THIS Fl FIB oIiahed every afUraooa, 8aaays iOHH. T. J A M JS t . ' if IITOK ARD PROPaiJCTOB. 4 ust'jlUPTJONH. rOSTAGB PAID. C ,e Ter.5 00 ix motN S3 50 ; Three ...... tl 2): Oae month, 60 cents. , niper will be delivered by carriers ...fehanre.inany partoi toe cixy, miw. rates, or 1 eeuis per wi. Adrertiain? rates low and liberal W-Sabseribers will please report any an rmiresto reeetve their papers regularly. flew Advertisements. spring ANNOUNCEMENT ! ? i BROWN & RO DDICK 45 Market St. riH i WELL KM OWN FACT that the I Ureit Hnyn are the Oneapeet teller, and the public wno are aiwv uij to u ,beir on interest, have, bf their patronage o J upo t, enabled us to ofli them advan ces which the m at ardent supporters ef co-operation would seek far to u trie. In .point of choice and extent our stock is un rivalled in this section of the country. GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEP'T. Silks, Silken Fabrics, Fancy Dress Goods, in Terr conceivable material wed for Ladies Ureases. k . i t.t nvnimnnication with AS we ara u euuo. - - the Largest Importers and Manufaoturera.we are enabled to offar our customers tae newest productions and Latest noTemen m they appear in the Northern Markets. OUR MOURNING DEPARTMEN T Has long been one of the special features of a. !. A. our ettaDiuameiit. ' OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT Includes Solid Colored Silks, Fatins, Bro cades At , Ac, to match any color, at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all. OURUTTOri DEPARTMENT Is really immense and contains from the com mon Agate to real works of art. OUR HOSIERY, GLOVE AND UNDER WEAR DEPARTMENT Is stocked with Foreign and Domestic manu facture. No such display has erf r been seej in this city. OUR LACE DEPARTMENT Is replete with all the staples and contains many novelties. We hare not space; to enumerate, but would simply add that our p st history has convinced thousands that we are ever on the out-look for jobs, Extra Bargains, better known in nor business as "DrT Goods Plums". We hare been particularly stfc- - l : 2 I I ..Vith nrSII Ha offered on our counters this week. We are fullv rnnTinRi1 that wa can make this a sea son of interest to our customers and the pub lic generally. l We will offer on WEDNESDAY, April 28tb, 250 Doz. Real Kids a DT7TTONO, The above Is the GENUINE Article, NOT a Lamb 8kin. 5.000'Fans I We call particular attention to a Great Bargain in the abore, at 10c, 15c and 25c; they are really not half the price of last year; Wholesale Customers Will find it to their interest to gire us a call as we oertainly can do them good. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. apl 24 lew Goods. MRS. 8. J. BAKER has a large and raried assortment of Ladies' and Child ren's Bats and Bonnets, Lace Ties and Bows. Our New Stock of Millinery has arrired axd is now open. We ha? e a large assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons of the rery latest styles and at rery low prices. Cll and see for yourself. Corner of Third and Orange street. MRS. 8. J. BAKER, may 1 Walter Coney, DEALER IN FJIOBAOCO, IMPORTED AND DO MESTIC CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snuff and l i pes of all descriptions. WALTER CONEY, Market street. a pl 3 Fresh Evarv rinir ' FINE AB80RTMENT OF CANDIE8, Vreaeh and Domestic, just receired and for sale. , THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found erery ' day, fresh and sweet, three doors South of the t'ottoffioe on Beoond street. Also, Nuts, whim, nut, e. u. jb. i & t &n o, jan 23 Near the Postofflce. The Last of the Season. s QMS OF THOSE FINE NEW Hirer OTStersjost rtc rived, (Win- berrr ) the last of the season. Call and get the at ; CARROLL'S, Pi 21 , No. 12 Market st VOL. V. ' LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. David Sadowau, Mortgagee 'Foreclosure Sale of Valuable Land in Cape Fear Town ship. Jao H Haudik New 8 tore 5ew Goods, : Tatss Moore's History, p HmxsBeim Summer Reading. Window Glass all sizes at Altafler & PriceV . - . t .4Tb Patrons of Mercy, a colored order ofrtUU city, paraded tte streets this after- ' -Qntte.y 4iVmfceroT the attend lutsijpon the Medical O nvention, made a trip to the Sounds to day. Ready mixed Paints, strictly j ure White Lead, G lcrs, Brushes, W ndow Glass, ice., at Jacobi's The ladies of the Frout Street Metho. dist church are to give an ice cream and strawberry festival at the Little Giact engine halloa next Tuesday evening. You can buy Ho. 1 CookiDg and Ueats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. 'We are "requested to state that lier. Mr. Ambler of Wilmington, will preach at, Oolvin'a Creek Academy, ne. r -Point Caswell, on Sunday, the 23rd of this month. Save your money and bay j our Build ng Supplies from Altafler & Trice. t Macistrate's Court. William Collins, colored, was arrested yesterday evening charged with unmercit fully beating his son, who id but about 13 years of age, and upon a hearing of the case beforo Justice Millis, the charge was sustained, but judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs. Personal. We had the pleasure yesterday of a visit from Dr, W. C. Galloway," a prac ticing physician, at Snow Hill, Greene eounty, and also the editor of the Greene county Advocate. Dr. G. is here as a delegate in attendance upon the Conven tion of the State Medical Society. There is no excuse lor those who drag their weary and disordered bodies into our company, when a few doses of Ateb's Saksapakill a would cleanse their murky blood and restore their health and vigor. Ye muddy victims of billious disease, have regard for your neighbors, if not for your selves. . Excursion; An excursion party, about two hun dred strong, arrived in this city this morning frem Smithville by the steam yacht Passport. Most of the excursion ists landed' at Market street dock, but' a few went up to Hilton to plc-nicit there. The excursion was given for the oenefi t of the Episcopal and Methodist Churches at Smithville, Plows, Shovels, ' Pitehtarks, Spade Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, Ac. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. Unmallables. . The following unmailable postal mat' ter remain in the PostcflSce in this city, May 11th, 1880: Adline Chrispier, Jones county, N C; P L Spencer, Raleigh, N O, D D Gil christ, Thomasville, N C; Mrs M R Loomi8, Chester, S C; Rev L A Ruther ford, Lumberton , N O. Cutting Scrape. ' Charles King and J.' P. Spanu, both colored, got into an altercation this after noon at Robinson's shoe shop, en Second, between Market and Princess streets, when the former seized a shoo knife and struck at the latter, cutting him severely across both thighs. Bystanders, Inter fered and King was arrested and tasien to the guard house. Historical Lectures. Judge Cantwell delivers a series of lec tures at Lumberton this week, com men cing to-night with his'admirable lecture upon Fort Johnson, or the Insurrection of 1776,' to be followed to-morrow aight by a lecture upon Ben Franklin, the Philosopher and Secessionist; And on Wednesday night Fort Barnwell and the Tuscarora Insurrection of 1712.' The Judge also proposes visiting Elizabethtown FayetteviUe, Clinton, Smithville, Burgaw and other places to which he has been in vited, in a week or so berce. Again we would remind our readers to call on Messrs. A- & I. Shrler and exam ine the immense stock of Men's, Youths and Boys1 Clothing, which they are selling at extremely low prices. They have also received a handsome stock of latest styles Straw and Felt Hats. tf .Daily WILMINGTON, N. C Dr. Grlssorn's Add rets ' Dr. En gene Grissom wbe is to deliver the ! regular annual address before the Medical Convention,' arrived in this city this morning. .The address will be deliv ered tomorrow evening at the Opera House and the subject chosen, 'Medical Science in Conflict with Materialism' is one I in which all medical men are very much interested. The public generally are invited to attend.' Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and suds, at Alt at fee, Pkice ACQ'S. "... I " -I ' ' t. '' , i Attentien !-If Tu Please. ' f i i We invite the attention of every reader of the Review to an extract from the capital, excellent, and superbly expressed sentiments of Senator Vest, from Missouri, upon the Spofferd -Kellogg question, to be found on our editorial page to day. No such speech has been delivered in theSenate Chamber during this session, and no better speech has been deliTered there since the war. We only wish that ft mo and space would permit us ; to do justice to the distinguished gentleman's argument by Dubliahinc his i entire speech, but this unfortunately for us and for the Dem ocratic cause in this section.we cannot do. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket ife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's ardware Denot- Officers of the First Baptist Church At the regular annual meeting of the First Baptist ; church congregation held last niehtr the following: officers were i - elected for the ensuing year: Treasurer Allison Alderman. Clerk James W. Collins. Standing Committee Owen Fennell, W P Oldham, George F Alderman, Geo Sloan, H McQuigg, James H Tayler, W I Gere. Finance Committee Wm A French' Samuel G Hall, James C Stevenson.; Ushers W W H Muse, J A French, S W Holden, W Stroud, J A Bryan. Collectors W T Johnson, Wm Lap- kins, H C Evans, James W Collins. Supervisor of Sexton B F Mitchell. Committee on Sick S G Hall, Joseph W Taylor, John H j Freoman, J R Mar shall, Mrs W A French, Mrs M J Hug gins, Mrs Sarah Becker dite, Mrs W P Oldham, Mrs S S Burt, Misi M P San ders, Mrs Jenette Collins, Mrs Sarah Ben der. . Sunday School Superintendent W A French: Assistant Jamea W Collins. i Secretary and lreasvrer--J M Bald win; Assistant Joseph. S Mitchell. Librarian W P Oldham; Assistant E H Freeman. Mr. Nath'l Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders-filled-at Jacobi's Hard, ware Depot,-No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Fire in Pender. We regret to learn that a very serious fire occurred on the premises of Mr. John Ormsby, in Grant township, Pender coun ty, about 12 i o'clock last night. Mr. Ormsby, it seems, retired at his usual hoar about 9 j o'clock, and some hours after that was awakened by the lurid glare aud crackling of the flames, to find that his barn was on fire. With no help at hand, it was impossible to stay the flames and the barn with all its contents, corn, provender, farming implements and tools were entirely destroyed. This was deplorable enough, but then the stables caught and two horses together with bar. ness, vehicles land everything that wag useful to a farm, was burnt up also. We are not able to estimate the ex, tent of the loss, only this far, that it was all the poor man had for the maintenance of his family, which it a large one. There was no insurance on anything. The fire is thought to have been the work of some demon of an incendiary. If some of these devils or fiends la human shape could be caught in the act, we think a summary punishment of the villain would have a wholesome effect. The people of this section are a very lawabiding people and have put up for a long time with the outrages of a certain class of people, but then there is a limit to human endurance sometimes. BAltxta Bestrojed.. G. A. J. Gadbois.of BreckvUle, Cana da, certifies that be Was prostrate-1 by a malarial disease contracted in Texas, and was quickly and completely caredJylthe4 - m a.r- d;h. a I Use Oi t shiver cjm m. am mm wo io ters. He adds . "I shall never travel in that climate without yoar Safe Pills 1 T) ! l A 1 witkmtr f m mm nn f C I JiJl auu UlllOio mmm ymi w uuj viiwt, TUESDAY, MA? 11, Twenty-Seventh Annual Session of the Xorth Carolina Medical So ciety. M iRNlNQ bKaslON. At II o'clock the Convention was call ed to order by the President, Dr. J. F ShaflFner, of Salem, and was formally opened by Rev. O. M Payne with the following prayer: Almighty God, our Heavenly Fathe. author of all truth and grace, we desiru to acknowledge Tuee in all our was and to beseech rbee to direct us in all our paths. We bless Thee for the light of rby truth and tat it has shiued. in our darkened world. We bless Thee for the benefits ef christian civilization, the de velopments of christian science, and the benefits ot christian philanthropy. O! Lord, our God, we envoke Thy divine blef sing and favor upoa this convention, be with its officers and members, preside over its deli berations,overrule every thing for our development. Bless every mem ber of this body, bless them in their homes, their fields of labor and thtir work. Aid these members in all their ef forts to minister te a suffering world, make them God-fearing men, men of prayer, and and above all followers of the great physician. Help every one of us to make liim our great pattern and to so follow Him in this life of service, that we may at last receive from' Him the plaudit, 'well done' in glory, Graciously , pardon our sins and grant a blessing up on us, we asK for Jesus' flake. Amen. , Dr. W. J. H. -Bellamy then arose and welcomed the visiting ' members of the medical fraternity to Wilmington in the following appropriate address: Mr. President and pentlemen of the Medical Society of North Carolina It is indeed a pleasant duty which has been assigned me by the New Hanover County Medical Asseciatien to - greet you, and to extend to you a hearty welcome to the hospitality of the city of Wilming ton. We esteem it a great honor you conler upon us, in noiuing tnis yenr Twenty38venth AnoualConyention ia our midst, and we assure you that no efforts will be spared, in providing for your comfort, your pleasure and your happi ness. it has been just ten years since you met in annual session in this city, and many there were whose warm grasps of the hand then impressed us, whose cheery faces, genial smileshaad familiar voices then encouraged us, who new lie in the silent-tomb. In no decade in the history Of our country have se many changes been wrought in our political, financial and social condition. Wars and rumors of wars in Eirope, political dissensions and financial panics in America, one would think, had well nigh distracted the public mindbut during this period a new impetus has been given to the arts and sciences, and many new and valuable discoveries 'and inventions have been made. While more rapid strides may have been made in the sister sciences, medical science has had its votaries, whose labors of love and indefatigable effort have been crowned with success. And their legacies be queathed te posterity for all time to come, will be monuments more lasting than brass for as has been said and well ex pressed by a distinguished divine in our midst, 'He who deserves a monument needs none to perpetuate his memory.' You have come here as conservators of the public health, in the interest ef science, and for the alleviation of human suffering not merely for a brief respite from the daily round of professional toil, to rekindle social feeliogs, to renew old acquaintances or to strengthen the ties of friendship, but to join in the cem mon work by which, medicine is to be come more perfect as an art, more exact as a science and more honorable as a 'pro fession. (Applause.) So then all join heads, hearts and hands together to the work before you, and when your labors are over, or a respite is afforded then 1 trist with propitious weather we'may al enjoy together a ride upoa the placid waters of the Cape Fear, a river, though not knoWn in song as the 'Swannanoa nymph of beauty,' yet upon its shore, and on its bosom have transpired events the histry ot which we all cherish and love to relate. (Applause.) And now Mr President and gentlemen, in conclusion I again in the name ef the profession and of the citizens of Wilming ton.extend to you a most cordial welceine. Dr W C Murphy moved that the Rev C M Payne, M D, be invited to a seat in this Convention. Carried. The Secretary, Dr L Julian Picot, of Littleton, then called the roll of members, and the following were reported present r Drs N J PitUnan of Tarboro ; S S Satchwell, of Rocky Point; H W Faisoc, Faison's Depot; Allman Holnm,C T Mur phy, Clinton ; Hugh Kelly, Statesville ; J J Summerell, Salisbury; Geo A Footo Warrenton ; Eugene Grissom, Raleigh ; R L Payne, Lexington ; F M Roandtree. Snow Hilr; J F Long, Washington ; TSF Wood, Wilmington ; G L Kirby, Golds boro ; J F Shaffner, Salem ;B 1 Hicks, WiDiamaburg ; H T B&hnaon, Salem ; W W Lane, W J Love, J C Walker, Wil mington ; Willis Alston, Littleton ; W J H Bellamy, Wilmington ; W T Ennett, Burw'rlGrO'Thoinas, Wilmington; V X Sewell, Wallace ; John McDonald, Washington L LSuton, Tarboro; AG Cut, Durham ; Jos Graham, Charlotte W H Lilly, Concord ; T J Moore. Char NO. 67 lotte ; J H Baker, Tarboro ; T D Halgh, Fayettcville ;. L J Picot, Littleton ; W C Murphy, Magnolia ; C W Eigle, Spaita; 11 H Speight, Tar boro; C E Moore, Battieboro, W C Mc- DuSfy, J A McRe. J W McNeill. Fay- elteville; R II Lewis, Raleigh, J T) Rob erts, Magnolia; H M Alfred, Greensboro': FW Potter, Wilmington; J F Harrell, Wblteville; W P Exum, Wayne county; A M Lee. Clinton: J II MeClennon. Moore. vtlie; R J Nobles, Selma; E H Hornady,, Willuw Green; I W Faison, Fulton; W U Moore, Goldsboro; Herbert Haywood, Raleigh; O P Robinson, Fay ettovillf; O E Bradshaw, Hurdle MilU ; A D McDonald, Wilmington S B Jones, Charlotte, W W Gaither, Lenoir county. The President appointed the following committees: CREDENTIALS. Doctors J J Summerell, W W Lane, Allmau Holmes. FINANCE. Doctors R L Payne, Geo A Foote, N S Henderson. Upon suggestion of Dr Satchwell, Doctors Hugh Kelly, and J F Long were appointed a committee on Obituaries. Upon motion, the Convention adjourn ed until 3 o'clock this afternoon. AFTERNOON BE8SION. The Convention was called to order at 3 J o'clock. Dr. W. W. Lane, on the part of the Committee on Credentials, reported that Doctors Ed Da La Rose, King and H S Nor cum were in possession of their certificates before the passage of the bill by the legislature, requiring each physician to obtain a certificate from the Board of Examiners of the State Medical Society, waB passed, and recommended that the following newly-examined physicians, having re ceived their certificates, be admitted to the Society. Drs Richard Dillard, V L McNider, W C Galloway, K J Powers, J M Stansill, John T Bchonwald, R H Adams, L W Hunter, W K Andrews, W P Mercer, and, upon motion they were admitted to membership in the So ciety. Dr Long asked if the law requiring $5 as the minimum fee for the examination of a candidate for insurance applied to the examination of candidates for a Mys tic Order with a beneficiary or insurance feature. After much discussion the sense of the convention was taken and it was decided that it did not apply to examina tion of. candidates for such order as the Kinghts of Honor. Dr J O Sheppard,of Pender, was re ceived into membership of the Society. Upon motion of Dr McDuffie, 10 o'clock to-morrow was determined as the time for the delivery of the annua loratlon. Our reporter, at this juncture, was compelled to leave in order to have in his report in time to appear in this even ing's issue. Amusements. Theatre goers and all such as keep late hours are very liable to contract a severe Cough or Cold. A safe and reliable cure is Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. The price is only 25 cents. Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Officejin this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 6:56 o clock : Atlanta, Ga ,.63 Augusta. Qa... ...... TO Mobile, Ala... ..71 Montgomery jAla... 69 Nashville Tl New Orleans 78 New York.. .6S Punta Bassa, Ha...72 Savannah, Ga.M....7l tihreveport. 74 St. Louis Mo. ......62 St. Marks, Fla 00 Vicksburg, Miss.... 7 1 Washington. 70 Wilmington.M.M..M73 Oairo,llI 71 Charleston, 8. C....72 Cincinnati.. ....66 Corsicana, Tez 68 ort Gibson, I. T.73 Galveston ...76 Indianola. 17 Jacksonville, Fla...7S sTnoxville.... 5 Lyncabur.M..MM. 72 Memphis. Tena..M.74 Window Glass of all sizes, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders' Bardware,&c Low st plreces at Jacobi's. List of Appointments by Bishop At kinson, for his sprlnjr Visitation. Wilmington, Sunday afu Ascension, May 0 SU James Church, Morning, St Paul's Church, Evening. Warrenton, Whit. Sunday, May 1C. Ridge way, Monday, May 17. Henderson, Tuesday, May 18. Oxford, Thursday, May 20. Kittrell's, Saturday, May Tl. Louisburg, Trinity Sunday, May Old Ne wspaners. QUANTITY OFOLD NEWSPAPERS or wrapping, offered for sale eheapat the vUi DllLr:REI8v74OFriG8 SCHOOL OF DRAWING, PAINTING ETC. INSTRUCTION GIYKNia Cravon, Lepia aad India Ink Drawing, also, Psdstlaf ia Water Colors, Oil, Pastel aad Coloriag Photographs, at reasonable rates. v. m . . I i . ... mvt larmer parucArs inquire at tae School Eoobs of MUaas Barr A Jaatecia the 1880. rear of 8t. James Church. 3aov WJfc PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg? ad to receive communications from oar friends on aaand all subjects r general interest but : ' The najit 0f the writer must always be far-' dshed to. the Editor. wiitten on on! one side of the paper. j Personalities'must be aToided. And it is especially and prutlcuIarijIcrdYr stood that the Editor does not always endorre the views of correspondent unless so" tt la the editorial coin tens. New Advertisements New Storc-Xew Goods A FINE AXD COMPLETE STOf K o' Dmjg. Chemicals, Ftent Medieire Fancy aad Toilet Articles. Perfcmi,' Hoaps, Combs and Brushes. M.ner.l W.ter?. Wars, e.K'will be found at the Model Dr- c Store of K Jm a. haedLv, - , . h'tr Market. . -frecrIptioBs filled with cafe and ac !!!c maylltt . FORECLOSURE SALE OF VALUABLE LAND IN CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP T Y VIRTUEAND LV PDnsAtfOE JLf a mortirafre exerarAI'to fcJ? by Own XTT,??. wife. Dd J W Tel,fcir and'witV., dated 12th April. J673 acd reuteied in th Register's Oflice of New Hanover cousty, in Book N, N,page 707, 1 will, on Monday t! o 31st dav of May iost , at 12 o'clock M. at tbo uourt House door in WilminztoD, sell t$ V.w hisheit bidder, t public auction for cah the premises described ia aid Mortgage.ion talmrrr hbout 166 acres, situated on the West side o David H. Sannder'd Mill Pond, and adpminir the lands cf said Saunders, pavid Sadjtwar. Paaouel Davis, and Jerry FonviUc. Much of this land ia very valuable for farm in purposes, and has on it an immense amount of wood and pine timber. t' DAVID 8ADOWAR. - May 11th, 1883. Mortjraeee. maylM8.26.nac wnragee. The South Atlantic WILL BE PUBLISHED in Baltimcro hereafter. One issue will bo mist cd oij account of the change, and one month will be added to every subscription d&to and advertising contract. Exchanges and cor respondents will address THE SOUTH ATLANTIC, mayl0-7t Baltimore, Md. JOHN W. GORDON, W, J, ' O0KDOf. JHO. V. GORDON & BRO. , GENERAL INSURANCE ACTS REPRESENTING OVER $80,000,000 Assets . FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE. 24 North Water Street, may 10-mon-firi-tf Wirfe Netting: f SCREENS For Doors and Window.-. Good to keep out flies and mosquitoes. Also, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and Building Material Generally. - ALTAFFEK, PRICE & CO. Factorv: Office: Foot of Walnut st. Nutt, near Ked Cross et. may 10 Notice. rjlHE FIRM OF GREEN A FLANNEIi. Drugisls, was dissolved by the death of Dr . H. Q. Flanner, on the 1st day of May, I860. All persons indebted to the said late firm arc requested to make immediate payment ti Wm. H. Green, sole surviving partner, and all persons having claims against the sane to preient tbem .to him for settlement. WM. H. GREEN, Surviving partner of Green & ilacter. Wilmington, N. C, May 7th, 1860. may 7 Summer Reading. COMPLETE STOCK of Light. Readi matter suited to all tastes, at the LIVE BOOK STORK. TWO SECOND HAND PiV. IN PERFECT ORDER, at very low : .rices. SAlso two Second-hand Urgacs as good as new, at Half Price. Call and see them at HELVflBEUGER'ri, 33 and 41 Market if. maylO NEW STYLES FOR OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. rp HE LITEST NOVELTIES ia Fior :tt Hats aad Hair Goods, are constantly receiv ed. A full and complete stock of LadU' aad Children's Underwear. UlddEd KARRR A McGOWA-V, No. 6 South Front strict. fS Btampiag and Hair Work don') order. may C Moore's History JU8T RECEIVED, Moore's Revised His tory of North Carolina, Head ay Bshool Books; Testaments, $1 dozen; Catechisms, Kc to f 1 dozen; Song Books, 70c to $1 doz.; Question Books, Library Books, Reward Cards, Ac., Ae. DUOK STOICK. mj 10

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