THIS PAPER 8aadavs ex- I Ij naOlBilCU -w' 7 JOSri. T. J A ftl K 8 .- ei)riB aSdVikii'kjictob. sUBtfCRIJTl6NH.lOHTAaK PAID. " ,B yor,$f 00 Six'nio'ntfcs, 52 r,0 ; Three ' ,nth-. 1 5 ; 0.j ujonih, 60 cents. . fbe paper wi'li be delivered by carriers, r , id idt par: : weity, at the Subscribers wil: pinnae report anj and 1! failures to receive their papers regularly. 3ove -Advortiserfconts.- 45 .Market St. W 1 n- h i'.e '!'' AS NOUNCK Til AT in ;-.uiec ion, with our over l.j pieces .is Goods, which we are " otr-rin' iit 15c, 20iviiinl 25t 1 h'-e hA aro . do-t.;d with a view '.U--. waii' of this market, and embrace Ta.iiiy Novnities. lUviir,; purchased in the mot'iihs of October, November and He-,vmt-r, .anticipitiny -the advance which I'las r -cently taken, and as far as pnssihH will give the bonefitloour patrons. Black Cashmeres, We are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all the Nov elties in this particular branch of our busi ness. Black Crapes. We have by far the largest assortment of Black Crapes you can find, and aro the Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' GRAPE J For the deepest mourning. - I 2 Button Kid Gloves. i J In Opera, bprin and Dark Shades. They need no comments.. y aiiDCOos From 6 Cents Up ! We -will bo receiving large additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at tlie present time ' The way to secure Bargains is to keep calling. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. mch 20 ; - . Organs. gOMENEW AND BEADTIFDj, Styles, just received and for sale upon Easy Terms. A full ktock of 0 flics and School Stationery, Miscellaneous Books, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac, always on hand, at 1 BUOK STORE. apl 19 We are IVlaking All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds ! A ND ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at our Planing MUL and Factory, foot of Walnut street. Call and examine. ALTAFFEK, I'RICfc & UO. apl 19 Office, Nutt, near Red Croat st. Fasliionalble Millinery ! JATESET 8TYLE8 J03T OPENED! Competent lady in charge. Also an entire new assort meat of Ladies' Underwear.Chiiu ren's Linen, Pique, Gingham and Calico Suits, Infants' tilips, Christening Bobes, Cloaks, Ac. Latest styles ia Hair Goods, at MISSES KARRER fc McGO WAN'S, mch 29 No. 6 S Fron;dt The New Hat Store, JALL AND EXAMINE MI SPUING Styles ot Straw and Felt HaU. They are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. IS Front street. Next to Pnrcell House. apl 19 MK. J. H. BATES, Newrpaper Adrertis ing Arent, 41 Park Row, (Times Buildn e). New York, is anthorixed to contract for ad rerusement in too Darxr kktiiw and Wil mimsxo Jocrhal, at our lowest ratesua r VOL V. LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advertisements. ' ( ' ' 7 ' P HaiN6BBaa Family' Bibles. Yatb. Organs. Window Glass all sizes at ltaffer & Prico's. 1 t .. A fine summer and a hot fall j are pre dieted. i Salt codfish, should name of tiry goods. be soi l under the- Give the can iries and mocking biroB It plenty of fresh air Kieses are tha sweetest when pjrnpti- tiously 6btaiue4. . " The way chickens come ioto the world through the hatch-way.. 1 A gocd husband Uihoaght to be tlouh because a woman needs him. like Brother McDiarmid, of tho Iiobeso nian, "shiped in" on us for a while this morning. The courts have decided that a railroad tifknt is rood until used. This is not true of eggs. Windo w Glass of all sizes Doors, Sash, and Biinds, Builders' Bardware,&3, Low st plreces at Jacobi's. . - We acknowledge the courtesy of a call this morning from Mr. Bryan W. Cobb Soliciting and Collecting Agent ot the Gcldsboro Messenger. - Always keep it on hand'as delay in creases saffering. If you have a Cough or Cold use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It will cure you. Price 25 cents. A dime party " for the benefit of Saint Paula Episcopal Church will be given to morrow . evening at the residence of Mr. Frank. H. Mitchell on Fourth, betweeD Orange and Ann streets. Messrs. Smith & Styron have opened an icehouse on the first floor of the. Rock Spring Hotel building,', next East of this oflice, a location which will prove a very convenient one to many business houses. Mr. NathUJacobi having been appoint ed agent for the AtlaCs Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders nllea at jacobi a iiara ware Depot, No. l6 S. Front st. tf. - ' Postponed, Until Friday. The weather this morning was so un pleasant after, all the, promises of fair weather which had been made, that the management of the excursion which was tD have taken placa down'tha riyer to-day wisely concluded to . postpone it until Fridayr This was also the desire of many who wanted to go but who would .not venture in such weather as we had this morning. Therefore, ladies and gentle men, the promises made for ' to-day will hold good for Friday when we trust that the' weather will be fair and that everybody will have a good time. . Judge Cant well's Lecture One of the finest audiences, in point of numbers, that has yet attended the read ing of tb.9 series of papers before the Historical and Scientific Society, was as sembled last evening to hear Judge Cant weli's lecture on. Fort Johnson. It was a pleasant paper, well and carefully pre pared, and was heard with much interest. A very interesting historical sketch of the o d Fort was given and one fact at least was introduced which was unknown to many of the audience, even to those best acquainted with the history of the Cape Fear section. This was in reference to the demand made upon Governor Try on for the surrender of Houston, the royal stampmastr, who was appointed for the purpose of distrib uting the stamps which arrived at old Brunswick on the Diligence and which, it will remembered, Cols. Ashe and Wad dell, at the head of their militia regi ments, refuted lo' .allow to be landed. It "is the first time we have . ever heard 'of Cornelius Harnett as the leader of this expedition and the author of this demand for the surrender of Houston and yet it is histor ically true as Judge Cant well derives bis authority from.Tryon's letterbook, wLich is now in Riieigh. He haa promised to hand us a copy of the document,- in a day or two, for publication Judge Cant well's lecture was ia every way pleasing and interesting and would bear a repetition here at an early day. An infallible remedy for Fever and Ague is AYEB'S AGUE CURE. Wholly J, -e, -- juiuiuo, ih im harmless ami sure. , . WILMINGTON, N. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1 ' Harried. General J. C. Abbott; Ex, U. S. Seni tor. and Miss Ellen C. Tasker were married in this city this merning, by the Rsr. T. M. Ambler. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple took the train for a tour through the South. Mrs. Jarley's Wax Fixures. By request the Gleaves Combination wi 1 repeat their performance at the Opera House on Wednesday evening next. There w ill be some changes in the programme and the management promises an un usually attractive bill. t v A The Famous Swimmer; Capt. Paul Boyton, tho famous : s yvim mer, passed through the city last night for Charleston, where he will exhibit on Friday. He proposes, if the necessary arrangements can be made here, to stop ver in Wilmington on Saturday, but we think it doubtful if he gives an exhibition bre. Saturday is the only day at hi3 command bow as ho is to exhibit in Ncr- folk on Monday and is then obliged to go North to fill engagements. Ready mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead, Colors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, 4sc at Jacobi's. Convicted of Manslaughter. The Superior Court of Brunswick coun ty, Judge Eure presiding, which has been in session at Smithrille for several days past, will adjourn this afternoon. Bob Everett, who inflicted fatal wounds in s - - the omentum of his half brother, George Everett, en the evening of the 7th of Jan uary last, was tried for murder, but the evidence was not sufficient to convict. The . lory returned a verdict of man i slaughter and Everett was sentenced to 10 years in the penitentiary. Plows, Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades Hakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. Back Again. Mr. Roddick, of the- firm of Brown & Roddick, has returned to the city after an absence of a month at the North, where be has been, strictly and solely, in the interest of his patrons. He bought piles upon piles of goods for the Spring and Summer trade, and the thing which seems to bother the firm now is as to where they . will put them all. - We re spectfully suggest that they need'nt bor row any trouble of this kind as their cus tomera will solve this question for them; they will find where to put these new goods and they will "put" them all over the town and the country, too. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. i A Succtss The shirt factory recently established in this city by Mr. J. Elsbach has proven to: be a greater success than it was ex pected to be so - soon after its establish ment. The citizens of the city are en couraging the enterprise and country merchants are -buying largly of the "Royal" and 1 Congress" shirts, with which to supply their retail trade. Mr. Elsbach is now working thirty-hands and as his business is increasing he finds be will have to employ more help. It all ways gives us pleasure to chronicle tfee success of any Wilmington enterprise and we hope ere long to see the business grow so large as to require Mr. Elsbach toj employ hundreds ot workmen. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hard wafe Depot- . V VTrightivlUe Beach. The' beach at Wrightsvillo Sound has been leased by Mr. Geo. Harriss to the Steamboat Company. Mr. Harriss having lei the beach pass out of his hands gave notice sometime ago through the columns ot the Review that persons were warned not to trespass. He had given permis sion to a number of persens to use it st their pleasure, but after he had leased it j had to revoke these permits. The Steamboat Company are going to run a amall steamer to the beach during the summer and persons wishiag to visit the beach cast do so at any tisne as the steam er! will make regular trips, and is so con trncted that she can ply to and from the beach at any stage of the tide, Never mind about the cool weather. I is always Spring-time at this season of the year at Shrier's, where will befoand the most elegant and tho cheapest assort, meat of clothing in the State of North I Carolina.., tf. REVIEW Meeting of- the Covsrt ssinual F'xec uiiV3 Pursuant to nof:.. published iw tho district pp"H by th? Chairnun, the Couiraiti'ee mt in the li.'a.lln !i----m of the Parcel! llouia th!.- iii--.rria, at 11 o'clock; , Trie mailing .m.s ctllcd t ) or der by th'j Chiirmau, 1 aptain (j: . 1). Myers, of Xe ' -Hva-jver. Dr. W. 'i Ea uelt, ot" Pender, was rtoieatc-f io' act as ccretary. Tne S-rve'rtry w.i- !.-u. 'lur- nished wilu iist t- th-j rucuibsro '.u the Committee ati i proc 1 t j oa;i ti e roll when ih'i I ).'! j'.vin n:imu 1 t;o:itlemea answered piusint ! ihe c.i'l I their oamts, tu wit: Chas. ' D. Mytr, New Hanover; -..las.' li. Smith, Cumberland; James Kenan, Duplin; J. VY; Shackel' fori, Onslow; W. F. Htviaijd, Carteret; W. T. Ennctt, Penc4f;r; ', V, Ilichard-son, Columbus; W. G. Curtis, Brunswick. Mr. D. G. Morrisey, of Sampson, was rcpre seated by prcxy ia tho person of Mr. J, A. Ferrel';.Dr. W. T. Knnett held tho proxy for Messrs. C. ?. Parser, of Bladem ad 'W. J, Stewart, cf Aloorc; Mr Jas. B. Smith, of Cumberland, 'held tho proxy for Mr. M. V. Prince, of Harnett. On motion of Mr. Ilowland, of Gar teret, it was agreed that all voting should be done by ballot. Captain Kenan, of Daplin, desired to know what majority should govern in the committee; whether the two-thirds rule as .usul ia the Con vention, or a simple majority should pre vail. The Committee decided that a sim ple majority in committee business was all that was necessary. The next business in order being the selection of a placa, for holding tho Dis trict Convention, Mr. Uowland, of Car teret, placed in nomination Beaufort which was warmly seconded and cn. dorsed by Mr. . Shackelford, of Onslow,, who claimed that his section had never received anything, and he thought " that their wishes might le granted in this particular intaDce, Mr. Smith ,of Cum, berland, put in nomination Fayetteyille. Balloting was then proceeded with which resulted as follows: For Fayetteville 6 votes; for Beaufort 5; total cast, 11, the Chairman declining to there was no tie, Fayetteville was thcri an nounced by the Chair as' being tho placa selected for holding the next Democratic Convention for this Congressional Dis trict. The time of meeting was the next question which came up for con sideration, which was finally decided af ter a general discussion and an interchange of ideas and opinions, upon the first Wednesday in June, (the 2nd day Jof the month) at 12 o'clock. This motion was made by, Captain Richardson, of Colum bus, and was carried unanimously. On motion cf Dr, Ennett the Chairman was requested to secure a reduction of railroad and steamboat fare for delegates to the Convention. Oa motion cf Mr. Shackeilord, of Onslow, a resolution was passed request iug the papers of the district to publish the proceedings of this meeting. After many pleasant little exchanges of complU msnts and of suggestions as tothe nominee of the convention paying the expenses of the delegates, the meeting upon motion ot Mr. Smith, of Cumberland, after a very harmonious session of an hour and a hilf adjourned sine" die P. S. The Committee were then invia tad b the Chairman to step across the street to see a man, (nothing was said about reporters) for which courtesy we raturn thanks to the Chairman as we were quite busy about that lime and cauld not possibly have spared the time right (hen. Save your money and buy j our Build Ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. f Arcnery Goods aud Arcnery. Mr. O. W. Yates has some very hand soma archery goods displayed in his show window. The gocds are the pret tiest of the kind we have ever seen. Arch ery, as an exercise, and outdoor exer cise at that, ia recommended by medical men and we would bo glad to see one or more clubs in existence here. Besides, young.ladies, the position required for the drawing of an arrow to its head, as strung in the bow, is one of tha most charming known and brings forward,to the best advantage, the most beautiful points of the female figure. Great "News. It is great news indeed that there is at last a remedy (Warner Safe Nervine) which will relieve all kinds cf pain and give rest and sleep without injury to the system. The discoverer of this remedy is considered the most skillfc! nerve doo tor in tho world. . - 21, 1880. NO. 60 A Pathetic Incident. A pr.tLelic sc;ie was . ecactetjl in tLe Guard Jloom at the City llrll, this niorn i:2 which we wMi for tha sake cf morality we cov.M .ay ha.! a h-ppy and pleasant e.-ulir inr. uUs f.r hamair frni-ty, the exact reverse' was the finale of this most a'J'c!C'j!tg ,scn: . 'It. :emi tlul oni of the habiiues 1 Pa-ld' Hollow, a young whire woman, I jes;jcctab!e parentage, but disreputable U ibits, had a quarrel this morning with Lcr mulatto paramour, and being gn'iliy of disoruetly conduct twas airestrd. by tlir p-.;i - a:ul carried to the (iiiar.i IIo?is!; hikI lacked np in a c:-!l. r to Jmppens that 'this unfortunate creature' bxi aa uncle living in tlio country seme 27 miles dis an from this i,I ace, who has-been vory .much grieved and mortified at the course pursued by tha daughter of his dead brother, and this morning t'uis near res lation of the degraded girl was. in the city on a visit for Eom'o purpose, during which time he took occasion to make a search for the fallen one for the purpose of reclaiming her from the path aod haunts of vice back to the pure home of her childhood. Pursuing his researches vigilantly and J diligently after his lost one tho old man soon traced tho erring girl up to the City Halt . where ha dis covered that the obiect of his search was imprisoned jn a cell. . Requesting the privilege cf an inter view he was conveyed down stairs to the place of confinement of his unhappy relative when the bolt to the cell was thrown back and tho door swinging open, on its hinges revealed the uncle and niece in full view cf each other. The poor creature, with piteous crie3 fell sorrowing into her uncle's arms, which were open to receive her, while the strong man lost all control of himself and wept like a chiid The scene ia described by those who wit nessed it as being most affecting indeed, The way ward girl was bailed out of pris on and tho uncle determined to take her away with ihim on the train tonight. But now comes the sad part of this most unhappy affair; no sooner had the girl been released from prison, than she who had Bartered htr prieeless jewol of virtue managed to elude the tender and forgiving relative and when last seen was beastly drunk in one of the low grogaries in the classic precincts of Paddy's Hollow. Whether the undo will still continue his endeavors to redeem this poor, degraded, unfortunate and unhappy human being wo are unable to say at present. ., An Unfortunate Waif. A "young lad, about 13 years of age, was picked up by the polico in Paddy's Hollow last night and taken to tho guard house. There was no complaint of diss orderly or drunken conduct against him, but he was taken in custody because he stated that he had neither friends nor home to go to. Ho claims to hail from Conwayboro, S. C, from which place he ran away on account of tho cruel treat mant he received at the hands of those who bad him in charce. " This morninc u - - , or Mr. P. M. James, Health Officer of the city, took the boy to his house and will care for him until he learns something more dchaite concerning him. That tho lad has teea brutally treated is pretty evident from the . fact that his wrists bear the marks of a rope, which he says was when he was tied when about to be whip ped. The came of the unfortunate fel low, we learn, is Newbold. MARRIED. In thi city, on the Hit inst, br Rev. T. 41, Ambler, Hon. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT and Mus hLLfc C.,'dau?hter of the late Hanson Ta3ker, of Providence. New Advertisements. Family Bibles. JUST RECEIVED, a large assortment of I'mVr Bib:s,.t - U HfclNSBERGER'fl. Blank Books. ).iPE;i AND EXYELOPiCS, Gold Pens and Pencil, Inks of alt fcisds, - Inkstasdj, Ac. Ac., Just rtcsired and for sale cheap at lIKIN8BLIiJnR'fl. apl 21 live Book and Untie Store. Steamer Passport, U CH A.NOE OP SCHEDULE. On and after TOESDAT March 30tb, Begular tiip's will be mai: ' Leave Wilmiotm daily at 9. SO X HV ' Leave Smith vUle, at 3.00 ch27 GEO. MYKR8, Ageat. V i We will beg' ad to retlTen:mnrie tioni i from owr toi."mMalll3Lt, general interest but : Tae June of the writer .must alwa raLT far nished to the Editor; J " ' WS Comxaunieations aui tDV wYltWn1 oa orlj oneaideofthorpaper. 'ZtSw PersonaHUM'mnattc arolded., ""T-rrsrsf-v And it is especially atd PStilariJ.Wder, stood that the Editor does not always endorse, the views of correspondent, unless so Hated in the editorial columns. New Advertisement. M1LLINERY--SPRIMG QQ01JSV : jVTRa. 8. J. BAKER, Corner! hlrd and lyj. Oranre streets, Wilmington, X. CiJtw just received from the Xofxh a Ur iuuj selected stock - of Fashionable ii ;?n,utlc?n.of Hts' ?Ioe", Ribbons, oae.s to the pnbhe on the most liberal terms, Hy gmng peisonal attention to ail oroW Mra. liakeria quite cocfident tkafshe can ?h yJ71 indacem to tie Ladies ct tne city and surrounding 'country. Hair r,r.k:??" i?.11 oHtS branche,. belt if F; Mmery uepartmtnt. apl 20 tf at; BOAWRIGHT & IMOV. OFFEll TIIIi5 WEEK roo'Bbls. Flour, j ! Bought at lpw prices, :.i. IV 50 Bbls. Sugar, . v; 5JOO Bbls. Porto Bier) and Cuba Molassesr, 25,000 Lbs Dry Salt CRSicles, 200 Pks. Fresh Crackers 500 Cases Canned Good, v lOO Boxes Candy, . v?? ' 100 do Candles, 7VM; . it 10 O Gross Matches, j. 73 Packages Mackerel,1 ai S5 Half Chests Te '! '7 75 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Bbls. Carolina BJcou) aOO Boxes Soap,, .Uf And a general assortment; sue if as you will find (both light riritli Fancy), in any first clasr, Gry' establishment. Come and see ns. 4. Don' t forget we keep 'tho-Finest Selection of LIQUORS of any house in tho State. . it BOAIMGHT & HclOI. 5 fiJ ITorth Prot fltreot apl 10 ' JOW RATIOS For all kiads of , i'riatisg. Persons residing out cr the city can b'ave. their printing carefully executed and ttaliel to tnem free of postage. ( ??oT18W Biding) . . Job FrlnUT. I 8CH00L OF DRAWIMCiPAIMTIFit?' ETC ; VJIC..: ) M. TN8TRDCTIO Crardn,tepls X and India, Int Drawing, also. 3mitiic v .ater ?lor Oils iJtel and Color bj. Photographs, at reasonable rates.- " For fortlter DtrtimUn -i 6 School Rooms of Misses Burr AJanies, ia th e iff The Congreso'L, gHIRT IS MADE OF ! (JOOD MtJSLl; 4-pIj Richardson Linen front aad backVacd reiafor4d, 1b cents. JEqual oaiyfcIrt snl4 for $1.00.- J'.Hiij icoil 'atit "THEBOTAL" Is somttMiioVirbaf eT is guaranteed cqaai to any $L25 8h&t; pr ps 90 cents. WsBiitta. w XeWJ9rlju SAirts made to ordsr at tU2i, aadaesadrfit gmaranteed. RrJ, Msrf e'TJtrle1 tbfz&St . . . . i , . BlfTBhlrt 1 ; . 1 ' J J. ' ELHB AhST P112 n ,,t w aaafacttticri Walter tooheye ui TO ST. rot t wsm I" . ! b lit ti .i m rpOBAX3CCv.lAlFOKTIi JkXDl JXQi 'A- . I ttf UW ILESTXC CIGARS j dstiit and apis