IN C0S8BESS YESTERDAY SENATE. "VTajhisgton, April 22, th exoir&tion o! the morning At knnf tha Eenate resumed canaidera Hon ot. the Army bill. The reading of the bill w'ts interrupted by a mes sage from the Pres dent, informing the Senate and House that the heirs of the late Joseph Coolidge. of BostoD, desired to present tothe United States the dek on which Thomas Jefferson th-Declaration of Independence. A joint reflation adopted by the rT .rantincr and tbankinK the donors, was pawed without division.. The consideration oi i-jo wuiv than rranmed. bill m. mntpd to strike out the section relating to the uof the mrat the polls Reoted yeas ar- 20 nays 28. ' ' I . Mr Blaine then offared an amend ment prohibiting the carrying of weap one at the polla by anyone, under a penalty of fine and imprisonment. The Obair ruled tnat this amend ment was not in order, inasmuch aa it introduced now legislation. The Republicans then offered sev eral amendments intended to break the force of the 'army at the polls' sec 4ion,' by giving it each a construction as not to prevent the use of the, army on election day in the manner and for the purposes prescribed by existing laws. All these amendments were re jected by the same vote 29 to 19. Mr Blaine made another effort to get ia a differently jrorded version of his amendment relative to the carrying of weapons at the poll, but it was again voted outof order. . Th bill was then read tte third time and Dawed yeas 28, nays 18 On motion of Mr Saulshury the reso lutions reported from the uommtiiee on Privileges and Elections, declaring Mr Spofford entitled ty the seat now held by Mr Kellogg, were taken up, and Mr Blley. of Tennesse, obtained the floor;1 Without opening the de bate, however, the Senate adjourned. HOUiE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Iu the R;cord there appeared a speech in blatk verse, entitled 'The Immortals.' which ia opjrightyd by Mr Downey, of Wyoming, and which purports to be in support of his bill providing for thepaiuiiug of biblical pictures on the waila of the capitol. Mr Garfield called attention to this faot, and moved that the epeeoh be referred tohe committte on Rules, to enquire whether it is competent for a memDer io copjuku rv, rintinff out at the same 'time the dangers which might attend such a praocioo. , , . Air Downey replied that he had the opinion of the Librarian of Congress upon the competency of his copy righting his work. He had no objec tion, however, to Mr Garfield s resolo- tion. ... .. Mr Conger, however, did oppose it in rather an amusing speech, in whioh be intimated that Mr Garfield was envious of the rising young poet. The yeas and nays were ordered on Mr Garfield's motion, and during the roll call the members separated into groups, the singular speech being the old topic of conversation. . Ux Garfield's motion was agreed to 119 to 105. , Mr Price, of Iowa, from the Com mittee on Bankiag and Currency, re ported a bill repealing the stamp tax on cheoko. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. The House then went into Commit mit'ee of the Whole on the Naval Ap propriation bill, m On motion of Mr Atkins, of Tenner nee, the appropriation for the coi.ti gent expenses of the navy was lLcreas ed from $80 000 to $100,000, The bill Was then reported to the House and passed. : Mr Cox, of New York, presented tb petition of Goodwin & Ca, and one hundred and sixty other manfac turers of tobacco, snuff and cigars, asking Congress to amend the statutes epas to authorize such manufacturers to cancel bonds, etc. Referred. The House concurred in the forti fications appropriation, inoreaBing the appropriation forrepairs to fortitica tions by $50,000. The House then we it iuto Commit tee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr Harris, of Va, who made the motion, stating his objeot to be to call up the bill directing the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the accounts of certain States for moneys expended by them during the late war of 1812. The committee found itself con fronted, however, by the special dee. fioiency bill, and Mr Biker, of Ind, objected to its being laid aside. KVKKIKQ BKSSION. ' The House devotedthe entire event ing to an extended discussion of the bill to regulate immigration, and with out action thereon at 10:10 P M ad journcd. Latest from England London, April 22. The Manchester Guardian says : .'It is reported that Bight Hon Sir Fitzroy Kelly, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, is to be created a peer, and that Sir John Holker, Attorney-General, will succeed bin as Chief Baron of the Exchequer. It ia quite possible that the actual re tirement of the Ministers will be de ferred until after the marriage of the Princess Frederika'of Hanovtr with the Baron Rammingen, which will take place next Saturday at Windsor and to whioh Lord Beaeoasfield and several numbers of bia Cabinet are invited A ch inge in the Ministry before that date would upset the pro gramme of the wedding arrange ments. Admiral Potbnau. the French Am bassador, had an audience with the Qaeen to-day to present his letters of reealL " . l .- . Several of the Cabinet Ministers have to-day written farewell letters to the heads of their ofiicet. 1 II is expected that direoUy after the Premier a visit to the Queen his suc cessor will bo summoned, and' tha Her Majesty's choice will be publish ed to-night. Mr Henry Law. the civil engineer who fc-rnmineri the Tuv btidse after the accident, testified yesterday to de fects in the brida?. confirming the ntkmn'n fttrifJeiiea at Dundee. He AnrtfciriarArl that the vitildlUGT of the struts and ties wns the immediate cahse of the disaster, though there were centribnting circumstandes. The Times says Admiral Ibihuaa, the retirics? French Minister, will de part from London on Saturday j and M Leon Say,. his succeFsor. viii arrive on May I. , ' Thft Dnka aDd Duchess' of Mar V borough will leave .Dublin for Eng land in state next Wednesday. The Times this mornicfir Fay 3 the ministerial .crisis continues and co visible advacce has yet been made' to wards its solution. Loxd:;n, April 22 The Standard flfivs the "Queen has 'raised to the Peeracre Mr Montague Corry, Lord Baacemfiald's private eecretary, with the titie of, Baron liowtoa. It is understood that Mr John Bright will not enter the Ministry on account of bis health. Mr W P Adam, formry tie Liberal whip, will be nominated for the Spea ker'e chair in the probable ever.t of the retirement of Mr Brand to the Up per Houpa. - Lord Beaconsfied went to Windsor after the Cabinet Council yesterday. He will return to London to-day. London, April 22 A despatch from Paris to the Times eays: 'The caravan whioh went on a preliminary survey for the proposed Sahara Railway has returned to Algeria. They thoroughly explored the country between Ouedr- hin and Jbjloolcab, to the south of which they' perceived passes through the great candnbanks barring the In salan route.' London, April 22 A despatch from Berlin to the Times says: 'Much, of t tie p pace originally allotted to Eog land m the International Fishery Exhibition hera has been taken by Americans, -who now bold it by right of prior occupation. The very slender and unworthy participation of England is all the more striking by contrast with that of America, her imoisdiate neighbor in the building. Two hundred and fifty toDs of pisca torial material, valued at 10,000, has already arrived from America. One rarity is a purse-seine from 200 to 300 fathoms long and from 20 to 30 fathoms deep, used for netting whole shoals, of mackerel in mid'Oeean. There i3 also a model of the twin screw steamer, the FishHawk, spe cially constructed for the artificial hatching of piscine ova, chiefly those of shad and cod.' CAB0L1NA The revenue collections at Raleigh on Wednesday amounted to $8,404.98. Kinaton Journal: We have talked with a number of farmers in the coun ty about the report of rust in the wheat. Nearly all think there is no rust onjyr a blight on the lower leaves caused by the cold snap. . . Tarboro Southerner : On Friday laBt, as the steamer Greenville was proceeding up the river on her rego lar .trip irom Washington to Tarboro, with a seine flat in tow, the latter cap sized and drowned a colored man on board of her, from Greenville, named Henry Delaney. Raleigh Ncwsv Oar State fish hatchery mean business. Up to Mon day last the Fish Commission at Avoea had taken 4,090,000 ahad eggs. Over 8 000,000 will be distributed in our waters in a few days. This enterprise is growing every year. What would people have said of this fifty years ago? Greensboro Patriot : Work on the Mr Airy end of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad is progress ing rapidly and very satisfactorily. On the ,30th inst, the small force of convicts begun at a point near Martinsville coming, in the direction of Greeneboro. Today nearly one mile of the gradiog has teen com pleted. Chatham Record : Mr Gaorgo1 G LSbdell, of Wilmington, Delaware, passed throngh here on Tuesday to examice tbelanda of ,Mr P J Snipes, (about ten tnu north of this plaoe,) with a view .of purchasing and work ing the iron ore that is supposed to be there. We learn that itjs more than probable the sale will be" made, and, if so, Mr Lobdell will go to work with a large force and make things lively in that neighborhood. Washington P, css : We learn'tLat a negro, Albert Shepherd, who' was known as a faithful and trusty servant, was burned to death oa Wednesday of last week, under the following circum stances : He was employed in haul ing logs on the tram road from the swamps near Pantego, and was over taken by the fire in the woods around. He made an effort to get out by the way in which he came, and found that the fire had already reached the load ahead of him. Being completely hem med in at both ends of the road, he released the mule from the cart and made off' through the ewamp, which, owing to its density, and the rapid travel of the fire, was overtaken and burned to death.- His body was after wards found some distance in the swamp. The mule reached homan'l right, except being badly) singed by the fire through which he had to paa Raleigh Observer: Mr H M Worth, telkr of tUc Trta&ury, ch Wednesday paid off the employees of the Peniten tiary. The Board of Directors of the Penitentiary have been in session two days, adjourning yesterday after noon. A considerable amount of bus ideas was transacted. In: compli ance with ah act passed at the late special' session of the General Assem bly, the .board ordered twenty-five convicts to be put at work construct ing sv road. through- and draining-oer-tain lands in Jones 'and. Onslow coun- t e. The last monthly report shows that there are now betweei 1,- '100 and 1,200 convicts. The great r part of the clothing for these convicts is cow made in the prison, looms hav ing been set up in a house in the pris on The shoe manufacturing de partment ia dow turning out between 4,000 and 5,000 pairs of shots per month. The work done in this de partment has already gained coisider able reputation. It is the intention to prepare a full supply to met the requirements of the fall trade. Messrs A W Graham and J W Corbin of Hillsboio, arrived in the citj yes terday on the a o clock morning freight train. They took a carriage for the Yarboro and when the driver reached the corner of Cabarus end Fayetteviile streets the veh'cte a close carriage, was overturned, and Mr Gra ham wa3 thrown out. He suffered painful injuries, two of the small bone? of one hand being broken and oue of his legs badly bruised. Mr Corbin was not injared save one arm, which wa? sprained. Go'dsboro Messenger : It may be of interest to know that an act passed by the late General Assembly makes it a misdemeanor for any person to fell any trees, brush or other obstructions calculated to impede the water below the eoath west branch of New Rivsr in Oiiblow county. Penalty, $10 fine or 30 days' imprisonment. The act passed by the late extra session to run and establish tha boundary line be tween Greene and Wayne, according to act of Assembly of 1779 appoints Joha I Herring. M L' Johuston, W A Darden and John D Grimaley com missioners to do the work. The news of a destructive conflagration at Kinston- reached us yesterday. The fire occurred about 3 o'clock Wednes day morning, and seems to be the work of the same incendiary who fired the court house about eighteen months kgo, or some one determined upon the destruction of the county records. When first discovered both the build ingsused as offices by tre Clerk of the Superior Court and by the Register of Deeds and Sheriff, wefre on fire and we regret to learn that nearly all the pub lic reoords of the county, including court papers, were destroyed. Messrs J W Vick and E B Borden, of the Colored Insane Asylum Commis sion, lett for the Worth. Tuesday, for the purpose of inspecting machinery for heating and ventilating the build ing, lhe buildidg is about ready for the furniture and we are Dleased to earn that His Exeellenoy, Gov. Jar- vis, .is desirous that the institution be opened by the 1st of June. Jethro Caison was killed by Wm Cash- well in Halls township. SamD3on county, on Saturday last j It appears o be another cross road grog shoD affair. Endorsement of Sneer's Port Grape Wine. The folio wine, from the celebrated Dr Mott of New York, speaks wonders for Mr. S peer's efforts to raise the Oporto Grape in New Jersey: 62 Madison Avenue, New York, April 11, 1878.' Mr. Alfred Speer. Dear .Sir; The visit which I made last vear- to vour Viigyards, wine-presses and' vaults at Passaic, N. J., satisfied me thoroughly that the wices manufactnred by you are jpure and unadulterated, aud the very best that can be offered to the public for medicinal uses. Acting upon my favorable impressions at the time, I have since recommended the fort VVine more particularly in rny practice, and am satisfied, with " marked benefit, to my patients. ? There can be no better proof to the doubting mind, as to the . Wine being made ot the finest Oporto Grapo, ibau visit to the acres of land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishiag you success in your praiseworthy enter prise, ' ;" remain respectfully yours, ALEX B. MOTT, M. D., Prof, of Sureery, Bellevue Hosb. Med'l College, &c, &c I For sale by J. C. Munds, Green & Flanner.P. L. Bridfiers & Co.' Given Up bj Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is nn and at woik, and cured by so Simula a remedy ?' j "I assure yon it i- true 'that be is en tirely cured, and with -nothing bnt Hod j Bitters ; and only ten days ago bis doctors i "WelJ-a day! That is remarkable 1 1 will go this day and get some for my poor George 1 know bops are good." roEW BUTT V pERFECTLY ELEGANT, At a reasonable price, GEO. MYERS. piALlFORNIA HAMS, 10 cents, at GEO. MYERS. 500 Pkgs NEW GOODS, Received this day at j GEO. MYERS. 'yIN'ES, TEAS, LIQUORS, 50 Ebls Floor. Lard without wafcw. n GEO. MYERS. IV TULFORD'S Boaated Java Coff; 1V In 1 lb. Packages, three for $1, at GEO. MYERS. JF YOU DESIUE THE CHOICEST, j FRESHEiST, GROCERIES, i AT LOWEST PKICES, Call at the immense establishment of GEO. MYERS, No. 11, 13, 16 South Front at. apl 15 COIUIEBOIAL UEWS wixjcmoxosr marsbt : i sFJJsrra Ksrtnx9Mo rirm mtSQ cents. We bar ofsalea 17 cafcs at that figure. . v- .; tv ; ' p. : .jtcoanfquoUid .firm at tl 05 for Strained and Good Strained No sales re ported In either grade.4 Sales of 50 bbls fine rosins at IS 00 for (M) Pale, $3 2S for Ni and $S 50 for Window Glass. TAR Quoted steady at 1 1 23 per bbl of 2S9 lbs. ; . v- '.; CRUDE; TDRPKWT1I5E -Quoted steady at U 00 for Hard, tl 73 for Soft and $2 25 for Virgin. COTTON Quoted dull. No sales reported. The following axe the official quotations : Ordinary ....... OK CenU. Good Ordinary Low Middling tfiddline: Qoed Middling.......... DAILY &10irT8 Cotton . .... 67 bales Spirits Turpentine............ 38 casks Roaia 311 bb!i . . ... ... ... ... ........... w 9rnde Tarpeatin......... 170 ' MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Elizabeth. Blsbee. 8milhville piaster. j ttLeam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Geo Myers. Steamer A P Hurt , Worth, Fayettevilla, Worth & Worth. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. RP Paddison. kJ rig Charles Dennis, Connacker, Bath, Me Master. CLEARED, Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville, Geo Myers. Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smithville, Master. , Steamship Beaefactor Jones New York. T E Bond. Steamer A P Hurt Worth Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. WEEKLY STATEMENT Or STOCKS OH HAMS APRIL 19, 1680. Cotton ashore 2,5B6 afloat......... 1,048 Total ; 3,634 Spirits ashore 12,038 afloat... 97 Total.... 12,183 Rosin ashore....... "89,699 afloat... 5,'592 Total-... ................ 95,291 Tar ashore... M......4... , 4,083 mom Total- 4,083 Crude ashore. 681 afloat.., Total...... 691 asoarrrs roa thi wbbk mnviwa Aran. 19tb. Cotton..... MM. ...... ...... 321 8pirits 696 Rosm. .940 Tar ............J........ 3,627 uraae 530 slcpoars fob thb wbek hhdiss Apwif 19.h Doneet'e Cotton 60 Spirits. Tar..... 'i, 3,978 Crude .,............;........ ForeijfT. Cotton Spirits ,. i............ ,..'2,600 .10,637 Tar Grade List of Vcsfiels Over 100 tons in Port April 10th, 1880. BARKS. GerMarie Heyne, 323 tons, Dutch, K Peachau fc Westerinann Ger Eingekeit, 4S9 toes, Scbupp, E G Barker & Co Ger ScharnLorst, 410 tons, Harder, E Peschau & Westefmann Ger Pauline, 350 tonSjKrueger, E Peschau & Westermann Ger Lydia Peschan, S76 tons, Bremers, E Peschau & Westermann IUUG3. Swd Magnus, 210 toi.s. Johanseu, Master Ger Clara, 363 tons, Voes, E Peschau & Westermann Nor Saltero, 332 tons, Hoyer, OPMebanf Ger Express, 275 tons, Fretwort, Peschau & Westermann Sp Fred B Rice, 227 tons, , . Laid np for repairs SCHOONERS. Am liora, 21a tons, French, Master Am Mary E VanCleaf, 227 tons, Thorn ' dyke, E G Barker & Co Am Brave, 113 tons, Gocgins, EG Barker & Co Am Robert P King, 119 tons, Hammer, Harms & Howell Am Matthew Kinney, 178 tons, Estea, Worth & Worth Am S C Hart, 258 tons, Kelly. Master Am Etta M Barter, 272 tons, Barter, EG Barker & Co Br A F Randolph, 155 tons, Repairing, SBear&Bro Foreign Vessels for this Fort C Corrected' Weekly. ) 8wd bark Frej, Bui her green, sailed from Lisbon, March 8. Nor bark Arctic, Hansen, sailed from Liv erpool, March 17. Nor bark ra, Zach&riasen, tailed from Barcelona March 10. Ger bark Amanda, Sebultxo, cleared from Rotterdam, February 16. 8wd bark Oaria, Wetterland, tailed from Liverpool,lIarcli C If or brig Braatiiaa, Berg, cleared from Botttraam. Tebrmmrj 26w Br brig D H Bum, Jonee, Bailed from Lir rpool, Jan 19, , 8 wd bark Silentimra, SUckelberf, tailed from Nawry, Dee 15. Oev btir Euile, Whale, at Gloooecter, December. S0r aohr Mary A Terden, sailed irom Am te.dam, Kerember 11. pOB, aasirtraU'a BUnkj of ia proved form. E. 8. WARBOCat, ' (In Review BuIWlof) Job Printer. Sale of The Carolina Central Bail way, under Decree ff Foreclo sure. BY VILTUK AND IN PURSUANCE Ofa decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, State cf North .Car olina," made in a cause there pemliig. wherein Edward Matthew s for bimseit aiul others, is plaintiff, ami. the Carolina Cen tral' Railway Company and Andrew V, Stout aDd Timothy II Porter, Trustees, and Jauifs L, Dawes andJ. Braiider Mat. ', Trustees, are defendants, the un dersigued, Comiiii'si)n rs rprKiuH-d by ihe said decree, will sell by pu'.'-lic auction, to lhe highest bidder, at th; Court Hcnse door, itl tbe'Ciiy of Vimihu;tn, in he State of North Carolina, on AiNDAY, the 31ST DAY OF MAY, .A.D.' 12 o'clock, Mi, the entire, )Uiirood,as the same exists a::d is now std known as the CAR OLINA CENTKAL IJAILWA Y, as well the poition now binit !,d coinp!eteJ, ex teudini! fibm the ' itv oV W.i'miucton, in ?aM State nf North Can iina, to th Town of .Shelby, in s lid S'a-o, a tint ar ce of ab ut 242 .miles, a $ t! r nnc -inpl ," ted and yot to b built, and to cxicini in m said lo;vii of .Shelby to 'the-town if I u h ertordton in said State, a disLuae ( i a o i: 30 . mi-le; witu. ai! milways ,rL&ts f wav, dt-pot po unds, ati! ' tlici ian 's, trai k. bdde.'J, Ti.ViiiiCts, c ihviis. ' ft'i.ct-s, a d other stiuctute-, .iatio:) I org p, eiigm' houses, car houses, warehouses, fie'ght houses, wood-'houses, am othtr buil it-ts, rnachme shops, and 'iihr-r shopH, all 1 o nio:ivd engines, teiuhis. cats, coao- es. :i- ). othr ro'ling stccs and quipintV!', a ! stationary engines, machinery, t-p!s in-pleiuent-;, lnei, ami iwaleri i s f all K ini, and all the 'corporal ivy fiand-isef, , ih'ts and privileges -f The Carolin Central Railway Company; l-vu!! shares of the ca.; atot-k of the Wilmington Hull way Bridge ompany . iieid urul owned -by the said e.'ar. li.ta Cen'tial 'Railway Ccn; pany, at;d alt the. "right, i itle auLi!iter st Which the sid Compat.y has and owns in and to th? stcck arid pioperiy ot the Wil mington Railway Bi idge Coinpauy. .s one ol the ccrpora'crs t hereof ; and aho all other the piopeity and estate, real and personal, oi every kind and desc;ipiion, of. the said Carolina Central Railway Com pany. Terms of Sale, Puichaseis must pay in cash on the day of sale one hundicd thousand dollars, and the residue of the purchase money in three equal instalments at one, two. and thie-3 months from the day of sale, wi.h inleics?. from that day at the rate of six per centum per aunam; .the purchaser can anticipate any or ail .ft ho said defened payment Sj and make pay ment m full of the purchase raoi;ey i.t any time before maturity; payment of that por Won of the purchase money rot hereby r. quired to be paid in cash may be niada in whole or in part, either in cash or in the bonds, or past due coupons thereof, se cured by the first mortgage tVom said Car., olina Central Railway Company to said Andrew V. Stout and Timothy n. Porter, Trustees, of date May 17th, 1870,- to the extent of the pro rata per centaga of the par value of the said bonds and coupons, which the holders thereof will be entitled to receive up n the distribution of the proceeds of thg said sale under the order and decree cf said Court. Possession will be delivered to the, purchaser so soon as the taid sale shall have been confirmed by the Court, and one half of the purchase money paid to the Commissioners, and the purchaser shall have assumed all the out., standing contracts aiid liabilities of the Receivers heretofore appointed in the eaid cause, and indemnified tlum against the same. NATHAN A. ST15DMAN, Jr., JUNIUS DAVIS, r fti.I OtawGw fr m w Commistioners. h on-Clad Matches. PABLOR AND SrLPHUK MATCHES, In Iron Boxes. Palm 8op, Babbitt's Pare Bsll Potash, Potash and Lje lo iron Ctsea (O. 8.) Laundry boap, ia groat -variety, Candles, Starch, Ink, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bgs and Twine. Baking Powdors, Horsford's B. P. Blacking and Blueing, Candy, Crackers and cakes. Send orders to Hall & Pearsall. ap 17 MILLINERY-SPRING GOODS. MES. 8. J. BAKER, Corner Third and Orange streets, Wilmington, Iff. C., has just received from the North a large and carefully selected stock of Fashionable Mil linery, oonsiatiDjr of Hats, Flowers, Ribbons tiatins, Laces,. Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Baching, in fact, nearly every thing kept in a Millinery establishment, all of which she offerg to the public on the most liberal terms. By giving personal attention to all orders. Mrs. Baker is quite confident that she can oflfer very great inducement to the Ladies of tha city and surrounding coco try. A Hair work done in all of its branches. The best of help in the Millinery Department, apl 20 tf Watches, QHRON021ETKRS, JEWELRY, Ac. Repaired neatly aad promptly, by . - No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington. N. C. O w tn enty years' experience. Give me a trial. mch 22 Fresh Lot "gON FDME CATARRH AAD ASTHMA Cigarettes, Wei Do Mejir Catarrh Cure, and a full and comi lete stock of pure Dru and Medicines. K F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th aad Nun Strt Open dav and night. mch 29-tf ' Porto Rico Molasses. 244 Hhdl POsTO RICO M0LA88E3. Choice lot now landing " I exchr Lucy Hammond, nd for sale low by apl 19 WILLIAMS MDaCHlSON. JjM)R fALE LOW.-Bills Lading, Charter Partjs, Insp-etor'f Certificatef, Crop Liens, Rirer Btesmers' Receipti, Ac .' . ; E. S. WAR ROCK, (InBeview Building) jib; Prater. "lfc Used io Cfiisrches for Co 8 peer's I'ort iinm? Foil i Y ta r Old, rpnirf justly cklkoha.ti.:i04-, j V ne is n ado from the jaice . 5 tb i j Grape, risedin bii court y. jtii inn TiK' xuuiu uuu Wli uiiiuuiiliiy iiilSTf are ansa massed hv nr :i,tV . Being the pure juice of t'ue grapf under Mr. Speer'a own pereoEa its purity and genuineness are enw' The youngest child may partakr 0i u'" oua qualities, aDd the weakest icTasf" use it to adrantsge. It it particnlarM " fieial to the aced and debilitate ' to tha various ailments tiat afflict' thfcl sex. It is, in every respect, A Wivpt,, 1 Spcer's P. T. S!inrr The P. J. 8HERRT is Wins f KIOR cnARACTER and partake, A Kuiucu qualities vi ine grape from i is made. For MEDICINAL PJiOFSRT it will be found unexcelled Speer s P. J. or Pedro J. Er This noted Brandv i ..T from the grpa and is equal to the fine.i l uc"j vioiu 1'ittuuK'B; ior ttedicimi,, See that the signature o' Alfred4 x roamc, ii. is over tn cork of each J . A. 8PEEK.-B Mt. Prcspeci YiMnJ New .Ipriov- Offlco M urn A ork. '1 For sale by OHEEN h FLANNm J I MrjNDSrupjyistsnd 1' L BBTDQfJ OFFER THIS WEEK 700 Bbls. Flour, ' Bought at low prim 200 Bags Coffee, ZZO Bbls. Sugar, 20O Bbls. Porto Kicoand r . Cuba -Holasstil 35,000 Lbs Dry Salt CKSMs 200 Pks. Fresh Crackfi, 100 Cases Canned .Good IOO Boxea Candy, lOO do Candles, 3 ' . ? ' .100 Gross Matches, , 7S Packages 3Iackerel, 25 Half Chests Tea, 75 Boxes Tobacco, SO ,Bbls. CarpEna Bice, s 300. Boxes Soa And a general assorfment, "uifc as you will find (both light Fancy), in any first, class GrccCj establishment. Come and see ng. i I iDon't forget we keep .the :ftff house in the State. BOAW BIGHT S A 7 north Flint Otr- apl 19 - t .x- . 1 Tin. 1 m r"TT-r-rm -JSUATWltlirilT k II hoi mchl'2-