" THIS PIPER .FLEASCKOTICfiT We will beg'ad to receive commnnicatiors m our Wen fs on any and all subjects o teneral interest but : - .' . . The name of the writer mtlst al wsyi be ft r aihed lo the Editor. CommnnicaUons must te Mtkn on orfy Jne side of thejpaper. 1 Personal! tiei'mwt fcc avoided. And it is especially acdpitjufarlj endt r tood that the Editor does not always endone he views of correspnodeats . onlei so tat d m the editorial columns. ....oiiBhed every afteraeon, Saadayi. ex- f v - ,fpUd bT j uS H . T. J A ME8 , ; - i EDITOR AWD RROPRIKTOK. ETIE W dUHaUJKIPTION8f JTAaE PAID. ,o year, $5 00 Hix months, 2 50 ; Three moattie, 1 35; One month, 50 centa. I he pper U' delivered by carriers, re of charge, in any part of the city, at the be rates, or 1? cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal -riabicribers will please report any and i failures to receive their papers regularly. vol; v. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY MAY 14, 1880. YO 70 if i vi ' V MSB .1 A U W T1 New Advertisements. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT-! BROWN & RODDICK 45 Wiarket St. I r li A WELL-KNOWN FACT that the Largest Buyers are the Oneaieflt Sellers, and tae public woo are aiwvs teniy aive 10 their own ioterast, bare, bv their patronage and supoo.t, enabled us to offdi them advan tages which the m st ardent supporters, of co-operation wuld seek far to outvie. In point of choice and extent our stock is un rivalled in this section of the oountry. GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEP'T . Uks, Silken Fabrics, Fancy Dress Goods, ii orTi rai Thl a material niuvi for Ladies Dresses. . . U W W. 1 W - As we are in constant communication with the Largest Importers and Manufacturers we are enabled to offer our customers tfee newest productions and Latest Novelties as soon as they appear in the Afortnern jnaraeis. Idur mourning department Has Ion? been one of the special features of our establishment. OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT Includes Solid Colored 8Uks, Satins, Bro cades Ae , Ac , to match any color, at prices that cannot rail to satury au. OUR BUTTON DEPARTMENT Is really immense and contains from the com mon Agate to real works of art. OUR HOSIERY, GLOVE AND UNDER WEAR DEPARTMENT Is stocked with Foreign and Domestic manu facture. No such display has ever been seen in this city, OUR LACE DEPARTMENT Is replete with all the staples and contains many novelties. We have not space to enumerate, but would simply add that our p it history has convinced thousands that we are ever on the out-look for jobs, Extra Bargains, better known I in our business as "Dry Goods Plums". We have been particularly suc cessful in securing several Lots which will be offered on our counters this week. - We are fully convinced that we can make this a sea son of interest to our customers and the pub lic generally. We will ofler on WEDNESDAY April 28th, 250 Doz. Real Kids r firffflHinmn The above is the GENUINE Article, NOT a Lamb Skin. We call particular attention to a Great Bargain in the above, at 10c, 15c and 25c; tbey are really not half the price of last year. Wholesaled Customers Will find it to their Interest to give us a call as we certainly can do them good. N BROWN & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. apl24 New Goods. ',- TlTRS. 8. J BAKER has a lartfe and ItJ. varied assortment of Ladies' and Child ren Hats and Bonnets, Lace Ties and Bows. Our New Stock of Millinery has arrived and i cow open. We have a large assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons of the very latest tylee and at very low prices. Call and see foi YOnrMlf. Rnrnur nf TM1 tnrf Or an? a streets. MBS, 8. J. BAKER, may 1 Out-Door Games. ROBERT, BOWS, ARROWS, Quivers and Targets. A large assortment of the Latest Improved 8tyles. Base Balls and Bats, Rubber Balls, Hard and Soft, Foot Balls, medium and large aixe. Croquet, Full and Half Bets. The largest assort eat of these Goods over brought io this market will be found at UUN6BEKGE&'9, 'may 12 Lire Book atd Music Store. New Store New Goods. - -.11 A FIHB AND COMPLETE STdCK of Drura, Chemieals, Patent Medicines, Faocy aad Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Ho apt, Combs and Brushes, Mineral Waters, Cirart, Ae., wili be found at the Model Dnz otoreof i i " I J vn u niDmv . . . ",(A,yu . ... ir.vr Market .Prescrlptloas filtenl tthare anf ac curacy. .tuM J' i'.'wl mayll.tt LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. V. Q. Johksj!i, Geii'l Sopt Change ci Schedule on the Carolina Central Hallway. Jso W Gordon A Bao Insurance Agents. Yatb8.- Mi ore's History. P HsiHSisasaa Oat Doer Reading. Water colors Green and blue . . Plenty of encumbers in market. Wicdow Glass Price;. -&U sizes at ltatler & The Storm signal s up again, wiff ba&.becu Northe4et all day. The Thiinka to Hon. Jos. J. Diis fur re peated favors in the way of public docu ments. ' Sfeamboatmen report the tup and bot tom too near together for rea! good beat ing in the Cipe IVr. Next Sunday being AVbit-Sunday . the celebration of the Holy Communion in St. Jame' parUh will be at 11 a. m. There are but very fe; vessels in u; t at this time. Iu all rtbero are but six here, equally- divide .1 as baiques, Lrigs an 1 8chooner.". The change of schedule oa W. not8 into effect next Tuesday. Those who ;propose to take Florace Greeley alvice next week: should bear this fact, in m'ndlas time, tide and railway trains wait for no man. Again re wcui-1 remind our readers to call ou Messrs. A. & I. Shner and examH inethe immense stock of Men's, Toutl s and Boys1 Clothing, whicb they are selling at extremely low prices. They have also received a handsome stock of. latest styles Straw .and Felt Hats. tf Ths Raleigh Visitor gets thiB off: It is sajd that a gentleman stepped Into the Parcell House at Wilmington, yesterday, nulled off bis bat and said: "How are you doctor," and about forty men pulled of! their hats and bowed. Tha medical convention ia in sess'un there. " Indications. For the South Atlantic States, slightly cooler northeast winds, increasing cloudi ness, occasional rains, rising, possibly loi lowed by tailing barometer. The Lest physicians assure us that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a reliable and never tailing remecy. ah iruggiHis keep it, 25 cts a bottle. The excursion complimentary te the visiting- physiciana,. given to-day on board the Passport, was largely attended and that, too, despite the threatening aspect of the. weather. There were many ladies on board and the strong probability, he certainty, in fact, is tbat it was a very enjoyable occasion. ' Change of Schedule. As will bt seen by advertieement pub ished elsewhere a slight change in sched ule will go into effect on the. C. C. Ry W. on ana alter ine 10m iust. uy mis change the passenger, mail and express train will leave Wilmington at 6 P. M. and arrive at 8:30 A. M ; arrive at Char- otte at 7 A. M. and leave at 7:25 P. M. News at Hie City Hall. Joe i Bu'nett, colored, and Mag McKoy, a colored habitue of Paddy's Hollow, had a fracas last night which resulted in the atter named Individual getting, a. cut or a blow on the cheek from the first named individual, from which the crimson tide of nfo" flowed freely and profuhely for awhile. The assailant was promptly arrested and taken to the guard housrv and this morTjjog the woman made an affidavit against Burnett,' charging him with assault with adeadly weapon, which the aforesaid Burnett denies, stating that he only used his list. The case will corse Up for Mayor Fishblate's consideration to-morrow morning. Anothrr arrest was ma-le Jast niht a party whb waa.diunk and down.- He was very drunk and very flat down on the sidewalk? besides, falling frequently on the paving r tones on the sidewalk while en route to the guard h juse. This morning it was thought that tha poor devil had sutlered enough and Captain Brock released him after giving him a first class temperance lecture and a strong admonition to o and sin no more. AdYertbtaz Cheats. It has become s j common to write the beginning of an e'.egant interesting artiele and then rutVit into some advertisement that we avoid all such cheats and simply call attention to tb- merits of Hop Bitters In' as p)liffi" Honest ' terms as possible, .to iotlupo pcopla to'give them one trial, as no oae who knows their value will ever use any thing else. . "u r Personal. Capt. Geo. D', Parker, of Norfolk, ai old cx -Con federate wbo identified himself with our citizens here during the war by marrying oue ol Wilmington's fair daughter?, and afterwards by being one of our gallant deiendera at Fort Fiahsr, is on a visit to this city. Dr. George U. West, a Wilrningtonian w'ao several years ago migrated towards the setting sun and located in Newtoi i Citawba-coaitj, U als-i on a visit to this city. , . Messrs. Juo. L. Dudley, G. M. Al tff'jr and Jarues W. Jackson, delegates from the lodges in this city to the Grand Lodire of I. O 0. F , in eesion at. UI eigh this week, havereturned to the city. Mr. K. J. Jones went on to Durham yesterday afternoon', from Raleigh, ! at which place his wife i ou a visit. nows, onoveis, I'ltchlorks, Spaces, Rakes;'.Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. ! Cape Fear Light Infantry. At an election for officers of this Com pany (colored) held last night, the fol lowing were chosen for the ensuing year: Captain J. H. Carraway. First Lieutenant Henry McRae. Second Lieutenant Hampton Gray; Junior Second Lieutenant Jno. W. Kins. i You can'buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot J A Few Conventions. Sampson and Duplin v?ill hold their county conventions to morrow. Cum berland County Convention will meet at Fayetteville on the last Saturday in the month, the 29th inst. The Congress ional District Convention meets at Fay etteville, Wednesday, June 2d. The State Convention meets at Raleigh, June 17th. ' ' ! ! . ' i Ready mixed Paints, strictly jure White Lead, Cc lors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, fcc., at Jacobi's ! - j : The American Union. E The American Union Telegraph Com pany have opened in Richmond for busi ness. They reached that point with two good wires' which can j be duplicated or quadruplexed if : necessary. Poles are being put up for an onward movement to Petersburg and Norfolk. Thoy were to have been in Wilmington by the first' of June, now only about two weeks distant, but we will compromise on the first of July. They mean busis ness, however," and it will not take very long for them to run their wires down from Weldon to Wilmington. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot- The Closing Scenes. We resume our report of the transac tions of the last day's session of the North Carolina Medical Society, where we were compelled to leave off yesterday. Dr. J. F, Long, of Newborn, address. ed the Society, taking for his theme tbe msdical fitws, of California. I ! I 1 i- The President appointed Drs S. S Satchwell, George A. Foote, Jo3. Baker, R. H.iLevris and John McDonald as a memorialize the Legislature committee tk j upon a law reqniring that druggists shall have a license from the State Board "of Medical Examiners a3 a reqaisite .qualifi- I ! I III - . catiou for d'ikpensins medicines. I he same : I II HI . " .. .' , . committee, were alo directed lo asc in that memorial for a statutory lien law for the benefit of physicians In practice, and to prepare a bill lor ! uotn tuese pur poses, to be offered to the Legislature. ; Asheviile,! after an annimated aiscuss. ill: i . i . . Lt ion. was selected as mo ucii. pw3 ut meeting for. the Society, and the last Mav- 18S1. was selected as J . the day announced that Dr. Hicks, having removed to Virgiuiai had tendered his resignation ai a member of the Board of Examiners, and that Dr. R. H. Lavvis, of Raleigh, Lad been elected in his place. Dr McDonald was announced as es- sayist. in i ' A resolution thanking Dr. Grom for the able address delivered by bim before the Society: was adopted, j The thanks of the Society were loader ed by resolu 10n lO luu biiu:i vt r ii their generous hospitality, mingtou for and the various railroad, etc., for cour tesies received and the Society then ad journed. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases; all styles and &2SSt at ALTAFFfcS, PjUCE MaJ ilty or Two-? hints? Will our neighbor of The Star allow us tJ cofrect hien ? He sta ed in his yester day's issue that it required a two-tbirds vote in the State Convention to nominate. Our impression, amounting to an abeo lute conviction, ia that the majority, aad not the two-thirds, rule has, prevailed in our State Democratic Convention fx at least four years past. The Crops. The crops from Rileigh Weat to (lam It I and East as far as Goldaboro, and beiwe i this city and Goldsboro, are looking re maikably welUAlthpu,,h eomewhat bick ward, in someplace8. There is a genera desire for raiu as, altliough thre has as yet been no sufl'ering from dry weather, yet rain is needed to push the growing plants up and forward. The large cotton fields a few miles West of Goldaboro aie looking especially bright and promising. Excursion on the two Roads. The merchants of our city, under tha auspices of the Produce Exchange and Board of Trade, have made arrangements with the W & W. and W. C & A. Railroads for excursions on each of the above named roads from the 24 lh of this month to the 5th of June inclusive This arrangement exterda on the W. & W. Railroad the entire length of the road, but ou the W. C. & A. R. R. Sumter is the farthest point from which any excur sionists under the arrangement with the railroads will be permitted to como. The Carolina Central had made pre vious engagements for their cars until tae 5 th of June, hence no excursion una d r the auspices of the commercial bodies mentioned above will occur ou that road until after the date last mentioned. Mr. Nath'l Jacob i having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow can now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Yesrcrday's Fish'. A large and pleasant party of jolly fishermen went down ou the steam yacht Passport yesterday to the Grounds. They were about 45 in number and some three crfqur whose alarm clocks were out of order were just in time to be too late. The party, which was composed largely of some of our most expert ama teur fishermen, left here a , little after 5 o'clock. They steamed out to the Black fish Grounds and finally reached a point about twenty miles from the Bar at which point they fished, and it is said that it is the first time an excursion prrty irom Wilmington ever fished that far from shore on the Grounds. There was a little swelFcm, albeit the day otherwise was a delightful one, and some fed the fish while others hauled them in. . The gentlemen of the paity were very well satisfied with their luck, and they returned to the city last evening with a large number of fish. Window Glass of all sizes, Djrj, Sash and Blinds, Builders Dardware,&2 Low st plreces at Jacobi's. A Persistent Tramp- Tramps are pertinacious. When they make up their minds to take a free rail road ride conductors may as well look sharp and, for certain, whenever a ti amp crawls up on a truck or on the top of a Coach he may look sharp iu turn, as he is in acute danger of being disturbed in hit stolen; bliss. This was exemplified last night on the train which arrived here at 8:53 from the North on the W. & W. R. R. When a stmt distance this aide of Rocky Point Capt. Borden found out that a tramp had boarded the train at that point and was then ou tha top of the forward coach. The train was stop ped and the tramp made a jump to the ground. The train then started ahead again and so did the tramp, as it was found that be bad regained bis former p osition oa the top of ' the' coach before tbe train had fairly started -r Ha was aga'a ordered off and again plunged to the ground and the train was once more puM iu motion. Just as it got under good headway the tramp, who was a white vagabond, was found fox the third Litxe oa top of the cach.; They didn't stop for him that time but he was mildly told to jump again. Jump he did and land- ei in thV ditch and thai was tho iast seed of him. ' ' 1 There Is nq excuse for, those jrna.fcag their weary and rlfsordertd bodfetr ffito ow company, when a . Av doaes of Ax x'd SAiSArAtitx'A wouWdeahae their murky blood and Tecr UjtahetWh an.1 -mxgatl Ye muddy victims of biilious disease, have! regard for youlf itblwrs, if jot for jour, serves. J xA T) , I n Drop One Train. c .- r..r-y to learn that the manazt- mei.t f u : Wilmiot jn & Weldon ard WiWi.ih.in.t.Vumbia V Augusta R.RJs. h .v f jund it advisible to take off one cf the mil an ! pissen-er traits On these roads. Ti e train to be dropped is tht day train on the W., C. Ac A li. It. and t'm r.iuht 'riti on the V. & W. R. R. Tbe u w arrangemeut is to go into effect, we understand, on or about the 23rd inVt. ( ri cdoa Ab mt Onsl.,w. Wo were a little in error yesterday in stating tbat the del?gatea from OcsVw would go to the Congressional Conventit n uninstructed; en the contrary, we are to d now that the delegates are instructed to vote on the first ballot for J. G. Stctt. But thesame gentlemen aver that a'ter conversation wi h a number of tho delr gates, they firmly telieve that McKoy it theit second, choice. Per contra, another gentleman, one who has just returned from-Onslow also claims that half cf Onslow will go-for Stedmac. Wo give our readers the benefit of our information, just as wo have received it. Dr. C. Thompson and Mr. Hill E. Kmg, we are told, were the secretaries of the meetirg ThatFast Train. The plan for A fast through mail train from New York, South, via the coast line, is not yet an accomplished fact, al though in a fair way of being so. The time proposed is 17 hours and 18 minntes bstween New York. and Wilmington and 2G hour's between New York and Char leston. It will be a 'big' thing and one which is calculated to enure in much bene fit to the business interests of the people. The saving of ono day's interest on the. value of one-third of the cotton crop, and of the naval stores crop, and in the pro ductioa or manufacture of fine lumber and of general merchandise remittance, amounts to a large sum of money in one year and in a decade will amount toJ eaough to make a good item In the accum ulation of wealt. A recent vote in the House shows that Congress is taking a practical view of the question. loose sections which hereto fore possessed thesejad vantages insist on retaining them. The East and the West. which have heretofore had the fast mails knew the benefit to bo derived from them. We trust that the Senate will concur in the action of the House and give these same advantages to the South Atlantic States. There is another very important point Besides saving the interest on remit tances there will be a great saving of time iu traveling. These benefits will not only extend to the larger cities but to the smallest postoffice, to the people of tne entire country, and will produce a general hurrying-up everywhere. This dispatch in traveling and business will extend to all tbe pursuits in life- it will produce a healthy stirring-up every where. Let industry, economy and dis patch lead in business matters; success will soon produce prosperity and abun dance. Then we will talk about what we have, instead of what we used to have. Old umps win produce new sprouts, instead of dry rots. We trust that the i necessary appropria and the train run as tion may be made proposed. A' good fight is beiog made in its favor and, among others , Postmaster James, of New York, an official of large to the Department experience, has written at Washington City , strongly urging tha tbe service be made j l Losios: Joke- A prominent physician of Pittsburg. said j -kingly to a lady) patient who was complaining, of her continued ill health, and of his inability to cure her, 'try Hop Bittersl' The lady took it iu earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs, at the doctor for his joke, but he is not so ell pleased with it, as it cost him a grod patient. Now Advertisements JOHN W. O0RDOS, W, J, GOBDON- JflO. 7. GORDON G DRO., QEflERAL llsSURAHCE AQTS. REPRESEKTIKG OVZR C80.000.000 Assets; .aPTorth wator fltrteL tay 14-moa-firi-tf New Advertisements. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY O Oman OastaaAL &crxBiaTKras.T, Wilmington, N, O., May 14, I( e0 J CUAXOE UK SCHEDULK. fS AND AFTER HAY U, mo ; tfce f l. Railwa0 8chedule wU1 b P- on t 1 t Passenger, Mail and Express Trait. , ) T Wilmington at.. e-.O , V lx wo. 1 Arrive at Hamlet at....... 1;'2T A M ) " at Charlotte at..:.' 7 03 a ii ) Leave Charlotte at 7:2.1 I' h ".. , ArrivfatHan.let&:...iV: a ii ) " t VilmijiKton at 8 .0 A As No. 1 train is daUy ficept Fucdaj. bet makes to conntctr i to Kmitiirh on Sau'. days. No. 2 train h daily except niu dj. flhriby' !irtsioa M;l, Freight A Pa3ef r and Lxprvce. , So. 3. I Leave Charlotta at...... ....SiC.'j A Ji j Arrive at Shelby a. 12:00 'li' No. . - V7 ShelT .U. 2.C0 P ii J Arrive at Charlotte at...... c.-CO P M Local Freight and Accommodation. Leave Wilmington at ......C:l5 A M Arive at Laurinburgf, st... .4.40 x' XI Leave Charlotte at .........".....'..4.1'5 A M Ariive at Laurisburir at.. ...".."."..".'..'. 4 00 I Ji Leare Laurinburg at......:.. ........ .".'.'.5.30 A Arrive at Charlotte at- ..'..V..V.V.V4.2U P Vj Leave Laurinborg at V. ."".'. 5 00 a m Ar.ive at Wilmington at ....!!..!.4.15 V 11 These trains leave Wilminrton ni ri,oT lotte, Tnesdajs, Ihurrdajs and Hstnrdsvf Laurinburff, Mondajf, Wednctdajs ard Fndsys. J Clcse connection -at ChArintt rt. yn.. vitle to all points in Western .North Carolina and to AshevUle. Also, via Spartanburg to L'endcrjonville. adjacent points and AsheviJle. Psssenaers for Asheviile via eitner roue, leariDg v iimington at o r. M.next dav. t TITil 9 8Ieeping Car accornmodalions on Thrcuch Trains to and from I harlotte and Wi m np. ton. " ' There will alsi be Thrr.nh S'eeperi run to id from Raleigh and Charlotte. and Y; g. General Hnperintendi nt snar H Wire Netting COREENS . For Do(rj and Wine ow?. Good to keep out flic's in'j a.c6cfuitors. Sash, Doors, Blind?, Lumber, and Building Material GeneraL'yw SALT AFFEK, VRKTb' & (jC. Factory: OHjm: j Foot of. Walnut st, Xixtt, near Jbtd CiOMjst. may 10 Notice. rpHE FIRM OF OnREN & FLAJNEIt, Druggists, was diasolvcdby the death of Dr . H O. Flanner, on the lit day of ilajy 16S0. All persons indebted to the said late firm ar6 requested to make injmesfate payment to Wm. H. Green, sole surviving partner and all persons having claims against the same to preient them to him for settlemeat.. WM. H. GREEN, Surviving partner of Oread A iiafctcr. Wilmington, N. C, May 7th, 1860. may 7 HEW STYLES FOR OUR MILIIMERY DEPARTMENT. rpHE LITEST NOVELTlt in i lower'. Hats aad Hair Goods, are constantly receiv ed. A full and complete stock of Ladies' and Children's Underwear. " MlfldiStJ KAKRJEK A llcGOWAN,'' 6 Bouth Front street. fsf Stamping aad Hair vVork done t order. j may f EVIoore's History JC8T RECEIVED, Moors's -Revised TL tory of North Carolina, Qcnday -Svcho' l Books; Testament?, f I dozen ? Caleec, Wc to $1 dozen; fiong Books, T0 taf tdcz. Qaeition Books, xjbrary ' Beokr, K&wird Cards, Ac, Ac. 1 : ; -"lUii v. maj 10 . ?.? ..haw Iron-Clad TDAELOR AND SULFiiOa MATCH 2', In IroJipzti , Pam Soap, Babbitt's Par0 Bal Potash and Lve In Iron Csaes (C. Laundry stosp, ia ffreat vartetT .,- 4 ' Candles, Starch, Ink, ; ; f r -to ;n ! wrapping Paer, Paper.P,gsr and Tiia. - TJ 1 .Li l ni u Cndj, Crackers aad caVet. t . , . ii ! mr nr ninrinr . .... 7 t (Snd ordarj,to. ,,,f, Hall & PearsaJI. The South '. WILL BE prJBLlSaEil.JaR4Ujcr hereafter. One issue wili "be niiifU on aecoaat of the caarigej an4 tn tamf wiU be added to every lutwcrlpti y.i, dtifi ad advertising eontraei. KscVaojes and cor ratpoadenu will add-ee.iu.:-3 u may 10-7t 1 Baltimore, lid.'

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