i J THIS PA FEB ,.oJis!d every afterneon, Saadayi ex- PLEASE NOTICE. We will bejr'ad to receive communication: general interest but : 1 The nan of the writer must always be far aishedio the Editor. Oommunlcatlont must "be written! on ori-y r 1 JOSH. T. JAMBB, H KDITOK A2f FKOPKIKTO. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. .oaths, 1 35; 0e month, 60 oenta. ne PPr dellTered b7 cw f of eharjre, in any part of the city, at the a rtes, or 13 cent per week. AdTrtinjr rates low and liber el -Subscribers will please report any and H failure to reeeiTe their papers regularly. New Advertisements. o uuo 01 ine japer. Personalities mast bc aroided. 9 And it is especially and pxtllariondt r "tood that the Editor doe not always endorse the views of correspond eau ualsi to tttt d in the editorial columns. VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1880. NO. 92 GRAND DEMONSTRATION BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., i &K DEMONSTRATING THE FACT A. tht Dry "oods can be bought as ebep io c'tT 8 iQ any otner in tbia cifUBtrv- ur space will not allow tu to till B u much at desie , bat yon always receive t e Mil welcome at ur place of business. Bring J ur samples and compare From 8c to $1. In all the lateit fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS PRINTED LATTICE LAWNS. Ladies' Mai in and Lace Neck Wear, each as Fichui, Tit 0, Jabots, Ao. Bilk II adkerchiefa in Twill and Brocade. RUCHINGSOF EVERY DESCRIPTION JP jSl 3XT SS I From 1XA cents to $6. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Our selections in this department embrace many novel ties. Oar variety if immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear. Natural Colored and Figured Lin a for Stairs. White and Colored Canton Mattings. Torduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Ruffllngs 60 cents, Something New in Ladies' Summer Balraorft Skirts. Linen Lap Robes, Ao., Ac, Ac. (lire as a call and look orer our stock. We are by no means afraid to show our j J BROWN & -RODDICK, 45 Market St. i mar 15 Sign of the Bisr Boot. FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTREME LOW PRICES, THE FOL LOWING GOOD8: Gent's Sewed Gai'ers $1 40 " Custom Mde Gaiters 2 40 " Laced Calf Tie Shoes..... 1 20 Ladies' Foxed 8hoes..i .... 1 OO M Newport Ties OO " Opera glippen........ 1 25 ' Strap Sacdalr 1 20 M Croquet Slippers 65 8trap Bandalf 1 15 M Bttton Gaiterf ...... ....... 1 20 CaUdrn', strap Sandalf..........'. 90 Button Gaiters.. ..4.. ......... 90 yl8 tf No. 40 Marker Street. The New Hat Store. (J ALL AND EXAMINE MY BUMMER Wtjle at Straw and Felt Hats. They are PMty and cheap. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 Froot street. Neat to Parcell Mouse. ayll LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advertisements. . P HiissBB&aia History of North Caro lina. Hall A Pharsall Mountain Batter. A A I tuHiKR Best UnlaanKied Shirt In the city for $1. Yates. Baskets. Window Glass aJi sizes at AltafTer & Price's. f Short-sermon weather is here. Summer travel has commenced. The little eats suffer fearfu'ly during June. Lime jour drains and whitewash your premises The crab and the lobster now come to the front. Among the recognized Bmali vices are rice presidents. ' Kising among the fair sex ia sid to be on the increase. Window Glass of all sizes, Dors, Sash, and Blinds, Builders' JBardware,&o, Love st pirecjs at Jacobi's. ' Excurtihts is now the term by which they are known. Eggs are very S3arce in this maiket, and are retailing for 25 cents per dozen. If you would now see nature in all her beauty and freshness rise with the lark. Bathing the wrists with ice water wrlV cool one quicker than mopping the head. Many marriages occur in hot weather, but the most popular time is. in mid winter. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and- sizes, at Altaffeb, Thick &Co's. , He who provokes the shaft of wit can not complain that he smarts frm the Same. To dream that your nose is rod at the tip is an intimation that you have imbibed too much brandy. Plows,' Shovels, Pitchforks, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Lines, &c. For the lowest prices, go to J ac obi's. Now is the time for ice cream and water ices, if there ever was an appro priate time for such luxuries. You can buy No. 1 Cooking and Heats ing dtoves at almost any pried at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Josh Billiaga says, 'Give the devil his due reads well enough in a proverb, but what will become of me and you if this arrangement is carried out?' It was a brisk two hours conflict be tween the Baby and the Colic, with all tha doubts in favor of tbe fJolic, until Dr. Bull's'Baby Syrup put in an appearance. Of course the Baby was safe in ten min utes. A twenty-fire cent bottle did it. indications. For the South Atlantic States, station, ary barometer, stationary or loer tem perature, southerly winds, east to north east on tho North Carolina Coast, partly cloudy weather. In, making a mustard plaster no water should be used, but the mustard mixed with the white of an egg; the result will be a plaster which will draw, perfectly but will not produce a blister even upon the skin of au infant, no 'matter bow long it is allowed to remain upon the parts. Our Spring and Summer Goods for Gcnt's,Youth's aodBoy's wear is still large and attractive. Those who Wapt the nobbiest, the newt at, the latest, the best and the cheapest goods always -go to Shrier's. ' tf. Cashmere effects are obtained in. the new straws by the introduction of colored threads in the braids. These have a singular appearance. The brims of many of the new bonnets are ornamented in this way, and no other garniture is need ed, either on the outside or inside of the brim. Young ladies, the census enumerator! are around this week. Study out your aes so that no delay will occur. If the family Bib'le does not reveal the informa tion, we would suggest this plan: guess your age, as near as possible to the truth, and subtract five. This will, we suppose, give plenty of margin; to those who have been on the carpet' for some time. A Household Heed. A book on the Liver, its diseases and their treatment sent ' iree. Including treatises upon Liver QomplainU, Torpid Liver, Jauodice, Biliousness, Headache, (lonatipatin. J)yspepYu, Malaria, etc. Addresa Dr. JSanfoni, J 02 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 4w Talking Crow. A lady, living on Castle street, ne.r Fifth, bat a crow which talks fluently. Its articulation is differ eat from that cf a parrot audits voice is not so shrill. The crow's tongue has never be n split ud the ftct oi its talking explodes the ide,a.th..t the tongue has to be epli: before it can - . articulate. Personal Intelligence. Under this heacjhe GreensboroWWo says: We were pleased to receive a call this naiirnlng from Gen. M P Taylor, of the State Guards. Gen. Tayl- r is a resi dent of Wilmington, and is here for sev eral days, a guest of Dr R.' K. Gregory. He reprcaen's the Hartford LIfo Iu-umnct Company. Ready mixed Paiuis, stric ly arc WLiu Lead, Crlors, . Brushes, W udow (tIus. &c, at Jacobi's Soundings for'Alay. The pilots report the following sound ings as made by them during the ir.oi;th of May: P Bald Head Channel, 12 feet G itches. Western Bar, 12 feet G inches. As the rise of tide is seldom less than 4 feet this gives 17 feet clear. Fre quently the rise is more than 4i feet and with spriog tides or an easterly inds 18 feet clear may sometimes be had Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is the best preparation known to preserve the hair. Use it. Elcctor-at-Large. Tho name of Colonel Duncan K iMcRae has been suggested for Democratic Etec torwat-Large. The State convention could do no better thing than put the elo quent Mcliae od the stump for a State canvass. Raleigh Post. .We have heard Col. McRae's name suggested. It has been mentioned, on more than one occasion, to us by gentle men residing in the up country. We think we feel justified in saying that ii Col. McRae will accept the honor it will bo tendered him. With his magn ficient oratorical powers and the energy and dash with which ho would enter into the canvass the Democratic party would in deed do well with him as a State elector. Come ana See Us. , Our merchants are loi-kxg for iare presentations from the; various points along the line of the Corolina Central Rail way during tho excursion season which opens on the 14th. We trust that they macy aot bo disappointed. The oppcr tuuity thus offeredto our country inefids is a rare one, as it is not gften that a man can travel from Charlotte to Wilmington, 18S miles, for 188 cents. Let as many as possible come down and make acquaint ance with our people and tako atrip down to salt water and, our word for it, there will be nothing; in it to regret. The Coming Comet. The last observations of the comet dis covered by Professor Scalberle of Anu Arbor, Michigan, in April last, indicate that in the course of the next week it wil1 create a sensation amoEg the star-gazers. Its brilliancy is decreasing, because it is plunging rapidly towards the sue, and will soon be obscured by the powerful rays of the great luminary. After a few dajs it w.'ll recede, but will lemain visible through the telescope till late in the fall It is not now visible to the naked eye, but with a powerful telescope it can be seen about 11 o'clock at night to the left oi the North star and Lalf way between it and the western horiz ju. It appears but a mere speck, even with the telescope, Lut can be distinguished fioin the otmr stars by a tiny train of Hght that follows it. The comet is thought to be a stranger, of whose existence there is no record. Everybody cauger suited with a I cket Knife, also Table Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot- Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Ofilce ia this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 6:5G o'clcrk : Atlanta. (ia..MM.tb Mobile Ala. m. 77 Montfromery Ala.. .70 Nashville 7 New Orleans... 79 Nev Tork... 56 Panta Kms,-Us.:.S0 Savannah, Ga 81 Shreveport ....77 SL Louis Mo. ID St. Marks. Fla CO August. Oa. 76 Cairo, III.. 74 Charleston, 8. C....8 Cincinnati 68 Corsicana, Tex 76 Fort Gibson, I. T.tO Oalveston.............82 Indianola 82 Jacksonville, Fla.1 Knoxrille.. 67 Lyncfabarg.-.... 68 Memphis ? enn..78 I Vicksburer, M1....75 I Washington. 4 Wilmini:tonMMM.M7 1 Fciers. Sections of territory where fevers ara and have been brought on by reason of a malarial infected atmosphere, are using, and with complete success, in keeping on uch afflictions, Wanier'a Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and Warner s Safe Pills. Parties down sick with diseases cf such a character are cured by the use of same. Ilarey-.ti listed your taxes? F.sh market is poorly eupyiud. jv-irm- -v 1 us auu a pxr fish market -5tr:iwb, rri-s are h-ging to-day at G J cents a: retail. T!:e Fl.)iiir g Coniprtss is being con verted ii.ti a eteam bar. fih Citii llipidt ami listless are heir s liii.'d up for the rat . a e yuii, iuoiiv ml b .y jour Kuild ijg Sup,-i-i-s fiuni M'atr-r & Pricv.' Xice $xAs have been erected in the fish niiiket, a: id it is now ready for use. Tafc city Juck needs attention. A the hjur of one on yesterdalt struck four. The feleaiit&hip llujukaor, Capt. Doane, inived here tl.ia mjiniug from New Yoik 011 tier reiru'ar trip. The ice dealers are in "their glory, while the fuel merchants look like pa tience on a monument. J uly first is the ti-rue fixed by law "for the mail contractor to have his regulation mail wagon on the streets. Spirits turpentine is on the boom this week. List Thursday it was quoted at 21 cents and to-day it sold at 27. The granite now being placed on the obstructions at New Inlet is very hand sjme and is said to be of superior quality. Our young friend, Frank M. Fremont, Esq., has been admitted to the practise of law during the present term of the Supreme Court. We wish him much success in his chosen profession. Our drug stores are now supplied with "Malt Bitters," the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us sj highlyecommendei. Try it It may save you heavv doctors' bills. 4w The Daily Review announced the fact of the nomination of Garfield within fifteen minutes of the time it was made. It took just five minutes to flash the news, and only about ten minutes to get our extra out on the streets. The Review Extra was the only one on the streets. We like to bo ahead and to keep ahead. Ecuppernong Champagne. Thanks to Messrs L. A. Hart & Co, for the present of a bottle of scuppernong champagne of their own manufacture, made by them from grapea grown at their vineyard a few miles below the city. We shall drink to their health in it in a few days. Dogs. If the cit collects a tax on every dog iQ the town it1 is estimafed that they will receive a revatnueLof at least five thcu sand dollars. f We do not think that we over estimate the number of dogs (5.000), and at a dollar a head on each canine they should certainly be able to. get $5,0C0 frem that source. If deg owners will not list their dogs, would it not be a ood idea to employ some one to canvass the city and ascer8 tain by that means the number of un badged dc? At Ltast 20.0 O.' The census enumerators ere now well on into the second week f their work. They are at it, erly and late, ten hours a clay, land occasionally put In an extra lick or 1 ao. Of course they canuot di vulge tho result of their labors until au thorized tcdo so, but, at the same time, thero is norcstriction as to thetr icdulg icg ia speculations as to the total amount We have conversed with several of the enumerators and they all seem to be fully agreed as to the fact that tho population of the city will not tall less than 20 000, and may possibly go as high as 23,000. So mav it to Tomato Catsup. Take perfectly ripe tomatoes one-half buabe'; waah them clean, and break to pieces; then put over the firetnd let them come to a boii; remove from the fire, and when they are. sufficiently cool to allow your bauds in them, rub through a wire sieve; and to what goes through add salt, 2 teaccp; allspice and doves, of each, ground, 1 teacup; best vinegar,' one quart. Put on the fire again, and cook one hoar, stirring with , great care, to avoid burning. Bottle and seal for use. If they are very juicy, they may need boiling over an hour A - When you visit or ieave New York City, slop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. European plan. Rooms reduced u $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. all parts ot the city. ly . City Court. There was only ne case for the cousid eration of His Hoaor, the Mtyor, this morning, which was the case of George Rjbineon, colored, charged with the vio ation of the city ordinance relative o the scavengers. He was found guilty, bat as the .offense was evidently uninten tional, "ai-;nient vas suspended. Broke cut. Peter Silverthong, who was sent to the Iosaue Department of the Pr Umu few days ago, is said te bo very violent He bucc ceded in breaking out of his cell a day or two or ago and before he cjuld le ciptured gained tho roof of the buildiDg and ran along the edge for some tiu He was fiually coaxed 3uwu aud placeu in another cell. He is ve.-y bvisteroud and will not permit any clothing to remain on him. is it Ciood Advice! And now some bold, bad man has arisen and advises the girls as follows : Now that you are being courted, yen think, of course, it ia all very well, aid It will be nicer when yeu get married. But it won't. He thinxs he's going to keep on this high pitch of love all tbe time. But he won't. He doesn't know himself and you don't know him. It can't last. It must cool down. When he sees you as many times a day as he wants to, and maybe, more; when he sees yonr head done up regularly every morning in curl papers and the bloom is all off the rye; when your home contains a good deal of wash tub, cradle and cook stoves, he won't stand for one hour in front of the housa out in tbe cold watch ing the light in your window. He'll be thinking rather of getting out of the house Young woman, pretract this courtship as long as yen can. Let well enough alone. A courtship in hand is worth two mar. riages in the bush. Don't marry till Christmas after next. A Wedding in the English Fashion. Last Tuesday morning the beautiful Episcopal church, St. Matthews, was tastefully adorned with floral decorations, and filled to overflowing with an eager, expectant audience, anxious to witness the nuptials of one of Hillsboro's most beautifnl and accomplished daughter?. The bride was Miss Anna Giles Huske, daughter of tht late Maj. Ben j. Huske, and the groom, Edward Surry Latimer, Esq., of Wilmington, N, O. The mare, rlage ceremony and I all the arrangements pertaining to the wedding were conduct ed in strict accordance u ith the old Eng lish style. - .r Shortly after 8 o'clock the bridal par ty arrived ani filed down the main aisle in the following order: First came the gentlemen ushers, Mr. Walter Taliaferro, Wilmington, N, 0., Mr. Thomas Huske, Columbia, S. C, Mr. Norwood Huske, Wilmington, and Messw, Sterling and Allen Ruffin, and Benihan Cameron, of Hillsboro; next came the bridesmaids, six in number and apprepria ately dressed in white; the bridesmaids were; Misses Lizzie Huske, Hillsboro, Mamie DeKoeset, Wilmington, Bessie Gain, Hillsboro, Belle Norwood, Georgia, Elinor Webb and Mamie Ruffin, ' Hills boro. Lastly came thd beautiful bride elect, elegantly attired in white brocaded silk, and accompanied by her venerable grandfather, Hon. J. V. Norwood, who gave the bride away. The groom, accompanied by his brother William Latimer, Esq , cf Wilmington, who acted as best man, entered thechurch frcm the vestry and received the bride at the altar. Rev. J. 0. Cheshire, of Chap el Hill, officiated and performed tbe beau tiful and thrilling ceremony with much impressiveness. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Latimer received the congratu lations of their friends at the residence of the bride's grandfather, and immediately afterwards took their departure on the morning train for Wilmington, their fu ture home. From thence they go to Sar atoga to speed their honeymoon. Ilills bore Mail. rjlrs. S. J. Baker, Corner Third and Orang-e Street Wilsiagton, If. C. plLL AND EXaMLIEmy Spring stylet v or Uati, Uonnet?, Kinoont, ilowen. Feathers, Ornament! of all kin da. Countrr ordere promptly filled, llalr Work don la all the improved style. may 38 MILS. 8. J. BAKER MS. J. H. BlTEd, New reaper Ad vert bj Ing Areat, 41 Park Bow, (Times BaUdajc), new lori, is astnonxeaio eontraec ror 4 TertiaenMiiU ia tb Dailt Kavitw b4 Wit Miaaioa JooaaaL, at orJowat ritrfi A Good Hotel to Stop At Hotel accommodations for travelers dro ot the greatest importanco to persons wHj have to move about the country on LWi ues or pleasure. Just where to go is whv every mn wants to know when Le leave, home. TheGrand Union Hotel, oopi-e the Grand Central Depot. New York citv is a very popular resurt, because the at terdanco there is promt. t an.1 t,r,M the charges are reasonable and tho nagc complete. Persr,!ls arriving at er eaving New York city by the Grai entral Depot will find -tho-Grand U'ni u Hotel wry oxVli, .-- m m x- .... may I31rri3l) New Ad vortisomoat8. HISTORY CF NORTH CAROLINA,- L7ROM TUE .EARLIEST- Disc iTexics to tae l'reent Time. Bj John W. tMoire. .N'u and Enlarged Edition. Tour'e Cod?, with .Votes aud Decuiooa. Busbee's Xorth Cr.)Iiia Justieo mi Foriu Book. All for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, , 9 Live Book and Music Store. Mountain Butter. A FEW SMa'LL KITS MOUNTAIN HUTTKIi, JastTeceived by jHall &. Pearsall. MALT BITTERS, Hop Bitters, Iron Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, "' - r. ilotetters IJittcrr, Quinine Tonic Bittera, Aromatic Camphor, Ac " For sale bv JSO. II. HAKD1N, Arbthpratv. i8 New Market. Baskets, NOTHER LOTofl'Ic Kic lunch, Kfy and other fancy Baskets, just received. Sunday Bchool Books, Ujmri L'nokr, Bibles, Testameats, Ac, 1c. Blank Books, Memorandum Book', Invoice Books. All kind of plain ana faacy ta ttonery, at as 7 BUOK.STORE. Je7 ions to Wilmington. June 14th to June 20th, 1880, In- u. cmsive-l THE MERCHANTS of Wilmington h.ve arranged with the Carolina Central Kil war to transport litrehantii along the line TO WILMINGTON AND RETURN at the nominal rates named belor. with tr'r eta food between Jane 14th and 2)tb, 1880, inclusive. Daily Excuions to Hmifbrillp. Fr. Caswell and the eiounds, render this the m : en joraNe season of the vear to vhut i: mioftor Northwest 30 LUesrille.. .. .... ti Marlboro 6a, Wadesboro 2 Rosindale. 76: Polktoa ..:..... 1 ' n Clarktoa ,95! Mulcabv ......... 2 5 Abbntsbmr,; .l''O0Lanebori.....-.. 3 tK ijiaaenooro 1 uu Atnej.. , io u so 3 45 35 3 76 Allenton.. I 26! Monroe ......... Lnmberton. I 3'-i Moss Neck 1 55 8 tout... ........ Matthews Red Bank 1 0 Shoe UeeU....... 1 Bj Chartotte. Tuckaeegee... . 4 CO Laarinbare 1 90 srevards.... ...... 4 15 Laurel Hill...... 2 C0!ron 4 SO i 1 Ol J Hundred 2 10, Linconioc Hand Hill 2 20 CnrryTille ....... mv 4 cr 75 4 85 uanuei. a 25;uattlo. Rockingham 2 35 riheloy- rss us j 4&j ONE CENT A MILB KACH WAY, Ticket will not be extended Levond Jana 20th under any circumstancer B. O. WORTH F. KHUNdTKIN Comrlttee, K. M. McIJfTIHE Je7 IGo toiVanOrsdeirs RT GALLERY TO DAY, if jou wish to im the most beautiful line of FaseyFxamea, EaaeU, Caael Frames, Papepartoats, jisats, Mouldings for making fraaw Cord and Tamlj, BUver and Gold Wi, Ac, eror oT fered in this city . . ; P 8 Parties fending bablM tome by taal to be PaotographedwUl pletia ratrk oa the envelope, handhj eai'tlolly. a if, VajiOIUDELL. Artisr. yll-tf Wilmington, H,0. Hxcurs

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