THIS PAPKR 'V-V17.U 1' I. ,oilhmi frj afterseoa, tU4syl e- i H . T. I 4 M R S, ' nufTm AJI fKOVKIKtO. H JKIPTIONM. roHTAUH&AID. )n- t-. W Hix mnjth, $2 50; Three j.uMtix, 1 -5 ; One month, &0 cents. l'U pper be delivered by Carriers, -ma of charge, in any part of the city, at the , bore rates, or 13 cents per week. Adrertisinjr ratos low and liberal grSabseribera will please report any SJad ;i failures to receive their papersretTularly. New Advertisements. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! BROWN & RODDICK 45 RIarket St. I T IH A WELL KNOWN FACT that the hardest Bayers are the Oneapeat Sellers, and the public who are always ktenly alive to j tlieir oDiDU)rv;, nave, uy ineir paironago and aupoo-t, enabled as to ofldi them advan tages which the m et ardent snpporters of co-operatiok would seek far to outrie. In point of choice and extent our stock m ub-j rivalled ia tail section of the country. GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEP'T Silk a. Silken Fabricf, Fancy Dress Goods, in every conceivable material used for Ladies Dreae8. As we are in constant communication with I are enabled to offer our customers tae newest productions and Latest Novelties as soon as I they appear in tne , ortnern uarieta. OUR MOURNING DEPARTMENT kww.. ...-w....... Has lonjr been one of the special features of our establishment. OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT Includes Solid Colored Silks, Satins, Bro cades Ac , c, to match any color, at prices tbat cannot rail to satisfy all. OUR BUTTON DEPARTMENT Is really immense and contains from the com mon Agate to real works of art. OUR HOSIERY, GLOVE AND UNDER- wcad ncDADTitniT I a,Mn , Is stocked with Foreiirn and Domestic manu- sj- . i facture. No such display has ever been seen in this city. ; OUR LACE DEPARTMENT la replete with all the staples and contains many novelties. We have not. space to enumerate, ou u .: :i- h.t nnr rust hutory nas j a K,..T,fia that we are ever on tne I out-look for jobs, .Extra Barsiains, better known In our ousinesa m. 1 Plums". We have Dean paruomiij t o I JU UiB . usif v j- i t Ml riner aaveral Lots Which Will D6 tnnoi u i act . , m, .Mna-a thia TTMAC. We BTO rn.?Ie" VX," . -I ike this a sea .on of interest to our customers and the pub- iiv uuai j . 1 1 i We will oiler on WEDNESDAY, April 38th 250Doz. Real Kids " a BUTTOND. Tho above Is the GENUINE Article, NOT Wholesale CUStOmerS Will find it to their interest to give us a call as we certainly can ao tnem gooa. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. apl It " . New Goods. i rDA. fl J. BAKER has a laree and 1Y1 varied Mortmnt of Ladies' asd (Md. OoV New Stock of Millinery has arrived asd is now open. We have a iarKe assonmea Hau, Bonnets, Ribbons of the very latest . J . i styles and at very low pnees-. uii ana see fo.yourseir. Corner J " i , J r Walter Coney, DEALER IX fflOBADCO, IMPORTED AND DO-J MKST1C. CIGARS, Cigarettes, Snuff and .Tipt-s of all descriptions. WALTER CONEY, ' P1 3 Market street. Fresh Every Day, A rlNE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just reoeived and for sale. Near the Postoffice. The Last of the Season. o owe or TU08K fink kew Kiver Otstersjast rrc ilved,(Win- berrv) tae Last tbesa at of th. season. call aoiTget -ftofll Market st aiamooaiD. ine the immense stock of Men's, Souths prior5 to the passage of tne law m question. tbe beat remed y for burns he" had ever Birth Oustoas of the Unent,' by Kev. M dissolved bv the daath ofDr ' and Boys1 Clothing, which they are selling The Edgecombe Society also asks for the e, , . ; Mr. Houghten; 'Literary Progress In Druggists, was dissolved by the daath of Dr . rrnnAXonc I at extremely low prices.' ."They have also passage-of a law creating a board to Dr Summerell spoke of the great f?; Sf" TnSn'lS H er,on the lilday of M.y, U0. 5.000FanS I receWed a ha,vd90mQ stoc of utest styles ;ml.drllggi.t.l.UI. State, and also for turpentine and al- TVasKu kYll All persona indebted to the said late firm are .-Weallpartfculaj fJZfT&) Straw and Felt Hats. tf a law requiring that inaU ? n drtiing' W0unds"wher9 other ancthon and the Reformation,' etc.,. etc. reqUMted to make ' inpeiiate payment to Wn inforuiatlen Wanted. . remedy were not to be iad. ; tTZ wl.H. Green, sole sLvi,, partner, and TUK urt Lx UMua malarial disease contracted in Texas, and .vJp-.ident Dr Bhaffner, at 9 o'clock . m.ataB Y'V av as IA 3 I - - - mr m HaulnL sruit Ao. C. K. J v fia B. wrs. ac aaus ; . "i buaii Lever travel comnu.wvvu uv.-. - J ICH n A if - '-.u'i j.'Rro it TiriE tttt JLJULJ XAJLU 1 -:iMi V iJOi W . v , , .; -M' ; . m.. ,- ...: vol: v. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Yatb4. Kwore's Histery. P Haisssiasa Out Doer Keading. Watsob.A I'cKKt-Wanted. Window Glass all sizes at. Aluffr & Price's. t Magistrates Row failed to famish us with any jiews. to-day. -verrbody cail get suited with a Pocket Kmfe, also 'Table Cutlery, at Jacviui's Hardware De .1 DteamDoai tncn(- report tbat tnere now only about four feel f water ou the shoals, in the Cate Fear' bdtweflu I.ka and Fayetteville :FAMHoNoTiM.l-Fur worn by ladies this season, and this will give rue to many severe Coughs and Il.M. IV- III,. . . -t , . . I Viua. jLrr. jjuk uouirii nvrui) is alfhn will ha v;-t,.,11. Th I certain and sal'o euro in every caae. Price 25 cts. A telegram has been received m tliia dty announcing the safe arrival of Mrs 15 Goodman and Mrs A L at South Hamptan, England, ou yester- day Indications. roruio ooutu Atlantic States, falling, followed in the interior by rising barome- For tho South Atlantic States, falling, Uowed in the interior by rising barome- ! tpr. wjnnp lmli7 . aH.. . I s , . . J . j t siiyi. UU11U eily winds attending the develoorceut of a Sloan centre in the souihwest. ' Keady mixed Paints, strictly f ure White Lead, Cclors, Brashes, W ndow Glass, at Jacobi's Wo acknowledge the courtesy f a call yesterday from Dr. G. E. Matthews, of Riogwotd, Halifax couniy, wno is a aeie- yf tu f-.i:i , .w vuvenuon nuw in session in mis city. Ur. Matthews is al- - .... .. i so a newspaper man, being correspondent " " , -V-r- - . . . . I .; x ou can ouy iso. l Cooking and Heats I ingbtoves at almost any price at 'Jacobi's I TT , J u u'a'w"lil B j Tte Bible Headings which are giren every morninz at the First Baptist I 0hmrcb wm commence hereafter at .8 . , , . . oa wtfnr an. civcn iubicuu ui o ..v. i nounced, and will last one hour. All ...I ,ra to attend; Dr. Teasdale re nersons attending these t ... hrinr. t,.ir Bib!., with. them. ' Tb. fcour of 8 .'clock has beeu appointed in response to the re- .-. find it more convenient than a later hour. t . 1 1j 1 . l Again we would remind our readers tor call on Messrs. A. & I. Shrier and exam- Enquiry has been made tnrougn me Postoffice in this city for the present ad- I dress of Johnnie Clemo ns, formerly of Newbern, in this State. ? ,, atl! h.,v our Build ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t City Court. nror f?rnom.ATUi DftVA JoCeWn W6T6 ar , 1 1 ,n..nnf,nJ rmnnaii mr. an a lira v. xi'tum n. oouivu- -'a i. ! . -K im,;n,0nr i . Wpkn I I'HI I. is. IiJ 11 A n j lis UUlJaUuv v.-- i I J . I was uiscuargcu. . Win. Finsh, cbargeci witn aisorueny conduct was $5 and. Tne fe3, tive William "anted up" and departed. '.. .... . Charles Kiug, Ion committing an assault ... . -fj nnnn j. P. Snann - .--r -r V . an accounf oi wnicn appeareu in Jy",p uays navi., wunucu default of a justiGed bond of $50 for his appearance at the next teim of. the Crimi- - An'mockwell, charged by bto mother wiih disorJerly conduct, was ordered to the city prison for thirl j days. There is no excuse ' for those who drag th r wprv and disordered bodies into Our company, wuen a lew uoses oi ayek- . . Saksafakii.i.a. would cleanse their murky blood and restore their health and vigor. Vigor. Ye muUdy victims of billious disease, have regard for your neighbors, if net for your selves Malaria Destroyed. I G.A.J. Gadbois. of Brockville, Cana I da. certifies tha.t ha was nrostratAi hv a in that climate without vnr H.f. P511- ; . ".. " 7" and isrters as a part ot my outut." jar. naiu'i wawui navmz neen appoint .,' - . a.,!. - 1. . . . . . . . want of this oelejraled Plow can now lheir orjers fi tiea at Jacoui's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, MAT Trjenfy-SeYentli Annual Seslea of! ine enn Carolina Medical so-1 ClelJ. u (cinticrued irorn Yesterday's Report:) W McNaill. delegates from the Cunsber Dr Wood, as Chairman of the Gom- lAnd County Medical Society, eomine afc- mittee appointed to examine the metric system, made his report and.raoTtd that the; system should cot be adopted, which I was carried. ... i I jt irijuf . vnairBuati oi tne f inance I Committee, reported that the books of the Treasurer had j been examined, found i I ill . . i . .1 I tur rctt bbu won aepi; mai mere was a K..1knn ik. T 4 i- j r I M-Tuvr " A4""rJ "8" ! A.-n rt . . . 1 f "ceirea j aince tben, l.e;. ... - ,M amouui expenaea U.00; Jeavine a . . 1 A.A . . htlin nn. n k.nj f oaa ik i koflto return a vota nt i)mnV t u.L .. ! .. . ... tne ireasurer baa a list prepared of tie WUOBe "me. wui uo Teaa' ana " aue8 ftre mot paid we names will be dropped from the roll and I I ,Ji r-.tu. j-j I wiuuuiwo luituoi lovuaimcuueu u an- i t . . i nua assessment ot 2.00 per capita, On motien of Dr Faison the report was received and adopted. Dr Payne moved that the Secretary be allowed $100 for serrices. Carried. The Secretary read the resignation ef Dr K K Gregory, of Greensbero, and it wa Pa motlon ccepted. A letter of retrret at n Ficu. . Ai letter of regret at not being able te . . . . . . alle'1 tbe Convention, from Dr P E it; t T 1 I 1 -l Uln?t of Raleigh, was read. Dr Satchwell introduced the follewing: Whereas, It was the original intent. and is the spirit and Bieaning f the act inco poratingthisSociety and establishing the SUU Board of Mediual Examiners, that elieibilitT -to membershio should consist in holding a certificate of qualiti-J firm' from M nA. iieseiyea, inas in neu tt section 2d Urtin . flo.i nf tk. .nn.fitntun ja-in -. w.w..MW, r.nn aiiDim rw m m.miunnin vn vni i am. i "I jT? ? VI"' 7 :TIu .7" UEp 2d. The permanent members of the J ot SUte embraced in ao met to incot- . 1 If -J: 1 O - cw. . I jwiici oociety oi me otate oi tm- : , ,1 V ,awiw , ! I ol a Medical Board of EiamlnAn j Unanimously adopted. I rr. secretary read a communication from the Edgecombe County Medical So. L.. of whirb ia to nunish tiBiji mo Bmwiuv , by a ffoe of $50, or imprisenmenwor nut 1 . . . less than ninety days, any one iouna guniy the misdemeanor of practicing medicine or surgery in this State contraiy to the .ttta -Mcb 'ncorpoma , u, I caisocietv ana esiaeiwucu i-uo iji-awo i caiKJT.. ' . SwZTTUt tvw I - I surgery in North Carolina , . r hmIa. a license from such Boatd. medicine and who has not unless such person was engaged in practice aUendedj thattbe csrtificaU ot a Justice f p.ace cbaii be furnished. The whole subject was referred to al cemmittee of five, to report at spec 7 this Rpaaion. ice io iswiuk m wo vmui- m. : ft K . n.m- mittee: Drs S 8 Satchwell, John McDon very difficult aaipuUtiona performed al. The Victim,' ill.nstrated; 'Deachenfels; A aU !w T Ennett Thos J Meore and H most without the loss of blood by the Legend of tbe Rhine,' by Alfeton Her ald, w.l rnneu, v.h4ftM' J ' vey; Renunciation,' by Eleanor Kirk; UAlford. U8t:fl;. ,:nU Whingers of Summer,' etc.. etc. Among n' Summerell. chairman of the Com - . i . i.i r ii MuVM on rredentials. reportea me iouow - uiibkwv v -w - i , . j-aj J.i- i. i a i . w i w afnrsviusMi szs- ihv lQK gatea to the uonvenuou. fcl . Me Medical Society Drs n J iriw J ftnd j H Baker; Rowan County Med- I - , ' .. . . outvDrs Hill and McLellan; ical . , n - New Hanover jueuicai j q Thomas, II 8 Nor com and Edward ... i . , uu.ii. a wn viv w" i in niiLur.i iuuiia. Hx wrr r , 7i.-f n. jjr yatcnweil movru papW, and ,11 other, that mi8ht b. nb- seSuentlj be reierreu .u i on i?ublication. different kinds werel Several cases o ! and di8Cae8ed during the re- I repurieu, uu " I r' r . 1 a t fta.nnAn V i mainoer oi oo I rin mntinn of Dr. Carr. tho Society ad. I . ''mm mt Q rtVlrirt Jrneu to meew mi. - - - SECOND DAY. MOlKfNO ESSIOW." The Convention was called to order by I tv.I.. T T SnmmerelL EnreaeGrismom ribiu, ' - : I a n.knaou r. T T Snmmerell. en the nart al ih I - r liiLMmMsm fVedentials. rnade'a taral I i , t na-1 .i.: report, ana euoujiw louowmgi Jnad eentleirea as eligible to become I mtnberi of tbU Society; Doctors R Harsser.TobawttTllle; L W Powers, Ply- nom; u n rooL Salisbury. - DJ H.McRaa.W C.MriDuffial'j creite were admitted to seats iu the Convention. . . ' ; ut 0 ttnan rtportel a case 'aia- hnm' l.v:i.:.. hum', exhibiting specimen. ujuw tnai iae annnn e ay now be read- . . v, v, vu,llwlw umjmgpn has. not -vp Hio.l a. .l far lha nr!icmn ,1 l - very rxnauauve and intprKtmcr naur T-1 :., n.n..n r " .IT, v" wuuu- inn " lli.Unll.nU r ITT 1 I I "wwu,llui iraaainflioimclTea h.J tL.t.L . , ' . "y oereierrea to UommiU: - ""-"Wr- . J. I . -pv ctu enectci aooi sewing mavMnes,,! -i ouoiuiereii. unairman nf tiiA f m 1 ll-U.. II -ii vmwv.SWW. AMI. ' I mittee on Credentials, reconimenripd t I , ' , r I name or iir ft p ruOD f... ... v.- . i ... . " --r - the Society. " : 3 On motion, Dr H P Irey was admitted to membersbip. ' ' . Letters of regret from' Doctors VLycn u;, j tt.,.: - I kuvu uu xiauioy were read. DrLillv nf 4 - Lilly, of Concord,, presented sped- mens of cr 'cuius from ti, w.kf . ho" with atrinff m nnrfn. ai. 'kmi I 5. " 77. t. 0 DlIUry I . T . i.uuu w caoua . tft ;f T:::.r T t " J " wKwa, VT AJ1V.AA I was treated with I iULci us wnicn i applications and hvmidflfmfM f mnrnKu Dr Foote showed specimens of urinarr !. 7 1 T' " ' V uiaaaer OI W?man' Dr Foote aIso 8Pk case where common cooking soaa was used for burns with god results; -Dr Summarell spok of a stone weigh- im9 u . r. , Wmtu was ijten irom ine Uladdar of wnman h.imn. ,iiu.u. i j .iu uiiaiiuu. Dr fiarr f Tn,i,. "v- of aseaorrhce. . . . , - a -w - m a - ' 'in .ia . s'uku a w" "o aoda lr.alt.eDt. but found that . 1 . . ... I toe soaa would crystal ize and cut ia the I flesh. uutuj uweiout auu5i of it, satnr.ated solution prevents the trouble spoken et by Dr Murphy. Dr Murphy, reported a case of large - t ' .1 a. t . ulcer ot the log waico requireu tuo nutation of the limb., ine wnginoi time of the nlcex and the quiduiess of recovery belhtf the principal features of the case. I Dr Holmes spoke or the good enecw oi , ... j.. . dlMriM th, above report. r.rl wnnnH. ? . i ampntatlon and dressing ttiV wound wilh p .T "i ; t , carbolic ?df -; . .. .:f : : ', - Dr Gaither spoke ot carboUa. acid as 1 - I a mm aatTATI II M aTLIU H HBUUU - had been tried ia tbencase of tne ampuia- tion of the chronic ulcerated le. " J t.ii - Ka V,; TAanna for if r ugiiMUlr otv - r . .. .. .. ..L.iL. U- I -cWinn th n n.srinn wmm ldu lia uwi kcu .iue m u,. - ur jucwoihhu. w. - i 7 ....... .t iL il. . r th. uirnn nun i operauon wuH mouu. . 1 I j i i i ults - ..-f.., M rtf ur. rotter spoae oi uB8u. - I Graft's adhesive straps. Dr Hill said he was much mterestea I in the gpecimens of gallstones. Bays l?. fr..a..- n- ... -J;J CDi0rororm laaeu lute.uawj " jT fio foraU cases that had come under his rtV,eryation. r- a ..i:,,,.:-n.ii !i a w r mm nun a a. a &aa i.iui i a a aa aaa u . , i o'cioca tnis aiwiuwu. Dr G O Tboioa. ootifiod ,h. Conrea- Hon tnat the river en Friday, giveq complimentary the Medical Con vention,. would be on tkc Secretary's" desk this afterteon. I b . . .. .. Tbe'Wotlon to adjourn was then put I anti carried. SECOND DAY. : AFTfc&soojJ EKsaxoa. I. V ! i The Conrentlon was' called to order at Dr Lane Mated that aos&e of the gen- Ueman ef the Conveitkm wtre appTehen- s ve tbat they would, not be able to at tend tha excariion and leave the city on I . '... 1.1 L , FrldaT everOng, WW wiwii I ' u u ..u I taat tae 0iwr wm r 1 Ume for that pnrpoee. , ' ' 1 L . tv. iW. mitM Iff. (THaSan "moveJ Uiat the Butter trt iba remittance ot 1 laXL -r. . . . Kl I GrahanVe daee ue law P" A1 Carried. 12, 1880. NO. 68 The w. U I. At the regular annual meeting of this Teterau organizition held at the com piny 8 armory on MoDday'night last, the -following officer were elected for the en suing year: Captain, A. L DePiWfet; First Lieutenant, Thos. a James; Seccud Lieutenant, W. J Gordon; Junior Second Lieatequnt, James C Muudd. N w 13 the tioae to revive an interest in tue com ruin v. Snrolr oil u m.- I "fa jou men ofthH .mr,) Uri,... : I., .. . J me matter -t Are our voone frnA fr.;.i to j-,in a military organization I " O ' - ,1. - " v the r mma' mn...i :,q xm I , .. . ... ' I r.v-vu U.g4Ul8UOQ IlKe the old Wilmington Li-ht Infantrv -! lowd to languish f.T want of mU, ip? om. ai .i i . - - ..V,. w iAIIIJI-ll. . txr . , . tw e uro lima Id km . u . . . - "'--j me 0i otate in attena medical fraternity of the State : ate Medical Coen, in session in this city. We " " P"V honorcd in navinff so iaree a del I t 0 . v. fcUIO "oble. calling and honorable nrofession Uiaitin , .u- ... : J UUWJ- 0Die caillDS fllrl va iqi.7 nnn J . y aye, ana for next to the cloth, to uu we mean it too. the ministry, we eau, we honor and resnect th w. . . f I P proiesslon of medicine. We will be tlad to we"come to our sanctium anv of ih de5ates, and extend to them a cordial invltatinn i.u 7 " ,ouli w our ex, change, list. . - . Ful1 Metal aQd Walnut Show Cases ajl styIea and ses, at Altaffeb, Pkice & Co' Interestlne Service.. - An interesting meeting is in progress at ln"P ' aleJ by Eer. Dr. Tea. n..-.Ll. 1 . veiicraoie ana eminent minister of the gospel. His d every night this week, services to begin at 8 o'clock. He also gives a Bible Reading every morning at 8 o'clock. p k Leslic's Suntlaj Masazine- m. u vj" . u.:n.-i th aeventh volume ot this deservedly popular periodical . It is essentially a ; !i ; i i i.i u r j : I- iamuy magazine, ana euou.u ue iouuu iu e J , hou.ehold.for the content, can la rrk r. - I scarcely iau 10 ezerciee a neneuciai 101 W'SM Gospel in Africa by Rt . wards, is replete with mt 8tructi'on. jf ig profusely j-m " a " 1 I - by Rt. Dar el Ed- interest and in- profusely illustrated, Among the other preminent articles are: I .. I l . T ; . . 1 T I . .. ' LTiiU"UlC ttuu untie uiutno. mg Miatiu- ue(jand there are some admirable short stories by, pepular writers. There are I sketches and essays of unusual merit, ii j . 1 fc,4 Fw mjA bite Lvu.a ai v gbuuiaiij vavw.m. i . . . , . .t. i rpAiitiini wo niav maLanco 'roverLVior the vast quantity of miacellaneons matter i . . - - .i . . ; is an aounaance oi pieasani, laiereaunK B . r. . . . ... I and iriflfrnrhtn rfftdincr "hfl Mltnr 1 Mw w " - - Portfolio is well filled 'Obituary Notices,' 'Recreations for Sun day Afternoons,' and a beautiful piece ot I music. 4 Why ebould 1 rear .' by tbe or l .. .r i i rr'u ganisi oi vaniercury wmurai. number contains 12S quarto pages and nearlv 100 iUustratiocs. The tfrice of I a gjBgje copy is only 25 cents, and the annual subscription S3, post paid. Ad MrM.. Prank Telia's Publishioir House. w w - mm 53. 65 and 57 Park Place, .New York. Theriuometrical. From the United States Signal Otlioe in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this tn-jm- ing at 6:56 o clerk : Atlan'a, (Ja..MMM.C& ilobile. Ala ...70 AUjnuta. Ol....i...i l Cairo, IlL.... ..8 Charleston, S. C..7& Montgomery Ala...8 Mashville ......10 New Orleana.M.M...7 .Vew York 61 CineinnaU 61 Corsicaaa, Tex TO Punta HassatMa...72 Savannah. Ga.M..72 cert Gibson. 1. T.73 Galveston..... ..T7 8hreveport......,.74 lodianola. " bt. Lionis Mo. ......61 Jackson vUle, Fla...7i St. Marks, Fbw-00 If norville 5 I Vicksburz, Miss.... 74 Lvneabarg-. . Ti I 1iVMhinjrtoa.....i..J Mesaphia. Tena. . . ' fW "... l.. I Wilainx Plows .Shove lv Pthtork, Spile Kaestrace CbaiLS,. Plow lines, Scc For tha lowest prices, go to J Ac om's. - m-tm., - . I - ltt ef Appolntmeats Dy Bishop At kasaseii for bis Sprrnr Tlsltatlon. Warrenlon, Whit Sunday, llay 10. Bldgeway, Monday, May 17. Henderson, Tnwlay, May IS. Oxford, Thursday, May aQ. ' f Kittrell's, Saturday, May Tl. 1 Louisburg; i iinity Sunday, May Wf wlUbeirrad toeeelve eosaiBnjnroailbs The nam of the writer muat &1 wars be -far. Blahed to tfc Editor. Communisatloni nut be nesideof thepsper. t " .... . written oa only erBonaiiues.mnit tc avoided. . And It is especially aadpaitxalayj-nsder ,WUB dito do- not slwayeadcr IP viewe oicarrefpoadtfj, ticlcs ro Ast in the editorial coiuans. Window GUss of all sis, . and Winds, DruIJersVpardwrJ-i J ov. st.pJrecesat Jacoi:i.' j . s Now Advertisemont Out-Door Games, KCHEKY, B0W.S, AH:;6w.S Qaivcrs 4X1(1 1 ceta. A larpj aanor ueot of t!.o ' : Latest Improved Style . ' j ' Base Balls and Bits, " Tubber Bal sUard and fcoft, Foot Balls, medium aiyi 'Jarfre-.s C?roqet, Vun'iit Half gtfe'.; ... i . . The lareefl t asnH mn . ,.f (i.. i i u . . v " v'4 luce iriT(.n, ' i r ' brocght .Uthis.mark,t will be found at . H :;i 78 1J FUG E!;' . rJli" Live Book and .Music KV'r. " ' WAR! ! 100,000 'Voo ioOyOoo1 100,000 Llj3 Acis ' 100,000 T;I;S- 'ESWAX,. ??w Wliich lhe bluest C&Ehl'rlcc s V-i t, WAT8UX . ECKEL. ' North 'Water Street, ' may 12-ltd-3tw Wilmington, X. C New Store--New Good-. A FINE AND COMPLETE STVCK , 1 rhi!' hf,micaIi tnt Mediciir., 5?2rV A 'm?? B;Q8hf9' M VTater..' 8tS riot W - n ' tho Model Dr::K JNO. If. HARDI.Vj W-Preccriptions filled with slrftnrt'.' : . .may.ll t( The South Atlanta" VXILLBE PUBLISHED ia Ualtin.rr, VV hereafter. One issue, will bo, n:L-,e.l" niV0 th8 ehn nd bneiriVt!, will be added to every subscription date.n ,i advertising contract! Kpv. Wire Kettinsr ' SCREENS ' " " '' v For Doors and Windc'vv.-. Oood to keep oat Hies and mop-pUp. A'so, ... . . . Sash, DOOrS- JdllHCiS9 r ; Lumber, and Bcildlng Material Gerfii.j. , AT.TAFFEH. ITTTf X' CO. Faotorv: Otfioe: 'r''. w " Notice. I mHE FIRM OF GREEN A FLANNJSH. , ....... roir.a f I Birr a " .-. to present tem to him for settlement. WM. H. GKEEN, 8urvivlng partner of Grwn A ilani er Wilmington, N. C , May 7th, 18P0. may 7 NEW STYLES FOR OUR MILLING Y DEPARTMENT. rTIHE LATEST N0YLTIK8 in Flow- - , JL a . . . . I HstJ sa HiiT liOOGfl. are COnalAntlV Ttr ed. A full and complete stock of La it i and Children's Underwear. MlBdlid K1RRKI4 aKoJJWA"-. So. 6 South roat a(i cct. ; 8taoapin and Iiair Work dju -r order. may C (Vloore's History T08T KACEITED. Moor-V ttevisU Ilis ' tory of .North Carolina, tionday Hcbooi Books; Testaments, fl dot-n, SOc to $1 dozen; Song Dock?, 7pc to 51 doz.; Question Books, Library j )iooLtg Iiwrtx Cards, Ae., Ae- i i BO0KST0it. naj 10 Iron-Clad Matches. PARLOR AXD SULrilTJii MATfJflC Jalrettlieie?. Palm Soap, mtMji -l Basbitfs Purs Ball PJtasD, . Potash and Lye in JremOsslsl ( Laundry osp, in srrett ysneAi mIKi Candles, Starch, Ink, ,J ' Wrappiae Paper, Paper J3rs aad lhu . Bakiafc Powders, Morsford'a, Jr. u m BlaekiBjr and Bluelnr, Candy, Craekers aad cases. . j , . Send orders ft , ' -nhi i - Hali & Pearsali. p IT 1

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