? m mm T1II8 paper eJ arery afternoon, Bnaaays if , osii. t. J A M KB. lM(;Rirrio.psrACJK paid. ,rr rer will be delivered by earn art, l,fBUr,re, it any part of the city, at the r'1"8' or 13 centa per wci. 9 low and liberal juheribers will pleaae report any and .. 'iilorf to receive ttieir papers regularly. New Advertisements. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., . ae DEMONSTRATING THE FACT A that Vrr Woods can be bought as Win ia tbii city s in any other iq tbis ..trr. - ar spice will not allow- us to fill uimacb adri8i'',batyou always receive eri1 welcome t rur- place of business. from 8c to $1. In alt the latest fabrics. P2INTED LAWNS. - PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS Ladies' Muslin and Lace Neck Wear, sach as Fichus, Tiff, Jabots, Ae. - 8ilk Handkerchiefs in Twill and Brocade. RUCHINGS OF EVEDY DESCRIPTION -'. From 14 cents to $5. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Eror shown it this city, from 15c to 10, each. Dress Buttons. Oar selections in this department embrace many novelties. Ourvarlety ia immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear, N'aturU Colored and Figured Linon for Stairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. Corduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rufflings 50 cents, J . ... . Pometbing New ia Ladies' Summer kBalmora 8kirta. Linen Lap Robes, Ao., Ac, Ac. Uire as a call and look over our stock. We are by no means afraid to show our roods. BKOWII & BODDICK, 45 Market St. Sign of the Big- Boot. I AM NOW OFJFEUING TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY, AT KXTRKMK LOW PRICES, iTIlE FOL LOWING GOODS: Jenfs Hewed Gairers.... - 40 " Custom Made Gaiters ..tL. 2 40 Laced Calf Tie Shoes .....S I 20 Foxed 6hoes.. -1 OO a " Newport Ties 90 Opera Slippers 1 25 ' 8tr P Bardal .. .......... 1 20 44 Crrqaet Blippere, ... . C5 Strip Sandals ..1...... 1 15 Butto Gaiters. 1 20 iltoia-s Btrap Baadalr....M.... 90 Button Gaiters 90 . BLUMINTHAL, -T I3- No. 40 Marker Street. Old Newspapers; :? r QUANTITY OF.OLD NEWSPAFBB3 Wrppta, goffered for saleeheapat the DAILT:&KVIK!r,OrriG rOK SALE LOW. Bills Lading Charter ptj. Inspector's Certificates, Crop Liens kr Bteamera Receipts, Ac, i , T bit U4iB,f) JobPrinter. SBDDBHONSTEillOH i i I ! J ail lrJ.-4 & VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. :ew Advci-ttscirientii. Jhh Jcdae A Card. Cue. a, Carlzt 4 Co Kerosene OiL D litiaiN Ginger Pop. F BaiHBBiaeaa We Ilaro. Yatkj. Croquet Wii.dowGiass-ilKjizes at -SlUfJfer & Price's... ''r-',vr-". . " f Atd rfaiiu Yolfcrs, Mayor 2lr& temp , had no cas;'S . for.'lih-cdTffittleratiori this You cau buy 1 Cupkinti a 'ml Hats ins'.oveaat .lnKstway price at J avoui' Hardware Depot. The Census Enumerators are on the fly no- from early mom to dewy eve, and tbey say that they ask- folks all sorts of impertinent questions hut then they are dworn to do it. Te Supreme Court will meet next Mon day. The two first days of the term will be devoted to the examination of candi dates to practice law. The names of efeven candidates have already been regis tered with the Clerk of the Court. Oae of the most frequent troubles of early childhood is imperfect digestion, causing Colio, Diarrfcoji, etc. These dis tressing and often dangerous ailments are promptly relieved and cured by the use f Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents. New Manufactory. , Mr. D. Ltetgen has recommenced the manufacture in this city of his celebrated ginger pop. Do ia an ' old hand at the bellows and his goods are as represented. They are pure and unadulterated, and are guaranteed to give 'eatiafacticn. Persons) in the country would -do well to give him a trial. He has a good city trade and his goods are always in demand. 'y f k- . : Arrived All Rislit. The delegates from this, city and sur rounding counties, who Itft here ysster day morning on the ste&meta? Mufckisoh and' Hurt, arrived" safely at FayefetevHIe this morning in time for breakfast. We have made arrangements for Fpecial re ports from the Convention which will be found elsewhere, provided anything has been transacted up, to the hour of our go ing to press. . , t Boy Reported to liavc been Kccot ered. It has been indirectly reported, to Con oaer Hewlett that the body cf one of the colored men who were drowned from off the schooner Charles Thomas, while lying in Moore's Inlet, at-Vrights'ville Sound, a few days ago, ha been washed ashore and was interred on the beach by some colored men who discovered it. The Coroner is waiting for more 'definito in formation than that stated above. Full Metal and Walnut bhow Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Iiuck & Co's. . ,,".-,- Fevers. Sections of territory where fevers ara and have been brought on by reason of a malarial infected atmosphere, are usiDg, and with complete success, in keeping olf 6uch afUxtions, Warner's Sale Kidney find Liver Cure, and Warner's Safe Pills. Parties down sick with diseases of such a characterire cured by the use of sawo The Xorlh Carolina Farmer- . ' . There are but few periodicals' published more deserving of commendation and support, especia 1 by tboso engaged in. agricultural pursuits, than that named at the head of this article. It is devoted almost exclusively to subjects connected with the tillage of the oi'; the articles are carefully prepared or seleoteJ, and i would be well worih the subscription price, which is only &l per annum, to any planter in the State. U is published monthly at llikih, N. C. -by Mr. Jas. II. Eddies, to whom alV communications should be addrfsed. - Sermon on Uuiversalisui. We publish by nq'icst tie following : "Kev. 'Dr. Teasdale will preach in the First Baptist Church to-n:ghton the sub- I ject of Univcrsalism. All who are in cliced to risk their eternal welfaiQ on this doctrine are rerpectfatly and earnestly re- quested to listen to the discussion to night V e cannot an jra to tins, any tmng ia a matter iuvuiving the eternal destiny of the scul. If we are once lost, we are lost fore? er. V The revival la tbii! church f still con tip?5, fttuL daHy accessious are being Mde tatbo church of ach s profess a persorJal- Uth ia the wilj? atwur otnte losl. C X! ! T .I Arfj 1 liliVIJiVy. " - 1 - - -y - s . - -- - - i t ' WILMlNGTQN, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE THE TWOCOmnSNTIOffS: Only a To mporarj Organization In Fajettcvllle and Chfeajo. Fayette vii.le, June 2d, 3:47 F. M. The Dtmoeratic Executive Ooa mi Uce met here to-day. There U a largo rppie sentation and the little city is full of visi tors. The interest is moet intectse. At 12 o clock to day Capt. Chas D. Myers, Chairman of the Executive Com mittee of the Third Congressional District, called the meeting to order.. Mr. J. V Shackleford, of OjsIow, wa by unanimous consent chosen to act as temporary Cliairman, and Messrs, W. Strange, of Wilmittgton t aed W: fc. Cook, of Fayetteville,5 were mailer "tempos rafy ISecittaries. ' A Committee ; on '. Organiz ;ti ju and Credential, has been appointed, but there are, up to thie time, no reports -audi as a consequence, no permanent organization his yet been effected. t , t, :A -T , , t a CniCAao, 3:4,' pm! Only a temp rary organization has thus far been t fleet ed.1 Geo. F.1 Uoafi "UVS. Senator from Massachusetts,4 was unanimously elected temporary Chairman, lie is now ad 9 harp Practice. Sam Meares, a colored man, living near Mearea' BlujprY lOvrnt d a cow1: land cftlf whiob ha hailoane4 to a pilgthor. Bsftfy wauting nfs own, demanded them of his friend, and the cow and calf were prompt ly turned over to him. A day or two af terwards the calf strayed off and was tak en up, penned and re-marked by a wo man living about five miles distant from Sam. He started out in search of the animal and found' it at the woman's house penned up. lie let the calf out and drove it home. The womanthinking she 'had a case' on Sam, swore, out. a warrant against him for the larceny; of & calf. She bad, several witnesses to idantify her calf, but Sam was sharp enough to carry the calf to Court seweit up in gunny bagging. The woman was called up, gwore to the calf, and her evidence was corroborated by a, -dQzen witnessed and Sam then cut the begging off and asked her to "look at dat."I It was a calf, but in no way did it resemble the description other calf. When the animal was ex posed to view, she swowand reiterated, "dat's my caf.' Sam remarked 'Mat he knowed dat dc dam niggers would sware to any ting." Sam got his calf and the woman was made to poney up the costs. By his remarkably shrewd expedient of sewing' the calf up in tagging, she was unable to give a perfect description-' and he saved his property: Everybody can get suited with a Pocket Knife, also 't able Cutlery, at Jaxjcih,'s Hardware Dea.t- 1 i That TlirousU Fast 'Mail. There is strong authority for the state mant which we are able to make that in all reasonable paobability the fast through mail over the Coast Line will be put info operation next montn.r-In this events the time from New Y6rV-to Wilmington will be 17 hours and 2o minutes, unless there are some amendments made to the Eched- ule already mapped out. ' From Weldon to Wilmington it will be something lefs than five, hour.s with but thrf9'toppags on the way. This will be a remarkably fast schedule, 1G2 miles iu lt$ than five hours, but it there is any road in 'the country which carr make it with theprob abilities of absolute safc4y, it is the Wilmington & Weldon II. li. Ilall's (Vegetable Sicilian Hair Recewer is the best preparation known to preserve the hair. Use it. i Tlie llains. The welcome rain has came at last aud not one moment too.aootv ; It Lgarjtp fall this n.orning about h .ill-past o o clock and at,tLi writing, U p. ni., it ia'eliN raining It hxa fcen,i if tenr' menitcry Berves us correctly, over six weeks tince we have had a hat-fuYl of rin in this vicinity. The wells and cisterns were giving out and, the crops and gardens hereabouts were almost gone when the blessed and reviving rain came. As it was1 here ao basji been in many other sections of the State, b -it as th i adica tiona are to the efl"?ct that it .has been a pretty general Vaio we trust that there -il as inucli cansefof tejoiciog With others as thlre is with ua-to day. Tbii 'rainfall oa be n worth tJieady thouaanda of doU tir? ' and we have not bad too much of it yet.. rensusTakr,'! Queiiionn. The following quesfionH i will be asked by the enumerators upon tle:r visitations. lleail of families are ernistly requested to hare ar swera cor recti v Dreoared bo fhatnntm.nm.vT i, , ,mH(IJ "J J r - fmi:ied neceesarrt y absent from home should leave the auswers prepared Lr the r representatives, that auother visit will notbeneewssTf: l. g leriiioiis .Name of eacn lutraber of an.t y, bex, male or female; age at last oir naay, a t;rn within the census year, (bpgiua June 1, 1879, and euda May 31 1880); relatioaship ol each person to th head of the family, whether wife, son, aaugnitT, noarder or Ktrvant; whether 6ingie, marnea, widowed, divorced or married during the census year; profes sion, occupation or trade of each nerson. male or fenvde; number of months each person has been unemployed during the census year; is any persea ou the day of the enumerator' vi.i . :i aisaoiea so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties; if so what is the disability; are any blind, deaf nd dumb, idiotic, insane, maimed er?ni bedridden or ol her wise disabled: which tl?:?JlU? Sh' TO htoh it r ham n . n . : l r .. w.VUw. "- vauuwi, wrue; piaco oi oirin oi eacn person, namlnor town. coun. iv, oiave or me country if of fore h?n birth: nlace nf hirth nf hl foK... , 9 jT ----- V kUV ICSJVUVI m UIOVW Ui rinn oi ine mother. Schedule 5 . With reference to deceased ion. who have died during the census vear. viz: from Jone i, 1879, to May si. nnn. . 105W. Age at laat birthday; if under one joai ii vo mourn in iractions, inus, i,iz or. tnree mcnthe; if under one month, give aays in fractions; give male or fe male, single, marrwd, widswed or divoro ed; place oi birth, irivinir town, countv.i ccc; where was. the father born; where r, - . ' " ao ma uiuiuer, oorn; proiestion, occupa- tion, or trade of either person over tenl year ot age; the month in which the per son died ; disease or : pause of death ; 4 now long a "resident of tne county ; if less than on e year state tnonthp; if the diseafe was not contracted ' at place of death, state what place; name of attending physician. Tnere are other questions relative to the defective and delinquent, classes, which wiil be explained by the enumerator up on visitation.' it is not a matter- of choice with persons whether they shall or not answer the questions asked by the censas taker. They are bound by law to give all the information required by the ceusus law. 11 any one wwmiy ians or refuses to do so, the law says ho shall be I T f -1 11 r ! guilty of a misdemeanor, and the punish- mntis hxedat 100., Our dru2 stores are now sunnlied with I "Malt Bitters," the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes .to us sj highly recommended. Try it It may: save you heavv doctors' bills. 4wj THE MAILS. Tne mails dose and arrive K . i Northern through .and way at the City mails b.-U a.m. Ealeigb......5.30 a. m.. . .and 5:00 p. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. 0. Railroad at......... ......... . 5;30 p.m. Southern mails for all points South; daily................... 7:45 p. m. Western mails (U UK y) daily (except Sunday)...... i.. . . 5:00 a. m. Mail fox Cheraw & ' Darling" ton 7:45 p. m. t r:i r : 1 . Pu I etna ur puiuis vciwrvu a: ilt rence'and Charleston. . 7:45 p. m: Fayetteviile, and offices on J Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays.........'. 1:00 p.- in. Fayetteviile, . via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5:00 p. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate clfice8,every Friday 6:00 a. ra. Smithville, mails, by steam . boat, daily, (except Sun- u vc UMi f awayw v I darT) , 9 00 a. m. Mails for Kasy Hill. Town , Creek and bhallotte, every Friday at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black-River Chapel; Tuesdays and Fri- f days at 9:30 a. m. Mails for North of Richmond will close at 2. SO p. m. Of EN FOE DELI VEtY . Northern through ,knd way mails 7)Oa m. nnthprrt Mails 7:20 s. Diil - ---- 1 Carolina Central TUilway...... 9UG a. m. I Stamp Office open, froza.3-a.aa. to 121 M.. antlTrom 2 to -5:30 p, na Honey raer ana; tiegisxec jjeparuneps ..peu 1 same aBBttnrotace. General delivery open from 6. -00 a. in. L to C:30 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 o'J:v a. m m, w j 1 f Stamps 1 iW MBS ben stamp offi cols cTcaeI. when - Mails collected from street boxei every J mm w W.WV , , . I Hii-n;U. mn' " 1 Mr. Nath'l Jacob i bavins been SDpoioH ed agent foa tKA Atlir PJow? -parties In want sr UiH c:le jraLetl l'low can now have their orders filled at J a corn's Hani . ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front it. tf. 2, 1880. NO. SG J Wlliningtoa District Third round of quarterly meetings for lhe VilmiuStoa District, MethivJittt E thurcn South. Chare niisa., at A very shore, Jane LG 27 li,aden at New Chureh, ..... June 26-27 Ckeabury, at Bethel ..July 3 4 El zabeth, at Abbottsburg Ju!v lO-ll Wacca Jjaw misn, at Pine Log, July 1 1 15 WbteT,Ie. at Peacockg, . . .July 17-lb lirunswicK. at z,ion (District Confer uce Only 22 25 Smitbville, July... 27-28 VVilmingtn, at Front St. Julv 31 a 1 Wilmiugtoa, at Fifth St, An"...... 7 I Unslow Aug 7- Topsail, at Herrings ChapV.'Aua'lO-1 Duplin,,.. &uZ Au; 7-8 r a li-io I New K.Ver ansa. Aug ..14 15 "Qton;.... .........Aug 21-22 L. 8. BURKHEAD, Presiding E'der. A Household Heed. L. 'T ?Q 1 I i&eir treatment A book on the Liver, its diseases and eir treatment sent tree. IuJndinn treatises upon Liver Complaints, Torpid 17! tauDQlC0 tfiiiousnebs. Headache, r"8UPMLOD dyspepsia. Malaria, etc dGr8 'f- faanford. 162 Broadway New York N-Y- 4w of allsizas-l.s, Ssh I i . ' - I pireces at JACOBI s. "KT M m auvorUBHmeUM, GINGER POP GINGER POP. I nt? r a -asr v w " . - . I have comolete facilities and nartip in h I C01int'r7 can relJ nPa y roods aod the l m. M . fill: r.Lj-j I ri'm& vk mvir oraers , 1 D. LIETOKN I June 2-lw Wilmington, N. C. I CT AfftCAnA Cit I ----. i V V wutfiis kkkusee oil to-day i f th. . STANDARD 110 deg. guaranteed fire test In Barrels, 9 cunts. In Bulk, 9 cents. All ether grades at proportionate prices, june 2-3 1 CHESS, CARLE Y A OO. A Card rpHERE APPEARED IN THE STAR 11118 morDiD2 n advertisement dated J Atlanta May 28th, and signed E. D. Ches- hire, treating of questions bejond the know!- L,,,.,,!... A , . , , I eaffe of the nndarafo'npd. anrl rf rn Tn t...a I 1 ""StBB 1 t0 4nr citiz3n of Norti crolu- Tlie malioe prompting the publication o this libelous Card, so far .from its ordinal ' m home, is CO self-evident that it cirrloi Ua anti?ote and places it at once bejond the pale of respectable critic'sm. t Ane oaderslfBed beaeves that no one In this community, not even the gertleman who has made himeelf responsible for the pnbliea- I tion of tbe libel, will doubt his assurance tha K " "'V""U1U " MU eacy is ai ways as we represent, and that we never sell anything under 110 decrees. JOHN JUDGE, Manager for Chew, Carley A Co. Wilminifton, N. C, June 2, 1880. june 2 it The New Hat Store, f AHi AND EXAMINE MT SUMMER Styles of 8traw and Felt Hats. They are pretty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Front street, may 31 - Next to Purcell House. Drugs at Wrightsville. T l.Lh HAVE AT MT RESIDENCE ON J Wrifhtayille Sour-d, on and after June . - v uZuJZTS7-rwnl s 'V'vauwa jrmuuw nn imiaw m ma R - -r.. a uuca. mau Hompatbie Medicines, wtlch I will JLn city prie s- PrMoripUons filled at all hoars ReatdectJ and Tirilorsat the Hound are in vitei to girt) me a call. J. DICKSON M0ND8. may 31-3 taw-mou w fri-if ' : i Notice. A PERSONS are hrebj IX. warned aaicat barboriair or traatiae ur of the crew of the British bfigr WJH1K, Captaia Mntrutl. 1.111 ... rea rm ui, a bo debts of their "'(S " u ij -t vaster or - ALi)X. tPRUNT A HON it- Coasires. 4 1 i DUA 08. New and Scod H.- . Orguxr. New and 8c?td Hand nmun vin.. a-. Li 1 ; ' ' BSMffibwi ' Fifes, Slat, HarraoaU IJariaoalaaa Jr At the L V BOOX HfOttfc. ' " i am jxuuk.8, Oord aid JLS. Archery. Bows a4 Arrow 4 " Tae&i raaa. " Bali, Baa,: Kelts ktd rlpT W if'. : f Creqaet Hu, Indian Cf-i, Ac , 3 33 and 41 Jaarket Bllr'eet. . PLEASE NOTICE r" c ZJLTtn v:; ' -K .UrUl- virwul beg'ad to receive commnnleaticM from oar friends tsy and gubtecif 0 reaeral iaterest but i ,,,, , 4 ,BD;ecw Tai .narna of the writer .aSsTilwayi be ftr -Qished to the EJitor. J..'.... . CommxmlcatioBs a nst be irritten on o r i j one aide of lhejaper. l Personalities moat be aToided. And it is eepecially asd pacalarly und r flood that the Editor does not always endot the news of correal on deotr -nnless so, ttd Ul the editorial eolnirn?. ' - New Advortisonionts. New Drug Store, A M "LETK SrorK of 'lr4 n,..s ., - i .icui JieuiciBcsi, racer ai roilt Article Pi... m. . , 1 ' 'rug fc tore of Jo. a. nU;ni, tnH u EVP lnr 31 LATEST STYLES ! "?T BEST GOODS ! LOWEST P3ICE5 Goods forhadifs aid. Cents' wetr. 1 Tnoa ii. rowrv, No. 47 -Vorth liaflretft ' may 31 3t Croquet.. GOOD ASSORTMENT on hand ricture Frames, Velvet 'and.Waln'it. Fiae sssorttnect Picture Moulding, ' Cut to fit any size Pielaw. ORGANS oneasvtern-e. 1 BOOKSTORE. mtj 31 MISSES KARRER- & McCOWAH, "PVEALKRS IN MILLI.VERV" AND FANCY GOODS, TiI J?ft- in "ceiPt of a fresh linvoiot t S n-nt Md Iafant Clothing. New styles 1 r n"? iVnd 0pend' besides rewir- mayjil .. Wire Nettins: V I, For Doors and.WindoTs.r Good'to keep oat flies audreqaltoe?. : Also, ' ..; "; . Sash, Doors Eiiiida, Lumber, and Biildiag Material Generally I ALTAFFKII, ' FRIflfc-'A'CO. -Factory: Ollice Foot of Walnut st. Nutt, near lied' Cross si may 31 ; :'. mrSm S. J . Baker mVaililiXtTLDlLTZi' A corner Third and Orange Elreefa a. i . j Wilmington, N. C. CALL AND EXAMiaEmy Sprit Affh of Hats, Bonnetf, Klbbons, i lowers,, Peathsrs, Ornaments of alt kinds. Country orders promptly filid. Hair WTork dont? in l ' au the improved styles, may 28 MRS. 8. J. TJAkElC ' KEEP COOL-NEW ICE CREAM , SALOON. -u un j AM PREPAUED TO SERVE THE pub'.' lie with the beat Ice Cream made of pure t Cream. lee cold milk by (he glaia. i ' ' Orders tolicited. may 25-lw 1 P. CIIRISTv Market SUeet.Baier j';, ,,si. Walter Coney, .. . DEALEli IN TOUACCO, IMPOltTED AND DO. MKSTIC CIGAIS, CigareUea, SmiJr H jtj pes 01 an descriptions. . ,. , v ,Jv WALTER CONiiv, . aPJ 3 . Market st nt.. Received this Day" CASES ROkDESKK A Cvf - dry uowzr criAMl'AoV;. FRKSH FROM BO.M). A 1 1 mpoi tei 's it i c e r : . , t GEO. .M Y-ttt-' rff- ! CASES PBENU!! yVANDY .r, And for sale at Importers Price? Only $1.50 for a DotuVof, Iccported Jienii iranJy, .if . At r r -. jCEa-vrfcr:.? 25 'JIS;?11???, .J,t7-f?S-...i- ,:v x. .V U OIISJ UUliWl WINEi AND L1(U0R3, of'teit gi& 1 : j . .Nos. i l , 13, 1 1 & oi 3 Front sL t U t i H. H4TES. NewUerf A;. i. In Area t. 41 Park Hnw, (Tidi Bal'dajrh aw ur, 11 asuionteuw cooiraci Icr ad vertlsemeuUia the Dailv Riviiw ar4 Wix,. smuToa Jopiaii, at onr lowest rataYftl 1 . . n. t atU 'i :.! 1 1

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