IT THIS PA PER ' nbed every afterae-on, Bmmdays x K,IT1R A!I rHOVBTKTOm. -UBfCRlPTION8.OHTAGE PAID, rear, $ 5 00 Six months, tl 50 ; Three months, $i 35; One month, 60 cents. r fbe paper will be delivered by carriers, of charge, in Pft of cit' tthe jjore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low -and liberal ,. 0fS abacribejs will please report any and II failures to receire their papers regnlarly. NeV Advertisements. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., A' BK DEMONSTRATING TUB FACT Drr Woods can be bought as beD in this cit? ia an other in this cotstry. ur space wui not wuiow uw w uu i, m mach ai deairebut you always receire aerial welcome at mir place of business. Bring your samples and compare DRESS GOODS, From 8c to $1. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAVnS- PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. Ladies. Muslin and Lac Neck Wear, Buch as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, le. Bilk Haadkerchiefs in Twill aad Brocade. RUCHINQS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION From VA cents to $5. ' The largest and finest assortment of ; SUNSHADES 'ft PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Ou selections in this department embrace . many n&veltie3. Our variety is immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear Natural Colored and Figured Linen for Stairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. Corduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rufflings SO centr, ' .i Something New in Ladies' Summer Balmora Skirts. . 1 ti Linen Lap Robes, Ac, Ac, Ac Give us a Cfll and look over our stock. We are bj no means afraid to show our goods. BB0WN & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. may 15 Sign of the Big- Boot, li III AM NOW OFFERING I 1 V ro SELL, FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Gent's Sewed Galten $1 40 " Custom Made Gaiters 2 40 " Laced Calf Tie Shoes.... 1 20 Ltd Foxed Shoes. 1 OO Newpoit Tles 90 u Opera SUppers..: 1 25 Strap Batdals 1 20 Crcqoet Slippers......... Go Misiet Strap 8ajdalf.. 1 15 BuUom Gaiters....- Children's Btrap Sandals....MM.. OO " Button Gaiters 90 BLUMENTHALi tiij IS tf No. 40 Marker Street CHAS. KLEIN, Mertate ani Catinetailaler. Trinceu Street, in Basement of th Journal Building WILMI.NOTONN. a A fine assortment of Comas and Ca- ets eottstantfy on hand. Farmiture Repaired , "Cleaned aad Varnished. Orders by tele -graph ar nail promptly fl'-l IS o B GRAND DEMONSTRATION 1 f-5 rr r TT VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P HiiHSBiFSia New Books. A D Bbows icd others Centres ional Convention at Fayettoville . , Misses Kisser AMoGowas New Style? in Millinery and Fancy Goods. Yates. Organs To-morrow is Trinity Sunday. WlLdow Glass all sizes at Altafier & Price's. ' . . j i : ; . V t IXij's length 14 hours and 14 nitn ntesv : , . - : - . He is as tight as a Saviugs" bank, is tl e latest. A well-known field ofticer a kernel ol earn. No interments iu Believue Cemetery this week. No arrests at the Uity liall for the last twenty-four hours. Suiset tbmorro,w aftei'noou at 5 min utes past 7 o'clock. : A young man must Etick himso'f tc business with the glue of industry. There was only one interment in Ox dale this week an infant. A witness, telling his story,- is n!w;iye entitled to the benefit of a flou't. Mayor Fishblate, we regret to learn, is till confined to his house frosa sickness Toa can buy No. 1 Cooking and Hat ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. A good head of hair is desired by every one. The use of Hall's Vegetable Sici lian Hair Renewer will restore the hair if the hair cells are not closed-sup. There were seven interments in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) this week five adults and two children; In this country the defeated candidates have the consolation of knowing that they are in the majority by two to one The Episcopal Convention assembles at Winston oh Wednesday and the clerical and lay delegates will probably all leave here on Monday. 1 j Hows, Shovels, I'itchtorks,, Spides, Rakes, Trace Chains, How Line?, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. ' A woman who waits patiently for her husband frem midnight to dawn s has an object in view, and more than likely another in hand. The Criminal Court convenes on Mon day next, followed," on "tho succeeding Monday, the last in tho month, by the Juneterm of Superior Court. . ft its objects so quickly and so satisfactorily that its praises are TT7 in the mouth of every raetber. vve reier to Dr Bull's Baby Syrup, Vis remcay ior children's diseases. Sold for 25 cents. A German poet says' that a young girl ig a hsbing rou; tnac me . eyeu hook, the smilo tha baif, the lover the gudgeon, ; and marriage tho butter in which he is fried. v The annual excursiori of St. Mark s Parish and Sunday Scool will tke place on Monday nextf the'14tb, on the steam er. Pastor t to Smith ville and the Fjrts. Avery pleasant time is anticipated. The number of tickets is limited. The beat will leave her wharf at 8 ojock sharp. Jle ady mixed Paints, sliiclly ure White Lead, Colors, Brashes, W nlow. Glass, tec, at Jacobi's ' The Firsthand Second- Presbyterian churches of this city will hold' joint ser. vices on SabVaths during the absence ot Rev. Dr. W ilson at the General Assem bly Rev C M Payne will preach in the Second church at-11 a. m and in the First church at 5, p. nc. It is the June mocn that Eiis ;n the 22i and cot that for this' month- We made an error yesterday iu stating that the moon would fill this morning. Tais important event will not take plsce until 24 minutes past 1 o'clock next Monday aaorning. We make this correction in the interest of the full moon excursion ists, u I y '' The Raleigh Jtetc comes to us much improved ly the consolidation. Mr. Ilaie isao old newpnpr man and w-ill furnish the brains, Edwards, Bronghton & C6.', experienced printers, wrll see that the type are set properly, and Col. T. M. Holt, candidate for nomination for Lieu-tenant-Governor,1 du', tha" Jar via slate, will furnish the money. It is a strong team: V WILMINGTON, N. C, The Amateurs The Thalian Amateurs were greeted las-'; ni dit ith agord housed They .play d the drama selected . for th3 occasion, 'Above the Clouds," admirabh ; the ca6t was an excellent or e and the characters were rendered with. spirit aad apprecia tion. They f-houid come before the pur lie a little eftener. "Window GUt 3 wt ail e;zt D(m r?, Sab and BMnds, Builders' DarJware,&3 Low t plreces at .lAcom's. Juijge cantwiti at Buigaw. Vve iearu from a gentlrmtt just dowL frcrn Burgaw that Hon. Edward Oant well delivered his admirable lecture on Fort Johnston in that place last night to a good audience'of the people of Pen ier. The lecture was well received and those who heard it were highly gratified at the delightful entertainment. Wo learn a'so that it is the purpose of the -good pe )ple ef Burgaw to request Judge CauU Will to repeat his lecture at some luture time. Mr. Xath'l Jacobi having "been sppoiut sd agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of , this celebrated Plow can now have their orders fi ''ed at Ja-cobi's Han ware Depot," No. 10 S. Front 8t. tf. The Black RIyer Crops. A friend and subscriber, writing us from Black River Chapel, says of the weather and the crops in that section: The weather is very dry now; rather cool with a pleasant bre(Z3 blowing al most continually, makiDg it quite como lortable for those who have uotning t do; yet causing the farmers hereabouts to grow anxious for rain, which is much seeded to bring up seed that was planted late, as well as to enable them to set out sweet potatees, &c., &d. Corij and cotton generally look well, notwithstanding 'there was a heavy frost in this section on the morning of the 15th that left its sign upon, almost all grow ing crops, especially upon light and loamy soils. I saw several stalks of corn that were completely killed anil game that was killed atoove the surface.'; , Full Metal and Walnut, Show Cases, all styles'" and sxze?, at Altaffeb, Pbiue & Co's. The I'utnan Figure. The proportions of the human figure are six times the length of the feet. Whether the form is slender or plump, the rule holds good. Any deviation fiem lt is a departure from the highest beauty in proportion. The Greeks made all their statues according to this rule. The face, from the highest point of the forehead where the hair begins, to tho chio, is one. tenth of the whole stature. The. band from the wrist to the middle-finger, is the same. From tb.3 topof the chest to the highest point of the forehead is a seventh If the face, from the roots of the hair to the chin, be divided into three equal parts, the first division determines the places where the eyebrows meet, and the second the place of the nostrils. The height from the feet to the top of the headCl the disUnce from tha extremity of the fingers when the arms are extended The Oak Grove Pleasure Club. A. large number of citizens, at the in vftation of Mr. F. A. Schutte, assembled last evening at tho Wright Place, on Wrishtsvilia! Souud, recently purchasbed by Mr. S chjutte to be fitted up as a turn-, t firja! pie if ure club, and an cr- mcr resort tar a. p ganization was ideated. Mr. A. A (Irian was made temperary Chairman a i d Col, B. TL. Moore was cho- Unf.l ecu uccicoai , , Col. B R. Moaro was re quested to italte the obpet tf the reec-ting, which he d la his usual fine style, read . 1 1 i as the Constitutioa and Rules of Order as prepared by himself Lr tha covern- it' I ciub, after which an e'ection ment of the was entered into and resulted as follows, fjr permanent cflicers of the club: Presiden't-H. Oblardt. Vice President John llaar, Ji SecretraryJ Treasurer and Steward F. r A . Krhutte Governirih .1 Committee J M. Fort-lne, Prrston Cummins:. J. G. UiueDijuttle. i i I ! ' L . . , Tne orgaiization being eUccIeJ, some little discuJ!S:pn arose as to naming the club, when it ! was decided to name it the r.mvfi Pleasure Club. This beiog -done the meeting adjourned to partake of a handsome repast furnish ed by Mr. Sckntto, and at a late hour the Wilmingtosians returned to; the city high ly delighted with the eveniog'a pleasure. . In making soup of any kind, first catch what you intend to put into it, A vol unteer ingTedient, that jumps in, is not the proper caper. ",.. 4 - . ' n.i ( . -. . ... : - . .... SATURDAY, MAY I. 0. of Good Samiritar.s. The Sap'eme Lodge of the I. O. of Geod Samaritans and Daughters of Sama ria, a co'ored organization, will hold the r annual convention on the 26h iu t., at Washington, D C , en which occasion delegates from the various Grand Lodges n the seven! States are expecta I to le present. Duplin Canal. We h-arn that the parties char god with ia'errtriug with the o instruction of the Dipiiu Canal, raeu iji of which was m tde in the Hevik w a few days since, were brought up before Judge Avery, a' Kenansville, on Thursday last, ai d were recognize 1 to appear at the next term o! tha Superior Court of Duplin CouLty Tbey were also placed under bonds to keep the peace towards all persons en gifeed in the coustruction of' the work aad were perpetual? enjoined from in terfering in any manner whatever to ob struct the progress of tha canal to its completion. On the Fall or the Moon As the moon fills on Monday morning it will be in good time to light the ex cursionists down the river on Monday night. With fair weather we are satisfied teat there will be a large attendance Fort Fisher is a comparatively unknown land to the excursionist and that point is the terminus. There is a wide, sandy beach there and the ruins of the histori cal fort now, however, nothing more than a few sand hills, but still classic groundy are not far distant from the landing. For those who may be more quietly inclined and for all there will be music and refreshments. A Venerable Citizen. While at Daplin Court we had the pleasure of meeting with the venerable James Dickson, more familiarly known as Uncle Jimmy Dickson and having a brief conversation with him. Mr. Dick son was born in, Jane, 1791. and, conse quently, is within a few days of being 89 years of age. He was for many years the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin county and' a faithful and efficient officer. Although it is many years since his re tirement from official life, he has always taken a lively interest in public affairs so far as they have related to tho welfare and prosperity of his county. His general health is remarkably good, although he is very much enfeebled by the infirmities iucidentto his advanced age. Mr. Dick son has a sister (Mrs Benjamin Oliver) living, who is two yeara his senior, being now 91 years of age. When you visit or leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate piiees. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ci the city. ly i . j Directors' Meeting At a meeting cf the Board of Directors of the Duplin Canal Company, held this morning, Mr. B. G. Worth, President, OiCBpied the chair, with the following di ractors in attendance: Maj. W. S. Young, W. T. Binnerman, S. II. Trim ble, William Calder, and R. H McKoy , Msj. Young, the superintendent, made a report of the work already accomplish ed on the canal up to date. About miles have been cut and aie now reaJy for sluicing. , The sluicing will commence as soon as the dam is repaired which was torn down a short time iince by some of the citizens living in the neighborhood of the work. Oamotion of Mr. Wm. Oalder, the Secretary and Collector ' was ordered to make an additional collection of 5 per c;ut on the stock. ' The meeting then adjourned subject to the call of the President. Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hard are Depot- M it fees and McGowan, the firm of enterprising ladies in the millinery lice, advertise ia this issue new styles of ladies' and childrens' wear, including mil linery, linen suits and hair goods. Call and Ree them at No. 6 South Front street j " For bargains in clothing and geat3' furnishing goods call on Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, 28 and 38 Market street. They certainly have a nice line of goods to select from at bottom prices, also a large stock of straw, aad felt hats, trunks, etc., sUling low. They have also the Renown cd 'Diamond Bhirt-at 81 ; can't be beat atsi.25 - - ;' " :; " ' tf 22, 1880. NO. 77 Tl ere were only tl r e marriage licertes issued thh week by the Register of Deds, twj of which were for white coodI a antf m one for a colored couple. Sheriff S. H M.mniri;; leaves here in the morning for the big Nos'd and pur poses beio io at the death when the Chicago Convention pronounces its edict f "to ix- or Dot to be." , Tae Excursion Last Night - Jt wa3 not a large crowd which went down the river tea- night on the stean er Passiort. an yet tbero were nearly oue hundred persons on board. The night was clear and pleasant and the nearly full moi n shone brightly overhead: It was a y ery pleaaant occasion and all on board had a genuine good time. For FayeneYllIc. As will be seeu by advertisement the Committee of Arrangements, Messrs A. U. Brown, P. Ileinsberger and J. E. Sprunt, have chartered the steamer Z. MurcJuson, to take delegates to and from the Convention which meets, at Fayettcville on the 2d of June. The steamer will leave her wharf at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, June 1st. Fare for the round trip, meals included, $3.00. SpecIaLTsessIon. The special term of the Criminal Court meets nextjMooday morning with twen tytwo cases on the docket, and a nuni ber of set fa cases besides. There are three capital cases to be tried during this term, one of which is for infantioide, by the colered woman Susan Waddell, an other for burglary, by George Myers, colored, and still another case of arson one John Merrick, colored, being the individual charged with the crime. The penalty in case ef convlctionJbr all these crimes is death. Therewill doubtless be quite a number of extra jurors sumV mdned to attend. . For the KeYiew. At a Convention of the Democratic party, held at McKeithan's Store, in BrunswicE county, on the 17th of May, the following were appointed as delegates to the State Convention, to be held at italeigh in June next : For North West Henry Spencer, Robt Maxwell and D McFadzen. For Town Creek Lawrence .Fremont, Geo H Bellamy and Henrv M Durant. For Smithville -M G Guthrie, Thos G Drew and W G Curtis, For Lck wood's Folly Riley Sellers, Alfred Brown and Geo H Leonard. For Shallotte and Waccamaw.sich dele gates as tne citizens of those townships may wish to represent them, are the delegates of this Convention. W. G. Cubtis, Chairman Brunswick County Democratic Con vention. rVRSnvaaHHaBHHSBBBBSBSBSSHBSHBSHBBBSBSBaBBSaSHBI MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thompson, of this city, on Wednesday evening, May 19th. by Bev. B A. Yates, Mr. JAMES M. OATE8, of unanotte, to Miss huka A. THOMPSON. New Advertisements. MISSES KARRER- & McGOWAN, JEALERB IN MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Are jast in receipt of a fresh invoice of Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Suits. Also.Misses, Childrens and Infants' Clothinr. New styles in Millinery Jast in and opened, besides newer stales of Hair Goods jujt received at No. 6 Hontn 'ront Street, may 22 Congressional Convention at Fayettcville. rjlHE NEW HANOVER JL Delegation. to the! Con- , fi?J Lion,! which 15? e,une 2 i, C egression a 1 Convention meets at rayetterille have chartered, the fine paasener Steamsr U.MUtiOUISOS, Capt. AIodz) Garraion, t take delegates to and from the Conven tion. ir ! The Steamer will leave her wharf prompt ly at 9.30 A. M , TOKSD AY, June 1st. fSYXQ for the round trip, Jaeals iaclnd ed, $3 . . - II- Tickets may be had of e ther of the Com mit'ee of Arrangement!, j . Delegates from all the counties of tha Dis trict, ezeept Cumberland,1 Moore aad Har nutt, will Sad the route via Wilmington the most eomrortaoie, e nvenient and economi eaL II - Dele gites coming . via Columbia A Augusta and the Wilmington, Carolina Central kiailwavsmav reach here in time to eoaaaat with the Bteamer by Taesday morninz's trains. Thos coming via the WDmingtoa A Weldon Railway wilt tave to reach Wil mington by Monday night's train. AJ D. BROWN, HEIIfRBKRQER. JJ E. BPBUNT. may 22 Committee of Arrangemests The New Hat Store, 1ALL AVO 1 11Y RPfflKn Btyles of Straw and Felt; Bats. JUj are pretty aad cheap. ' ' iu : , . Jf w U rroat street. ! 19 . Next to PmreeU Uoess. v. PLICA RE WnTTHF. r rm " WewIllUf!adtoreeeIH eoamunicatioBs from ov frientfs on any and all subecti o lIatarertbnt: . f Jt Tae name of the writer must al ways be fcr alhd to the'Elitof.1 f - Vj fJontmnnleations must be.Jirritten on orlj ns aide of tne.paper. - Personalities must be avoided. ' ....... . .; lift'-.', g- And it is especially and pacntartr tood that the Editor does not always etoone the views of correepoadanto iunlees so Ultd. in the editorial eolnmns. New AdvertisBmexits. New Eooks-- qiflB ROMAN TKAITOR, cf the dats of Cicero, and Cataliae. Uy Henry W. Herbert. In Cloth $1.75. AQNFS QR1HAM. A Aovd by the l.te M s 8trah A. Dorcej. of Beauvoir, Jlksisair. pi,anth Jr f Panola, a Tale of Louisiana, Atlalie, &o. Paper Coyer. Price 50 cents. For sale at , . . ' UIXSBERQIE, v maj 22 Lir Book d Mns'c 8tore. - - . ... lf Grand moonlight Excursion I QN 8TMR. P AS t PORT, Monday fiiRht, May 2 1th, to L Fwt richer. The Boat will leave the wla:f promptly at 7.f0 obck and return aU2.20, arp. Muiio and refreshments j-. faro 80 cents round trip. Time will be ample for a moonlight stroll on thj besch. Ticets to be had at Green & Flanner's , and J.K, Mo- Ilhenny's Drug 8tores. C. P. MYERS, M. P. TAYLOR, J. A. WILLARD, Committee may 21 GET THE BEST 1 IN LIFE AND ACCIDENT insurance; t: .,'J - 1 il Insurance Company , ! OrHartforil, Coiiii.rgj The Pioneer Accitlent -Com Jan y of America and .the, , . LARGEST IN THE WORLD ! , ... I8SU63 ' General Accident Policies By ihc ioiUh ov Ymr. Issnes LIFE POLICIES ! Of 11 Approved Forms, on tho All Cash, Low Rate, Stack Flax. No Notes, No Dividends, NoDia appointed Expectations. A Plain Basinesa Contract tLat every Business Man can' understajid. . "v ,;': SECURITY UHQUESTIOWED ! vAJiuumea ijiio ana Acdruent iron- cies a . Specialty., ; j . .;V; Examine Plan belora lEsufln ' Elsewhere -A . Wilmingrton CU may 171w . . - $ fly QROA53 BOLD TJPpy . JSxbTEIf S. Bsmdsy Bchool Bookf, all klnti, v)lxxf s BeviceS Eistorj-cf Ifdrfli Car o:iaai Archery Goods, Croquet, 2.; ,'at " M -a THK 1 V

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