THIS PAPER. ..JnHfh TerT fra&oa Suadaye ex- , . H . T. . A M K. ,r 4-;Kf FTIONh'. IWTAGE PAID. -far,! 00 Aix mo?ths' f35 TbrM ,utU il Uae month. 60 cent. '"..-' naper riil ba delivered by carriers, '.j, (fc'harire, id acy part of the city, at the r nes, or 1 2 cents per wtk. '"' Ajrertising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and ff iicreito receive iheir papers regularly. New Advertisement. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., RK DEMONSTRATING THE FACT A that Dry oods cn be bougrht aa ehekp ia this cUr as is any other in tbii raBtry. "or Bpace will not allow ui to fill i u ranch ai dealret.bat you always receive , eoraial welcome at our place of business Bring" f samples and compare. From 8c to $1. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. Ladies1 Maalin and Lace Neck Wear, sach as Ficbus,Ti;B, Jabots, Ac. Bilk Handkerchiefs in Twill aad Brocade. RUCHINGSOF EVERY DESCRIPTION I From 24 cents to $5. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever"lbowa it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Oar selections in this, department embrace many novelties. Our variety ii immerse. imeres For Men and Boy 'a Wear. Natural Colored and Figured Liaen for Stairs. S . V4 - ....- , -- White and Colored Canton Matting 3. Corduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rufflings 50 centr. Something New in Ladies' Summer Balmora Skirts. Linen Lap Robes, Ac, Ac, Ac. Give us a call and look over cur stock. We are by no means afraid to ehow our goods. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. may 15 American Health Primer JDITED BY W. W. K SEN, M. D., with Illustrations. I. Hearing and how to keep it. II. Long life and how to reach it. III. The Summer and its diseases. V. Eyesight aud how to care for it. VI. Winter and its Dangers. VII, The mouth and the teetn. VIII. Brain work and overwork. . Now ready. Price 60c. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Store; may J 9 xcursioii ! TO Wilmington. N. C, May 24th to June 5tb, 1SS0, Inclusive. TO STABLE MERCHANTS and residents along the Unts of the W., C. A A. and w W.Bailroads to visit Wilmington. N u..ta merchants thereof have arranged with the abor named Roads to 11 specially prepared tickets from all regular stations reon, to , Wilmington and return, at the "tremelylow rate of one cent per mile each J. Ticktts will not be extended beyead Jane under any circumstances. JT n 3t aae . -. . CHAS. KLEIN, Dnieriater and CaiinotlHaier. rineesa Street, in Basement of th Journal Building, W I L M I N O T O N,: N." a A fine assortment of Coffin &ni Hu. keu constantly on hand Furniture Repaired , Cleaned aad Varnished. Orders by tela ffraph email proiaptly fiHo r oov5( BRAND DEMONSTRATION 13 E VjDL. V. LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advertisements. Johs D Bella m r; J r, and others -A Card Bee ad Warner's HafeKi isey A iver Care. P ExiKSBEaexa American Hea'.th .Primer. Yatbs . Organs Fan a are iu demand now. Carpet cleaning is in order. i i , Chain up that dog ;-or muzzle bid. Window Glas all sizes : at it a O'er & Price's. ". . ' :' T An umbrella is like a beHiDg rca. , It is either put up or shut up. Can a retired jbaygage matter bcro-p-erly referred to as the company's exeheq uei? : When a man lives on nothing, lut veg etables be is apt to bo very FtsaU pota toes. " Strawberries arc uowow'thIr last h-gs. Id a week they" w HI bf visits. Sjtne very line shrimps are cait'g into xairketaow, but tbey ak 15, to 20 cfnts a quart for tbeai. There is an unmailadle kitt r in tfcc Poatofficb,' addressed to Archie Grimes, Tar Heel, N. C. ; . It is very strange that the Ui-au -Tjto first indented sleep did not cxt"t d tho ii rention to, babies. . ... ! ; . Mr. John 'IS. Wcodwanl, oi the - Wilson Advance, fevered us with' a 'short visit last evening. We wesre; glad tb'niakp'his ac quaintancPj. V s The scholars of Misses Burr) & James school, with a number of. ...their fr.unds, enjoyed a yery pleasant; pic nic at Uilton telay. ' Capt.-H. C. Brock, who has been quite sick for several dajrs past, ha?, o. nre pleaaed to eee, so far reco?erid as to " be abroad again to-day. I pon't forget tlla meetlrg of tbe( Hisiori cal and Scintlfii Society to ba held this evenirg, and tho papci- to be read on that occasion by Prof. Von Jasmund. The poetry of Babyhood is.turned- into the blankest kind of prose when ono has to walk,, the floor all night to tho cease ltss music of a colic suffering baby. Dr. Bull's Baby 'Syrup prevents, all such scenes and troubles by its unfailing in Science. Steaaboatmeu report that the Cape Fear is very lew. The North State, in coming down from Fayetteville. yesterday, jas obliged to lighter over tho shoals. , A good head of hair is desired by every one. The use. of Hall's Vegetable Sici lian Hair Renewer will restore the hair if the hair cells are not closed up. Mr. JNath'l Jacobi having been point ed agent for the Atlas, Flow, patties in want of this celebrated I'Iq w c An ncv. have their orders fi'Ied at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front ,. tf. We are glad to see on our table again the Raleigh Post. The necessary ar rangements' having be n made - Major Hearue has resumed itspublication. It is spicy and newsy. Plows, Shoveis, IMtcbtorks, Spa U s, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c- l a the lowest prices, go to J JlCoki.'s. I Indlcationii Fcr the South Atlantic State? r.ely stationary barometer and temperature, southerly winds and clear cr partly cloudy weather will prevail. Tou can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing Stoves at almost auy price at Jacobi's Hardware De;ot. ( Fur bargains iu clothing and gents' furnishing goods call ou Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, 28 and 38 Market street. They certainly have a nice line of goods to select from at bottom prices alco a large stock of straw, and felt hats, trunk?, etc selling low. Tkey have also the Renown ed Diamond Bh'rt at $1; caa t b beat at3125. , tf t Docivb A yeh's Laboratory-", that has done such wonders for the sick, now is sues a potent restorer for the beauty of mankind for the comelinss wLich ad vancing age is po prone to diminish and destroy His Vigob mounts luxuriant locks on the bald and gray pates among us, and thus lajs us under obligations to him, for, t hi go! looks as well, 'aa health of the community. ' Mental Strain Relieved. The Washington, D C, Critic' says: It ia intimated to us that, members of the Senate and House are freely using Var ner'a Safe Nerine for relief of nervous prostration incident upon the severe strain cpon their mental powers.' WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MAT Til ad Dog. I - Health Officer Ji mes killed a ruag di g on 'the corner of ad Wousttr streets jesterday incrning. Tba riibid canine 'was'" frothing 'at the mouth and was rufehing ar. ui furisusly when knock ed in the head with an axe. J Full Metal ami Walnut bhow Cases, all styles and sz-?, at Altaffes, Tiu k & CoN. Interesting Meeting. We learn that the meeting iu prrgre.-s a; the First Bapiiht Church is attended with much interest. It-? v. Dr. Teasdale, who is assisting the paa'ur, .will preach to night and every night this week. The Bible Readings are held every morning from 8 to 9 o'clock. The ordinance of baptism will be administered to night to several candidates. !' 'Ready mixed Paints, strictly r. ure White Lead, Cclors, Brushes, W nio's- Ml iss, 6tc., at Jacobi's , The W. L. I. To-day is the twehtyseventh atinivei sa'y of the organization of the Wiiming tou Light Infantry, and the company celebrated the day by a ride to tht Sound wheie they will try their skill at target practice. They went ia full dres3 accom- pacitd by the Veteran Corps and we hve no doubt they will have agood time. At least we hope so. To Race Before the Fourth. i 1 We learn from Commadore Wiggins that there will cot be a race of the yachts of the Carolina Yacht Club this season before the big race of the 4th of July We regret to learn that tho yachting spirit and interest is oa the wate, but in a few daya a meeting of the Club will be held with a view of reviving the interest and to shake off the lethargy which seems to have taken hold of the members. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Census Ennmerators. The following is a complete list ol the Census Enumerators fcr the city J and county. So far as heard from, no one has been' appointed as Eaameratcr ia Federal Point township; I). C. Davis, First Division of tho 'First Ward. ; , . : ' ; .. I T. O. Banting, Secoa J Division of the First Ward. I Archie Alderman, Third Division o fthe First Ward. E. T. Love, Second Ward. . J.W. King, Third Ward. James Kendrick, Fourth Ward. J. C. Millis, First Division of the l-ifth Ward. ' " . !". Geo. N. Harfi-s, Second Division of the Fifth Ward. " James Cowan, Cape Fear township. C. B Futcb, Harnett township, j Jeo. Farrow;, Masonboro township. ' - i Window Glass of all siz'w, D o ri, Sash andlBlindt:', Builders' B ard w.are,&3 . Jjiow t. paeces at Jacobi's. Fcatli of al'ino" Animal. Oue -of the valuable horses owl ed by the city and used for hauling the steamer Little Giant to a. tire on tho occasion of iu alarm, was ' killed this forenoon 1 It seems thai the teaoi of hcrses (known re spectively as 'Roger Moore' aad 'il.arry Brock were engaged ia Lau'ing sawdust somewhere, ca Front street. About noon the driver, a young white man, left them standing ia ths street for a moment, near the corner of Fourth anl Campbell, while he catered Mr. Saiith's store, in . tU .neighborhood I for the purpose cf purchasing a piece of meat. He had b.en abssnt but a moment when something ftarlled the team ual eff they oorr 1 Thfl waecn ws cinr.ty at tha tim As the heriei Vttirtcd the drirer ran from the store and would most likely have succeeded in checking them but for the j everlasting small boy who was, of coarse, in the neighborhooi ana whose cries alarmed the animals still fur! her. They dashoi down Fourth street and brought up against a telegraph pole at the corner of Princess and Fourth, against which Harry Brock ran full tilt and very properly broke his neck. As one of the horses fell dcid the wagon turned oyer on the ether which succeeded, after a moment cr two,.ia freeing himself from the harness and wagon and then-, trotted eff quietly to his stable. Roger Moore escaped unhurt and is as sound and strong as ever, but Harry Brock is Ten able now chiefly for what be has been--and I'cr his bide. Tho taira cost $250 a few veeks ago. j Review. Spoken. Br. barque Susie, Capt. Srr;L fr m Birbado- s. iFin b low. She resorts hv iag spoki-i, at ea ou 14th , i ht. 2J 30 h ng. 68 3ijAir.erica.i 8coon er Mary Baker, from Wm iward IRrs, b und for New York. All well. Italu herded. Tt.e weather a exceedingly dry a id dusty hereabouts a- J ag.xsd rain at this time wjtil 1 be a ticking. The accounts from the interiot a 9 to the effect that the young crops are now absolutalv sunring for the wkDt of watfr. -We bave not had a copious run here in a week and the ei th is dreadfully parched while the air is filled with clouds of dust. Probably a Lunatic. Peter Silverthern, the, obstreperous in dividual who was taken up on the streets a few days ago, very disorderly and ap parently drunk, is thought to be insane. He was confined in a cell at the guard house and from thence has issued the most discordant noises. He has but one arm, but yet he succeeded in wrenching an iron bar from the iaterior of his cell and to-day i had nearly succeeded ia break ing open the door which leads into the corridor. He was nearly out when the fact was i disclosed. He was examr ei to day by i)rs. Walker and Potter and has bean sent to jail for safe keeping. A Break at Hamlet. There Is ong disagreeable feature in re gard to the recent change of schedule on the C. C. R. W. and that lies in the fact that the train coming East passes Ham let before the train from Raleigh reaches that point, thus delaying the mails at Hamlet. A close connection there has proven of much convenience to citizens of bath Raleigh and Wilmington, inas much as letters written late in the afternoon at either point were received at their destination early the following morning. As it is now, letters from Wilmington to Raleigh go through in one night but those from Raleigh to Wilmington are delayed at Hamlet, if sent over this route. The difference be tween the two trains is ocJy 43 minutes and we have good hopes that this differ ence will be reconciled and the usual mail connections made at Hamlet in a few days. cood Words for Us. The people of Wilmington bave a friend or two still at the State Capital. Read the following from the pen of Maj. Hearne, of the Post, and say if it isn't so: The Wilmington people have heard with no little dissatisfaction that Mr. Best, of the Western North Carolina Rail road, has made arrangements with the Piedmont Air Line for a terminus at West Point, on York River. This is no doubt true, and ia what was to have been expected from the sale of the road. The demonstration made by Mr. Best on Beaufort, the pretended effort to lease the Atlantic road, and all his talk to tho Wilmington people about the Car olina Central, and with the Salisbury folks abjut the Wadesboro connection, were simply leints to cover his real de signs. Railroad men of insight and conception saw from tho first that Mr, Best was working with the Richmond and Danville people, and so proclaimed, and that if there ever existed a hope of building up the ports of our own State, that hope was dissipated by the sale of the Western Road to Mr. Best. Yet it was favored by a Governor and State administration pro fessing great attachment to their natit land, and the strongest agenetes put to work to accomplish the desired end were iu and of the city of Wilmington. A town or Board of Trade meeting was called therein, and a delega ion. sent up to urge the sale of the road to Mr. Best Never having had. any confidence, whatever, in the affair, we shall not ex pect any thing good from it, and shall be surprised at nothing it mayidevelop. We are quite sure that Governor Jarvs and his set ha,ve sold out the State, a fact that.soomer or later, mast be made patent to all, and when the day of full devel opment shall come, all hands concerned iu the sale will be cursed acd damned into infamy. we are sorry fcr Wilmingten aa much as the State, for she is as a jewel set In a crown, a fair city, cf fine commercial capacities, a possible commercial metrop olis to" a great State. But she is appar ently doomed to further delay and disappointment. Since the days of Dudley there appears to have been no one in the executive office possessed of the capacity to appreciate he, and th is neglected, slighted, legislated and combined against, she would bave languiibed but for the pluck and perseverance cl her citizens. Let them, however, press on. Bay the Carolina Central road and complete it to Asbeville. Mr. Best w ill be unheard of by that time, and the Cincinnati connec tion. Is still a possibility of the future. Se lect men for Slate offices of capacity and State pride, and all may jet be welL Thare will alwaja ts orve friend of Wil mington here and the advocate of a State Policy. 20, 1880. NO. 75 Few Advertisements A Card. A S THaKS HAVE BEKN VARIOUS t a atenieDti of the proceeding! of tte Brunswick ( oaaty Convention, the nhder tigned, wh weie pre ent and witnessed tbr .occurrences of that dy, deem- it tbeir duty to frve auothful account of tte affair. v hen the Convention met Simael R. Cain- cii, , wa nominated or Chairman a?ain?t . r. W. Q Curti. Mr,-.- C- - 111 a i T elected Chairman by a fair majority, which or . i L. . j - . . wbb u uy (ro'ja i umoer ot tne alcrioy men v ho voted for him on tne prumption that the I)e!egtefl were to be alterward BLBCTi- D by thd Convention, and these verj a en who voted foi him aftei wards withdrew h Mr. Cieorfre H. Bellany moved that tbe choice of the Convention as between tedman nd McKoy should be ace:Uir ed, a crrett deal of noise and eocfusion en ued, four men talking- at the ssme time, and in the midst of this Babel the motion that the Chan appoint Delegates was put and the negatire vote was not even taken. In this way a snap judgment was taken very much to thu disuut of those dtsiiii c fair p'. ay. Dr. Curtis was then called on to calm the excitement, which was intense and disgrace ful. He ( Dr. C. ) moved that the Conven tion adjourn to meet at a future time and place (for reasons a'ready given in the pub lished accounts). Dr. Curtis' motion was put in a garbled manner, and the McKoy men despairing of fair play withdrew. Immediately on ihm withdraw! aigned were requested to make the count of uuiu Biuco ana oountea nrtj-seyen in tn McKoy party, all c ozens of Brunswick eounty, and sixty-three In the8tedman party, amengst whom were Messrs. Btedman, Dar by, Griffith, Gore and otbers, not voterr. We believe that previous to Major Stedman's arrival on the ground we had a large majori tyJ! andnat eTn his presence did not much affect the status of the McKoy side, and for an endorsement of this miner wa rAr ... fair minded, unprejudiced man on the ground JOHN D. BELLAMY, Ja., W. B. McKOY, may 20 i E. H. KING. IT IS CONFIDENTLY ASSERTED 1 THAT YELLOW FEVER Cjd be PREVENTED by the se of i WARNER'S Safe l(i Lifer Oi lflfley lto unre, -1 In connection with 1 IVARNER'SSAFE PILLS All authoriiiea on the subject declare Yel low Fever to be a Blood Poison. Tne breath ing of a malarial infected atmosphere acting dirtctly oa the blood. It is known and admitted, ani in writing voaehedfor, that Warner's Sale Kidney & Li?er Cure in connection with WARNBR'3 SAFE PILLS, acting, as it dots, directly upon the organs the Kidneys and Liver that cleanse and purify the blood, is the best and only effective bleed purifier now known. For sale by all Druggist?. may 20 . Moonlight Excursion, rpiIK 8TMR. PASSPORT jPfh will make on a of those delis ht-Jsfeififfl. f ul trips to FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 21st. fSt- l)ancing and Music. Leave wharf at 7 30 P. M. and return at 12-30, ihirp. TICKETS, LIMITED. 60 cents each. Sold at ofQco of rgant. . ' "say 18 GEO. MYERS. Sign of the Bi Boot, I AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed Gai err....... 40 " Cuitom Mde Gaiters.; 2 40 . " Laced Calf Tie Shoes l 20 Ladies' foxed Shoes.. ... l OO Newport Ties. JQ " Opera Flipperi...... 1 25 Ftrap Satdilf......................... i 23 ; Crrj iet Slippers . G5 Misses Strap SaLdalf.. I 15 " Battoa GaiterfM..M m 1 20 Child; ei's 8trap Baadal............ ? OO ' Button Gaiters 90 V. BLUMENTHAL No. 40 Marker Street. may 13 tf JPOR SALE JLOW. BiUa Lading, Caaxter Partys, Iaipestor's 7ertifieate, Crop Lietxf EJver SUamera Raeelpts, ke. ' . B. T7ARROCK, ( la RavUw'Baildiac ) - Job. Printer. v apl. PLEASE KOTICK. WY will bee? ad to receive com man fra 1 1 n . front oat frtTi t m j ii general iaterest but : The name of the writer .V - aiahed to the Editor. Communications nmt K rw,t,,.. ne aide of thejaper. reraonalities tttut be atoided. - And it is especially AEfM?r!.viTri. w- stood that the Editor does not always endoire the views of correspondent!, snlen so tat-d in the d:tnrUl - waAtU4X3 -, New AdvortiS8montg. GET THE BEST ! LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE !.. mm 8 Insurance 'Company-, Orilarllord, Conn. The Pioneer Accident' Company of America and tho, LARGEST IN THE WOULD ! i . Issues j General Accident Policies ". I '.:..r By the Month or Year.' Issues LIFE Of all 'Approved Formsi, on ti e All Cash, Low Rak9 Stock Plan. No Notes, No Dividends, NoX:s- appointed Expectations. A, Plain Business Contract tbrt every Business Mane in understand. , SECURITY UNQUESTIOHCD ! Combined.Life and Accident-Poli cies a Specialty. Examiner Plan before Insurin, Elsewhere. SAM'L JORTII110P, Affl. Wilmington, I. C may 17-1 w WILMINGTON & WELDON 11. Ii , ) Office General, Sur'r, I WUmlngton, May 15, 1S0. ) OPT AND AFTER TUUltdD A V, Ui :0th, the Paisenjrer, Mail aad Expn . train leaving Wilmington at t 40 P. M. r.' i arriving at 9.13 A. M., will ba cisrontinn. . Through Express Freiijht train (with Pii senger Coach attached) arriving atffWilnvir ton at 1.00 P. M. acd leaving at 3.20 P. i).t will accommodate the local travel JOHN t DIVINE, may lf-4t Gen. Butt. WIL. COL. & AUGUST A Ly, Wilmingten, N. C May 1.", IbSO. ) 3 v. . .1 ... - . t ON AVD AFTER TiirjP.HD T. lly 20th, th Paj-geager, Mfci! sd Kxpr train leaving Wilmington at . 4 J A. M. an i arriving at 8.20 P. M., will ho discontinue 1 Throuzh Express Freight train f with I'm.,- ee?ger Coach attached) arriving at i.t(J A : and leaving at 4.00 P. M., wiii accommodn the loctl passenger travel. JOHN F. D1YJNE, may 17-4t Oen'i HapV. Orcans ! QRGAJJ3 BOLD OPJN EitiT TUiys. Saaday School" ooki, ail kinlj, ilore's Revised History cf Nort l Caiolini, Aicicry Goods, Croquet, Ac., A:., at BOOKSTORE. pOR BALE. Msglstatt's DUaka of .m proved form. E. S. WAUlIOCK, (IaRevUir EaildLii) ioTrister. HH POLIGIES! 7