THIS PIPER it oooliihed every afternoon, 8aadayi ex cepted JOMU. T. JAMEBi rOTTO AND PKOPBIKTOR. HUBfCKIPTION8, POSTAGE PAID. 1 ud- vear, f-6 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three uontbe, SI 25 ; Oae month, 50 cents. The pp?r will be delivered by carriers, rM of charge, in any part of the city, at the Dove rate, or 13 cento per week. A.dTertinr rate low? and liberal .jw-Subseribers will please report any and ,7 failure to receive theif paperi regularly. New Advertisements. iOWH & RODDICK, 45 Market St. W k woin.n announce that wr have ' fpe:iol in cotuiec'ion. with our press o ls Department, over 150 pieces oi Worsted Dress Goods, which we are tAUr'mi at ' f 15c. 20c ami 25c, These g'Hd are .elected with a view ti th wants of this market, ami embrace many Novelties. Having purchased in the months of October, November and De--eiub r, anticipating the advance which tyu r cenllv taken place, and as far I as possible will give the benefit to our patrcn's. Black Cashmeres, We are making a specialty of our Mourning Department and have always on hand a full assortment of all the Nov elties in this particular branch of onr busi ness Black Crapes. We have by far the largest assortment of Black Crapes you can find, and aro the Sole Agents of THE WIDOWS' CRAPE 5 For, the'deepest mourning. '2 Button Kid Gloves. 25c a. Pairs ; In Opera, bpringand Dark Shades. They need no comments. r- alocoesS From 6 Cents Up ! We will be receiving large" additions every day now, as our buyer is in the Northern markets at the present time The way to secure Bargains is to keep calling. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. mch 20 1 Organs. gOME NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Styles, jail ; received and fur eale upon Easy Terms. A full kteck of Office and School Stationery, Miscellaneous Books, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. always on hand, at I II II lL7Vrwz9 9 BOOK STORE. apl 19 We are Making All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds ! ND ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at our Planing Mill and Factory, foot of Walnut street. Call and examine. ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. apl 19 Office, Nutt, near Bed Cross at. ! Fashionable Millinery ! TATKdET 8TYLK8 JU8T OPENED! .Competent lady la charge. Also an entire .Biw aaeortmeot of Ladies? Under w ear, Chiiu - rea's Linen, Pique, Gingham and Calico fruits, Iafaata Blips, Ctuisteniag Bobes, Cloaks, Ac Latest styles la Hair Goodf, at MISSES KARRER & McGO WAN'S, A ach 29 No.6SFroa3t The New Hat Store, i ! 1 TALL AND EXAMINE MY SPRING Btyles of Straw and Felt Bats. Tbey are prtiy and cheap. - JOHN M. ROBIN80N, .. Ko. 1J Front street, 1W Next to PmrceU Bouse. MS. J. H. RATES Vw.n.TV A 4..4la Areas, 41 Park Bow, (Time Buildn g), Jew York-, im Mthark innniitrtPt fnr mA. vertiaeoents la the Daily Extixw and TTii.- is7ow Jooaaai, at our lowest rates. B t JljulIDj VOL. V. W LOCAL NEWS. '. New Advertisements. . CAaaoLi.'e The Lat of the Season Edward Kiddkh A 8os Boilers. Edwa'bd Kidder A Sows Can. J:o S HcEacheb, Sect'y Notice. Attention! Wil. Light Infantry !. Notuoe Children's Memorial Association P HmaBkaaaR Ste Them. Yate . Or 2: an p. Wirdo'w (via --ah sizes at ltafler & Price's. , f Full moon at JG miunes' p-ast G o'clock to morrow morning. Col. Ji. H. .Short, of Columbus, was registered at thi .Y'aj borough, in Halaigh, on' Wednesday. . Plows, onoveis, i'ltcnloiks, Spades Rakes, Tra-.e Chains, I'iow Lines, Ac For the lowest prices,, gojo J acobi's. Inability to agree es to the reason the chimney doesn't draw is considered a sufficient ground for divorce in Ohio. The excursion down the was well patronized, and we tru3t the, committed will realize handsomely by it., i i - : To prevent hair from falling out, use Hall s Vegetable, Sicilian Hair Renewer; Woth is said to have made this , rev mark to a ltidy who was dowdily dress ed: jladame,. I cannot risk my v repdta tion on yeu. Everybody can get suited with a l'ocket Knife, :also Table Cutlery , at J acobi's Hardware Derxt- ; A very large and handsome bell for the Mt. . Oliva Church (colored) has been received and vrill be placed in the belfry in a day or two.. Window Glass of all sizesf Doors, Sasli and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&3. Low st plreces at J acobi's. 1 r Messrs E. Krdder.& Sons desire to buy a large lot of green cane, and are willipg to pay a fair price for the same, as pet ad in another column of this issue. . ' The Ref.. C. M. Payne having return ed to the city, friands desirious of seeing him can call at the residence of'Mr. Alex. Sprunt, corner of Princess and Ninth streets. -I " Silver dollars are forcing themselves in to circulation somewhat in Boston, in the scarcity of small bills, andtho Transcript sajs they-ara taken with o growl, given with a chricJrJe. 'Ton can buy fto. 1 Cooking and l&ats ing Stoves'at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ; ..' Those of our citizens who have a desire to visit Charleston should not fail to take' advantage of the opportunity 'offered, by Messrs. E. G. Whitney and S. G.HalL See advertisement elsewhere. On Monday evening, the 2Cth inst. , the annual meeting of the Bellevue Cemetery. Company will be held for the purpose electing a .President and board of Direct ors for the ensuing term. Go North, South, East or West, and you will find Coughs and Colds at this season' of the year. A remedy which never fails to give satisfaction . is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. Oce drunk ami down, -was the only case" for the Mayor's consideration this morn ing, asd this was an old stager common ly known as Dave Mal!e. He was sent below without the formality of a trial. Considerate mother to governess: Miss Smith, don't let Alfred and Jennie sit down on the damp grass, for fear they should catch cold. When they are tired you can cit down and take them on jour lap. . ' - . ' . We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs E. Kidder & Sons, to be found in another column of this issue, offering steam boilers for a!e. Those in Deed will do welt to call and examine therproperty. If all the fittean puzzles sold dm ing the past months were laid in a single row they would reach twice around the world ; but it is to be hoped they will not be laid that way, for too much time has been wasted on the aggravation already. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent f.r tlw Atlas Plow, parties in want of thii crlejrated Plow can now have their orders n lied at Jacobi' Hard . ware Depot, Xo. 10 S. Front st. tf. Again we would remind onr readers to call on Messrs. A. & I. Shrier. and exam ine the immense stock of Men's, Fouths' and Boys' Clotiiing, which they are selling at extremely low. prices. ; They have also received a handsome stock of latest styles StrkV and Felt Hals. V if ML f LMINGTO N , N. C Sturgeons. Sturgeons are now being cauut iu i irge quantities. Quite a ' larie quan ity has alreidy been sh pped to Nerther:i mar-H ketsj and as the season promises to be a goodj one the shipments of this year wili notall under those of last year Fijll Metal and Walnut Shw Cases, all styles and s'ze, at Ai.taffr:j, Pbice The Use of Toliacco. The. habit of using tobacco is asauthiiig large proportions in this city. . The ma jority of boys of ten years ot aae and up warua in this cit tase'tne- weed iu some shap. Most of them carry a bag of to bacco, and package of cigarette paper and have: become adepts .in making cigarettes and jamoking them, too. .Very few par ents .in this city are aware of the extent their little boys carry the use -of tobacco too. Most every parent will say . when they read this, f'that it doesn't apply , or allude to my boy. ' Question him closely apd;j5ee. II he ha.nt .ginokd or chewed. Wa wih t ;tie abqve no with a view of complaining of the boys, but solely for u:i if... ... i i. r - - AlLa Mrs. Jarle3 'TbYGTeares' Combination, aro rehears .... i r .......: iag new. pieces for thejr next performance. 'Commodore Geo. Myers; will be on a huntlor his leetletbs and in the search may find soraething else. Mrs. Kahn weitier has s again consented to sin?, and otheij vocaliats of refutation have been in vited to "assist in the entertainment. The progranarjae promises" to be unusually at tractive, and We feet confident that the GIeve Combination will meet with fine SUCCeSS. : ; ' i:. . . : ' - . 1 Readmixed PAints, strictly jure White Iead, Colors, .Brushes, W ndow Glass, .,'at;JAeoBi'3. Memorial DaiThe Re asons ror Hie : Chuans'e. $n the Dayi' But one inere . day besides this in tervenes between now and. Memorial Dajr, in whjcli any preparation can be rnacfe for that event. We earnestly trust that dl of the societies as well as the military organizations that are in the habit of participating in the ceremonies of ;thi sol'enjn occasior will signify their inten tion to participate, to the Chief Marshal at the meeting to be held in the Library Rooinjit 8 o'clock to-night. In this connection it might be well to state again that the reason for the change of the day in observing these memorial services, was simply on account . of the season. .The 10th of May being so late and the weather at that season generally so' warm in this climate, that itwas very trying to the Ladies of the Memorial As sociation as well as to the younger ladies the misses and little girls of the Chil dren's1 Memorial - Association, to march through the burning sun and sand as they are accustomed to do, all the way to Oakdaje Cemetery. In addition to this, there have been one or two serious attacks, and in one particular instance with fatal results, we regret to say, among the soldier boys, who had become over burdened from the excessive heat and the very heavy thick uniform, worn by them during the long march to the Cem-. eteryj Another reason which we think, however, less potent than those already named is the fact that 'the flowers here have nearly all disappeared by the 10th of May. This last reason is the one given in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana for celebrating the Memorial services in those States at an .earlier pe riod than May. In Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi the 26th day of April, the same day that we are to celebrate here. Is the day that has always been ob served in those States; in Louisiana the Ctb day of April, the anniversary of the battle of Shilohtln which General Albert Sidney Johnson was slain, is the day kept.j The Ladies' Memorial Association of .this city, we are told, selected the 26th day of April on account of its being the anniversary of the surrender of General Jos. . Johnston fatC Greensboro, when the last flickering hope for the weak and teeble Confederacy expired forever, so far as we were coacerned. Therefore, it is, that 1 hey think the day an appropriate one on which to hare memorial services for the gallant dead of the departed South ern Confederacy. Attention tramps! Gold may ba JbaB in Georgia for the mere washing, and be tween here and there9 the roads jlto in fine condition at this lesson of the year. -.7 FRIDAY, APRIL A Lick for a Blow. Jeeepiunc? lurner was arrustai tnuw morning charged with an assault upon Sarah Jones, the little iri wlue mother, Love Aun Jones, was arreted some timo ao as an accornplics in a hell sh design up m - her .own uiujihUr a: J who' is now in jaif, iiaving been convicted 'of the crime Th? woman Tamer, it seems has been, caring for tits child since the im prisonmant of Iut ;r.other, a'il hying Ciught lif r in sortie indecent behavior chastised ler-for it.'- Turner was Ihen arres'eJ and carried before Ju5iice Millis. She submitted the caso antl was released upon the payment of the cos?. A "Good Law. , aie pome of onr leaders who think they could to get, even-handed jus As tliert! hereabouts not be-rlu tice before certain Magistrates in this county, who are Trial Justices, we commend the following extract from a law rwlitied, in the General Assembly on the 20-h of March last, for their perusal We are indebted to Hole' Wmkly for the summary : The act took effect at once and provides that in all proceedings and trials, both criminal and civil, before justices of the peace, the justice before whom the writ or summons is returnable, shall 4upon affida vit mad by either party to the action that he is unable to obtain yustice befere him, move the same to some other justice re siding in the samo township, or to the, jii3 ticfe of some neighboring township if there other justice said township. Provided, that no cause shall be more than once removed.' Oil' for Europe. . Mr. K. E. Heide, Vice Consul for Nor way, Sweden and Denmark at this port, accompained by histwo eldest daughters, left this city this morning on the steapi ship Benefactor for New Yerk en route for' Europe. During their absenco they will visit England, France,Germany, Nor way, Sweden and 'Denmark: " A large number of their friends' we're t at the steamer 's wharf this morning to bid them adieu and bon voyage. The steamer pushed out into the stream amid the waving of handkerchiefs and- salutes of the steam tugs and steamboats in the port. The Benefactor was accompained down the river by the steam tug Wm. Nyce, on which there were a party of Mr. and the Misses Heide's friends. To the happyjtrio we extend our best wishes, and hope that their voyage may be pleasant. Save your money and buy your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f The North Carolina Medical Journal, For April hns been received . The con tents of the present number include four original contributions, the first of which is entitled, 'A few thoughts on the subdi visions of insanity prepared byDr.W. C. McDufiie, of Fayetteviile. . It is quite an interesting article aside from ite value in a medical point of view; treating the sub ject, especially that portion relating to what is known as emotional insanity, with much force combined with great caution. It wili undoubtedly be read with interest and profit by the profess ion, and it might be by the laity. The editorial relates to 'Eligibility to member ship in the State Medical Society,' and gives the requisites necessary to become a member of that body. The Journal sustains, in every particular, the excel lent appearance, both in matter and make up, which has characterized the -previous numbers. . The Elysium of Wilmington. We wish to ofier no excuses for inva ding the premises at the rear of the resi dence ot Mr. J. Loeb, French Vice Consul at this 1 port. In Mr. Leob's landscape garden i3 a most beautiful artificial" fiah pond.. It is 40 feet long by 18 feet wide, and is supplied by three large springs and about twelve small boiling springs. The borders of the pond are fringed with water cresses and flags, such as sheltered the infant Moses. On the borders of the pond grow the celestial and calls lily. At the southern end cf it are rocks out of the crevices of which grow ferns, mossesalc On the margin of the pood is a summer bouse with a sufficient look of antiquity about it to make it look intereatinc It is covered with the fragrant honeysuckle, the perfume of which pervades the whole atmosphere. : - Among the branches of the honeysuckle are hung cages containing canary, mock ing and red birds, whose cheery whistle Adds , to the ierenity cf the spot. The pona, which is said to contain about ten thousand fish, is in the centre oi one of the prettiest gardens In this city, and the place may justly be termed the Elysium 23, 1880. NO. 62 Wjf Wilmington. The idea of makirette pond was conceived by Mr. Leob and Mr. T Victor Uurlcaax, airiend of his boyhodd. Iu addition to the natural advantages afa forded by the $iot, artistic skyi and the French taste, have been added. We wish there were more such spots in this corn munity, and truly there would be more oases in the desert of city life. Convalescent. . V We are' glad to know that our young ft '..kW T L TT ItT i. . . our. uubepu ii. watters, who was 'so seriously, injured by the falling walls at the fire on Front street one week ago last Sunday, is again ab'e to be out, having made his first appearance down town yesterday morning. We congratn late the gentleman upon his rapidly improving health. We think however, that our friend owes his life first, under Providence to his indomitable pluck in facing the danger in a resolute, cool atd determined manner, and secondly, ro doubt, to good tender nursing from kind loving hands at home. Mr. Charle3 Burkheimer, who suffered from a fractured arm at the same time, has been out on the street for more than a week, Sly Doctors. It is a fact that many of the Regular doctors who will not recommend Warner ' Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for the diss eases which it so effectually removes, yet use it 'on the sly' in their practice. They must soon adopt is openly as the stand ard remedv. v ; tl New Advertisements. Riotice. THE FOURTH ANNUAL-MEETING of the Stockholders of the BeUevne Ceme tery Comoany will be held at the City Court Room at 8 o'clock, P. M., Monday the 26th inst., when President and Directors will be elected for the ensuing year. f A JffO. 8. McEACHERW, ' apl 23-lt Secretary A Treasurer, Notice. A MEETINO OF THE CHILDREN'S MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION will be -held this (Friday) Afternoon, at 5 o'clock, at the School Rooms of Misses Burr A James. A full attendance is desired. By order of the President. apl 23-lt ARMORY WIL. LIGHT INFANTRY, April 23, 1880. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 3. j You are herebv commanded to appear at your Armory, TO NIGHT, at 8 o'clock, in full dress, for drfll, preparatory to parading on Memorial Day. By order of the Captain. . J AS. O. MUNDS, apl 23-lt OrcL Bergt. Boilers-Boilers-Boilers I p8UR CYLINDER BOILERS, 26 inches diameter, 40 feet lonff. All in prime order. For sale by EDWARD KIDDER A SONS; apl 23 tf. Cane-Gane-Gane ! I LIBERAL PRICE WILL BELAID for GREEN CANE delivered at our works in this city. For particulars apply to EDWARD KIDDER k SONS. apl 23-tf The Last of the Season. gOME OF THOSE FINE NEW River Oystersjust rec3lved,(Win- berrj) the last of the season. Call and get them at CARROLL'S, apl 23 No. 12 Market st. See Theme gPy-GL18S, FIELD GLASS, OPERA Glass and Readiag Glasses, Microscopes, Stereoscjes and Kaleidoscopes. An e!eant assortment st THE LIYE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs, T PRICES TO 8UIT EVERY OISE, at HEINSBERGER'S, . 29 and 41 Market st. apl 23 Sea-Side! rpH8 STMR. PASSPORT will commence SUNDAY trios April 25th, and will contiaae Daily Tri to the 8EA-8IDE, leaviog at 9.30 A. M., natll farther notice, apl 22 GEO. MYERS, Agent,. JJ) W RATJC8 For all Unas of Printing, lrsoni teih4 dui cf the city can have their printing caref ally ezeemtad atc saailed to them fre,e of pnalaza. - ; $ f ' i K. 8. WARROCK. (In Review BaUdia) j0b Printir - I :,- -j 1 .: . ; TV" PLEASE ii 01TCE. 11 3 WewillbetWrecerreV olfirinnirationr from oar frlenTI on .arv. and all mb'ccts c general Uteres! bat V - 1 The name ofUa writer smst always be fay- -wished to thejditar Cairnnnnkatioai amst be written; on oajhr one side of the. paper. . v,; Personal! ties'xnust tc avoided; i ' And it is especially a&J paitlalarly.ui;de stooa mat tie Editor does cot always eador si the views of correpon deatv unless so itatt in the editorial columns. 1 ! New Advef tisGmontau GEiraS.SPRlKfr' Has arrived and has fafcen-lod inga at EKCHANGE CORNER COME. LADIES, -AKD PAY HER visit:.' J WOULD RE8FCTi ULLV- aanonnco t, my friends and patrons that' I have just're tamed to the city from the Northern rcar- kets with the mott .complete and most de. sirable stock of V for the Spring and Bummer that I have ever had. This stock is now bo'.rj: unpacked and marked and my Grand Openin Will be announced In a few days. I hate sIL ofthelates'c and;mott dcairablo styles fa'al many novelties; A call 'and aa iaspectien is refpectfally solicited. , The goods ,were bought to seir android they will be at very low prices. The stock will be exhibited,' with much ; pIeiuure to all call; whether ir- tending purchases or otherwise. N. H. SPRUNT, mch 31 " Grand Excursion i .! TO TIIE ; . ' . Charleston Schutsenfest ! .' A i 85-00 for Roxiiid Trip r rpRAIN WILL LEAVE WILMIKG TOX MONDAY MORNING, April 2Cth, . Tickets good to return any dav IncIttdlrK Saturday, May 1. 1 ' Tickets for sale at Heinsberger's Lire Book Store, Harris' Nevs Stand, or of E. O. Whitney, at Hall A Psarsall's; or S. 0. Hall. apl 15-th.sat-fri Agricultural Ins; Co; of New YorJk. . ORGANIZED-fN 1SZ2. ASSETS 1st J Ay. 1SS3, $1,18787.75. LOSSES TALD OVER GOO.OOO. - IN8URE8 NOTHING BUJ Dwel'iojs and contents, and farm property, and aRui rxoiAL isrvcBxnrs for risks of that clati. Iasures against damage by, Llgbtai, whether fire ensues oraot) withcntfcAtra charge. AgenU wanted ia every county in tie Sti'.e JNO. W. GORDON A BRO' mch 9-men-fri General A cctr. Walter Coney, , DEALEB.IN.SJ; : TJ10BACCO, IlITOUTED'lAND IJO MKSTIC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Srnffand Pipes of all JescripUOif. WALTKB COSRY," l apl 3 . "The , Con&r6ss" gHLRT IS MADE OF GOOD ilUi3 LIN, 4-plj.Richardaea. Linen front aad taik, asJ reinforeed, 75 ctata." F'qtalto Sj 'fetAjWd , m. -n , , i-H iter U' sij for S1.C0. . , , "THEROYAJL'f is. .eaaatbUu fipcrhaad is jmaraalsed equal to aayf L E hlrtj-frte Chlrts made to order St $1.25, and a good t gmaraated. No 3, If arketStree. Sign of BlgfBhlrL J. KLSBACU. liery am Fancy Gooas tflll M Manufacturer J t

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