VAQUEKOIIM LOVE SONG. i - . ; cfii owuftl that you loved me, !.Sm .nVl.liu-eyetl flax was in flower; l tlax neW, lie bare and you scorn 1,1 - tho'i, grow cold in an hour, " " pi ma. Pnnchita? . i. it, I vet.' UiU:i tLit- ilmvc r lie dead. .ur hdtice last summer, '',,4 he stars fclione leh bright than i ;uru?r me red roses and kiss; ' v .u "ive Hot a ulance for my silis, - 17H!1CUH, PHncMita. Al) my ihirjuiUi, i I ioc love you in a breath? . , v turn vonr starry ryes toward me, ' i M.ur "chc-ek. where the red rus se Li,v-vt.u are mine again, darling; 'Lviiime.aiHi I lie at your icei! An. vea.chifj-tit'i, j nvel'Vcs, thoi:tli Ltie roses he ucbd. Trenton Gaz tie, M;inif Lumber Out of Straw- ' -r e tile'H.uity of a We; tore r tor who (iouoiifcc iortBees she in tue Jar a::ut iu uto when tl e f ,i e t h'A mi to c othe the liih yt d viul the Ji mud for iUmbrr ti.. !''TH vtt-r.y'iu xo.-saof -uuAimie f r the uasurul product J Ui virK:U r J" C1 ti t-oJ tsoiJ., .f.. p'rtu i io ue taat iragiln vigeta hici H'"' a pecaiMr process u c 'iip.rt 8 :,u utitaiiCa i hard ud i Li-sotruatiblH as o. k umber. It c,aiuirtl uj tt ttu prLC5 eouvertB wjot i-trtw m'o tiLatj r hica is f us ee -:ible of a.i a polish and finish amioouy aud black walnut, at a oust not in excess of thut of tne bast car p n . Th-j straw ia first manu factured by tbo ordinary paper mill process into ttrawboard, and a suffi cient number of sheets of the right 6 zi irttftuketi to make the required tioibt iv They, are eoaked and soften td iu a chemical solution, which is, of cjurae, the inventor's secret. After the fibre of the pasteboard ia suffi cient y saturated, 'the pile of sheets is pressed between a seriei of rollerp, whioh consolidatearthem so that when dry the whola is a hard stick. It is alsj c'.aim;d that the procaa3 renders tni wood subititute impervious to Water, a id the ! chemicals used are bucu aa to make it fire-proof. Bab tb.9 eangui&e inventor has only made sam ple thus far. I Kulloch to the Churches. Mayor Killooh, of ban Franoipco, lately made an addres to the Baptist congregation of which he is pastor, in reply to those Baptist chu-ches which bad proposed to put him on trial. He w&i remarkably defiant. Envy, he paid, was the cause of the attacks on iiim. He had bniltup a church larger than all the others of the same denom ination in San Franoisco combined, aud his fellow clergymen hated him f jr that. Of the Baptist convention, which had voted toLitake up his case, he said: 'Formerly, when I. looked around the conventions, I was pleased t3 8G6 friends. Judge, then, of my surprise when I found those places oc cupied by every man who ever had ny grievacca or grudge against me. Evry mean specimen of a minister was there ; every man I ran against for an offica in the convection and beat aud made sore was there. Why, there were in u in silk hats and swallow tails who never had any money, and where they got it from, who can tell ? Yes, panderers to do me a little harm, and for some time it looked as if they would do it ; but the Lord delivered ma from the mouth of the lion and lie will do it and free me from thair per secutions, and prepare me for His heavenly kingdom. A Toujrh Story to Swallow There is said to ba a French bab?, pgtd six moutos, born at Cherbourg, ttid nape of wnose mck has the sin gular gift of producing uu uninter rupted succession of feathers. Twenty three have already eprouted, reached oiafunty, aod fallen off, to be careful ly 6torei away by the infant s father, a workingman, wnosa lortune may be considered made if the amazing story turns out correct. The manner in which these feathers grow is thiii described: A pimple lrms on the nape of the neck, quite close to the roots of the hair. At the expiration of a certain time the pimp!e blossoms iuto a feather, the clild, at the mo ment when it appears, seeming to ex perience a sligh; ttneasinesH. The feather, which is curved aud gilded, attaint, when fully grown, from tea to twelve oau timeters in leugtb. When it falls a few drops of a whitish c.ilor l-sues from the:, pimple, which then heals, leaving no tracjof its existence for awhite, until another appears, in closing the germ of another feather. A curious circam:tauc, says the Cherbourg piper, is that the feather remains en days on tho infant's neck when fully grown before falling, and that its successor takes as many days to prout as its predecessor to reach matu 'i.ty.The father of the phenomona child intends taking it to Paris in order to a-sk tcienoe to investigato thj cause of mij freak of nature. Railroad Leases Tuere are at the present tima injthe Uaitel States between 100 and 500 uilroads held and operated utaer lease, and representing about one fourth of the entire railroad mileage uc country, it is prooauie mat BJ lew. if Ant. nf thn charters eontam iue airect authorilv to ica.-e. The C3m nan too Kqtt i ' a..!ltr rtn the f sell was a necessary incident of own ership. There is no corporation UCv'9 AVJi bUUUUCO kAKJi2 nearly than the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, so large is the number ct railroads directly or indircctlyj;on trolled by this company, they con trollioir an mile8. of .hmh nnlv mil an a n actually owned by the company! The reoent deriairm nf ih TTnial Cf.... , -wM w- vaaw v M v. Ufcfca "F'ciua iii'inrr. biii nniAti a i.asA leases unless the charters are ranch more circumstantial iu their provisions than is antic pated as the court holds that in the beto of express author ity in its charter a railroad company has no right to transfer its road and francbisH- to other parties, and thus render itself unable to perform the duties which j Lat charter directly, or by imp i.atiofi, imposed. The argu; merit is that a -railroad company's franchise it- intended, in a great meas ure, lo bo txeicistd for the public good; that the due performance of this fuLC ion is the consideration for the grant, ohd that a ccntraot wbioh undertaken, without the consent of the a o, to trarsfer to others the right and powers conferred by the charter, and n lieve the grantees of the burden which it impoep, is a violation of the c mtr ct with the State. Dr. Kelt's Endorsement of Speer's Fort Grape Wine. 1 he, following, from the celebrated Dr Mott of New York, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer's efforts to raise the Oporto r -xt t . w.iipe m xNew uersey: 62 Madison Avenue, New York, April 11, 1878. Ma. Alfred Speeb. Dear Sir : The visit whicn 1 made last! year to your Vineyards, wu;e-prcs'ies ard viults at Passaic, N. J., satisfied me thoroughly that the wiaes manufactured by you are pure and unadulterated, and the very best that can be offered to the public for medicinal uses. Acting upon-my favorable impression at the time, I have since recommended the Port Wine more particularly in my practice, and am satisfied,., with marked benefit to my patients. There can bo no better proof to the doubting mind, as to the Wine .being made oi tho finest Oporto Grape, than a visit to the acres of land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success in your praiseworthy enter prise, remain respectfully yours, ALEX B. MOTT, M. D.,. Prof, of Surgery, Bellevue Hosp. Med-'l College, &c-, &c For sale by J. 0. Munds, Qreen & Fianner. P. L. Bridgers & Co. lmponani to me Afflicted We would advise all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. liooertson, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in. Hospital and Special Practice, gnat antees a cure in all diseases : of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of the lleai t, dimness of sight or giddiness, No, turual Emissions, &c., all resulting from abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. R. is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical schools in this country (University of Maryland), and re feis to the leading physicians in his city, and all consultinghim can rely upon honorable and confidential treatment. In Writing en close stamp for reply. Special attention civen to all female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and see him. Medicine sent to any address. Now Advertisements. CELEBRATED Fortify the Systeuij i And jou are arned against diaese. Tie fiaeat to&ic for this purpose 9 Hnetetter'a Stomach rittere, which renders digestion e&v and complete, counteracts billioasaes, an keeps the bowe's in order, ni go genial and tjenficent ar U' effects, taat not only i the body invigorated and regoUted by its us bat despotdency banished from the miad For sale by all Druggists and Dea' ers generally. may 1 PUOVEilBEi. RO VERBS. "Tor pinkinor 8011?. fit3, dizzincfco, palpita tion anil low f p:r:t, rvly on Hop BiUvni." '"Read of, ft3C0 will be paid for a cae that Hop Bit ters wfll not can -or help." j - "Hop Titters brdlda tip, KtrwiKthens aud cures continually Xruia the first dose." "Kidney and Urf na ry coiuplaiuts of nil eg ana u-se jicn i -.tcis, B rtiid vou w ill oe .tru3ir Ucalbly uia hapj-y." Ladies, do you want to bo ttrou?, hoaJthy arM utiiull 1'heu vuso Hop iiiUcrs. xina 9 9 penrnnentlr by flop Bitters." ClUXHl Hop Cot cm Cttrk is the 8 WtHt. tt(8t and be it. Aisk children. The Her P'j) for Ptouiatb. Liver and KidiH-ys. is superior to all othirs. Cures by absorption, Aalc HiTgistj. ; TX I.C. is an abaolu t and irrt-sistibie cure for drunken nesp. u,e of opium, tobacco and All above Fold by vcrs, L-uiioi?, Kiuk- ra ljiities nc-ed Hop Bivtci-s daily." "Hop IiitUirs has re f ton d to s'tn K-iy aid liiitlth, perfect wrrt ka I rem liiieuiixitaxjco." "Sour stoisach, rick ' fceaJr.efae aii'i dizzi--! Hup Eiuers cures vltli a lew tioo.-i." Manufaoturi Rochester. X. Stud for Circular. mmm llLL.I HWn IILTOMV. JOHNSON, Conimlshioh Merchant, mchl 2- ' ! ft Tho prt-atost jri tiz; r, Htoi;:at li. 1 1hkI Hop litters.'' . THE MM REVIEW JOSH, rr.j ATVIJBS EDITOR AND PUBLISHER; Is publiahed Every -AJrternoon (Smxdays excepted). 4t the following rates, postage paid : i One Year .$5 00 !"-. ' i i t- - I i Six M onths 2 50 - i Three Months 1 25 '-..- OneTkTonth 50 The paper will be delivered by; carriers, free of charge, in any part of the cityat the above rates, or 13 cents per week. The Daily Review is now in the fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing subserip- tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirablo'medi urn for advertising. THE WILMINGTON JOURNAL. ,0 OSH. ,T. J-AJEEES,: n : , Is published every friday! At the following rates One Year.... 00 SixMonths.... ............ 1 00 Three Months. . ............ 50 The WiLinsQTOS Journal circu- I :" i .1 : ates largely in the adjoining cohe -ties as well as in the Western por tions of the State and presents nn qualled facilities to merchants for making known what they have for sale. For a psnrsoTLT wnr orrica bife, ilcwler, Bi&mtti A Co tnurefaetaren, eoabinatfoa loelr. wifjtbl 1,53 lba. aehS TtflSOrriOK. Miscellaneoas. Seasonable ixocds 1 Fine English Brawn, canned, Canned Pig's Tongue, Canned Beef Tongue, Cunn ed Corned Beef. ORANGES AND LEMONS ! 10 BOXES ORANGES, 10 BOXES LEMONS, Pickles, Cow Chow, Picdlilly, Walnut, IMixed, Gherkins, and all other kinds in Glass and Wood. Crackers Fancy Ci ackers of all kinds, Maccaroons, Kindergartins, Cream Waters, Cream Crackers, Egg Biscuit. With the above to select from, to gether with a Bottle of Fine Claret or any other Liquid you may call for, there is no need ever to be at - a loss for Refreshments when fgoing to the Sound, Smithville, or on any kind of Excursion. THOS. II, HIcKOY, Grocer and Liquor Dealer, may 24 5 & 7 North Front St. EeceivedTthis Day- 50 CASES R0EDERER A CO. DRY BOZT CHAMPAGNE, FRESH FROM BOND, At Importer's Price GEO. MYERS, Agent 0 CASE3 FRE&CH UBANDY, From Bond thia Daj, And for sale at Importer 'i Prices. Only $1.50 for a Bottle of Imported French Brandy. At GEO. MYERS. 25 Tubs GILT EDGE BUTTER, SO OEJTT8 A POUriD, Choicest Grass Batter. WINES AND LIQUORS, of test grades, -At Popular Pricer. GEO. MYERS, Nos. 11, 13, 16 Jfouth Front at. may 27 :6o toiVanOrsdell's RT GALLERY TO-DAY, if you wish to tie the most beautiful line of Fancy Frames, Easels, .Fasel Frames, Papepartouls, llatti, Moulding for making fravej, Cord and Tassals, Silrer and Gold Wire, Ac, erer of fered In this city. P 8 Parties sending babies to me by mail to be Photographed, will please mrk on the enrelope, handle carefully. C M. YauORSDELL, Artist, aaylT'tf Wilmiogton. N. C r OW RATiCS For all kinds of Printing Persona ridinc out f the city can have their printing earefully ezeute1 and ai ailed to thea ire of posUze. E. S. WARROOK, (In Kariew Bonding) Job Printer, pi 9 ESTABLISHED 1853 1853. SOL. BEAR & BROS. 18 cz 20 Market St.. j i . r Wilminarton, C. WE HAVE JUST OPENED AM) hv on exhibition,' the largest andmoat complete stock of AND FURNISHING GOODS! i of Baltimore. SUITS FROM $2.50 UPWARDS. 100 BLUE MIDDLESEX FLANNEL SUITS i At greatly reduced prices. A FULL LINE OF Children's, Boys' and ' j." Men's Straw and" Felt Hats. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Come One ! Come All ! and examine our B?oc&, and we will strive harif to merit jour patrorage, as we have formerly done, may 6 Corn, Meal, Hay. 15,000 Bush Prime White Corn, 600 Bushs Water Ground . Meal, 500 Bales Hay, Flour.MolasseS) Sugar. 1200 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, .100 Hhds and Bbls Syrup, New Orleans New Crop Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses. 250 Bbls Sugar,Cut Loaf, Granulated, Standard A, Extra O and C, Bacon.Lard, Pork, &c, 200 Boxes Smoked j and D S Sides, 150 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 125 Bbls City Mess Pork, U25 Bags Coffee, Rio, j Laguyra and Java, I SO Boxes Starch, 30 O Boxes Lye and Potash, 175 Boxes Laundry Soap, 10 O Boxes pure Assorted Candy, Snuff, Tobaeco, Paper, Matches, Shot, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, &c. ! For sale low by I - I ' i WILLIAMS A MURCI1I80N, raaj 31 Wheletale Oro. A Com. MerU. COMMERCIAL HOTLL, WILMINGTON, N. C.; i ' St Large Sample Rooui for Commercial Traiclcr-T rpilK PROPRIETOR haring tboruugbly renoTated this House and furnished It entire ly new, Is prepared to giTe to the trave.tng public all the eonTenienciee of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. . It Is located j in the very oentre of the business part of the city, being convenient to the principal badoers houses, i Pottoflee, Custom House, City Hall and OomrtHouse. TlrtVCIass Kar end Billiard 8aJooi niectei with thU floteL ' RATES $2 PB DAY. oct 24 F. A. SCHUTTC, - Rail Eoad Linas, & c. 1 ItMUi CAJiOUNA CENTRAL UAlLVf AY CO Orricu BrrijinTtSDSsr, Wilmington, 5. CX, ayU, UfcflCj Chang k of Schfj)ut,i -, ij. iai: Schedalc will ur ?rr.wJ oc t:-i D . ; . ' Pawesger, Mail And Vxprcss Train. 1 Leare Wilmington t.... f.f-l"" ; !To. 1. V ArriTe at Hairk t at 1:77 A I j 4t t .Chaitotteat.... 7 00 A ll ! ) LeaTe Chrlotle at 7:2 1 5e. 2. V ArriTe at HauLlet&t....... I":c2 A I' i i it i - i . . No. 1 trail ie daily txeept Fustlajs, bat makes no connections to lukigi ifnti.r. dajs. ' No. 2 traia is dailj txcej t ratu d, v. Shelby Dirision Mail, Kiiibt i',j,i'f r ana r.xprus. , I Leate Charlotte f. :t'J A j Arrive at bheJbj u l. 0 J ; i s . Leave Shelbj at... 2 CO I' ll ' l Arrive at Charlotte at E;C0 ! 11 Locil Kreihit and i tave Wilmictfton at ,f,; 5 A M A r: v. at LauriLbur, a. a are Cliarlotte at AriiTP at Laurinbary; at. Lae Laurinbrrc: at Arrive at Charlotte at.... .... i .0 V M .;... " a 3i 4 U ! 31 ....b 50 A M P Leave Uuiitbu'g nt 4 .......h vt) A M Ar ive at VViloLiotcu at I 15 p i These trafes 1 e trTvi w. fi tnTiVi 1 1 r -lotte. Tn'sdajs. Ilmri'd.jc nni Hturdkj--; Lauiinburg, ! Mor.rirfy.s, Wed net day s rc.d Friday.'. ; CI e c nnpctifn nt Clir!otte via 8ta't villc to a 1 points iu Wettrn Aorta Carolina. sd i Aetteville. A If1, virfrpartaLbar to Kcndersanvill , adjacant pointa and Aehtviile. P8eners for Asbf ville viaeitner route, leaving Wilmington at 6 P. M. will arrive at destination at 7 P. hi. next daj.j Sleeping Car accommodatir na nn'TUmf k Trains to acd from tharlotU s,nd Wilmim -ton- " ' i There will also be Throng bSlec7g"run"t e and from Raleigh and Charlotte. V: Q. JOHNSON-, ' : General Sur erintend at. ; mux 14 WILMINGTON & ''.WELDCN EAILE0AD COHPAirr, Ornoa or Gis'l BorrHiHTiscwT f Wilmington, N. C., May 18, li SD.'f CHANGE OF SCUEDULuV. ' On tud ufter Thursday, May. 20ih, h 1 0, Passenger trains on the Wilroinptcn A WM. don Railroad will run as followa: DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dVW , Leave Wilmington, Front Ct Depot at......: .. 6 fiOV 2L. Arrive at Weld&n at..... u 50 r Leave Weldon 3 40 It; Arrive at Wilmington, Front 'st ' I?ePt at 9 5S P M Through -Parrenger, Mall, rXpra rtl Freight Tra'n, Daily except Hundajs. tjeare Wilmington, Frost St. Depot at...... , f . rt ) 1 ii Arrite at Weldon at...... . V 4 ? A V LeWeldon, '.JZZ', 2 15 A li Depot at limuigion, rrontat. 2 15 .p:i Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5. n P M A r fX, ln flViay and datarc ay at 5 ; I, f S"L etBrnInf leav Tarboro .it 1 .:. A M daily, and Monday. WedDedr . rriaay at b:3i) p M. The Day Train makes c!o?o coalition k Weldon for all points North vU 1av 2 i daily.1 (except Sunday) and daily, via P. 3 -mond and ail rail roatd . The3.S0 P M train raexps clou conr.v tiona j a. 1 Weldon for all -points north Va Kichmosd. JOHN F. BIYISE, Qlx Cen'I Sup'ts Qffi WILMI.VOTO.'f. COLVSilU-'ASU Al fiOSTA RAILliOAI CtV ilmlnxton; H. C., Uty lt Itfj i ... CHANGE OP SCHEDULES . On j and after Thursday. May 2Cth, ts V, theoitwlrg schedule will nerua on t'iu road: j . Parflecger, Express, Mail cndvThrcuh Freight Tj ain, Daily excopt Surldsrs. Leave Wilmlaton... 4 03 P ?. Leave Florence..................... 2 40 P ) Arrive at Columbia .'H ISA BI Leave Columbi 5 CO P V Leave Floreoce , j- Arrive at Wilmington. ......V.... 1 Oil' F5IOHT EXPRESS TRAIff f lsilT. Leave Wilmington.... .. 10 13 i- Leave Florenoe... 2 2) A t Arrive at Camden Junction........'. i.i A I Arrive at Columbia i a i; Leave Columbia... 6 00 p J-; Leave Camden Jucction...... '2 C'J M Leave Florence 2 zy'-JL I', Arrive at Wilmington ...,... ; a 1i. This Train stojs on.'y at I Whlteville, . Flemtngton FtU iW -ji Marion. ; ' Passengere for Columbia, enl a'V f ti.n:j :t s, vy. ik. iv. ana ia estsra .iQlU Vri na, via Columbia and Hpartzshurj;, ti.caki take Night Express Train froa Wllujin-tua. Passengers for A a shut should tibjiinr Express Train, which coenfetj rii Oiradx; Junction, j . ;J H . tTarough Hipu3 tra on u'l n jrtt train tor Charleston, andAcgaU Trains Jeaving KilhJzti ctuT nights making conntetvr u.T ('onf-a:!y: via Camdeu Junctioo ncd i . xrt. XlrcVa. Railroad. I .. I J0H5 S. L!Vtj ,..rtsr.l i4o; v' may 21 j a1. The Cosmopolitan Par J-sjxHK PLACE TO pJLUJlSJ) til of the fancy, dtlicioc?r-r g dftli If tij Season, la cqq Lsger aliiaji on, tasi. None tut the vert bcit cf Vntott d al: ou t at this Bar. Cigars cf tba bsst brands etn always be fous d at the Ccnacpoliunl J J0UX CARROLL, Pcp., ey J4 No. 12 HarteCcL SeaSide! rpUS STUB.- PASSPofcT will commence on SUNDAY, April 23th, and mi l cotVaif fai'y Trips to the 8EA-8IDE, kaving at 9 SO A. M., nnii further notice. . JhO. UYrK3, Agent, apl M ., - , , j - I

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