THIS PAPER .rt afterneon, Huaaays w T. J AMES TUB AS P FROPRIFTO. sLf5 00 Six mouths llJ Three f r"r' ,1 25 ; Oae month, 50 certa. ,Wt 'er will' be delivered by carriers, . vinnM Mr west ..n?s. or " r and libera! ben will please report any and , ftwti to re ceire tlieir papers regularly. flew Advertisements. BROWN 9, pnrimntf 45 Market St., ' vun NETRATING THK FACT A ht Urr 'oods can be bought as thU citr as ia any other ia this theP " Ml A -11 11 mo'cb m desi-e',but you always reire -ur space wm nn iuun us ui welcome t our pice oi uubiucbb. y. nreamples aid compare Brief -I Froa8oto $1. Ia all the late it fabrics. PilNTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS Ladies' Muslin and Lace Neck Wear, such as Fictaui,Ti;s, Jabots, Ac. ' kfiik Uaadkerchiefs in-Twill aad Brocade. NGSOF EVY DESCRIPTION J RUCH 1 f From VA cents to $5. The largest and finest aesortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Erer shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Oar selections in this department embrace mny novelties. Our variety is immerse. imeres For Men and Boy's Wear. . . ' I BlANDDEMOHSTRiTIOfi Natural Colored and Figured Linen i0rir;- ri a ? I oiairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings."! Curdurry and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rufflings 60 cents. Something Sew in Ladies' Summer LBalmora Bklrts. Linen Lap Robes, Ac, Ac, Ac Oira us a call and look over our stock. are by no means afraid to show our Kooss. ; i BROWN & E0DDICK, 45 Market St. may lb SlOTfl nf t.llP "Rior Kfint- PQi I AM NOW OFFERING ro SELL FOR CASH ONLY, it vYTRVMKinw prthkh tup For LOWING GOOD3: Gent's Bewed Gainers SI 40 " ' Custom Made Gaiters...... 2 -40 " Udies oxed Shoes. M 1.00 i ruM r- . oit i O . I wr" cuppra. .. d.-.i. -i on v,lHc Duypwr...,, Hisses Strap Baadalr 1 15 . , on nwiuuri. - v . . I "wa uanen m.......... Mh rw m. i 9.-BLTJMENTHAL, Lv ig-tf No. 40 Marker Street. Old HewspaTJers, A QUANTITY Of ;OLD K1WSPAPEBS PPtnx.cffered for salecheapat the ptA DAlLTrttsTYIKWiOFFTOl Tins y i . t....- . j w -ai vt . Duim idling, uawi rrtyi, Inspector's Certificates, Crop Liens KmauBKoipl.... ' If, wABROCK; c (IjHejiewulUiag) ' Jo Printer; 6 Tie VOL. V. LOCAL ! NEWS. New Aclveriiseiiienta. Johk E Bakdin New Drnr bture. Misses Kajsei i McQowaji -Sw Stylei in Millinerr and Faicr Gocdg. J so W Gordom A Baa Insurance Agents. J Dickson Mcxds Drug at Wrlghtsville Altaffze, Pbick A Co. Wire Netting, Williams k Mcechison. Corn, Meal,Hay, J Molasses, Coffee, Sogar, Floor, Ac. Tkos H McKof--8eaonable Goods. P HaiHiBiaaBa We Ilayer Yath Or qaet gee ad Ladies' MemoriiV Association. This U tfowKr Latest Styles. John K Bkown Tax : Listing. Fwr other locals se fourth page. Window Glass ah sizee at ltaffer & t i rice 5. What leacli will 30U wasn ou jiw.a 1 seasoL : , Cuild Save your money and buy jour iDg Supplies from Altaffer & Price- t A, man who wants to keep cool and J pass an agreeable summer should fling j awa7 8 tbermcmeter. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, alH .1 I styles and suf, at! AltaCFeb, Pkice & Co's. ' I Marriage U eertainly conducive to loo- cevity. You never bear ot &n uuruarnea I woman attaining to over 20. . ing. , ine raoiaaogwason-Durry.c and was quickly dispatched by officer JimC. . Window Glass of all sizes, Don, Sash and Blinds, Builders', Bard ware,&o Low. st plreces at Jacoui's. J We hcreaiter propose to hurt with a gun that isn't loaded. That is the kind tVtnf 1 j o I n?oro' rwi nir fir anil 1 1 1 II n or Rfime- I tuan to ai n j o tD ti - - - - o thin When a man is fond of liquor the re- J suit will upnear in his pocket, -says a 1 tomrsrjnffl rratrr Does that me;n a pint bottler Ilia uonor Mayor- r ibobidto i uw from the city to remain several days, ana . .1 during his absence Alderman Vplk rs will ofiiciate as ; Mayer pro tern c : - . ' I Several horses are sick in iniauuy; cam to be caused by too rapid driving between this city and the sound, a od improper or ff; nil rMi thorn, 1 UU Blicuuwu n, " " ' Evervbodv can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Deeot- A wouian'cured a' eitting hen the other d iy by placing a red-hot glass egg in the nest. Hens know when not to set as well as the man who gets off a tack. Mauv a babe is unknowingly hurried out oi the world by the pDwerlulopiates freaueatlv given to them. Mothers, use I Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, the safest,cheap:rf"" j - est and best baby medicine in the woria. The Cape Fear is yet quite low, but there is water enough to carry the dele- gates lo tne vouresauj wumuuuu . . 1 . ! 1 IMnAnltrvn'l safelv through to Fayettevilla. But . the fact is they won't naed m.uch water any- hW. ' -.!':: Mr. Nath'i Jacobi having been appoint- ed a-eut for the Atlas Plow, pa ties m want of this celebrated-Plow cn now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front su it. Mr. Thos. II. Howey advertises in this issue of the Review, lie keeps good goods aad sells them at a low prefit. Any article that he-offer s for sale may be reuea upoa as D8iD exacny rcPe8 sented. Our drug stores are now supplied with Malt Bitters." the new Fxd Medicine tnns so hiuhly recommended. Try it n mav you heavv doctors' bills. 4w , Inuicauons . . . . . i .. t : i For the South Atlantic oiaies neariy 1. . . 1 M. A Urmthorlv winda clear or partly cloudy atationarV barometer anu itpjperaiure, weatner. v . . . T 6 , r furnishing eooiia can on .aiciisrB. a. x, x. certaini v nave a L.ito iu i 6uw . . . z .A-aAMMi BWt from at Doitom pncea, aiso . - , . Btocfc o straw, and it unn 5lline low. xoey uaveiu iuD Akt I -niamond Shirt at SI: can t bo beat atSl-25. -L?r We have received from J. Fitzgerald & r? 14?, 4 h Avenue. New York, tLe vv, , , ley' lev's -Town Geology, wun aa Appenaa: fey Haxieyt ; Cora and Coral KeefaV Price 15 cent". ,ce lo ceni5. . -1 To ub5ct,-C.S, J, . ! . . J?,, 3jU0. Four nionmsA0 .,-w w Mle by r. Uein-berger. ' sixth mrmber of the Humboldt Library of Downing. of the firm of Paterson, Down Popular Science, vua Kev Charles Kings- "of thU city, and oi Stanbnd & t ' . . - .. - . 1 1 1 1 1 11 aim VV ILMINGTO ! C,, MONDAY MAY 31, r; u Sale or the C. C. Railway., Accordingjo previously advertised notice, Messrs. K. A. Stedman, Jr., ard Junius Davis, nndar a decree of the HnDrior , . . frt, . nt. hv Hi Honor Judge Averj, tbia cay at noon. offered for sale to the bihett bidder . the property of the U U. Uaiiwfcy. exmnaiog from Wilmington to;' Shelby, and ;ko that portion uncompleted, atdsjet tote built, and to extend from Hald fown'of Shelby to the town of Rutherfaidu u with all railways, rights cf way, derV grounds, buildinga, and U tber property and appurtenances, including rolling stock, engines, and so forth. The decree of the Court was read by Mr. Junius Davis, as well hi tl aivertisement of the sale in pursuance of ana aecree, aucr wuica axr. uin tuciou the property for sale as mentioned above to the hiSht bidder 1 Mr. F.O. French, President of the First National Bank, in New York City, offered $1,200,000 for je property. This vas the first and only bid,. and after dwelling upon the amount offered and giving fair notice three time-, vv wM uu. u v y-v T" a t Tv va V Sf k u. f rencn, a. v. uraves, u. i. jmui- chison. James d.Whedbee and Alexander -V. Stout, committee, on the prt of the "'- -'b-o- e . i : u 1 - . 1.4 J A r Ijr Wilu-u tuo ruu Wtt" BUiU -" I cent, ot the amount 01 the nrsi mortgage bonds. The terms of sale were 8100,000 ...' Cigh to be deposited 'in the Bank Qf New Han0Tei.f and tho bal. an frt he nairl in thirtv. Kixtv and ninety days with interest at G per cent, from date, with the privilege of an- ticipating any dt the payments if so de- sired. A certified eck $100,000. on "aollcauj' f" - . - mains now for His Honor Judge Avery, who is here holding the June term of the Superior Court for this county, to confirm the sale, to make tha bargain complete. We suppose that the purchasers will go to :work immediately Haf orgamz3 a new nmnanv. and we have heard CaDtain D. p Murcbison snested as the rerson most : CXJ A Iikejy to De the .new President. - This. however, is only rumor, tor we knownoth- ing positive about the plan ot a new or- tranization. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer lis the best preparation known to preserve the hair. Use it. Tenth Census The Census Enumerators who are ap pointed to take the tenth census of the United States will commence their work to-morrow. It is to be earnestly hoped tnat the population of this city " will reach 20.000'inhabitants:forif such proves to be the case we will be entitled to a free delivery of the mail as well as may other , . o . . , h . cuy. l, ? i Plows, Shovels, ritohtoiks, Spades, rrT UjTc .T City Court. There were only two; trifl ng cases I e the Mayor pro taa to-day. The first case was tba of Jame.S wane, colorod, charged with disorderly conduct, r0 w hi oh he was mulcted in tha sum of two d-ll3rs and dischargcd. Tho tecond case was that of John Avery, also colcred, who was arrested-by the polico on Sunday morning under rath- er 8uspicious circurcstances.but asnothin could be estatmsnea against uim uu wa discharged. The Court then adjourned. ; 1 ' ' -You caixbuy No.; 1 Cooking and Heats insiovesai imosi u B V.v. Hardware Depot. . Sopcrior Court. The Sptlag term of this tribunal, His Honor Judge Avery presiding, convened at the Court' Hoose this morning. The atteution ot tnc court, uurmg iuc uj up to the time of closing our report, has been nnniedia arrant tbe calendar, ted - v. 01 rUun ; . m, aaj r . v, nnrt will arfioum ai'er me aay s pro- ,d. BnlU FridaJt -m order to give fcliU bUUil ..... d - . , . : . u u... thr Kn the memo oi " , may aesire to uu wffu j attending the Fayette ville Convention. We reretto hear that Mr. Albert B. nh.ri-toi.- 8. C . died.inv uowmui - iU? Utter city yestejday of gastric, fever. ,,;, -, ,,.,,! through thit city thi. I Z.i.' i,V rf u'l. lo Brooklvu lor I r 7 " Iment. r 's . lEVIEW. WiLUlj:GTOs, iN. C . nfay 3 1st, 1880. Editors ti' tue B jkvicw; , Geutlrmcn In;- explanation of the article' which appeared ia your paper on Cjaiurdfy rt-tiecting upon me, I ask that you ptutitaa Ibh enclosed 4 note with as ojucn prt-niiueDce m ou gave the uaid article. ' " - J:4 ' lieneviuR that you did not intentionally intend to Novate a flae impressiea. 1 trtisc that in roximon tairneai yon will pob'ich the bottom fact .-I m. Sirs, Truly yours, EH.Mc Quigu, J. 1. Wii.MrN&'ruN, N, Cr nfay ;Mt 1830. Stacy Van Amringe, Esq Deae Sir: -Please be so kind as to btate the circumstances connected with th issning of a warrant by me about which the Review publish. d an articte on last Saturday. I desire the same for publica tion . I am, sir, truly yours, E. H. McQmoa, J. P. Wilmikgton, N.-C., May 31st, 18S0. E. II, McQuirjrj, Esq , - Dear Sib : in auawer to your note cf this date, 1 will state that J determined to have tbe matter adjudicated in the courts, and it was at my request that the affidavit was made. The reason I did not make the affidavit myself, I was afraid the public would mis construe tbe same, and think it was a col lusion between my brother and myself. I acted without his knowledge in the matter. Ke8pectfully, S. VanAmbinge. Neither the card of Mr. VanAmringe nor the letter of Justice McQaigg, how ever, meets the point upon which we de sired to lay particular stress in our arti cle on Saturday last. Although in this in stance Mr. VanAmringe may hay consid ered himself justified in his course, the assertion remains undenied that the man employed to make tbe affidavit was a man who was convicted of a felony ia the Courts in this county, and it is a well known fact that this same individ ual is . regarded as a ruuner for Justice McQuigg's office and makes frequent affidavits of . breaches of tbe peace tof which he wis neither a party nor a witness, upon which Justice Mc Qaigg issues warrants for the arrest of the parties. This is the nuisance and the outrage to the community which we com plain against, and 1 which we cry out against and Justice McQuig?, or any other Justice who permits such practices.should hi dealt with severely by those who have the administration of the law. New Advertisements. LATEST STYLES ! BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES ! I N 8L1PPERS, SHOE8, and . extra fine Goods for Ladies' and Gents wear. TflOS. H. HOWEY, No. 47 North Market st may 31 3t Croquet. GOOD ASSORTMENT on hand. A Picture Frames, Velvet and Walnut. Fine assortment Picture Moulding, Catto fit any eiae Pictore. O RGAN3 on easy term i. BUOK STORE. may 31 Corn, Meal, Hay. 15,000 Bush Prime White Corn, 600 Bushs Water Ground 1 Meal, V 500 Bales Hay, Floiir,laIolasses,Sugar. 1 200 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 00Hhds and Bbls Symp, New Orleans New Crop Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses. 250 Bbls Sugar,Cut Loaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, Bacon.Lard, Pork, &c, SOO Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 1 50 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 1 25 Bbls City Mess Pork, Bags Coffee, Bio, ; t f i i Laguyra and Java, 150 Boxes Starch, 1 300 Boxes Lye and Potash, -175 Boxes Laundry Soap, 10 O Boxes pure Assorted Candy, I Snuf Tobacco, Paper, Matches, Shot,, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit liarreis, &c. For sale low by , t WILLIA1IB A UDBCHI80ir, may Z I s Wheleaale Gro. A Cob, Herts NO. 84 New Advertisements. Tax Listing. WI L ATTK5D AT THK CITY IIAIL I daily for tbe first twenty working days in Jace, from 9 A. M. to I P. M., and from S to 6 P. M., 'or the puntrse of receivint: the Tax List f Kal and Personal Property for the Citr of ilmington Tax Lister. Seasonable lioods ! FinerEDglisli Brawn, cannot, Canned Pig's Tongue, Canned Beef Tongue, Canned Corned Beef. ORANGES AND LEMONS ! 10 BOXES ORANGES, lO BOXES LEMONF, Pickles. Chow Chow, Picalilly, ' Walnut, Mixed, Gherkin?, and all other kinds in Glass and Vood. Crackers. t Fancy Ci ackers of all kinds, Maccaroons, Kindergartins, Cream Wafers, Cream Crackers, Egg Biscuit. With the above to select from, to gether with a Bottle or Fine Claret or any other Liquid you may call for, there is no need ever to be at a loss for Refreshments when going to the Sound, Smithville, or on any kind of Excursion. TffOS. H, HcKO, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, may 24 5 & 7 North Front St Wire Netting: j - Screens! For Doors and Winders. Good 4o keep oat flies aad mosquitoes. A'so, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, and Building Material Generally. ALTAFFER, rKHJfc & CO. Faetorr: Office: Foot of Walnut st Nutt, near lied Cross st may 31 e We Have T3IA ' OS, ew and 8cdnd Hard, Organs, New aad Seootd Hand, Guitars, Violin, Accordeoes, Baajoa, Tamborinea. Drusas, Fifes Flutes, Sarmonieas, Ax.. At the L YE BOOi BTORE. HAMMOCKri. Cord aad Grass, At chary . Bows asd Arrows. . " Tarf eta aad Qaivara, If tee Balls, Basv Belts aad Cape. - - Croua Bets, Iadiaa Clubs, As , It HEINBBEEGEU'd. may SI - 39 aad 41 Market Brroet. 1880. PLEASE AOTICE. We will beg' ad to receive "eommtialAtIrsS from our fries fs on any and all subjects o general laUrest but : Tae name of the writer most al wys be far - ishedto thc Editor. vConmnnIeations n.ust bewiitten. on on f one side of thejaper. V- Personalities most be aToidvd. 4 And it is especially and paCcaltrly atdef stood that the Editor does cot always eDdcrie the views of correspondents unless so Utt d in the editorial column. I. 'rut ,','ii A New Advertisemonta. Drills at Wrl-ntsvilUv ' T WILL HAVE AT MY REIDKNCE ON -I WrihUTille Bourd, on ard afier Jar, 1st, a complete assortment of LVtJgr, Pafrt Medieiues. JKncy and Toilet Article, ana ... HotBca-tpathic Medicines, wri b I will se I at city frlc u- Prescriptiocs 1 at a l Youfe Kesideauatd Visitors at the Souad are in Tited t give me a Ca!l. may St tf JM)ICKON MC.NPH. LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. rpOE AKNUAL MEf.TINO of the Isd es' Memorial Assrciation will uleplaee on TdesiUf altetnova, Jan st, a-5 o'clccir, at the School House in tbe rear of Jst. Jamta Church on Ma-ket streit. A lu.l attendance ii desired. may 2l New Drug Store -: f , . A COMPLETE srOPK of Puro Vra?t,1 Cheimculs, Patent Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Cigars, Ac, will be found at nao l'rog ctore oi . JNO. H. HARDLY, NtwilarkeL 3U Prefcriptions comoonndd with rr and accuracy. may 31 . The New Hat Store. Q ALL AND EXAMINE MY SUMMEK 8tyles ot'8traw and Felt Hats. They ani pretty and cheap. . : :JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 rr on t street, m73l Next to 1'urccllHcuae. MISSES KARRER- & McGOVAK, JJEALERB IN MILLINERY AND FAN0Y GOODS, Are jaet in receipt of a fresh -Invoice ot Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Suits. Also.Miifc, phildrens' and Infants! Clothinr. New styles in Millinery just in and opened, besides newer sules of Hair Goods just received at No. U Bouth Front 8treet. may 31 Wotice. ALL PERSONS are h3reby ' warned agairst harboring- cl 5 "V; or trustinsr anv of the crew - of iUX the British briar B UH IK, Captain UW Fred Small, as no debts of their 2K52Iir contracting will be paid by tie Master or ALEX, M'iiUNT & HON. may 29-3t Coasignces. Strawberry Festival, rpHE TO UNO LADIES of tbe Firft Pre r byterian Church will hare a Strawberry and , Ice Cream Festival at the City Hall, ilON DAY EVENING, tho 31st inet. may 29 JOHN W. G0EDOX. w. J. OOEDOX JHO. W, GORDON & BRO., GENERAL INSURANCE A GTS- REPRESENTING fJVR' $80,000,000 Assets. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE. ' a ZVorth Water Street. may 14-mon-firi-tf 1 . Fayctteville Conycnlldjit' THE BTilli. A. P. HUT, Capt, A. H. Wo th, TI!f!eave flurry. her wharf foot cf Chestnut street, at 'J. 20 A. 1L, Jane 1st, taking D:Iegat?s or Vititors to tbe Congressional ConTention to bV.held at Fayetteville, Juae 2. Fare for round trip incladlnz tuiils IZ. WORTH A 'WORTH, Atrts. may 2v3t nae Mrs. S. J Baker 9.. Zs2ZZiZiZC727Zl?, Corner Third and Orange ( trtefcl. . .Wilmington, N C. ; h' v, C ALL AND KXAMlAEmy hprLvtjic, of Hats,. Bonnet.. Uibbona ' H&wtii. Feathers, Ornament ef all kind Cbuatrv orders promptly fillad. llair Work, dvee iu all the improved :tylr7 MRS. B.J. BAKER. ' An Opportunity. . JESIRINO TO CUANOH MF BUiJnj NESS, I offer for sale the stock, fixtures axil food will of my Slip; Oroce:j anY'chtn- dttlj. 8mali espital cear j. , a i vv t . Intelligent man can build up a avovfta paylnjr business Pull particulars pfn. 1J man CHA.S J. ilVfc'RB. nl J M 3t P. O. HoxASL KEEP COOL NEW ICE XHiklAi SALOON. - oaw XAM PREPARED TO BZntdl'msfojV - . i ff !'irj.fut ! lie with tbe best Ice Cream maie of ours Cream. lee cold cUk by ib9hgmum,t jj 1 ' Orders tclldttdU -x7: i m'Ul W f : ; p. Christ. miylS-lw & arlcchutct Bakery. .A i i ti