,'Tfltp PAPEB I ' , uhd -Tr? atiarneon, Sundays I pi ,!. T I A (H E S r,WTOB AIn P1UJI-RIWTOK. , kj4 'KJ ITIOMM. fOHTAGE PAID. , yr..h 00 Hit months, rJ5a ; Throe 11 15 ; Otq mouth, 60 eents. rtf ppe" ,riI1 delivered by carriers, .,f ehrjco, in any pirVof the city, Attn rta, r 13 MBU per wet ; j fertiJ!ni rates low and HberU riuDicriberi will please report any aid "... glares to receive their papers rejrularly. flew Ad verttBemon t. BROlftrK RODDICK, 45 Market St., AB DEMONSTRATING THE FACT that Dry foods can , be bought aa eieip ia this citf u ia any other in tbU cttstrj. ar space will nt allow us to till la as ouch a dai -tbot you always n-ceire Cnrdil welcome at ouivplac of business. tiriut J' r anplea Md teosparp j DRESS GOODS, From 8c to $1. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. Ladies Muilin aad Lace Keck Wear, inch as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, e Bilk Handkerchiefs la Twill aad Brocade. BUCHIKGSOF EVE"Y DESCRIPTION 1 From 2X cents to $5. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Dress Buttons Oar selections in this department embrace many novelties. Our variety is immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear. Natural Colored sad Figured Linen for Stairs. " ' ,. ..... , i... i. - r. ' White and Colored. Canton Mattings. Corduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' id Children's ear. Cash Bufflings 60 cents, .. ' ' mm Something Kew in Ladies' Bummer Bahnora Bkirts. Linen Lap Robes, Ac, Ao , Ac. Qive us a eall and look orer our stock, - ' . w"e are by no means afraid to show our BROWN & BOBDICE, 45 Market St. may la Sign of the Bier Boot. FQi1 I AM NOW OFFERING ro SELL FOB CASH ontY, IT EXTRK1LS tOW PBICfiS, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: 'I ; wenrs Sewed Gaiters......... I 40 Custom Made Gaiters.......... 2 40 it Laced Calf Tie Shoes............:.. 1 20 es' Foxed Bhoea ......... 1 00 flswport Tles.. 90 m Opsra eUppers.......... 1 25 strap 8asda!i..... I 20 Creqtiet Blippers Go Bitton Gaiters-............. 1 20 Wron'i Btrap 8andal....MM...... 90 Button Gaiters. 90 J). - BLUM r NTH AL yl8-tf No. 40 Marker Street. The How Hat Store. (JALL A5D EXAMINE MY BUMMEK 8jles of Straw and Felt Hats. They art pr.tty and eheap. , IJOHN M. KOBISBON, BBAND fflUHRUIIII It . k VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Altiffib, Paica A Co. Wire Netting. A A I bHRiKR Best TJnlaunltied bhlrt in the city for $1. 1 P HmasBaaeaa Summer Reading:. Yarns .--BsBkets. j"" i Jao W Gokdob A Bao Insurance 1 gents P L BaiDesaa A Co Lecture to Heuse- koepers. See ai I'xcursi ns to Wilmington. JVotice O M 8 ted man Fire Co. J H HaaDis New -Druf Store." J Dicksoh Uvnds Drug at WrightavPle. T H McKor Settle up' I Push forward the Sound railroad. Bonnets of a feather flock together. Now begin to lie about the thermome t;r. , Painted -parasols are the correct things gtrls. 1 Window Glass all sizes at ltaffer & Price's. f If a lady should change h- r f ex, she'd be a he then. This month has five Tuesdays end five Wednesdays. Window Glass of allsizas, U jra, Sish and Blinds, Builders' HardwareoIiow it pireces at Jacobi's. When a man's aft collar button cones off his cheler rises. Very few people have yet left the city for the Summer. Why do olJ maids wear mittens? To keep off the chaps i ' . Don't forget the entertainment at the City Hall this evening. , ' I : . If you would reach the people's eyes, arise, be wise and advertise. , . The rainfall to-day, up to 4. o'clock this afternoon, amounted to 1 40 inches. Full Metal and Walnut Show Oases, all styles and sxzes, at Altaffeb, Pwce & Go's. The rain falls'on the just and the un- just; but not on the 'man who has just stolen an umbrelja. ' A large delegation of the color d popu ulatloa f the city made an excursion to Waccamaw Lake this morning. 'Jtanv people think a Baby is born only to swallow medicine lor months, uutil some thoughtful friend tells them of Dr Bull's Baby Syrup. The nan noted for having an opinion of his own is too apt to want everybody else to take it. Observing men have noticed that tie hair on the forehead of a cnimpaczee is always parted in the middle. Plows, Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c For the lowest prices, go to J acobi s. Full moon falls this month on tho 22d, wbleh will be Tuesday, and just about that time look out for moonlight excur sions and turtle eggs. You never find out how bad a man has been until he Is nominated for office, and you never know how good he has been uotil you read his obituary Ready mixed Paints strictly pure White, Lsad, O brs, Brushes,-, W ndow Glass, 4b., at jAcqpi's. Nothing will please a girl so much as the information that a rival, who is try-. Ing to rob her of her best fellow, has got a pimple coming on her nose'. It is awful bard to iealize that a woman is an angel; when one sees her pick up a clothes prop fourteen feet long to drive a two ounce chicken out of the yard. For the convenience of the lady pass engers of the Passpott, Commodore My ers has secured the services of a steward ess who will be in readiness' at all limes to wait upon ladies. A correspondent of the Hileigb News pays a high compliment to the addrecs delivered ty Rev. Dr. Patterson, of this city, before the Horner School at Oxford aai declares that it was. the best ever made in that tows.' H Our Spring aad Summer Goods for Gent's, Youth's ani Boy's wear is still large and attractive. J hose who want the nobbiest, the newest, the htest, the best and the cheapest goods '; al way j go to Bhrier's. tf. Oar dru-r stores are now supplied with "Malt Bitters; the ne wFood . Medicine which has done so much good and comes r l I1 M 1 to us so highly recommended. Try it I MffiY WILMINGTON, N. C., '..--. - - - Yen Low, I The Cape Fear ia yet very low, the re cmt rains with which our immediate vi cinlty has bern blessed not bnving cx tended into the interior . far enough to materially add to the volume of watT in the river. . Everybody can get-s'uifr d with a Puckf t Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jcvm'is Hardware Depot- Wllmlnsten; Vegetables. . The Raleigh Observer sa3s that' the supplies Of vegetables ftirni.-hed that market now sre received principaliy from this city and that they, are of good quali ties. As a matter of interest to bbippcrs here we quote prices at retail: New Irish potatoes, 60e per i eck; snaps, 600 ; green peas, about the last, 26c; cabbage, lC20e per head; squashes 40o per dozen: cucumbers 40c per d zju. , CUy Court. The only , case before this tribunal, tos day, was that of Mr. J. C. EJeus, the market man Who was charged a few days ago with resisting an officer, while in the discharge, of his 'duty. The defendant was found not guilty, and was d scharg ed. The defendant claimed that he did not have a market cart on Market street on the morning that the carts were removed and that it was not his purpose or inten tion to resist the ordinance removing tte cms and thereupon the Oity Attorney moved for hia discharge, which wai, or dered. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Uair Ileuewer ts the best preparation known to preserve the hair. Use it. V Excursion Rates. The excurion rates on the C. C: li all- way, from the 14th to the 20th inst. inclusive, advertised in another columr, will furnish a rare opportunity for our friends on the line of that road to visit our people. "Through the (Jonrtey of the Railway company the lare will bo only one cent per mile each way, wHch will give almost every one a chance.at a mere ly nominal cost, to er joy the pleasure .f the ride, while a trip to the, seashore will be but a trifle of additional ccst, and for which they will be amply repaid by the health gitiog breeze of the ocean. By Telephone. The telephone come3 to the 'front now as an institution of peculiar usefulners ia a new phase. Formerly everybody went down town on tho eve of great political events and during the time when election returns were expected.in order to get tho la t3stnews by te.egraph,butnow all thiscsn be accomplished by those who have tele phones at their houses by simply turning a crank and calling through the bungs ksle of a box. They first ask the Ex change or the latest newiy and they 'get it,as the employes are all kept fully pes'. u and are instructed to furniiU the latest information they possess in" response to all enquiries. Thu. far it has, worked charmingly and saved a world of trouble and lots of time an patieue. From the Past. The New Yoik Sun records t be death recently, at Newport, E. I., of Rev. Jacob Friez3, at tbe ripe age of 91 year V There are a few but a very fewof oar readers who will remember lh9 naite r can recall the person of the deceased. More than hilfoa-Gentury ago Mr. Frieze was a resident of Wilmington., ills was a Univer8allst then and preached fur a num ber ef Buccestivo Sundays in the old Baptist tJhurchtheh locaud on the high hill on the East side of Front stteet, be tween Ann and Nun. Thcie bdng nj Baptist minister lesident here at that tlms, TiUy Frieze, at tne request of a number of promjneut citizens, some of whom prcfesied a .belief iu the doc- Uines taught by Mr. i rieze, was allowed the use of the church edifice iu whick to preach.' Daring his residence Lere,abou theyear -1824, he - established a Dew 8 - paper called the LiberaLst, iu which Le was backed and sustained oy men oi means bat which did not exist vei j longJNot. iong Alter Mr. Fruzeleft Wilmington, and thus, more than ri ty years al;cr,.we find hia death recorded. Vnn pan buv No. 1 Cooking uid Heats in" dtoves'it" almost any price at Jauoei's Hardware Depot. Whrn voa visit or leave New York City, Stop at tbe Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central ' Depot: European planr Booms reduced, Jto ,$1-00 4 and,, upwards, ltauxarit unsurpassed at moderate prices. Stteetcaxst8iagesand elevated railroad ta REVIEW MONDAY, JUNE CHICAGO. EIGHTLfe BAUOTS AND KOMIffATIOX. NO The Lines trunsly Drawn. Chicago, June 7 Balloting began U diy not locg after the Cjnvention was c.iled to order. The lines are closely d awn as'the haHnts will u.ir Vatrr1a diy 's fucouuter. Grant and Blaine lead the field, Sherman, Edmunds, Washburn aid Windom havir g been distanced on tbe firste.ball.ot. The voiing has been close throughout and up to this time, 2.30 p m. but little variation has been shown. There Has intt-nee excitement through out the vast hall as the first ballot was taken which culminated when the result was announced. Oa it Grant had 304; Blai-ie, 284; Sherman, 93; Edmunds, 34; Windom, 30. This ran, with very little Virialion, to the 8 h ballot when Grant polled 300 votes and on the 9th ballot he secured 308, which is the highest he has thus far received. Chicago, 3 p. m. TWELFTH BALLOT, Grant, 305; Blalne, 283; Shermar 93; E lmuada, 31; Windom, 10; JWashburne, 33; Garfied, 1; Hayes, 1. Note Hayes 'is booming 'up. He polled ohe vote ' ich on the 10th, 11th and 12th ballot. He or'y lacks som thing over 400 votes ef securing the cov eted prize. J THIRTEENTH BALLOT., Grnt, 305; Blaine, 285; Sherman. 89; E 'niundv 31; Wfshburne, 33; Wtn'dem, 1CT. ?'. 7 FtURTlSNrH P'LLOT. Grant, 306; Blaine, 282 ; She; man. 89 EImunds31; Washburne, 33; Windom, 1 FIFTEENTH BALLOT. Grant, 309; Blaine, 281; Sherman, 88; Elraunds31; WaSlhburn'e, 36; Windom io. . ; , ;;, ;.r. SJXTEEJVTH BALLOT. Grant, 300; Blaine, 283 ; Sherman, 88 Eimundf , 31 ; Washburne, 36 ; Windom, 10. . -' .: I . ' EVFN'TENTH BALLOT. Grant, 303 ; Blaine, 2S4 ; Sherman 99; E JmnndF, 31 ; W -hburne, 34 ; Windom, 10. - ' EIGHTtESTH BAI LOT. Grant 805; B!aioe, 283; Skerman, 92; Edmund', 31; Washburne, 35; Windom, 10. Convention adjourned until 7 o'clock this evening. The Superioa. Caurt, Judge Avery presiding, resumed its labors this morn ing. , Honor, whMefn the city, is the guest of Cel. B. R. Majre, Solictor of the Criaiinal Orart of this county.' , Count j Commissioners. The B?ard ot County Commissioners mai this alter noon. 'J Present, Chairman S nith, Commissioners Grady, Bagg, Mmtgomery. : The Treasurer ( presented his report for t ie month of May, General Fund, showing bilanco on band 15,001.40. , Special Eohd account, showing fcalanc0 4 te Treasurer, $53 03, and also surren dering 4. coupons of 300, in number 23, 24. 25 and 2G, which were burnt. Educational Fund," showing balance on hand 7,302,52. The Renter pi Deeds submitted his report of fees received from marriage icense for the month of May showing re ceipts of $10.45, which amoont was pa d over. Petition cfW. G. Fowler for reduction of tax was not granted. Mr. NatL'l J acobi having been appoint ed agent for ' the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow cn now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, 2So. 10 S. i ront st. , - if. Om Boa ad Steameb D. Muechiscn, ) June 4th, 1830. - ' On Ahe return trip frem an attendance upon tha recent Democratic Convention at FayetteTiHe, the delegates on board the steamer V, MurchisGti held a nett ing. On motion of Major McClammy Capt. Ellis, of Columbus, was called to tbechair an Drl W. C. Murphy appoint ed Secretary. Messrs. F. H. Darby, E. Murrell, and A. V. Merger were appoin t ei a committee,' to returnj-the thanks o" tbe delegates to Cptaia Gairaaon of 8iid steamer and to Messrs. A. D. Brown and f, HeicUbergsr Committee of Arrange mints, for the many courtesies extended to i the excarEicnjsJs, The proeeedings wer4 1 ordered to be p tbrshed in the WU- j , 4 . , , i i " to-. t- i . 7, 1880. NO. 90 New Advertisements. Notice, 8PE0IAL MEETING of the Clas. M. ottdm n Fire Co , No. 1, is hereby called for Wednesday the 9th inst. Special business. By order of the Foreman. 7-1 t IVTLT BITTERS, Iron Bitters. Vinegar Bitters, , . ' llostetters Bitt.'rr, Quinine Tonic Bitters, Aromatio Camphor, Ac For sale bj JNO. H. HAUD1N, Apotheca y, k 8 New Market Summer Reading, CHOICE OOLLKCTION of Liht Lit erature, for Bummbr leading, to suit all tastes, at the L1V1S BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs, GUITARS. Violins, Banjos, Harmonicr Flutes, Fifes, Aeoordeons, Ac, Violin, Guitar, Banjo aad Zither Strings, At HEINSBEBGER'S. J3 7 39 and 41 Market Street. June 14th to June 20th, 1880, Is elusive THE MERCHANTS of Wilmington have arranged with the Carolina Central Rail - way to transport Aerchanta and residen'i Hxcnrsloiis to WilmmEton iung we una i , , . , TO WILMINGTON AND RETURnJmy friendfi w sec tho necesaiiy oj at the neminsl rates named blAw. witn tuv ets good between June 14th and 20th, 1880, DaUy Excursions to Smithville, Fort j ma wait, ua uib ooanaa. reMer tbim tha tnoit enjoyable season of the year to visit Wil mington. Northwest......... 30 Lilesville. $2 60 Marlboro 65 Wadesboro. 2 10 Polktan..... 2 75 Rosindsle. ?6 Clark ton 9& Abbattsburg 1 00 Bladenboro 1 09 A lien too.. 1 26 Lumberton 1 3f Mulcahv.... 2 95 LianesboroM....... 3 00 Ames.... 3 20 Monroe ............ 3 30 Stout... 3 46 Moss Neck 1 55 Red Banks 1 10 Chariot.: 3 76 Tuokaseegee... . 4 00 Brevards 4 15 Iron .... 4 30 Matthews 3 65 Shoe Heel......... 1 8 Laurinbursr 1 SO Laurel Hill 2 06 Old Hundred 2 10 Lincolnton....... 4 401 tand Hill... 2 20 Hamlet ;.. 2 th Rockingham...... 2 35 Pee De 2 ib 8kelbJ 85 ONE CENT A MILE EACH WAY, Tickets will not be extended berond Jnna OA.L l u'a unaer any circumstances. B. G. WORTH F. RHKINSTEIN B. M. McINTIRE Committee, je7 Lecture to Housekeepers, BY I Pt t i n . T Rvirlcrava JCr fin 20, 22, 24. 26 and 28 Front Street.! WILMINGTON, N. C. ECONOMY AVD TEMPERANCE are tbe parents of public order, love, do mestic happiness and peace, bat eur P. L. says, and be knows whereof he speaks, there can be no economy without you have and to anar Pnnr rwrnlo ha -M ..fa more than thfi rirb. and thoT f . I fuvt w simony in orewn atones than los cabina I we nave cigars, tor example, that amoke I well, and two for only Five Cents, but a I man that can't afford to pay twenty Jive I cents tor three of our Piincipes the amoke I of which is a? flagrant as an angers I breath. A smoker. h aavn. vhn noMT I . - m v . v. each, had better give up the vile habit a I- I toe'her, and mak the practice of it in any body else a misdemeanor. P. 15 says, holding upon one of the Springfield CANVASS STRIPS, the most delicious novel! y we ever introduced, in one hand, and a nice, fresh, clean, sound and juicy SPL.ING FIELD HAM, in the other, it is real economy to eat such food as thi j. it promotes longevity, cures dys pepsia, brings smiles to the cheeks of beau ty , invests cookery with tbs dignity of science, ausfies hunger and promotes re l'gion. Ne ht ny man can be a Christ ian, and good food will civilize a Hottentot, and drive out the devil quicker than bayo ne's. When : Bonaparte failed with his legions Yxt always sent his cooks against his enemies, and they never failed, which reminds us of our CLARET IN CASKS, only Two Dollars per gallon, the best you ever saw, worth atMeast Five Dollars direct Importation. "And if you want to try THE BEST WHISKEY in America. send for our CAPE FEAR a new brand nly Seven Dollar a gallon at retaik III you drink this steadily you will find your I self a patriot and a Chrfiian Iatw0 n i nmnApriA n aA n Li UUIUULlid a bU. p. 22, L',2si.2i l-rtmtlStreeV - r WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 PLEASE NOTICE. vFt will be gad to receive eemaunlestlot from our friends on any and all subieeU o funeral interest but: The name of the writer must always be frr Bished to the Editor. GCfenununieationjttUASberritUn cn otiy oa side of the paper,' t Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and pai-tk-alarly uaJf r tood that the Editor does not lwayi endoTIe the views of correst?6ndes ts unless s tei. 6 ffl the editorial ooItbbm. ' ........ , J . . .... . yew . Advertisements. life at WrighUviilo. f wiLLeA7EoAT "V RESIDENCE Ok 1 WrixhtsvUle Sound, on and after Jqd. Ut, , a complete afsoxtment of Drop. Patent Medicine., Fancy aad Toilet AtWM .ni Homos .pathic Medicine. r , n.l Ji a . "'wptions t at all houi rued to gire me a call. THOMAS H.cE0Y, WHOLESALE & likfAIL IOCir, I 3 UT 5 and 7 North Fwnt St Thoso who so liberally patrorl ized tho old firm of BoatvrUi & McKoy will ilcaso como fonvard and settle up their accounts. Being compelled to pay eveiv I 1 ATif Aa kv . 4 Z Gnt aUG bJ the ;Oid firm, I hop O 1 responding promptly. THOS. II. illcKOY, Grocer and Liquor Pcaler, , , je 7 5 & 7 North Frot 1 Baskets, 77 A MOTHER LOT of ric Aic, Unch, Uj JjV .v. , J . nd olber fanc Baskets, just receire. o ... . . . J DHCUT ocnoo Aioots, iymn t Utole. : 1 Blank Books. MemoTanflrm BftAV.'Tf,.. - " w W 7p iUIUiWU Books, AH kinds of pliio and fancy '"sta ! I UonerJ Mi BUOK STOEE. 7 Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby " t forewarned not to trn nr 'XV i; "wr nj w ina crew or tbe riin.4 -i iNorweirlan Bark SVavev 3Ct2& u i r . . r . -t-t .-r.s. I Mr aor Consignees will be responsible. m , mm wua tun m a mm UEWE A CO., j Conslgreei. je 5-3t Wotic A LL PERSONS are hereby " " forewarned not to trustor : barboranT of tha crew of the 5iCjV oreRn Bsrk YkSXEk, riV p?1, as neither the Ma Cg' '' 1 Consigners will be rponrtb'. ." ' , . . XXaiUJH a W JeB-t - ' Consign EVlAtiA iuUilCtJ- a LL PERSONS are hereby J. forawarcMi Tint tr. m.'n harbor any of tb erew of tbe Norwegian Pl.rfr Pb a rnv z-. - - " jay v. ttor Consignees will bt retBsihle, HEIDK A CO,, ' - CofisijrneerY r i i i i i ' ii .- 3t JOHN W. OOI D ON. ,W. J, OOEUtN m tt ti l .... '. . , . .. t ..... . , . . t , t f a GEflERAL IfJSURAHCE' AQTS. au , EEPRESEN I'lSG OVifiiL . . ... t . 080.000.000 m&ssetsi " FIRE, LIFE AND ' MABINF;r, 1 1 ' , : .-S . fi i r.hrtt iff oil 2A north Water Streets " mayUfaoa-fri-tf - -.lf Lierosene uii - i W AW mmmm. m m WB QOTE K EROS Elf E OIL 6ilay', ' ' . I. , -1 ;? ; 1 , - r u :i 1 attt',oUawc p,M ; i-.W: i, u,x BTAJ DAJi ll eturns&ed A- MZ?1Z2i"u' yt,' art .v " i i"' ''"' asy 81 ju2-3t CHESS, CaHLEY &CO. ext to Pureell House. 11 may sava you iiea uwiv i No. 13 Front street, all parts ol the city. 1J W, C. Munrnv, Secretary. r. I je 7

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