-Jt' THIS PAPRK nerv afternoon,! Baadays e- . M s 11 . T. J A M E8, KOirOR ANP PROPRIKTO. aUWHCHlPTIOHS.POaTAGE PAID. Jear,$& 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three n ffloutbs, f 1 25 ; One month, 50 cetU. : fbt PPT wil! b dolivered by carrier!, 0f , har-e, in any part of the city, at the Dd rate, or 13 cents per wck. advertising rate low and liberal " -Subieribers will please report any and , failures to receive their papers regularly. New Advertisements. SPRIWG. ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. I -i! a fl!ih0N r A OT that the I i,sfj:e8t Buy-Tg.arah (Jneaoest Fellers, and rh Du'ilic wno are always aeeniy auvo w :ti.?ir on intert, hare, by their patronage th m at ardent itiDDOrtera of miration would seek far to oatrie. In .,;r nt fin and extent onr stoek is UH- Jjutu.wt , - - , riTaUi in tnis secuon oi ua country GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEP'T. ailki. Silken Fabrics. Fancy Dress Goods, in srery conceirable material need for Ladies Ureases. ! A we are in constant communication witn the Largest Importers and Manufacturers.we are enabled to offer our customers the newest productions and Latest Novelties as soon as they appesr in iae iioruioru i cwj. OUR MOURNING DEPARTMEN T Has long been one of the special features of our establishment. OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT Includes Solid Colored Bilks, Patins, Bro cades Ac , Ac, to match any color, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all. : i ' nun mivvMmi nrninTiiniT UUH DUIlUIl ULrHn 1 1ST a. n I Ii reslly immense and contains from the ccra-1 mon Agate to real works of art. I i nun unPirnv Ointt Alin lllinCD.Itrotir and FpltTTats. tf WEAR DEPARTMENT Is stocked with Foreign and Domestic nianu- facture. No such display has ever been seen la tmscity. I OUR LACE DEPARTMENT Is replete with all the staples and contains many novelties. We have not SDace to enumerate, hutl would simply add that our ps history nasi . r .J . . . 11. I conTinced tnousanas mat we are ever on u 1 out-look for jobs, Extra Bargains, better I Known in our cosiness sb -utj vtooubi- . Mi i V J Plums". We have bean particularly sue-1 cesaful ia securing several Lots which will be offered on our counters this week. We are I iuuy convincea mat we can niuiuu . A .. . ... . l- XVI- I son ot interest to pur customers ana inopuo-1 lie generally. We will offer on WEDNESDAY, April 28th, 250 Doz. Real Kids a BUTTONS, The above Is the GENUINE Article, NOT a Lamb Skin. 5,OOOnFans I We call particular attention to a Great Uargain ia the above, at 10c, lbc ana 20c; they are really not half the price of last year. Wholesale Customers If the Democratic citizens of the Sec Will find it to their interest to give ns a call ond Ward wish to secure their rights and as we certainly can do them good. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. apl 24 . Porto Rico Molasses. CA A HhJs PORTO RICO M0LASSEd. Choice lot now landing ei-Schr Lucy Hammond, j And for sale low by - i apl 19 WILLIAMS A MUROHISON. New Goods. ATRS. 8. J. BAKER has a large and If A. varied assortment of Ladies' and Child rea's Hats and Bonnets. Lace Ties and Bows. Our New Stock of Millinery has arrived and is now open.' We hare a large assortment of Hats, Bonnets, HiODons 01 the very latest styles and at very low priees. Call and see foi yourself. Corner of Third and Orange streets. aiKa. s. j. is aafia .my I A Cane-Cane-Cane 1 LIBERAL PRICE WILL fcBE:PAID for GREEN CANE delivered at oar works in ! i tkw city. For particulars apply io EDWARD KIDDER A SONS. apl 13-tf - Walter Coney. DEALER IN ! fllOBACCO, IMPORTED AND DO MESTIC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snuff and Pipes of all descriptions. WALTER CONEY, -pl S Market street. 1 H VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. jtfew Advertisements. Uiuis KisBiB A MoGowaa New Styles for oar Millinery Department: Pol.. Bkar A Baos Clothing and Famish ing Gopds. Yates .Organs. .-. P HiiHBBaaeaa Hoyt's German Cologne. Window Glass all sizes at Altafler it Price's. T The thermometer stood at 82 degre i this office to-day at 3 o'cloek. Is the Democratic vote of the Second Ward worth counting in thl next cam paigii? or is the Ward to be treated as a mere cipher? ' The avenues leading to an early' grave have often been opened by a Cough-, or Gold. Thousand have been cured ana saved by Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. It is cheap, only 25 cents a bottle TW wind was North vedterdav after noon and this morning it was due South. With a clear atmosphere the consequence has been one of the warmest days have had thus far during the season. we And now we are to have another comet, which is approaching the earth, and will soon be plainly, visible. Prof. Swift, the astronomer, says it will probably ap riroach near enough to the earth to be x seen plainly. A pain- v?e would remind our readers to call on Messrs. A. & I. Shrier and exam ine the immense stocks of Men's,-Youths' and Boys' Clothing, which they are selling at extremely jow prices. They have also recejvej a handsome stock of latest styles J W Rhody Lowry, relict of the late Henry Berry Lowry, the redoubtable chief of the samp Angel gang that infested Robeson oonntv for so long a time, is a witness in . ... . 6, w attendance upon the U. S. District Couib now in session iq this city. Is it the part of wisdom for the Demo-' cratic citizens of the Second Ward to re- ,i .-o flwn and! he -f " , J! .i. 1 1 i nV- .hall nnH mho uicuneu iw, uu tuiu wuv ouau, u n rtf tretnrmBQnt thm n fnn Rnard of SilABaa iiUUa Ha V J m VBVU V va a w Aldermenf Window Glass of all sizes. Doors. Sash iinflfl. Rnildftrs' Hardware.&fl Low ' st plreces at JACOBi s. We return thanks for an invitation t0 attend the Annual Fair Agricultural Ball at Brunswick, Ga., on the Friday eveninffof next week, the 14th inst. Oin the Committee we notice the name of Mr. A. V. Woed, formerly of this city . 1 r .r Visitors of the Ladies' , Benevolent So ciety will meet at Hook and Ladder Hall Friday, May 7th, at 6 o'clock- p. m. Shohld the weather be unfavorable the following Tuesday. The ladies would be glad to welcome gentlemen who ffl an interest In their Society, to advise with them. a representative of their own choice on the Board of Aldermen, it is time they were moving in the matter. Be Snort. ; T.niifT viaifa lnnc atnriea. lonsr eesavs. I AWUy ".Tf --O CJ - ' long exhortations, and .long prayers, se dom profit those who have to do with them. Life is short. Time is short. Moments are precious. Learn to condense, abridge and intensify. We . can bear things that are dull if they are ealy short. We caa endure many an acne and ill if It is over soon, while even pleasure grows insipid, and pain intoler able, if they be protracted ' beyond the limits of reason and convenience. Learn to be short. Lop off branches; stick to the main facts, in .your case. If ypu pray, ask for' what you would receive and get through; if you speak, tell your message and hold your, peace; boil down two words into one, and three into two. There is no excuse for those who drag their weary and disordered bodies into our company, wben a few doses or Ates s Sabsap AWI.T.A would cleanse their murky blood and restore their health and vigor. Ye muddy victims of billkms disease, have regard for your neighbors, if net for your selves; - I'nmaMables. lne following unmailable ' postal matter remains in tbo postofSce in this city: Arnold & Constable, New York, N. Y. Mr. Nath'i Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parlies in want oi wis cetejraxeu now can now have tbeir orders lied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. WILMINGTON, N. C A Lone Swim. ' . ! - :': No land has been more fruitful of ke r os or furnished more striking examples I oflofty patriotism than our own Sanny j South. But there are many unrecorded incidents of the late war of a more thrill ingly romantic nature, perhap. than any yet known in history, while many a gal lant act performed by some humble sol dier muBt remain forever unknow, be cause untold. A day or two since we learned of an incident, in which one of ot r own citizens was an actor, which ve think deserving of mention, though from the,medesty characteristic of our people 1 we are prevented from giving his name. J The gentleman in question was " sa.dier I under Forrt, nd ahortly after the detail of nickfld men to pain information I concerning tneistrtoetn 01 the enemy 1 alons the two lines of railroad crossing I Middle Tennessee. How well he succeed-1 ed is evidenced by the fact that Gsn. For- rest acveu on me lniermauen orougat 1 haaV: and maAinna nf thai mnat snrvoaa I fnl raids of the war. of information 1 this centieman in-1 forms us that he met with many ex-1 i . , cuing scenes ana p&ssea tnrougn Gangers i at which he eannot now look back upon 1 without feelings of horror. We give one I incident as an evidence of how true In I general eur soldiers were to the Cause of tke South. After obtaining the informs tloo desired,1 he ( started on his returi trip for Forrest's Camp, en the South bank of tke Tennessee River, near the old battle cround of Shlloh. On the last day lie was so closely puisujd that he I was forced to ride sixty miles almost I ithnnt htdtincr Thft rirr war reanhed I just before daybreak bu fe the expected I means of crossing was absent . With the ..enemy momentarily looked for, I and lrnnvlnv tha irannrtannA c,f his In I formation it required only a moment to I decide on 'taking water' in preference to capture. Hastily disrobing he patted his faithful horse on the neck, which seemtd to understand the parting, and bidding his comrades adieu he boldly plunged into the stream. It 'was not a j moment too soon, for .before he was an hundred yards from shore his pursuers were on the spot; but they missed their man, though they reported him 'shot at the water's edge.' At that point the distance from tank to bank was estimated at aboat one mile, but not until long after the sun had risen did he doubt in the least bis ability to reach the other shore. The Ions . ride had fatigued him and he found when nearly a quarter of a mile from his destU nation that his strength was failing. It was then that the thought ef home and loved ones, together with the belief that his country's cause might suffer if he i . : failed, nerved him for the only real strug- Berianced with the waves, and it aa enccessfuL He had to to taken to ' ! ' camn after landing, beine too weak to atand. hut in a dav or two felt none the " - -r.rM from hi nerilous swim. The dis- tahr. he estimates at about fiv miles, hilahe was over four hours in the water. In a few days the command started on the raid and though tAmrA a f n rl ah nf indefinite extension KUUBIbU w he went with it. It is proper to add here that the baU ance of the scouting party, having re fused to take to the water, were all cap. tured. Our friend was at the time young ! and robust and accounted himself an ex cellent swimmer and hence he did not hesitate, although the balance of bis par ty tried to prevail on him not to at - tempt the hazardous feat. It may be a fitting conclusion to tins little story to add that in one ef the many hand-to-hand conflicts which marked the career of Forrest and his men, this same soldier saved the life of his ' General. A foeman, at only a few paces distant, was in the act "of firing on General Ferrest, his attention being called In j another di. rection, when our friend saw the danger, and promptly relieved it by the dread ex -pedientof war. j " . MaJ. Holies. The Santa Barbara (OaL) Tress, of the 16th nit, contain a glowing descrip tion of a grand ball which was given at that place on the evening previous to the officers of the D. S, steamer Tuscaxora, which had arrived ; at that port a few days previous. In the list of those who were present from the steamer we notice the name of onr townsman, '.llaj. C. P. TUmm who it will bo txmembered, is draughtsman on board the Tuscwrora. j ft m m .-a il lU niLI W T7 TT H Tl Ti i, V i -V, U . . 1 r THURSDAY M AY The Capo rcir. ? The recent rise in the Gape Fear ter minated when it reached 25 feet, and when the steamer North Stats left Fay- letteville yefterday (Wednesday) morning the freshet was declining rapidly. - Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Denot- 4 fcxcurslous Excursions are bavins a boom. Next week the Passport has been chartered for three excursions and a party lo the blackfish grounds, and on Monday week she is engaged for the pleasure of our friends of the SUte MedtctJ ttrarenflon. - r. " UW'C,D , RaVm. Trar Diains. Tlrnr Lines. &c. For I . - . . . J I -v his: n . y n, uw KU1,' The Art . Journal. Wo hare received the : May number of I thisexwllent art magazine. It i. a Urge, oaausoma puoucauen, ana yi . ,iauispeu- 1 a&hla tk man v. Thrii ar nmernus I is aoconapanied by a four-page supple I meat, with beautiful designs on each I page, it is puDusnea oj jur. Montague i Marks, at New York, at the rate of $4. a year.Jor 85 cents the single number, post- age prepaid. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, al stvles and sizes, at Altaffeb. Ppjce & Co's. mf - - The Copper Thieves There is much 'complaint, in various sections of the coantry, . in regard to the theft of the copper ; arms sjad caps of tnmantina stills. Mr. V. Li. Kivenbaii:. of South Washington, was a loser in this way on last Tuesday night, having lest then the cap and arms of his still at that nlaca. He was - In the citv tO-daV in hopes of hearing of the thief, but without I success. Tou caa buy No. 1 booking and Heats lng stoves at almost any price ai. jauuw b Hardware Depot. Attractive. Messrs. Sol Bear & Bros. appear to- day in a very attractive advertisement, "which will ke found profitable to many te reaa ftn(i notiCQ carefully. This en- temrisine firm have in store now a mag- jjjficent gtock, which must be seen to be ruUj appreciated. They invito attention tolt wilj pleased to see everybody -.v.- no rWae for showine their goods. The second Ward Vacancy. We find that there are citizens of other I Wards who differed with us as to the course to be pursued in regard to petitioning the I . . .. -r- -i legislature to permit the present uoara of Aldermen to hold over who now come forward and say our present position iu I ' ' , . ..... iL. -!-L. regard to nilmg a vacancy is vne ngu n. and should be sustained; nay.further.they assert most positively that they will never I . F II 1. T J support any memoer oi me pmeuu ,xoaru of Aldermen again wno laue w carry ou the agreement of the general committee accord to the Ward the right to name I : i ut! tn fill n q r t f f own rBpreaeuwT - T - r I sition. Latest Stiles of Hats, The simplest styles of trimming straw bonnets are chosen by the best millinery artists. All sorts of featherj-ravelied roaches and nafly trimming! will be in vogue this season. A simple bonnet is the black chip, with 1 narrow ribbons, of different colors, passing rnnnrl the crown, and knotUd at the icit side with short floating ends. Dull gold beads for edging bourn 1 1 era a nnveltv. a strand of tne'same beads passing partly round the crown, and linking? the front and curtain trimmings together. Gold lace, with alternate scallops filled with mossy floss, in golden green, with daahea of red. soften the borders of the latest etvlea. the trimming which ccrres t,l hin.r a nlait of real eolden wcod moss, with violets, and graceful wood fl- whtrh RAMI to PTOW OXlt of it. a "nhother at" Yates- art r mr Vwr Jt h .fin, nirnrfl gallery, on Martetstreet,bas a fine picture nf the alligator kUled Ixom on boara ice gteip" John Dawson some week or two since. Tbe interest of the picture is en hanced hy the presence of three ragged j little tircbina of the -cok-pereiaiioa, aquatUng alongside of lihigaUtrabip. Beady mixed Paints, strictly f ure White Lead, Colors, Brashes, Wndow Glass, Jtc., at Jacobi's NO. 63 U. S. District Court. 1 Th: iMufwn of this tribunal has! been enguge.l during the day wllh the followiig CS33 : , . Williaju Wilson. Illicit' distllficiy. Guilty. W. .1. L. I .W. IlJioit distillery. Not guilty. S. Alain , Kstailiug liquor without a license. Guilty. Hector Locklear. lietailing liquor with out a license. Guilty. llhoia ClidvL?. lletailing liquor viUi out alHSiise. Not guilty, Geure Godwin, retailing liquor with out a license. Guilty. The case ol O. Selvenson vs. a caria jot salt was on trial when our report closed. . John owason trial jested day when our rffort closei, forreUiling .. ' . liquor without a licence, was found not Wew Adve rtisements. iJEW STYLS pflR 0UR MLUNERY U tr Ait I Ifl til I nts aad Hair Oooda. ar eonntantir nceiT- ' ,. , ed A. fal1 complete stock of Ladies' and Children's Underwear. MISSES KABBEU A MoGOWAN, No. CBouth Front street. JB& Stamping and Hair Work done to order. may 6 ESTABLISHED 1853 - 1853. W I II t J 1 U Jf K U 1 1 V UULi U fi. ft 1 1 lUI UIIUvl 18 & 20 Market St., fif I m 1 n PtO 11 . W O. WE HAVE JUST OPENED AND have on exhibition, the largeet and raoBt complete stock of AND FURNISHING GOODS ! South of Baltimore. SUITS FROM $2.50 UPWARDS. 100 BLUE MIDDLESEX FLANNEL SUITS. At greatly reduced prices. A FULL LINE OF Children's, Boys' and Hen's Straw and' Felt Hats. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Come One ! Come All l and examine our stock, and wc will strive hard to merit your patronage, as we have formerly done. may c Iron-Clad Hafches TARLOB AND SULPHUR MATCBE8, In Iron Boxes. i Faim Soap, Babbitt's Pore BaU Potash, Potash and Lye In Iren Cases (O. P.) Lanndry foap, ia great variety. Candles, Urch, Ink, Wrapping; Paper, Paper Bags and Twine. Baking Powders, Horsford's B, P. Blacking' and Blueing, - Candy, Crackers and caVrs. 8end orders to Ha1l3& Pearsall.1 ap 17 6, 1880. . PLEASE HOTICE. W wiU ftefffad lo reCelTe'eom'municatiJni from our frienfs on aay and all subjeeti general interest but : Tae nam of the writer most always be f jr aiafcadto the Editor r " CossiDanieatioas nvest be writtl'jpn only one side of the.paper. , , Farsonalities'mnstht aroided. And it is esielally ard pxt'en Iar!r;p-d e stood that the Editor does not always endon e the views of correspond estft. an lee so tativ la the editorial columns. ' Now Advertisoments. Hew TJig Store. I HAVE OPKNKb THK STORE fitted ap forme in the New Jdarkfet and will b pleased to see tae public. My stock ie rarsi! and oobplstb. .Prefcriptijts ttctratr ly Offpoundoc. saay 5 1m J .NO. H. II AKD1N. Y'K ABE TIIIS 1AY. llECFlVING a fresh supply of KLNtiLUW KtaoaSNE the Wonderful Family Safety til. Price 0 cents per gali jn. may 4 tf CUKA8, CAULK Y A CO. Wire Nettini? S0KF.KN For Donra and WtnAtsv Good to keep ojt flies ard mcsquitoes. A'so, Sash, Doors, Blinds, : i Lumber, and Building Material Generally. ALTAFFEK, l'RICfc & CG. Factor?: Office: Foot of Walnut at Nutt, near Ked Cross st. may 3 ORGANS, jJPOK EA8Y TERMS, at Y AYES' HOOK STORE. QK0QUET, $1.60. $2 and $3 per set; RCnERY GOODS, Very popular, At all prices, at BUOK STORK. may 3 Hoy t's Ocriuan Cologne ! mnE MOST DELIGflTFUL ODOR 01' JL the age. Rich, delicate and permaner t, ii uu aiuuuea aceieuriiy neyer oeiore awar a -1 .1 . i eu any oiuer uoiopne, ana me proprij tors point with pride to its immense popular ity and rapidly increasing sale as the best evidence of its merits. c t A large lot jast received at LIVE BOOK STORE. "pOR First-Class Pianos and Orac.-, Go to HEIKHBKRGER'S, 39 and 41 Market st. may 1 NEW pERFECTLY ELEGANT, - At a leasonable price, GEO. MYEBS. QAHF ORNIA HAMS, V) cenls, at GEO. MYER?. 500 rks3 NEW G00DS' Received this day at GEO. MTERS. W 'm sbp inn mvw i w T"Y r vi i 250 Bbls Flour, Lard without watr, at GEO.'MYERS. jyjULFORD'.S Roasted Java Coffee, In 1 lb. Packages, three for ?!, at GEO. MYERS. JF YOU DESIRE THE CHOICES 1', FRESHEST, GROCERIES, AT LOWEST PRICES, Call at the immense establishment of' GEO. LIVERS, Nos. 11, 13, 10 South Front sf apl 15 Winberrv Oysters- 1 i THEY AKE OOOD now Another instal- saent jntt receives this moraisg. " It's 'cojd noagh now for hot Whiskey and (at Oystera Free Loach every day at 1 1 ' o'elock . t sept 26 JOHN OAttBOLL ! fTIHB STMB PASSPORT wili commence on 8UJIDAY April 2Sth, and will continue .Jal'y Trips t theSEA-SIDE, lratinz at 9.30 A. If until farther notice, apl 23 OK?. MYERS, Afent.

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