all who may go. Tho boat will visit Fort Fisher, Fort Caswell. Bald Heac and Smithville and we' are satisfied that it will be a pleasant aflair, Kefreshments 'will be provided, such as cakes, ice-cream, fruit, lemonade, sand wiches, devilled crabs and coffee and every care will bo taken that will' enure: to the comfort of those onboard. We trust that the attendance will be large, Tickets for sale at the bo-t. Death of Mr. S. L- Galloway. We are sorry to learn, as we do from tho Goldsbpro Messenger, of the death in that town, on Wednesday night of last week, of the death of Mr. Samuel L Galloway, a resident of Goldsboro and for many years preceding bis death a rail road employe at that point. Mr. Gallo way was aged C4 years and 8 months. He was a native of Brunswick county and was a brother of Capt. Swift Gallo way, Solicitor from this District, and of Mr. John W. Galloway, of this city. He died of consumption. Ho was a m.9st estimable gentleman and had many friends here who will grieve te learn of bis death. Produce Exchange. At the first meeting of tho recently elected Board of Managers of the .Wil mington Produce Exchange, held at noon to-day, the following appointments for the ensuing year were made aud con firmed: Secretary and Treasurer Jno L Cant well. Arbitration Committee L MacUie, G J. Boney, C H Kobinsoa, B G Worth and Jas Sprunt. Finance B $ Hall, C H King, J L Cant well. Law A Martin, T E Bond. Information and Statistics L H Van Bokkelen, John Judge and RLiily. Marine E Peschau, R E Ileide atd T E Bond. - Inspection Geo fW Williams, Jacob Loeb, W R Kenan. Cotton Classification J II Currie, S B Birdsey, Jas Sprunt. Statistics W L DeRosset, A Pope, EG Barker. Cotton Quotations W Calder, E Lilly, D MacRae. Naval Stores Quotations D Cr Worth, A L DeRoe set, J D Woody. FuU Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Pkice &CoV If I had to walfc from here to Balti more for it, I would not be without - Dr. Ball's Ooagh Syrup in my- family is whst we heard a lady say yesterday; l,Price only 25 cents a bottle. 20, 18S0. NO. 59 The Welcome Rain. Tha long-looked for a:;J much needed raia has coir.o ;it last. It rained hard early this morniug and has kept it up very fiithfully throughout' the entire diy. ' For aa April shower wo must say that it. his dona well. It came just ia the nick of time, too, aa it was eurely needed ia this section. The hearts of the truckers are now iad and wo may look for an abur.ilar.co cf vegetables next week. It is Loped, nlao, that it hag extended iuto the intcriur and will there putrr.oro water in. the river. The amount of the rainfall hero tosday, as we learn from tha Signal Office here, up to 3 o'clock, pm, is" 1.19 inches. A Touching. uequcst. We havei reeieved from Capt. W. J. Calai?, formerly of this city, but now resi dent at 'Old Fort, in -this State, a letter wilh an enclosure of $4, the amount which was raised by .Capt. Calais' little 'daughler.Mellie, just previous to her death, w hich was raised through her 'efforts for tho Irish sufferers. The child was so disr tu'rbed at the continued accounts shQ heard of suffering among the Irish people that her little heart swelled with pity and she could not rest until she had done some thing herself towards alleuating their dis tress, rreviouto her death she requested her father to send the amount she had raised to the Editor of this pap 2r to be ap plied to the rjuipcse indicated. The money has been handed by us to Alex.'Sprunt, Esq., British Vica Consul, who will for ward it at once to its proper, destination Little Mellio was only eight years Id when she died on the 23d of last month. It is a touching bequest. Save your monGy and buy your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t List of letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in tho City Tostoflice Wednesday, April 21st: B Henry lirown. Monroo Bvrd. K T Burrows, II L Bose, David Bryant. J E Bond. C Sarah Conner, Maggie Cyrus, Lid die Cyrus, Elizabeth Carter, Sandy Callie, R M Capps. D John Dixon, Dennis Dcrr, Wm Devaun, Eiiza Dudley. E J C Eaton, Carry Ellis. F J W Farrar, Eiiza Foy, Evaline G Andrew Gilitepie, R n Grant. H J B Hand, Jno Hill, Sarnl Han kins, Willis Holmes, James Hall, Jno J Hill, H J Herring, Fred Ham&nn, Annie Llall, Jano Houston, Joseph Hankins, Julia Hooper, ZjII Hankins, col,' Lucy Ulll. JElmyra Johnson. Wright Johnson. Alice Joruon. K Henry King, Lcuisa Kelley. L W H C Levy. M Thos M Moore, Pat Miller, Jas T Mills, Jnoo Malone, Jehn McColough, Austin Middleton, R W Moore, Violet D Murrell, Catherine May, Ellen Murphy, Francis , Mack, Florence Morriss, Grace Miller, Laney Moore, Mary F Martin. N Wesly Nixon, Jordan-Nixon. O Jim Ogburne, P Andrew Peterson, David Pierce. John T Pharrah; T C Picket, Charlotte 1'ope, Harriet 1rice, L L Fitts. R Saml E Rush. Lillia Ray, S Rush. Gabel Richardson, F W Renneker, F H liann. . S Danl Shaw. E F Sugg, J H Smith, LB Storm, Ella Smith, Hannah Shaw, Martha Spicer, Nanny M Stewart, Sarah E Smith. T Lucy P Tracy. . W Cornelia Williams. Elizabeth Wood, Balaam W Wdj, Eva WatsoD, Fred Williams, G W Wiggs, J K Willis, J K Wright, Lavi Whcaton, Roar Wash ington, Tony White. Persons calling for letters iu above list will please say ' -'advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Officc,Washington,-D. C. E. li. BRINK, P. M, Wilmingtonj'N. C. -Xew Hanover G)unty,N.C. Great Aews. It is great news indeed that there is at last a remedy (Warner's Safe Nervine) which will relieve ail kinds of pain and give rest and sleep without injury to the system. The discoverer of this remedy s considered the most skillful nerve doc tor in tbe world. DIED, In PitUboro, on Sunday, April 18, Hrri MAKY AH tit. CuWAN, wie of Thomas Cowaa, Esq , in tbe C5th year of her see. "Ihou hait ehow me tbe path of life, in thy presence ia the f olneaa of joy, and at thy right hand ii pleasure lor evermore. New Advertisements. Grand Excursion. fjlHE COMET STAB GADET3 will give aa Excursion to Wrightjrilld Socni on the 8KCOSD M03TDAT In Hay next, wife' (fi Wagonette, Ambulance f Ac To start from the City ilalL Price &0 ints ?r the - round trip. A. JOXUd, Capt Chm'it Gonf. . TU08. HflCEK. Lieut , Heeretary. apl 20-lt from eir Mtiii oh'SjkdllTct, general interest bnCC ' . The name ottae writer liroat a! wtyt f a r -niahed to the fcdfrof;. T . CoauaunicMipna anst b writteacmptlr oneaideoftae;paper. .k ..-s srw PersonaliUes must tc avoided.'' 'TTi.W And it ia especially acp-acslaxr. under fltcod that tae Editor does not always enderie the viewaof correspondesta, naJew eIUitd in tne editorial colutpna. Hi New AdvortisbmSatiP77 - :a,a ∋w, Look Out0 cs T WILL OFFER OK-&nLV'f&&rsw'- ' i ' i,ra I &' t i -' ' m oroicg, a very Cne lot, cf PCojJty BEKF chcica cut3 at 10 cnif jpergqBd, atliELTON'fl Beef Hhu,, oh oiKrHTect, beaweeaMaket and r.i-cts . apl20.lt -tffal . Coininissioiicr : galc 7 TIRTUK ANRTNPtJRSU&KCR'toK JL a decree of the Hupexior Court of 'Aw r,-0Vur Count7t made at tae FaU Tew , 16 1 9, the undersigned, aj CotnYs:l6alr, an' pointed foe thatpurjocewitl bpae.feh', at imbllc anetifta, at tho Coirt llouaa door intbe CityofWilminsoa. -n Mondar. 5th daj of April 18s0, at 12 o'clock, Mt ths fol Iowms: tract of land ia said city : Bewinnisr at the Eaat aide of Front street 6 feet Somh froai tbe inteiwcUoa in its lottthernUabiof Woc?b?r etreet, ihtiice t?outh vrilh J'roct atrcet 6J feet vi rnnnb? at risnfangTca with siid street 79U feet, befa; a parfcef Jo: , block 4j, ofiicial plan of City . of Wihniar ton . Terma caH. : - -1 ; , uTIXa mch5-lawta Commissioner. Above sale baa been postponed will take place on Wednesday April 21aL 1830. MILL!KERY--SPRlNQtCOOaS MRS. H. J. BAKER, Coniff .ThUdmtd Oranr eatreeta, WilmingtoD, '..C.. haa jnat received -from the Korth alarire and carefully aelected atoek of Fashionable Mil linery, eonaiatinp of Hate, Flowers, Ribbons, gatma, Lacea, Tiea, Handkerchiefa, Hoae, Kc.1?? in f0Lt nearly eyerythinfr kept in a Millinery eatabliahmant, all of which she offera to the public on the moet liberaf terms. S7 K PerBOnal attenUon to all ordern, M" . Baker ia quite confident that abo can ??eTJeTJ Indnccmenta to the Ladlea of the dty and mrrounding country- Uai work done in all of ita branches. Ihe best cf help in the M illinery Department. api MV-U Comiiiissioner Salg; ' 3 Y VIRTUE OF AND JN FUBQUAif CK J of a decree rendered at the 'Fall 'term of the Superior Court of jfew Uanover ctmtr, the undersigned, beinr duly, appointed XJoaa . mi'aioner to make Fuch aafe by aald decree, will expeae at public auction, toitbe tohibeet bidder, for cash, at the Court H3uao, dpot in the city of Wilmington, county of N6tv Han over, at 12 o'clock, II. cn -Monday, thriXth day of April 1880, the following described premises, situate in the city of Wilmington, and bounded aa follows s P.ponniTio-, southwestern intersection of Castle and. FJfih I Jtr!e!i thenc,e lon CmU6 street iyet'Ts I?e!' !ence ?-Qttt? 132 feet thenceEart lC feet, thence North on Fifth etrtct 132 fr et to es. i ana t diock.76, accordinz to tho It- v cial plan of the city cf- WiImingt6nTHe aaie to be binding and absolute aa toiall tbo ar m . m n m t . c . - o6utiuK, uciufr eaaiern nan. or tn parties havinxr anv rieht. title said premiaea,- ex'cepang the widow's rfeht' to dower and the InTsnt's Tirht! toliomSaletftf, and to thbae rights the sale ahau be pubjoa. ; '! i T. W. V apl lO-lawssat . Comxal-sioner, Above sale has been postponed and will take place on Wednesday, AprH 21st. apl 20-lt ..--j.tr BOATMGHT & MOY. OFFER THIS WEEK edi ' . 700 BWs. Flour,;' - Bought at low prlcer, 200, Bags Coilec, 'J,.,0,niifUB 150 Bbls. Sugar, L u. i JL 300 Bbls, Porto Bico audi ; U:t ' Cua JUolasse, 35000 Lbs Dry Saltxisiac 20 6 Pks. Fresh Pxke '" ':'' ..x oOO Cases Caunod Goods, IOO Boxes Candy, . . . 10 O do Candles, lOO Gross Matches; a ... i 75 Packages Mackerel 25 Half Chests Teif.-' 75 Boxes. Tobacco, s ; - " .:' 5 .''' i ' : i - . 'viRtl a . . 20 BbKCerolinarucy'' aOO.Boxesoap,., And a general aBsorlmensac!! as you will find (both? light jird .9 it if. !: id1 ) SlsrV Fancy), fax any first class GrViccry establishment u ' n" - mT Come andsae cs. : smxt 'j hdi : .Don't ioTjtyZ&&ti; Selection of -UQTJOR&'of fay house in tho State, . - 4 C-rt' CTorth SVaat Dtreot- apl 10 v ...