" ""a'iw receive comraunica.ioni front our frianda av awiSfl ,nh ,rt. . THI8 PAPER , yaoiUhtjd every afternoon, Snndays ex- . H . T. I A M ES, , Kf :KI FTIONH. WWTAOK PAID. - 6 00 rfix month, $3 50 ; Three . , H, ft '25 ; One month, 50 cent. r?it .r will b delivered by carriers, cnarxe, in any part of the city, at the jt rtea, or 13 centt per wek. Adrertiaisg rate low and liberal ; jST-Subacribera will please report any and Li failures to receive their papers regularly. - " . New Advertisements. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 11 BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. r I A Lf, K Vo.W'N FACT that the l.rvt -iluyei a aie th- Jnearust teller, and Vg pn lio wro are a', ways fcteniy ailre to ihir on intermit, hiva. bp tieir patronage n t iup; o t, enabled u to oft' them advan tages which the in 8t ardent supporters of co-operation would seek far to outvie. In point of choice and extent our stock ia un rivalled in this section of the country QEraEHAL UKfc55 UUUUS Utr I Silks, Silken Fabrics, Fancy Dress Goods, in tvery conceivable material need for Ladies Dresses. . : As we are in constant communication with the Largest Importers and Manufacturers we are enabled to offer our customers the newest productions and Latest Novelties as soon as they appear in the Northern Markets. OUR MOURNING DEPARTMENT Has long been one of the special features of our establishment. OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT Includes Solid Colored Silks, Fating, Bro cades Ac , Ac, to match any color, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all. OUR BUTTON DEPARTMENT Ii really immense and contains from the com mon Agate to real works of art. OUR HOSIERY, GLOVE AND UNDER- WFAR DFPARTMFNT -mm mw mm mm mm m am w m m Is stocked with Foreign and Domestic manu facture. No such display has ever been seen ia this city. OUR LACE DEPARTMENT Is replete with all the staples and contain! aany novelties. , , .$ We haxe not space to enumerate, but would simply add that our p at history has convinced thousands that we are ever on the oat-look for jobs, Extra Bargains, better known in oar business as "Dry Goods Plums". We hare been particularly suc cejsfnl ia securing several Lots which will be offered on our counters this week. We are lull y convinced that we can make this a sea son of interest to oar customers and the pub lic generally. I We will offer on WEDNESDAY, April 28th, 250 Doz. Real Kids a DUTEOUS, The above Is the GENUINE Article, NOT a Lamb Skin. 5XKJOFans I We call particular . attention to a Great 'Bargain ia the above,' at 10c, 15c and 25c; they are really not half the price of last year. wnoiesaie uusiomers Will find it to their Interest to givo us a call as we certainly oan do them good. BROWN & EODDICK, 45 Market St. apl2 SCHOOL OF DRAWING) PAINTING1 ,t ETCi INSTRUCTION GIVEN in Crayon, Lepia and India Ink Drawing, also, Fainting in Water Colors, Oil, Pastel and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rates. For further particulars inquire at the 8chool Booms of Hisses Burr A James, in the rear of St. James Church. nov 3'i Coffee, Sugar, Flour. &50 Bags Coffee, Bio, , ; ! lAguyra and Java, 300 Bbls Sugar, Cut Loaf Granulated, Standard A, Extra O and C, 15500 BbS; Flour, Super to TCxtra Family, -4:000 Bush Prime AVhite Corn, ' C75 Boxes Smoked - and D S Sides, 300 Bbls: Early Rose Potatoes. I5 HIs CJity Mess Fork, ISOTubs Choice Leaf Lard; 17(5 Boxes Starch, 250 Boxes Laundry and Toiiet Soap, 32l Boxes Lye and Potash, 150 Boxes Assorted Candy, 3500 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, "w -mmr mmm mm, a - . v w. swa l--a mf "Snuff; Tobacco, Paper, Matches, Shot, Spico, Ginger, Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit, Barrels, &c. For tale low by " WILLIAMS A MURCHI80N, a4 1 .. Wholesale Gro. ft Com. Mert. The ' MEi:::;: Ee vie VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New AdTerttsementa. P BxiBSsaaesra Stiefif Pianos. 8iml N Cahhow, Sect'y Notic . I W Kiho ft Co Stall Fed Bet f I Hartley-Denck Combination. Yatks. Archery Goods. j ' i m No City. Court to-day. Wirdow Glass all sizes at Allafler & Priced. ' ' J t The storm t Serial vaa d'aplavci here to day. . - Qua iiti ties, of Swiss lace and atraw Uc arc &eeu on boonets. The "thru'om&ter iu thm-c-flice at 3 o'clock to- day stood at 76 degrees. Postmaster -Brisk' has been liirnisbed with nevy locks for the street mail boxes. After poppifs and suuflowers, mag nolia3 are in. request For dress trirniiiings. . Shoulder seams aro to be out a little longer in cootHmes. but sleeves are to be larger. ' : ': " - Health Officer Jaaes condemuod lour bunches of shad and sixbtriDgs ot eturgeon this afternoon. Spanish lace, both beaded and plain, has been imported in enormous quantities for the summer. Satin Buished gold inlaid and chased to irnitajta brocade is the material of many uew ornaments. Round enameled brooches, in shape like the button of a mandarin's cap, are in use for bonnet pins. Rev, T. M. Ambler, of St. Paul's, in this city, and Rey. Mr. Gilliam, of Fal sonf0, will exchange on Sunday next. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Reriewer ia the most reliable article in use lor re storing gray hair to its original color and promoting its growth. " Dr. Planner still recuains in nearly the same condition as reported by lis y ester day. There has as yet been no pereepti. ble change for tte better. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, al styles and stees, at Altaffeb, Phice & Co'g. - A counterfeit silver half dollar, dated 1878, is being circulated. It is well ex ecuted, and at first sight is not easy of detection. '' Wisdom is better than riches. Wis dom guards thee, but thou must guard thy riches. . Riches diminish in the using, but wisdom increases in the use of it. . ;' . '. - 1 The truest self-respect lies, not in ex acting lionor that is undeserved, but in striving toattain that worth which re ceives honor and observance as its rightful due. ' Prof. Von Jasmund has been compelled to. postpone the lecture appointed by him for to-morrow evening, at the C- F. M. A. school rooms, until the Friday evening of next week, May 7th. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want '-'of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi lied at Jacobi3 Hard ware Depot, No. 10. S. Front St.. tf. We learn that Capt. W. A. Camming, who has a fine pack of hounds, was com pelled to shoot one of them yesterday be cause it had run mad, and today he shot three others which had been bitten by the mad dog before it was killed. f Corruption in our national affairs has the same effect on the Government that a severe Cough or Cold has upon the nu man system. Political reform in the for mer and Dr. bull's . Ceugh Syrup in the latter case will remedy all evils. All the Druggists sell itt!or 25 cents a bottle. Mr. lleide and his daughters arrived safely in New York, on the steamship Benefactor, on .las Tuesday evening. They will sail from that port for Europe on Wednesday next, May 5th, in the steamship Algeria, of the Cunard line. Again we would remind our readers to call ou Messrs. A. & I. Shrier and exam. ine the immense stock of Men's, Fouths' and Boys Clothing, which they are selling at extremely low prices. They have also received a ha idsoine stock of latest styles Straw and Felt Hats. tf Weather prophet Vennor says in a re cent Utter: 'In response to something like 2,000 inquiries, permit me to reply that ' my imp-essions, of the summer weather remain the same, viz: Hot spell8 and coli Iroat' relapses up to midsummer. The summer will not ha favorable to crops. WILMINGTON', N. C, THURSDAY APRIL A Marine item, r. E; Peschaa, tt e Geiiusn Imperial Consul at thU port, thinks thejvessel re ported by Capt. 11-trper of the Passport, as !a " German last evenn2 ad an- -j chored iukt oHU-i l of the rock wa'l at New Inlet, is the Rutsian ecbjoLer Catherine Mirie, Capt Rosanberg, from Bermuda, now overdue at this port. The Signal Office here has no information at all concerning the "vessel. Window Glass of -lVztt;"Da:T, Sish and Hliudn, Buildeis HarJware,&j lw st pWetes at .Jacobi's. I J- Festival at Burlaw. We learn that our friends at Burgaw are 'preparing for a fine time to mo: row evening, the 30th inst., when they will have a regular Queen ( f May festival with the coronation of the happy quean, whtchiato.be followed by music and dancing at the Academy. The last day of April is selected because the first day of May happens this year on Saturday. Plows, Shov els, Pitcbtorks, Spade Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lipes, &c. For the lowest prices, go to J AC obi's. Another Varmint Slaughtered We learn that some party er parties on board the steamer John Dawson slaugh tered another alligator in Black River yesterday which would have measured nine feet in length. His gatorship, how ever, sunk to rise no more? and bis body was not recovered. The companion, or mate of the dead alligator was seen in the same locality and was fired upon lso, but the i bullet missed the mark. This, we think, would put a damper on swimming matches in that vicinity during the summer Ready mixed Paints, strictly ure White Lead, Odors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, fcc., at Jacobi 's Southern Baptist convention. j The Raleigh Observer says Rev T H Pritchard, D D, leaves for Louisville, Ky to day, to deliver the sermon bsforo the Baptist General Theological Seminary at that place. Col J M Heck, Rev C T Bailey, of the Biblical Recorder, Rev Johm Mitchell, of Murfreeaboro, Rev A C Dixen, ef Asheville, and Rev James B Taylor, of Wilmington, will be present on the occasion. Several of these gen tlemen are trustees of the Seminary. They will also attend the Southern Bap tist Convention, which meets on Wednes day week, at Lexington, Kentucky. . I . You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. The. Wllmlnston Mutual. We aro glad to learn of the success which has attended the establishment here of the Wilmington Mutual Insurance Company, Mr. Cannon, the Secretary, informs us that they have already paid out the amount of $10,000. and that there is $2,000 more now to pay, which is to be realized by an assessment on the premium notes held by the Company. This company was organized and put jnto operation for tho benefit of its stockholders. While its operations are not large they are safe and profitable and the estimate is tbat those who have held policies issued by it have paid, first and last,l not more than 40 per cent of the usual rates for insurance. The Wil mington Mutual is a home institution and as such we would be glad to seethe sphere of its profitable usefulness en larged. Save your money and bay jour Build ng Supplies fiom Altafler & Price. f l ; 'a Stranger in ur Waters. The steamer Geo, Ji. Kehey, Captain Crawford, from Jacksonville, Florida, en route for New York, arrived at this port! this morning, having put in at SmithTille on Saturday last for a harbor owing to the rough weather outside. The Kel&y ia excursion boat, hav- been built tor mat Business to ply between New York rjoints on Long Island Sound. Lat . . ..... . ing and and t-rli ha has been used for carrying the mail; between Jacksonville and Palatka on the St. John's river in Florida. The Kel sey U about 300 tons burthen and would make an elegant boat to place cn the line between here and Smithville, She has also nice state room accommodations and MPmi tnbs well officered. We are in debted to Mr. J. H. Rafftery, purser, for courtesies shown us. e1. k.Qrmth Atlantifl Statesr falSnff . Wl , r - . I ' nntfirf winriii: RtaLionarv umruuiobct , j temperature cloudy and rainy weather. Sudden Dea h. A friend at Whitakers sends us a report of two very sualt-n deaths which have occurred quite reci.t'y in tbat ujgbbor hood. The first of these was that of Mrs. W. E. Williford, -bo died last fa urday night, tLe 24th, nnd the sc.uid was that of Mr. Alex, Hilliar.l.thrt County Surveyor, which occurred near Whisker's Mill, in Nash county, on yst.rlay, in 28 b. Tlere hav rjeen q iie a number of deaths in th it locality duiing the pav taelv monthg. - Opera House The desire among our citizens to bear Messrs. Hartlfy ard Denck again has been to general that they nave made an arrangement to appear at the Opera Ho ise on Friday night,5 under the management of the Masonic fraternity, for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. There will bo an entire change "of programme and those who have already purchased tickets can exchange them for reserved seats without extra charge. Personal. Mr. W. J.'Best arrived here last, night and registered at the Purceli Douse. He la still in the city and has been the recip. ient to-day of numeroca calls from prom nent gentlemen in this city. As Mr Best still maintains that disagreeable habit of bis of keeping his onw couniel we have been unable to learn the object ef his visit here. It is presumed, how ever, that it Js In some way connected with the Western N. C. R. R., as he was closeted with Hon George Davis this forenoon. -1 -. - - Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table .Cutlery, at Jacobi's naruw are uerxii- Health Bulletin. We thank, Dr. Thos. F. Wood, Secre tary . of ; the 7orth Carolina Board of Health, for a copy of the monthly bulle tin, cf health, compiled by him. We give here a summary of his estimates for the month in Wilmington. With a pop ulation of 17,002, the prevailing wind during the month of March was from the Southwest; rainy days, 14j average tern perature, 56.2-10 degrees; prevailing dis ease, whooping cough, which was also epidemic; diseases among domestic ani mals, none; inmates of poor house, 42; prisoners in jail, 9; cubic spaca allotted to each. 283 feet; food served to prisoners good and sufficient; food served in poor house, good and sufficient; condition of wells, good; condition of sinks, &c, im proved; number of public school houses, 14, all frame buildings; ventilation and drinking water, good. Questions asked as to whether there has been any drainage ia the streets during the month: any efforts made towards improving the sanitary condition of the town, and any improvements in the condition of public buildings, are all answered in tho affirmative, with the ad ditional remarks that the sanitary condi tion of the city is being carefully looked after and that , hands are constantly at work on tke streets, drains, ditches, &c, An additional appropriation for the work having been obtained. The health of the county during the month was good. Tho remains of Miss Abbie EUis.not yet arrived, are expected here tonight. and unless some ; unforeseen detention should occur the fanerai will take place from the First Baptist Church to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. He tbat don't read the papers is ig norant of the world I he lives in, .and behind the age ia the current history of the day, and is not moved by concord of sweet sounds, and hath no music in his soul. Lfc bo man be trusted. The latest news from the Bladen pri maries, received last night, is that ten of the fourteen townships have - gone for Stedoaan-with the remaining four, yet to be heard from, probably "divided between Stedman and'McKoy. The) Physical Paradox. It has been said that 'the blood is the source of life.J Itis a truly the source of disease and death. No life, that Is to say, no healthy tirsae can be generated from impure blood, no organ of the body can normally perform its f suctions when supplied with impure blood; ; The fluid that . should 'carry life and . health to every part, carries only weakuess and disease, blood is the source of life only when it is pure. If it has become dis eased, it most be cleansed by proper medication,' else every pulsation ol the humlrifceart sends a wave of disease through the syatera. To cleanse the blood of all im pari ties ' use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant PcresliveTsUsts, tbtf tooit effectual al terative, tonic and cathartic remedies yet discovered. They are especially efficient in scrofulous diseases. 29, 1880. HO, 67 Great News. . , It is great news indeed that there w at last a remedy (Warner's Safe Nervine) which will relieve all kinds of pain and give re.t and sleep without injury to the system The discoverer of this remedy is consi Jered the most skillful nerve doc tor iu the world. List or Appointments by: Bishop At kinson, for hi sprlnar Visitation. St.. George, Hyde co., 4;h Sun. aft. Raster. . April 25 L cAiiuoni, jAouuay, April io. Vanceboro, Craven county, Friday, A pi SO Newberne. Fifth Sun. afn. faster, Mav 2 Beaufoit, Tuesday, May 4. Kicston, Ascension Day, May 6. Holy Imiocents, Lenoir co., Friday, May 7 Wilmington, Sunday aft. Ascension,Maj V M. Jam' s Church, Morning, St. Paul's Church, Evening. Warrenton, Whit. Sunday, May in. v Ridee way. Mondav. Mav 17 v Henderson, Tuesday, May 18 Uxford, Thursday, May 20. Kittrell's, Saturday, May 22. Louisburg, Trinity Sunday, May 23. Netr Advertiaements. Notice. AT TRE MEETING OP THE DIREC torsofthe Wilminrtoa Mataal Insu rance Cemnanv. held on' thn 27th Anril. it was resolved that an assessment of Twelve aaaanalf(li per cent.be made en the Premium Notes held by the Company, to pay resent losses. SAH'L N CANNON, Seeretary. ap!29 3 Notice. STALL FED BEEF! STALL FED BEEF! GOOD AS THE STATE of North Carolina will afford, will b coffered for sale on to-morrow (Friday) morning, April 30th, at NEW MARKET, stalls No. 3 and i, at the lowest cash prices, and for the next ten days leave your orders early to avoid the rush. apl29-lt I. W. KING A CO. MR HEINdBERGEB, Dear Sir I herebv ten der yon my' thanks for the splendid 8tieff riano yon famished for my entertainment given Tuesday evening at Masonic Ball. I enjoyed playing upon the instrument very much. It is the best fctieff Piano I have ever played upon. The tone is roand and fall and "carries" well. The touch is elastic. sympathetic and prompt, and really does 1 - iL! a1 x r . I overruling; mm uuu requires ui ii I hope you will continue to keep such in struments on haztd, and introduce them to the musical community of Wilmington as thor oughly as their merits deaianu. X ours, sincerely, JOd. H. DENCK. 8TIEFPfl PIAN 08, Square and Upright, are always for sale at HEINWBERGER'S, apl 29 . Live Book and Music Btore OPERA HOUSE. HARTLEY-DENCK COMBINATION ! rilXDAg, APRIL 30th. "gENEFIT OF THE OXFORD ASYLUM. Messrs. Hartley and Denck iiamagoii- centrew programme. To commence at 8 o'clock. Admission SO cents. Reserved Seats at Heinsberger's without extra charge, apl 80-2t The New Hat Store, QALL AND EXAMINE MY SPRING Styles of Straw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOMr M. KOB1N80N, No. 13 Front street, apl 19 Next to Purceli House. For Sale. PERFECTLY NEW OFFICE SAFE, Mosler, - Bahmann & Co., manufacturers, combination lock, weight 1,500 lbs. t For sale cheap. Apply at mea 3 THI8 OFFICE. MILLINERY- SPRiriQ QOODS. MBS. 8. J. BAKER, Corner Third aad Oracre streets. Wilmington. IV. C hii Just j-eceived from the North a large and car ei any selected stocc or rasmonable Mil iinery, eonaiatiog of Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Satins, Laoes, Tims, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Raching, ia faet. aearfy everything kept ia a Millinery establishment, all of which she offers to the pablie pa the most liberal terms. By giving personal attention to all orders,' sirs. Baker is quite confident that she can offer very srrat inducements to the Ladies of the citr and aorroondinr co&ntrv. Hair work done in all of it branches. The best of help ia the Jnultnery Department, apl 20 tf Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for ale. ! TUB ONLY GENUINE HOMF-if ania Candy ia the city, will be fouad every day, fresh aad sweet, three doors Boatb of xam ramvjuuem on oeoona street. Also, liats. Raisiaa, Fruit, Ac. C. E. JET EN 8, jaa 23 I Near the PoetofSee. The Last of the Seaoon. gOMKOF THOSE FINE NEW Miver Oysters jast rec 4ved,( Win- berry) the last of the season Call and ret - m. m S VIM a. ar . a. apl 23 Jfo, 12 Market st, The &aae of the wriW must alleys be f -rr -aiahed to the Editor . ,,fjr:77 ConunanieatioBSttast be rvittc z or,' - . r r Personalities'must tc aVcidxd. And It is especially st pu. ilgiari y, zi'Ct str.-v? that th vtAr :f : ti. vws of corirpcdrr. 'n&Tess io 'Uut m iae iitorial column. Now AdvertrserMcfeta, Our Losses tLc41th iist , tn the cornen&4"roat a,r. 1 Ut its, have ii! b .nf iflijiy; - wav. i r t. 1871) we have sustained nre ksse ynderiSS Kuttvice, mn vi woicn navo. cpaj.aj, txct pt one, which occurred onaj,. Vh in t., z which will be raid ia tuJi. . J0. W. riUilU Wt.o., berersl Imuravce cct, pl 28 a afth-VEt.r jr. T HE rilOCKHOLOtU'S Annual. Meeting will ba held at the Company's Oflio on MONDAY, May 2d, at ll o'cfock RicniKif j. joJkh, 8ectyi4Troa?. apl 2S-6t Just Received. A NICK ASSOliTMaNT of Chisdren's and . Misses Linen, Pique, Lawn, and Hic ham Dresses and Units. n ' " A complete assortment of Ladies Under wear of best Muslin and Cambric- ' hand. At - , i MISSES KArjit & McGOWAN'S,' lio. 6 S Front Hi Hair Work and Stamping wrtfbitca. Archery Good JOTHING M03E ATTIiACTJLVE HAH ever been offered to the lovers of a rcfined and elegant, pastime, Then join with ma jo merry taaz. a We'll toast the bowand qufveri And may our eyes like our blight t&rp, . Be brilliant rounds fore'Ver.' . . ' . : - -t Bows, Arrows, Quivers, Taro c , .Vo., at , -- '. t -iiA 1100K STOKK? RiAlbm apl 26 . . .-,. 3haJcit : Sea-Side I ; THE STMR PAS3P0Rt,dyieJ.,, will commence SUNDAY tripsgigE? AprU25lh, and will continue JJaiiy: flips to theSEA-8lbE, leavi at 0.30 AJ'tt until farther notice. G K O. MY ESS, Agcn t. Boilers-Boilcrs-lioilers t . 26 inches diameter, AO f:et long-- a All in prime ordert r . For sale by ' ".. EDWARD KIDDEfi. is SO'8. apl 23-tf. 1 ' Cane-Cane-Cane ! LIBERAL PRICE WILL BE ;PAID for GREEN CANE dfiU-rKTad at nnV unrVc 5n this city.; For particulars kpfij.io EDWARD KIDPER k SONS. apl 23-tf Walter Coney, i DEALER IN TOBACCO, IMP011TED : &KDC- vxvzxkxvoy vatowL. j4rj:;ii Pipea of all descriptions. WALTER ' apl 3 UarfcMfAA. Watches a r i . .. .;. via Jf3U nHBONOMETERS, JEWELRY, AafSSTi Repaired neatry and promptly, by 1 . J L. WINNER, No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington .C. Over twenty years' experience. Give" ia? h trih .L;W.'. ' Uiml ' schtn' gON FUME CATAURU AND AMIiiUA Oiarettes, .Wei !ds .Meylr cbiiAh'tSafr, aad a full and cami let stock of;xta lirot andMedletneV: . . f .a i I f. aimm?(4u . Corner 1th aadt iiuhu: Open dayaad night. , . mch 29-tfV o'.-ii.', :iiaxI s&iSzt Porto Eicdi; jlaeeai 244 Bbd P0T0 aI0OM0Lafi8Ri.t. - - Cheiee UtirtowiiidiiP .i Iju'rt vrciii yW1 mV9 And for sale lowjyr,,? JaMaj ? apl 13 . WLLLIAM5 4 MOBCKISCry. -r vw BAT44r6r W tSixrpfrtitkig carefully xctei and mailed to then fre. of postage. . !r K. S. WASEOCK. (U IUyUw BuHding) Job Printer. apt 9

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