THIS PAPER . r . fe'ii every afternoon, Sundays i . T. Ji MBHr m li ;iJ fTIONrt, t'OHTAGK. PAID -iir, S.s t-C rtii'me-nthp, $2 SO ; Three Vr-t j, II 15 ; month, SO cent. , ,. t.rer will b d?Iiv ere-i . by carriers, r-v. ianay part :f the city, at the t, ,t- rni.., or ? 5 cnt per vek '4f4-rt:iinjr r'.li low an'l liberal SrSabscri-.irs will pleaMe report any and ':! re to r-criT ibeir papers regularly Now iVflvertisementa. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT BROWN & RODDICK 45 i'vlarket St. r 1 AtU KNOWN FACT that the . l - A I . A ti- j u'jiic wfio are alVA-va ttenly aivji to :,.-ir inauwri-t, tinvri. by tr.eir patronage nnd supoo t, enabled m to cffei ' them adyan- trei3 winch trio in at ardeiit supporters oi c .-operation w uld Beek far to outTie. Id UB- joint of choice and extoct our stock ia rivalled ia thiseoction of the country. GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEP'T. Silks, Silken Fabrics, Fancy Dres Goods, in erery conceivable material used for Ladies Ureases. " ' J " As vre afo ia coD.8ta.nt communication with ihe Largest Importers and Mannfacturers.we are enabled to offer our customers tee neweBt productions and Latest NoveltieB as socn as they appear in the Northern Markets. OUR MOURNING DEPARTMENT . i , i Has long been one of the special features of our establishment. J' OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT Includes Solid Colored Silks, Satins, Brd- cides Ac , Ac, to match any color, at prices that cannot fail to eatiefy all, OUR BUTTON DEPARTMENT i really immense and contain! from the crm uion Agate to real works of art. j OUR HOSIERY, GLOVE AND UNDER WEAR DEPARTMENT la stocked with Foreign and Domestic manu facture. No such display has erer been seen iq this city, OUR LACE DEPARTMENT Is replete with all the staples and contains many novelties. We haxe not space to enumerate, but would simply add that our p st history has convinced thousands ihat we are erer on the out-look for jobs, Extra Bargains, better Known in our business as ''Dry Goods Plums". We hare been particularly suc cessful in securing several Lots which will be .tiered on our counters this week. We are fully convinced that we can make this a Sea son of interest to''our customers and the pub lic generally. We will offer on WEDNE8D AY, April 28th, 250Doz. Real Kids a BUTTONS, The above ia the GENUINE Article, N OT a Lamb Skin. . 5,000'Fans 1 We call particular attention to a Great Bargain ia the above, at 10c, 15c and 25c; tbey are really not half the price of last year. Wholesale Customers Will find it to their interest to give us a call as we certainly can do them good. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. apl 24 Porto Rico Molasses. ' l 044 Hhds PORTO ric MOLASSE3.II Choice lot now landing ex-3chr Lucy Hammond, And for sale low by apl 19 WILLIAMS A MURCHISON New Goods. ATUS. S. J. BAKKK has a large and wionmeni 01 iiaaies and Child ren's Uats and Bonnets, Lace Ties and Bows. Our New Stock of JJillinery has arrived ard i now open. We have a large assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons of the very latest style and at very low prices. Cll'and pee fot yourself. Corner of Third and Orange streets. MRS. R J. Ravww may a Cane-Cane-Cane I A LIBKKAL PRICE WILL;BE:PAJD for GREEV CANE delivered at our workii ia this city. For particular apply to t- t - EDWARD KIDDER A SOUS, apl 2i-tf Walter Coney, DEALER IN fpOCACCO, IMPORTED AND DO MESTIC CIGARS, Cigarette, Snuff and Pipes of all desciiptions ! WALTER COSBY, aIa 6 ! Market street- VOL. V. ,. LOCAL NEWS. rfiew AdTertiBcmentB. Hry Pavai City Clerk Ordiaance. Chess, CAat-av i Co-"K. K." Orsaa Hosa Lecture. JltQHLT A Moh ,-s Auction Bale of Ban- Yatki. Crgjuia . P RanrsBaa IJoyt's German Cologne. Wiodbw Glass all sizes at Altaffcr & Price's. j t In what color do you keep a secmi? la violet. The gulf letveen the sublime and the ridicu!4us Sar-ca'm, . . .. gome meu do not like crumbs .of com fort. 'J hey wauta whole loaf. It is a sickly fceritiment that advises young doctors to have patience. The cattie ordinance is now. in force. Let these interested take notice. Save yo;ur mcn;y and bey our Build ng Supplies from Altarler & Price. t The tattleflag of his battery was not buried with Dr. Planner, as has been seated. ' " Messrs. Cronly & Morris wiil continue to-morrow; the sale of bananas 011 board 8chr. Carliion. The Danish brig Second of April ar rive'l in below this morning and is now at quarantine. It is very tstrange that the uiari who first invented sleep did not extend the in vention to - babies. Window Glass of all sizss, DaorJ, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&3. Low st plreces at Jacobi's. , Mr. T. F. Hobgood, of the Raleigh News, .is in the city, and we thank him for the pleasure, of a visit this afternoon. , Years ago people were gazing in won der upon their first gaslight. To-day they are gazing in wonder on their gas bills. ! Messrs. Chess, Oarley & Co. are now receiving a fresh supply of Klnslow Kerosene, that' wonderful 'family, safety oil. .. ' ' ' . ' You can't suit a man anyway. He will scofl at the microscopic bonnet on the 8tret, and, growl at the aspiring one in the theatre. ; . ' ' ' 1 There is but one verdict, and' that is, that in thirty-three'years Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has never failed to cure a Cough, Cold or General Hoarseness. At Drug Stores. 'Price 2& cents. , The Democrats of Fayetteville swept the field yesterday, electing their entire ticket by a handsome majority. 1 The old Board vras Republican ajid a strong Re publican ticket was in the' field.- Good for old Fayetteville. . . t Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is the jnost reliable article in use lor xe storing gray hair to its original - colof and promoting its growth. The old Gape Fear is as muddy as a cup of badcoffee. There are upwards of 25 feet on the shoals now at -Fayetteville and atiast accouuts it was still rising. Again vre would remind our readers to call on Messrs. A. & I. Shrier and exam ine the immense stock of Men's, Youths and Boys' Clothing, which they are selling at extremely low prices. They have also received a handsome stock of latest styles Straw and Felt Hats. tf Plows, Shovels, Pitohtorks, ' Spade 'Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow.Lines &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jac obi's. . Railroad to the Sound. We understand that the. Committee ap pointed to solicit t subscription to the Souiid Railroad met on yesterday and reported that their encouragement was such as to guarantee .them in advising the building of an iron railroad to the Sound instead of the tram-road, as was first proposed. ... The report of the Com mittee was accepted and the stockholders have concluded to act upon their" report. Dllook and Ladder to the front. The Hook and Ladder Company hare come to the front again, as they always do, in fine style, but this. time it is not, as usual, to face danger, but simply to commemorate a brave deed by subscrib ing $50 to erect a monument to the memory of the lamented Captain EHer brock, who was killed ; by .the falling walls at the fire on Front street a few weeks ago. Hjj l Vi l ' r ll , ' n t - -i .. -v. -- . . WILMINGTON, N. C Wet and Dir. Mach interest was manlfea'ed at the mu nicipal elect on held in SoittbVilla yester day. The wet and dr j ' questioa seems to have been the pot it which absorbed most attention. The "dos' carried it by 175 maprity and Rev. J. L Keen, formerly of this city, but now a resident of Smith rille, was elected Mayor Over Mr. Prio. lean, his competitor, by about 125 ma jority. i , j i ; i' ' Lima Beans Wltboat Poling The Lima bean is not fta generally grown as it should be, an account of the trouble ef procuring the poles and piling them. Recent experiments, however, have proved that by adopting the foil w ing plan this most delicious of all beans may be raised without poling at all: When the tendrils begin to start nip them oT, continuing to do so as often as any appear. The plants will then assume a low, bushy growth, and become loaded with early maturing peds. - Rraly mixed Paints, strictly 1 ure White Lead, Cc lors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, icx, at Jacobi's ij tleok and Ladder No. I. At the annual meeting of this Com pany, held last evening, the following officers were elected for ths ensuing year: President Col. Roger Moore. Vice President R. F. Hamme. Secretary M S. Willard. " ; " Treasurer A. Gere. Foreman R. F. Hans me. First Assistant R. H. Grant. Second Assistant John H. Daniel. Truck-Master H. H. Watters, Axemen Messrs. Quince, Gore, John Watters, Willard, Lord and H. H. Wat ters. The annual celebration of the Company will be held en the 20th ef May. The Company subscribed $50 to a fund to erect a monvaient ever the grave of Capt. jEllerbrock, killed at the fire corner of Fron. and Dock streets. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Denot. The Knights of Honor. The Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Honor of the United States, composed of three delegates froia each of the States of the Union, will hold their annual con vention in Charleston, between the 8th and 11th ef May next. The Charleston Lodge has made ample arrangements for the accommodation of the delegates at the Charleston Hots, and have engaged the steamer SUohns for an excursion around the harbor for their emjoyment. The delegate8:will,many of them, be accompan ied by their wive?, making a party of nearly three hundred persons. The con- vention will be held in the Grand Lodge room in the Masonic Temple, and will remain in session one week. Matters appertaining to the general administration ef, the order throughout the United States will be discussed. The importance of the convention will be understood when it is stated that the order has throughout the United States $160,000, 000 in insurance upon the lives ef its members. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, al styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Prick & Co's. Fire Districts. For the convenience of those of our citizens who are not familiar with the boundaries of the the different fire wards of this city, we again publish them as follows: f First District All that portion of the city North of the W. & W. R. R. Second District All that portion of the city East of Fifth street, between Market street and the W. & W. R. R. Third District All that portion of the city West of Fifth street and between Market street and the W. ic W. R. R. i Fourth District AH that portion of the ; city East of Fifth street and South of Market street. " Fifth District All that portion of the city! West of Fifth and Sooth of Market streets. Sixth District AH that portion of the city West of the Cape Fear river. j AdiertUln CheaU. It has becone so common to write the beginning of an elegant,interesting article and then run it into some advTtisement that wo avoid all such cheats and aiosplj call attention to the caerits of Hop Bitters in as plain hoaest terms as possible, to indace people to giro then one trial, as no one who knows their value will ever use anything else. TUESDAY. MAY -1, 4 . Fort Jjhnson: We are glad that the . Phlom at hean Literary Hnciety, barkd by the snUciki tjpns of several gent'eiaen here, have inxleoed; Jqs Cant well to eoneent to repeat hnrafjmirable lecture on Fort Johnson.' ft wiff Fe dVivered'at the Opara Huao this planing, re n it shine. There are ae reserved seats tor the occa--iofl and the-pHce of adnllssTon Las been placed very low only 25 cents. In this connection, the fellowing corre -pondence, which we sna kindly permitted to pnWUh, will piinre'of !nere8f? . WllmingtonV. C, May 3, 1880 Coij. Edward CaktweiIj: Dear Sir: The undersigned have beard with much pleasure that the Philoma thean Society have requested you to re peat the lecture lately delivered by yon before the Historical Society of Wilming ton upon the historical incidents connect ed with 'Fort Johnson' and that yeu Jiave the request under consideration. We beg to add our solictations to this request and to assure you of our endeavors to set cure for you a flattering audience. Yours very truly, 1). K. McRjje, O. P. Meases, Alex. SrauNT, D. G. Worth, Geo. avis, John Wilder Atkinson, James G. Buss, Mbsses. D. K. McRab and OTfiKKs: m Gentlemen ; The Philomathean So ciety hare delivered me the note you have done me the honor to add to their request for a repetition of my lecture on r Fcrt Johnson, and I feel deeply sensible of ths compliment of this kind notice. It gives me pleasure to comply with you r wishes and, after consulting the Committee, I have agreed to do so, on to morrow night, at the Opera House. I hope you will spend as agreeable evening there. I am, gentlemen, Very .Respectfully yours, 1 Edwabd'Cantwexl. Wilmington, May 3d, 1830. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent fox the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated ' Plow can now have their orders fitted at Jacobi's Hard, ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. The Tacancy from the second Ward. The question as to who shall fill the empty chair on the Board of Alderman made vacant by the death of Col. Flan ner is now open for discussion, and we avail ourselves of the privilege ef rising to remark, as a citizen ; ef the Second Ward, and a Democratic citizen at that, that the claims and wishes of the major ity of the Democratic voters In this wardshould be considered in this matter, and to that eud we would suggest a called meeting of the Detnqcratic voters of the Second Ward at the earliest mo ment for the purpose of recommending a suitable person for apppointment by the Board. We think as a matter, of cour tesy to the largest Democratic Ward in the city, their preferences in the matter should be respected by the Democratic members of the Board of Aldermen. Cannot the Ward hold a meeting to-morrow night or Thursday night? Delays are dangerous, and matters ot importance should always be attended to at once. . An Unwilling Witness. Epbraim Smith, colored, an important witness in the case of the State against John Merrick, charged with the burning of Mr. John A. Sanders' residence some two years ago, was arrested this morning upon a warrant issued by Justice Gard ner upon the charge of larceny of pork, said to have been committed by defen dant, in companyjwith one Henry Crewr, eome time since, from Mr. John A. San ders. Crews took his departure for Ral eigh about three weeks ago under sentence of the Criminal Court for a visit of 20 years duration .to the Stale Penitentiary, an J in all probability Smith will follow in his wake, unless he takes advantage of the opportunity which may be offered him by the rotate to tern State's evidence against Merrick. Smith was arrested tbb morning as stated above and committed to jail ia default of bail. This makes sure of defendant Smith as a witness in the arson case, when other wue the Sute might not have been so sore of him, as Le was known to be dodging the officers of the law, to prevent appearing as a 'wit ness against bis former "pal. and Con fed exate, John Merxiak. : . . - Mr. J. V Jameson, v a Messenger in the service of the Southern Express Com pany, who iormerly ran between this city and IColumbfa hefwno . has no been with us for years part isnow temt rxjrarilj oo the. rqate between this" city and Charleston. j. UhUI NO. 6 1 Ihe Laurinbur? Election. The 'wei' ticketj Cinied the day yesterT Jay iii'Iiu-riiiburgby 'S majority a close pjj. Mv. A. F. iizza, formerly a mer c'.iau in this city, was elected Mayor ; Cip . 1 .. i . Kvoretr, Treasurer ; Mr K. P. Ciaik, ik; Mrl.W.B. Hatton, Marshal and Mums. A. D. McCall, B. Bryant, II. F. Ni.iihrjp, 1L E. Josephj and. W. D. Park; , . Coin miss ionor-. . ltj is hardly neensry to say that These are all Demo orals. Messrs. Clark and Xorthrnp wnc Wlm i bos. I I j j . . Carolina Tacht tinb- A mefing of the Carolina Yacht Cub was held last night, Commodore Wig gins presiding. The election of offi.ers was held aud resulted as follows: Commodore Oj A. Wiggiuf. Fleet Captain E. E. Burruss. Theofiiceof Flag Captain, on motion of Mr. Clayton Giles, was leftover. Purser John J. Fowler, j Measurer W. ii. Parsley. Messrs. George A. Peck, Norwood Giles and George D. Parsley form the Governing Board. A gentleman who was present and who is interested in the new steam trans portation enterprise at the Sound, gave the following opinion as to the effect of the purchase of the Banks property in re gard to the Club. He said, 'We propose to extend all courtesy possible to your Yacht Club, and instead of their liberties being restricted, they will be enlarged. Suitable houses will be erected for the convenience of guests, and ! everything will be done in bang-up style, and any one will be allowed to land on the beach, no matter in what way they reach it. All disreputable persons will be strictly pro hibited His remarks were roceired with loud applause. The Treasurer read a report shaving that the 'finances of the Club were in a flourishing condition. The meeting then adjourned. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. New Advertisements. "K. K " XXT& ARE THIS DAY RECEIVING a fresh eupply of KINSLOW KEROSENE j the Wonderful Family Safety Oil. Price 30 cents per gallon, may 4-tf CHESS, CARLEY A CO. Auction Sale of Bananas QONTINUED ON TO-MORROW (Wed neaday) moi ning, on board chr. Carleton, at 11 o'clock, A. M. CRONLY A MORE 13, may i It Auc'r's. OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday Hveninsr, May 4. FOlT JOHNSTON ! lion. Edward Cantwell, Will, by request of Phil. Literary Society, and otherr, repeat bis Lecture on FORT JOHNSTON, at t .o'clock this evening, at the Opera House. JXo seats reserved. Admission 25c. mav4-lt - An Ordinance RELATING TO COWS AND OTHER Cattle Beasts. Ordered, That all persons are hereby pro hibited from allowing their Cows or other Cattle Beasts to run at large within the city limitf; and all Cows or othr Cattle Bessts found running at large in violation of this Ordinance, shall be impounded by the Chief of Police and advertised ; and the owt may redeem and recover the same upon pay ing a fine of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents,and all expense of impounding, advertising and feeding the said Cows or other Cattle Beasts. Passed by beard of Aldermen, August 4th, 187D HENRY SaTAOE, ! City Clerk. Attention 18 GALLED TO THE ABOVE Ordinance, passed August 4th, 179, nd by amend ment, passed August 1 3th, IbiJ, te take effect November let, 1879, and same is cow in fall forca and effect. H. C. BROCK. may 5-It Chief of Police. Wire Netting SCREENS For Doors and Windows. Good to keep oat flies and mcequitots. A'a-5, . Sash, Boors, Blinds, Lsmber, sad Bvildiag Material GeneraByi J " I si r a m nttfin YmTww. Faetorvt Offiec: Foot of Walnut t. Nutt, near Red Cross st may 3 . 1880. PLEASE AOTICTK. We will beg.' ad to receive corns uaicatfoEs from oer friend on aty and all subiocti V treneral interest bet : The name of the writer mast always be f ar aiahd to the Editor. . Communications aut be KiiiUa. on oti r one side of the.paper. .' Personslities.'moft tc avoided JiVf . And it ia efpecially arc pa.t!eaJVry;cLder stood that the: Editor does not always endori the views of corresjocdentj, nftleM 10 itit. d in the editorial columns. " New AdverUseTTjenta. Dissolutiorewi OHK COPARTNERSHIP Iskiairc A bo.ween John L. Hoatirriht aad Thr s niKoj, ncdrtha firm nauie it tin a i dj motnal oosenr. All debt' doe or ninz to-ttfj'ietJ part nership mut be paid to Tbo. H.!AlcKov, who aUne authorii-d to receipt Ur th, same, and all claim aad indebTsdSis due DJ eaid pannersnip mnst beprcaentetito L- 1 T pavtnent. JOHN At. JKATVR!GHT 'IHOS. h. m KOY - ' A Card; AS WILL Ufc SVKnv ,U, aUTe t -x A. noancement, I hsve tLi dy sold mv interest 13 the 0jmdc8 to mv partter. The.-' a. JffcKoy,-and-whi'e thanking pur mti, v friends for tre very ccnerrus patronaire bo ? iT 03 in sLj rBt 1 respeci'fallv ajk tnat ihtf iRtn rd vc a more be eiven the.r-x co .ice n in tfie futart. tifip-cl!ullv, ' ..- . in'.j:. irjATwraciiT. HAVING PURCHASED the eritireWr estc t John L. Boatwright In th bui nes or the late firu cf Uoatwright A Alc Koy, I wilt continue to carry on the Groce'rv guiiness at the old stand, JVoa. - B and 7 North Front Street, and hope for a contin uance of the public patronage so liberally betowedupon the late firm, and I paiticu larly request all debtors of the "firm tocomo forward and settle up their accounts, for it is impossible for to run a busintss with out money. I am. respectfully, April30, 1880. TriOS. II. McKO Y. Soft Crabs ! PB. AT THE 80DND, promised hofi Crabs to eat this Bummer, but the 'Pott Grabs need not be steered. He can't catch all. Our P. B. goes north every two or three weeks to replenish stock and hunt for Novelties in our line for the Great Grocery Stores of, . - P. L- Bridffers & CoM 20, 22, 24.J2G and 28 Front Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. And he sya he finds lots of Foft Crabs,' Lil! shells ana whole shells, everywhere- Lft ; Soft Crabs in the kitchen, Scl: Crabs in t!;u parlor, cars, clubs, hotels, cosches, church es, offices, nmnihnapi r.Jtrn.Hj cabins and factories, and particularly iu f.i uvoikb , auu urnuB on root ana namy shoeless aDd bootless, hatless and bareheaJ ei, masculine, feminine and neuter, coiaicon and uncommon, freih and salt, and RIL. Bridg-ers & Co, GROCERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Keep them for sale shut up in tin cats, an'i when put up in that'ehape ard made useful for 8ound Parties with Devilled Ham, UA. ster, Salmon, Pickles, Sweetmeats and G"i -dials, and all other Wayside and Heaeide Luxuries. - When you meet a fellow running for Con gress, ask him where's Panama, and if hf gets mad he's a Soft Crab. When you are offered "cbeap" Groceries look out for Craba I You can't bay Butter for 20 cent". All the French chemists in the world can't make Butter out of churn handles and oow grease. Home Soft Crabs are grocers, some candidates, and some, alas, in other callings. A tradesman has a right to use and ought to use every jair advantaze te can to un dersell bis competitors, get the lead and ou' strip competition. If he don't he is a Soft Crab. We have a large, active and increas ing volume of trade, and prefer it to small sales and big, profits. The tioft Crabs travel on narrow guar e principles; s witch off when they see the Fast Train; but the Fast Train earries the Express and tae Mail. , If you want the best Groceries to be had for money: If you want Fresh Goods and the Beet, and are willing to pay a fair price, go ronn'l first and examine at ths small grocsrie and then come and make your purchases of P. L. 8RIDGERS & GO. 20, 22.2J, 26 and 28 Front Street, WilmingtonN. C. may 3 ORGANS, TJ-PON EA8Y TERMS, at YATES IiOOK HI OUf, Q ROQUET, $1.60. fland$J per stt. , BCHEBY GOODS, Very popalar, At all pricer, at ; , BOOK STORE. msj 3 Uoyt's Oennan Coloziid ! THE MOST DELIGHTFUL, ODOR OF the are. Rich. de!icm.t nd tifrmn- ' it has attained acelebrity never before aw abd ed to any other Cologne, and the piopii.. tors point with pride to Its immense pop alar- ity ana raoiaiy increasing sale as the beft evidence of its merits. A large lot jist recefl at' "J " L1V BOOK STORE. FOR First-CIass Pianos and Orgsn Go to ' J mi 9-'Jl H E1NHBIB3ER7V nt may 1 39 and 41 Marks t s$ j SCHOOL OF 0BAV7in0fiPAItrrfriGs ETC J,i 3f'---- IN8TRUCTI0N OIVKNin CraraLepla and India Ina Drawing, aJso.. PalnUac , la Water Colon, VU, fa-tel and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable ratesu ut .-- Tor fator partieaU's inquire at. the School Kooms of ULu Burr A Jamas, In the rear of 8t. Jams 'Jharch. nov 21 J it.