IK C03GRESS JESIEBMX SENATE. Washington, April 23 Mr litsrii nbnitted a resolution calling on tte President lor copies of the corres pondence between the United States nd Great Britain relative to the out rage upon Americau fishermen at For- tune Bay. Tiilla wflr introduced and referred m follows: i , B Mr Morgan, to enforce the ob ervar.ee of the Constitution of tbe United States in regard to th- elect on of President and Vice President of the United States. Referred to the Select Committee on that subject. Mr Davis, of West. Virginia, pre aented a report of the majority of the Seleot Committee appointed to invea tigate4he accounts of the Treasury Department. Mr Ingalls, of Kansas, presented a minority report. Mr David, in tome remarks upon the results of the Committee's labors, said the books ml the Treasury Department showed many and great discrepancies amounting in some years to nearly one hundred million dollars. Most of them appeared in the years between 1860 and 1871. In Novecaber, 1870, th- Harriet aw rf thrt TrflHnrv. llV ON - w. , J I "J dsr of the Secretary, changed the fig ures and amounts as previous y re ported to Congress, bo as to apparent ly increase the public debt by ten nailliou dollars la 1873 there wa a similar change of twenty-five millions, and in 1874 of seventy-five millions In 1870 the figures of the Register and Secretary agreed. Now they large ly disagree. The testimony shows that tnwAA ira rvt a a m An tr were added to the public debt by order of the Secretary, where none of the said three item appeared on the Tieasury books. The comparison of the debt statement of 1860 and 1870 shows that the public debt, instead of being decreased as it should have been by the dropping of the Pacifio Rail road bonded debts, was increased be tween.ninety and one hundred millions Erasures and alterations on the tieas ury books amount to thousands, and Sta a 1 . 1 1 i II anect uunareus oi minions ui uouhth Leaves are cut from the books and not accounted for, and warrants for mil lions of dollars are missing and cannot be found. Mr Iog&lls, in behalf of the minority of the committee, said the mrjor.ty had failed to discover a single fact that bad not been known to Congress and the country since 1871. All of the discrepancies referred to in the minor ity report have been repeatedly ex plained and shown to be corrections. The result of a careful revision and analysis of the Treasury books' by competent clerks in the Secretary's office, alterations and erainrss referred to, are inneoent, and were rendered neoessary by the errors and omissions incident to all business transactions. Mr Dawes, the other member of the minarity, confirmed Ingall's etattment and said the good name and credit of the Government were being uuwar- L-1-1 J ': ' The Senate then resumed considera tion of thft Indian annronri&tinn bill. TK amonil nr. onf nf tha Hannta f1.-mo mittee, providing for a continuance of the Indian Commissioners, abolish-' ed by the bill as it came from the Houst, was agreed to, but without final action on the bill, the Sanate ad journed, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES' By Mr Robinson, of Massachusetts, from the Judioior j Committee, a bill to divide the Stata of Louisiana into two Judicial districts. A resolution was adopted appropri ating $3,000 to defray the eipo bos of the Committed on Mississippi Lsvees The House then went into Commit tee of the Whole on the bill amend i ng the iateiail revenue laws, which tncky. After disposing of 10 of the 18 sections of this bill, the Oommitee rose and the House tood a reoes, the evening session to be for the consider ation cf the municipal code for the District of Columbia. CTCL05ES IN T11E S0UTU. Loss ot Life and Property In Mississ ippi Eastern Missouri Devastated. Mcbidian, Miss , April 27 The cy clone which wroucht such destruct'on of life and property at Macon, Miss., en Sunday night last, struck the railroad depot and houses in that neighborhood at about 8 p m, acd had its origin a short distance from the principal scene of disaster, extending, so far as has been heard from, ten miles from Macoo, blow ingdown a number of negro cabins on the Reed place Tbe path of the cyclone was 150 yards wide. Mrs Horton was decapitated, and her head was not found at last accconnts. One family took ref uge in a cellar and escaped, except a negro girl, who was killed before reaching it. A car on a railroad track was blown through a house occupied by Mr J Black well and family, injuring all, but not dangerously. A number of' animals were killed. St Louis, April 27 The Merchants' Exchange Belief Committee have re ceived so many reports of tbe terrible de structlea and distress occasioned by the recent tornado in this State, and" have official advices from so many rsllef com mitters and prominent gentlemen in the devastated districts of tbe argent need of assistance for the smfferers. that th.y will issue to-morrow morning the following appeal to th charitably disposed people of the United States: 'The recent cyclones which passed over the eastern part of the State ' of Missouri hare brought death and ruin to hundred i of families, laid waste many thriving towns and villages, and scattered to the winds houses, stock, and implements o hundreds of farmers. Recent adviqes re ceivod by this committee show the dej strucilouto be mote fearful thaopon caa victnro. Frank E Nirr.'Prbfeorof Physics of Washington University, in. city, and OSbaUer Surith, Urir-ctiuhiei. nlin tiiva inif rtnrnirl from aft eiViOtl pg: tour which embraces the enthj HRne of the two tornidpesja, ..sntbwettett; rMTiaonrfl iota report totbIs eommjuee say that half he horrof Bare noi told. -The TOnVUiver &tbrrn ;tRan about tbirtysfive miles west of Springfield and gradually increised in lizs and Dower until it attained a width of two thousand feet. For a distance:" .of forty-six miles it cut aa unbroken swath from one hundred and Gfty to two thou sand feet wi.le. Men women and chil dren were killed cr cfipple-1.. Horsta, cattie, sheep and hos -met a similar 'fate. Dwelling, fei.ces and , ontbouses were not only level led, but bio n away, P! jws, wagons, reapers aul other farm ing implements wen reduced . ttfiscrap iron rrr4'kimtHn wood; and jn nmuy cases- fie ds with growing crops tre sgf covered with forest de b;i, or with mud or sand, that much ad initial Ubor will be' required- to s'jv'e a-ii.it bs been platitcd Ko houses or bar;.s hve been , left standing the I track of the s'orin. Farmers are entire ly without horses or implements with which to carry ou their farms.; bimilar rep ris conie ifoui manj omet, b -jus tea, ftn i the dntnacds upon thp poiple for i as tiatancu are very urgent, uouis is ao- iu all in her power foi tne -relief of thse unfortunate listricf, b t the call is great and Ciunot bo .supplied in an adequate mauler by the 'citizens of this State aioue This committee, therefore, iak behalf of the puffdrera. appeal to the people of this jponntry ecrywhere to coine forward and assist l'j ru.ieviijg the great distress 01 ine Southwest.' JOHN- KELLY'S FOLLOWEIiS. A Kit m or that thej will Desert him If lie Bolts J-alust the Presidential Nominee. Washington, April 27 Advice's have keen received from New Yoik by-entirely trustworthy sources that John Kelly is in imminent danger of political annihila tion in the evnt that he purines his opposition to Mr Tilden, if that gentleman is uotniniited as the Democratic candidate' t'r Prtideut, Prominent memWera ef Tammany have" A said ' privately tljH-t they, will follow ; 'John Kelly's lead iu the fiht ftgaiust Tilden into the Cincinnati Conventi n; but they will support te national ticket in any eveut,-whether Mr Tilden Is at its head or not. If, after the nomination, Mr Kelly should pursne his policy of op position hey will desert htm. 'These Tammany men furthsr sat that any at tempt on Hr Kelly's part to lead a: 1)oIt against the Latlonal ticket, should Mr Tildsn be at its head, would lead to Ket ly's prompt -expu'sion ffrom Tammany Elall. The Democrat c leader who is au thority for this statement is not a fervid Tilden man. ' He says that the actien of the regular Damocratic Convention has had a very depressing effect upon Kelly's followers throughout the State, . : Why Prince Leopold's Visit Is Post poncd. ! London, April 27 The World says: We believe Prince Leopold's visit id Canada has! not been abandoned,' but is postponed on account of the im pending announcement of his betroth' al to a young lady of the --iiritisn ar stQsracy.' Exiled for Life. Cons TANTiNOPiiK, April 27. Geor- c&ki Bev TAristarchi a brother of Ariatarchi Bey. the present Turkish Minister at Washington and, another man named rapadopoulas, charged with conspiracy against the life of the Suit in, have been sentenced to exile for l:f Baleigh Obeerver. WESTERN KAILIiOAD. THE The alc Completed and the Papers Signed Yesterday- Ail Monday night and until yesterday morning ' the 1 memfeers of the syndicate and. their attorney and AttorneyGeneral Kenan and;Me8srs.iRufiinand Davis, on the pirt ot the State of North Carolina, were busily engaged in-looking over and completing the preparation ot the necea sary paperp, deeds, contracts, etc.. in the sale ot the State's interest in the Western North Carolina Railroad. The cause of the apparent dciay in the preparation and signature of , the paper! .is explained. Mr. Flint, a partcer of Mr. W. R Grace, of the syndicate, has the papers hereto fore prepared in his valise, ; This ntle- man has been for some clays enzased In the work of carefully going over the Uucktewn bratsch of tho road, making estimates, etc , in order that a large force may be put at work thereon at ojice. The1 papers had therefore to , ba again prepar ed and gone over. . .The greatest care was exercised in their preparation, and the parties interested did not cease until all was arranged ready for signature. Yeiterday morning copies of all the papers in the sale were made. The intra- bers cf the 'syndicate, the Attorney Gen eral" the af ornejsf together with the State efficers, met in tha Execulive cfiice and tbe parties in interest signed the pa pers. Tho contract was signed by Messrs Wtf IUst. 'W B Grace, JasD Fisb,dl of whom were presents .Mr, J N Tappao was absent, and the attorney of the syn oicate,(Mr W A, Boydj who held a power of attorney, sighed for Vim. The con tract was thea depoeiteotjijbii Treas iirer, and ITked up nTMf Th !teH "i s . whs .-.iutilby Qovern or-jlarv, fciocfwiary . of iMtate Saunders, Treasurer Worth aad, JkJtoroey--Qeaeral Kenan. It w as ,thQn delivered,, the Attorney Geoerar; wkt witrina few 'days .ttorneyQf peral lienan exe cised con "sfant and careful supervision of the draft ing of the Yarious papersr MessrffJKHlHn and Davisablt aroiste mTcgiy tJemeu, aa bka, been the casrinsbtir enure connection witn tho matter, de take It to rdrka.-deposit, it with the. UoioJTrrist "Company, in accordance wltH the terms of sale.. dU T,.; 1 cvud to accept a cent la remnneratlon for their TahablaiSYicea. The purchasers of tba road will take charge of. the operation and construction aboai tha cakklie of Hay, when it is ex. pected they will pub the work vigorous ly. Messrs. Grace, Fish and Boyd left tbe city yesterday. Mr Best is still here. CABOLLU. Charlotte Press : - Mr T J Houston, interested in mining on 'the chores of Lake Superior was at the Central last night and went up the Lincoln Road this morning for the purpose of look ing at High Shoals iron mine in this 'county. This property was worked from the year 1867 to 73 by tha late. Admiral Wilkes. Durham Plant : The dry weather has been very damaging to vegetables and gardens generally are ve y back ward. The officers of the Third Regiment N O State Quard met in Durham last Thursday for the election of field officer. A B Gorrel, of Wins ton,1 was elected Colonel, Maj W T Blackwe!!, of Gen Manly'j Staff wa fleered Lieutenant Colonel and Msj L 11 Long, of Weldon, was re-elected. Kleigh Observe: Strawberries of J good quality and large eiz3 now s1 here at 60 cents per quart. -Mr Julius A Gray, President' of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad yesterday drew from the 8tate Treasury S30.000. on account of the appropriation of $50,000 for the con struotion of that road. The wheat in many portions of this county and in a part of Sohnstoa is repotted as looking badly. Fayetteville Banner: Ata meetineo the Directors of. the Cape Fear and T V R'y, beld'on Saturday, the 24th ihst irresident tiray was enabled to masie an agreement between the Company and the judgment creditors whereby all the judg menta against the Company were satis fied and released, and now for the first time; in many years the road is entirely nnimcnmbered. Raleigh tfetca. Unussal inttrest is be ing raanifeeted , iu. tbe revival of religion cendacted by Rev. Dr. Nelson and mem bership of the Second Baptist Church bcr several days the meeting has been car ried un at Metropolitan. Hall, which is crowded 4 every night. Theo. N. Ramsey, Esq. , tbe well-known temper ance apostle ot North Carolina a few years 'ago.- who has for some time been publishing a ; temperance 'jonrnal' In Frankim, Va , has diif oeed of the same, bt is still retained in an editorial capac Charlotte Observer: Miss Agnes H'erndon's maneger has written to the manager of , the Charlotte opera house for dates in May, and eaye she ex pect! to pass througb North Carolina from the South daring that month, and desires again to play, in Charlotte. xne surrey ox the proposed nar row gauge from Mopresville to Mt. Pleasant has been completed by en gineer Kneeland. and the route is represented as presenting fewdifScal- Greensboro Beacon: Capt A D Paschal, who lives near Lenox Cattle, Rockingham ' oounty, lost By fire on 13th ihst., bis dwelling and outhouses and most of bis f furniture. The fine old Jones residenoe, iu the south ern part of the city, on Ashboro street; was discovered to be on fire Friday morning last, just before daylight. The bell gayethe alarm promptly, but too late to even save all the furniture in the house. It was oceupied by Mm Cook, and was the property of the N O Railroad. The residence and out houses were all destroyed. Origin unknown. No insurance. ! - . Warsaw Brief Mention; We have received no official aooount of the re union of Cspt J U McMillan's Com pany at Teaohey a on the zdrd mat. We learn from one who was present that the whole affair passed eff most pleasantly. Thirty-six members. survivors - of that noble and gallant company, were present, amongst them Capt J W .Ellis, of Columbus county, the orator, who delivered a splendid speech. Rev A D Betts was also present, and made appropriate re marks,' Capt McMillan gave his old comrades-in arms an excellent dinner. There was a large assemblage present, and all were highly pleased. cnatnam uicorax inch specimens of silver, axd lead ore have been foand upon the lands Of Mr W M Teague, who lives in the wet tern part of this oounty. A youncr man named John Lewis, f Hadley township, in this couuty, committed suicide last Mon day by shooting himself with a gun. A love affair is said to have been the oauseof his committing the sad deed. -The wife of Mr Luther Herman, of this county, -became the. mother of three boys at one birth last week. One of the triplets died, but the other two are bealthv babies, and doina well. 1 The Episcopal chureh at this place, on the night of the 21st met, was the scene of a most beauti ful and imrreasive earemonv. heincr the marriage of Mr William M Jones. oi Gary, to Miss Lily, daughter of L J Haughton, Esq. Yellow Tobacco WK WRITE ABOU vear oat. in the T IT, year in and BOEDER BEVJDEW, ' t- dited sod pablithed by BTJFUS AMIS at Ueftdartoa, An unterrified Democratic, and yet a live and practical bosines man's paper, Ttlli how to boild up the is doa trial inter. ets of tbe 8ut. How to aaake money on the farm, s'ad secure the beet rewards for labor.lv : .1 j 't , ' Bend $L0 to pay one joar's smbtoriptfam aad et Tobacco tfoids Book and Tobacco deed Free. Address, ii-- BOEDER SKTIEW. 1 ,1 Henderson, If. Q. a& 8ALE.-llarbtratefl B lanks or im proveftfaSf I E. B. TT AEEOCK, (InEetleWBalldlog) Jeb Printer. 1 m" -iTj n --.IT 7--- r ' 1 - COIHIEBCIAL IIEWS WXUfUrGTOlf MARKJCT 1 . APaiL 29-4 F M. I SPiaiTS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 314 cent. Sales .150 casks at that figure. Later we hear it la offered at 31 cents with out boyertv ' KOSIN Quoted firm at SI 02 for Strained aifcl tl 03 for Good Strained. No sales in either grade reported. Sales of Mne rosins ou private terms ; supposed to be at lower figures than last quotations. TAR Quoted steady at f 1 25 per bbl of 230 lbs. CRUDE TUKPKNTINEQuoted steady at $1 00 for Hard, 1 75 for Soft and 12 25 for Virgin. COTrON-Quoteddull. No sales reported. The following are the official quotations : Ordinary Uood Ordinary.... ttMtlM(MtntM 33 Centa. Liow ttiddhug MlddUnjsr ueea Miaanny OOOOOOOeo OAILT fcBOBIrT Uuttuu 46 bale 303 csski 1,014 bbii all) Spirits Turpeoune &OS1B Tar... J; nde TorDenrina. 181 " IIARINE NEWS. : A BUI 7 ED. Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smith ville, Master. Hteam-yachl Passport, Harper, Smith vllle, Geo Myers. Steamer North State, Greeu, Fayetteville Worth fe Worth. Hteamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R P Paddison. Nor barque Iugolof; Sundgreu, Cette, PatersoB, Downing &. Co. CLEARED. 8team-yacht Passport, Harper, Snilthville, Geo Myers. Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smithville, Master. Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman Point Caswell. R P Paddison. WKRKLy; STATEMENT or STOCKS OS M1KB APRII.' 11880. Cotton ashore..... 2.56 " afloat.... 1,048 3,6J4 12,03S 97 Total. Spirits ashore.......... afloat. i...... ................... .......... Tou!.... ...... ' v 12,183 89,699 6,592 95,291 4,083 Rosin ashore. afloat Total.. Tar ashore afloat... Total... r 4,083 581 581 Grade ashore afloat. see eoesete eeeeeseeeoe ! Total.... o oeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeo moains roa ras win irie-irt ji. 9th Oottoa...... 8pirits.M......M.l SosinM. Tar. MSfttsssetMtrtii ee . eee eee e Orode.,......... eeeeee e . . Bxroars roa ths wbkk.z hoiks APtit 19ib. j i DoBosfle CottOTl . sttsso oooeooe. tin ssss Spirits Rogin........ Tar. ooooooeoooe MMMMt.siiMtieM Grade............. M 60 169 330 3,978 JToreigiu Cotton Spirits - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ttMse a 1,500 Rosin....... Tar.. SMtfMfl Foreign Vessels for this Port C Corrected Weekly.) Nor bark Arctic, Hansen, tailed from Liv erpool, March 17. Nor bark Adelaeim, Husbyc, sailed from Bremen, April 13. t Oer bark Erna, Vobj, sailed from Brexneo, March 6. Oer brif G C Miche!s, Dilwiiz, sailed from Hamburg, April 4. Oer bark Amanda, 8chultie, cleared from Rotterdam, February 25. 8wd bark Carin. Westerland, sailed frem Liverpool, March 6. Nor brig Brazilian, Berg, cleared , from Rotterdam February 25. Br brig D H Bliss, Jones, sailed from Liv erpool, Jan 19. Swd bark 8ilentium. Btackalberir. mm.UA from Ne wry, Dec 16. Ger brig Emile, Whale, at Gloucester.! Liecemvere. W M - Nor schr Mary A, Terdea, sailed from Am stei dam, November 13. ' Lilt of vessels over 100 tons in Port April 24th, 1880- BARKS. AmL T Stocker, 364 tons. Filer, Northrop as Cumming i-au margarua, 002 tons, x.ruscn. n r a. nrt a. r . CTMebane Swd Frej. 308 tons,Setbergren, Heide & Co Ner Era, 395 tons, ZachariaseD, j Peschaa & Westermann BRIGS . Am Charles Dennis, 216 tons, Connacher, " - .Master. Ger Express, 275 tons, Fretwort, E resell au & Westermann 9p Fred B Bice, 227 tons, . , Laid up for repairs SCHOONERS. Am Matthew Kinney, ITS tons, Estf a. : Worth Worth Am Maud Seward, 143 toes, Fall, Master Br A F Randolph, 155 tons, Repair! ug. 7, ; 5 Uear &Br CHAS. KLEIN, . DESerlatH aii Cafet Hater. Princess Street, in Basement of th Journal Bnilding WILM ING T 0,3y,J !f . Q. " A fine astsrtment of Cofiins and Caa. kets, oonstaatly en haad. Farnitore Repaired, d eased and varnished. Orders by tele craph er mall promptly 4 a0 ' b6t & Or - 1 " ' " I IliscellanoonfJ. HEADQUARTERS COHAMSEY M ETA I, TQP, ! COHANSEY GLASS TOP. MASON IMPftOYEO, PORCELIAN LINED CELEBRATED GEM CELEBRATED GEM. Bend for circulars. Lowest Prices to tbe trade. Special Hjtsre lor 25 to 100 groii D. F. 1I1YNES & CO., Jobbers and Importer, Established 1858. Baltimore Md. y ,i7-4w Cradles and Babies. 8ince the opininjr of th Msp-moth 3roc?ry ii8tabii8btiient of P. L. Bridsrers & Co., 21. 22, 24J26 aud 2S Font Sireot. WILMINGTON, N. C. the number of Cradles and corsoqaently tbe number of Babiea ia vi ilj iofton.bas ir creas ed. Tb Doctors sy it i owirg to tho im proved character of the Provisions and Gro ceries eo?d by us. We clafm to bare contTib ntect to the Cranles by reason of the bicher standard onr importations have cioiDel'ed goods to assume at the smaller groceries. But, after all, P. I. Bridge rj & Co., GROCERS, WILMINGTON, N. are bound to lfad the Trade in Ptaple Arti cles, such as Lard, Lye, fceap Sugar, butter, Meal, Flour, Vcgar, ' Molasfe, Wfiiekey. These heary goo reqaire room, and at the smaller groceri&n tbev ctn't spare it as in our extensive and airy establishment. Besides, the grocery trade cannot be succeesfallj done when the dealer oep nds upon some one else to get ud his rtork. ilence we go or every weak or ten daTs to the priocfpal mar kets in person, and make the proper selec tioEs. hharp competition has to be met, and to overcome it rcqiireaa Capital of Thous ands of Dollars, actively emplyed, and a restless and uotiring devotion to the interests of the business. Now Groceries are oer weakness, aal we fiad .that with Cash Id hand to mike onr purchases, we can safely defy the competition o the smaller groceries, with their limited acd stale euoplies bought at credit pries. We pay Caih for nearly everything we buy. Hence we ero on attract ing and holding customers, while the smaller groceries complain and wonder at tha euc- eessof P. L. - BRID6ERS & .-CO.- 2P, 2?,",24. 26 anH 28Pront Street, Wilmington, N. C. apt 26 OFT Ell THIS WEE 70O Bbls. Flour, " Bought at low pricer, 200 Baga CojOTer, . ISO Bbls. Sugar, 300 Bbls. Porto Bico and r ' . Cuba .Molasses, 25F,O00 Lbs Dry Salt OK Sides' 20O Pks. Fresh CiackerF, oww cassa Canned Good, IOO Boxes Candy, IOO do Candles, IOO Gross Matches, r 75 Packages Mackerel, 25 Half Chests Tea, 75 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Bbls: Carolina Bice,: 300 Boxes Soap, And a general assortment, such as you will find (both light and Fancy), in any first class Grocery establishment. ' Come and see ns. ' . ; Bon't forget we keep, the Finest Selection of LIQUORS ot any house in the State. ' BOATOIEHT i .'MO?. 1 1- , BITIVRIGBT t MCM. ape to, Used in fThtrches for Co H Speer's Tort Umi. C X: Fours leai's oi, rjima justlt oklebhatep. Wine is nade from the jule ,1 Grape, raised in this coorit. y. u.,1 Tonic M Mwmi ' under Mr. Hror' nwn fr" . , - cuij si ion The youngest child may parUkf oua qualities, and the weakest w fieUl to tbe' aired and dbi!itttej i-' to the Tarioua ailments tLatafflirtV n, m oicrr respect, a wit, Speer's P. Shcrr The- P.' J. BHERRT is a Wire in BIOR CHARACTER sad Stilton qualities of the ?raPe from., is made. For MEDiC'lN' AL FRoj r'i it will be found nneicelUd. , , Speer a P. J. or Pedro J. fc.J (rv.:. j w j. . "IJ . auu. iiousa rrsDay is a pure dirJ neesj c.r OUrd Brandies; forttedjZ poses it can be relied upon as strictlT-, Bee tbat the xigaatnre or Alfreft Paseaic, Jf. J., is oyer the cirk of etel A. r8PEER'a ML Prospect Tfa J vimvcj o. mr, arresBt. uunua,.UTugKutM, and P h, mi J CO. tony 3.aet Keeuis, 2 Kneo Swellsfbt'cKi pj only, :$)8.V.I.ry- .Illustrated W BRIGHT, ATTRACTIVE, CHEEIfI Mrs. Julia- McNsir Wrijrbfj Btw iM I HI: COMPLETE HOI Tbe Xoudk Houbekeeper'slGaida, . The Experienced Housekeepers Ii Kelij; uj Tn 111. .nn u m n . r . bi n . il i , j , . . . . treated. Tels hoir to make the How ltd tiful and IJappv. I r "u' mrtjj yji UlIIHT IniN Til m ' A book of more practical utllitr tI'J domf if , ever, be found outside of Ufjri unu vHiisusn AuTccate. IlkkaJCU in All nnrnitr one in all country home BY Rich aci M YouBrudu Fine Papet.XMear Type, Beiutifnl BkflJ Splendid Hluetrations. Nearly COD M uuw prices, neiis rapidly. AQENTH WANTED. Liberal Oonafr Description and terms free. A ddreiw, J. Q. AIcCDKDY k CO., Ptte VI ilioreiy ooqueutiold and HlTertbr4 j 1 ... v. vaiq jom Jiassau. JN.Y. spts WATERS' PIAKOS AMD CfiGIU BEST M ADF; Wjirjanted iSix Yen M rianos, otooi, and Cover, $160, Ji' Sew Organs. $45, fiO, 0, $75, opwirll luatrated Catalocue ftee. AQbSlfl W- ED. Second Hand Instrument at Qaril UUKACE WATERS & CO., 626 ilroaiwr ON 30 DAYS TElAi We will send nnr KJprfro Voltaic 2 nd other Electric Appliances upontjtlr 30 days to those suffering from NerwB bility , Rheumatism, Paraljris or an; d of the Liver or Kidneys, and maaj oOwr eases. A sure Cure guaranteed or v Ff Address. VOLTAIC BELT CO., Michi . srtfl CHEAPEST RfMK STOfi! IN THE WORLD. 175.C72 U - " " ui . in over jr utji" , r Literature. Alranat rin .wT. ' t'st" of General Literature and fic'ioa frea mense inducements to Book Clubl ries. T.T!nn a m nnrifi; 3 Beekman bu opp. Postoffiet, DR. LASCEiLE'S ENGLISH I T Q I unlike tbeDJfI1 T"-. ed vreDiTsAMV!: w ai36rdej If . .. t " " n ii ere win PEKUAN in this respect Lascelles ncde'rtaktsto send esch applicant a, Fm Klh-k-o-o nn tleirftt?l in or mm. T a. - A fnlj?' BLOC!!. Jb i t xr t K!! sr siNf wtt;i.vu. m liVUKi mmm-r a m Mini ill Iroa'-Cijid1, -Hatcfies -. ji - . , PARLOB JLSDMVLPUXJR MATCHKV I Palm Boap ' Ba6bitt's Par BaUi'etaah, . ; T u , PotaurT Ah&V5e fn Tron Cssei (. ? l aundry tosp,- Iri eroatVarietT; , Wrappu, ypct Rr ndT iJiacamgr irpd Bruelnjr, ..Z ;M,d Candy; Craerrand caVei ,-8', , Si- ,:" ea(l orders to 1S ,v It ou3ekePinp. Cooking Dresi, Aedd riCtn6P8, Children. Comnin Ui-;.J ion, Morals', Moner. YsltAIv fJ m le npri )1ia natieni. ENTLY ! and has bees r? fori he past 50etri l' 1 ap 17 - y- .

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