THIS. PA PER PLEASE NOTICE ..,aPi.-."'i -rf afton.ouij. Sundays ex- We will beg! ad to receive commuaicatiotu from our frfaala on aaj aad all subjects o general interest but: o ti ti . r; "V M E8, ' , !5J.;U ,'JONM.VOHTAK PAID. .. c-,? 00 ir ':! ' ,.'i.50 Three , . trn.-, 75 " Mwtb, 50 cents. ,.Av," will r delivered by carriers, , ,: . t, m any pin of the city, at the .;,' ' rte. or .1 cents pr wek.!- -rt':r.(r rat- icw rd liberal --.ub'cnkrs will nte&ae report any and jito receive their papers regularly. VOL.- V. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, .MA. Y 28, 1880. NO. 82 fiti1 bMi Review...' -1 . i , 1 - ' - - New Advertisements. GRAND DEMONSTRATION BROWii & RODDICK, 45 Market Si., Dfe.MONMTRATlNO T l E FACT Lt l)rr i-ooda can be bought as fhep in this c"tv s ia any other in tbia otrntrr. " or space will not allow tu to fill : . m'afih a deaue'.but you always rceive cardial w4"oifce at cur place of business.!. iliic? y or eamples ard compare Frin83to $1. In all the latest fabrics. POINTED LAWNS. 1 PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. LiJiea' Muslin aid Lace Neck Wear, each as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, Ac. 8ilk Handkerchiefs in Twill and Brocade. RU2HlNGS0FEVEnY DESCRIPTION f From 2)4 cents to $5. The largest and finaat assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Dress Our selections in this department embrace many novelties. Oar variety is immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear Natural Colored and Figured Linen for - Stairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings.' Coi flurry and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Ruflling's 50 cents, Fomethinj; New in Ladies' Summer Balmora 1 8kirts. Linen Xap Robes, Ac, Ac, Ac. Give us a cal We are by no Eoods. , " 1 BROWN and look over our stock means afraid to show ocr & RODDICK, 45 Market St. may 15 . Sign of the Bier Boot. ' - ffFll I AM NOW OFFERING TO SELL. FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOODS Gent's Sewed Oai ers .$1 40 " Custom Made Gaiterr..... 2 40 " Laced Calf Tie 8hoee....l. i 1 20 Ladies' Foxed Shoes.- 1 OO " Newport Ties 90 44 Opera Slippers .... 1 2o J " Strap Satdals ... 1 20 " Creqaet Slippers.... C5 Misses Strap Sandals...... 1 15 44 Button Gaiters-..- 1 20 Children's Btran Bandalr ........ 90 ' Button Gaiters......... 90 ; S. BLUMENTHALj i may ls-tf No. 40 Marker Street. CKAS. KLEIN, Mertater and CatoeliHaier. Princess Street, in Basement of th Journal Briildiag, WILMINGTON. N. O. A fine aw rtment of CcfQns and Cas- keta eonatanUy on hand. Farniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele graph or mail promptly fillo 'ilSS ooy 6 LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advertisements. See ad Thalian Amateurs. j WoaTa A WoLth," Ajts Fayetteville Con vention. . : . . ;, . I- Mrs. 8. J. Bakm Millinery. Chas. D. MTBua-pAn Opportunity. P EsiHSBiBia-4R.cived this, Day. ' Yatks. Attention Y oun Ladies. Jko W GoRDjQH A Bao Insurance Agents. Eat f tdi the nerves. Hie to the tnountaia high. Hot! bottei! hottestl bottentotest! The ValT ball. kapt K)ling the croquet Have a 'care of silent water aad a 8tU dog. The more gracious tho ruisa, the Swt eter the kiss. I ' Window Glass all sizes, at Altaffer & Price's, i - ! t Low shoes and fancy stockings are now all the rage- . 1 New brooms sweep clean but raise the most dust, - Joys are a; man's wings and sorrows are his spurs.' ' i . Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles, and :Ss, at Altaffer, Ppjce & COX 1 . : ' The weight of the transgressor nine teen hundred pounds for a ton. Tbl fioda fountains are fizzing and the mint juleps are disappearing. . Truth bears the stamp of no man's name, it is Heaven a own coin. Nothing is more falal to happiness in this world than a scorn-of small things. Let pvery youth be taught some use" ful art and De trained tojthrift and icdus try. I . h Society is just (now busily contriving new styles of dancing; but what the . la dies of this country realfy need is a recipe ' I ' i for a graceful swoon. r Ready mixed Paints, strictly p uro White Lead, Crl?rs, Brushes, W ndow Glass, &c, at Jacobi's " J - ' . It is said that a jbaby will t:ry no harder if a pjn is stuc in him than he will if the cat won't.let him pull her tail. It is therefore cheaper to pin him. . The steamer John -Daxcson carried quite a number of colored people down river a few miles today td the Camp Meeting which is now in progress there. Faith make3 a bhristian, lifa proves him, trials confirm him, and death crowns him. There1 are many who 'i want the crown at the beginning rather than at the end of .their journey. : Our drug stores are now supplied with Malt Bitters," the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us si highly recommended. Try it It may save you heavy doctors' bills. 4w Lime has been used lor apple orchards with great benefit at tie raseol 20 bush els per acre. One who has tried it for many years deems it beneficial, es his trees have been very( productive. Hall's VegetabIe:;Sicilian Hair Kenewer is the best preparation known to preserve the hair;T se it. j 'f Messrs. Worth &:WorlJi advertise that the steamer A: P. Jlurt Captain Albert Worth commanding, will leave' here cn Tuesday mornine, the 1st prox. for the purpose of taking delegates and, others who wish to attend the Congressional Canventioia, to be held in F4yettevilJe on Wednesday, ihe 2d proximo. , Indications. , " For the South Atlantic States station ary barometer and (temperature, winds mostly from South to West, clear or part ly cloudy weather, j ., - . t ' For bargains in' clothing and gents' furnishing goods call oa Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, 28 and S3 Market street. They certainly have a nice' lino of goods to select from' at bottom prices, also a large1 stock of straw, and felt hats, trunks, etc., s Iling low. They have also the Renown ed Diamond Shirt at Si? can't ba best at $1.25. 11 , - tf ; Reward. was for years offered in every paper of the land by.tbe former proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kenjedy lor a case tarrh it would not cure. It cures by its mild, soothing, cleansing, ' and healing properties. ' Snuff or dnst of any kind dries up catarrh and drives i . to: the lungs. This remedy has stood the test of time, having been a popular remedy for a quarter or a century. Sold hfy druggieta at GO cents. 1 ( t v ' . ; A boat corn and Wheat. Corn loses one-fifth by drying and wheat onefourteenth. From this the estimate is made it is more profitable for farmers to sell unshelled corn in the fall at 75 cents than at $1 a bushel in the following summer; and that .wheat at $1.25 in December is equal to $1.50 in the succeeding June. In the case of pota toes taking theee that rot and other wise lost together with the shrinkage, there is but little doubt that between Oc tober and June the loss to the owner who holds them is not less than 33 per cent. Revival In the First Uapti.I Cliuich There is a precious work of grace in progress in this church, under the joint labors of Rev. J. B. Taylor, the pastor, and Rev. Dr. Teasdale, of Knoxvillo, Tenn. Dr. Teasdale was for several years Professor of Rhetoric and Elocution in the State University of Tennessee. Since ha vacated his chair in the University he has devoted himself entirely t(! evangel istic work In the important ; towns and cities of several of the Southern States, with remarkable success. Many hundreds have been converted in the meetings in which he has assisted the pastors of town and city churches. In the meeting here between thirty and forty have professed hope in Christ already, of whom eighteen have been baptised ; and eight or ten others are expected k to be baptised to night. The meeting is still grpwiDg in interest. The Value of Soup. There are hundreds of families in com fortable circumstances who never have )up at dinner. Tbey are not aware how eay it is to prepare ordinary soup atd how cheap it is too. It can be made of almost anything, and a pot of water placed on the stove may be tne recipient of divers odds and ends of meat and veg etables to excellent advantage. After these have been boiled a few hours there will be found in the pot a very good soup, wholesome, I nourishing appetizing and its cost will be nominal. If the experi ment were tried many families would be surprised and plea!sed at the result. They would have a much better dinner for al most nothing than they have hitherto had any idea of, and once accustomed to soup they could not be persuaded to relin quish it. A simple soup benefits at once health, appetite and the purso You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing stoves at almost any price at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. I The Party on the Lawn Last Ms it The ladies and gentlemen who managed the . party oa the lawn at the City Hall Park last night, deserve to be congratula ted for the grand sSlcce&s ot the Underta king. Everything was well-timed atd well-considered, and the 'sisitors, whether they strolled about under the light of the. Chinese lanterns or lolled upon the benches on the gieen sward, or patronizid the re-, frjsbment tents, seemed all equally well pleased, while the m isic by the harpers in the Mayor's private flice, which had been "kindly given up by that obliging cflicial, for the use of the party; drew inany cduples thither to engage in the fascinating pleasures of the dance. The lady's basket was r2ffled instead ol beicg awarded, as waa at first intended, by ballot, aud . Mr. J. W. Conoley was the fortunate winner. , There was a lively contest over the gold headed cine however, which was awarded by ballot, each ballot cosiing ten cents. The principal contestants tor this honor were Mayor S. H. Fuhblate and Mr. R. F. Hamme and for a long time the Mayor led the race in fine style, but later in the evening and just before the polls i closed, at 12 o'cleck, Mr. Uamme's friends rallied and put forth their Till strength, one gentlemen alone casting one hundred and five votes at olq ballot. This threw the majority in favor of Mr. Hamme, who smiles, arid smi es again, now when you congratulate him upon the happy event. I The total number of votes cast was 891; of these, the Mayor re ceived 129, and Mr. Hamme, 202, the balance were scattering. The gross receipts of the entertainment after a rough estimate we are told amount ed to $120. We congratulata the man agement upon their happy and 'successful efforts, and we congratulate Mr. Hamme upon being so deservedly popular. Now don't smile again, friend Hamme. The Snow Hill Adwcate. will be en larged to a full size 24 column paper" on the 10th of June, and will be i conducted under the firm name of Galloway & Dall. Criminal Court. In the case of Susan Waddeil, colored, chaaged with infanticide, the (jury have not yet agreed npon a verdict, although the case ha1 been in their h inds for nearly 24 hour. In State vs. George Myers, colored, charged with burglary, the cise, on mo tion of defendant's counsel, was coritinu eJ to the next term ot Ocurt. The cape of the State vs. George ler'; rick and Delia Page, both colored, was b ing "tried when our report closed. Window GIass of all sizes, l)or9, Sash and Blinds, Builders' !Bardware,&c Low st plreces sit Jacoiu's. T he A. fc . C. R. R. Yesterday's Newbern JVui Shell says: Col. It. R. Bridgers, President of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, was in our city yesterday, looking after Railroad matters. We learn he has made a propo sition to lease the A. & N. C. R. R., for $30,000 per year, giviDg certain guarantee?. A meeting of the Directors will probably be held in a few days, and Col. Bridgers' proposition formally presested.-. No action will, of course, be taken until the meeting of stockholders, in June, when both this proposition and that of Mr. Best will be finally disposed of. The Thalian Ameteurs Will appear before the public for the last time to-night in Baker's popular drama entitled 'Above the Clouds." The performance will take place at the Tileston Upper Rooms. The first ren dition of this piece was received with such acclamations of applause, it is presumed, that the second performance will meet with liko encouragement. Mrs.. Daniel Kahnweiler,the charming and accomplish ed lady vocalist, who is ever ready to assist in any charitable entertainment, will sing during the evening. Mr. Nath'l Jacob i having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Flow o an now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. I How Everybody Can Help. On the first day of June the enumera tors for the Tenth Census of the United States will begin their work in this city and county, as well as , in every other part of this great country. The impor tance to the' peopla of each section of having its population and .resources ;cor. rectly reported cannot be over-estimated, and will at once suggest itself to every tho jghtfnl mind. To accomplish this all important end, the cooperation of the families visited by the enumerators is ab solutely necessary. If tho head of the family is at horns when the enumerator calls, he shou'd see him himself and an swer his questions explicitly and truth fully. If the head of the family is not jikely to be at bume, he should leave in structions with his wife or some other in teliigeit person to answer the qusstion s. They are all printed and, of course, have been carefully prepared with a definite ob2ot in view, and should all be answer ed. The enumerat rs are under oath not to divulge any information which tbey may receive in the course of their busi ness, and ladies and nervous persons need feel no fear of having their secrets be trayed Plows, Shovel?, Pitchtoiks, Spades, Rakes, TraceChains, Plow Lines, &c For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. Yellow Fever It is confidently asserted that tfefs fright ful disease can be prevented by the use ot Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Care, in connection with Warners Safe Pills It is a blood poison; keep the blood pure this disease will not exist. These tteme euies keep the blood filterers the kidney and liver in healthy action. , A letter is held at the postoiiba in Raleigh addressed to James P. Prccttr, Wilmington, N . C. If people are careful regarding the qual ity of food they consume, how much more careful should they be in respect to medi cine, and particuliily so with their young children ? Nothing better than Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup can be med for the diseases o babyhood. Price 23 cents. Sold by alf Druggists. Duplin county is to have a special term of Superior Court for the trial of civil cases, the first Monday in Aigust next. -i - . Save your money and buy your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t , Malaria. Id countries where this is prevalent, Warner's Safe KidDey and Liver Care and Warner's Safe Pills are used and with wonderful success. These are highly re commended aa .a preventive fo Yellow Fever. As a cleanser of , the blood, tbey I are without an equal. THE MAILS. The mails clofe and arriv at the City Post O fli ce as follows : 1 Northern through and way mails 5:30 a. m. Raleigh... ...5.30 a. m.. . .and 5.00 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroai, - end routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C Railroad, at j.. . 5;30 p.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily..... ....L 7;i5 p. m Western mails (C GR'y) daily (except Sunday) . . . 5:00 a- m. Mail for Coeraw fc Darling ton......... ... .....,. I.. 7:45 p. n. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston...:.. . 7:15 p. m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, i and Fridays.... ..!.... 1.00 p. in. Fayetteville, via Lumbertou, daily, except Sundays..... 5:00 p m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi- ate offices,every Friday.;!.... 0:00 a. m. Smithville mails, by steam, 'boat, daily, (except Sun days).. 9 00 a m. Mails for Easy Hill. Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at.... 0;00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at......... 9:30 a.m. Mails for North of Richmond will clase at 2.30 p. m. I ! PEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails...... . . . 7:00 a. m. Southern Mails .... ........ 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway. 9:15 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. i ' General delivery open from fi:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for sa'e at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails' collected from street boxes, every day at 3:30 p. m. ! Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Denot. Wilmington District. Second round of quarterly meetings for the Wilmington District, Methodist E Church South. j Onslow, at Jacksonville, June 56 Duplin, at Providence, June 12-13 Clinton, at Salem, June 19-20 Now Advertisements. Thalian Amateurs. AT TILESTON UPPER ROOM, I FRIDAY, MAT 23th, 1880, in Baker's Popular Drama, in two acts, enti tled AB0Y THE CLOUDS". ' - t ' ' Admission, 25 oents. may 28-lt Ulrs. S. Jj Baker9 ZtXiLLzra-SR-s-t 1 Corner Third and Orange Streets, i Wilmington,. O. GALL AND EXAMINE my Bptiojr styles of Hats, Bonnet?, Ribbons, i lowers, Feathers, Ornaments of all kinds. Country orders promptly filled. Hair Work done in all the improved ttyles. may 28 MRS. 8. J. BAKER. An Opportunity. TAESIRING TO CHANGE MY BUSI- NESS, I offer for sale the stock, fixtures and good will of my Ship Grpceiy and Chan- derly. Small capital necessary. An active, intelligent man can Luild up a handsome payls? business. Full particulars given. 1 CHAM. I). MY KRH, ay 28 3t j P. O. Box 451. : j : i ; , 1 1, Fayetteville Convention, THE 8TMR. A. P. HURT, Capt. A. H. Worth, will leave her wharf foot of Chestnut street; at 9.30 i - j A. M., June 1st, taking Delegates or Visitors ' i ' to the Congressional Convention to beheld at FayettevLle, Juae 2, Fare for round trip includirg meals $3. WORTH A WORTH, AgU. may 28-3t nae !l i . ' ' . JOSK W. OOKDOX. W. J. OOKDOK " , a 1 JIIO. V. GORDON & BRO., ' i GENERAL INSURANCE AGTS REPRESENTING OVfR 080.000.00a Assets. FIKE,t LIFE AND! MARINE. ' "! 24 CTorth Water Street. ' i j -. may lt-mon-firi-tf i , ' JPOR SALE LOW. BHIj Lading, Charter Paxtys, Inspector's Certificates, Crop LkB i ivr BUamers RMeipta, ike. K, H. WARROCK, (Ia Reriewalldia) f i Job Prinur, apl ; 1 1 . . ' The name of the writer must always be far -nished to the Editor. ; Commnnieationi amst bJritten on on y : one side of thepapr. Personalities moit tc avoided. And it is especially acdpa-tfcalariy ondpr stood that the Editor does not always' endo77 the views of correspondent ulw no ut c in the editorial column?.. Now AdYorti83moTit8. Wotice- jjtTWEEN THIS PAY AM) Fa'urc.y, (4ay . fter to-rcorrcw application for dancinjr lesions in the cltnes buw l .:mia by me will be reeeireJ. After Bt.dv Tl aoro applications cao bevntertamed, " VeryTerecll":ij, may27.2t F. M. aOU.STINI, J,. deceived iliis Day. rQ CASKS ROEDERER A C ). DRY LO'W . V C A. V l A G VK,"'. FH JI FROM BN1, At Importe d Pfice', 5() CASES IrKNCII UUANDY, ' ' From Boc thi D.ij, And for ea'e at Imp 3rtci' Prices. : Only $1.50 for a. Bottle of; Imported French Brand y, At (JKO. MYERS. . 2;j Tubs GILT EDGE BUT TEH, SO CENTS A POUND, Choiceit Grsja Butter. WJNE3 AND LIQUORS, of test grades, At Popular Price p. SEO, SV3YEBS, INos. 11, 13, 10 South Front ?!. may 27 i Office. Treasurer & Collector, - . i City of Wilmington, N- C. 1 ! May 26th, IPSO. Notice. " gY ORDEfi. OF THE BOA Up " (Jt A I -dermen tho (. j BOG OABXNAKC2 goes into effect on tho 10th JUNE text. -Badges dan te procured on ' application at' tbis office. , HENRY S A7 A GK. may26-3tnac Tax Collector. I' . 8tar copy. - 's ''-' KEEP COOL-NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AM PREPARED TO SERVE THE pub lic with the be.; Ice Cresm made of pure Cream. Ice cold milk by the glass. Orders tclicited 1 1 . P. CHRIST, , may 25-lw . Market Btreet Bakery. - Attentionv Yonn Ladies : QALL AND SELECT YOUR BOWH. A ' new lot of Archery i Goods jait received. Organs and Organettes. Organs sold on the Instalment Plan, at . . .. BOOK STORE. .Vi fi. may 24 Wire Netting gOREENS For Doer j ardWiat ow. Good 'to keep out flies sril nwscnltotp. A?so,-; tU, t. . .." - I f t':i 1 f: Sash. Doors. Blinrl . r ': , . Lumber, and Bcildiag Materia! OnVraL'y. ALTAFFEU, rRIC; a 0. Factor?: r ; Office:"3 J" Foot of Walnut st. Nutt, near Ked Coai sf mav 14 ' ,t : Waiter Coneyi . t DEALEU W :"u "J Todacco, iAiPonf Ri) ikl) no MESTXC CIGABS;Cjrettee, Scuff and Pip(-s ofall dtscripliGr.s. ... v, . , apl Khabe Piano. QNE SECOND HAND KWAUS PliNO. Seven Octave, Rosewood Ce,ia"pcHcc: . . , . .J ,i m..i ft ? I order, will be sold at a "bargain. , live Tino has bees but little esed ana is gaarintetd for five jvars. C4 I andase it'at . h -;HKIN$BERGEBiV Ltve Bok smd il usic Store. . , -, - - ..i . 1 ' Blank Boo ksf p APE,: eXTELOrEsjlZx ct all colors, Mudlc, filatea, Lead a4 Blit PcacUs, 4e. For sale cheap at . - , . may 27 : - flEIKSBEKiiFB'd. ' FOR SALE. M agii irat i'f UliaU of in proved fornu. I E. 8. WARROC (IaRviw Building) Jo;Pr"ntT.

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