m . " 1 A THEN. a ml when you are old and lonely, 1c shrlno 1" .V,t- u-octlntr You win see on Tuui tuw bands. I Ike genii, inoae ki f i miu d when you muae at evening. lAt the sound of mmie vanished those kl ses of mine. eJ name. The ghost of Khali touch your n1 kindle your heart to flame John Hay Brutal Hazing. Mono f f the co')egP8 in Nw York State. f"w Jera a It-w years pro, a Freshman .3 . . 4 iit.inl kla ajj bis health st-rfonVy iuiared, by the Sorts of several oppr clas men ti 'smoke bim out, a pbrae well understood by .11 college men. lb Freshman bad strong stomach, and for a long time ! hptobcco amok hd no ruvct upon bim. F.nal y. 1 ho uppr clasemen l bound bim in c'sir. with his body .0 bent over that his face vib nearly between bi kneee A Urqe spittoon was planed between bi feet, and into tki w remit a Quantity of rank to haco, bo me wooiln tars (torn from the FrfsbminV mdereliiit), and a little ail- This compound was lighted' nr! then the victim tr envelop d in a blanket reacbiuf? to ihe.il or. Long alms tube from th co'Ico laborato ry were pushed ncder tho b'auket in- to the fputoon nn niowinj; uirongn tliflcpcau ed a thick olnra i of " black nod vile smoke to ascend dirr ctly in the Freshman a face To thejenrprise of bis tormentors, even this device failed to eftect ita objeot, and when the h'anket waa finally removed the Freshman waa found insensible. Alarm took tho place of 'innocent pleasure' in the miDds of the npper classmen, nd they worked as hard to restore their victim to consciousness at they bad before to make bim insensible. It was a loDg time before the Freshman recovered, and he felt the effects df his brutal treatment for months. nttsbiirg Iclegraph. Burdette on Commercial Travelers. I What wonld I do without the 'boys?' How often they have been my friends. I go to a new town. I don't know where to go. The man with the sam ples gets off at the same station. I fol low bim without a word or a tremor. He calls to the 'bus driver ,by Eame and orders bim to 'get ont of this now,' as soon aa we are seated. And when I follow. him I am inevitably certain to go to the best house there is in the place. He shouts at the landlord as we go in. He looks over my shoulder as I register after him, and bands me his cird with a ehOut of recognition. He peeps atthe register again, and watches the clerk aB-ign me to 98. 'Ninety nothing,' be shouts, who's in 15?' The clerk say a he is saving 15 for Judge Dryasdust. 'Well, he be blowed aaya my cheery friend, give him the attio and put this gen- Neman in 15.' And if the clerk hesi tates be seizes the pen and gives me 15 himself, and then he calls the por ter, orders him to carry up xny bag gage and put afire in 15, and then, in tho same breath, adds: 'What time will you be down to supper, Mr Bur dette?' and he waits for me, and seeing that I'm a stranger in the town he sees that I am oared for, and the waiters do not neglect me. He tells me about the town, the people and the business; be is breezy, cheery, sociable, full of new stories, always good natured; he frifckB with cigars, and over-flows with 'thousand-mile tickets;' be knows ail the best rooms in all the hotels; he alwajs has a key for the car seats, and turns a seat for hiinaelr. and his friends without troubling the biakemau, but be will ride on the wood box or stand outside to accommodate a lady, or bo ill give his seat to au old man. I know him pretty well, For three )eara I have been tntvtt iug with bim, from Colorado to Maine, and I bays feeeu the worst and the bast of bim, and I know the best far outweighs the worat. I could not get along without Lieu. and I am glad he is numeroui. Professional Rivalry A man who had bis coat on his arm and his bat in his hand, yesterday, en tered a butcher shop on Woodward avenue and hegan: 'Say, air, one of your infernal carts knocked me down on Park street half ar hour ago, aud I'm going to have satisfaction! "One of my carta? I guess not. Wil liam! William! William made his appearance from the back room and the butohfcrsaid: 'William, this man accuse you of running bim down with the cart this aorning on Perk street ' I don't think it,' was the reply. , Weill know it!' shouted the man as he threw down his hat i Whereabouts on Park?' 'At the corner of High!' 'Ahl then, it conldu't have been,' said the driver. 'Here is the route I took: I first went up Woodward ave nue, and run over a boy at the corner of Alfred street. Then I went down Charlotte and took a wheel off a car riage. Down at the corner of Cass I run down a boy and a velocipede.' I came down O&ss to Sproat. and out again to Woodward,-where I expect X ran over two women and a horse, and then came directly here. It couldn't have been me, sir.' 'Then who waa it?' 'Indeed. I couldn't say, sir; but a few doors above this is a butcher who has three carts. If it waa him he 11 own up and be glad to see you, for he's keeping a record of the kiHed'and wounded to show oil tbe rnt of us. You'd better try him, sir.' Detroit free Pre. The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regu lar, kidneys and liver active, is tbe great est blessing ever conferred upon man. HopBitters is that remedy, and its proprie tors are beiog blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it. . Will you try it? See another column. Greorge A. Townsend in the Cincinnati Enquirer. Garfleia Fredlcis iJudse Relet I asked General Garfield whom lie thought the Democrats would nomi nate after tby got out of their present dilemma. He slid: (I have thought they would nominate Judge Field, of t ie Supreme Court. lie has some Strong points in h s favor, not possess ed by tne generality of their candid ate. In the tint plaoa he wad an onttndout war Democrat. Although of a Democrat i3 family.'tbey w re a 1 un on men, and no one more so than he. .The cry of ooppSr-head cann. t be raised against him. As oon as the war was over he teck a Democratic position, a'm bas almost uniformly written a dissenting opinion again -t the majority of the Supreme Court in favor of State rights and limited, Ftd eral'powers. Then he has been sound on the curreLcy. : He took position for resnmptioo, and maintained it throughout. The fact that Mr .Lincoln placed him on the Supreme bench ia a testimonial to his purity of character and knowledge of the law.' important to me Afflicted We would advise all who ma, nerd the sdvico of a physiciai, to either call or writ; h Dr. liotrtson,. 1J, So. Eutaw M., lialtlmpre, Md., who triin 15 years .xjx rieiici in Hospital and .pf-eial I'ractioe, ruai?nit's a cure in all diseases of" the Urvwtrjj Oryo.n and of the Nervous Hys tetnOrjinic and beniinal Weakness, Im- potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, No, turnal ISittsions, &c, all resulting from abuses in y -uth, or excesses in manhood ; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. '11. is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical schools In this country (Uiiversity of Mary lard), and re f eis to the leading physicians in his city, and all consii 1 thigh iin can ruly npon honorable and confidential treatment, in writing en close stamp for reply. Special attention civen to allfeinate complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and son hitnAIedjciue sent to any address. Wilmington District Second round qf quarterly meetings for the VVilmington" District, Methodist E Church South. Wilmington, at Front Street, May 1-2 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, May 8 9 Brunswick, at Macedonia, May 1316l Smithville .....,May 1516 Topsail, at Itocky Point, ' May 22-23 New River Mission at Oak Hill. May 29-30 Onslow, at Jacksonville, June 6-6 Duplin, at Providence, June 12-13 Clinton, at Salem, June 19-20 Given Up by Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy ?' I "I assure you it is true tnat he is en- t.irelv nttrf d . anrt with nftthinr Vint TTnn enters and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die !" gave him up "Well-a day ! That is remarkable ! I will go this day and got some for my 'poor George I know hops are good;' ? , Miscellaneous. JjH CELEBRATED Fever and Ague. , The true antidote tvthe effects of mias ma is Ilosfetter's Stomach Bitters This medicine is one of the most popular rerae dies of an sgf of successful proprietary specifies, and is in initnehse demand wherever on this Contineit lever and ague exists'. A' wineglass ful three Ume3 a day is the best possible preparative ;or ei coun tering a maiarious atmosphere, regulating the liver, and invigoriiting the stomach. For sale by ;all Druggists aud Dealers generally. Commissioner's Sale- ITY YIRTDB OJj' A DKCBKE OF TUB Soperior C-irt of New Hanover county, in thn case of . I). Uoel?t and others, vs. W. W. Lane and others, J will expose to 6ale at public auction, at the Court House door, ia the city of Wilmington, on Monday, tbe 3d day of Mar, 1830, the lot of land with improvement thereon, situate on tbe South aids of Princess street, between the old Jour nal building and the Baxter lot, fronting on Princess etret 60 feet and runnicp: back southwardly that width 97 feet, being parts f lou No. 1 and 2 in Block 166 aeeording to tbe official plan of tbe City of .Wilmingtm. tal to take place at 12 o'clock, M. Terms of rale liberal, and will be made known at aale. A.T.LONDON, Commiasioner. . Tronlv A Morris, -Auctioneers. Wilmington, N. C, 27th Feb. 1880. . mch ,29-ta ts The Congress" gHIRT IS MADE QF GOOD MUSLIN, XT M " STOMACH 4-ply Rlchardaon Linen front and back, and reinforced, 75 centa. Eqaal to aay Ehirt sold for $1.00. THE ROYAL" ia aemething superb and is guaranteed equal to any $1.25 Shirt; pries 90 cent. WamjutU or H4W York Hills 8hirta made to order at $1.25, and a good fit guaranteed. No 3, If arket.fltreet. Biga of Wa BhirL J. EL8BACU, . apt 12 Manufacturer; JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT1 HOOK l OF THE WR. ADyAHCBaBfl RBTRRAT, Personal Dieritnrr in the United State and , Con fedorut estate. Arniie.4. BY GENKUM, .!. H(OI Army, published for Late Lieutenant-General Confederate States, Tie Hood Orphan- Meiot'ial Fnnfl GENERAL O. T. HEAURE(i.i;i,. NEW OKLKAN& 1880. jThe entire proceeda arising from the tah of thia work are devoted to The Hood Or phan Memorial Fund, which u invested in United Htates Kejristered Bonds for ihe nur ture, care, support and education rC the tec infants deprived of their t ar-nta last sum mer at New Orie-r, (the melaccbolr inci dents of which sad bereavement are still fresh in the public mind ) The book ia an elegant octavo, enntairinjr 3fp pages, with a tine photograph likeness and a line steel engraving, made expressly for this work,four large maps of battle field i, bound in handsome Gray English Cloth, at TUK.EU DOLLARrl, or in a Fine Hheep Binding, with Marble Edge, TUBEK DOL LARS AND FIFTY CENTS In Half Bound Morocco, library ftyle, FOUR DOLLARS, orl in best Levant Turkey Morocco, fall Gilt SideB and Edges, FIVE DOLLARS. On the receipt from any person remitting by; mail or express, of the amount in a regis tered letter or by a postal order, bank draft or check, a copy will be immediately sent free of postage, registered as second class matter. i The volume is published in the best style of typography, on elegant paper, with illustra tions, executed as highest specimens of art. The author, the subject, tbe purpose, all alike render it worthy a place in every libra ry i on every desk or npon the book shelf of every house in the country, ! Agents wanted in every town and county in the United States, and a preference will be given to honorably discharged veterans from the army. To the ladies, who feel a desire to express their sympathy with The Hoed Orphan Me morial Fund the sale of this book among their circle of friends will afford an excel lent way of contributing substantial aid to so deserving a cause. For terms, rates to agents, etc., ad dress, with fall particulars, GEfi'L G. T. BEAUREGARD, Publisher, un Denait oi the tlood Memorial Fond. jan 243mos New Orleans, La; CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDCINE TRADE MARKm Ga... TRADE HARK ARM English Rem edy, An un failing cure for Seminal Weak n ess, S p ermatorr- hea,Irapoten ov.andalldls- BEFQRE TAima.easea that fol-AFTER TAEIIB. low, as a sequence of Self-Abuse: as Loss of f TT 1 W 1 w-v .m iaemory, universal, ijassiiaae. rua in tne Back, Dimness of .Vision, Premature, Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Fnll piffibulara in our pamphlet, wbifcEwe desire to send free.by mail to every one. isu The Specific Medicine, is sold by all druggists at$l per package, of six pack ages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE CRAY MEDICINE CO., I Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich; aa.. Sold in Wilmington, Wholesale and Retail, by Green & Flanner and all druggists everywhere. oct 11-dawly. he Forest and Best Medicine ever made. I - Aeoa)STSatton of Tliraa. Baebii, Mandrake, land Dandelion, with all tho best and most curs tiveproperacs or an ocner fitters raakes the great est Blood Purlfler, liver iteculator, and Lite and Ileal to. Restoring Apren t on eai-th. fo aisease or Ul neoltn can possibly long exfet where Hob Bitters are used, so varieil anri ii-r.-t. are their operations. Xaey giro mew lift and vlgar to the age aad Infirm. To all whose employments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an ADDetizer. Tonio and mild Stiimtlant. Rnn nuer are lnraluable without intoxleatlncr. o matter wnat your ieelLflars or symptoms are. Usave your life. It has saved hundreds. TYiiair 500 wfll be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Do not suilcr nor let yonr friends suffer, but Jtemember. Ho; en made: no person or family should be withoat them. I ; - Get some thin day. Hop Cocoa Ccbx is the sweetest, safest and best, j " Ask Children. . The Hop Pad forStomacli.LiverandKidneyia.il w ji oiners. Tires Dy aosorpuon. jxsf. v,. L C. In an absolute andirTvsubleemardrtink:- eauesi, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics , Sold by drut-fc.Ut. 1 1, m Ktim M Tg. Co. Rochester. N.Y. We are UTaking All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds 41 TD ORNAMENTAL Wood Work at our Planing Mill and Factory, foot of Walnut street. Call and examine. AT.TAFFEK, VlUCh & tX. aplj 26 Office, Nutt, near Red Croea et. Yellow Tobacco 1T7B WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and V V year out, in the B0BDER BEVIEW, , Edited and publiihed by BUFC8 AMIS, at Henderson, N. C. An unterrified Democratic, and yet a lire and practical businei a man's paper; Tells how to build up the industrial inter, ettsofthe State. How to make money on the farm, and secure the best rewards for labor. Send $1.60 to pay one year's subscription and get Tobacco Guide Book and Tobacco Seed Free. Address, ' Ui ' BORDER REVIEW, feb 27 Henderson, N. C. JpOR SALE LOW. Bills Lading, Charter, Partys, InspectorVGertifieates, Crop Liens, , . , r - , - River SUamers Receipts, Ac E. S. WARROCX- (In Review3andinf ) kJobfcPritir. . apl rr i tDP lOlIOWTB Alltnn. I....MMHI uTriiTr havtebeeh argtti Double Ancr.?.:i I rroubfe Anefc6 A" f ' Standard Ditmenle.... j BACON Ntrrth Carolina, Haas, 9 ; Shoulders, V fi .Sidea, .Ib.... ...".'. Western Smoked "";: Haaa ..N. Sides, y B...." ' - Hbealdera... ... .. j , . Or Waited Sides 'V & ; Shoulder., 9 - bKEF Live weight.... 11 1UH 11 10 it 12 O "Me IS is i is 2i . Second Hand, each.. lJorkekj aw BKKSWAX-V tb....w...... BaiCKS Wilmimgton, V M Northern BUTT North Carolina ft Northern, tt UANDLES Sperm ft Tallow, f n.... Adamantine, V aei. OHEESJBi Northern Faetory, ft . Dairy cream, ft... State, ft....., OOFFKE Java, V ft.... Rio, y ft.......... Lagnvra, ft CORN MEAL y bushel.... COTTON' TIE8 fl bdl DOME8TIC Sheeting, 4-4 V j ard. Yarn, bunch M 8H- o 1 w I 85 1 00 30 Q 21 8 00 t?10 00 00 en or 12' 18 18 25 li 40 110 y o 11 13 O U 14 16 10 11 28 SO 1X 20 18 20 , 770 80 ' 1 75 OHO O 7 1 It 1 20 Mackerel, No. 1, ? bbi....l 00 1 V bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl....lJ 60 o. 2, bbl...:. 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 bbl .00 00 O20 00 9 00 000 00 O 6 60 -8 60 o a 60 oaiuiVISi N. C. He Mullets, V bbl . a 25 erring, fkeg. 5 60 6- 00 7 O 0 00 O 4 00 00 O 5 50 00 O 50 00 8 60 00 O 7 26 60 7 75 00 O 8 25 vvf -A. ............... 1 LOUR Fine, bbl 0 ;ui. ........ u bbl... 6 V bbl... 6 ) bbl... 7 Baper, Northern. &ztra ao Family ' tt Olty MillEx,.8uper bbl... 7 V Family bbl... T " Ex.FamilybbU. 8 Femvian Guano. ? 3000 lbs. Eo 00 OO 00 Oil 00 42 00 67 00 42 00 42 eo uarount rertiliser " Navasaa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann'a Phosphate " Wando Phosphate, ' BWileox, Gibb A Co., nipulated Goano.... 11 00 00 oo 00 " 60 00 00 00 00 00 ma- ..M.oo 00 00 14 GLUE y ft 8 75 O o o GRAIN CorBtore, 5ofts Quera, eargo, v 56 ma. 0orn,yeL, buaheL None. Uorn,ye rfoata,? bushel... M. 62KO 60 O 4 O 10 o 10 O 00 Q 00 o m. wuj www, UUMUWU. cs 12 25 mutso ureen, 7 ft , ft.......:....., HA rn, y 100 fta... North River. 100 lbs. HOOP IBOK-;ton LARD 'Northern V ft....... North Carolina ft 1 Oi 00 wo 11 O ObL...,..M. ....... LUMBER City steam aa'wd 8hipstuff,rawed,Mfi.l8 00 Rough edge plank, y M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, ae cord ing to quality, V Mft...l3 00 Dressed flooringeasoned. 16 00 Scantling and boards, 00m- mon; M ft.. .. 13 00 MOLASSES CubaJxhdVgl 3T o O20 00 18 00 oia oo 025 00 on 00 o CJuba, bbls.j V jral......... Bagar houMinhds. 29 gal. bbls.iraL 39 t 26 46 o o Q O 0 o o L Orleans Choice bbla. V aL 66 26 45 10 20 NAILS Cut,' 20dto4d, k g OILS Kerosene, gal...... 9 10 00 12 90 00 Lard, gal. 1 I 1 Linseed, V gal. isodj UUUIIi V K B.... ......... PEANUTS V busheL....... POTATOES Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern, 9 bbL.... 5H oL i 2 OH GOO 60 60 60 00 25 PORK Northern, eity mess. 14 00 Thin, ? bbL..........M.....MOQ DO Prime, V bbl (extra).. ...00 00 Rump, bbl ...00 00 O00 00 O00 00 RICE Carolina, V .... East India, V fi.. ......... T CO 10 49 IX oo 50 IX IX o Rough, y busheL.... BAGS Country, y fi ....... IVi Oity,?,lb . 1)4 ROPE--.,. . Hemp....:. M Manilla.......... SALT Alum, y sack Liverpool, y sack. American sack ... Marshal's fine, 9 sack.. Cadis y sack. SUGAR Cuba, y m - Porto Rico, y it A- Coffee, y .... 13MO 14i 70 a? 80 9 00 o 70 O 10XO WHO 00 00 00 1 40 00 . 10 00 11 10 x 9X nx 1X 760 2 25 0 c " y a.. o o o o Q o Ex C- fi) Crushed 9 fi HOAP Northern. V B).... 6 SHINGLES Contract, yjl 8 00 Common, y M. 1 60 STAVES W. O. bbl. y M.10 00 R O bid. y E.m. M.M..(MM00 00 TALLOW y Ib......M..MM. 8 TIMBER Shipping y M .10 00 Mill, extra per M ........ 8 60 16 00 00 00 00 12 00 10 75 00 60 60 00 60 10 27 28 17 . . Mill, prime per M ...... ...... 7 Mill, fair per M Common, per M... .......4 Inferior to Ordinary,perM S WHISKEY North' n, per gl 1 North Caroina, per gal... 2 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... Washed. jer ' Burrv wool, per B...... 00 00 00 00 25 00 2a 26 16 49 8 O & o o 49 Q J3ERFECTLV ELEGANT, At a leasonable price, GEO. MYERS. QALlFORNIA HAMS, 10 centa,at GEO. MYERS. gQQ rkaW GOODS, - llzctjheA this day at I t GEO. MYERS- WINKS, TEAJS, LIQUORS, 250 Bbls Floarr Lard withoat water, al GEO. MYERS. jyjULFOUD'S Roasted Java Coffee, In 1 lb. Packages, three for $1, at GEO. MYERS. JF TOU DESIRE THE CHOICEST, - V FRE3HJS3Ti GROCERIESV ,'j AT LOWEST PHIUES, Call at the imineipa estahlishmejat of WHW B BISSSBSBva n Nob. 11, 13, 10 South Front St. apl li His caUoneous. 6SETTLE SPEirJG ! Has arrived and has taken lodsr ings at EXCHANGE CORNER ! 7 COME. LAOIES, AND PAY HER VISIT ! T WOULD RESPECT ULLY aaneuaceto JL say friends and patrons that I have juat're tafnel t4he city from the Northern mar kets with the mot complete and most de. sirable atock of Qillinery anl FaocF Goods for the Spring and Summer that I have ever had. This stock is now beirg unpacked and marked and my Grand Opening Will be announced in a few days. I have all ofths latest and moU desirable styles and many novelties; A eall and an inspectiea is respectfully soUeitad. The goods were bought to sell and sold key will be at very low prices. The stock will be exhibited, with much pleasure, to all who may eall, whether as in tending purchases or otherwise, j . N. H. SPRUNT, nxcnAnorj conuzixi. mch 31 The Wew Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. I ani receiving Daily my SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS ! Consisting of Ladies' Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Gondolas, in the Latest styles ; Also, Misses' Low Quarter Shoes and Newport Ties, which I offer at Low est Market Price. No trouble to show Goods. Call and examine and convinco yourself. Respectfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street; mch I - sign of tha Little Boot. CLYDE'S Mew York AND Wilmington, IM. C. Steamship Line. TUE STEAMER BENEFACTOR. CAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK OB 0ATTJRDAY, Hay L 2sa Shippers earn rely upon theprompi aaUliBsx of Stammers as advertised, "i; For Freight Engagtments apply to THOS. E. BOITD, Bmp't, WOsaiagtom, N. Q ' THEO. O. EGER, Freight Ageat. . New York. WM. P. CLYDE A OXX, 25 Broadway, New YeTk. Sl 29 Jp.OU BALE. Uagiatrate'a Blanks of ia proved forms. E. S. WAKBOCX, (In Review Buildinf) Jab PriaUr. apl 9 1. Bail Road Llnas. &c. VILT.1INQT0N 1 VELD Oh &AILB0AD COHPjftJTY, Orrtca o Oir'l SvnnTymAnt i Wilmington, N. a. Hot 2d 1879 f CHANGE OF SOIIEDDLl". On tad after 8ndav, ffdrJ lid. liU Paaaenge traioa a the " Wilmint tvn 1 V d9n Railroad will ran u fo.Mcwe : DAY MAIL AD EXPKKSS TKA.t.X. di-. v Leave Wiuaingtcn, Front fct. Def ot St... .......... .. , .. j 6 fCA Arrive at Weldr.n at ... , itl to V Leave Weldon..... o y Arrive at Wilmington, Wont St. ' Depot at ..... i- 6 3 K; NIGHT MAIL AND KXPRE T k .. DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Yv.zl Sv Depot at. Arrive at Weldon at u. .. Leave Weldon.' 7 i:; Arrive at Wilmington, Fr'tttSt. Depot at. y l a l rains on Tarboro Branch Kraa it Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.1: F J dai and Tueadaj,Tharday and rfatorc at AM. Returning, leave Tarboro it K'. A M daily, and Monday, Wcdxc-diT Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes d. conscfi. . Weldon for all. points North vU hav 1.. daily, (except Sunday) and dail, y;a u mond and all rail route . , -- Night train makes clfc us Weldon for all points north via Kicla.or.i. Sleeping Cars attached' to r.ll Night Train JOHN F. DIVINE. Oenarai ricr bot 22 r. It . CenM Supts Office 1 i "wsV- j WILMINGTON, , COLUMBIA AND Al - GUSTA RAILROAD Cd, Wilmiajctou, N. C, Nov C2, W.- CHANGE OF BCnEDULEV On and after Sunday. Nov. 231 tK tr. lowing schedule will be run -on thia road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL'TRA IN, daiu TAWH 'Wllvrttwt j4w A Mf a - Amve at Florence.. i oo r Leave Florence- A 60 P V. Arrive at Wilmington 8 iO p i 'NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN f Daily K Leave Wilmington..... ....... .......... 10 13 J' A. Leave Florence ..... 2 2 ) A Arrive at Camden Junction 4,16 A M Arrive at Columbia ; 9 00 A 11 Leave Columbia M 6 00 P li Leave Camden Junction.. -....12 ;00 M Leave Florence................. 3 30 A M . Arrive at Wilmington............... .6 30 A hi This Train rtops only at Flemington' WhiteviUe, Fair Blut", and Marions Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A C R. R. and ia Wettern Nortlu Carol! na, via Columbia and Spartanburg,, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. rassengers for Augusta should take Night Express Train, which connects 'tfdsely vli Florence, Charleston Junction and Camden Junction. -,a)u : pSf Through Bleeping Cars ea all nljtttt trans for Charleston, Augusta and lolam bia Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights do not make any connectlonf for Col . umbia. ' :- cc.f Z JOHN F. DIVINE, General upt. wot , tiiJ JBt Sv4 Su. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAT CO Orrios GsaaaxL ursTUNjrSfpajit; Wilmington, N; 0. Miy' 14879. J Chakok irv ' SotTKTrrAx.'! 1 1 ON AND5 A PTER T J s'd'tataf ' . inggchedule'win 'b cpVytd on V. Passenger, Mail1 and Expr'esa kla. Leave Wilriltfrron"aCf; 7jO(J P . Arrive at Hamlct;at.-..J 2:27 A h ' at Charlotte at...t$20 A 11 Leave Charlotte at......!.y&2S P J Arrive at HanJetat....- 12 A M " at Wilmington at in 60 A ii Close connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air . Line Rail way. . 8helby Division Ma, Freight ,A(Passenge and Express. ,(j Wo o I Leave CharIotte:.......,...'8:4;u A M ao Arrive If 8fielby .12:30 P M So.l0- 'lLeTe8helb7":---" ---'""' "lsl P M f Arrive at Charlotte 6:05 P M V. v. vOlh'SON, mar 17 : General Boiriatendsnt. unTri IHIIILnUIML nuiCL. i 1 li '.:iu?s' lMgc Sample IIooujIoi- Commercial TraveJojr; ' 1 a-w. rjtHE PROPRIETOR bayfng, JXpufihJy renovated this House and furnished it ere- Iy new, Is prepared to give to the traveing publio all the eenvenlencies of aFIEST- CLA8S HOTEL. It Is:ioesd'9ia tbe uary oentre of the buainesa part of ft e" city, peeing convenient to thepriaeipal husictca haniaa, PoetoQoe, Custom" Howe; Clij Uttf "and 0ort House. ' t iio.i 7A Flrrt-ClaxJ Bsi 4Adrillllitfd"gAoa naectl witi this HotsL X oct 24 4 E.TA, SCIIUT3: MILLinERY-SPRIMC .G00dg- M RS. 8. J. BAKER, Corner Third and Oranse streets. Wilmington, JLt.47., laa ost received from the North.' a large and tefmlly selected stock of FaaMonable'MlI liaT,e)OBjistiag of flats, Flowers; Ribbons, Batina, Laoea, Tie. HandkrchIefs-4Toa, Ruehing, in faVk nearly everything Jtcpain a MTllicery estahliahmant, ail of mhk!fe tftle offers to the public on the most liberal terms By giving personal attention 'to "-all 'orders. Mrs. Baker la qmite crofldeot tSar'ab cxn offer vary great iadaceaenU the JbadXei f tn city and surrounding . ntry.i . HaIt work done In alT of its branclrs. The best of belpia th Millinery Department. . apl 20-tf nnMMCDPiAi UUJ

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