il 4 s H I ) News from Europe Losdon, MJ 29-Iu the House of Common, today Premier Gadstone aid be did not retract the epithet in -hidi he applied to the Anglo- V to repeat hl?A,T. w X Govt rnment was not epithets w tw vention. 'To IbHou of Lords yesterday Ihj land service, was read for the Imt at. Aborigines Protection Jiociety haa received a telegram Das 1 1 wo in-" . .Ktiner that Town, dated tnei mo., - papers before ratliameui. dispatch fiom the AUDQiQiBttlu u .hit there is an exeeatiTe strain m6?h inVaJM o the Brutes owing to SffdKymV Ue -ports that the aaitation i. iJe.pread. that the whole country is bewi dered, and tha prestige . f the Government is at low eob aud calls for physical foi.e. Frederick Sharpe, stock an J stare broker here, has failed owing to losses in the Araericau department on the E Thgraph between the frontier cf British Bu.mal and Maudalay. fee been cat. lower house 15ei;lin, May zs u .... hill Uerr von Puttkam mi Minister of Eccliaat cal Ailaira SS' a compromise wAhkh O-nicb was only attainable little by little in tb P r J-Un Legislature The oUnee relating to the recal of bishops.mnst Hbsolufelyb. passed. The .nam ob ject of the other clauses was to pre tent faardh oollisiona with the May laws on questions which conld only be dealt witb from a political, not an ecclesiastical, point of View, tleir. Windhorst, of the Centre, oppo-cd the measure and declared that uo peace could be concluded without the i ope The debate was then adjourned. Losios. May 29-A Berlin despatch to the Standard Isayj: ;The commis ion appointed by Bqsbi to investi Kate tne condition of herirju lndurfrj baa ,ecommended that agricultural and other machines frcm abroad hith crto imported free of customs dutj shall heuceforth pay a duty and thai the duties on those already liable stfah be largely iccreaeed.' St Pki'er burg, May 28 aii me aentencesof the -JUhiliat prisoners ai the Weimar trial have been commuted fc) twenty and fifteen years at hard iabor in the miues respectively. lie mb, May 28-In the Chamber of Deputies at the second balloting for the Presidential Bureau Bignpn Bigu ente and Vare. Dissidents rMarroga nato, Constitutionalist, and Span tigati, Ministerialist, were elected if "J idents. Signor Farini accepted the Presidency of the Chamber, stating that on account of the unanimous vote he could not refuse. -. Constantinople, May 28 three Mussulman prisoners cUarged with the recent attempted assassins tion and robbery of Mr Burness, an English subject, have been tried and sentenced-two to fifteen years and the other to seven years penal servi- tQMr Goschen, the new B itish Am baasador, has arrived and Sir Austin Layard will leave for Eugland on Bagusa. May 28-The Chief cf the Albanian Laague decided on ,the G.D t arAur the forces at luii to take the offensivj against the Monte negrins. Telegram to the Greensboro fatiiot Episcopal Comenllon. TniRD Day's EBtioN. Winston, N. C , May 28-4 P. M. Th (Convention mei in Brown' Hall at 9 o'clocs a m. ti:-u Vn Uiehnn LiVUQftn in the A number of clergy and dele ...i.i.wr i.v Ust bveninflr's trait. fHVOS HHB J fill ml 1 Afl The first ousiness in order was th nnAamant of oommitteea and tht reference of bus neaa to each, also the eleotionof standing commutes wmUU consumed the morning hour. The proceedings aie entirely har monious, and the delegates both cleri cal and laymen are bu?y, and all speak in the highest terms of the bospitaht j and cleverness cf our twin cities. Bab; Prizes, $600 An eminent banker's wife of r? Y has induced the proprietors of thai great medicine, Hop Bitters, to offer $000 in prizes to the youngest child that says Hop Bitters plainly., in auy lau-uase, be tween May 1, lvSO, and July 4, ISM. This Is a liberal and interesting ofler, ana everybody and his wife should send two cent stamp to the Hop Bitters Ml'g. Co. Bochester, N. Y., U. S. A., for circular, clving full particulars, and begin at once u teach the chidren to say Hop Bitters and secure the jrize. Thermometrlcal. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this mora ine at 6:56 o'clock : ttaata, G. I Mobile, Ala..... 79 luKiuta, Ga. JJ Montgomery Ala... J naiM.lU ?hTdl I? Charleston, 8. C....80 0 jicinnati... " Ooraicana,Tex......T7 ort Uibeon, 1.T.J8 Oalvetton " Indianoia.r......-0 JaekaonTille, tU " Jnoanlle. 1 ..khirir..Mm New Orleanai...MM.79 New York..........67 PunU IUMvHa...7H Sarannab. Qa.......78 Shrereport. H Si. Louii Mo 6 St. X arks, Fla....00 I Vicksburp, HU8....7S I Wa8hinirton.....MM.8 JiJIVH-.' 74 I Wilminton.M....M.78 1 llonschold Feed. A book on the LA ver, its disaues and their treatment sent tree. Indnding treatises opon Liver Complaints, Torpid UTer, Jaundice, Biliousneas, Headache, ru.?t!nn DvsDensia. Malaria, etc A.MMb'Dr. Sauford, 102 Broadway, York. N. Y. . w CAB 0 LIS A. Charlotte less: We learn as we to press tbat Cabarrus Democratic f!nvpniinn trrfJav.endorsed for Jaxvis ad Rol iason for Governor and Jjieut Governor, and Maj C Dowd for Uon gress. Raleieh Tost: Mr Bst, they say, has come to time, and wi'.limrntdjateij assume control of affairs in the West ern enterprise. On Thursday night we reoeivtd information direct from New York through a source we could not discredit, that Messrs Urac, lap- pan and Jbrsn nai positively wuu drawn from Mr Best on the ground that the property was worth nothing like 88 ruach ai represented to them. The absence of either of the tt ret names in the Directory, would seem to oonfirm the Btatement to u Raleiph Xtws: Mr Matthew E J dits, a Wake county farmer, who livet neai Eagla Keck, is JO years old, but he cut a new toota the other day foi all that. This caae will bs considered at the Dental Convention next week - Wo Jaw yesterday a very hue minute boolc presented to tiie ooeiety of Aiumui ot tne Uaiverpi y by Colo nel W L Sduaders, the Hecretary and Treasurer of that .body. The assis tant secretary, Mr E B Edgelhard, was busy preparing it for the meeting at the commencement next week. Oxford Ficc Lai ce: Our doctors" are now kept veiy busy tL.u au unusual quantity of bickneaa is reported liirougUout the country. There are now five prison rs confined in the couuty j til, of whom two aie women charged witn 'the mudi3r of their own children. The- smoke-house of Mr J tones Waller, oi Kaapp of Keed, was raided. upon lat Satuaday night ud a large quantity of meat, meal &i3, carried oil' -Entrance was eff ct cd ly zntLLbof alaleekey. NewbciMia-v. It is now twuntyfour dajB iiloj we have hud a notic'eab e ra n in i Lis immeuite n cUon ht ciierinomete'ra in this city for the uaHt lew days, hava ludicated the weather heat during the warmest houre, at from 0J to 97 degrees E'tWis Miller, Frank Arobihiid aud Wafinmgtou White, -tne isiceudiary tol ored trio who were comiiiit ed by Mcty- or Alauly for selling Jire to our oouu y jail vihi.e cntin.;d as pritouert bereiu en iha night of January IQ'.h last, weru tried before Judge Gudger onWedDts by lijst, foucd guilty, and aentenceu to the penitentiary Millei for 25 years und toe other two for lo years each r - CoLCJrd Su. The wheat is being harvested and turns out pretty fair. Between cradiitg wheat and killiDg glass the faimeiatind th niseives busy enough aud we hardly ever see one in town to ask how the crops are getting on. me ciock wagon tnat naa been going about the country, has been heard from, btoppiagj at the house of cf an eld lady in Bowan, they tried to sell her a "clock, but faiU hg to do so, they concluded to leave one at ner nouse anyway, until tney cailed again. She signed: a paper that they drew u and which they told her was merely a certificate show mg that they had left the clock at her noU3e. O-iu of her neighbors saw it the uext day aud it proved to be a ohattel LuorfgagQ for 38 which she uad signed. Tiiey have not yet come back for the clock, but when they do them's going to baa row. - Charlotte Observer: Special tdle grams to the Observer give the follow tug information concerning the con ventions nefd in neighboring counties yebterday: Cabarrus eenda iustruo tions for Mcj 3 Dowd, of Charlotte for Congrssej, and Jarvis and Holt foi Governor aud Lieut-Governor Gita wba instructed for M L McCorkle for Congress. No instructions were given as to State ollioera, Statesville town ship conventions voted down a reeoiu tion idfetructing for Armfield for Con gresB, but passed one instructicg for Jarvis., -Mr W A Stanton, who rectntiy succeeded Mr Arthur Macy, as supdrintendent of the King's Moun tain Mine, ryas in the eity yesterday afternoou, and. brought with him 214 onuoes of "amalgam which is to be sep arated at the at-eay effioe. This was taken from a 'cleaning up' after a run of 157Zhours. The mine is now work- mg 100 bands and is doing better than it has done for several years, a rich vein having recently been struck in the new works. It is learned that the Carolina Central. Railway ComDanv will run an extra train to Rockingham on the d y the district convention meets. Raleigh .Observer ;. Old bonds to the amount of 29,000 were received at the State Treasury yesterday. During the week S 78. GOO were received. rhe total subscriptions to the fand for the erection of monument to Crocker and McMillan, who lot their Uvea in Penny's pond, on the 8th, aow amount to $325 96. Maj J W Wilson re ports that the Western road is craderl to Asheyilie. he work of IayiDz iron could do completed in three weeks- Iron will have to be purchased, as there is not sow enough to lay the track to Asheville. The collec tions and deposits of internal revenue in the Fourth district of North Caro Una for the week ending May 29, 1880, amounted to kS.obO.oi. The grantees of the Western .North Caro lina Railroad have organized the new company in accordance with the pro visions ot me act making tha sale of the property, by electing as a Bjard f Directors the following gentlemen W J B st, T M Logan F F Milue,' John Hoey, W T Dortcb, Ji B Vance. A B Andrews, A C Arery and W E Anderson. They have paid to the State Treasury $1 9S5 33, the interest on the first mortgage bondd n armed to be paid by them, according to the contract, from the date of the ratifies tion of the act up to the first of May. They have alto deposited in the Slate Treasury $10,014 66, : ir Husk , a am is more than sufficient to cover the other expenditures made by the Btatd sine the ratification. The new administra tion anrounia their raadiness to take posaaesicn of tha read to-day, and be gin work. Mr Best will be here to morrow, and go vigorously to work next week. Col R G A Love, a brother of Auditor Love, while riding between Waynesville and the White Sulphur Springs, la t Monday, fell from his horse with an spopleolio seizure, to which he was subject, and died in fifteen minutes. THE MAILS. ; i 1 Tne mails close and ar'rivt Poet Office as follows : Northern through and way . mails lialeigb .5.30 a. m.. . .and Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O .Railroad, at Southern mails for all pjints South, daily.... Western mails (C C By) daily (except Sunda) Mail for Cheraw & Darling- at the City 5:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 5;30 p. m. 7:45 p. m 5:00 a. m. 7:45 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m 6:00 a. m 9 00 a m 6;00 a. ro. ton - Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston...... . Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays Fayetteville, via Lumberton, - daily, except Sunday..;... OubIow C. H. and intermedin ate effices,every Friday...... Smithvillo mails, by steam, boat, daily, (except Sun day?). Mails for Esy HillTown Creek and Shal'otte, every Friday at.......... i... Wilmington and 'Black River Chapel, Tuesdays and Fri days at.. Mails for North of Richmon at 2.30 p. m 9:30 a. m. I will clse OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails..".... .................. . 7:C0 a m. Southern Mails 7 30 a.- m. Carolina Central Railway 9:15 a. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for sa'.e at, general delivery when stamp office is closel. Mails collected from streut boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. When you visitor leave New York City, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant. iinAiimauteri at. mod ft rate nriees. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly Quite a number of the delegates from the several counties to the Congressional Convention have arrived in the city, and will leave for Fayetteville on the steamer to-morrow. Ladies' Mttuorlal Association. Tha Ladies' Memorial Association will hold their annual election for officers to morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock iu . the school room in rear of St. James' Church. A fu'l attendance is desired. Accident To day as a horse and cart Lelongiug to Mr.' A. .Y. Wilson was coming out of the yard of Messrs. McDougall & Wil liamson, ou Chestnut street, by some ac cident the horse was thrown, and in hit. fall broke one of the shafts ef the cart. The horse in falling landed partly upon the sidewalk with his head in the gutter, a position in which be mast have suffertd much paio, and from which he was lib erated with considerable difficulty. Rt&dy mixed Taints, strictly t ure While J-jead, UcIots, Jirusnes, w udow Glass, C, at JACOBl'S ! Druzs at WrlzutsrUIe. . Mr. J. Dicksou Munds advertises in this issue of the Review that he will keep at his . residence on Wrlghtsville Sound a complete assortment ef drugs, medicines, patent medicines, fancy and toilet articles and Uomcoepathic medi cmes. Prescriptions will tt accurately compounded aad delivered at. city prices. In the establishment of this drug store a long felt want will be filled and we trust that the projector will meet with that success which his energy so justly deserves. Decoration Day. To -day is Uet apart as a day for the decoration of the graves of Federal sol diers who lost their lives iu the late war There will be no public demonstration in this city, so far as a procession is con earned, but there will be appropriate ex erciies at the Cemetery. During .the ceremonies the revenue cutter Colfax will fire minute guns, commencing at 4:3 j p. m., and continuing until 5:30 p. m I he cutter is appropriately dressed to-dav with .the many flags . necessary to her branch i f the service. Wilujlnffton District Second round of quarterly meetings fcr tnc Wilmington District, Methodist unurcn outti. a. v a'' uoaiow. ai jacxaonvuie. Juue & a Duplin, at Providence, . June 12-13 Clinton. It Salem, Jane 19.20 L. 0. Bubxhead, Presiding Elder. LOCAL NEWS. Fell From Ike Third story. Elijah Smith, a white lad (about 14 yean of age, employed by Mr. D. A. Smith as a varnish boy in his furniture establishment on Front street, fell from the third story to-day": about 1 clcck The little fellow was taking j his dinner hour, and after his meal, which le had brought with him in a bucket, commen ced playing with the fall and tackle on the East end of the building There was no one but bimself and an old colored woman in the third story at the time of the accident, and we understand from her that little Smith was trying to draw up a hogshead .when he lost bis balance and fell agaicpt a bar across the' door which gave way and precipitated bim to the ground, thirty feet below. Doctors Wa ker and Burhatk were called in and after exami natif n prononucel thittl e little: fe'low' 1 jf was broken. The sufferp.r also era -plained of his back. There jtnay be sortie iaternal ii ju' e which may result in death. The little fellow we ut!lerfctand is i n o-phan and liTes with hi sier on Fro t, between Castle and Queen streets. )SIMERCIAL SEW8 WILMINGTON MAHK.KT - 1 MAY 31 -4 M. 2SP1UITS TURPENTINE Qnotetl firm at 21 cents. We hear of small sales at that fig ure. KO SIN- Quoted firm at $1 05 for strain ed and 81 10 for Good Strained. Later sal s 500 bbls Good Strained at Si 10. TAR Quoted firm at Si 25 per bbl of i0 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted stetdv at $1 50 for Soft and 52 40 for Virgin. COTTON Quoted dull. Np sales report d The following are the official quotations: Ordinary 0 Cents. Good Ordinary... 10 " how Middling 10 Middlincr 11 " Good tfiddlinr 1B daily aaoairts OoUod 22 bale 8 Spirits Turpentine lfO casks Roeia.. 285) bb a Tar ; ;.. 7 " Orde TorDentine.. 327 " Chicago Markets. Chicago, May 31, 1S80. Jun Wheat 9:30 a rn. $l 01? : 10:30 am. $1 Olf ; 11:30 a no, $1 01 ; 12:30 p m, $1 OU J 1:30 P m, $1 01. June uorn y.-uo a m, 3&lc; 10:30 a m 35c ; 11:30 a m, S5il 12:30 p m, 35c: 1:30 p m, 3oic. June Pork 9:30 a in, $10 02 ; 10:30 a m, $10 02 ; 11 30 a m, $10 00 ; 12:30 p m, $10 00 ; 130 p m, $10 05. June Lard 9:30 a m. $(5 421 - 10 30 a m, $6 42; 11:30 a m, $6 37 : 12:30 p m, $6 37; 1:30 p ra, $6 37 bid. June short Kibs-9:30 a m, $6 10 bid ; 10 30 a m, $6 10 bid ; 11 30 a ra, $6 07 ; p II, 9U 2 j XiOKJ p in, 90 IU. xieceipi or noga, ao.ouu. IIA&INE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam-yacht Passport. Harper. Smith vllle. Geo Myers. steamer Elizabeth, iilsbee. Smith ville. Matiter. Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth fe Worth. 8chr Jno PKeJsey. Steltman. Rannahan- nocfe, Barriss &. Howell. Br uarque V'icK Mebane, fcto'd. Queens- town, C P Mebane CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith vllle, (io Myers. Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smithville Master. Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth fe Worth. Nor barque Viking, Kasmusen, Ham burg, Heide & Co, Nor brig Gazellin, Wiebye, Rotterdam, C P Mebane. Nor bria; Hildlng, Janseu. Antwerp, C P Mebane. Exports. OOA8TWISX. New York Steamship Regulator 541 bbls rosin. V2a.Z2 ft lumber. 104 bales cotton. 1.- 012 casks ttpts 65 bbls crude, 50 do pitch, 94 uo tar, Si uo pora, 1 a peanuts, Si pkgs mdse. roaaisH. Hamburg Xor barque Yikiag, l,C2i caaka spirits. Rotterdam Nor brif Oaxellan, 1,550 casks spirits, 190 bbls roam Antwerp Ker brig Hildiag, 1,300 casks spirits 350 bbls rosin. List of Vessels . Over 100 tons in Port May 29th, 1880 BARKS.) Nor Viking, 264 tons, Rasmussen, Master. Br Susie, 302 tons, Small, Alex Sprunt & So Ger Zrna, 5S2 tons, Voss, E 6 Barker & Co Ger Sirene, 500 tons, Callies, Feschau& Wcstennann BIUGS. Sp Fred B Bice, 227 tons, Laid up for repairs Nor Helding, 36 tons, Jorgensen, CP Mebane Nor Gazellon, 202 tons, Wieby, CP Mebane SCHOONERS. . Br A F Randolph, 155 tons, repg, Sol Bear & Bros. Am Florence N Tower, 173 tons, Adams, Worth & Worth Am Lizzie Lane, 231 tons, Webb, EG Barker fc Co Am Etta M Barter, 273 tons, Barter, EG Barker & Co Foreign Vessels for thisPort (Corrected Weekly.) ' Ger bark Carl Mai, 294 tons, Boyd, sailed from Bremen. May 11. Br bark Harj frost, 283 tons, Williams, at Liverpool, My 13. Nor bark A del helm, Busbje, safe 3 from Bremes, April IS. C er brig G C Miche's, DilviU, sailed from Hambarg, April 4. i Br brigr D H Bliss, Jones, aaOedfrom Liv-" rpool, Jan 19." BrbajkYic A ktbur, -J9 tons. Bojd. sailed front Qaee&atown. April 24. MK. J. a. ttVTKd, Sewfeaper Adrertis fa A teat, 41 Park Kow, (Time Baildar), hew Yorsr, is aathorizadto contract for ad verUsemenU In the Oxilt Rxviaw and Wil iHerea JotraaaL, at oar lowest rater ) The following a notations renresents wnoietaie prices generally, la macing up small order higher price have to be eharjtd BAOG IK Q Q v jy 1 Doable Anehur 1 11 O H Double Anchor "A" f 10J Standard Domestic.......... J 11 BACON North Carolina, Bams, V eeeeeeeeeee) 10 o n 8houldert, B) k Q 6 Sides, fi 7J X Western Smoked Hams. 12 IS Sides, ? lb...... Shoulders... 6 Q Dry Salted Sides, V & - IX Shoolders, fi..M Q- 6 BEEF Live weight...... IX BARRELS Spirits. Turpentine Second Hand, each. ....... I 60 New York,eaeh, new 1 85 2 00 aEKSWAX fi 20 21 B K I C KS Wilmiaeton ,VU 8 00 10 00 Northern 00 14 Of SUTTEH North Carolina 11) 12 18 Northern, fi) 18 25 UANDLES SpennVfi) 35 40 . Tallow, V tt..... UK Aduuantine,l?set 9 11 CHEESh Nortiern Factory, "9 Ih . 13 14 Dairy cream, V & 14 O 15 Sute, lb... 10 11 COFFEE Java, lb 28 SO Rio, a.... ViQ 3u Lagajra, V lb 18 a 10 CORN MEAL V huthel.... 77Ji COTTON TIE8y bdl 1 75 2 60 DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 j ard 7 Yarn, bunch 1 10 1 20 FiBH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 O20 00 Noi 1,X bbl 8 75 9 00 Hackerbl, No. 2, y bbl....l2 50 00 0C !o. 2,y X bbl 6 00 6 6C Mackerel, No. 3 V bbl.... .00 00 8 5C Mullets, y bbl 2 25 2 60 N. C. Herring, keg 5 50 6 00 Dry Cod, ft 7 0 FLOUR Fine, bbl 0 00 4 00 Snper, Northern, bbl... 6 00 6 50 Extra do " V bbl... 6 00 6 60 Family " V bi... 7 00 8 50 City WillEi,.Super bbl... 7 00 7 25 Family y bbl... 7 60 7 75 " Ex. Family? bbl... 8 00 8 25 ERTILIZERS PeraTian Onano, 3C001b.65 00 0 00 Carolina Fertiliser " " UO 00 42 00 Navassa Guano, " " qC 00 42 00 Complete Manure " " CO 00 67 00 Whacn's Phosphate " 00 00 42 00 Wando Phosphate, " 00 00 42 00,, Wilcox, Oitb A Co., ma- nipulated Ouano 0 0 00 45 00 GLUE? B 8 14 GRAIN Corn,store,V66St 75 Corn, cargo, ? 56 ms...... 68 O Oorn,yeL, V ousheL.. None. MiOato, bushel. 62)iO 60 65 4 Peas, eow, V bush).. ee eeeee HIDES Green, ? B Dry, fi 10 . 12 HAY Eastern, ? 100 Bs... I 10 1 25 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON ? ton 1 00 1 05 LARD Northern lb 7X North Carolina lb....... 11 124 LIME bbl 1 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawed,VM ft. 18 00 20 00 Rough edge plank. ? M ft. 16 00 18 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? M ft.. .13 00 16 00 Dressed floor ing,ieaoned . 15 00 25 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, " M ft 12 00 14 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd?gl 37 & Cuba, bbls., V gal. 39 Sugar house, hhds. ? gal. 21 " bbls.? gal... 25 Orleans Choice bbls. ? gal. t6 66 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,Vk'g 6 25 OILS Kerosene, ? gal. 9 Lard, gal , 1 10 1 45 Linseed, ? gal 1 00 1 10 Rosin, V gal PEANDTS ? bushel 12 20 90 G 1 POTATOES Sweet,? bus. 00 60 Irish, Northern,? bbl 2 25 2 60 PORK Northern, city mess. 14 00 14 60 Thin, ? bbL 00 00 00 00 Prime, ? bbl (extra )..... ..CO CO 00 00 Rump, ? bbl 00 00 00 00 BICE Carolina, ? fl 7 7lA East India, ? Ib 00 00 Rough, ? bushel 1 10 1 60 BAGS Country, ? lb ljf Oity,?2 m I ROPii Hemp....- 13 Manilla 1 SALT Alum, ? sack...... 70 00 , Liverpool, ? sack 60 00 American ? sack 00 00 Marshal's fine, ? sack.MM. 1 40 Cadis ? sack..... 70 00 SUGAR Cuba, ? St 9 10 Porto Rico. ? fi 10X 00 A- Coffee, ? lb 10f 11 B ? fi 10 C " ? 3b........... Ex C ? lb..... 9x Crushed ? Ib. 'lift SOAP Northern, ? 2b...... 6 0 Z IX SHINGLES Contract,? 8 00 7,60 Common,? M 1 60 2 25 HTAVE.4 W. O. bbl. ? M.10 00 16 00 R O hhd. ? E. ...00 CO 00 00 TALLOW? fi 8 00 ' TIMBER Shipping ? M ...10 00 12 00 Mi 1, extra per M 8 50 10 75 Mill, prime per M 7 00 8 00 Mill, fair per M 5 00 6 50 Common, per M 4 00 4 60 Inferior to Ordinary, per M 3 00 4 00 WHISKEY North'n, per jjl 1 26 6 CO North Caroina, per gal... 2 00 2 CO WOOL Unwashed, per lb... 2t 28 Washed, joer lb......-..M -30 35 ; Burrv wool, per ft.......... 18 0 CLYDE'S Mew Yovh AND Wilmington. RS. C, Steamship Line. THE STEAMER 1 REGULAi ?, : CAPf. DO AXE, I SAIL ROM NEW YOZH o SATURDAY, Jano 5. Asa. Shippers eaa rely cpvB the prompi astilinjc f Steamers as advertised. for Freight Engagement appl u TIIOS. R. BO.fD, 8up t. Wilminarton,. (L TUEO. O. EGER, Freight Agent. T1L P. CLYDE A CO.. -w VMk atJ 17 35 Broadway. New York. iliscellaneoug WILMIIIUIUII 4 VEl7 RAILROAD. iiiinvMn PASSENGER DiPARTMENf Wilmington, C., May 26ih, ; QOMMENCINO JUNE lBt 13 0 ' Trip Tickets to the Mineral Bprirgs and Smmer f forts of Virginia.-West Viigij! and Forth Carolina, ill be on sale at the Coupon lick t of this K ad via Goldsboro. (tu, . mend or Petersburg, and t(, i0 Resorts f npptr Fouth Cardit. , d , ern Noith Carolira, U Wi!n.iD(rt t ColuujLia. For '1 ickets, I'i iee Li,t atd : ' i , . t conUiticg all nedful information the undersigned, or Ticktt k , mtngton, W Ison, Weldon, Tarb, r., Goldfcborc. PtiP may 29-1 u Gen'l P.isecg er ' , WIIMINGTON, COLUMBIA UCUSTA R. R, u UL tX-J- PASJSKSGER DEPAliTAllNi; Wilmington, N. C, May 2Cth, -its. QOMMENCING JUNE 1st, 1860, trip tictets to the Mineral Springs and Summer h soi ts of Virginia, West Virgi u and Forth- Carolina, will be on sale at the Conpon Ticket (fit of this Foad. 1 s For Tickets, Price Lists ind Time IVi eontaiiing all needful informatioa, ciili the undei tinned, or Ticket Agents ' mirgton, Ilcrence, Sumter or ColBatii. A. POPE, may 29 1 in Cen'l Pas enfer ient SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Speer's Port Grape Win Fours Tears Old. rpiIIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED JfATin Wine is made from the jnlce ot the Oport Grape, raised in this country. IU inrilui Tonic an4 StrewrtlieniM FrciEiS are nnsarpassed by any other natire Wia oeing me pure juiee oi tne grape, proow tinder Mr. Speer's own personal superrii its pnrity and genuineness are gnirimrf The v Gun treat child bit nrk n iuM ons qualities, and the weakest invalid use u 10 aavantage. It Is particularly ficial to the aged and debilitated, aud ri to the varinna illmnr t. . mi v. ex. It is, in every respect, A WISE TO I Speer's P. T. Slicrrr, The- P. J. SHERRY Is a Wine of 9U11 RIOR CHARACTER and partakes ttt golden qualities of the grape from im uiHiD. r ur jacuiyjiri A. Li rxiVl tan, it will be found unexcelled. I Speer P. J. or Pedro J. Inst, Thin noted Brandy Is a pare diitiH from the grape and u equal to the Uneitfi nessy or Otard Brandies; for medicistlft poses it can be relied upon as strictly p1 Bee that the signature of Alfred Passaic, N. J., ii over the cork of each K tie. - I A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vfcejti New Jersey. Office, So. 3Warrei St,f ork. For sale by tfBEEN k FLAV5.' B,J-( MDND8, Druggists, and P. L BRIDGE CO aoril I The Cosmopolitan i4 TS THE PLACE TO GET AST sSi of the fancy, dfclicious, ecollBg4t'ttso(t Season. Ice cool Lager alwaji None but the very best of Liquors i& at this Bar. Cigars f the bttt brat always be fouid at the Gosmopolius. msy 34 Jlo. 12 MirW Go. toLVanOrsdell RT GALLERY TO-DAY, Uj" see the mcst beautiful line oi FaaJ yrn Easels, Fasel Frames, Papepsrtc Mouldings for making fiaei, Tassels, BUver and Gold Wire, ie-i ltredin this city. P 8Partlet tending babies toB ..V tt'. to be Photographed. wil pleasew envelope, htndle earelnlly. i C. M, VAaORDFXt, Sea-Side! , rpuB STUU. PASSrOBT will commence on 8U5DA T, April 25th, and will roaUaas V$1 J U he 8EA-8IDE, lraviog at 9.S0 J-Jt further noi ice. O fc0. M V : apl 22 .

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