Tflis pa Fa ".-naasd every aft-rneon. Bmndays 10MH. T. JAMBS, corrus aid rmorRixrox. (BHCBIPTIONa.)f AQK PAID. rer,$S 00 Six aontas, 150 ; Three "'.uatb., II One month, M cents. ftt paper U be delivered by carriers, JfehW. P0' taeeity,attae TB rtea, or IS cents per week. dfertisiBe; rt low id liberal dubieribers will please report any and ftilorM to receive their papers regalarly. flew Advertisement. mi BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St., . a DEMOX3TBATINO inK FACT Aui.l l'rf (ooJi ou b boaffht u ibeap i U" e,tr tny other in thU LutrT Hnr ipte. will not allow u to fill m wmteli M dV.'fbt jo .Iw.jf. receive t,L.i.l Niu ftt oar place of bullae... brltf 7 ar aod ounipare DRESS GOODS. From 8o to $1. In all the latest fabrics. PRINTED LAWNS. PRINTED LATTICE LAWKS. Ladies' Muslin and Lace Neck Wear, inch as Fichus, Ties, Jabots, Ac. Bilk Haadkerchiefs in Twill and Brocade. RUCHINGSOF EVEY DESCRIPTION ! From Vi cents to $5. The largest and finest assortment of SUNSHADES & PARASOLS Ever shown it this city, from 15c to $10, each. Oar selections in this department embrace many norelties. Oar variety is immerse. Cassimeres For Men and Boy's Wear Natural Colored and Figured Linen for Btalrs. White and Colored Canton Mattings." Corduroy and and White Terry for Ladies' and Children's Wear. Cash Rnfflings 60 cent? , v Something New in Ladies' Bummer JBalmora Skirts. Linen Lap Robes, ko., Ac., Ac Give us a call and look oxer our stock. We are by no means afraid to show our roods. I BROWN & 'RODDICK. 45 Market St. may lb Sign of the Bis: Boot. I AM NOW OFFEllINQ TO SELL. FOR CASH ONLY, AT EXTRKMK LOW PRICKS, THE FOL LOWING GOODS: Uent't 8Wd QlfAra a&l jtn a M u Custom QsJters... 2 40 " Laced Calf Tie Shoes 1 20 Ladies' Foxed fehoes......... ...... 1 00 Newport Ties. ..... OO " Opera Slippers 1 25 M Strap Sandals. . .............. 1 20 " Crtquet Slippers eeeeeee eeee 65 Mu Strap 8ndals ......... 1 15 " Battoa. Gaiters.............. 1 20 ChUrei'a Strap Sandal.................. 90 Hilton Gaiters.. 90 9. BLOMfcNTUAL, No. 40 Marker Street. may 18 tf The Hew Hat Store, (JALL AHO EXAMINE MY 8UMMEB Styles ot 8traw and Felt Mats. They are pnrtty and eheap. tJOBN U. ROBINSON, No. IS Froat street, Next to Pareeli iiouser nyll BRAID DEMONSTRATION r U J3 VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements. . J Ir BcRR, Ase?sorTa Notice. . Hurt Satagh, Tax-Collector Bldi. Masd J BAKKaTasbionable ililiinery. P HiiBBBiaeaa History of North Caro lina. v A I Fhbisr Best Un'.auntiied Shirt in the city for $1. Yatkj .Baskets. Window Glass- ah sizes at ltaffer & Price's. f The conjunctive mood Thoughts cf matrimony. ' Making li j til of troubles Bunitug ,uj your unpaid bills. Fly time wlreu you hear her father'' heavy cane thumping aloDg the hall. The thermometer in this office register ed 8C degrees to-day at 3 o'clock. Full Motal and Walnut bhow Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffkk, Thick & Co's. Some money, but not very much, changed hands here on the result of the Chicago Convention. Window Glass of all sizes, Uv r, S isb. and Blinds, Builders' DanlwarfyVj. L w st plreoes at Jacoih's. The iron brido for the railroad at Front street depot has arrived and will be placed in position at ouce. . ' Col. E S. Latimer and his bride left here tbu morning for the North, with the expectation of spending several weeks at Saratoga. Save your money and buy jour Build ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. , Fish bite best in rainy weather. Like some men they are always around when there is a drop in view. Col. I3urr gives notice that there are but ten more working days in which to list State and county taxes Bids are invited by Capt S wage, City Clerk and Treasurer, for the repair or removal of wharf foot of Chestnut street. The young lady who dresses to be looked at shouldn't kick when a fellow takes a good Bquaro look at her. No, honey. . - There had been a slight rise in the Cape Fear about three inches hen the North State left Fayetteville yester day (Wednesday) morning. , One of our pretty young ladies was being teased about her glove being found in a young gentleman's pocket. She re plied that 'she had no hand in it Mr. Nath'i Jacobi having been appoint ed agent for the Atlas Plow, parties in want of this celebrated Plow c in now have their orders filled at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, No. 10 S. Front st. tf. Officers James and Stone were sent up town this afternoon to shoot a vicious canine which had attacked and bitten two children and a woman. The animal belonged to some one living'on Thirteenth near Market street. Plows, dhovels, Pitchtoikrf, Spades, Rakes, Trace Chains, Plow Liues, N:c. For the lowest prices, go to Jacobi's. If prize fighters really wanted to Cfiht it would bo easy enough to find a place where they would not be interrupted. For instance, they could meet in the store f a merchant who does not believe in ad vertising. The residences of Messrs George H. Kelley and John Kent Brown.on Second and Mulberry streets, on the site of those recently destroyed" by fire, are rapidly neariDg completion. They "will bo- two very handsome dwellins- The handeome new store on North Front street, f jrmed frcm a portion of the old State Bank building, the property of Meflsrs. Sol. Bear & Bros., is now. receiving ' the finishing touches. It has been leased by Mr. James C. Munds, the druggist, who remove there in a lew days from hti present location on Third street. darSpriog and Summer Goods for Gent's, Youth's and Boy's wear is still large and attractive. Those who want the nobbiest, the newest, the latest, the best and the cheapest goods always go to Shrier's. tf. The walls to the new rice mill on Chestuut street, nearly opposite this cf fice, bave been laid to the top of the third story, the height of the building, and the roof is now being put on. The machin ery will neit bs in order and it is cclcu lated to have the mill at work early in th Fall. "... . Daily WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE Improvements. The Tieaken property, on Front street, is being fitted up into two handsome stores. The front will be taken out and replaced by fiue pressed brick, and there will only be two stores to the building The roof ia to be tqaared aLd the bui d ing lengthened to 70 feet. The stores are to be supplied wfth tiled floors and i 1 no ioubt be among the handsom st in the city. . Everywhere you go, you are certaiu to hear of the wonderlul virtues ot Dr. f Bull a Baby Syrup. ; for the 'Poor. We understand that a grand excursion for the benefit of th6Ii .dies' Benevolent Society, in this city, is to be given at an eatly day. We are gla I to chronicle the fa:t and trust that it may- be successful aa we are satisfied it will be from the well kaown energy and enterprise of the gen tbmen who have tha matter in charge. Full particulars wHl ba given in a day or two. . reddlnsr lie Us. St. James' Church was well filled last nigtt by a large congregation who had assembled to witness the marriage of Dr. T. S. Burbank to Miss Mary Josephine, eldest daughter - of the late Joeeph J. Lippitt, Esq. Dr. Watson, the Rector of Sr. James', beiug absent from the city, the beauti'ul and impressive marriage service of the Episcopal Cnurch was con ducted by Rev. Dr. Patterson. Ton can buy No. 1 Cooki ng and Heats Ing Stoves at almost any price at Jacoei'b Hardware Depot. . , City Court. Thomas Eden9, charged with violating City Oidinance and selling vegetables on Market street, was fined $5 and costs by .the Mayor this morning, from ""which the defendant took-an appeal and gave ajasti' fied bond in the sum of $50 for iiis ap pearance at the next term of the Criminal Court . Nathan Jones, one cf the colored frater- ni'y, was arraigned upon the charge of b nng drank and disorderly and resisting tlie police. The Mayor very magnani mously released the prisoner upon payment- of cost?, and then adjourned the Court. ' Tlie Kaleifili Market. Our Wilmington truckers ought to do well this year. They are getting magn'fi cent prices for all they can raise, in sup plying other places as well as the home markets. Almost all the green things they get to ( at now in Raleigh come from Wilmington and the following are given, on the authority of the Observer, as some of the prices realized there: 'Squashes are worth 4050 c per doz en; new Irish potatoes 50(G0o per peck; cucumbers 3540c per dozen; cabbage 2025c per head; onions 5c per bunch; radishes, none; sweet potatoes 2580g per peck; green corn 40c per dozen: beets 10c per bunch; lettuce 2io per bunch; snaps 5060c per peck; green pea3 20 25c per peck; tomatoes 40c per dozen. ' , ' A fair trial only is needsd to convince the most skeptical that Hall s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Henewer will accomplish all that is claimed for it. Thejc. C. R. W. Gains It. Many ot our readers are aware of the fact lhat a very stubborn contest has been going on in Charlotte between the Caro lina Central Railway and the R. & D. R. R., relative to the right of way on one of the streets: in that city, the Carolina Central desiring to extend its track so as to make a depot connection with other roads. They bave been success'ful as the following from the Charlotte Observer will evidence: The case of the Richmond and Dacv J!e Railroad Company against the Carolina Central was heard before Jude Scheok at chambers yesterday, Messrs Jones & Johnston, Jno W Graham aud W W Flemming appearing: for the former acd Messrs Bynum & Grier for the latter. His Honor dissolved the temporary in junction prohibiting the Carolina Central from building a track on A street, and also granted-a petition of the Carolina Central asking the appointment of apprai sers to condeoan the right of way wh:oh tae Richmond and Danville claims. Th petition had already been granted by the clerk of the Superior Court, to whom it was presented a wek or more ago, but an appeal was taken. The Carolina Cen tral was, however, required to give a bond of $2,000 tofcover the damages that may be assessed. Capt Johnson, the superintendent, announces his purpose to re-commence at on co the work of building a track in which ho was estopped by the restraining order gran ted by Jadge Avery "RvflrvbodT can eef suited with a Pocket Knife, also Tabid Cutlery, at Jacobi's Hardware Deoot- v Review. A. Burglar Breaks Jail and Escapes No me to hit Whereabuttta. A small scrap of a dilapidated looking c dored individual who stammers and maEes awful grimace while endeavoring to articuiate.and who rejoices in the name of GeorgeMytrs.wta cocliiitl in jail at this place in ironsand chained to the. cell floor with iron auklets around bis ankles, 0 e of which was joined to another prisoner who occupted the same cell and who U known by the sobriquet of Joe Campbell, from Pendtr county. Tae two were in their cells last night when the Jailor made his last rounds, but the two were not there tbu aborning when the Jailor made his first morning's call. Oae, George Myers, had slipped the cable aud chains which anchored Lim to the tloor of the jail, and it is supposed had taken his departure for new ields and pastures green, where the chances of his going to heaven at the end of a tight rope are not quite so promising, aa his prospects probabjy would We here after the next term of the Criminal Court in this county, had he remained in custody until the nd of that time. The two prisoners, Myers and Campbell, are both colored and were confined in irons In the same cell for attempting to break jail about one month ago ia which they had nearly accomplished their object when discovered a full account of which was published in the Review at the time. The charge against Myers was burg lary, allege! to have been committed up-, on Mr. Daniel C Davla premises, some five months ago. Campbell was arrested for breaking into Mr. Thomas Williams, store, in Pender, some months ago and was placed in jail in this place for safe keeping. There is no tangible evidenoe to sustain the suspicion that Campbell was the accomplice of Myers this time, for he remained in the cell where he was found by Howard, the Jailor, this morn ing, with the irons still upon him and these fastened to the floor. How the colored individual, George Myers, the escaped prisoner, managed to free him self from the shackles wherewith he was fastened and break from his cell is mar velous indeed, but it is still more mai velous to believe that he made a hole through a brick wall three feet in thickness and made Lis exit therefrom unaided and without crea ting any noise sufficient to alarm anyone or to cause a suspicion of what was going on by any of the inmates ; yet Campbell, his cell mate, says he did not even know when he left, or when he took off the irons that confined his ankles, or how he wrenched the three iron bars off the celj door.and crawled out from there, or how he dug the jhole through a three feet wall, removing bricks and mortar until he made a space about 12 by 10 or 12 in size through which he must have squeezed his( small body and then droppsd to the ground. The evidences are all there that the work was done and the impression was cn the ground this morning, where he must have dropped. But there is to evidence how it was all accomplished and George Myers, the colored escaped prisoner, is the only man that we know of who knews anything about it, and we guess he'll not tell soon, "For dat nigger dun in Souf CarHna now, or Wirginny, one you bet." 1 Ready mixed Paints, strictly r ure White Lead, Cclors, Brushes, W ndow Glass, dec, at Jacobi's indications. For the Soutlu Atlantic States, station ary barometer, stationary or higher tem perature, east to south winds, partly cloudy weather, and in northern portions occas sional rains. Woman1! Wisiloia. 'She insists that it U more importance that her family shall be kept in full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and sty lea of the time. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of ill health, to prevent a sickness with its attendant expenses, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdom in this way Ed. Tnermometrical. From the United States Signal Office in thin nlaca we obtain the following renort sv of the thermometer, as taken ibis morn ing at 6:56 oclc-k : Atlanta, Ot,. 78 Augusta, Ga..T8 Cairo, 111 78 Charleston, 8. C80 CiacinnatL.. .T1 Corsicana, Tex 77 ort Gibson, I.T.78 G ml Terton 83 Mobile, Ala . .80 Montgomery Ala.. .77 Nashville New Orleans.. ,....81 e Tor Put Savannah, Ge-..T7 Bhxe? eport .....TP Hi. Latmia IndlanolA. Jacksonville, FU.7 WnrtTYil1. L74 St. Marks, FlaCJ y icxsoarg, mss.... l.arn-bHnrir -C3 I TCuhintrtn lUxnphis. Tenn.81 I WilaiaaU)n......w7l 10, 1880. NO. 93 rank Leslie's siuaday ftlacazine The July number, commencing Vol. ume VIH, is one of the most interestii yet issued ot this excellent pobncation. The opening article, by Rv. Elard Hale. 'A Quarter 'Millennium,' describes the landing ef the MasacbubetU lUy Colotjy, the settlement ef Boston, and the establishment of the first Christian churches in Boston, Salem and Dure hau te r. There are sketches of the prominent men conaected with the Massachusetts Company,, including Governor Win throp, Rev. J .hn White,- Roger Clapp aod others. . Oue illustration shows a view of the site of Boston before the first house was built; another is a quaint old map of the neighborhood amnud Boston from 1630 to 1640, The article will doubtless attract considerable inten tion There are other articlen, -repla e with interest and information, especia'ly Modern Jewish Lil'e.'wbich is elaborately illu&trated. The serial anl shoi t bU ies are by ppular authors ; lc-be,the Nail maker's Daughter,' is ontiuued, and 'Little Hinges' is concluded. Mis. M. A. Dennison, Etta W. Pieice, Ettie Rogers, Jane G. Austlr, F. M. Holmes, etc., con tribute to this d-jp irtment. There are ad mirable sketches, essays, etc., by Alfreton Hervey, Herbert Lee, Rev. Mr. Houghton and other favorite writers. The poems are numerous, and possess more than or dinary merit. There Is a large, interesting and instructive miscellany, and, together with the Religioua Notes and News,' 'Ed itor's Portfolio 'Obituary Notices,' 'Re creations for Sunday Afternoon,' 'Music,' etc., etc., present 12S quarto pages of de lightful reading which is afforded for only 25 cents a copy, or 3 a year. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 5:3, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. The Old Story. The morning sunlight looked in through the silken cuitains, lighting the room as with an angel's smile, suddenly enveloping the face of its occupant with a strange brightness and transforming her pale brown hair into waves of glistening gold. Said the sunlight; "Maideu, I missed you from the garden where I used to find you every morning, and I came here to seek you. Summer will soon be here with her roses almost as bright as your cheeks. Are you ill?" "Oh, no!" responded the maiden, warming her thin bloodless hands in the sunbeam, "only a little weak ; 1 shall soon be out in the garden to greet you to-morrow, perhaps! I was ju?t planning how I should arrange my flowers; this year, when you peeped in. Are mj lilies up yet?". "Yes, your lilies are up I bave just been warming them. I have tired you," said the sunlight, as he noticed the wearily drooping eyelids; "1 will come again to-morrow if you are not in the garden" and silently withdrew, leav ing the fair slumberer alone In the gloom. A few hours later the moonlight stole softly through the silken curtains, which were gently rustling in the night breeze. "How cold !" said the moonlight, as she touched the pallid brow, and gently laid rerhand on tbe pulseless heart. 'Dead!' she shud deringly whispered, as she withdrew through the softly rustling curtains. It is the old, old story of consumption.-L Hew she flatters her victims at morning U 1 I.J 1 - a . "u uejv uemcu wuruDi aau at evening makes them the prey of the spoil erl Statistics show that one-third of mankind die of this disease, and of these far tbe greater part are young persons between the ages of fifteen and twentv- five, In tbe dawn of mar hood and woman hood. For many years,cousumption was generally believed to be incurable. But medicine in her triumphant march aerainst disease has already added consumption to her list of conquered. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery cures this dread disease if resorted to in tiine. For a full consideration of this disease and its ra tional method of treatment, read the ar tide on Consumption in the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, most reliable popular work UDon Phvsiolot?v. Hygiene, Diseases and their Remedies.! yet published. Price 81.60. Address the author, R V. Pierce, M. D., World's Dispensary an i Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. i Hew Advertisements. Take Notice. QHLY TE5 TfOBKLNG DIYB ia which to list State and Oiunty Taxes. J. G BURB, je 10 It Assessor. Office Treasurer & Collector. City of Wilmington, H O, Jua Jth, 1880. Bids itS INVITED UNTIL 11 M., Wednes day, Juae Hth, 1883, to Repair the Wtarf, foot of Chestant Street. ALSO BU)S Toresiove said Wharf and make an open Uock.; UENkY 8AYA0K, :i je 10 2t City Clerks rJlrs. S. J. Bakerg FX8EI03TABLE MILLIXERT, Wilaiagtosvir. 43- i i Corner Tkird aad Oraazt ' Streets. - TuawriT nnonn. inKmi. nr. Rmn. 1? JTlata, Flowers eathers. Oraaxneat of all kinds. Will resew aad work oven all kimds ot old hair, braids, eomniags, Ae.t reot them aad make f ern qial to saw. Old Hats made to lootrllke thmy were sew . Call saa see my tpectaers ot wok !i, - jslO 11RB.B. J.BAKEX PLZASE NOTICED We will be g'ai to receive eoramuaicationj from or frienrfs on aay and aJL sab;et o reaerallntarest but: ' STT' The name of the writer mnii al ways ba fur a Wliwr l . i , J v OouamietSosw.vt be wimeBsjw oo j one aids of theapsr. Personalities ant be ar.ced. hot And it is especially aedpa. -dil.tlj',x:zic tood that the Editor does cot always erdone the views of correpoader l nr!ce to ttd in tbe editorial eolutrn. Now Advertisements. HISTORY CF NORTH CAROLINA P-OM THE EAKLIE9T Irenes to tae Preient Time. Dj J,hn MT. Xoitp. .New and Enlarged Edition.-' Tourgew's Oude, with. Sifim and Decjei ns : Busbee's North Cr,!iia Ju;Hce a J Fur in Book. : - '- - All l"cr ealj At . .,. UEIXSliLUOLK'd,' ja 9 Live Uivofc and.ifasis'Ftorc' M ALT B1TTKKS. Hop Uiitfvs. ' Iron tiittis. " nnme Tt.nic Hitters, ' Aioniatic Caniptor, do. f or s tie br BasktsZ7 a-OTHEB LOT of Pic .ic, lunch, lity and other fane Basket?, jtut received. '' Sunday Bchool Cooks, Hymn Bo3ks, Hibles, TestameatJ, 4c, ic. " ? Black Books, iremorandum lio.-k InVoico Books, All kindi of pUio apd fancy St.r tionery, at BOOK STORK. J7 . - IGo tOiVanOrsdeirs RT GALLERY TO-DAY, if you wi;h to Sie the most beautiful line cl Fancy Frames, Easels, Easel Frames, l?srepartouta,;Wat(p, Mouldings for making fraorej, Cord' atd Tasaals, Bilrer an l Ootd Wire, Ac, ever of fered in tliis city. V p 8 .Parties eendinp babies to me by mail to be Photographed. wm pleASoiktricVa tlo envelope, handle carefully. . ' " . : '-.' - C. M, VanORSDKLL. .Artist," ' r maylT-tf YHoiioKton N. C. ' M o u n ta i n B u ttcr. jy FEW tiJl ALL KITH . . " I MOUNTAIN HUTTER, Ja3t received by di. Hail & Pearsall Lecture to llousekcepcr. P. L- Bridgers & Co., 20, 22. 21, 2C and 28 Fronf.S'.rcct. Wilmington, n. c .1 ECONOMY "ANOj TEMPER AN CI2 ar the parents orpublfc frd-r, loto, t!c meetic happiness and peace, but,, t ur P. 1 . says, and he kuows wlien ol he sp;a?cs, there can bo no economy wulidut you 1 :.v and to spare. Poor people, ha say?; w: a o more than the rich, and thore Is more par simony in brown stones than, lot: cabi:ix We have Cigars, fox ute well, and two lor only Five Cents b'-t a man that can't afford to pay twisty, tiro cents for thiee cf our Piiucipei tlu.&iui ko of which is as flagrant as an jui,'. i8 breath. A hmoker, jbe fay?, " l(o yi." r tasted one of Muroms Jfrtra 1:t, i'l x? is each, bad better cive np ti.e viUi' lti.i: al together, aod. make the.'pracive Wit ni any uouy eise a misuemcanor,. -. P. iJ. says, boHiiz upon rue cf tbi Springfield CANVAidb MTiiU'J, tlw hj0i delicious novelty w? ever .introduced, in one nana, ana a, ireih. clan. scund and juicy SPMNGFlEfjlX Ilair," lb thj otner, it la ?eai rc uoruy , to ea:&ucb f' as tLi j. It promotes lojet ity, curs Cyf pepsia, brings smiles to ll.c th cks cf m hu.. ty, iuvett cookery with ih dTjuMy cf sdeuce, atisliea bunj?er ?nd promue rr iJgion. J9 nunjary '.niian. Cf n cpj? Cl'st lau, and good f.jod i!l z si HrAicftsf, and drive out the devil cfaiektbarl lavo nets. When Bonaparte lajUd v. Ui 'his legions he always sent his coots ogairst his enemies, and tljey never ' faf!e'(f, Arl.Scit reminds us of our CLAKKT IN CASK:, only Two Dollars per gallon, U.e leiiAtu ever saw, worth at least Five Lv l:ars direct ImportatioTj. Ai.d : f 'ycu titm to try TUB L&T WLILrSKJEil ia Atiwrica. send for our CAI'B FJiAliaca-v Iii d -only Seven Dollari a gt2fon at r,:til. It you drink this steadily yotx'1 will ibtl ycnr- self a patriot and a Chrhtian iu two wevk. P. L BRIDGERS ' to. 2 W is Z ii'ifa " UK J-if- aTJte, Jf jp4r Adveiis tog Art, 41 Park Row, (.Time Buildo'r), Hew iors, is authorted a contract for rd vertiseaento ia the Daar Rbtikw ar4 YijC SiaiTJiJocaaAL, at OHT lowest ratrrv